If All You See…

…is the need to build living spaces high due to the Coming Sea Rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Virtual Mirage, with a post on Creepy Joe’s corporate tax hike plan.

Read: If All You See… »

Fauci, Democrats Show Support For Vaccine Mandate For Air Travelers

They really do want to force everyone to comply

Fauci says he would support vaccine requirements for air travel

Anthony Fauci said in a new interview that he would support vaccine requirements for air travel.

“I would support that, if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated,” Fauci said during an interview with theSkimm’s “Skimm This” podcast, which was taped Friday and is set to be released Thursday.

Fauci’s backing of a travel vaccine mandate comes after Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) introduced a bill on Thursday that calls for all airline and train passengers in the U.S. to show proof of vaccination or a present negative COVID-19 test in order to travel.

The legislation, dubbed the Safe Travel Act, advocates for all travelers on Amtrak and commercial airlines to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide a negative coronavirus test taken within 72 hours of traveling.

The bill also seeks to require that employees, contractors and subcontractors of Amtrak and commercial airlines either show proof of a completed vaccination series or present a negative COVID-19 test at least once per week.

You vill show your papers, Comrade.

Study: COVID-19 transmission risk on airplanes ‘virtually non-existent’ when passengers wear masks

A new study released Thursday shows that the risk of COVID-19 transmission is “virtually non-existent” during air travel when passengers wear masks.

The study, conducted by the Department of Defense in partnership with United Airlines, found that when seated with a mask on, “only 0.003% of particles actually made their way into another passenger’s breathing zone.” The results have yet to be peer-reviewed.

Remember when the government was saying that traveling by air was safe if you wore a mask (which people kept taking off to drink and eat), because of the unique conditions on airplanes? It was safe enough that people were jammed in with zero social distancing. There were no vaccines. Flights were never considered super spreader events. Sure, the CDC recommended against traveling for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but, did not screech out “don’t travel!!!!!” Now they want to force people to show their papers to travel.

Again, I’m not against the vaccines, I’m for them. I’m against using government force. Especially since the same people who are saying everyone needs to take the vaccine to safeguard against the Chinese coronavirus are not protected against the Chinese coronavirus by the vaccine unless everyone else has it. If others want to take their chance, that’s on them. I will say, I do approve of requiring a negative COVID test to fly.

Read: Fauci, Democrats Show Support For Vaccine Mandate For Air Travelers »

Clean Energy Jobs Leaving Women And Blacks Behind

The obvious answer is that the Cult of Climastrology must force women and blacks to work clean energy jobs, whether they want to do them or not. We could run a lottery, and pick the names of those who will be required to work them

As clean energy jobs grow, women and Black workers are at risk of being left behind

Women and Black workers are vastly underrepresented in the clean energy workforce, an industry that pays higher-than-average wages and is the fastest-growing source of jobs in the U.S., according to a new report by a coalition of energy organizations.

Clean energy jobs, which range from creating electric cars to making buildings more energy efficient, are transforming the nation’s economy, but they are predominantly filled by white men, with Latino workers mostly stuck in entry-level positions and women and Black workers underrepresented in the industry overall, according to the report by a coalition of organizations including the Alliance to Save Energy and the American Association of Blacks in Energy.

“Congress and state lawmakers need to do more to make sure people of color aren’t left behind in what is shaping up as the biggest economic transition in recent history,” says Bob Keefe, executive director of E2, a nonpartisan group that supports initiatives benefiting the environment and economy, and one of the report’s authors. “So far it’s been white workers, particularly white men, who’ve benefited from this tremendous opportunity.”

What will law makers do? Will they simply require that “clean energy” companies hire a certain percentage of women, blacks, and Latinos, regardless of credentials? People have to actually know what they’re doing, and, so far, it’s mostly 1st World whites who care about the climate crisis scam, and women tend to avoid construction jobs, as always. There’s always a lower percent of females, just like women dominate the pre-k and kindergarten occupations. Childcare work. Social workers. And others.

In clean energy fields where they are most represented, women have fewer than 30% of the jobs, though they fill almost half of jobs across industries nationwide, the report says.

Meanwhile, Black workers have the biggest gap of any racial group between their representation in clean energy jobs and their numbers in the broader U.S. workforce, the report says. They make up roughly 8% of clean energy employees, though they are about 13% of U.S. workers overall.

Latino employees make up almost 17% of clean energy workers, just slightly below the 18% of jobs they hold in the broader U.S. workforce. But they tend to be concentrated in entry-level construction positions, “jobs that are some of the first to get cut when things get bad,” Keefe says.

That inequity was on vivid display during the COVID-19 pandemic, which also led to Black and Latino workers being disproportionately laid off in sectors like hotels and restaurants when businesses were shuttered to slow the spread of the virus.

What if they don’t want to work in the field? A lot of those Latinos working as construction are here on visas (and many are here illegally, and might have DACA status), and are doing the same thing they do with house construction. One actually needs the knowledge and education to do the higher end stuff. If women, blacks, and Latinos are not getting, how would they do they jobs? Right, right, we force them to learn this stuff, rather than college degrees ending in “Studies”. Including this who “inequality” thing highlights the reality that this has little to do with science.

Read: Clean Energy Jobs Leaving Women And Blacks Behind »

Surgeon General To Monitor People Claiming Exemptions From Vaccination Mandate

This isn’t creepy in the least. And adds another layer to the unconstitutionality of Sleepy Joe’s mandate

Surgeon general: US to ‘monitor’ whether vaccine exemptions being used properly

Bill Of RightsU.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has advised that the Biden administration will “monitor” to ensure no one abuses COVID-19 vaccine exemptions.

President Biden last week announced a mandate that required any company with at least 100 employees to mandate its workforce. The only way to avoid the mandate is to claim an exemption on either religious or medical grounds.

Some critics argue that the exemptions allow for simple abuse, but Murthy insists the administration will ensure that does not happen.

“Unfortunately, as a country, we have experience in dealing with exemptions, but we’ve got to be vigilant there and make sure that people are using them, you know, in the spirit that they’re intended and not abusing them or asking for exemptions when they don’t apply,” Murthy told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “That’s an area that we continue to monitor in the days and weeks ahead.”

There are really only two exemptions: medical and religious. Is the Surgeon General claiming that all exemptions must be reported to Los Federales, be that his office or OSHA, the latter being the agency that is reportedly going to pass the emergency rule, for Approval? We all know how speedy most government agencies are. And what if you’re turned down? Will there be measures in place to appeal? Do you get to discuss this with whomever turns you down? This all seems rather intrusive in one’s life, does it not, the very definition of Big Government? Seems rather Fascist.

A more important question in all this is from where does OSHA, and the Surgeon General if involved, get the statutory authority to require Citizens to prove their religion for exemption? There’s two simple answers: either it comes from a law passed by Congress or they are making this mandate rule with zero authority. If the latter, then it’s easy to shoot down in a lawsuit, especially since it is rather arbitrary in picking 100+ as the size. If it is the former, then they run into a little thing called the 1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Literally the first passage makes it so that Congress cannot make a law prohibiting the free exercise thereof. It was important enough for those who wrote the Bill of Rights to make this first. They did not like how the Church of England was involved in the running of government and their lives, that they weren’t free to practice their own religious beliefs.

As such, requiring Citizens to prove their religion, and potentially denying them their religious beliefs, violates the Constitution. If OSHA’s authority comes from a law, then it’s the letter of the 1st being violated. And, sure, many could be scamming the government, but, the government has not authority to say otherwise. Most states have this in their Constitutions, as well. Precedent, previous rulings, they matter not at all in the face of the actual text.

Plus, this is very creepy in an authoritarian sort of way.

(Fox News) However, Murthy insists the vaccine mandate is legally sound.

“Certainly this wouldn’t have been put forward if the president or the administration didn’t believe that it was an appropriate legal measure to take, and I believe it is so based on the authority that Congress has actually given under the OSHA Act,” Murthy argued on ABC’s “This Week.”

“This is an appropriate action, we believe, and it certainly, from a public health perspective, most importantly, will help keep workers safe and that will ultimately help our economy as well,” he said.

Murthy tried to stress that the mandate is focused “on areas where the federal government has legal authority to act.”

“This is the next step … in a series of steps that have to be taken to help protect our country from COVID-19 and help us get through this pandemic,” Murthy said.

Boy howdy, the Sleepy Joe admin had Murthy all over trying to defend this, eh? Perhaps he should have been asked what the exact authority is? And, if that’s the case, why it doesn’t violate the 1st.

Read: Surgeon General To Monitor People Claiming Exemptions From Vaccination Mandate »

Your Fault: Global Warming Destroys The Quality Of Life In Midwest Or Something

We know this because of one study, which means the entire Midwest is Doomed

How Midwesterners are handling constant flooding caused by climate change

Colin Moulder-McComb might seem an unlikely climate change refugee. The middle-aged video game developer is a middle-class Midwesterner, not an impoverished resident of a small island nation threatened by sea-level rise. But the resident of Grosse Pointe Park, Mich., an affluent, inner-ring suburb of Detroit where he lives with his wife and two kids, says global warming is destroying his family’s quality of life.

In 2016, heavy rains caused their basement to fill with 36 inches of water. “We thought it was a one-and-done, so we refurnished the basement,” he recalled. After all, they had been living in southeast Michigan for years, and the massive rainfall that caused the flood wasn’t a regular occurrence — or, at least, not yet. (snip)

This problem is not unique to Moulder-McComb’s house. His entire neighborhood has been deluged. “Everybody got it. The streets were just lined with [belongings from] people’s basements,” said Moulder-McComb. “Everybody’s got PTSD now.” The engines of many of his neighbors’ cars were flooded, rendering them inoperable. (snip)

While the climate in the Midwest has always been relatively wet, the frequency and severity of downpours has gotten notably worse in recent decades, due to climate change. Warmer temperatures have led to more evaporation and precipitation. Between 1951 and 2017, the Great Lakes region’s average temperature increased 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit, its annual rainfall has risen 17% and it has 35% more heavy rain events, according to a study by Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments, a collaboration between the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

First, their data on the temperature increase is very sketchy, and well outside the reality of 1.5F since 1850. It fails to account for urbanization (UHI) and land use. Second, it fails to prove anthropogenic causation as THE causation of an increased rainfall and heavy rains. Nor does it account for what the conditions were during previous Holocene warm periods, and if a study is claiming something is worse than normal, then we need to know what the normal actually is. But, hey, it looks like some urban hysterics in the Democratic Party mismanaged city of Detroit have PTSD.

Notice, though, this is just one small part of the “Midwest”, one which tends to be very much urbanized. What about the rest? And, really, Detroit is about as far east as you can get for the Midwest region.

(Photo is a screenshot of Yahoo News front page)

Read: Your Fault: Global Warming Destroys The Quality Of Life In Midwest Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, world killing plastic straw, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post noting that opposing racism doesn’t require promoting victimhood.

It’s tight dresses week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Peter Driben Patriotic Pinup Fire

Happy Sunday. Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we Remember and Never Forget. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jo Nova highlights Biden’s your body my choice beliefs
  2. Real Climate Science looks at the actual data on the US’s hottest summer
  3. Blazing Cat Fur discusses what Islam and terrorism looks like 20 years later
  4. Bunkerville has the untold tale of 500K rescued from Manhattan on 9/11
  5. Chicks On The Right covers the failure of the new Woke Cinderella
  6. DaTechGuy’s Blog has some 9/12 thoughts
  7. DC Clothesline discusses Fauci unable to answer why people with natural immunity should take the vaccine
  8. Dissecting Leftism covers a Pfizer breakthrough on a COVID pill
  9. Free North Carolina highlights Trump visiting firemen in NYC on 9/11
  10. Geller Report News shows Surrender Joe pulling down his mask to yell
  11. Gen Z Conservative covers low expectations, worse reality
  12. IOTW Report notes “Come and take it” banned at U of Texas San Antonio football games
  13. Jihad Watch covers grateful refugees in Pa sending money to ISIS
  14. Legal Insurrection finds Biden’s pre-recorded 9/11 statement weird and disturbing
  15. And last, but not least, neo-neocon posts on one good thing from 9/11

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

LA Times Wants Party Of Death To Act To Protect Abortion On Demand

By Congress, the editorial board of the LA Times means Democrats, and, I say, bring it on (article available at Yahoo News if LAT paywall blocks you)

Editorial: To stop the Texas abortion law, Congress has to act

For nearly half a century, the federal courts could be counted on to protect women and their constitutional right to a safe and legal abortion. The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed in four major rulings — starting with Roe vs. Wade — that women have a right to an abortion up to the point of viability of the fetus at about 24 weeks and could not be hindered by onerous requirements.

Please point where in the Constitution it mentions abortion? The LA Times has, on the flip side, published multiple editorials recently, such as here and here, calling for banning firearms and restricting ownership beyond people, like criminals, who shouldn’t have them. They even want 18 year olds blocked (yet want 16 year olds to be able to vote).

As states came up with a profusion of unconstitutional restrictions, including bans on abortions early in pregnancy, federal district and appellate courts batted them down one after the other. The courts have stopped a dozen state laws that would have banned early abortions.

The relentless onslaught finally paid off for states determined to roll back abortion rights. Last week, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, refused to block, even temporarily, an abominable Texas law that effectively disallows abortions when cardiac activity can be detected — starting at about six weeks of pregnancy, when most women don’t even know they are pregnant — and empowers citizens to enforce it by suing anyone who helps a woman get an abortion.

Amazingly, women can still travel to other states to get an abortion, which Democrats are pushing as an alternative to birth control for people who have irresponsible sex with people they don’t want to have a child with when they don’t want a child.

It’s time for the U.S. Congress to pass a law codifying the tenets of Roe vs. Wade and stop state lawmakers’ attempts to chip away the right to an abortion.

The identical House and Senate bills — both called the Women’s Health Protection Act — would not just guarantee the right to an abortion but would outlaw the absurd and unnecessary restrictions that states have put on women and abortion providers. The House bill has 205 cosponsors. The Senate bill has 48. Both bills had spent years languishing in their chambers. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House version will be ready for a vote when Congress returns from recess.

If it’s a Constitutional Right, why is it necessary to pass a law? Further, that WHP Act pretty much stops all restrictions on abortion, allowing unfettered abortions up to birth. As National Review notes

The Women’s Health Protection Act, reintroduced last week in both the House and the Senate, would strike down any abortion law or regulation that isn’t applied to a “medically comparable procedure,” and the legislation leaves it up to abortion doctors to determine what counts as a medically comparable procedure.

That means the federal legislation would strike down popular state laws establishing 24-hour waiting periods before an abortion is performed, informed-consent laws, bans on sex-selective abortions, and many health and safety regulations.

Democrats are even upset with Mississippi’s law, which bans abortions after 15 weeks, which is the timeline that almost every single European nation uses. Back to LA Times

At the moment, the bill stands a better chance of passing in the House than it does in the Senate. But there’s good reason to put it to a vote in Congress: We get to see which of the people’s representatives are willing to support a woman’s constitutional right to seek an abortion — and, perhaps more importantly, which do not.

I agree, they should put it to a vote, and allow debate, because we will get to hear the extremists argue for killing the unborn because of lazy parents, because Democrats have done away with telling people they should use contraception to avoid pregnancy. With the 2022 midterms coming up, it will be an eye opener for the average citizen, including those who aren’t the hardcore Democrats and the usually-lean-Democrat Independents, as to how extreme the Democratic Party is.

Read: LA Times Wants Party Of Death To Act To Protect Abortion On Demand »

What’s At Stake In California Recall Election? Climate Crisis Action!

I’ll be honest, I don’t think Gavin Newsome is going to lose. This is California as run by the loony Progressives (nice Fascists), with a smattering of squishy Democrats and Republicans here and there. I doubt that there will be enough votes to toss Gavin out. And I don’t want to hear any whining from them when their cost of living keeps rising. Electricity, housing, food, consumer goods, and services. When gas prices cause harm to the middle and lower classes. When the California government is dictating more and more how the Citizens may live their life. When they deal more and more with rolling brownouts and blackouts. When the enviro-weenies continue to create the conditions for more and more wildfires

California’s battle with climate change is at stake in Tuesday’s recall election

California voters will decide whether to remove Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in a Sept. 14 recall election. While Newsom has taken only moderate actions to curb climate change, replacing him could result in a rollback of green policies such as phasing out fracking and gasoline-powered vehicles, and would have national implications for efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions.

There are 46 challengers running to unseat Newsom. Of the 24 Republican candidates on the ballot, many want to roll back the state’s ambitious plans to address climate change and transition to cleaner energy.

Newsom will be removed from office if more than 50% of voters choose to recall him. The governor appears increasingly likely to hold onto his seat, with polls in the last few weeks showing that voters favor keeping him in office. (snip)

A new governor would be unlikely to dismantle any major climate legislation in California, especially given the Democratic state legislature and the gubernatorial re-election in 2022. Still, a great deal of California’s climate policy is achieved through executive order and administrative action, both of which a new governor could change or reverse.

“While a new governor would not be able to mount a legislative attack on California climate policy, they would be able to slow down, redirect and even reverse the implementation of California climate policy,” said William Boyd, a professor at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.

Democrats had no problem with Obama/Biden doing this same thing, ignoring laws, slow walking stuff, so, they wouldn’t be able to complain. Though, they still would

In addition to rolling back Newsom’s orders on issues like clean vehicles, conservation and oil and gas production, a new governor could also withdraw from inter-state agreements, such as the fifteen-state bipartisan memorandum of understanding that commits to reach net-zero emissions from new truck and bus sales by mid-century.

Hey, if Californians want all the green Fascism, they can actually practice what they preach without forcing everyone else to do so. I guess we’ll find out Tuesday into Wednesday.

Also, I wonder how much Democrats will bitch and moan if Gavin loses. Will they go back to the “stolen election” stuff of the Bush and Trump years?

Read: What’s At Stake In California Recall Election? Climate Crisis Action! »

If All You See…

…is Freedom, you might just be a Patriot

Why do we say “Never Forget”?

We remember the patriotism of 9/11, and the days after. We remember the heroism of so many. Think of all the firefighters who rushed into the Towers to help, even as people streamed down the same stairwells. The police and paramedics who rushed to the scene. The doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who worked to save so many. The citizens who helped others. And all the first responders, along with the military folks, at the Pentagon. The average citizens on Flight 93, who said “Let’s Roll!” and took the plane down before it could completely its jihadi mission. The NY Times editorial board has a very nice piece on remembering.

One thing that we often forget is the actual horror of the day, the terror. We forget things like

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Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove