COVID Fascism: De Blasio Threatens To Withhold Paychecks From Non-Vaccinate Cops And City Employees

This probably won’t work all that well, since the police and most of the city workers are unionized. For a change, government unions actually comes into play in protecting employees from tyrannical employers. Also, I wonder how many with quit? The police can easily get another job in a city and state that values them

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio threatens to withhold the paychecks of NYPD officers and other city workers who refuse weekly COVID-19 testing

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to withhold the paychecks of New York Police Department officers and other city workers who aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19 and refuse weekly testing.

Under a mandate enacted by de Blasio, all city workers must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or be tested for the disease weekly. The mandate goes into full effect on Monday, impacting about 340,000 city workers across various sectors.

“If someone, again, does not follow that mandate, that’s true, eventually, they’re not going to be paid, obviously,” de Blasio said in a press conference on Thursday.

As of this week, 53% of NYPD employees have received one dose of the vaccine, compared to about 79% of adults in New York City, according to data obtained by the Gothamist from the NYC department of health. Approximately 71% of adults in New York City are fully vaccinated. The NYPD has among the lowest vaccination rates of any city agency, the New York Times previously reported.

The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, the largest municipal police union in the world, has spoken out against the testing mandate because police officers will not be compensated for the time spent getting tested, something that was originally promised to them by the NYPD and City Hall, a spokesperson for the union told Insider.

Too be honest, that seems a silly reason. Police could certainly take some time during the shift to go get a shot or tested. It’ll cost them what, an hour, hour and a half? Most in the private sector do not get compensated, like they don’t get compensated for taking their work clothes to the dry cleaners and/or washing them themselves. Or driving to work.

In response to the mandate, the PBA is planning on filing a grievance with the city’s office of collective bargaining, an organization within the city’s government that regulates labor relations disputes and controversies with city employees, Lynch said.

Win or lose, a lot of police will leave the NYC force, to go with all the ones who’ve already left. And with rising crime, this won’t turn out well. I wonder, though, where’s the protection for the average citizen from Surrender Joe’s “mandate”? As for that, we’re seeing a lot of articles like

Law expert: Biden’s vaccine mandate constitutional, local companies wary

But there’s also a lot like

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate is Grossly Unconstitutional

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Read: COVID Fascism: De Blasio Threatens To Withhold Paychecks From Non-Vaccinate Cops And City Employees »

9/11 At Nineteen: Remembering The Lost (sticky for the day)

As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.

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Read: 9/11 At Nineteen: Remembering The Lost (sticky for the day) »

People Ruining Things: COVID Karen Weddings And Escaped Zebras

Weddings in the age of COVID vaccination

You Are Invited to Our Wedding. Kindly Tell Us Your Vaccination Status.

Asking wedding guests to leave their children at home used to be among the thornier requests a couple could make.

Now, COVID-19 precautions are adding more sensitive appeals to wedding invitations.

Tucked inside embossed envelopes that include dinner choices and directions to the reception are also politely worded notes telling guests they must be vaccinated, get a COVID-19 test or do both, according to wedding planners.

Attached to the article is this photo

I wouldn’t mind those. Heck, I’d like to have them at work and everywhere else. Not just for COVID. I’ve seen what some people do with their hands. But, ask me to provide vax status or get a test? Nah, Karen, I’m good. Y’all enjoy.

Interesting. And Eleanor Holmes Norton thought it would be fun to chime in

And then ruin it by going Super Political. If they want full representation, they can move out of D.C. to Maryland and Virginia. If she opposes fences, she’ll demand all the ones in D.C. come down, like at the White House and Congress.

Read: People Ruining Things: COVID Karen Weddings And Escaped Zebras »

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Could Make Military Equipment Useless, Experts Warn

Oh, is this why Surrender Joe left the Taliban all that military equipment? Besides, why would we need the equipment when our military is going Woke?

Climate Change Could Make ‘Military Equipment Useless,’ Experts Warn

Leaders from defense institutes across the world converged in Seoul this week to raise the alarm on military threats posed by “irreversible and abrupt climate change.”

Global temperatures are expected to reach or surpass a warming threshold of 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 20 years, United Nations climate change experts reported in August, “unless there are immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse emissions.”

The global temperature went up 1.5F since 1850, and it’s going to go up at least 1.2F in 20 years? What happens if it doesn’t? Who do we hold responsible for this fear-mongering? Will any of the “scientists” resign over their failures? How about people at the U.N.? And the outlets like, which have gone climate cult?

Panelists from the United States, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, India and Bangladesh gave their assessment of these threats during a three-day seminar hosted by South Korea’s Ministry of Defense.

Tom Middendorp, Netherlands’ former chief of defense and chairman of the International Military Council on Climate and Security, warned Wednesday that nations had “a responsibility to prepare” for the implications of climate change.

“I cannot remember any other conflict in my military experience where we had this level of scientific foresight,” he said during the virtual portion of the seminar. “We know what’s coming to us.”

Interesting. North Korea is right there, as is China and Russia. No concerns? Also, they used a lot of fossil fuels for the trip, eh?

Severe heat patterns are also already having a direct impact on military equipment, according to Shafqat Munir, head of the Bangladesh Center for Terrorism Research.

Troops stationed in Mali as part of a United Nations’ peacekeeping force have been unable to use their communication devices until the evening, when the temperature cools off, Munir told the panelists.

Is this a joke? Did they buy crappy equipment? Mali’s high temperature forecast for the next 7 days is mid 80’s to low 90’s. My smartphone works just fine here in NC, where it gets pretty hot.

“Excessive heat is going to render military equipment useless,” Munir said. “We’re already seeing some of that in action.”

Read: Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Could Make Military Equipment Useless, Experts Warn »

If All You See…

…is a pond drying out because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on Valor Friday.

Read: If All You See… »

DOJ Sues Texas Over Abortion Law

Well, of course they did, because this is the thing that Democrats are most concerned with. I guess they’re upset that fewer black women will be aborting their babies

Justice Department sues Texas over abortion law

The Justice Department announced Thursday that it is suing Texas over the state’s new law banning most abortions.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Texas law is “clearly unconstitutional” and includes an “unprecedented scheme” to insulate the state from responsibility.

The suit, filed in Texas federal court, charges that the law is invalid and asks a judge to issue a “permanent and preliminary injunction prohibiting enforcement of the statute,” Garland said at a press conference.

The law stands as the country’s most restrictive abortion access in decades. It grants a $10,000 minimum reward to private citizens who successfully bring lawsuits against anyone involved in aiding an abortion. The law also prohibits abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity — usually around six weeks into a pregnancy. Because many women do not even realize they’re pregnant that early, the law is nearly a complete abortion ban. (snip)

The action comes a week after the Supreme Court declined to block the law from going into effect, citing “complex and novel” procedural questions regarding the abortion providers who had challenged it. Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the court’s three liberals in dissent, but the five other conservatives prevailed in a 5-4 opinion.

The Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, declined to hear the case, yet, Garland is claiming it is unconstitutional? How so? The DOJ press release states

The Act is clearly unconstitutional under longstanding Supreme Court precedent. Those precedents hold, in the words of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, that “[r]egardless of whether exceptions are made for particular circumstances, a State may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.”

First, that ruling is not in the Constitution, just a ruling. Second, the state isn’t prohibiting any woman, they can do it by week 6. They also are not stopping any woman from going to another state.

Because the statute makes it too risky for an abortion clinic to stay open, abortion providers have ceased providing services. This leaves women in Texas unable to exercise their constitutional rights and unable to obtain judicial review at the very moment they need it.

This kind of scheme to nullify the Constitution of the United States is one that all Americans – whatever their politics or party – should fear. If it prevails, it may become a model for action in other areas, by other states, and with respect to other constitutional rights and judicial precedents.

Getting beyond the silly idiocy of “nullifying the Constitution”, which has nothing in it about abortion, the last part is the point: that other states could institute similar laws, and abortion is the number one belief of Democrats.

The complaint therefore seeks a declaratory judgment that SB8 is invalid under the Supremacy Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment, is preempted by federal law, and violates the doctrine of intergovernmental immunity.

There is no federal law, so, how does the Supremacy Clause come into play? Same with the 14th. Meh, doesn’t matter, the abortionistas do not want other states to do the same thing, they want abortion on demand running smoothly.

Read: DOJ Sues Texas Over Abortion Law »

Democrats Unveil Details Of Their Climate Crisis (scam) Bill

Interestingly, nothing in the plan requires the elected Democrats and their staffs to stop using fossil fueled travel and make their operations Net Zero

Democrats Unveil Details of Sweeping Climate Change Spending Plan

The coming weeks on Capitol Hill will be crucial to President Biden’s climate agenda, including whether the president can credibly make the case to the rest of the world that the United States will meet his promise to drastically reduce emissions that are warming the planet.

In Congress, details are emerging of the climate and clean energy policies in a sweeping $3.5 trillion budget package that Democrats are drafting and hope to send to Mr. Biden’s desk by year’s end.

The most powerful climate mechanism in that bill is a $150 billion incentive and penalty program designed to replace most of the nation’s coal- and gas-fired power plants over the next decade with wind, solar and nuclear plants. The program would pay electricity suppliers for increasing the amount of power they produce from clean zero-emissions sources, and fine those that don’t.

Power plants that burn fossil fuels are the second-largest source of greenhouse emissions after cars and trucks, and shutting them down would significantly lower the nation’s heat-trapping pollution. If enacted, the program could stand as the centerpiece of Mr. Biden’s climate agenda.

First, you know that the climate cultists and extreme-enviros will block the construction of any new nuclear plants. Heck, the extreme-enviros work to block the construction of many wind and solar plants. What about hydro-electric and geothermal? No mention? Second, this will be more about the penalties, leaving the US woefully lacking in power, much like California. This will be the centerpiece of Biden’s climate agenda, fines and less power.

The House energy committee will debate other climate provisions in the budget bill, including $13.5 billion to construct charging stations for electric vehicles and promote the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles. Another program would spend $9 billion on updating the electric grid, to make it more conducive to transmitting wind and solar power, and to make it more resilient to the extreme temperatures, flooding and fires that scientists say are now unavoidable. Another provision would spend $17.5 billion to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from federal buildings and vehicles. The budget bill would also assess a fee from oil and gas companies for leaks of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The government would use the revenue from those fees to pay for climate mitigation programs.

Fines. Of course. And, I hope reducing CO2 emissions from Los Federales means doing away with fossil fueled vehicles and travel.

At the same time, Democrats on other committees are drafting tax incentives intended to lure American drivers away from fossil-fueled cars — the nation’s top source of greenhouse pollution — and toward electric vehicles, and to boost companies that design clean energy technology. They are readying money for a “Civilian Climate Corps” — a program designed to put young people to work in environmental conservation and climate resilience. And they are preparing to channel billions to help low-income and minority communities, which are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change, as well as communities that would lose fossil fuel jobs as a result of climate change policies.

Why haven’t most of these climate cultists replaced their own vehicles with EVs? Tax incentives mean little when EVs are unaffordable to most citizens, considering the average cost of $54,000.

It’s going to be a tough road ahead if they try and push the punitive electric generation part, along with the entire $3.5 trillion bill.

Read: Democrats Unveil Details Of Their Climate Crisis (scam) Bill »

Biden’s Forced COVID Vaccination Will Face Lots Of Lawsuits

I’m sure you’ve read and heard all about Surrender Joe’s new COVID vaccination rule. Funny how so many were calling Trump a dictator for pushing for less government in their lives, while refusing to condemn Biden. Even some of the Never Trumpers, like unhinged Jonah Goldberg, who should know better after writing the book Liberal Fascism, aren’t criticizing Biden.

Let’s consider that it can take two to three years to come up with a rule, even IF OSHA has the authority to come up with one like this without Congress passing a new law. Remember, courts killed many of the rules from the Trump admin over failing to go through the proper rule-making process, which requires public review and so much more. I suspect Biden knows this, or at least the people around him do, since Biden isn’t all there mentally, and this is meant to get private companies to do this on their own before a rule takes effect?

‘See You In Court’: Republican States Say They Are Reviewing All Legal Options On Biden Vaccine Mandate

Republican states said they were reviewing all legal avenues after President Joe Biden unveiled strict requirements for private sector companies to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for employees.

Several state attorneys general quickly condemned the president’s actions Thursday and warned they would take the Biden administration to court to defend individual liberties. Arizona, Montana, Indiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Georgia and South Carolina were all among the states that threatened legal action in response to the White House announcement.

“President Biden is now taking federal overreach to unheard of levels by dictating vaccine mandates for all private companies with over 100 people, federal contractors, and healthcare providers receiving federal dollars,” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said in a statement shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

They’ll have to wait for the rule to actually be released, and it probably won’t be hard to kill the rule off, even if it’s just over improper rule making. But, they should do this via the Constitutional route, in order to get the Supreme Court to rule on this federal over-reach and authoritarianism.

It bloody well is, and, intent is rather a huge thing in court

(Fox News) Ronald Klain, the White House chief of staff, faced criticism on social media Thursday after he retweeted a post that seemed to praise the Biden administration for pulling off the “ultimate work-around” for a national COVID-19 vaccine requirement.

Klain retweeted MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, who posted, “OSHA doing this vaxx mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.”

The New York Times pointed out that OSHA is tasked with overseeing workplace safety and has the authority to “quickly issue a rule, known as an emergency temporary standard, if it can show that workers are exposed to a grave danger and that the rule is necessary to address that danger. The rule must also be feasible for employers to enforce.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a critic of Biden’s announcement, retweeted a post warning Klain that courts consider intention when hearing cases, and the retweet could prove to be problematic during future challenges.

“Important,” Cruz tweeted. “Foolish RT from WH chief of staff. He said the quiet part out loud. Biden admin knows it’s likely illegal (like the eviction moratorium) but they don’t care.”

Forcing companies to force their employees to take the vaccine will surely not come under emergency temporary standard, and Cruz further noted that Courts tend to take “intent” into account. Biden has turned into a COVID tyrant (worth reading that entire piece, too much to excerpt).

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Read: Biden’s Forced COVID Vaccination Will Face Lots Of Lawsuits »

Christian Leaders Join Climate Cult, Call For “Meaningful Sacrifices”

Still waiting for their proclamations denouncing abortion, government tyranny, politicians who fail to act in accordance with the Bible, etc

World’s top 3 Christian leaders call for ‘meaningful sacrifices’ to combat climate change

mule fritter sherman potterThe leaders of the three largest Christian churches issued a joint statement Tuesday calling on the world to address the growing threat of climate change.

The first-ever joint address by Pope Francis, the archbishop of Canterbury and the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church asked fellow Christians to pray in the run-up to November’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, that world leaders will reach significant agreements to curb greenhouse gas emissions and slow the rate of global warming.

We’re supposed to pray for Government to take away our God given freedoms? My first inclination is to tell them to F off, but, no, I’ll pray that they get a clue and stop trying to force Progressive (nice Fascism) beliefs on everyone, to focus on their jobs, which is to discuss the word of the Lord, rather than the ravings of a doomsday cult. They need to pick which one they want to follow.

“We call on everyone, whatever their belief or world view, to endeavor to listen to the cry of the earth and of people who are poor, examining their behavior and pledging meaningful sacrifices for the sake of the earth which God has given us,” said Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby of the Anglican Communion and Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I.

And what are those meaningful sacrifices? Their joint statement doesn’t really say. There’s a lot of far left social justice, a lot of climate cult doctrine attempting to use a few passages from the New Testament to support this, yammering about “people-centered profits”, ie, giving profits to people who didn’t earn them. Can you guess what’s missing? What are these three Christian leaders sacrificing? The Vatican holds billions in money and treasure and art. How much are they giving to the poor? When is the Vatican tearing down it’s walls? When will the Pope stop using fossil fuels for travel, and restricting all employees of the church from doing so? Same thing for Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Focus on the teachings of Jesus, rather than joining the climate cult.

Read: Christian Leaders Join Climate Cult, Call For “Meaningful Sacrifices” »

If All You See…

…are plants that will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post discussing the soon to be release Biden 6 step plan to control COVID.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove