What’s At Stake In California Recall Election? Climate Crisis Action!

I’ll be honest, I don’t think Gavin Newsome is going to lose. This is California as run by the loony Progressives (nice Fascists), with a smattering of squishy Democrats and Republicans here and there. I doubt that there will be enough votes to toss Gavin out. And I don’t want to hear any whining from them when their cost of living keeps rising. Electricity, housing, food, consumer goods, and services. When gas prices cause harm to the middle and lower classes. When the California government is dictating more and more how the Citizens may live their life. When they deal more and more with rolling brownouts and blackouts. When the enviro-weenies continue to create the conditions for more and more wildfires

California’s battle with climate change is at stake in Tuesday’s recall election

California voters will decide whether to remove Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in a Sept. 14 recall election. While Newsom has taken only moderate actions to curb climate change, replacing him could result in a rollback of green policies such as phasing out fracking and gasoline-powered vehicles, and would have national implications for efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions.

There are 46 challengers running to unseat Newsom. Of the 24 Republican candidates on the ballot, many want to roll back the state’s ambitious plans to address climate change and transition to cleaner energy.

Newsom will be removed from office if more than 50% of voters choose to recall him. The governor appears increasingly likely to hold onto his seat, with polls in the last few weeks showing that voters favor keeping him in office. (snip)

A new governor would be unlikely to dismantle any major climate legislation in California, especially given the Democratic state legislature and the gubernatorial re-election in 2022. Still, a great deal of California’s climate policy is achieved through executive order and administrative action, both of which a new governor could change or reverse.

“While a new governor would not be able to mount a legislative attack on California climate policy, they would be able to slow down, redirect and even reverse the implementation of California climate policy,” said William Boyd, a professor at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.

Democrats had no problem with Obama/Biden doing this same thing, ignoring laws, slow walking stuff, so, they wouldn’t be able to complain. Though, they still would

In addition to rolling back Newsom’s orders on issues like clean vehicles, conservation and oil and gas production, a new governor could also withdraw from inter-state agreements, such as the fifteen-state bipartisan memorandum of understanding that commits to reach net-zero emissions from new truck and bus sales by mid-century.

Hey, if Californians want all the green Fascism, they can actually practice what they preach without forcing everyone else to do so. I guess we’ll find out Tuesday into Wednesday.

Also, I wonder how much Democrats will bitch and moan if Gavin loses. Will they go back to the “stolen election” stuff of the Bush and Trump years?

Read: What’s At Stake In California Recall Election? Climate Crisis Action! »

If All You See…

…is Freedom, you might just be a Patriot

Why do we say “Never Forget”?

We remember the patriotism of 9/11, and the days after. We remember the heroism of so many. Think of all the firefighters who rushed into the Towers to help, even as people streamed down the same stairwells. The police and paramedics who rushed to the scene. The doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who worked to save so many. The citizens who helped others. And all the first responders, along with the military folks, at the Pentagon. The average citizens on Flight 93, who said “Let’s Roll!” and took the plane down before it could completely its jihadi mission. The NY Times editorial board has a very nice piece on remembering.

One thing that we often forget is the actual horror of the day, the terror. We forget things like

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Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Report May Show Biden War Crime In Afghanistan

You know that if this had occurred under President Trump all the Credentialed Media and elected Democrats would have been calling for hearings and impeachment

NYT: Biden May Have Droned Innocent Family in Kabul; Possible War Crime

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanThe New York Times published the results of an investigation on Friday that suggests the Biden administration targeted an innocent man who worked for a U.S. organization in a drone strike that killed several civilians. If true, the airstrike could constitute a violation of international law governing such targeted killings in wartime — in other words, a war crime.

The airstrike, which took place on August 29, was presented by the Biden administration as an attack on a potential ISIS-K terrorist who had been driving an explosive-laden vehicle that was to be detonated at the international airport in Kabul. It was the second such strike, following one on Aug. 28 in Nangarhar province against suspected Islamic State terrorists.

The Times report suggests that the U.S. killed “the wrong person” in a report accompanied by security camera footage that shows the target, Zemari Ahmadi, filling water canisters for his family that the military may have mistaken for explosives.

Astonishingly, the Times reports that “[m]ilitary officials said they did not know the identity of the car’s driver when the drone fired.” But in the wake of an August 26 suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. servicemembers as well as scores of Afghan civilians, they believed that he posed an imminent danger based on “how they interpreted his activities that day.” (snip)

Mistaken identity, by itself, is not proof that international law has been violated. However, if there is no genuine attempt to identify the target, such a killing may violate international law.

Of course, none of this would have happened if Biden’s plan hadn’t been garbage from the get go. Now what happens? That the NY Times actually investigated and published this story is amazing. They report that the number of civilians killed wasn’t three, but, ten, including seven children. Expect quite a bit of stonewalling from the Biden admin and their Woke military leaders.

And, of course, most of the other big media outlets are totally ignoring the story. Have to protect Surrender Joe, you know.

Read: NY Times Report May Show Biden War Crime In Afghanistan »

Do Cities Need Resilience Officers For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

I mean, they have firefighters and cops, right? Let’s see

Cities Have Firefighters and Trash Collectors. As the Climate Breaks Down, Do They Also Need Resilience Corps?

The answer is “no”. Post over.

climate change joke

When Hurricane Ida hit New Orleans in early September, Tonya Freeman-Brown made the difficult decision to stay in the city. The 53 year-old and her family sheltered in an old brick hotel in the downtown area, watching fierce winds of up to 150 mph pelt rainwater at the windows, and remembering the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina, 16 years earlier to the day. It was stressful, but Freeman-Brown had a job to do, she says. “We’re no match for nature, but this is what we’ve trained for. This is what the Resilience Corps was built for.”

Like firefighters put out fires, and waste collectors keep the city clean, the job of the New Orleans Resilience Corps is to help the city be resilient to shocks, crises and climate change. Launched by the city in October 2020, as a pilot to run for two years, the corp’s 40 workers were mainly people who had lost jobs in the hospitality industry during the pandemic, who are now on full-time contracts, starting at $12 an hour with a path to an $18 an hour wage. Freeman-Brown joined after losing her work as a corporate massage therapist at an insurance company. The corps spent much of the last year working to support the city through COVID-19 and get people vaccinated.

In other words, these are government jobs for those with few other skills, empowering them to be government nags.

The corps aims to help those more vulnerable NOLA residents bounce back from a crisis as fast as more privileged groups. Since it became safe to go outside, Freeman-Brown and her colleagues have been delivering ice to homes, checking in on people who couldn’t evacuate, and serving up food donated by local restaurants to thousands left hungry by broken refrigerators. In the coming weeks, when power is fully restored, the team may pivot to helping those whose homes were damaged by the winds to rebuild or file insurance claims, or support those who catch COVID-19 during this period—whatever is needed.

Looks like government paid gophers. I’m pretty sure there are plenty of departments in the city already who do things like this.

Resilience Force argues that the increase in destructive events requires a professionalization of the workers who help to keep towns moving during slow-moving disasters like droughts and get them back on their feet in the wake of shocks like storms. Soni began thinking about what he terms the “resilience workforce” in 2005, after he came to New Orleans as a relief worker after Hurricane Katrina. Unemployed people had come from all over—neighboring states, the midwest, Mexico, Peru—he says, to take part in the rebuilding from the storm, which remains the most expensive weather event on record in the U.S. Soni spent the next 10 years working as a labor organizer, representing mainly migrant workers and people doing irregular, temporary jobs in the disaster clean-up sector. In 2015 he founded Resilience Force, a national labor organization that advocates for the rights of around 2,000 of those workers and helps direct them to where their services are needed.

“Volunteerism is really important and we will always need those surges in volunteers, but you can’t sustain it,” Soni argues. “You need a permanent infrastructure of people who are in jobs they can support families with and, given the enormous responsibilities they have, are trained.”

More government workers who’ll soon be unionized with all the pay and benefits and entitlement that comes with, all to deal with an imaginary issue.

Read: Do Cities Need Resilience Officers For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

COVID Fascism: De Blasio Threatens To Withhold Paychecks From Non-Vaccinate Cops And City Employees

This probably won’t work all that well, since the police and most of the city workers are unionized. For a change, government unions actually comes into play in protecting employees from tyrannical employers. Also, I wonder how many with quit? The police can easily get another job in a city and state that values them

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio threatens to withhold the paychecks of NYPD officers and other city workers who refuse weekly COVID-19 testing

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to withhold the paychecks of New York Police Department officers and other city workers who aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19 and refuse weekly testing.

Under a mandate enacted by de Blasio, all city workers must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or be tested for the disease weekly. The mandate goes into full effect on Monday, impacting about 340,000 city workers across various sectors.

“If someone, again, does not follow that mandate, that’s true, eventually, they’re not going to be paid, obviously,” de Blasio said in a press conference on Thursday.

As of this week, 53% of NYPD employees have received one dose of the vaccine, compared to about 79% of adults in New York City, according to data obtained by the Gothamist from the NYC department of health. Approximately 71% of adults in New York City are fully vaccinated. The NYPD has among the lowest vaccination rates of any city agency, the New York Times previously reported.

The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, the largest municipal police union in the world, has spoken out against the testing mandate because police officers will not be compensated for the time spent getting tested, something that was originally promised to them by the NYPD and City Hall, a spokesperson for the union told Insider.

Too be honest, that seems a silly reason. Police could certainly take some time during the shift to go get a shot or tested. It’ll cost them what, an hour, hour and a half? Most in the private sector do not get compensated, like they don’t get compensated for taking their work clothes to the dry cleaners and/or washing them themselves. Or driving to work.

In response to the mandate, the PBA is planning on filing a grievance with the city’s office of collective bargaining, an organization within the city’s government that regulates labor relations disputes and controversies with city employees, Lynch said.

Win or lose, a lot of police will leave the NYC force, to go with all the ones who’ve already left. And with rising crime, this won’t turn out well. I wonder, though, where’s the protection for the average citizen from Surrender Joe’s “mandate”? As for that, we’re seeing a lot of articles like

Law expert: Biden’s vaccine mandate constitutional, local companies wary

But there’s also a lot like

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate is Grossly Unconstitutional

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Read: COVID Fascism: De Blasio Threatens To Withhold Paychecks From Non-Vaccinate Cops And City Employees »

9/11 At Nineteen: Remembering The Lost (sticky for the day)

As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.

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Read: 9/11 At Nineteen: Remembering The Lost (sticky for the day) »

People Ruining Things: COVID Karen Weddings And Escaped Zebras

Weddings in the age of COVID vaccination

You Are Invited to Our Wedding. Kindly Tell Us Your Vaccination Status.

Asking wedding guests to leave their children at home used to be among the thornier requests a couple could make.

Now, COVID-19 precautions are adding more sensitive appeals to wedding invitations.

Tucked inside embossed envelopes that include dinner choices and directions to the reception are also politely worded notes telling guests they must be vaccinated, get a COVID-19 test or do both, according to wedding planners.

Attached to the article is this photo

I wouldn’t mind those. Heck, I’d like to have them at work and everywhere else. Not just for COVID. I’ve seen what some people do with their hands. But, ask me to provide vax status or get a test? Nah, Karen, I’m good. Y’all enjoy.

Interesting. And Eleanor Holmes Norton thought it would be fun to chime in

And then ruin it by going Super Political. If they want full representation, they can move out of D.C. to Maryland and Virginia. If she opposes fences, she’ll demand all the ones in D.C. come down, like at the White House and Congress.

Read: People Ruining Things: COVID Karen Weddings And Escaped Zebras »

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Could Make Military Equipment Useless, Experts Warn

Oh, is this why Surrender Joe left the Taliban all that military equipment? Besides, why would we need the equipment when our military is going Woke?

Climate Change Could Make ‘Military Equipment Useless,’ Experts Warn

Leaders from defense institutes across the world converged in Seoul this week to raise the alarm on military threats posed by “irreversible and abrupt climate change.”

Global temperatures are expected to reach or surpass a warming threshold of 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 20 years, United Nations climate change experts reported in August, “unless there are immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse emissions.”

The global temperature went up 1.5F since 1850, and it’s going to go up at least 1.2F in 20 years? What happens if it doesn’t? Who do we hold responsible for this fear-mongering? Will any of the “scientists” resign over their failures? How about people at the U.N.? And the outlets like Military.com, which have gone climate cult?

Panelists from the United States, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, India and Bangladesh gave their assessment of these threats during a three-day seminar hosted by South Korea’s Ministry of Defense.

Tom Middendorp, Netherlands’ former chief of defense and chairman of the International Military Council on Climate and Security, warned Wednesday that nations had “a responsibility to prepare” for the implications of climate change.

“I cannot remember any other conflict in my military experience where we had this level of scientific foresight,” he said during the virtual portion of the seminar. “We know what’s coming to us.”

Interesting. North Korea is right there, as is China and Russia. No concerns? Also, they used a lot of fossil fuels for the trip, eh?

Severe heat patterns are also already having a direct impact on military equipment, according to Shafqat Munir, head of the Bangladesh Center for Terrorism Research.

Troops stationed in Mali as part of a United Nations’ peacekeeping force have been unable to use their communication devices until the evening, when the temperature cools off, Munir told the panelists.

Is this a joke? Did they buy crappy equipment? Mali’s high temperature forecast for the next 7 days is mid 80’s to low 90’s. My smartphone works just fine here in NC, where it gets pretty hot.

“Excessive heat is going to render military equipment useless,” Munir said. “We’re already seeing some of that in action.”

Read: Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Could Make Military Equipment Useless, Experts Warn »

If All You See…

…is a pond drying out because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on Valor Friday.

Read: If All You See… »

DOJ Sues Texas Over Abortion Law

Well, of course they did, because this is the thing that Democrats are most concerned with. I guess they’re upset that fewer black women will be aborting their babies

Justice Department sues Texas over abortion law

The Justice Department announced Thursday that it is suing Texas over the state’s new law banning most abortions.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Texas law is “clearly unconstitutional” and includes an “unprecedented scheme” to insulate the state from responsibility.

The suit, filed in Texas federal court, charges that the law is invalid and asks a judge to issue a “permanent and preliminary injunction prohibiting enforcement of the statute,” Garland said at a press conference.

The law stands as the country’s most restrictive abortion access in decades. It grants a $10,000 minimum reward to private citizens who successfully bring lawsuits against anyone involved in aiding an abortion. The law also prohibits abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity — usually around six weeks into a pregnancy. Because many women do not even realize they’re pregnant that early, the law is nearly a complete abortion ban. (snip)

The action comes a week after the Supreme Court declined to block the law from going into effect, citing “complex and novel” procedural questions regarding the abortion providers who had challenged it. Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the court’s three liberals in dissent, but the five other conservatives prevailed in a 5-4 opinion.

The Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, declined to hear the case, yet, Garland is claiming it is unconstitutional? How so? The DOJ press release states

The Act is clearly unconstitutional under longstanding Supreme Court precedent. Those precedents hold, in the words of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, that “[r]egardless of whether exceptions are made for particular circumstances, a State may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.”

First, that ruling is not in the Constitution, just a ruling. Second, the state isn’t prohibiting any woman, they can do it by week 6. They also are not stopping any woman from going to another state.

Because the statute makes it too risky for an abortion clinic to stay open, abortion providers have ceased providing services. This leaves women in Texas unable to exercise their constitutional rights and unable to obtain judicial review at the very moment they need it.

This kind of scheme to nullify the Constitution of the United States is one that all Americans – whatever their politics or party – should fear. If it prevails, it may become a model for action in other areas, by other states, and with respect to other constitutional rights and judicial precedents.

Getting beyond the silly idiocy of “nullifying the Constitution”, which has nothing in it about abortion, the last part is the point: that other states could institute similar laws, and abortion is the number one belief of Democrats.

The complaint therefore seeks a declaratory judgment that SB8 is invalid under the Supremacy Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment, is preempted by federal law, and violates the doctrine of intergovernmental immunity.

There is no federal law, so, how does the Supremacy Clause come into play? Same with the 14th. Meh, doesn’t matter, the abortionistas do not want other states to do the same thing, they want abortion on demand running smoothly.

Read: DOJ Sues Texas Over Abortion Law »

Pirate's Cove