What’s The Chance Of Getting A Breakthrough COVID Infection?

You’ve done what you were supposed to do and got the COVID vaccination, for whatever reason. You may have wanted it (that’s me), you may not but done it anyway, could be force from your employers, whatever. What’s the chance of getting COVID?

One in 5,000: The Real Chances of a Breakthrough Infection

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a terrifying fact in July: Vaccinated people with the delta variant of the COVID virus carried roughly the same viral load in their noses and throats as unvaccinated people.

The news seemed to suggest that even the vaccinated were highly vulnerable to getting infected and passing the virus to others. Sure enough, stories about vaccinated people getting COVID — so-called breakthrough infections — were all around this summer: at a party in Provincetown, Massachusetts; among the Chicago Cubs; on Capitol Hill. Delta seemed as if it might be changing everything.

In recent weeks, however, more data has become available, and it suggests that the true picture is less alarming. Yes, delta has increased the chances of getting COVID for almost everyone. But if you’re vaccinated, a COVID infection is still uncommon, and those high viral loads are not as worrisome as they initially sounded.

How small are the chances of the average vaccinated American contracting COVID? Probably about 1 in 5,000 per day, and even lower for people who take precautions or live in a highly vaccinated community. (snip)

The chances are surely higher in the places with the worst COVID outbreaks, like the Southeast. And in places with many fewer cases — like the Northeast, as well as the Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco areas — the chances are lower, probably less than 1 in 10,000. That’s what the Seattle data show, for example. (These numbers don’t include undiagnosed cases, which are often so mild that people do not notice them and do not pass the virus to anyone else.)

Here’s one way to think about a 1-in-10,000 daily chance: It would take more than three months for the combined risk to reach just 1%.

I live in an area that is highly vaccinated. I take lots of precautions still, like stepping back and washing the heck out of my hands (which I’ve always done.) No shaking hands (I’ve always hated that, I see what people do with their hands). So why do I have to mask up? Besides cloth masks making almost no difference, the area is highly vaccinated. And we’re seeing the same in many Democrat run areas, where some are even pushing masks outdoors. It’s almost like this is more about politics than science. If the unvaccinated want to take their changes, let them. Let the rest of us take our chance at 1 in 10K.

I will confess to one bit of hesitation about walking you through the data on breakthrough infections: It’s not clear how much we should be worrying about them. For the vaccinated, COVID resembles the flu and usually a mild one. Society does not grind to a halt over the flu. (snip)

But at least one part of the American anxiety does seem to have become disconnected from the facts in recent weeks: the effectiveness of the vaccines. In a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, nearly half of adults judged their “risk of getting sick from the coronavirus” as either moderate or high — even though 75% of adults have received at least one shot.

In reality, the risks of getting any version of the virus remain small for the vaccinated, and the risks of getting badly sick remain minuscule.

Exactly, so how about f’ing off with your restrictions? The problem is that a lot of businesses will Comply with government mandates. Some don’t, like my gym.

Read: What’s The Chance Of Getting A Breakthrough COVID Infection? »

Climahysteric Medical Journals Warn Of Catastrophic Harm To Health From ‘Climate Change’

Another day, another prognostication of Doom from the Cult of Climastrology

Medical journals warn climate change will cause ‘catastrophic harm to health’

More than 200 of the world’s leading health journals banded together over the weekend to release a joint statement imploring global leaders to cut greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change, which they say is the greatest threat to public health.

Published Saturday in the Lancet, the British Medical Journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Medical Journal of Australia, the Chinese Science Bulletin and the National Medical Journal of India, among other publications, the statement warns that the continued buildup of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere will lead to “catastrophic harm to health that will be impossible to reverse.”

“Health is already being harmed by global temperature increases and the destruction of the natural world, a state of affairs health professionals have been bringing attention to for decades,” the joint statement reads. “The science is unequivocal: a global increase of 1.5° C above the pre-industrial average and the continued loss of biodiversity risk catastrophic harm to health that will be impossible to reverse. Despite the world’s necessary preoccupation with Covid-19, we cannot wait for the pandemic to pass to rapidly reduce emissions.”

Well, have at it. All you Warmists who believe in this can easily do a lot of things to reduce your own carbon footprints. Funny that the statement fails to show that Mankind is mostly/solely responsible for the current Holocene warm period, fails to mention how the members have reduced their own carbon footprints, nor mentioned the benefits of a warmer climate than a cooling one. Mankind has never progressed as fast as during the current warm period, and has tended to do much better during the warm ones than the cool ones.

The joint statement comes a little over a month before the representatives of world governments are scheduled to converge in Glasgow, Scotland, for the United Nations climate summit known as COP26.

“Ahead of these pivotal meetings, we — the editors of health journals worldwide — call for urgent action to keep average global temperature increases below 1.5° C, halt the destruction of nature, and protect health,” the joint statement says.

In other words, they want Government to force compliance on citizens. I wonder how surprised they’ll be when the government restrictions hit their own lives?

Global average surface temperatures have risen by 1.2 degrees Celsius since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. If no further action is taken to curb greenhouse gas emissions, temperatures are predicted to rise by as much as 3.1 degrees Celsius by the year 2100.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

As the new statement from the health journals attests, for those in the medical profession the effects of climate change are being felt today and show the urgent need to prevent further warming.

“Health professionals have been on the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis and they are united in warning that going above 1.5C and allowing the continued destruction of nature will bring the next, far deadlier crisis,” Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of the British Medical Journal, said in a statement. “Wealthier nations must act faster and do more to support those countries already suffering under higher temperatures. 2021 has to be the year the world changes course — our health depends on it.”

More bull cookies. Also, these 1st World warmists thinking that 3rd world nations full of black and brown people cannot take care of themselves without the helpful hand of government. Rather racist thinking.

Read: Climahysteric Medical Journals Warn Of Catastrophic Harm To Health From ‘Climate Change’ »

Bummer: Surrender Joe’s Two Mistakes Ruined His Summer

I’m not sure that Biden is cognizant that it is summer, except for the brief times they feed him ice cream

The two mistakes that ruined Biden’s summer

Biden Brain SuckerThe disappointing employment figures that arrived last Friday were in some ways a symbolic capstone to a summer of disappointments for President Biden, most notable among them the force with which the Delta variant swept across the nation and the speed with which the Taliban swept across Afghanistan as U.S. forces withdrew.

Biden’s apparent miscalculations on the coronavirus and the Taliban have hurt his standing with the American public, sapping his administration of the upbeat, can-do spirit it had been hoping to carry into the fall.

“Biden’s Cruel Summer,” blared one recent headline. A “summer of freedom” from the coronavirus and a tidy conclusion to the war in Afghanistan never came to pass, and though it is debatable how much blame the White House deserves, there is little debate about where ordinary people place responsibility. For the first time since Biden assumed office, fewer Americans approve of the president than disapprove.

Miscalculation? How about total f***up, at least when it comes to Afghanistan, where Americans are still stuck? How about leaving Afghans who helped the U.S. in Afghanistan while bringing in ones who were completely unvetted? As for COVID, he promised to end it, but, what has he done? And, no, it is not debatable that Joe Biden gets the blame for Afghanistan, he’s the president. Any plan he approved. The buck stops at Joe’s desk napping lounger. But, how dare you ordinary people blame Joe!

And, as pollster Frank Luntz warned, “Biden’s polling numbers are not done falling.”

The president, his top advisers and outside supporters believe that refocusing on the economy will not only lift the president’s standing but resound in real ways with real people. “He came into office wanting to show people that government could work for them again,” a senior administration official, who asked not be named, told Yahoo News.

He’s going to focus on spending a lot of money on unnecessary things while raising the cost of living and forcing people to spend money they don’t have on things like solar panels, refitting their homes, and electric vehicles. It’ll be the same playbook as Obama. Sure, he was playing the guitar, but, it was the difference between a couple hundred dollar Squier Stratocaster and a $1400 Fender version. If you aren’t familiar, they both play music, and you can put the same strings on them. The wood may be the same. But, the tuners are better on the Fender, as are the frets, the pickups, the electronics, better care in crafting the fretboard, and more, making the Fender sound better with no buzz, being a faster playing guitar.

“The public always believes that Presidents can control more than they can and sometimes punish them for things they can’t control,” wrote Dan Pfeiffer, who served as a top adviser to Biden’s former boss Barack Obama, in an email to Yahoo News. “The good news for the Biden White House is that they have a huge opportunity to reclaim the narrative and assuage any concerns by passing their hugely popular economic agenda later this month.”

Oh, suddenly we’re back to “why blame Joe for things he can’t control” when Trump was blamed for everything.

Already, public approval of Biden’s pandemic response has dropped 10 percentage points since late June. Even though the Delta surge appears to have peaked, new variants are on the way. As in the earliest days of the pandemic, Americans are stockpiling toilet paper in fear of looming shortages.

The guy looks out of it. His COVID speech which will now be some time this week (maybe) will most likely be more of the same of a guy half awake barely able to read his teleprompter.

On July 4, the White House had a party on the South Lawn. Some had advised against the affair, since the coronavirus pandemic was not over. Having hundreds of people gathering in the presidential backyard for burgers and blues music might make it seem like it was. (snip)

“We’ve gained the upper hand against this virus,” he added a few moments later. The pandemic, he said, “no longer controls our lives.” Then music began to play and the party began.

Four days later, Biden made another promise, this one on a very different topic. Trump had made an agreement with the Taliban in 2020 to pull U.S. military forces out of Afghanistan by 2021; but Biden, a longtime critic of the conflict, not only embraced that goal but accelerated the timeline. Now he was defending that decision, vowing that when the last American troops left, the government of Ashraf Ghani would assert his rule, with the help of the U.S.-trained Afghan National Army.

Just two mistakes, why are you mean people blaming him?

Read: Bummer: Surrender Joe’s Two Mistakes Ruined His Summer »

Who’s Ready To Piss Off Your Relatives With COVID Talk On Thanksgiving?

Seriously, the moonbat CJWs (COVID Justice Warriors) couldn’t even wait till November for this (via Dana Pico)

That should go well with the conversation with the Republican uncle, right? They can’t whine about Trump, but, here’s just one of the gems

Let’s assume your uncle brings up your political views right off the bat. “Hey [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE], you still a know-nothing Democrat?” he might say. Rather than informing him of the dehumanizing and corrupt nature of the current administration, try changing the narrative using your inside voice. You could say, “Yes, I do believe in quality universal healthcare, equal rights, good neighborhood public schools, tuition-free college, and a fair shot for all. I also believe we could enjoy our cranberry sauce and talk instead about all these Texas cold fronts.”

This could go one of two ways: 1. Your uncle could agree and tell you about some weird weather-related story, like the time his rottweiler chewed holes in his Carhartt jacket, or 2. Your uncle could begin denying climate science.

In the second scenario, if you choose to engage, you could tell your Republican relative that climate change threatens our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures. Dear uncle, Texans deserve real solutions to environmental challenges facing us in the 21st century, not fear-mongering and fake science.

And now we have vaccination. Sigh.

Read: Who’s Ready To Piss Off Your Relatives With COVID Talk On Thanksgiving? »

Climate Cult Groups Call For Postponing Climate Scam Conference

The groups are being called “environmental groups”, but, they have little to do with the environment, and everything to do with a doomsday cult scam

Environmental groups call for postponement of climate talks

A coalition of environmental groups on Tuesday called for this year’s climate summit to be postponed, arguing that too little has been done to ensure the safety of participants amid the continuing threat from COVID-19.

The Climate Action Network, which includes more than 1,500 organizations in 130 countries, said there is a risk that many government delegates, civil society campaigners and journalists from developing countries may be unable to attend because of travel restrictions. The U.N. climate conference, known as COP26, is scheduled for early November in Glasgow, Scotland.

“Our concern is that those countries most deeply affected by the climate crisis and those countries suffering from the lack of support by rich nations in providing vaccines will be left out of the talks and conspicuous in their absence at COP26,’’ said Tasneem Essop, the network’s executive director. “There has always been an inherent power imbalance within the U.N. climate talks and this is now compounded by the health crisis.’’

Oh, I thought it would be about concerns about 10,000+ people taking fossil fueled trips to Scotland, eating meat, using lots of electricity when they can do this all virtually. I guess not. They’re going all COVID SJW. And they pretty much continue their belief that people of color cannot do anything without the helpful hand of government.

The British government, which is hosting the event, quickly rejected calls for postponement, saying a recent scientific report shows the urgency for leaders to tackle the issue without further delay.

COP26 President-Designate Alok Sharma said the conference had already been delayed a year because of the pandemic, but “climate change has not taken time off.’’

Read: Climate Cult Groups Call For Postponing Climate Scam Conference »

If All You See…

…are horrible bricks laid with terrible concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on not being able to get rid of Afghan refuges who fail vetting.

Read: If All You See… »

Abortionistas Pushing For National “Right To Choose” Law

I think this is a fantastic idea. They should push this, and debate it in Congress. It would be an eye opener for the casual voter who’ll see that the killing of unborn children, especially black children, is the number one belief of the Democratic party. That nothing matters more to Democrats

It’s Time to Enshrine in Law Women’s Right to Choose

Texas has passed the most draconian anti-women’s rights law in the country and the Supreme Court has chosen to let it go into effect by deciding not to stop it. In doing so, the court has vindicated the hair-on-fire concerns that many Americans had when ultra-conservatives Amy Comey Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neal Gorsuch were confirmed as justices.

Women’s rights? How about the rights of the unborn, conceived because mom and dad had irresponsible sex? The same people who say women should be able to abort a human being are demanding that everyone be vaccinated be force, as well as giving up their freedoms and choices to government.

The furious and passionate dissents by the court’s three liberals — and even Chief Justice John Roberts’ dissent, though not as fervent — should be flares burning bright on the political horizon for the 2022 midterm elections.

But the dissenting justices also put in stark relief what is at stake in the upcoming midterms – the fundamental right of women to decide what happens to their bodies. It is time for Democrats to pull out all the political stops. We need to codify the rights women have under Roe v. Wade by passing the Women’s Health Protection Act. If Republicans refuse to join Democrats to pass it, then we take our argument straight to the American people in the 2022 elections. And I say: Bring. It. On.

Nearly two-thirds of the American people oppose overturning Roe v. Wade. By similar margins, a majority of Americans support keeping abortion legal in all or most cases. President Biden excoriated the extreme law, saying it “unleashes unconstitutional chaos” against women. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also blasted it and vowed to bring legislation that protected women’s health care rights to a floor vote as soon as the House is back in session.

Definitely. Bring it on. I don’t think the resulting debate on killing off the unborn will go the way they think it will, regardless of polls. Belief in Roe v Wade doesn’t mean that Americans approve of all facets of abortion, such as late term, which is almost always done for convenience, not health. Most European nations restrict abortion to 15 weeks. They also have serious rules about the cleanliness of the abortion facilities, unlike the way Democrats treat them, which have fewer rules than a pizza shop.

Let’s have a conversation about Democrats wanting children to be able to get abortions with zero parental notification. Allowing minors to be taken across state lines by unrelated people to get an abortion. Let’s discuss Democrats wanting to use abortion as birth control.

Democrats must start pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of Republican leaders like Gov. Greg Abbott, who on one side of his mouth yelps about the importance of individual freedom and how the government has no right to tell anyone to wear a mask or get a vaccine, but on the other side he signs a cruel and abusive law that will roll back women’s rights in Texas more than a half-century.

Individual freedom is killing the unborn? That might not pan out so well, since the Constitution and Bill of Rights makes no distinction between the born and unborn, and the people thrilled to kill the unborn might just get a ruling they do not like. As you would expect, the rest of the piece is unhinged in only the way that abortion believers can be. But, yeah, go for it. The blowout in favor of Republicans in 2022 will be interesting to watch.

Read: Abortionistas Pushing For National “Right To Choose” Law »

Surrender Joe May Bring Up Climate Doom While Touring Ida Ravaged Northeast

There’s probably a better chance that he’ll bring up his dead son Beau and get some ice cream than get a lucid discussion of ‘climate change’, which even Warmists probably do not want to hear. They will want to know about aid for getting nailed with a post-tropical storm, not how the government will tax them, raise their cost of living, and restrict their freedom and choice

Biden May Bring Up Climate Change When He Tours Ida Damage In The Northeast

President Biden on Tuesday will survey damage from the remnants of Hurricane Ida in New York and New Jersey, which killed more than 40 people. The visit comes after a few tumultuous weeks for Biden.

The piece is an NPR 3 minute listen, if you want to hit the link. It boils down to Joe wandering around, getting lost, sounding like he’s barely awake, barely lucid, and discussing his “infrastructure” plan. Because other Democrats are pushing this

Ida Damage Shows Need for Infrastructure Funding, Lawmakers Agree, But Divides Persist on Bills

Shaken by haunting images of surging rivers, flooded roads and subways and other damage caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida, lawmakers from both parties are vowing to upgrade the nation’s aging infrastructure network.

As the deadly storm moved from the Gulf Coast through the Northeast, members of Congress said the deluge offered irrefutable evidence that power lines, roads, bridges and other infrastructure are deteriorating even as storms and other extreme weather are strengthening.

“Global warming is upon us,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. “When you get two record rainfalls in a week (in New York City), it’s not just coincidence. When you get all the changes that we have seen in weather, that’s not a coincidence. … It’s going to get worse and worse and worse, unless we do something about it.”

Schumer and other lawmakers said the catastrophe is the latest example of why the nation needs the nearly trillion-dollar infrastructure bill passed by the Senate last month. He and other Democrats also are calling for passage of President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion, partisan rebuilding plan aimed at helping families and combating climate change.

Using a tragedy to push the beliefs of a doomsday cult, while refusing to make changes in their own lives that match their cult beliefs.

Biden made a pitch Friday for the bipartisan bill, saying it “is going to change things on our streets across the country.” He cited the bill’s “historic investment” in roads, rail and bridges, as well as clean energy, clean water and universal broadband.

“It’s about resilience,” Biden said. “Make our roads and highways safer. Make us more resilient to the kinds of devastating impacts from extreme weather we’re seeing in so many parts of the country.”

The plan includes $110 billion to build and repair roads and bridges and $66 billion to upgrade railroads. It also includes about $60 billion to upgrade the electric grid and build thousands of miles of transmission lines to expand use of renewable energy and nearly $47 billion to adapt and rebuild roads, ports and bridges to help withstand damage from stronger storms as well as wildfires and drought.

Strangely, the infrastructure bill only spends less than a quarter of the cost on infrastructure.

Read: Surrender Joe May Bring Up Climate Doom While Touring Ida Ravaged Northeast »

Teachers Are Living In An “Emotional Hellscape” From Unmasked Students Or Something

This is the NY Times lead story of the day. Not Americans being stuck in the hellscape from Surrender Joe’s ill-planned Afghanistan adventure, or what’s going on with people post-Ida. Or kids having to wear masks that have almost no decrease in the chance of getting COVID (FYI, the single page headline is different from the front page, reading The Masked Professor vs. the Unmasked Student)

‘An Emotional Hellscape’: Frayed Nerves for the Teachers of Unmasked Students

Matthew Boedy, an associate professor of rhetoric and composition, sent out a raw emotional appeal to his students at the University of North Georgia just before classes began: The Covid-19 Delta variant was rampaging through the state, filling up hospital beds. He would teach class in the equivalent of full body armor — vaccinated and masked.

So he was stunned in late August when more than two-thirds of the first-year students in his writing class did not take the hint and showed up unmasked.

It was impossible to tell who was vaccinated and who was not. “It isn’t a visual hellscape, like hospitals, it’s more of an emotional hellscape,” Dr. Boedy said.

North Georgia is not requiring its students to be vaccinated or masked this fall. And as in-person classes return at almost every university in the country, after almost a year and a half of emergency pivoting to online learning, many professors are finding teaching a nerve-racking experience.

What’s he worried about? The main purpose of being masked is so that you don’t get COVID, right? That’s why so many wear them when in their own cars alone and outside. Sure, The Experts! say that they help stop the spread, but, they say to wear them so you don’t get it. Even though lots of people get it when everyone is wearing a mask. Oh, wait, we aren’t supposed to say that.

Certainly, some professors are happy to go maskless. A smattering have resigned in protest over optional mask policies. Most, like Dr. Boedy, are soldiering on. But the level of fear is so high that even at universities that do require vaccination and masks, like Cornell and the University of Michigan, professors have signed petitions asking for the choice to return to online teaching.

“Morale is at an all-time low,” warns a petition at the University of Iowa.

What about the morale of the students, who pay lots of money to attend class in person, rather than what has shown to be not very good learning on-line. Some colleges do a great job with this, because they set it up this way. You see their ads on TV all the time. Traditional colleges don’t. And still want to charge full boat for the classes. Including ones that require hands on learning, like scientific laboratories. Can’t do that at home.

Dr. Atzmon helped organize a petition asking the university to be more open to online teaching. It was signed by more than 700 faculty members and instructors.

In a response to the petition, Michigan’s president, Mark Schlissel, said on Thursday that, given the “stellar” rate of vaccination at the Ann Arbor campus (92 percent for students, 90 percent for faculty), the classroom was “perhaps the safest place to be” on campus.

So, wait, even though 92% of students are vaxxed, these weenie teachers want to go back to on-line, because some aren’t wearing masks? What was the point of getting vaxxed, then? Goal post shifting.

A few have sacrificed their jobs. Cody Luedtke, a biology instructor and lab coordinator at Perimeter College, part of Georgia State University, said she cried at the thought of teaching in a classroom where masks were not required.

When she refused to teach, she was fired, she said. “I just couldn’t perform a job duty that went against my morals and my desire to protect my students and the broader community,” she said.

There are multiple stories of teacher’s losing their sh*t and quitting/being fired in the piece. Oh, well, suck it up. A lot of people had to actually go to work during the height of the China created pandemic.


There’s so many it’s hard to know where to stop.

Read: Teachers Are Living In An “Emotional Hellscape” From Unmasked Students Or Something »

NC Bans “Carolina Squat” Trucks, Which Are Popular Or Something

Not quite sure whom they are popular with, except the owners

NC Gov. Cooper signs bill banning popular ‘Carolina Squat’ modification to pickup trucks

Among a list of 11 North Carolina bills Gov. Roy Cooper signed into law last week was one generically called “Restrict Certain Vehicle Modifications.”

The inconspicuous new law, also called House Bill 692, will essentially do away with a polarizing (and some say dangerous) height adjustment of pickup trucks called the “Carolina Squat.”

The squat is much like its name — the back of a pickup truck is lowered or kept the same and the height of the front of the truck is raised. That makes a truck appear as if it is “squatting.”

Pooping trucks? Potty squaties?

Some say this is dangerous because the driver is positioned well above the front of the truck with a view obstructed by the angle of the vehicle. The driver is not able to see down the road or cars just in front of their truck, critics of the design say.

The new bill outlawing the modifications goes into effect on Dec. 1.

There are other concerns, with some mechanics saying that these changes could effect the odometer, causing it to read lower than it should. Which is also illegal under state law, but, yeah, it’s very hard to see out of them as the hood rises higher than intended, putting other motorists, bikers, motorcycles, and pedestrians at risk. Some are more extreme than others. They all look silly, but, hey, your vehicle. You could have spent the money on a higher trim. Your money. Also your license.

And the penalty? A one year revocation of a license, which, seems a bit extreme, in my opinion. Even failing to stop for a stopped school bus only gets you points and a $500 fine. Do it twice in three years and you get a 1 year suspension.

As for popular? 70,000 signed a petition to ban them. I’m all for doing stupid things to your vehicle, but, if you’re making it more dangerous, well, driving is not a right.

Read: NC Bans “Carolina Squat” Trucks, Which Are Popular Or Something »

Pirate's Cove