UK Guardian: Climate “Deniers” As Slippery As Those Who Justified Slave Trade

This is an interesting hot take, since it was Democrats here in the U.S. who justified the slave trade. And slavery. And Jim Crow. And all the other things. And being hardcore climate cultists, who have decided to be as loopy as possible. As Eric Worrell writes “The Guardian is outdoing itself reaching for ridiculous hyperbole, to try to make us care”

Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade

Global warming sceptics should be hiding in corners. But still some defend the indefensible

No one seems as defeated as the global warming “deniers” who dominated rightwing thinking a decade ago. Like late 18th-century opponents of abolishing the slave trade, Lord Lawson and the claque of Conservative cranks who filled the comment pages of the Tory press are remembered today as dangerous fools – assuming they are remembered at all.

The billions of dollars spent by the fossil fuel industry on propaganda and its acceptance by know-nothing elements on the right caused incalculable damage. They might have followed Margaret Thatcher, who warned in 1989 of C02 emissions leading to climate change “more fundamental and more widespread than anything we have known”. The desire of business to protect profits and the vanity of politicians and pundits, who saw themselves as dissidents fighting the consensus rather than fanatics enabling destruction, helped to waste two decades of valuable time.

Every argument they advanced has been disproved, as much by the experience of everyday life as science. Journalists are advised: “If someone says it is raining and another person says it’s dry, it’s not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out the window and find out which is true.” The world only had to look at the weather outside to know who was trying to fool it.

We’re in hiding? That’s new to me. Defeated? We aren’t the ones demanding to shut down the climate cult viewpoints on TV and in the media. What arguments have been disproved? For one thing, science would demand that the Warmists prove that this warm period is completely different from all the other Holocene ones.

The comparison isn’t harsh. One day, the attack on climate science will be seen as shocking as the defence of human bondage. Indeed, that day should have long passed. They are overwhelmingly old men or, in the case of Lawson, a very old man. They grew up in a 20th century where the carbon economy was natural: the way the world was and would always be. Slavery was equally natural to the plantation owners and slave traders of Georgian Britain. It had always existed, everywhere on Earth.

Interesting, since the entire purpose of the Cult of Climastrology is to make people beholden and controlled by The Government. Can we call it ‘climate change’ slavery? Because government would run your life. Worrell goes on to say about climate cult screedists Nick Cohen

Nick walks on roads and pavements made of asphalt or tarmac, a form of long chain polymer plastic derived from crude oil (see picture above), likely heats his home in winter, using you guessed it, and eats food transported by fossil fuel powered vehicles to refrigerated supermarket shelves of plastic, glass and metal, whose temperature and humidity controlled indoor environment is only possible thanks to fossil fuel goodness. (snip regarding other things that rely on/made with fossil fuels)

And I’m pretty sure you didn’t write your Guardian article on Roman papyrus, using a bird feather quill pen dipped in oak gall ink. Even if against the odds you did, the people who digitally published your article and who maintain the Guardian website certainly used a lot of high tech fossil fuel derived plastic, silicon and refined metal, not to mention fossil fuel electricity to keep their web servers running 24×7.

Pretty much. And how does Nick’s article help? He’s preaching to the unhinged, moonbat, climate cultist base, who rarely make changes in their own lives. Does Nick think this will entice skeptics to change their minds?

Read: UK Guardian: Climate “Deniers” As Slippery As Those Who Justified Slave Trade »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from Extreme Weather due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the EPA being penalized for polluting.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Data Shows A Mixed Record On Vaccination “Equity”

So, I’m guessing it is time to force “people of color” to get the COVID vaccine? Somehow, low vaccination rates among black and brown people is the fault of you white folks

Federal vaccination data show mixed record on equity

Nearly three out of every four shots administered at the federal government’s Covid vaccination center in Cleveland went into white arms, according to site-by-site data provided exclusively to NBC News by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

That compares to a city-wide population that is 33.8 percent non-Hispanic white. At the same time, Black people were given just 10.8 percent of the shots, despite accounting for nearly half of Cleveland’s residents. And, in figures that comport with broader national vaccination trends, Asian Americans got shots at a higher rate — and Hispanic people at a lower rate — than their share of the local population.

The full data set, covering 39 federal Community Vaccination Centers in 27 states, suggests President Joe Biden met his promise to “fight this virus with equity” in some parts of the country but not others. Where the administration fell short, it was not for lack of effort: Both political appointees and career officials at federal agencies say that equity was the watchword of the program.

Asians were much more likely to have a very high percentage of their population being vaccinated. Blacks and Hispanics are very low. So, what to do? These Wokesters can yammer about equity all they want, but, in the real world, their high minded social justice warrior beliefs run into the road block of reality.

The FEMA official said community engagement was an outgrowth of trying to figure out how to reach the most vulnerable populations — and those least likely to have easy access to shots.

“Our whole-of-government and whole-of-community approach both achieved results and served as a generator of best practices at every level,” Criswell said. “At FEMA, we’re leveraging this experience to ensure we continue to equitably deliver our programs and assistance.”

Have you ever noticed that the Wokesters have very low opinions of blacks and Hispanics, always think that those populations cannot do anything themselves, always needing the Hand Of Government?

Why some US Blacks and Latinos remain COVID-19 ‘vaccine deliberate’

Notice that they do not even want to use the phrase “vaccine hesitant”, in order to not Offend blacks and Latinos? Rest below the fold

Read More »

Read: Bummer: Data Shows A Mixed Record On Vaccination “Equity” »

North Korea Joins The Climate Cult

No one should really be surprised that a brutal dictator is now chiming in on anthropogenic climate change. It’s a great platform for instituting all sorts of authoritarian policies as being for the benefit of the citizens. Kim Jong-un is in great company, being that China, Iran, and Osama Bin Laden have stated their belief in ‘climate change’

Kim Jong Un says climate change is crippling North Korea and the country needs an ‘urgent’ response

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has blamed climate change as one of the reasons for the country’s ongoing food crisis and cataclysmic floods that have battered its northeast regions.

He called on his officials to enact an “urgent” response to the slew of disasters his regime is facing at a politburo meeting, according to state media KCNA on Thursday.

Kim stressed the need to improve North Korea’s land management after floods destroyed bridges and homes on the country’s east coast last month.

The “danger” of an “abnormal climate,” he said, has risen in the last few years. Kim added that he wants officials to begin an “active and ambitious plan” to improve rivers, manage erosion control, maintain dykes, and start tide embankment projects as part of the country’s regular Five-Year Plan.

He added that “disastrous weather is getting ever more pronounced worldwide” and that North Korea will be vulnerable to the change, per KCNA.

Kim doesn’t really sound all that different from the climate cultists in Western nations, does he? Will the climate cult embrace Kim? How about the Biden administration? Will climate envoy and big time climahypocrite John Kerry be sent to North Korea to discuss ‘climate change’ while ignoring North Korea’s human rights abuses? Kim fits right in with the rest of the cult.

Read: North Korea Joins The Climate Cult »

Surrender Joe To Pivot To Economy In Wake Of Afghanistan Or Something

Well, he learned this from Obama, who pivoted back to the economy after every disaster. He never really did much of anything but talk, and his Credentialed Media allies were happy to comply

Biden to revive economic campaign promises to pivot away from Afghanistan, aides and allies say

The White House is preparing to roll out new announcements on a number of President Joe Biden’s unrealized campaign promises this fall, even as Congress works to advance the president’s dual infrastructure proposals in hopes of final passage.

White House officials did not dispute that a number of Biden’s economic campaign promises, including pledges to alleviate student loan debt and installing a first-time homebuyer tax credit, were not included in the bipartisan or budget reconciliation infrastructure packages, which combined would account for nearly $5 trillion in new spending initiatives.

Those officials stressed to the Washington Examiner that “the president and his whole team are proud of and are fighting for the substance of his Build Back Better agenda, which is fully paid for by asking big corporations and the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share and by empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices with pharmaceutical companies.”

“We need to cut prescription drug costs, take on climate change, and help families afford childcare, care for older Americans, and education; and extend the biggest middle class tax cut in American history,” one official explained in a statement. “Think of all the ways that will cut costs for families. And importantly, Build Back Better and the bipartisan infrastructure bill will reduce inflation by making our economy more efficient, making it easier to move goods, and making it easier to enter the labor force — without adding to the deficit.”

It would be “more efficient” by putting the Central government even further in charge of all economic decisions? Good luck with that. Reduce inflation? Let us know how Modern Socialism worked in the Soviet Union and Venezuela, among others.

However, both senior Democratic and Republican officials suggested to the Washington Examiner that while the administration would always have continued to push Biden’s unrealized campaign pledges, the White House is urgently looking for new narratives to focus on following America’s Afghan troop withdrawal and the humanitarian evacuation that ensued.

Not too mention rising inflation, a lack of goods (that’s not really Biden’s fault, but, you can bet the media would be blaming Trump if he were still president), raging COVID again (at least we’re not Australia), and more. China Joe’s approval rating is falling fast, and Afghanistan is not going away. God help Joe if there’s a terrorist attack here in the U.S., especially as he turns the military completely Woke.

A senior GOP aide also stated that Republicans will do everything they can to keep the media focused on Afghanistan, but waved off the strategy as political sabotage.

“This isn’t about hamstringing Biden’s socialist policies, although there is a double-sided benefit there,” the aide told the Washington Examiner. “The American people were lied to for 20 years about what was happening in Afghanistan. Now that the war is over, they deserve to know the truth.”

Let me ask: why not let it be political sabotage? This is what Democrats attempted with George W. Bush and Trump. They did everything they could. Politics is a dirty, nasty business with a veneer of civility. Democrats mostly abandoned any civility during the Bush and Trump years. Republicans need to fight back.

And it won’t be easy to pivot with things like

Glenn Beck group-funded planes to be used for evacuations being grounded by Taliban

Six planes funded by a Glenn Beck-founded charity were identified as some of evacuation aircrafts being grounded by the Taliban in Afghanistan, a report said.

More than 1,600 people, including over 100 Americans are expected to evacuate the country on the planes, which were chartered from Afghanistan’s largest private airline, Kam Air, the report said.

Will anyone in the press ask the Biden admin what they are doing to get those Americans out, and demand answers rather than being cowed by the typical evasions from people like Jen Psaki?

Read: Surrender Joe To Pivot To Economy In Wake Of Afghanistan Or Something »

Next Up: Having To Prove Your Deeply Held Religious Beliefs To Avoid Vaccine Mandates

No one saw this coming, right? That the vaccine pushers would look to limit people’s 1st Amendment Rights of religion?

Religious exemptions to vaccine mandates could test ‘sincerely held beliefs’

Bill Of RightsReligious exemptions could prove to be the latest legal battlefield of the pandemic, as Americans opposed to the coronavirus vaccine attempt to find ways around employer and government vaccine mandates.

Some evangelical pastors are reportedly providing religious exemption documents to the members of their church, and right-wing forums are sharing strategies to skirt vaccine requirements. Religious freedom groups are sending threatening letters to states, schools and employers and preparing legal challenges to fight vaccine mandates.

Only some federal agencies and states have made vaccination mandatory for workers, and more private companies are doing or considering the same. But experts anticipate that religious liberty challenges will pick up as more mandates are put in place — especially when there is no national standard.

“There are some First Amendment implications here and there’s a patchwork of laws that could potentially be implicated by these mandates,” said James Sonne, a law professor at Stanford Law School and founding director of its Religious Liberty Clinic. “It’s certainly something we’ll see getting worked out in the courts.”

The challenge for governments and institutions is balancing American civil liberties with a worsening public health crisis.

There’s no challenge. The 1st Amendment is rather clear, and all 50 US states include freedom of religion clauses.

Experts say that the threshold for religious exemptions could come down to proving whether the person attempting to obtain one has “sincerely held beliefs” against getting vaccinated on religious grounds. They may even have to show a track record of opposition to receive an exemption.

Those challenging employer-created mandates cite Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which requires employers to make reasonable efforts to accommodate employees, while government-created mandates are being challenged under the First Amendment. Both, however, bring up the question of whether a person’s religious beliefs are sincere.

I don’t remember there being any sort of requirement in the 1st Amendment. As usual, I’ll say I’m pro-vaccine. I’ll take a booster if they think it’s recommended. That said, the 1st Amendment, and the state constitutions, are rather clear, and this could lead to a lot of lawsuits. And a lot of protests and problems.

Read: Next Up: Having To Prove Your Deeply Held Religious Beliefs To Avoid Vaccine Mandates »

If All You See…

…is the ability to wear white long after Labor Day because Evil fossil fueled vehicles have changed the climate, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is House Of Eratosthenes, with a post on questioning things.

It’s wearing white after Labor Day week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Ted Withers

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the fishtank is doing great, added a bunch of red platys. This pinup is by Ted Withers, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Other McCain wonders why Democrats (and Rick Wilson) want to kill babies so badly
  2. neo-neocons wonders what’s next for “our” partners the Taliban
  3. Newsbusters catches Warmists saying fall football is endangered
  4. Noisy Room notes 1000’s of migrant children missing in the US
  5. Outside The Beltway covers the Taliban being exactly who we thought they were
  6. Pacific Pundit highlights the wonder Biden chants at a college football game
  7. Patterico’s Pontifications highlights the priorities of California’s legislators
  8. Powerline covers NYC looking to ban the honor roll
  9. Raised On Hoecakes discusses the politics of COVID
  10. Sister Toldjah notes Biden’s Tree Of Life lies
  11. Sultan Knish discusses Afghanistan after America
  12. White House Dossier covers a restaurant that bans Biden supporters being very popular
  13. The First Street Journal notes COVID mandates causing more problems than they solve
  14. The Gateway Pundit says people are telling lies about ERs overrun with Ivermectin overdoses
  15. And last, but not least, The Last Refuge highlights something missing about the arrival of Americans from Afghanistan

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

If Typical Summer Weather Is Making You Loopy, You Could Be Suffering From “Eco-Cult-Anxiety”

This is the kind of thing that doomsday cult members and their pet media are worried about. Not enough to actually make massive changes in their own lives, such as giving up fossil fueled travel, moving into a tiny home, installing solar panels which cost $10k+, doing away with ice makers, hand washing clothes and line drying them, replacing their AC with fans, and so much more

If you feel that the world’s environment is doomed after the raging summer of hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, you could be suffering from ‘eco-anxiety’

Jennie Ferrara’s husband brought home the newspaper one day because he thought the front-page story would interest his wife. Instead, it almost made her faint.

The year was 2008, and some of the leading oil companies in the world were announcing plans to extract more oil from Canada’s tar sands – a move that would prove detrimental to the environment.

Ferrara, who is originally from Texas but lives in Denmark, had felt pessimistic about the environment for many years, but the headline that day tipped her over the edge.

“When I looked, just looked, at the front page, I practically went comatose,” Ferrara recalled to Insider.

“It feels like you’re suddenly zooming in on something, your body goes a bit numb and everything around you goes quiet … You lose all energy and question your will to live,” she said.

Ferrara was experiencing a form of so-called “eco-anxiety” – a term that’s officially been defined by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) ​​as “the chronic fear of environmental doom.”

She is among a growing number of people who have found that the rapidly declining state of the planet is impacting their mental health.

According to the latest research, “eco-anxiety” is more present than ever.

A recent survey published by Yale University found that more than 40% of Americans felt “helpless” about the state of the planet. And according to a 2020 poll by the APA, more than half of Americans said they were somewhat or extremely anxious about the impact of climate change on their own mental health.

You know, if this was about the environment, it might make a bit of sense. But, the climate is not the environment, because the climate is always going to change, and a 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850 is not a big deal. Bad weather is always going to happen. What about when it brings on gorgeous weather? Are they freaked by that? Few are freaked enough to actually do something themselves, though. When the original environmental movement happened, yes, states and federal governments did look to pass wise environmental laws, ones that actually protected the environment while infringing on citizens as little as possible (it was later on that extremists got involved and over-stepped their mandates), but, citizens who cared made changes in their own lives. Now? People are very soft and don’t care to make any changes in their own lives.

“We’ve seen a growing number of people who are feeling an emotional response to what’s happening by living in such a changing world,” Leslie Davenport, a climate psychology consultant and therapist based in Tacoma, Washington, told Insider.

Davenport said that part of the reason behind the rise of “eco-dread” is that more people are realizing “how much climate change is impacting us on a personal level.”

It isn’t. Hurricanes happen. Heat waves happen. Wildfires happen (especially when forest management is terrible, there are more buildings in fire prone areas, and people intentionally and unintentionally set fires). Weather happens. Always had, always will. But, these climate cultists really have very little of big concern in their lives, so, they have to invent things to be loopy about, like microaggressions, social justice, and ‘climate change’ anxiety.

Some – like Ferrara – experience very strong physical sensations. They have difficulties breathing or feel like they’re having a heart attack, she said.

Others have more subtle symptoms – they cry randomly, can’t sleep at night, or often feel irritable and on edge.

People who act like 4 year olds should not be allowed to vote nor tell the government to pass laws that raise taxes and the cost of living, along with reducing freedom, liberty, and choice.

In 2019, climate activist Clover Hogan set up Force of Nature, which aims to tackle this. Her team teaches students aged 11-24 about the climate crisis to help them navigate their anxiety and realize their potential to get involved.

“At the end of the day, none of us are responsible or capable of solving the climate crisis alone. We’re not capable of changing it overnight. Yet what we are capable of changing overnight, is our mindset,” Hogan told Insider.

“If we can change the way that we think about the issues, if we can change the way that we respond to those emotions and rather than running away from them, hold space for them and think about the power of them to create change, the more empowered and agency we are going to feel.”

How about teaching them that this is no big deal, that the climate has flipped to warming multiple times in the Holocene alone, and that they should go live their lives and suck it up, things will be just fine? Oh, right, that would limit the ability to get people to get government to pass laws which will go on to control their own lives.

Read: If Typical Summer Weather Is Making You Loopy, You Could Be Suffering From “Eco-Cult-Anxiety” »

Is The Outdoors Still Safe From Delta Variant?

Is it? Is it still safe from shoddy, performative, biased journalism?

Is the outdoors still safe? Concerns about Delta prompt new guidelines

Since early on in the pandemic, public health officials have emphasized that the risk of getting COVID-19 is lower outdoors. In fact, outdoor transmission of COVID-19 has been rare with previous strains of the virus, according to a number of studies.

But as the hypercontagious Delta variant continues to drive up cases in parts of the country, many have begun to wonder if this strain is also more transmissible outdoors, particularly as Labor Day approaches and many Americans are planning outdoor gatherings. (big snip)

Nevertheless, some experts warn that the risk of breakthrough cases may increase if people attend large and crowded events, especially if attendees do not practice social distancing or wear masks.

Recent examples of breakthrough cases driven by Delta include a cluster in Provincetown, Mass., in early July. According to a CDC report, 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings were identified among Massachusetts residents. Those who tested positive for COVID-19 following Fourth of July festivities reported “attending densely packed indoor and outdoor events at venues that included bars, restaurants, guest houses and rental homes.” Approximately three-quarters (74 percent) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons, according to the CDC.

Can anyone remember what happened in Massachusetts?

Yes, yes, I know, the media attempted to say there was no link whatsover. Funny how the media forget to mention that big party. No problems mentioning Sturgis, though.

“Outdoors, we always say it’s safer than indoors, but the nature of exposure is very important. If you are outdoors in close proximity with someone that is coughing in your face and you are not wearing a mask, then that outdoor rule does not make any sense,” he said. “At the end of the day, people need to have that sort of common sense and say, ‘If there is somebody coughing, even if it is outdoors, I should probably be distant and have my mask on.”

Yeah, I’m not wearing a mask, I’m getting the hell away from that person. This is common sense all the time. But, this is the runup to forcing masks outdoors all the time.

Read: Is The Outdoors Still Safe From Delta Variant? »

Pirate's Cove