Vaccine Madness: Britain Sharing Vax Passport Facial Data With Police

Now, originally, when the Chinese coronavirus vaccines were said to be ready for deployment, the idea of a vaccine passport immediately came out, and, really, would that have been so bad? We were still deep in a lot of people getting the Wuhan flu, and many saw this as a way that vaccinated people could re-engage with society. It would be something simple. Basic info showing the person was vaccinated I was for them. They would be temporary until enough people had the vaccine and/or the antibodies. However, right after that, the Big Government people started giving reasons why passports would be bad, as they would be used for Big Government purposes, never mind the exclusion of the unvaccinated as secondary citizens. And now

COVID-1984: NHS Admits Vax Pass App is Sharing User Facial Recognition Data With Police

Britain’s socialised healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS) has admitted that it is sharing facial recognition with police from the NHS app, which is now being used as the UK’s vaccine passport.

An estimated 16 million people have installed the NHS app, which can be used to book GP doctor visits as well as “NHS Covid Pass” proof of vaccination status in order to travel, and even as a domestic vaccine pass if businesses or events require it.

While it is possible to use separate means of identification to verify the app, the software uses facial recognition as the standard developed by the company iProov, which according to a report in The Guardian, is linked to Conservative Party donors.

The app records a video and then sends it to iProov to compare the user’s face against government ID photos in order to prove they are indeed who they say they are. The smartphone app also records information such as date of birth, postcode, phone number, and either a photo of a passport or driving licence.

The National Health Service and iProov have claimed that the data collected is anonymised and put under strict privacy protocols, however, an NHS spokesman admitted to the paper that facial recognition and other data is shared with law enforcement agencies, with the caveat that a special panel reviewed such decisions.

Of course they’re saying “meh, it’s not so bad, y’all are worried about nothing”, but, this is exactly the kind of thing people were worried about. That facial data could be shared across all sorts of U.K. allies, meaning that people with no criminal record would then have their facial data all over the 1st World nations.


You can’t call him racist, he’s just doing what the State wants him to do, turn the unvaccinated into second class citizens, able to be denied service. Same with people who refuse to use the vaccine passports/carry their vax cards.

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Counterproductive and Likely Illegal | Opinion

As a public health measure, Biden’s orders may be salutary. But they stand on shaky legal ground. Historically, vaccine mandates have been imposed—if at all—by state governments, and not by the federal government. The new regulations invert this feature of our federalist constitutional structure: Biden’s orders trump state policies that provided workers with the choice to get vaccinated. Moreover, the president acted unilaterally: Congress has not expressly authorized this sweeping expansion of federal power. Rather, to justify his edict, Biden reached back to a Nixon-era workplace safety law. I am skeptical that this half-century-old law can support Biden’s novel mandate.

Ultimately, Biden’s measures may also prove counterproductive. Forcing people to get vaccinated could deepen vaccine hesitancy. Herd immunity cannot be achieved through herd mentality—individual choice, not forcible mandates, is the only path forward.

The argument that many use for a COVID mandate is that schools require kids to get all sorts of vaccines. However, it is primarily the states which require them, not Los Federales. Further, using OSHA as the law and agency to require them will simply create a lot of lawsuits. Worth reading the rest.

Read: Vaccine Madness: Britain Sharing Vax Passport Facial Data With Police »

Bummer: No G20 Member Has A Climate Crisis (scam) Plan In Line With Paris Agreement

It’s easy to say you’re Doing Something and being Historic by joining the Historic Paris Climate agreement. It’s another thing to actually have plans in line with Paris, knowing that it will hurt your economy, impoverish the citizens, and create strife, among others

Not a single G20 country is in line with the Paris Agreement on climate, analysis shows

None of the world’s major economies — including the entire G20 — have a climate plan that meets their obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement, according to an analysis published Wednesday, despite scientists’ warning that deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are needed now.

The watchdog Climate Action Tracker (CAT) analyzed the policies of 36 countries, as well as the 27-nation European Union, and found that all major economies were off track to contain global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The countries together make up 80% of the world’s emissions.

The analysis also included some low-emissions countries, and found that the Gambia was the only nation among all 37 to be “1.5 compatible.” As the study only included a few smaller emitters, it’s possible there are other developing countries in the world on track as well.

Well, considering that the world’s non-major economies are only really required to get the redistributed money from the 1st World nations, it’s easy for them. Heck, Gambia ranks 194 out of 203 on GDP per capita. They are a 3rd world nation. 75% of the population relies on agriculture. Heck, their budget revenues are around $90 million annually. Heck, Delawares revenues are over $4.32 billion.

CAT had previously categorized the US as “critically insufficient” — the worst category — under former President Donald Trump, who formally withdrew the country from the Paris Agreement shortly before the end of his term.

The United States’ domestic emission-cutting target has since been upgraded to “almost sufficient.” However, the US is still insufficient in CAT’s “fair share” target rating, which takes into account the country’s “responsibility and capability.”

Well, what’s the big deal? Whether close or not, most aren’t getting there. And that won’t really change, because 1st World nations won’t sacrifice their standard of living. It’s easy to say “we’ll do this in 2035”, knowing that they won’t.

To keep the warming under 1.5 degrees, the world needs to reach net zero by 2050, a landmark UN climate science report published in August showed.

According to UN Climate Change, just over 130 countries have pledged to cut emissions to net-zero so far. The new analysis by CAT found that even if all of them followed up on their plans, warming would still reach 2 degrees.

They won’t. Because Warmists refuse to practice what they preach.

Read: Bummer: No G20 Member Has A Climate Crisis (scam) Plan In Line With Paris Agreement »

If All You See…

Doubleshot today, since the autopost for the 15th failed.

…is a horrible traffic jam of fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on Portland being sued over an Antifa assassin.

Read: If All You See… »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful multi-family building which Everyone Else should live in, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on a teacher saying that students behaving is white supremacy.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Fines Up To $5,000 For Vaccine Passport Violations Started In NYC

If you’re an actual criminal in NYC, you might be given a free pass if it’s not something major. If it is something major, you might be let out of jail with $0 bail. If you violate the passport mandate?

Vaccine Passport Enforcement in NYC Began This Week, Violators Face Up to $5,000 Fines

Enforcement of New York City’s “Key to NYC” Pass began this week, requiring businesses such as restaurants and gyms to discriminate against unvaccinated individuals by denying them entry into their establishments.

Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) originally announced the mandate in mid-August while touting a month-long period to educate the masses on the move, which requires gyms, restaurants, and entertainment venues to bar unvaccinated individuals from entering their establishments or face monetary consequences.

“It’s time for people to see vaccination as literally necessary to living a good and full and healthy life,” he said at the time, softly rolling out the policy in mid-August. Inspections and enforcement, however, began this week. Now, per the city’s mandate, individuals who are eligible to be vaccinated must show proof of at least one shot of vaccination to eat at an indoor restaurant, bar, or other eatery, via a copy of their vaccination card or proof on one of the city or state apps.

Further, according to the Wall Street Journal, “the city amended its work rules to allow employers to fire fast-food workers who refuse to show proof of vaccination”:

The city on Monday is beginning to enforce the vaccination-proof mandate, with inspectors from various agencies checking for signs and written plans, a spokeswoman for the New York City’s mayor’s office said. Restaurants have had to comply with the rule since Aug. 17, though some New York City owners said they have been waiting for the full mandate to kick in before beginning to card customers.

New York’s rules allow customers without proof of vaccination to be inside a restaurant for a short period, roughly 10 minutes or less. Customers can use the bathroom, pay a bill or order takeout, the city says, but still must wear a mask. They can also be served outside.

What happens if a business is in violation?

Businesses that fail to comply could face thousands of dollars in fines — a devastating blow to businesses still attempting to recover from the mass shutdowns, particularly in New York City, last year. The first violation will be $1,000, but further offenses could result in fines up to $5,000.

There doesn’t seem to be any penalty on individuals, just that businesses can deny entry, and it seems suggested that they should, Comrade. And there’s a requirement for everyone 12 and up. Wait, 12? They aren’t eligible for the vaccine. Want to go to a restaurant, bar, aquarium, zoo, sporting event, gym, adult entertainment (and so much more)? They’ll be required to ask for your passport. Interestingly, grocery stores and most retail stores are exempt. Want to work there? You have to have the proof. Comrade.


(Fox News) And nearly half of those questioned in a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday say the president’s actions to combat the surge this summer in coronavirus pandemic cases due to the highly infectious delta variant go too far.

By a 51%-48% margin, a slight majority of Americans disapproved of the president’s plans. In his most forceful comments to date, the president last week announced new, wide-ranging, federal COVID vaccine requirements for those working at companies with 100 or more employees, health care workers and federal contractors.

Forty-eight percent of those surveyed said Biden’s vaccine mandates go too far, with 10% saying they doesn’t go far enough and nearly four in 10 saying they’re about right. But asked specifically about mandating vaccines for workplaces with 100 or more employees, 53% approved and 46% disapproved.

Those are the numbers now. What will they be when businesses start cutting people with Biden/Harris bumper stickers to get below 100 employees? When the rule is actually released, and it causes all sorts of problems? How many of the people in the poll work for a company with less than 100 employees? But, you can see with numbers like that why Dementia Joe is attempting to do this.

Read: Good News: Fines Up To $5,000 For Vaccine Passport Violations Started In NYC »

Who’s Up For Credit Card That Monitors Your Carbon Footprint?

What a great idea. Because the company doing this will be suckering in a lot of brainwashed doomsday cultists into using their card, which shuts off if you hit a certain carbon pollution limit (via Jazz Shaw)

Climate Lockdowns: New CO2 monitoring credit card enables tracking of ‘carbon footprint on every purchase’ – ‘Monitors & cuts off spending when we hit our carbon max’ – Mastercard & UN join forces

Get ready for a Chinese-style social credit system scoring when it comes to your personal spending habits and how they impact “climate change.” A new credit card called Doconomy, has launched that is “working in tight collaboration with Mastercard” and an alliance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)  is now available so you can monitor your personal CO2 budget on every purchase you make.

The new CO2 monitoring Mastercard called Doconomy debuted in order to enable “all users to track, measure and understand their impact by presenting their carbon footprint on every purchase.” The credit cards feature the slogan on them reading “DO. Everyday Climate Action” and have a personal pledge on the rear of the card boasting: “I am taking responsibility for every transaction I make to help protect the planet.” The Mastercards feature the UN “Global Climate Action” logo on them as well.

The Doconomy credit card website explains: “With fat, sugar and salt levels labeled on food we buy, why shouldn’t our CO2 emissions be just as visible?” asks the Doconomy website. “This type of information shouldn’t be a premium or luxury that consumers pay for, but rather an essential part of every shopping journey.” The website details how the credit card will help consumers “understand their impact by presenting their carbon footprint on every purchase.” (snip)

Niclas Svenningsen, Manager, Global Climate Action at the UN Climate Change secretariat praised the CO2 monitoring credit card. “What’s really key here is the availability of information. One certainly can’t expect people to change their behaviors and take climate action if they do not know what their climate footprint is or what their consumption represents. With this data now easily accessible thanks to the partners’ excellent work, citizens are empowered to make smart decisions and act responsibly, and it can provoke a significant cultural shift around climate action.”, Svennigsen wrote.

This is great. All climate cultists should do this. Of course, why are they engaged in consumerism and capitalism in the first place? Aren’t they against those? Should they be buying fossil fuels? New electronics? New clothes? The company supposedly has 90 million users worldwide. I wonder if people are simply being given this card by their bank, or, is it a choice?

All Warmists should get this. But, as we all know, most Warmists will simply mentally flagellate themselves over having a big carbon footprint, but, then, go on to continue doing the same. Perhaps they’ll purchase a carbon offset for a tree or two, but, Doing Something in their own lives is popular with Warmists in theory, not practice.

Read: Who’s Up For Credit Card That Monitors Your Carbon Footprint? »

Ilhan Omar Blasts Judge For Blocking Ballot Measure On Defunding The Police

Oh, it’s not really defunding, it’s just fundamentally changing the police department from police doing things police do to deal with crime to some sort of social justice organization. But, get this, I agree with her. Sure, she’s a left wing loon, a Progressive (nice Fascist), an Islamist supremacist, an Israel and Jew hater, but, doesn’t mean she can’t be sorta right

Ilhan Omar slams judge for blocking ballot measure to scrap Minneapolis Police Department

unintended consequencesRep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., railed against a judge’s decision to block a Minneapolis ballot measure that would replace the city’s police department with a new department of public safety.

During an in-person town hall meeting Tuesday evening in Minneapolis, Omar blamed big money for thwarting a progressive measure that she argued would have given the city “flexibility” on how to better police the city.

“The leaders who are opposed to progress in this city are not nameless or faceless,” she said. “Using your network to obstruct the kind of progress so many people in this city want and were looking forward to is not something that should go unnoticed.”

“This ballot measure should be on the ballot,” she said. “As you can tell, I’m pretty upset about it.”

“We have people pouring in so much money to make us enslaved to a charter that the majority of us [oppose],” she continued. “This is the opposite of what democracy should produce. The people had a vision for what they wanted, and there’s a judge, there’s a mayor, there is a police chief, and their monied friends who are telling us we can’t have a city that is flexible to our needs and to our demands. How else are we supposed to make progress if we can’t do that?”

Why did the judge block it?

Omar’s comments came after Hennepin County District Judge Jamie Anderson on Tuesday struck down Question 2 on the Minneapolis ballot for the Nov. 2 election, saying the wording was “unreasonable and misleading.”

The question was to ask voters whether they wanted the city’s charter to be amended to replace the Minneapolis Police Department with a Department of Public Safety, “which could include licensed peace officers (police officers) if necessary, with administrative authority to be consistent with other city departments to fulfill its responsibilities for public safety.”

Omar argued in an Aug. 31 op-ed for the Star Tribune that the measure was a necessary step in ending police brutality and making communities safer.

Now, I don’t agree with Omar on replacing the police department, I agree with her that the citizens of Minneapolis should be given the opportunity to vote on this, and then live with the results of that vote. If they want to approve the measure they can live with the mistake, because you just know crime will skyrocket more than it already is. Police are avoiding a lot of low level crime because they do not want to deal with the accusations of raaaaacism and such already. Even with bigger crime they are taking their time.

The crime rate in Minneapolis is now a 3, meaning that the city is safer than 3% of U.S. cities. It used to be a lot safer. Violent crime is 9.56 (per 1,000), with the Minnesota rate being 2.36, and the national median is 4. For property crime, it breaks down 47.52/20.79/21. You have a 1 in 105 chance of being a victim of a violent crime.

That said, if the citizens of Minneapolis want to replace their police department with something uber-SJW, let them. They should have the choice to make a huge mistake. Of course, there should be a provision that anyone who votes in favor of the ballot initiative should be required to stay in Minneapolis to deal with the fallout.

Read: Ilhan Omar Blasts Judge For Blocking Ballot Measure On Defunding The Police »

We’re Save: Late Night Hosts Push Climate Cult

Nothing says comedy and entertainment like late night comedians coming together to push a doomsday climate cult, ones that work on sets that require the use of a lot of energy and celebs flying in on fossil fueled jets, right?

Late-Nights Hosts Come Together To Tackle Climate Change

A majority of late-night hosts are to dedicate a night to tackling climate change.

The comedians will each focus on the topic on Wednesday September 22 – Climate Night – in a rare show of unity across the genre.

CBS’ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Late Late Show with James Corden, ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and Late Night with Seth Meyers, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Trevor Noah and TBS’ Full Frontal with Samantha Bee are all participating.

The event is designed to coincide with Climate Week NYC and has been created by former Daily Show and Patriot Act showrunner Steve Bodow. It is being supported in part by Laurene Powell Jobs’ Emerson Collective.

Will they be turning out the lights and turning the AC off, or at least up to 80? Or, would that inconvenience the running of the show and the celebs?

“Climate change has gone very fast from ‘probably the future,’ to ‘actually, right now’ – which means we all need to be talking and thinking about it much more,” said Bodow. “Late-night hosts reflect our national conversation even more than Russian Twitter bots set it – so this incredible group of shows coming together makes a statement about the scale and urgency of the world’s hottest problem.”

Oooooooh, so edgy, Russian Twitter bots!

“I don’t want to die,” said Kimmel.

“In the interest of recycling, please use whatever Jimmy Kimmel said,” said Fallon.

You have a much better chance being mugged or shot or stabbed or assaulted in NYC and LA than dying from a slight increase in the world’s average temperature over the past 170 years. Even the NY Times covers this, as do other “news” organizations. And not a one asked “hey, other than preaching to the choir (seriously, who else watches these programs, other than hardcore leftists?), what, exactly, will your shows, your hosts, and your networks be doing?”


U.K. Power Surges to Record 400 Pounds as Wind Fails to Blow

Electricity prices soared to a record in Britain as a period of still weather is curbing wind power, exposing the U.K.’s reliance on intermittent renewables.

U.K. power for next day exceed 400 pounds ($553) a megawatt-hour at an auction on Monday, an all-time high. Wind generation is currently below normal, accounting for about 11% of all the electricity entering the grid. That’s leaving the market exposed to swings at a time five nuclear units are offline.

The U.K.’s ability to meet peak demand was already set to shrink this winter as coal and nuclear power stations close early. The outlook has worsened as low wind speeds have forced Britain to rely more on fossil fuels to produce power at a time Europe is facing a shortage of gas and coal prices are surging.

Remember, wind is totally reliable.

Read: We’re Save: Late Night Hosts Push Climate Cult »

Marco Rubio Calls For Biden To Fire General Milley: He’s 100% Wrong

Now, just imagine this had occurred in the latter days of the Obama administration: how would the media react? You’re barely finding the issue in most news outlets

Sen. Marco Rubio Urges President Joe Biden to Fire Gen. Mark Milley

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has called for the resignation of General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, following reports that he planned to undermine President Trump and inform China of an impending attack following the Capitol Hill riot on January 6.

In a letter released on Tuesday, Rubio urged President Joe Biden to “dismiss” Mark Milley immediately, charging that he undermined the former Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces by planning to commit treason.

I write with grave concern regarding recent reporting that General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, worked to actively undermine the sitting Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces and contemplated a treasonous leak of classified information to the Chinese Communist Party in advance of a potential armed conflict with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). These actions by General Milley demonstrate a clear lack of sound judgement, and I urge you to dismiss him immediately.

According to the upcoming book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley worried President Trump would “go rogue” and orchestrated two back-channel phone calls with China’s top general promising to inform him an attack on the Communist country were to commence.

“You and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley reportedly told his Chinese counterpart.

In his letter, Rubio stressed that Milley interfered with America’s civilian-controlled military, which could possibly “lead to war.”

Miley should neither be fired or allowed to resign. That would be the easy way out. It would allow Milley to keep his rank and pension. Milley violated the law. He violated the Constitution. He violated his oath of office and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any lower ranking officer would be charged, arrested, and tried. And, if convicted, would be stripped of rank, sent to jail, and given a dishonorable discharge upon completion of the sentence, with a loss of all pension. The higher the rank, the more responsible, and the higher the penalty.

I do not need to tell of you the dangers posed by senior military officers leaking classified information on U.S. military operations, but I will underscore that such subversion undermines the President’s ability to negotiate and leverage one of this nation’s instruments of national power in his interactions with foreign nations.

Even more egregiously, reports indicate that General Milley interfered with the procedures by which the civilian commander-in-chief can order a nuclear strike. He purportedly instructed officials not to take orders without his involvement and forced them to take an oath to that effect. A senior military officer interfering with that civilian-controlled process is simply unacceptable at best, and at worst, would cause ambiguity which could lead to war.

No resignation, no firing. Prosecution. Government officials need to be held accountable for their actions. Too often we’ve seen those in Power let off the hook, with few, if any, consequences.

Read: Marco Rubio Calls For Biden To Fire General Milley: He’s 100% Wrong »

New York Passes Law Banning Fossil Fueled Vehicles Sales By 2035

If this is meant to Save The Planet, why not do it now? Will the state, and, especially, the lawmakers and Governor’s office, be giving up their own use of fossil fuels? What of all the airports?

New York passes law that will ban all gas-powered car sales by 2035

st greta carIn 14 years’ time, no fossil fuel-powered vehicles will be sold in New York anymore. The state has passed a new law that bans the sale of gas vehicles starting in 2035, requiring all new cars to be zero emission. New York’s Senate and Assembly passed the bill and Governor Kathy Hochul signed it into law last week. The move will help reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent and help it achieve its climate targets, including an 85 reduction in GHG emissions by 2050.

This essentially does away with even regular and plugin hybrid sales.

As Ars Technica notes, though, the state has a lot of work ahead of it, considering only around one percent of new vehicles sold in New York at the moment is fully electric. That’s why, under the new law, several state agencies are required to work together to conjure a zero-emissions vehicle market development strategy by the end of next year. They’ll have to find a feasible way to make sure that even off-road vehicles and equipment sold in the state are emissions-free by 2035. The law also requires all medium- and heavy-duty vehicles sold in New York to be emissions-free by 2045.

It sure looks like the state is going to attempt to take over the new car sales business, creating a massive bureacracy and dictating what dealers will be able to sell. Well, those which are left, because a ton will close, as they will not have the product, and, unless prices drop massively by 2035, the customers, as most will not be able to afford them or find them convenient, since many have long drives, and the short range of the least expensive EVs will cause issues. Further, what of those who need all wheel drive and four wheel drive vehicles due to the snowy nature of New York? How will this work for family vehicles and work vehicles that are not considered medium and heavy duty?

An interesting part of the law as written is this is about the sale of vehicles that use fossil fuels, not the registration. So, people will simply go to other states to purchase. But, will gas stations close all over, putting a lot of people out of work, just like with car dealerships? Meaning it is tough to refill the vehicle?

Fortunately, they are going to make it easy for people to bike


Sounds fun, right?

Read: New York Passes Law Banning Fossil Fueled Vehicles Sales By 2035 »

Pirate's Cove