Climate Envoy John Kerry Fails Miserably While In China

After taking a long, fossil fueled flight to China, all Kerry got was the t-shirt

China ‘tells US envoy John Kerry it will follow its own climate road map’

Beijing has rebuffed American calls to make more public pledges on climate change before a UN climate summit in November, insisting it should follow its own plan rather than bowing to US pressure, according to a person familiar with the two countries’ negotiations.

During talks with Chinese leaders in Tianjin, US climate envoy John Kerry presented a list of proposals for Beijing to accelerate its climate efforts. They included a public commitment to the 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) limit of global warming targeted in the 2015 Paris Agreement, a definite time frame for carbon emissions to peak before 2030, and a moratorium on financing overseas coal-fired projects.

But the two sides failed to reach agreement, according to the source, who requested anonymity.

The rest of the article is behind a paywall, but, the accompanying photo should tell you what China and the South China Morning Post think of Kerry

Not a good look

China Mocks Biden’s ‘Absurd’ Attempt to Make Nice with John Kerry Climate Visit

China’s state-run Global Times did not think much of U.S. “climate envoy” John Kerry’s visit to Tianjin in a Thursday editorial, blasting Kerry’s climate-change talks as an ineffectual effort to mend fences without giving China the apologies and restitution it deserves for various alleged American offenses.

The Global Times said it was “quite absurd” for the Biden administration to think it can separate “cooperation on climate issues” from other aspects of the bruised U.S.-Chinese relationship, scoffing at President Joe Biden’s attempt to “look righteous and reasonable through the lens of climate cooperation.”

“The overall U.S. policy toward China has been so wicked. It has imposed a whole-of-government and wide-scale crackdown on China. Then the US suddenly put on a friendly face on the climate issue, inviting China to cooperate with it as if nothing has ever happened,” the Global Times fulminated.

As is usually the case with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda today, the Global Times strongly hinted Biden could begin repairing America’s bilateral relationship with China by dropping all investigations into the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus and accepting the CCP’s phony narrative of the pandemic.

And the Biden admin will probably cooperate on that, since they aren’t too worried about human rights

John Kerry echoes China’s argument that human rights sanctions threaten climate talks

Senior Chinese officials warned John Kerry that U.S. support for human rights threatens climate change cooperation, eliciting a pledge from President Joe Biden’s climate point-man to explain their perspective to officials in Washington.

“I will certainly pass on … the full nature of the message that I received from Chinese leaders,” former Secretary of State John Kerry, who is now Biden’s special envoy for climate change, told reporters following two days of meetings with top Chinese diplomats. “On the one hand, we’re saying to them, ‘You have to do more to help deal with the climate.’ And on the other hand, their solar panels are being sanctioned, which makes it harder for them to sell them.”

Those would be the solar panels that are being dumped on the market at below market price.

Kerry put a brave face on the friction. “We made some progress. That’s the bottom line,” he said told the Washington Post. “In diplomacy, you don’t always get everything you want in one fell swoop.”

Kerry and Biden got zip

(The GWPF) As for how to improve bilateral relations, Wang demanded that Kerry “pay attention to and pro-actively respond to China’s ‘two lists’ and ‘three bottom lines.’”

Wang was referring to the lists and three demands that Beijing handed to U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in late July when she visited Tianjin. One of the lists asked the United States to correct its “wrongdoings,” including revoking its sanctions on CCP officials, which were announced by the United States in response to widely reported human rights abuses.

Among its demands, the CCP requires the United States not to “infringe” upon China’s “sovereignty” in the troubled regions of Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. Many Western governments, including the United States, have called out the CCP for its human rights violations in these three regions, particularly over the detention of more than 1 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

Will Biden give in to the CCP? Time will tell. He slapped sanctions on China over their solar panels built with basically slave labor (funny how no media complaints when Biden is slapping sanctions on China, eh?). Will he remove them for a ‘climate change’ win? Well, a win on paper, since China will never actually do what it says on ‘climate change’.

Read: Climate Envoy John Kerry Fails Miserably While In China »

If All You See…

…are trees dying from drought from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a Muslim leader claiming they are in charge of the United Nations.

Double shot below the fold, check out Moonbattery, with a post on bail reform leading to children being flashed in NYC.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Say, What’s It Like For Women In Afghanistan Now?

What’s the result of Biden’s disastrous pullout?

‘We must continue’: In Kabul, Afghans adjust to a new and uncertain fate

Joe Biden Ice Cream Afghanistan“Why are you travelling without a mahram?” the Taliban guard asks a young Afghan woman about her missing male escort.

She sits on her own in the back of a beat-up Kabul yellow taxi as it pulls up to the checkpoint marked, like all the others, by the white Taliban flag with black script.

What is allowed now in Kabul, and what is not?

The turbaned Talib, rifle slung over shoulder, tells her to call her husband. When she explains she doesn’t have a phone, he instructs another taxi driver to take her home to get her husband and bring them back. Once completed, all is resolved. (snip)

Some things don’t need saying. As soon as the Taliban swept, with surprising speed, into Kabul last month, Afghans knew what to do during Taliban rule 2.0. Men stopped shaving to allow beards to grow; women switched bright scarves to black ones and checked the length of their dresses and cloaks.

The length would be from head to toe, now. The BBC is soft-peddling it.

No one is quite sure yet what Taliban leaders mean when they say women and girls will be given “all their rights within Islam”.

Many women, including Rajaee, were told in no uncertain terms, “don’t come back to the office”. Many fear they’ll never be allowed to return to the life they lived in a city they no longer feel is their own.

“It is my right to be educated, to have a good job, to participate in society at a high level,” Rajaee tells us as she sits next to a pile of textbooks for her university degree, and her work heading a unit on gender and human rights awareness.

Yeah, well, that is all over now, the Taliban won’t put up with it. Just like before.

By freedoms, they mean abortion on demand, because I’m told Texas is just like the Taliban

Republicans in six states rush to mimic Texas anti-abortion law

Republican leaders in as many as six US states are rushing to follow the lead of Texas in adopting an extreme abortion ban that critics, including Joe Biden, have slammed as unconstitutional and built to encourage vigilantism among the public.

Abortion rights advocates are bracing to resist a flurry of initiatives from Florida to North Dakota in the wake of the new Texas law, the most extreme in the US, which the conservative majority on the supreme court refused to block. (snip)

Within a day of the law going into effect, six other states – North Dakota, Mississippi, Indiana, Florida, South Dakota and Arkansas – have said they are looking to adopt a similar ban, according to numerous reports.

See? Just like the Taliban! Oh, sure, women can still go to school and work, can still get degrees, can drive and be out without their husbands, can wear just about anything they want. But, they can’t get abortions after 6 weeks after being irresponsible with sexual encounters (yes, men need to take responsibility and precautions, too), which is even worse than being set on fire for bad cooking.

BTW, this is a great explanation of why the Supreme Court declined to take up the case.

Read: Say, What’s It Like For Women In Afghanistan Now? »

Study Blames Warming Arctic For Big Texas Winter Storm

The climate cultists just refuse to give up on their talking point. They came up with a theory, then created data to match it, rather than coming up with a hypothesis and gathering data, testing, reassessing, that whole Scientific Method thing

Study: Warmer Arctic led to killer cold in Texas, much of US

Warming of the Arctic caused by climate change has increased the number of polar vortex outbreaks, when frigid air from the far north bathes the central and eastern United States in killer cold, a study finds.

The study in the journal Science Thursday is the first to show the connections between changes in the polar region and February’s Valentine’s Week freeze that triggered widespread power outages in Texas, killing more than 170 people and causing at least $20 billion in damage.

The polar vortex normally keeps icy air trapped in the Arctic. But warmer air weakens the vortex, allowing it to stretch and wander south. The number of times it has weakened per year has more than doubled since the early 1980s, said study lead author Judah Cohen, a winter storm expert for Atmospheric Environmental Research, a commercial firm outside of Boston.

“It is counterintuitive that a rapidly warming Arctic can lead to an increase in extreme cold in a place as far south as Texas, but the lesson from our analysis is to expect the unexpected with climate change,” Cohen said.

Even if true, it still wouldn’t settle the actual debate, which is over causation. Hey, it could be true, but, what if the warming climate is mostly natural, just like during multiple warm periods since the end of the glacial age 20,000 years ago? Wouldn’t this mean that all the massive warm snaps are caused by a very cold Arctic? Has this been tested in the Southern Hemisphere? From the study

Anthropogenic global warming is projected to increase some weather extremes—for example, more heat waves and heavy precipitation events (1, 2)—but not severe winter weather such as cold air outbreaks and heavy snowfalls (3, 4). Yet, contrary to global climate model (GCM) projections, recent weather extremes have included an increase in cold air outbreaks and/or heavy snowfalls across the Northern Hemisphere (NH) since 1990 up to the recent past (3, 5–8). The most recent example of extreme winter weather was the anomalous cold weather of January and February 2021 in Asia (9), Europe (10, 11), and especially the United States (US).

So, they began with the belief that this was all caused by Mankind, hence, a doomsday cult study, nothing more, nothing less. They also incorporated a slew of previous computer model studies to get to their endpoint. And more of their own computer models. Pure junk science.

Read: Study Blames Warming Arctic For Big Texas Winter Storm »

20% Of Voters Want To Take Back Their Biden Vote

Well, gee, perhaps they should have thought hard before casting their vote for against the guy with mean tweets who was doing a heck of a good job in getting America back. Roaring economy, lowest black unemployment ever, prices low, freedom high, and so much more. Instead, the checked the box for Biden/Harris, the guy who has been wrong on most things since he entered the Senate in 1973

One in five Americans want to take their vote for Biden BACK: Poll shows 20% regret voting for him

Illegitimate President Joe BidenOne-fifth of voters who marked Joe Biden’s name on their ballot now want their vote back, according to a new poll.

A poll conducted by Zogby Analytics  found 20 percent of Biden voters now regret their choice, 4 percent aren’t sure and 76 percent still have confidence in the commander-in-chief.

Nearly three in ten (29%) Republicans who voted Biden regretted it, while one-fifth (20%) of Democrats felt the same and 14% of Independents.

Men were far more likely to regret their vote than women – 27% of males regretted their vote for the Democratic ticket, where only 13% of females felt the same.

Young people and minorities were also far more likely to regret their vote. Hispanics regretted their vote the most, 33% of them, where 25% of African Americans felt the same, as did 16% of white people.

Meanwhile, 27% of voters 18-29 regretted their vote for Biden, 30% of voters 30-49 felt the same. Only 10% of voters 50-64 regretted their Biden vote and 6% of those 65+ felt the same.

Voting is something that people should really think about, not just go ahead and pull the trigger for a candidate. It takes careful consideration of policy position, what the person has done in the past, what it’s thought this person will do now. People now, though, tend to focus more on personality, and not much else. And you can’t take a vote back for a presidential race except 4 years later.

The survey, conducted online with 2,173 Biden-voting respondents, was taken the week of Aug. 5-13, before the fall of Kabul and the most recent onslaught of criticism Biden has faced for his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

I wonder if Zogby will take the poll again post Afghanistan? And even if they didn’t vote for Trump, that would have still made a huge difference in the election outcome in battleground states, which were rather close. Especially once you throw all the cheat votes out. But, see, mean tweets are more important than a president who isn’t messing things up. What has Biden done correctly since assuming office?

Read: 20% Of Voters Want To Take Back Their Biden Vote »

Teen Vogue Wants Fossil Fuels Companies To Climate Reparations

I just have to wonder, for all the work writers for Teen Vogue put in on screeds like this, do any of the teen girls actually read them? Or, are they more interested in the fashion, makeup, celebs, hair, and the other things that most teen girls are interested in? Or, is TV driving teen girls away as readers, because most aren’t Woke Warriors? Also, will TV stop pushing all the stuff that requires fossil fueled trucks to deliver to stores for teen girls to purchase? Starting with the print edition of TV?

Fossil Fuel Companies Should Pay Reparations for Fueling Climate Change

If you look out at the water off the coast of Southern California long enough, you’re likely to spot some dolphins. Another easily spotted local sight, though much less scenic: the oil-producing and transporting facilities dotting the shoreline. In late June, near the coast of San Diego, Captain Domenic Biagini of Gone Whale Watching San Diego filmed a pod of dolphins swimming in oil sheen. The United States Coast Guard tells Teen Vogue that the source of the oil sheen is unclear but that there is an ongoing investigation.

First, they do not know where it came from. Second, that is environmentalism, not ‘climate change’.

The evidence is out there, but we know the fossil fuel industry’s lobbyists and PR teams have for decades minimized the impact of carbon emissions in contributing to the climate crisis. The industries and individuals that have devastated this planet should not be able to continue to profit. What we need now is an end to destructive new fossil fuel projects, and climate reparations.

Yet, these same people continue to use fossil fuels themselves.

Pearson says he believes that his community and family deserve reparations from the U.S. government and companies that contribute to the poor air quality, though he adds that he doesn’t often use the term “reparations” to describe the work that needs to be done. He mentions ensuring health care for those impacted and closure of the facilities that have been polluting the community. “There’s going to have to be a rethinking of the value of people’s lives in those communities,” he says, “and an intentional investment in the millions, if not billions of dollars, to remediate a lot of the harm that has been done.”

CO2 is not a pollutant. This sounds more like a redistribution scheme designed to dupe voters. The article spends a lot of time hating on pipelines and pipeline projects, before diving into hatred of law enforcement and how police are Bad.

When thinking of the scope of harm that the fossil fuel industry has caused, it’s hard to imagine financial compensation that could ever be substantial enough. What cost can be put on the mass extinction of wildlife, the illness and deaths of human beings, and the destruction of the Earth’s land and waters? The companies and individuals that have benefited from so much destruction must be held responsible, and we must stop them from creating more violence. We must look at the world we live in and how colonialism, anti-Blackness, and capitalism have allowed industries to be so negligent for so long. It’s not just one pipeline that needs to be stopped; it’s a complete value system that needs to be eradicated.

Nope, this is totally about Science and not politics. And the climate cultists are trying to shift blame to others, rather than their own big carbon footprints.

Read: Teen Vogue Wants Fossil Fuels Companies To Climate Reparations »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful train which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post showing that hurricanes aren’t really dumping more rain these days.

Read: If All You See… »

ACLU: COVID Mandates Actually Increase Civil Liberties Or Something

They might have a case if the COVID vaccines were at least over 90% effective. We don’t mandate flu shots, right? They are typically about 60% effective. But, this is the ACLU, who find defending civil liberties a subjective thing

We Work at the A.C.L.U. Here’s What We Think About Vaccine Mandates.

Do vaccine mandates violate civil liberties? Some who have refused vaccination claim as much.

We disagree.

At the A.C.L.U., we are not shy about defending civil liberties, even when they are very unpopular. But we see no civil liberties problem with requiring Covid-19 vaccines in most circumstances.

While the permissibility of requiring vaccines for particular diseases depends on several factors, when it comes to Covid-19, all considerations point in the same direction. The disease is highly transmissible, serious and often lethal; the vaccines are safe and effective; and crucially there is no equally effective alternative available to protect public health.

In fact, far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated and communities of color hit hard by the disease.

So, then the people who want them should get them, and the people who don’t should be left to deal with the consequences of their own actions. A vaccine is meant to protect the person: if someone else doesn’t get it that matters little to affecting me.

Vaccine requirements also safeguard those whose work involves regular exposure to the public, like teachers, doctors and nurses, bus drivers and grocery store employees. And by inoculating people from the disease’s worst effects, the vaccines offer the promise of restoring to all of us our most basic liberties, eventually allowing us to return safely to life as we knew it, in schools and at houses of worship and political meetings, not to mention at restaurants, bars, and gatherings with family and friends.

That’s a pretty big stretch in deeming that Government should force people to get a vaccine that has shown that it cannot fully stop a person from getting COVID. Especially since Government seems to be searching for reasons to continue slapping on restrictions. Where was the ACLU when government was going crazy, some more than others, last year, particularly during lockdown? Where is the ACLU when Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and so many others were, and still are, blowing off their own masking mandates? And, yes, this is the ACLU saying this. The two ACLU employees, David Cole and Daniel Mach, certainly didn’t write this for the NY Times without corporate approval.

The real threat to civil liberties comes from states banning vaccine and mask mandates. Even though most Covid-19 vaccine mandates do not infringe civil liberties, several states, including Florida, Iowa, South Carolina and Texas, have banned vaccine mandates or mask mandates — and sometimes both — in the name of freedom. But these bans directly endanger the public health and make more deaths from the disease inevitable. They trample the rights of the most vulnerable, who want to participate in society without putting their health at grave risk.

We care deeply about civil liberties and civil rights for all — which is precisely why we support vaccine mandates.

We care about civil liberties so we want Government to force everyone to take a vaccine that hasn’t been studied for years. And, yes, I am pro-vaccine. I will take a booster if I can. Whether you want one is your business.

(USA Today) The concept of what “full vaccination” means – two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or one of the Johnson & Johnson shot – is likely to change.

That’s the estimation of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who on Thursday presented data supporting booster shots during a briefing of the White House COVID-19 response team.

Asked whether another dose will be required, Fauci said the decision will be up to the Food and Drug Administration, but added, “I would not at all be surprised that the adequate full regimen for vaccination will likely be three doses.’’

They don’t even know the effectiveness to the point they think 3 doses will be required, and, heck, perhaps even every 6 months, yet, the ACLU wants to mandate this for all.

Read: ACLU: COVID Mandates Actually Increase Civil Liberties Or Something »

Climate Cultist Matthew Dowd Claims Hotcoldwetdry Will Kill 100 Million This Year

There’s climascaremongering, and then there’s Climascaremongering. This is kicking the amp up to…well, the climate cult is usually at 11 anyhow, so, how about a 15? Unsurprisingly, Dowd is using the suffering and deaths from Ida to push his cultish beliefs

Matthew Dowd predicts 100 million deaths this year from climate change, blames Republicans

Political analyst Matthew Dowd predicted on Thursday the world will see more deaths due to climate change this year than “all of the World Wars in the last 100 years combined.”

Dowd appeared on MSNBC’s “Deadline White House” to discuss the devastation from Hurricane Ida and insisted the powerful storm was caused by climate change, and we could be seeing worse storms in the future.

“We’re about to have more deaths in a year in the globe because of climate change than all of the World Wars in the last 100 years combined,” Dowd warned viewers.

An estimate of over 100 million people died from World War I and World War II.

He added that we have only “12 to 24 months” to act before the situation becomes “irreversible.”

“We are fast approaching, unless we fundamentally do something in the next 12 to 24 months, an irreversible problem we’re going to be facing this week every single week. And it’s going to include droughts, it’s going to include deaths, it’s going to include freezes, it’s going to include all of that,” he said.

Typically, 56-60 million die every year on this planet. He’s actually making the claim that there will be 100 million just from Bad Weather alone. No, no, this is definitely not a doomsday cult.

Will Dowd blame ‘climate change’ for cold weather deaths? Unsurprisingly, no one on MSNBC pushed back and demanded proof for this assertion

Dowd placed the blame for the devastation from Hurricane Ida solely on Republicans for not believing in “the common good” and “discounting science.”

“There’s not equal blame, and there’s not both sides on anything close to this issue. Actually, both sides stuff has hurt us in getting anything done. There is one side that has listened to science, and one side that hasn’t,” Dowd said.

Sure thing, Sparky. What have the climate change believers, like yourself, done in your own lives, other than spread awareness and scaremonger? Why are all your policies about Big Government and taxation and controlling people’s lives? Taking over economies, restricting goods and services?

Read: Climate Cultist Matthew Dowd Claims Hotcoldwetdry Will Kill 100 Million This Year »

New Zealand Police Shoot ISIS Believer After Stabbing Of Six In Supermarket

According to Modern Socialist doctrine, we’re supposed to ask “what did New Zealand do to make the Islamist jihadi upset?” Also, we can thank Surrender Joe for whipping up the jihadis with his foolish Afghanistan withdrawal

ISIS supporter shot dead by New Zealand police after shoppers stabbed in ‘terrorist attack’

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanNew Zealand police have shot and killed an ISIS supporter who injured at least six people in a supermarket “terrorist attack” in the Auckland suburb of New Lynn on Friday, authorities say.

“This afternoon at approximately 2:40 p.m., a violent extremist undertook a terrorist attack,” said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in a news conference Friday afternoon. “This was a violent attack, it was senseless, and I am so sorry it happened.”

Ardern added that the man was a Sri Lankan national, a “supporter of ISIS ideology,” and a “known security threat.” He was under constant surveillance by multiple government agencies, and security personnel were able to shoot and kill him within 60 seconds from the start of the attack, she said.

The attacker obtained a knife within the store and used it to stab shoppers before police shot him, said New Zealand Police Commissioner Andrew Coster, who described him as a lone actor. The man died at the scene.

Three of the people are in critical condition

(Axios) “The terrorist is a Sri Lankan national who arrived in 2011,” Ardern said, noting he came to security services’ attention in 2016.

Ardern said he was being constantly monitored as he could not legally be imprisoned, and that police were nearby when the attack happened.

How about deporting him, especially since he had been in court previously? No one stated at any briefing that he was now a New Zealand citizen, so, send him packing. Jarden also stated

“What happened today was despicable. It was hateful, it was wrong, it was carried out by an individual, not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity, but an individual person who was gripped by ideology that is not supported here by anyone or any community.”

That’s a far cry from what she was saying after a lunatic killed 51 Muslims in Christchurch two years ago. Then it was all about blaming all sorts of people and ideologies, not blaming the individual.

Meanwhile, the Spite House is noting there are active ISIS threats happening in Afghanistan. ISIS was pretty quiet while Trump was president. Joe also decided to visit the troops hurt in the ISIS attack from a week ago in Walter Reed Hospital. And USA Today was forced to admit their “fact check” on Joe checking his watch was wrong. He did it many times during the ceremony.

Read: New Zealand Police Shoot ISIS Believer After Stabbing Of Six In Supermarket »

Pirate's Cove