If All You See…

…are low carbon sailboats for a flooding world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on Europe switch back to coal thanks to their “green” energy crisis.

It’s wingwoman week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Gil Elvgren Car

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, there’s a chill of Fall in the air, and the squirrels are finding nuts somewhere and cracking them on the porch. No idea where they’re getting them from. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Other McCain discusses the Biden Blame Game and sad fate of #NeverTrump
  2. The People’s Cube covers the the equal right to be unequal
  3. The Political Hat covers a special snowflake looking for attention
  4. This one’s a bit controversial, but, Paul Kersey discusses Dallas schools no longer suspending kids
  5. This ain’t Hell… covers Democrats introducing a bill to eliminate the Space Force
  6. Weasel Zippers notes Kamala hiring new aids to clean up her image
  7. Independent Sentinel highlights the U.S. buying drones made in China
  8. The Last Refuge shows Hillary Clinton being heckled as a war criminal
  9. The Gateway Pundit covers a poll showing people abandoning China Joe in droves
  10. The First Street Journal highlights the Jew hatred of the Squad
  11. Raised On Hoecakes has a question for the Insulate Britain folks
  12. Powerline wonders if electric cars are a joke
  13. Patterico’s Pontifications has a music controversy he wants solved (it’s a group, not clothes)
  14. Pacific Pundit highlights a F*** Joe Biden chant at a small food court
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery covers the Australian COVID police

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Surprise: World Leaders Yammer About Solving Climate Crisis (scam) While Taking Lots Of Fossil Fueled Flights

Think back to the 2007 UN IPCC Conference on the Parties, held in the exotic location of Fiji. So many people took private jets to complain about ‘climate change’ that there was nowhere to park the jets, so they had to deadhead them, ie, fly with no passengers, to other islands. Then fly them back for people to leave. Well, guess what? That even happens when they fly into New York for U.N. meetings

While world leaders are at the UN talking climate change, their private jets are often forced to fly and park hundreds of miles away

New York City in September is a hotspot for world leaders as the United Nations holds its annual General Assembly. Climate change is a key topic at this year’s conference, with leaders including President Joe Biden announcing additional investments in climate finance for developing countries.

But while leaders talk about commitments to climate change on the world stage, their government planes are burning extra jet fuel by flying empty to airports across the Northeast just to park during the event.

New York’s JFK International Airport is the preferred gateway to the UN for many visiting countries due to its proximity to Manhattan. A long-standing rule of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, however, restricts those aircraft from staying at JFK while their passengers head to the UN.

Foreign military and state aircraft are barred from staying at Port Authority airports overnight due to traffic and space constraints, a spokesperson confirmed to Insider. After they’ve landed at a Port airport, those aircraft have two hours to depart for another airport where they’ll park while in the US.

Good on Business Insider in exposing this, which happens at ever ‘climate change’ big wig event, which can now include standard U.N. meetings since they yammer about climate doom. Some will say “well, how will these world leaders get there?” They could fly commercial. They could “plane pool”, essentially picking up other world leaders. They could take a ship. Sure, it’s slower, but, lower carbon footprint, right? These same people want to restrict the peons from flying, and skyrocket the cost of flying making it harder for the non-rich/important to fly. Yet, they casually jet off themselves

The COVID-19 pandemic gave New York skies a reprieve as the General Assembly went virtual in 2020. But despite fears of the Delta variant, this year’s in-person session pressed on and foreign leaders were ready to adopt “have plane, will travel.”

Many of those planes were jumbo jets, such as the one that brought Boris Johnson, and “a Boeing Business Jet 747-8i of the Turkish government, Airbus A319 of the Italian government, and Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner of Biman Bangladesh Airlines, among many others.”

They do know they can Zoom the meetings, or do some sort of virtual one, right? Oh, right, they want to press the flesh, eat well, and show how Important they are, repeat the rewards of their position. And stop you from doing the same.


Making Meals From Mealworms Is ‘Part of the Answer’ to the Climate Crisis, the CEO of Ynsect Says

Global food production accounts for one-third of all greenhouse-gas emissions, according to a comprehensive study published this year in the journal Nature Food that looked at every aspect of food production from transportation to packaging. Meat production alone makes up nearly 60% of that total.

The study underscores the growing consensus that in order to stave off the worst impacts of climate change, the world needs a dramatic rethinking of how food is produced and consumed. Especially since the U.N. estimates that food production will have to increase by 70% by 2050 to feed the world’s growing population.

They always have this food doom, yet, records keep being set. Such as with grain harvests and seafood.

Increasingly, companies and scientists are viewing insects as an environmentally sustainable alternative source of protein. Crickets, grasshoppers and beetles are already commercially produced and processed for human and animal consumption. Ynsect, a 10-year-old French company, is focused on mealworms, the larval stage of beetles.

Nope. Piss off.

Read: Surprise: World Leaders Yammer About Solving Climate Crisis (scam) While Taking Lots Of Fossil Fueled Flights »

Democrats Revisist Carbon Taxes With Their $3.5 Trillion Bill In Jeopardy

First, though, let’s see how NY Gov and climahypocrite Hochul is doing

Climarestrictions are for the peons

Sinema’s Income Tax Stance Has Democrats Looking Anew at a Carbon Tax

Opposition from a single moderate Democrat to corporate and income tax rate increases has revived efforts in the Senate to draft a tax on carbon dioxide pollution as a way to pay for the Democrats’ proposed $3.5 trillion budget bill.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., has not advocated a carbon tax, which President Joe Biden and other key Democrats have shied away from as a huge political risk. But her resistance to tax rate increases to pay for the Democrats’ ambitious social policy and climate legislation has set off a scramble for alternatives — at the very least to show her how difficult it would be assemble a package without those rate hikes.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., chair of the Senate Finance Committee, confirmed that the Senate majority leader had asked him to craft legislation that would put a price on carbon emissions but to ensure that the policy would respect Biden’s pledge not to raise taxes on families earning less than $400,000.

That could be done with some kind of rebate or “carbon dividend” during what Wyden called a “transition” from fossil fuel-powered cars and trucks to zero emission electric vehicles, and from coal- and natural gas-fired electric power plants to renewable energy. Also under consideration: Exempting gasoline from the levy.

No matter how you cut it, raising taxes on job creators and businesses will raise prices for the middle and lower classes. May not be a direct tax, but, those taxes will get passed on. And, sure, I agree, some should pay a higher percentage of their income, but, then, they’re the ones creating jobs, donating and creating charities, and so much more. See, here’s a better idea: the federal government should pare down it’s operations, get rid of the redundant and unneeded jobs and agencies, and live within the tax revenue, rather than keep trying to take more.

Read: Democrats Revisist Carbon Taxes With Their $3.5 Trillion Bill In Jeopardy »

If All You See…

…is champagne, which will soon disappear due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post wondering why reporters aren’t asking relevant questions.

Read: If All You See… »

St. Greta Makes Fun Of Surrender Joe’s “Build Back Better”

So, what has St. Greta of Stockholm in a tizzy?

Greta Thunberg mocks Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ climate plan

St. GretaSpeaking at a climate rally in Berlin on Friday, Greta Thunberg mocked President Biden’s attempt to address climate change through his “Build Back Better” agenda.

“As we move out of the pandemic, many are talking about using this as an opportunity for a green sustainable recovery, whatever that means,” the 18-year-old Swedish activist said. “And world leaders are talking about ‘building back better,’ promising green investments and setting vague and distant climate targets in order to say that they are taking climate action.” (snip)

“When you look at what we are actually investing the money in — the money that is supposed to be building back better — it shows the hypocrisy of our leaders,” she said.

According to the International Energy Agency, just 2 percent of governments’ recovery spending has been allocated to clean energy — money that will fall well short of what is needed to reach international climate goals, such as net-zero emissions by 2050 or keeping global temperatures from rising above 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“The fact that we are in a crisis that we cannot build, buy or invest or way out of seems to create some kind of collective mental short-circuit among the people in power,” Thunberg said. “And the longer they pretend that we can solve the climate crisis within today’s system, the more invaluable time we will lose.”

Hmm, it sounds like Greta wants even more money spent on “green” stuff and change the current governmental and economic systems. Weird that she doesn’t say to what. In fairness, she wasn’t just talking about Biden, there are quite a few 1st World leaders yammering about Build Back Better. And if the extreme Progressivism (nice Fascism) of BBB isn’t good enough for Greta and her peeps, what is?

‘There’s no going back’: Thunberg addresses tens of thousands of climate activists outside Reichstag

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered outside Germany’s parliament on Friday calling on authorities to take stronger action against climate change.

It comes only two days before the country holds a national election that will designate chancellor Angela Merkel’s successor after her almost 16 years in power.

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, 18, addressed the Berlin crowd from a stage, urging voters to keep politicians under constant pressure over climate change.

“We must keep going into the streets and we must keep demanding our leaders to take real climate action. We must never give up. There’s no going back now”, she said.

“We can still turn this around,” she added. “We demand change, and we are the change.”

It’s rather a bit of satire that St. Greta is speaking to people who want big, authoritarian government at the Reichstag building, eh? If they care so much, why are they taking so little action in their own lives?

Read: St. Greta Makes Fun Of Surrender Joe’s “Build Back Better” »

Climate Change Is Bad For Heart Health Or Something

And, since this really isn’t about climate or science, the writers at USA Today decided to make this about race and raaaaacism (article is behind USA Today paywall, using Yahoo News version)

Climate change, heat waves affect heart health, experts say. Here’s why that puts people of color at higher risk.

Martha Gabriel knows the effects of sweltering heat. For the last five years, Gabriel has been picking sweet potatoes, beans and tomatoes under the blazing South Florida sun.

One scorching summer day while working at a plant nursery, her heart began beating rapidly. Her breathing turned heavy, and she felt faint.

“I didn’t want to go home. I needed to work and buy food. I didn’t want to lose hours,” Gabriel, 41, said in Spanish through an interpreter. Gabriel is pregnant and has prediabetes. She worries for the health of her heart, her baby as well as her husband, a landscaper.

A few years ago, Jose Delgado, a 72-year-old farm worker who also picks sweet potatoes, had a health episode in Homestead, Florida. During a hot day in May, his vision suddenly started to blur, and his muscles cramped. He had a throbbing headache.

OK, so, two people who work out in the hot sun in Florida. Did you know it gets hot and humid in Florida? Sounds like people should be drinking plenty of water and weren’t.

The climate continues to warm and the nation has been enduring record heat waves. People of color disproportionately suffer from excessive heat, and the health outcomes linked to it, experts say.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found Indigenous people had the highest rates of heat-related deaths, followed by Black people.

Researchers are finding that extreme heat and air pollution have major effects on cardiovascular health, and heat-related deaths and hospitalizations have been linked to cardiovascular disease.

If they can’t deal with a slight 1.5F increase in the average global temperature since 1850, there’s something else at play, and, instead of looking at the climate crisis scam, perhaps the time would be better spent figuring out why Native Americans and blacks have much worse heart health.

Black people are 30% more likely to die of heart disease than white people, according to the CDC. Hispanic people are more likely to have risk factors for heart disease such as obesity and diabetes than white people.

Similarly, Indigenous people are more likely to be obese and have high blood pressure, 50% more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease than white people.

So, maybe working in the summer heat isn’t the best thing for them, regardless of a slight warming. Heck, more soldiers died of heat stroke in the Battle Of Monmouth than wounds because of a heat wave, during the Little Ice Age.

These conditions, combined with lack of access to health care and other resources, put sufferers at higher risk of heat-related illness, Dr. Catherine Toms, a physician and committee member at the Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, said during an online seminar. Pregnant people like Gabriel are also at higher risk.

It’s always interesting that the climate cultists and Progressive movement in general always think that People of Color are too dumb and poor to get things like healthcare, and must be protected by the Helpful Hand Of Government.

A recent study published in Nature Communications found in major U.S. cities, the average person of color lives in a census tract with hotter temperature indicators than census tracts with mostly white people in almost all 175 of the “largest urbanized areas” in the country.

Well, that’s where Democrats want black people, stuck in urban plantations. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery and racism and all the other things, they just switched how they do it in the post-Civil Rights era, doing it while pretending to be benevolent.

Redlining generally refers to a discriminatory practice, often in housing, that denies services to residents of certain areas based on race or ethnicity. In more than 100 U.S. cities, redlined communities had hotter summer surface temperatures than non-redlined neighborhoods, according to an analysis published in Climate.

Are white climate cultists willing to switch places with the People of Color?

And, let’s be honest, this is the climate cult taking advantage of medical issues to push their cultish beliefs.

Read: Climate Change Is Bad For Heart Health Or Something »

NY Times: “Biden Promised To Follow The Science, But, Rather Lied”

Of course, being the NY Times, the writers have soft shoed their criticism, have mitigated it, have gone easy. Now, just image if they were writing this about Donald Trump: how harsh would they be? They sure wouldn’t be writing “he gets ahead of the science”, it would be “Trump is going against the science, putting Americans in danger” or something

Biden Promised to Follow the Science. But Sometimes, He Gets Ahead of the Experts.

As he announced on Friday that booster shots would be available to some Americans, President Biden made a prediction: His administration was likely to soon provide third doses of the vaccine “across the board” to anyone who wanted one.

“In the near term, we’re probably going to open this up,” he told reporters in remarks from the State Dining Room at the White House.

But that assessment — a politically popular one in a country where most people vaccinated against the coronavirus say they are eager for a booster — was the latest example of how Mr. Biden and some of his team have been ahead of the nation’s top public health scientists, who have emphatically said in recent days that there is simply not enough evidence to suggest that boosters are necessary for the entire American population.

Yeah, they’d be ripping Trump and his people for playing scientists.

In fact, two panels of scientists — one for the Food and Drug Administration and the other for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — voted in recent days against recommending boosters for everyone after fierce public debates streamed online.

The president’s Friday remarks were the second time in two months that he had suggested boosters would be available to everyone. And they were issued on the same day that Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the C.D.C. director and one of the president’s political appointees, came under fire for allowing boosters for a broader group of people than her agency’s own immunization panel recommended.

Taken together, the announcements by Mr. Biden and Dr. Walensky did not sit well with all of the scientists who advise them, raising questions about the president’s pledge to always “follow the science” as he fought the pandemic. While some of them credited the C.D.C. director for charting a course through uncertain waters, others warned that politics had intruded on scientific decisions — something that Mr. Biden had promised to avoid after the blatant pressures seen during the Trump administration.

Oh, Biden isn’t really doing the pressure thing, he’s just ignoring the the scientists and medical professionals

White House officials insist that the president is doing just that, and they dismiss criticism that his comments about the additional doses amount to undue pressure on the government’s public health experts. They say that the discussion about boosters was initiated by the government’s top doctors and that he made it clear from the beginning that any decision by the administration would be subject to independent review and approval.

Who? They didn’t really name them.

On Thursday, the panel voted to recommend boosters for older adults and those with underlying health issues. But it advised against allowing frontline workers like teachers and nurses who have already been vaccinated to get a booster shot.

In a decision announced early Friday morning, Dr. Walensky rejected that last recommendation and said that the C.D.C. would allow the frontline workers to receive boosters. In a briefing for reporters later on Friday, she defended the move, noting that the panel was sharply divided on the issue.

That’s a political decision. Why teachers? Those in retail interact with the public way more than teachers, who are typically around the same students every day. I received the email from the NC Health Dept last night about the booster, but, I am not eligible. Now, again, imagine this happening under Trump. The NY Times would sound more like Tucker Carlson….actually, they’d be a hell of a lot more critical. And the Times might have mentioned people resigning

Read More »

Read: NY Times: “Biden Promised To Follow The Science, But, Rather Lied” »

Insulate Britain Climate Cultists Glue Themselves To Petrol Trucks

Before it was Extinction Rebellion, now it’s Insulate Britain

Grant Shapps takes out a SECOND injunction against Insulate Britain mob as 39 are arrested after GLUING themselves to tankers carrying petrol at Dover port

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has taken out a second injunction against the Insulate Britain mob after 39 were arrested for gluing themselves to tankers carrying petrol at Dover port.

More than 40 protesters glued themselves to tankers and blocked the A20 road in Kent which provides access to the Port of Dover this morning – making a mockery of Priti Patel‘s injunction against them.

Kent Police made 39 arrests and the port was reopened just after 11am – though two protesters remain glued to a lorry afterwards and had to be taken down with a sling.

The group previously shut down parts of the M25 motorway around London five times in just over a week in a bid to force the Government to insulate and retrofit homes across the UK to cut climate emissions. (big snip)

One of the protesters on the tanker – 27-year-old Stephanie – said: ‘We do not want to be here. I want to be home with my family spending time with them but if we don’t do this they aren’t going to have a future.

‘The Government are not doing enough. On the current trajectory we are heading for chaos.’

The other protester sitting on the tanker, 28-year-old Josh, added: ‘We are here today to get the Government to insulate the houses of the UK. The reason being is because per-pound invested insulation is the fastest and cheapest way to reduce CO2.’

OK, why are you not paying to insulate your own home? Why is this government’s concern? These nuts do realize that they will be paying for it in taxes, right? Meanwhile, here are some other headlines

I wonder how many took a fossil fueled trip to the protests? Wasting the time of police who could be dealing with criminals, and then have to haul the idiots away in fossil fueled vehicles.

The should leave them glued and let the trucks drive off with them stuck to the top.

Read: Insulate Britain Climate Cultists Glue Themselves To Petrol Trucks »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow from Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on how Oregon’s doing with their mask mandate.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove