Surrender Joe Admin Suspends Use Of Horses At Border

First they suspended the Border Patrol agents pending investigation of….actually doing nothing, because it wasn’t whips in the photo, it was the reigns of the horse. Now

The Biden Administration Will No Longer Use Horses At A Texas Border Crossing

spite houseThe Biden administration has suspended the use of horse patrols at the U.S.-Mexico border crossing in Del Rio, Texas, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced Thursday.

Images began circulating earlier in the week of Border Patrol agents on horseback corralling a group of mostly Haitian migrants at a makeshift camp along the banks of the Rio Grande. Officials said some agents used horse reins during the clashes, which were mistaken for whips.

Photos and video from the scene drew widespread condemnation from some Democrats and civil rights groups — as well as top officials in the Biden administration. (snip)

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas informed civil rights leaders Thursday morning of the decision to suspend the use of horse patrols in Del Rio, Psaki added.

This just makes it harder for the Border Patrol to do their job, but, then, that’s what the Dementia Joe admin wants, things to be harder and more illegals to stream across the border. It’s a lot harder, and more dangerous, for the agents to do this on foot. Using motorcycles and ATVs is an option, but, still not as easy. This simply puts the agents at risk from assault by the illegals, so, they’ll probably just not get involved.

Many, including Republicans, have said that what’s happening at the border is just mismanagement by the Biden admin. No, it is intentional

Biden’s Failure at Del Rio

A crisis is a terrible thing to create.

The incredible scenes in Del Rio, Texas, over the last week of the formation of an instant migrant encampment of 15,000 people on U.S. soil are a direct result of the Biden administration’s feckless policies at the border.

The administration and its apologists blame the spread of bad information for the decision of Haiti migrants to travel en masse to Del Rio, but it was really the spread of good information — the presumption that they could make it into the U.S. and some significant number of them would be allowed to stay.

This is exactly what’s happening, despite attempts by the administration at misdirection.

The headline is wrong. This is not a failure. This is what the Biden admin wants. That they are making happen. Taking away the horses will make the border less secure.

Read: Surrender Joe Admin Suspends Use Of Horses At Border »

It’s Friday, And That Once Again Means “Youths” Marching For Climate Crisis (scam) Action

It really is fantastic. Mom or dad will drive them to the protest areas in fossil fueled vehicles. They’ll have their consumerism, expensive, weird coffee drinks in plastic cups. They’ll be taking lots of selfies and videos with their smarphones, which use lots of energy and require heavy mining of the precious metals. Which will be disposed of in two years or less. Few of them will take any action in their own lives, they just want government to take their money, freedom, and choices away

World’s youth return to the streets to fight climate change

Young people around the world began taking to the streets on Friday to demand urgent action to avert disastrous climate change, in their largest protest since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The strike takes place five weeks before the U.N. COP26 summit, which aims to secure more ambitious climate action from world leaders to drastically cut the greenhouse gas emissions heating the planet.

“Everyone is talking about making promises, but nobody keeps their promise. We want more action,” said Farzana Faruk Jhumu, 22, a youth climate activist in Dhaka, Bangladesh. “We want the work, not just the promises.”

Demonstrations kicked off in Asia and were planned in more than 1,500 locations, according to youth movement Fridays for Future. In Germany alone, organisers expected hundreds of thousands to attend more than 400 protests. (big snip)

Friday’s strike marks the in-person return of the youth climate protests that in 2019 drew more than six million people onto the streets, before the COVID-19 pandemic largely halted the mass gatherings and pushed much of the action online.

Yusuf Baluch, 17, a youth activist in the Pakistani province of Balochistan, said the return to in-person events was vital to force leaders to tackle the planetary crisis.

This is what brainwashing by a cult looks like. Did you ever go to your parents and say “I want you to put more restrictions on my life?” Go to your boss and say “I want more work and longer hours for the same or less pay”? Tell the store that they shouldn’t sell you products? Go to your local city council representative and tell them the city should tax you more? That’s what these kids are doing, they just do no know it. They think they’re agitating for Government to slap restrictions on Other People, on That Guy, on Someone Else, but, that’s not how it works in Real Life. The kiddies will be the ones who pay the price. Slap carbon taxes on companies? Consumers will pay. Increase the cost of energy by doing away with reliable energy (if the climate cult was smart they’d be pushing nuclear power plants)? The kiddies pay. They’re just too brainwashed and indoctrinated to understand.

Read: It’s Friday, And That Once Again Means “Youths” Marching For Climate Crisis (scam) Action »

House Democrats Plan Vote Protecting Abortion On Demand

No matter what the polls say, having the Democrat controlled House focus on federal plans to keep abortion on demand legal, easy to obtain, and with no restrictions might not play well with voters, especially with the economy (and Joe’s approval rating) in free fall

With Roe Under Threat, House Plans to Vote on Bill to Counter Abortion Curbs

House Democrats plan on Friday to push through broad legislation to uphold abortion rights, taking urgent action after a major Supreme Court setback as they brace for a ruling next year that could further roll back access to abortion nationwide.

The House vote will be largely symbolic given that the bill, the Women’s Health Protection Act, has little chance of advancing because of Republican opposition in the Senate. But House Democrats’ decision to consider it reflects their view that the issue could resonate strongly in the midterm elections next year, particularly if female voters see the Supreme Court action as a threat to rights that many believed had been long settled.

Democrats moved swiftly to schedule action on the measure after the court refused this month to block a Texas law that prohibits most abortions after six weeks of gestation. It would guarantee the right to abortion through federal law, preempting hundreds of state laws governing the procedure around the country. Democrats argue that it would codify Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a constitutional right to abortion.

But, even if they could get it to pass, would it survive the numerous court challenges, since the Constitution does not specifically give the federal government the power to regulate abortion, meaning the 10th Amendment comes into play. There is, though, little chance that the infanticide bill would be brought up in the Senate, as all Republicans would vote no, and there are several Democrats who would vote no.

The Democrats’ strong push for the abortion rights measure reflects a changing political dynamic in the party. In the past, Democratic leaders were reluctant to emphasize measures such as the women’s health bill for fear of putting centrists in swing districts in a tough position and potentially alienating voters.

But as the ranks of centrist Democrats have shrunk, so have the numbers of lawmakers in the party who oppose abortion rights. Chu said she had found that her colleagues from competitive districts had been eager to sign onto the measure.

As the unhinged, hardcore Leftists have become dominant they are willing to push for more and more extreme stuff.

(Heritage) Supporters’ claims that the bill would simply “codify Roe v. Wade” are misleading and inaccurate. The bill would effectively repeal existing state laws, expressly prohibit future laws that regulate abortion and the abortion industry, and place at risk long-standing federal policies that reflect more than 40 years of bipartisan consensus. Since 1973, states have enacted more than 1,300 life-affirming policies—more than 500 in the past decade alone.

These laws have been enacted by policymakers duly elected by their constituents, and some have been litigated all the way to the Supreme Court and deemed constitutional. The WHPA simply ignores numerous long-standing laws protecting critical interests such as “protecting the integrity and ethics of the medical profession” and “regulating the medical profession in order to promote respect for life, including life of the unborn.”

The bill prohibits government entities from imposing any limitation or requirement that “expressly, effectively, implicitly, or as implemented singles out” and “impedes access to” abortion. The bill does not define what it means to “single out” abortion. The bill provides narrow exceptions if a requirement “significantly advances the safety of abortion services or the health of patients” and such safety “cannot be advanced by a less restrictive alternative measure.” However, the factors “a court may consider” in deciding whether a requirement “impedes access to abortion” include overly broad examples such as whether the limitation or requirement “interferes” with an abortion provider’s ability to perform an abortion and whether the limitation or requirement is “reasonably likely to directly or indirectly increase the cost of providing…or obtaining abortion services (including costs associated with travel, childcare, or time off work.)”

In other words, there would be no state policies allowed, including the regulation of abortion facilities, such as inspection and treating them the same as other medical facilities. It would disallow restrictions on abortion for sex, race, and diagnosis of abnormality, any sort of eugenics.

It would also prevent states from enacting policies that protect children after they can survive outside the womb—something that more than half of the states currently address. The bill disallows post-viability abortion restrictions if the abortion provider believes that continuing the pregnancy would “pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.” The term “health” is never defined in the bill and has been considered elsewhere, in courts and in states, to include factors like emotional health, age, and financial health.

So, let them die if born. As for health, the abortion fetishists believe it’s health when the woman just no longer cares and changes her mind.

It would also mostly do away with all religious objections, which could kill the bill if had any chance of passing the Senate. Too bad the House can’t be sued, since the 1st Amendment says “Congress shall pass no law…” in regards to religion. And this “women’s health” bill would essentially create taxpayer funded abortions for those who were too irresponsible to use birth control.

So, yeah, go ahead and pass it, show America just how extreme you are. Of course, if I’m being honest, the elected Republicans will mostly fail to take advantage of this during election season.

Read: House Democrats Plan Vote Protecting Abortion On Demand »

Climate Crisis Scam Today: Boris Johnson, China Joe Make Pronouncements

Let start out with a bit of Mask Theater

See, it’s all about the science

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the world needs to ‘grow up’ and deal with climate change

climate cowHumanity needs to “grow up” and deal with the issue of climate change, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday.

Johnson, a last-minute addition to the speakers’ list that day, slammed the world’s inadequate response to the climate crisis and urged humanity to “listen to the warnings of the scientists,” pointing to the Covid-19 pandemic as “an example of gloomy scientists being proved right.”

“We still cling with parts of our minds to the infantile belief that the world was made for our gratification and pleasure,” he said. “And we combine this narcissism with an assumption of our own immortality.”

“We believe that someone else will clear up the mess, because that is what someone else has always done,” he added. “We trash our habitats, again and again, with the inductive reasoning that we’ve gotten away with it so far, and therefore, we’ll get away with it again.

“My friends, the adolescence of humanity is coming to an end and must come to an end.”

Well, now, that’s all very interesting, since Johnson tool a fossil fueled flight across the Atlantic, and surely on a private jet. Then took a quick flight down to D.C. for his little meeting with Surrender Joe. And, supposedly, their science tells us that Masks Work, yet, here were two fully vaccinated men sitting apart with masks on, then taking them off to get close together for a photo-op.

Biden finalizes move to phase out potent greenhouse gas used in refrigeration

The Environmental Protection Agency has finalized the first major step taken under President Joe Biden to curb climate change, releasing new regulations to phase down the use of a potent greenhouse gas used in refrigeration.

The EPA had announced in May it was beginning the rule-making process to restrict the use and production of hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs.

Critics have charged that the restrictions will hurt consumers whose air conditioners and refrigerators run on the affordable refrigerant.

But McCarthy called the change a “huge opportunity for American industries,” because the U.S. is already a leader in HFC alternatives.

It should be noted, yet again, that there are no true, viable alternatives to HFCs at this time, at least those that aren’t a lot more expensive, which would mean the cost of refrigerators and air conditioning would skyrocket. Vehicle and home costs would skyrocket. The alternatives are up to ten times the cost. And, good news, so would heating, fire extinguishers, fire suppression systems, and many other products. And the replacements for HFCs tend to be extremely flammable! Hooray!

The Rich Elites do not care, because they have the money to afford this.

Read: Climate Crisis Scam Today: Boris Johnson, China Joe Make Pronouncements »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea meeting a land turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on the nature of government being force.

Read: If All You See… »

BLM Claims Vaccine Mandates As Racist

Have you noticed that the Credentialed Media talking point about all the vaccine hesitant people being Trump voters has quietly diminished as of late? Perhaps they finally noticed that blacks and Latinos have a high vaccine hesitancy rate. And now

Black Lives Matter of Greater New York leader blasts vaccine mandates as racist and disrespectful

Black Lives Matter activists have turned on New York City’s leadership over what they claim are racist COVID-19 vaccine requirements.

Mayor Bill De Blasio has aggressively pushed a “vaccine passport” system that bars entry to restaurants, gyms, and other public places without proof of COVID-19 inoculation. But with black residents lagging the overall population in vaccinations, the rules are disproportionately affecting a minority group usually in step with Democratic policies. The schism came to a head on Monday, when Black Lives Matter of Greater New York launched a protest outside a restaurant where enforcement of the policy sparked a melee.

Hawk Newsome is a black activist and co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York — one of the many prominent Black Lives Matter organizations outside the hierarchy of the Black Lives Matter Global Network. He founded the group with his sister, Chivona Newsome. Both siblings spoke at the Monday protest, where Hawk accused the city of using vaccination requirements to run cover for its “racist ways” and “discrimination.”

Newsome spoke with the Washington Examiner about the difficulties vaccine-hesitant blacks are facing in the era of medical passports.

“We are not anti-vaxxers. Some of us are vaccinated,” Newsome said of his group. “It’s an individual’s choice. No one should be forced to put something in their body.”

OK, really, the requirements are not racist, but, they are disrespectful. How could they be racist when they apply to everyone? Well, unless you’re an Elite and attending the Met Gala with no mask on. Hawk is correct that it is an individual’s choice. But, this does go to show that hardcore groups like BLM will deem everything raaaaacist. That said, is Hawk and BLM NY calling the Democrats who run the city and all the white Democrats who are enthused about all the requirements racists?

Newsome, a Baptist, said that what infuriates him the most is the lack of accommodations for an individual’s spiritual objections to the vaccine.

“How dare they remove religious exemptions? It’s the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen,” Newsome said. “Now the government has decided your God doesn’t matter? I love God.”

It’s an interesting quandry for the Democrat powers that be: BLM is saying the same thing as so many Trump voters (and quite a few Biden voters), but, now they’re calling this racism and disrespect. The Democrat powers that be will probably just ignore BLM, as will most of the media.

‘Would you like Pfizer with that?’ New Zealanders could get Covid jab with fast-food fix

New Zealanders looking to get a fast-food fix could soon be asked if they would like a vaccine with their meal. The country is aiming to vaccinate at least 90% of its population and the government is now in talks with fast-food giant KFC to help reach that goal.(big snip)

So far, 72% of the eligible population in New Zealand has been vaccinated with one dose. Just over 38% of the eligible population has been fully vaccinated.

Will this really make a difference? How many will really say “well, OK”? Also, for all the talk about New Zealand being a model in crushing COVID with their extreme lockdowns, Kiwis sure don’t seem all that interested in getting vaccinated. Will that 72% get the second shot?

Read: BLM Claims Vaccine Mandates As Racist »

Climate Envoy John Kerry Says China’s Human Rights Abuses Comes After Protecting The Planet

The planet will do fine. It’s survived multiple warm and cool periods in the Holocene alone, including warm periods that are warmer than today. In real ecological terms, Mankind has done some bad things, and while, most particularly in the 1st World, we’ve done a much better job at being good stewards, this has nothing to do with anthropogenic climate change. They are two separate issues. But, the doomsday climate cult cares more about the climate crisis scam than the rights of humans

Kerry: Protecting Planet ‘First and Foremost’ in Dealings with China, Not Human Rights, Life Is ‘Full of Tough Choices’

During an interview with Bloomberg on Wednesday, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry responded to a question on how the U.S. trades off human rights concerns with concerns about climate change with China by stating that “life is always full of tough choices” and “first and foremost, this planet must be protected.”

Host David Westin asked, “Another issue related to China is the importing of solar panels. Because, clearly, a priority of the Biden administration is really addressing climate. But it’s not the only priority. There are other things as well, such as the Uyghur situation in the west. What is the process by which one trades off climate against human rights?”

Kerry responded, “Well, life is always full of tough choices in the relationship between nations. Ronald Reagan thought the Soviet Union was the evil empire, and he continually directed a lot of energy at getting the Soviet Union to change. He then went to Reykjavik, met with Gorbachev, and decided together…you know what? This doesn’t make sense that we’re aiming 50,000 warheads at each other, that we’re always on the brink of potential conflict. And so, they turned that around. … But the point I’m making is that, even as there were egregious human rights issues, which Ronald Reagan called them out on, we have to find a way forward to make the world safer, to protect our countries, and act in our interests. We can do and must do the same thing now. Yes, we have issues, a number of different issues. But first and foremost, this planet must be protected. We all need to do that for our people.”

So, to hell with calling China out on their abuses. Human Rights Watch notes

Beijing’s repression—insisting on political loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party—deepened across the country. In Hong Kong, following six months of large-scale protests in 2019, the Chinese government imposed a draconian “National Security Law” on June 30—its most aggressive assault on Hong Kong people’s freedoms since the transfer of sovereignty in 1997. In Xinjiang, Turkic Muslims continue to be arbitrarily detained on the basis of their identity, while others are subjected to forced labor, mass surveillance, and political indoctrination. In Inner Mongolia, protests broke out in September when education authorities decided to replace Mongolian with Mandarin Chinese in a number of classes in the region’s schools.

Chinese authorities’ silencing of human rights defenders, journalists, and activists, and restrictions on the internet, also make it difficult to obtain accurate information about Chinese government policies and actions.

That’s just a portion of what HRW writes about China. But, really, the reason climate cultists, especially the big wigs, do not care about human rights abuses in China is because they want the same type of repressive, controlling, economic socialism, authoritarian system for the U.S. and the rest of the 1st World.

Read: Climate Envoy John Kerry Says China’s Human Rights Abuses Comes After Protecting The Planet »

Biden Admin Opposes “Honorable Discharges” For Military Members Who Refuse COVID Vaccine

These are the same people who didn’t want traitor Bradley Manley prosecuted, who want to kick Conservatives out of the military for Wrongthink, and are protecting General Milley after he broke numerous rules of the Code of Military Justice. The same ones who demonize the unvaccinated and want them fired from their private sector jobs and not allow them to leave the house. The same ones who have no problem with illegal aliens being released on a “promise” to return for their court date without being vaccinated

Biden administration ‘strongly opposes’ honorable discharge for service members who refuse COVID-19 vaccine

spite houseThe Biden administration has come out against an amendment to the defense budget that would prevent the Pentagon from dishonorably discharging service members who refuse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Office of Management and Budget said in a statement Tuesday that the administration “strongly opposes” the amendment, arguing that if it’s implemented, it would “detract from readiness and limit a commander’s options for enforcing good order and discipline when a Service member fails to obey a lawful order to receive a vaccination.” (snip)

Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Green, a veteran, has led the push to prevent the military from discharging service members who refuse the vaccine with any distinction other than honorable via the National Defense Authorization Act.

“I am disgusted that the Biden administration is trying to gut my amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that prevents anything but an honorable discharge for servicemembers who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine,” Green told the Washington Examiner in a statement.

“Every Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee agreed to my amendment. It is tragic and horrifying that the Biden administration can’t respect the rights of our military that every House Democrat on the Committee voted for,” he said.

No one should be surprised. The Biden admin decided early on to use the stick rather than the carrot to get people to get vaccinated. And not allowing honorable discharges for refusing to take a vaccine which, while it has been fully approved by the FDA, hasn’t even been out for a year yet. It usually takes years before something like this is fully approved. No one really knows what the full side effects are, and they’re still trying to figure out how effective it is. And any other than an honorable discharge would ruin their lives.

Non-active-duty Marine Corps and Navy Reserve service members need to be vaccinated in full by Dec. 28, reserve Air Force personnel have to get the shot by Dec. 2, and Army reservists need it by June 30, 2022.

Yeah, Surrender Joe even wants them kicked out

As far as effectiveness

(NY Times) Roughly 221 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine have been dispensed thus far in the United States, compared with about 150 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine. In a half-dozen studies published over the past few weeks, Moderna’s vaccine appeared to be more protective than the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the months after immunization.

The latest such study, published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine, evaluated the real-world effectiveness of the vaccines at preventing symptomatic illness in about 5,000 health care workers in 25 states. The study found that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had an effectiveness of 88.8%, compared with Moderna’s 96.3%.

If the efficacy gap continues to widen, it may have implications for the debate on booster shots. Federal agencies this week are evaluating the need for a third shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for some high-risk groups, including older adults.

Pfizer was originally said to be around 96% effective. Now it’s at 88.8%. And researchers are still considering if the efficacy drops more.

Consider also that the Biden admin coming out against honorable discharges will mean lots of military members voluntarily leaving before the November and December vaccination dates, and the military losing a lot of really good members with a lot of experience, harming the military. Who replaces them? You can bet it will be a bunch of Wokesters.

Read: Biden Admin Opposes “Honorable Discharges” For Military Members Who Refuse COVID Vaccine »

Late Night Insane: Border Agents On Leave Pending Investigation Of “Whipping” Illegals

I’m pretty confident that you are aware of the insanity of the whole “whipping” issue, where bat shit crazy people fail to know the difference between horse reigns and whips. From a static picture. And are making hay due to the massive border problem they created and perpetuate. Now

I’m usually dead set against any sort of public sector union. The main point of unionizing is to protect workers from bad bosses and businesses. To keep employees safe. That was why they were originally created. The AFL-CIO says “The main purpose of labor unions is to give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining.” Well, in this case, the National Border Patrol Council best be out there protecting these agents against tyrannical, abusive bosses, who are demonizing and causing problems for the agents who were literally upholding federal law on securing the border. Who were doing the job they were hired to do, doing the job the Border Patrol was created to do.

Read: Late Night Insane: Border Agents On Leave Pending Investigation Of “Whipping” Illegals »

Tonight’s The Night When Late Night “Comedians” Band Together To Solve Hotcoldwetdry

I mentioned this the other day, and tonight is the night!

I’m also tempted to flip through the shows to see if they turn all the lights off. Will they all refuse to have guests who took fossil fueled flights for the shows? Will all the hosts pledge to give up their own use of fossil fuels, move into tiny homes? Of course, this is simply preaching to the choir, because almost no non-Progressives watch the shows, unlike in the old days with Letterman and Carson. There will be lots of clapping, but, no laughs. I feel sorry for the people who have tickets for the tapings.


Why China’s Promise to Stop Funding Coal Plants Around the World Is a Really Big Deal

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced on Tuesday that China will no longer finance overseas coal projects—a move that could have far-reaching implications for the world’s ability to meet climate targets.

“China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low carbon energy and will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad,” Xi said in prerecorded remarks to the United Nations General Assembly.

They might actually follow through on this one, looking to make even more money off shoddy solar panels and wind turbines than coal plants. But, China won’t give up building them for China.

Read: Tonight’s The Night When Late Night “Comedians” Band Together To Solve Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove