If All You See…

…is carbon pollution fueled Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post showing that science says all of Antarctica is actually cooling.

Read: If All You See… »

Media Seems Unhappy That Mississippi Gov Is Against Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Governor Tate Reeves is pro-vaccine. He’s taken the Wuhan Flu vaccine himself. He advocates that everyone else should get it. But, he’s against Surrender Joe’s mandate, which makes the media mad, because Progressives just don’t understand anything else by governmental force

Mississippi’s governor criticizes Biden’s vaccine mandate while suggesting people get vaccinated

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves argued against the White House’s vaccine mandate, calling the “unilateral action” an attack on the people of his state and threatening to sign onto a Republican-led lawsuit against it, despite the state having the country’s highest death rate per capita.

In a contentious interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Reeves on Sunday criticized President Joe Biden’s push for more vaccinations by requiring employers with over 100 employees to require their workers to be vaccinated.

“Obviously, we made it very clear that we are prepared to sue once we actually see the rule,” Reeves said in reference to the expected rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration about the requirement for vaccinations in the workplace.

CNN’s Jake Tapper pushed back on Reeves to point out that the governor himself has received the vaccine and the state has historically required vaccines, for example, in schools.

“The Mississippi Legislature has enacted laws for many years regarding vaccines of many types. It is unique to kids and their ability to go to our public schools. It’s not vaccines mandated in the workplace,” Reeves said. “This is an attack by the president on hardworking Americans and hardworking Mississippians who he wants to choose between getting a jab in their arm and their ability to feed their families.”

Democrats just do not understand free will. They do not seem to understand that governmental force causes people to resist. Demands are often met with resistance. Try telling someone what to do and see how that works out. And when you already have people who are vaccine resistant, mandating compliance doesn’t work too well, either. Not that cajoling is working well in Mississippi, but, that’s their choice, and, if they get COVID, that’s their problem. They assume the risk. Sometimes you have to let people do that.

Further, most mandates for other vaccines are implemented by the States, which have the Constitutional power to do so, not the federal government, which only has power over federal employees. And, most of those vaccines work. For instance, in NC school kids are required to be vaccinated against polio and measles. The multi-shot regimens are virtually 100% effective, hence the reason there are no polio or measles outbreaks. Same thing with mumps, rubella, and diphtheria, among others. Most parents have zero problem with these, because they work. There would be no hypocrisy of Gov Reeves mandated the Wuhan Flu vaccine for the people of Mississippi (probably needing the General Assembly to pass a law), because this is a power of the state. Not Joe Biden.

Mississippi has pretty much the same vaccine requirements as North Carolina and most states. Those vaccines work a heck of a lot more than COVID ones. And it does not help the narrative when the COVID tyrants tell us that the vaccines only work as said if everyone else has one.

Read: Media Seems Unhappy That Mississippi Gov Is Against Biden’s Vaccine Mandate »

Climate Kids Push For Climate Control In Charlotte

Say, I wonder how the kiddies traveled to the park in Charlotte? Did mom or dad drive them in a fossil fueled vehicle, while the kids played on their smartphones, wearing nice clothes shipped in from China?

Young people raise awareness for climate change in Charlotte

Lawmakers are gearing up for a busy day on Capitol Hill with the U.S. House and U.S. Senate returning to session this week.

The Senate is expected to look at the $3.5 trillion reconciliation plan presented by members of the Democratic Party.

If passed, some of the money would go to help in the fight against climate change. The funding would also go to expand education, childcare and other social programs.

To highlight the message of climate control, young people held a rally in support of the bill on Sunday, Sept. 19 in Uptown Charlotte.

“Message of climate control”. Am I reading too much into those four words? Because it’s hard not to, not after watching the evolution of the politics of anthropogenic global warming/climate change since the late 80’s, how it’s evolved into a doomsday cult which demands more and more governmental control of citizen’s lives. Especially when it seems that the kiddies are looking at the crazy Democratic bill and all it does regarding ‘climate change’ and it’s authoritarian controls.

The event was held at First Ward Park and welcome around 20 people, mostly teenagers wanting to get involved.

The event was held by a group called the Sunrise Movement, a national organization geared for young people wanting to raise awareness for causes like climate change and equality.

“They’ll see that there are young kids, like me, a high schoolers, taking my Sunday to be here and advocate for the reconciliation plan and the Green New Deal,” said Veronica Bofah, a 16-year-old participant at the event.

Twenty. That’s all Sunrise could get to show up on a Sunday. From a city of 874K (there’s some confusion on the numbers, but, since the Census website is a mess and not working correctly, hard to know). The under-18 population is supposed to be around 27%. And then there are all those from the cities surrounding Charlotte. And the most they can get is 20. At a park which is dead center of Charlotte. Was it even worth sending a camera crew from WCNC? WBTV didn’t bother, nor did WSOC, nor Fox46. Perhaps the kids just really do not care as much as the climate cultists and their pet media say.

I still can’t get beyond the “climate control” part, though. Because that’s what it is about. And they’re seemingly admitting that that’s what the $3.5 trillion bill is about.

Read: Climate Kids Push For Climate Control In Charlotte »

Pfizer Claims Chinese Flu Vaccine Is Safe For Kids 5 To 11

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I want to think it’s a good thing, but, you know that the politics of the Vaccine Tyrants will soon come into play

Pfizer says its Covid vaccine is safe and effective for children ages 5 to 11

Pfizer-BioNTech said on Monday that the companies’ two-dose Covid-19 vaccine was safe and showed a “robust” antibody response in children ages 5 to 11.

Based on data collected in a trial that included more than 2,000 children, Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech, said in a press release that the vaccine was “safe, well-tolerated, and showed robust neutralizing antibody responses” for this age group. No Covid vaccines have yet been authorized or approved for use in children under 12.

According to Pfizer-BioNTech, the children in the trial were given two smaller doses of the vaccine than those given to people 12 and older. The companies said that it produced antibody responses, and side effects, in children that were comparable to those seen in a study of people 16 to 25 who received the full dose of the vaccine. (snip)

Pfizer-BioNTech said they will now submit their data from the trial to the FDA for emergency use authorization. They are also testing the vaccine in children under five and expect results from that trial by the end of the year.

So, they’re using children as guinea pigs? Anyway, it would certainly be a good thing for kids 5 to 11 to be able to get a vaccine to protect them from the worst effects of Wuhan Flu, since it seems that some of the variants are effecting them more. But, the number of cases involving that age group is still very low, and the vast majority of cases are mild, often less than a typical cold or flu case.

But, perhaps if they are able to get the vaccine then one of the main Reasons for requiring all school kids grade K-12 to wear a mask is to protect those under 12, since kids 12 and up are eligible for the vaccine. It’s a rather dubious assertion, which seems more about forcing compliance to Government than protecting kids, especially as no allowance is made for those who are already vaccinated, and, the younger the child, the more they need to see faces to learn social cues.

And, of course, even if the 5 to 12’s get the vaccine, you know the mask fetishists will still push for everyone to wear a mask (I’ll admit, wearing a mask mostly doesn’t bother me, because I can hide many facial expressions. It’s really only the ear straps, which can cause headaches. As anyone who wears glasses knows, the back of the ears are very sensitive. I’m also going to wear it as loose as possible, meaning it is basically working less than the 10% a cloth mask works).  Masking is less about safety than Compliance. Virtually no other 1st World nation requires schoolkids to wear a mask in school. Nor make young children wear one anywhere.

The question now is, how soon till the COVID tyrants (who refuse to blame China) start demanding vaccine mandates for those 5 to 12? Because you know they will. Start requiring their vaccine papers to go to school, restaurants, stores, movies, etc? They just don’t seem to understand that they are causing more resistance than compliance.

In other COVID news, things are still nuts in Australia

Read: Pfizer Claims Chinese Flu Vaccine Is Safe For Kids 5 To 11 »

Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Is Sabotaging U.S. Education

Every once in a while the doomsday Cult of Climastrology comes up with something new

Climate change is sabotaging education for American students – and it’s only getting worse

The wildfires that ripped through California towns torched school buildings and postponed the start of school as students and teachers were left homeless. A deadly deluge in Tennessee flooded schools and delayed classes as rescue teams searched for dozens of people who’d gone missing. Students around the country were dismissed early due to heat waves and Hurricane Ida, while smoke settled over towns and cities as far east as Philadelphia, sending kids inside for recess.

Wildfires, eh?

They’re suing over negligence of PG&E, not because the Earth got a little warmer since 1850

This summer brought not only a resurgence of the coronavirus but also some of the starkest evidence yet of the devastating toll that climate change will take on the planet – and on the lives and learning of children. As humans continue to unleash greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, fires, hurricanes, floods, droughts and heat waves are intensifying, in some cases forcing kids to flee their homes and classrooms and shattering their sense of security.

School buildings and budgets aren’t up to the task of weathering climate disasters and the experience of living through these calamities is adding to the mental health strains on students already burdened by the coronavirus pandemic.

It’s a long, long piece which is long on bringing up disasters and short on providing evidence that it is in any way man caused via carbon pollution, fossil fuels, and the rest, ending with

Mental health professionals say we may have entered a new reality in which almost everyone, including children, is touched by climate change – and routinely so. “This summer has been a wakeup call for what we mean when we say climate change is a threat multiplier, in which many things come together to increase stress on people,” said Elizabeth Haase, chair of the American Psychiatric Association Committee on Climate Change and Mental Health.

Pretty much ever summer, and now winter, is a “wake up call” with these cultists. Perhaps if they didn’t position a slight temperature increase as Doom there would be no stress on the kids. But, then, the entire political movement of empowering government to control everyone’s lives would collapse.

Read: Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Is Sabotaging U.S. Education »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on Green Britain facing food shortages.

It’s cleaning out the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Gil Elvgren

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and football is back. Well, not for me, I’m a Giants fan, so, for others. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Althouse wonders what would happen if they gave a riot and no one came
  2. Twitchy highlights all the FBI bros at the Capital protest
  3. Weasel Zippers covers the anti-vaccination protest in NYC
  4. Vlad Tepes shows how people in Melbourne deal with COVID tyranny
  5. Victory Girls Blog covers San Francisco’s mayor not liking the Fun Police
  6. This ain’t Hell… has thoughts on Milley’s Afghanistan drone shoot
  7. The Right Scoop covers Biden’s buddies the Taliban replacing the Women’s Ministry with the virtue and morality police
  8. The Lid discusses some schools trying to rewrite the history of 9/11
  9. The First Street Journal features a photo worth a 1,000 COVID words
  10. Raised On Hoecakes notes that some may be Offended by remembering 9/11
  11. Pacific Pundit highlights more F**k Joe Biden chants at football game
  12. Moonbattery discusses using COVID to purge the military
  13. Jihad Watch notes a jihad massacre plot stopped in India
  14. Geller Report News highlights a Detroit TV station getting responses on the vaxxed getting COVID they didn’t want
  15. And last, but not least, Gates Of Vienna wonders when the curve will flatten

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

COVID Tyrants Want Biden To Require Vaccination For All Travelers

As keeps being said by so many, this isn’t about science, is it? It seems to be more about using political authority. Further, as so many keep saying, the people who are wanting to mandate vaccines for all are expressing that vaccines do not actually work to protect those who took them from COVID. I’m fully in favor of the vaccine. The point in me taking it was to be protected from getting int (it was 94% effective at the time), and knowing symptoms would be very light if I did get it. I wasn’t worried about others getting COVID. If everyone has to take it for it to work, then they’re saying “it doesn’t work as advertised”

Constitution allows Biden to mandate COVID vaccine. Federal government can do even more.

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, each state has taken its own approach on masking, vaccine distribution and education.

(lots of whining about Florida and DeSantis)

It is true that our constitutional design allows that states can be the laboratories of democracy, but the slogan is incomplete. It comes from a 1932 case, where the Supreme Court struck down a state regulation that it thought arbitrarily required vendors of ice to obtain licenses, unlike vendors in other industries. Justice Louis Brandeis dissented, arguing: “It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.”

That last part is key. While the Constitution allows states to govern their internal affairs, it also provides mechanisms to protect everyone else from their poor decisions.

Biden is doing just that, leveraging the power of the federal government to protect citizens from the impacts of the ill-informed policies that are enabling the virus to continue mutating and spreading throughout the population. Enacting a new emergency rule requiring employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or tested weekly is a big step in the right direction. But it isn’t nearly big enough.

Actually, in most cases, it doesn’t provide mechanisms, because of that pesky 10th Amendment. And in the few cases that it does, that power goes to Congress to pass a law within the framework of the Constution, not the Executive to unilaterally determine how things will go. But, you know Progressives only care about Presidential overreach and dictatorial behavior when a Republican is in office, claiming they’re dictators even when the Republican in question is doing the opposite. The COVID tyrants were doing this with Trump, even as he was saying most power to do anything about COVID was in the hands of the States.

When Trump did go and implement travel bans from certain nations and regions, like China, Italy, and others, the same Progressives blew a gasket, calling him a raaaaacist and a dictator, that it was horrible. Remember that? But, now

Accordingly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a mandate for all airline travelers to wear masks. It is time to think similarly about vaccinations, where the federal government’s authority is just as clear. With the Pfizer vaccine now fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration and the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines likely to follow, any remaining questions about safety and efficacy have been settled.

The CDC did overstep its authority for travel within states. For international and interstate travel for buses, trains (those 10 people who do it), and airplanes, they can sorta maybe claim authority from laws passed by Congress. And, yes, the COVID tyrants want more

Well ahead of the holiday travel season, the Biden administration should announce that United States airline travelers will be required to present proof of vaccination.

Such an airline vaccination mandate will have a few predictable effects. First, it will cause people who would otherwise fly unvaccinated to get vaccinated, so they can see their friends and family members, enjoy their vacations or do their work.

Second, it may cause others who insist on being unvaccinated to stay at home, and thereby reduce the risk to everyone else.

Third, it may reassure vaccinated folks who are hesitant to travel that it is indeed safe, which supports the airline and tourism industries.

Fourth, it will bring forth numerous lawsuits immediately, with all those people having standing to sue for vastly overstepping the authority granted by Congress and the Constitution, and for violating the Constitution. Heck, remember when Democrats, particularly NY State governor and serial sexual harasser Andrew Cuomo threatened to sue when Trump threatened to require a federal quarantine for the NY tri-state area? And when certain states, like Florida, were going to require quarantines for Democrats escaping NY? There have been numerous Supreme Court decisions showing that neither states nor the Federal government can restrict movement from one state to another. Surrender Joe can block international travel, not domestic, and requiring a vaccine would do just that, restrict domestic travel.

(Wikipedia) Freedom of movement under United States law is governed primarily by the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the United States Constitution which states, “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” Since the circuit court ruling in Corfield v. Coryell, 6 Fed. Cas. 546 (1823), freedom of movement has been judicially recognized as a fundamental Constitutional right. In Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S. 168 (1869), the Court defined freedom of movement as “right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them.

Of course, it won’t stop there

The Biden administration, other state governors and corporate leaders can also steer meetings and other travel away from states where the risk is highest. But in the short term, airports are a tangible first step, given the security apparatus already in place.

So, what next? Buses and trains? Taxis? Ubers? Carpooling? What then, if having a get-together at your house? Going to the grocery store? Where does it end?

Read: COVID Tyrants Want Biden To Require Vaccination For All Travelers »

Climate Anxiety Means Worrying About Drowning In Your Own Bedroom

It really is pure child abuse to teach kids to be scared like this

Drowning in the bedroom. This is a doomsday cult, telling scary stories to children, making them mental wrecks. Like showing a kid a very scary movie about the monster under the bed or in the closet when they’re 5. They won’t be sleeping well.

And, of course, this lunatic is calling for Government to do something, as do so many in the replies to the tweet, never seeming to remember they can make changes in their own lives.

Read: Climate Anxiety Means Worrying About Drowning In Your Own Bedroom »

If All You See…

…is a horrible stadium, responsible for lots of energy and fossil fuels usage, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on science fact checking the Biden admin on booster shots.

Double shot below the fold, check out The Right Scoop, with a post on the MSM going after Nicki Minaj’s family, and her releasing those private emails and such.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove