Christian Leaders Join Climate Cult, Call For “Meaningful Sacrifices”

Still waiting for their proclamations denouncing abortion, government tyranny, politicians who fail to act in accordance with the Bible, etc

World’s top 3 Christian leaders call for ‘meaningful sacrifices’ to combat climate change

mule fritter sherman potterThe leaders of the three largest Christian churches issued a joint statement Tuesday calling on the world to address the growing threat of climate change.

The first-ever joint address by Pope Francis, the archbishop of Canterbury and the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church asked fellow Christians to pray in the run-up to November’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, that world leaders will reach significant agreements to curb greenhouse gas emissions and slow the rate of global warming.

We’re supposed to pray for Government to take away our God given freedoms? My first inclination is to tell them to F off, but, no, I’ll pray that they get a clue and stop trying to force Progressive (nice Fascism) beliefs on everyone, to focus on their jobs, which is to discuss the word of the Lord, rather than the ravings of a doomsday cult. They need to pick which one they want to follow.

“We call on everyone, whatever their belief or world view, to endeavor to listen to the cry of the earth and of people who are poor, examining their behavior and pledging meaningful sacrifices for the sake of the earth which God has given us,” said Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby of the Anglican Communion and Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I.

And what are those meaningful sacrifices? Their joint statement doesn’t really say. There’s a lot of far left social justice, a lot of climate cult doctrine attempting to use a few passages from the New Testament to support this, yammering about “people-centered profits”, ie, giving profits to people who didn’t earn them. Can you guess what’s missing? What are these three Christian leaders sacrificing? The Vatican holds billions in money and treasure and art. How much are they giving to the poor? When is the Vatican tearing down it’s walls? When will the Pope stop using fossil fuels for travel, and restricting all employees of the church from doing so? Same thing for Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Focus on the teachings of Jesus, rather than joining the climate cult.

Read: Christian Leaders Join Climate Cult, Call For “Meaningful Sacrifices” »

If All You See…

…are plants that will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post discussing the soon to be release Biden 6 step plan to control COVID.

Read: If All You See… »

Hot Take: Texas Abortion Law Sets The Blueprint For Stopping Free Speech And Gun Ownership

There have been plenty of hot takes regarding the Texas abortion law, because the insane left loves killing the unborn, which they can’t truly explain. They just know that abortion is a good thing. Here’s a scorching one by David Mastio (you can read it at Yahoo if USA Today blocks you with the paywall)

The Texas abortion law provides a blueprint for bans on speech, guns

Roe v. Wade is an awful Supreme Court ruling. Roe and the string of rulings that have followed upholding the original don’t even attempt to be serious constitutional law or have a consistent justification for defending abortion rights.

Except, it is not law. It’s a bad court ruling, possibly one of the worst of all time.

Bill Of RightsLast week, the Supreme Court essentially ruled that abortion advocates can’t stop every Texan from filing a lawsuit before they act, nor can it block Texas judges from hearing those suits.

The problem is that there is nothing about this scheme that limits its application to abortion. As Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his dissent to the court’s conservative 5-4 majority, it could be a “model for action in other areas.”

What does Roberts mean? Well, imagine the Democratic supermajority in the California Legislature wanted to throw out the First Amendment to make sure that Gov. Gavin Newsom survived his recall election. They would just have to pass a law that outlaws criticism of the governor, authorizing any Californian to file a $100,000 lawsuit against anyone who speaks the forbidden words.

If California state courts were to follow the Supreme Court’s example, would that let California “avoid responsibility for its laws,” as Roberts writes, shredding free speech?

Or consider New York, where the legislature favors restrictions on the Second Amendment. Could it outlaw firearms by deputizing any New Yorker to file million dollar lawsuits against gun owners in the state?

Would that allow New York to “avoid responsibility” for ignoring the right of the people to bear arms despite clear Supreme Court precedent?

Um, no. Because both Free Speech and gun rights are not court rulings, they aren’t laws, nor rules and regulations. They are actually enshrined in the Federal Constitution. It doesn’t matter what states might want to do, if they want to try this game. Abortion appears nowhere in the federal constitution. Nor does it appear in state constitutions. But, Freedom Of Speech does in all 50, with serious protection, and most of those state constitutions protects most gun rights.

Last week, the court opened the door to more constitutional mischief with its lack of action than any decision in generations. Most likely, conservative state legislators around the country will be taking notes on how they can advance their anti-abortion cause. But if Texas and others succeed, expect more legislatures to use the same trick to advance pet causes that happen to be clearly unconstitutional.

Eventually, the court will rule on the merits, and chances are good that any of these ideas would be struck down, but until then all our rights are on the line.

Well, Mastio is correct on the last. The question is, will Progressive states actually try to pull some shenanigans with Freedom of Speech? They might try with firearms, but, I’m doubting they could be that stupid to attempt something with Speech, religion, protest, petitioning for redress of grievance. Could they?

Read: Hot Take: Texas Abortion Law Sets The Blueprint For Stopping Free Speech And Gun Ownership »

Biden Says His Climate Plan Would See Jobs Paying $45-50 An Hour

Hey, remember when Biden’s boss Obama said that all the Stimulus jobs would be good paying jobs? Whatever happened to those? Especially since Barack put Joe in charge of running the big Stimulus

President Biden says jobs that pay $45 or $50 an hour – not $7 or $12 – are part of his climate infrastructure plan

Jobs that help prepare the US for the changing climate will pay a high hourly wage, President Joe Biden said after touring storm damage in New York and New Jersey on Tuesday.

“I think of one word when I think of climate change: jobs, good-paying jobs,” he said. “Not $7 or $12 or $15, but $45, $50 an hour, plus healthcare. That’s what is needed.”

Biden’s $45 figure is more than six times higher than the Federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, which has remained unchanged since 2009, when Biden was vice president in the Obama administration.

Businesses are increasingly finding it difficult to attract talent by offering less than $15 an hour, making that a de facto minimum wage in some instances.

And what are those jobs, specifically? Joe didn’t say. Because they don’t exist. Nor will they, unless they are CEOs of companies pushing climate crisis scam stuff. At least he didn’t say that jobs is a 3 letter word.

Though, good paying jobs is not one word. It’s no wonder White House staffers turn Biden events off over anxiety of his screwups.

Biden described increased spending on climate resilience as a smart investment, saying that each dollar invested under his Build Back Better plan in things like flood mitigation, forest-fire prevention, and burying electrical lines would ultimately lead to $6 in savings.

Yeah, they told us that each dollar spent with the Stimulus would save $3. That didn’t work out too well, either. Joe obviously meant that the jobs would be for low end workers, but, doing what? And if the low end jobs pay that much, it will mean that the cost of goods and services will skyrocket. The road to hell is paved with silly intentions.


White House: Ranchers Reducing Cattle Emissions Can Help Lower Meat Prices

The White House on Wednesday argued that ranchers and farmers should still try to reduce cattle emissions in order to prevent climate change, which would also help reduce meat prices.

National Economic Council director Brian Deese blamed industry consolidation and supply chain disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic for rising meat prices. But he also warned about supply disruptions caused by climate change.

“Resilience is also important with respect to the realities of a climate-affected world and a climate-affected country,” Deese said in response to a reporter who asked him about emissions caused by meat production.

Yes, it’s a cult.

Read: Biden Says His Climate Plan Would See Jobs Paying $45-50 An Hour »

Hot Take: CNN Blames Weakening Economy On Unvaccinated

Well, Excitable Jill Filipovic certainly wouldn’t want to blame the policies of Biden and his Democratic Comrades, would she? She’d be the first to Blame Trump, though

Let’s be clear on why the US economy is weakening

The American economy is weakening. And we know who is responsible.

On Monday, Goldman Sachs economists downgraded their projections for economic growth in 2021. (“The Delta variant is already weighing on Q3 growth,” wrote Goldman economist Ronnie Walker.)

August’s job growth was sluggish. The Delta variant continues to ravage the unvaccinated and sicken so many, with the country hitting the dark milestone of 40 million Covid cases. And about 1,500 Americans are dying every day — almost all of them not fully vaccinated.

The people who are refusing the vaccine and refusing to mask up aren’t just killing themselves and infecting their neighbors. They’re destroying the American economy. (snip)

The fault doesn’t lie with the people who are choosing life over potential illness. It lies with the people who are pouring gasoline on the current outbreak, and who are refusing to take commonsense steps to get Covid under control.

See, it’s the fault of the people who refuse a vaccine which never truly went through clinical trials, which hasn’t been around long enough to actually know all the effects. It’s not like Israel was a vaccination poster child and now is watching Delta rampage through the nation, with people getting 3rd and even a 4th shot (in fairness, most people who get the China flu aren’t getting it that bad). And all you people who refuse to wear masks, even though most studies show that most cloth masks barely help at all.

Jill would be Blaming Trump were he still president. Perhaps she should be blaming Fauci and China

(NY Post) Powerful people are going to a lot of effort to protect Dr. Anthony Fauci’s reputation, despite mounting evidence of his role in funding dangerous research on bat coronaviruses in the Chinese laboratory believed to be the most likely source of the pandemic.

It is clear that Fauci, the White House chief medical adviser, misled Congress when he denied that US money had paid for “gain-of-function” research in the ­Wuhan lab.

Grant documents published this week by The Intercept show that the organization Fauci heads, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, funded research in Wuhan on a number of novel (new) bat coronaviruses.

The aim of the research is spelled out in one 600-page grant proposal, titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” signed off on by Fauci: to force mutations on the coronaviruses to see if they would infect mice with “humanized” lungs.

Fauci lied to Congress. Wuhan screwed around with coronavirus, and it got out, either intentionally or unintentionally. Why aren’t Democrats blaming them?

Read: Hot Take: CNN Blames Weakening Economy On Unvaccinated »

Surrender Joe Plans To Reopen Jerusalem Consulate

This is a big difference from having the embassy in Jerusalem, which Donald Trump finally moved after U.S. law stated was supposed to happen. This has the chance of causing big problems, and simply shows that Democrats hate Israel and Jews, and love the terrorists who attack Israel civilians. Of course, it’s surely Biden’s people pushing him to do this, because Joe has little clue what’s going on

Biden reiterates plan to reopen Jerusalem consulate despite Israeli objections

President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett during their White House meeting that he will not abandon his plan to reopen the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, setting up a major point of contention between the administrations.

Why it matters: The consulate handled relations with the Palestinians for 25 years before being shut down by Donald Trump. Senior officials in Bennett’s government see the consulate issue as a political hot potato that could destabilize their unwieldy coalition.

Between the lines: Several right-wing ministers, including Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked and Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar, say the reopening of the consulate would be an infringement on Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem. It’s also a prime point of attack for Benjamin Netanyahu, who is now opposition leader.

The Israeli government would have to give its approval for the consulate to be reopened. And if even one member were to defect over the issue, the government could collapse.

“If the Biden administration wants to see Netanyahu abandoning his Pilates classes and going back to the Prime Minister’s Office, this is the best way to do it,” one senior official quipped to me.

Why the need for a consulate when the embassy is right there? A consulate is “a satellite office to an embassy located outside the capital city of a country, one that exists almost exclusively to provide visas and passports to people for whom a trip to the embassy is too far a distance.” That’s from this piece by Ambassador David Friedman, who writes

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo closed the Jerusalem consulate in 2019 for several reasons, one of which is foundational and unrelated to policy. With the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem in 2018, there was no basis for a consulate to exist. The Jerusalem embassy provides consular services on a non-discriminatory basis to all Israelis and Palestinians — equal treatment for Jews, Christians and Muslims. The consulate thus became obsolete and a waste of taxpayer dollars. I know of no other country where the United States maintains an embassy and a consulate in the same city.

Some argue for the reopening of the consulate in Jerusalem just for the purpose of engaging in diplomacy with the Palestinians and signaling a willingness by America to recognize, in the future, a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem. That would be illegal and unwise.

It would be illegal because the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, passed overwhelmingly by both the U.S. House and the Senate, provides that “Jerusalem should remain an undivided city.” A U.S. consulate in Jerusalem to a foreign body clearly runs afoul of American law.

It would also cause a lot of friction and cause confusion with U.S. policy, but, we know this really is all about pandering to the Palestinians, who are run by Hamas, who’s stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map. As if Joe didn’t have enough problems right now, he wants to create more. Seriously, he didn’t cause enough problems with giving Afghanistan to the Taliban, along with all the weapons?

Read: Surrender Joe Plans To Reopen Jerusalem Consulate »

Your Fault: Animals Are Shape Shifting From Climate Crisis (scam)

I thought Darwin preached about this stuff and that Leftists were big believers in Darwinism, because those icky Conservatives discuss Intelligent Design and God? Oh, right, only when it helps their screeds

Animals are ‘shape shifting’ in response to climate change

Some warm-blooded animals are experiencing shifts in their body shapes, likely as a response to the pressures of climate change, according to a new review of existing research.

Animals are getting larger beaks, legs and ears that allow them to better regulate their body temperatures as the planet gets hotter, with birds particularly affected, said Sara Ryding, a researcher at Deakin University in Australia and one of the authors of the research that published on Tuesday in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

The biggest shifts in appendage size in the more than 30 animals they looked at in the review were among some Australian parrot species, which saw their beak size increase by 4% to 10% on average since 1871.

This is a review of other research, many of them statistical studies, computer models, and other limited to non-observational studies. This is exactly what part of what Darwin saw, namely, that quick changes can and will occur in species based on local conditions. Things that have been going on since the multi-celled life evolved. But, now, it’s your fault for that burger you ate the other day.

“We also don’t know whether these shape-shifts actually aid in survival (and therefore are beneficial) or not. This phenomenon of shape-shifting shouldn’t be seen as a positive, but rather it is alarming that climate change is pushing animals to evolve like this, under such a relatively short timeframe.”

So, they’re going to evolve traits that hurt their survival? What are these people smoking? Of course, this is all meant to push Doom, because in Warmist world the Earth and the environment are never supposed to change.

Meanwhile, Dementia Joe is at it again

Read: Your Fault: Animals Are Shape Shifting From Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on Larwyn’s Linx.

Read: If All You See… »

What’s The Chance Of Getting A Breakthrough COVID Infection?

You’ve done what you were supposed to do and got the COVID vaccination, for whatever reason. You may have wanted it (that’s me), you may not but done it anyway, could be force from your employers, whatever. What’s the chance of getting COVID?

One in 5,000: The Real Chances of a Breakthrough Infection

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a terrifying fact in July: Vaccinated people with the delta variant of the COVID virus carried roughly the same viral load in their noses and throats as unvaccinated people.

The news seemed to suggest that even the vaccinated were highly vulnerable to getting infected and passing the virus to others. Sure enough, stories about vaccinated people getting COVID — so-called breakthrough infections — were all around this summer: at a party in Provincetown, Massachusetts; among the Chicago Cubs; on Capitol Hill. Delta seemed as if it might be changing everything.

In recent weeks, however, more data has become available, and it suggests that the true picture is less alarming. Yes, delta has increased the chances of getting COVID for almost everyone. But if you’re vaccinated, a COVID infection is still uncommon, and those high viral loads are not as worrisome as they initially sounded.

How small are the chances of the average vaccinated American contracting COVID? Probably about 1 in 5,000 per day, and even lower for people who take precautions or live in a highly vaccinated community. (snip)

The chances are surely higher in the places with the worst COVID outbreaks, like the Southeast. And in places with many fewer cases — like the Northeast, as well as the Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco areas — the chances are lower, probably less than 1 in 10,000. That’s what the Seattle data show, for example. (These numbers don’t include undiagnosed cases, which are often so mild that people do not notice them and do not pass the virus to anyone else.)

Here’s one way to think about a 1-in-10,000 daily chance: It would take more than three months for the combined risk to reach just 1%.

I live in an area that is highly vaccinated. I take lots of precautions still, like stepping back and washing the heck out of my hands (which I’ve always done.) No shaking hands (I’ve always hated that, I see what people do with their hands). So why do I have to mask up? Besides cloth masks making almost no difference, the area is highly vaccinated. And we’re seeing the same in many Democrat run areas, where some are even pushing masks outdoors. It’s almost like this is more about politics than science. If the unvaccinated want to take their changes, let them. Let the rest of us take our chance at 1 in 10K.

I will confess to one bit of hesitation about walking you through the data on breakthrough infections: It’s not clear how much we should be worrying about them. For the vaccinated, COVID resembles the flu and usually a mild one. Society does not grind to a halt over the flu. (snip)

But at least one part of the American anxiety does seem to have become disconnected from the facts in recent weeks: the effectiveness of the vaccines. In a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, nearly half of adults judged their “risk of getting sick from the coronavirus” as either moderate or high — even though 75% of adults have received at least one shot.

In reality, the risks of getting any version of the virus remain small for the vaccinated, and the risks of getting badly sick remain minuscule.

Exactly, so how about f’ing off with your restrictions? The problem is that a lot of businesses will Comply with government mandates. Some don’t, like my gym.

Read: What’s The Chance Of Getting A Breakthrough COVID Infection? »

Climahysteric Medical Journals Warn Of Catastrophic Harm To Health From ‘Climate Change’

Another day, another prognostication of Doom from the Cult of Climastrology

Medical journals warn climate change will cause ‘catastrophic harm to health’

More than 200 of the world’s leading health journals banded together over the weekend to release a joint statement imploring global leaders to cut greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change, which they say is the greatest threat to public health.

Published Saturday in the Lancet, the British Medical Journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Medical Journal of Australia, the Chinese Science Bulletin and the National Medical Journal of India, among other publications, the statement warns that the continued buildup of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere will lead to “catastrophic harm to health that will be impossible to reverse.”

“Health is already being harmed by global temperature increases and the destruction of the natural world, a state of affairs health professionals have been bringing attention to for decades,” the joint statement reads. “The science is unequivocal: a global increase of 1.5° C above the pre-industrial average and the continued loss of biodiversity risk catastrophic harm to health that will be impossible to reverse. Despite the world’s necessary preoccupation with Covid-19, we cannot wait for the pandemic to pass to rapidly reduce emissions.”

Well, have at it. All you Warmists who believe in this can easily do a lot of things to reduce your own carbon footprints. Funny that the statement fails to show that Mankind is mostly/solely responsible for the current Holocene warm period, fails to mention how the members have reduced their own carbon footprints, nor mentioned the benefits of a warmer climate than a cooling one. Mankind has never progressed as fast as during the current warm period, and has tended to do much better during the warm ones than the cool ones.

The joint statement comes a little over a month before the representatives of world governments are scheduled to converge in Glasgow, Scotland, for the United Nations climate summit known as COP26.

“Ahead of these pivotal meetings, we — the editors of health journals worldwide — call for urgent action to keep average global temperature increases below 1.5° C, halt the destruction of nature, and protect health,” the joint statement says.

In other words, they want Government to force compliance on citizens. I wonder how surprised they’ll be when the government restrictions hit their own lives?

Global average surface temperatures have risen by 1.2 degrees Celsius since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. If no further action is taken to curb greenhouse gas emissions, temperatures are predicted to rise by as much as 3.1 degrees Celsius by the year 2100.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

As the new statement from the health journals attests, for those in the medical profession the effects of climate change are being felt today and show the urgent need to prevent further warming.

“Health professionals have been on the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis and they are united in warning that going above 1.5C and allowing the continued destruction of nature will bring the next, far deadlier crisis,” Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of the British Medical Journal, said in a statement. “Wealthier nations must act faster and do more to support those countries already suffering under higher temperatures. 2021 has to be the year the world changes course — our health depends on it.”

More bull cookies. Also, these 1st World warmists thinking that 3rd world nations full of black and brown people cannot take care of themselves without the helpful hand of government. Rather racist thinking.

Read: Climahysteric Medical Journals Warn Of Catastrophic Harm To Health From ‘Climate Change’ »

Pirate's Cove