CNN: Traveling Is Not A Constitutional Right

Who is Dr. Leanna Wen?

Dr. Leana Wen is an emergency physician, visiting professor of health policy and management at George Washington University, and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program. Dr. Wen is also a contributing columnist for The Washington Post, a CNN medical analyst, and author of the critically-acclaimed book on patient advocacy, When Doctors Don’t Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests (St. Martin’s Press, 2013) and a forthcoming memoir, Lifelines: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Health (Metropolitan Books, 2021).

And what did she say, as part of the COVID authoritarian cult, which was not challenged?

The link in the Tweet leads to a video (hoping the embed works, never really know till posted)


Firefighters sue over city of L.A.’s vaccine mandate

A group of 500 Los Angeles firefighters filed a lawsuit Friday against the city over its requirement that L.A. employees be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, claims the city’s mandate is a violation of employees’ constitutionally protected autonomous privacy rights.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Firefighters 4 Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit representing 529 members, said Kevin McBride, the group’s attorney.

The firefighters are “pawns in a political chess match, ordered by thirteen politicians on the Los Angeles City Council to inject themselves with an experimental vaccine — over their objections — or lose their jobs,” the lawsuit states.

They’re not even arguing this over the union contract, as many others, like teachers and nurses, are doing. Straight up constitutional rights. They question is, will this work? Constitutionally, the federal government has no right to mandate except for federal employees. It’s really a state power. Is it a city power? That’s the question. Los Angeles is also now requiring vaccine status at gyms, bars, nightclubs, and more.

And then there is this overreach

Two large Bay Area school districts to vote on mandatory COVID vaccinations for eligible students

Board members will vote on proposals — Tuesday in West Contra Costa and Wednesday in Oakland — as districts up and down California struggle to keep students and teachers safe during the pandemic. Roughly 50,000 students are enrolled in Oakland Unified while West Contra Costa Unified serves more than 28,000 students in the cities of Richmond, El Cerrito, Hercules, Pinole and San Pablo, as well as several unincorporated areas.

In West Contra Costa Unified, the proposal comes after scores of coronavirus cases forced officials to temporarily close 18 classrooms during the first five weeks of school. Sponsored by trustees Demetrio Gonzalez-Hoy and Otheree Christian, the measure would require staff to get their first dose by Oct. 3 and their second by Oct. 31, or be placed on unpaid leave until they do so. Students would have until Nov. 21 to get their first shots, and until Dec. 19 for the second.

Under the proposed rule, students who turn 12 would have 30 days after their birthdays to get their first shot.

Being California, both will probably pass, and then see immediate lawsuits. This is a way to force kids to get the vaccine, regardless of what the parents say. And, no, this isn’t like some of the others, like for smallpox, as they are pretty much 100% reliable, which is why we don’t have smallpox raging.

Read: CNN: Traveling Is Not A Constitutional Right »

With Most Nations Failing Their Paris Pledges, U.N. Warns Of “Catastrophic Pathway” Or Something

Well, of course they do, with the big UN IPCC Conference On The Parties coming up in November, where 10,000+ will take fossil fueled trips from all over the world to complain about Other People using fossil fuels. And, this happens ever year in the months leading up to each COP

United Nations Warns of ‘Catastrophic Pathway’ With Current Climate Pledges

The global average temperature will rise 2.7 degrees Celsius by century’s end even if all countries meet their promised emissions cuts, a rise that is likely to worsen extreme wildfires, droughts and floods, the United Nations said in a report on Friday.

That level of warming, measured against preindustrial levels, is likely to increase the frequency of deadly heat waves and threaten coastal cities with rising sea levels, the country-by-country analysis concluded.

Are they claiming a total of 2.7C by 2100, or 2.7C more over the next 79 years? I tried reading the “concluded” link which mentions this on page 29, and, maybe it’s just being morning, that I’m just not getting which one they mean. 2.7C is 4.86F. So far, since 1850, the global temp has only gone up about 1.5F, which absolutely normal during a Holocene warm period. To go up to 4.86F by 2100 would be absurd, and rising another 4.86F would be even more absurd

The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said it shows “the world is on a catastrophic pathway.”

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Mr. Guterres is likely to drive home the sense of urgency next week when the world’s presidents and prime ministers gather for the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. It will continue to loom over the meeting of the 20 largest economies, known as the Group of 20, at their gathering in Rome in late October, and then be the focus of the United Nations-led international climate talks in November in Scotland.

Oh, good, even more long fossil fueled trips.

“Now science is shouting from the rooftops that it’s time to level up actions in an order of magnitude sufficient to the challenge,” Christiana Figueres, a former head of the United Nations climate agency, said in a statement. “All other geopolitical issues will fade into irrelevance if we fail to rise to the existential challenge that climate change presents.”

And some wonder why I call this a doomsday cult? Speaking of the U.N.

Vaccinated Mr President? New York wants proof, U.N. chief cannot enforce

U.N. chief Antonio Guterres stressed on Wednesday that he cannot ask world leaders to show they have been vaccinated against COVID-19, after New York City officials said proof should be required for anyone entering the U.N. General Assembly Hall. (snip)

New York City officials told the United Nations that under its rules people “entering the U.N. premises for the purpose of entering the General Assembly Hall would be required to show proof of vaccination in order to gain entry to the Hall.”

But Secretary-General Guterres told Reuters in an interview: “We, as the Secretariat, cannot tell a head of state if he is not vaccinated that he cannot enter the United Nations.”

The U.N. headquarters in Manhattan is international territory and is not subject to U.S. laws. However, U.N. officials have previously pledged to abide by local and national guidance when it came to the pandemic.

How many of those leaders are demanding that their citizens provide proof? Elites just being Elites.

Read: With Most Nations Failing Their Paris Pledges, U.N. Warns Of “Catastrophic Pathway” Or Something »

Biden Admin Says Drone Strike That Killed 10 Was A “Mistake”

Just a mistake, y’all!

Pentagon Admits Killing as Many as 10 Civilians, Including Up to Seven Children in Kabul Drone Strike

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanDefense Secretary Lloyd Austin admitted the United States military may have killed up to 10 civilians, including up to seven children, in a drone strike in Kabul on August 29 that was intended to kill an Islamic State-Khorasan attacker.

Austin said in a statement Friday:

The investigation concluded that the strike — conducted to prevent what was believed to be an imminent threat to Hamid Karzai International Airport — resulted in the deaths of as many as 10 people, including up to seven children.

On behalf of the men and women of the Department of Defense, I offer my deepest condolences to surviving family members of those who were killed, including Mr. Ahmadi, and to the staff of Nutrition and Education International, Mr. Ahmadi’s employer.

We now know that there was no connection between Mr. Ahmadi and ISIS-Khorasan, that his activities on that day were completely harmless and not at all related to the imminent threat we believed we faced, and that Mr. Ahmadi was just as innocent a victim as were the others tragically killed.

We apologize, and we will endeavor to learn from this horrible mistake.

Just a mistake. Who’s going to pay for that mistake? Remember Biden right after the strike?

(Rolling Stone) President Biden warned ISIS-K members that the United States will continue to retaliate for a bombing near Kabul airport on Thursday that killed a number of people, including 13 U.S. troops. He also warned that military commanders believe another attack is “highly likely” in the next “24-36 hours.”

“This strike was not the last,” the president said in a statement Saturday afternoon, renewing a vow he made in a speech Thursday. “We will continue to hunt down any person involved in that heinous attack and make them pay.”

He’s the one that ordered it. He’s the Commander in Chief, ultimately responsible.

According to Army Maj. Gen. William “Hank” Taylor, who spoke at a Pentagon press conference on Saturday, one of the Islamic State members killed by the drone strike was known as a “planner,” while another was a “facilitator.” Another person was wounded, Taylor said, but he refused to identify any of the targets or say whether they were directly connected to the Kabul attack. When reporters asked for more details, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said, “They were ISIS-K planners and facilitators and that’s enough reason there alone.”

They were pretty darned sure then, eh?

Liberal media hammers Biden admin over botched Afghan drone strike: ‘This is absolutely horrifying’

The Biden administration renewed unprecedented backlash from members of the liberal media over its botched drone strike meant to target ISIS-K terrorists but killed Aghan civilians instead.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper kicked off his show Friday by calling out the Pentagon’s “massive and deadly mistake.”

“This is a total about-face from the Pentagon’s initial denial they got anything wrong days after the attack,” Tapper told his viewers.

Except, none of them are actually bashing Biden (who’s on vacation again, and there’s still no statement from the White House). The Pentagon, sure, but, none are actually calling for anyone to be fired.

That’s just a smattering. Even some of the friendly overseas media is Blaming the Pentagon and calling it a “mistake.” It sure didn’t seem like a mistake when the Pentagon and Biden were announcing it, eh? Now, think back to when the Trump admin drone struck (striked?) General Soleimani, and the furor aimed right at Trump. They were calling it illegal, and some were even saying Trump should be impeached. Some called it a war crime. But, hitting 10, including 7 kids, in what was a massive mistake, something that wasn’t even close, and certainly not getting any ISIS-K members? Just a mistake.

Read: Biden Admin Says Drone Strike That Killed 10 Was A “Mistake” »

Street Lights For Rural Areas Are Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Um, there generally aren’t a lot of street lights in rural areas here in the U.S. Maybe that’s different in the U.K.?

Climate change: Lord Deben says street lights not needed in rural areas

Street lights should not be installed in rural areas where people could use a torch instead, an influential climate adviser said.

Lord Deben chairs the Climate Change Committee, which advises the government on emissions targets.

He also said councils should not allow housing developments where residents would commute by car.

Lord Deben said local authorities “must be looking at everything they do” to tackle climate change.

Giving evidence to Parliament’s Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee, Lord Deben said: “The pressures to urbanise the countryside are largely antagonistic to dealing with climate change.”

He said street lighting in rural areas was unnecessary, adding: “When people move into the countryside you just have to say to them, ‘this is not the town, we do not have street lighting in this village, you have a torch, that’s just how we do it’.”

Wow, not too Authoritarian at all, eh? Lord Deben, who’s name is actually John Gummer, is also one of those rich folks (around $3 million net worth) who don’t worry about the climate cult policies affecting their own lives. And who expect the peons to do as they’re told.

But Lord Deben, who was environment minister under John Major and Suffolk Coastal MP until 2010, said street lighting was important in towns where it can make people feel safer and more likely to walk.

Lord Deben told the committee councils should look at cities, towns and near railway stations for large housing developments.

“You’ve got to plan your future around hubs so that people can get to work on their feet or a bicycle, not by car,” he said.

Anyone want to bet that Lord Deben has zero intention of giving up his own fossil fueled travel, that he won’t be walking or biking?

“We’ve got to be radical and very direct because we don’t have any time,” he said.

And you peasants need to live where you’re told and do as you’re told. Seriously, the climate cult grand poobahs aren’t even attempting to hide their Authoritarianism anymore.

Read: Street Lights For Rural Areas Are Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible concrete causing lots of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on 1st responders in Oregon fighting the vaccine mandates.

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Judge Refuses DOJ Request To Block Texas Abortion Law

Not that the abortion loving Biden DOJ will give up

Judge rejects DOJ move to block Texas abortion law

A federal judge denied a Department of Justice request to block enforcement of the controversial Texas abortion law.

“[T]his case presents complex, important questions of law that merit a full opportunity for the parties to present their positions to the Court,” wrote United States District Judge Robert Pitman in a one page decision Thursday. “Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the United States’ Opposed Motion for Expedited Briefing Schedule, (Dkt. 13), is DENIED.”

The DOJ had asked the judge to grant a temporary restraining order or injunction in an effort to block the state from enforcing the law that effectively bans all abortions in Texas, prohibiting the procedure past roughly six weeks into pregnancy.

The DOJ argued that the bill, signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, would “prevent women from exercising their constitutional rights.” The DOJ cited the Supreme Court, which ruled that “a State may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.” The new Texas law bans abortions before many women even know they are pregnant.

Of course, the Texas law would not prevent women from exercising their right that doesn’t actually exist within the U.S. Constitution, nor prohibit. They are welcome to do it by through week 6, and welcome to go to another state if they so choose.

Portland scraps Texas boycott, allocates abortion funds

The City Council in Portland, Oregon, has scrapped a plan to boycott Texas businesses because of a new law that prohibits most abortions there, deciding Wednesday to instead set aside $200,000 to fund reproductive care.

The liberal Pacific Northwest city made headlines earlier this month when Mayor Ted Wheeler announced plans to ban city business with the Lone Star State. However the proposal was abandoned due to concerns that it could be “punitive to Texans who, are in fact, the most affected” by the abortion law.

The boycott would have banned the purchase of goods and services by Portland from Texas and bar city employee travel until the legislation is reversed or overturned.

Nothing is more sacred to Democrats than abortion on demand. Rather than fixing the serious crime in Portland, turning a nice city into a place that is safer than just 2% of American cities (it actually ranks worse than Chicago) into a hellhole, they’ll spend the money so that women who failed to take proper precautions (blaming the liberal “men” here, too) can use taxpayer funds to use abortion as contraception. And, really, does Texas need their business? Perhaps Texas could block the shipment of fuels to Portland.

Read: Federal Judge Refuses DOJ Request To Block Texas Abortion Law »

Pelosi Says Human Rights In China Secondary To Dealing With Climate Crisis (scam)

Forced slavery, government tyranny, repression in Tibet, abuses in Hong Kong, and so much more from China. Human Rights Watch notes

The Chinese government is committing crimes against humanity against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in the northwest region of Xinjiang, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Chinese leadership is responsible for widespread and systematic policies of mass detention, torture, and cultural persecution, among other offenses. Coordinated international action is needed to sanction those responsible, advance accountability, and press the Chinese government to reverse course.

Amnesty International also has a scathing report. But, the high ranking poobahs in the climate cult don’t really care

Pelosi says addressing climate change with China is ‘overriding issue’ despite human rights abuses

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that opening a dialogue with China on climate change must take priority as the “overriding issue,” despite a slurry of geopolitical threats posed by the communist nation.

“The situation with China is tightening, it’s getting worse,” she said at an event in Cambridge, England.

Pelosi, D-Calif., pointed to human rights abuses – including the Uyghur genocide in western China – security threats and economic challenges China poses for the U.S. but said those issues were subsidiary compared to climate change.

“With their military aggression in the South China Sea, with their continuation of genocide with the Uyghurs in Xinjiang province, with their violation of the cultural… religious priority of Tibet, with their suppression of democracy in Hong Kong and other parts of China as well – they’re just getting worse in terms of suppression,” the House speaker said.

“Having said all of that… we have to work together on climate,” she added. “Climate is an overriding issue and China is a leading emitter in the world – U.S. too, developed world too – but we must work together. We have to have a level of communication – whether it’s COVID, whether it’s terrorism or whether it’s climate.”

By “having said all of that”, Pelosi means “who cares about that stuff? We have some climate scam work to do!” And, why would she care? Instituting ‘climate change’ policies means America gets many of the same Big Government, controlling, and monitoring systems of repression used by China. These are all policies that empower government over the citizens. Human rights was always secondary to the Obama admin, particularly with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, and it’s barely a consideration now. Funny how the only president who cared was Donald Trump.


Biden convenes world leaders to discuss climate change ahead of Glasgow summit

President Joe Biden convenes world leaders on Friday for a discussion about intensifying efforts to tackle climate change, seeking to build momentum ahead of an international summit on global warming later this year.

Biden will hold a virtual meeting of the Major Economies Forum (MEF) from the White House in a follow-up to an Earth Day meeting he hosted in April to unveil new U.S. greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and press other countries to do more to curb theirs.

Biden has been emphasizing climate change repeatedly in recent weeks in the wake of damage from devastating floods and wildfires across the United States.

Most of them probably don’t care at all about China’s human rights abuses, or that they released COVID19 (intentionally or unintentionally), or that they are making moves towards Taiwan, or anything else. These big wigs like the policies that allow control.

Read: Pelosi Says Human Rights In China Secondary To Dealing With Climate Crisis (scam) »

Vaccine Madness: Britain Sharing Vax Passport Facial Data With Police

Now, originally, when the Chinese coronavirus vaccines were said to be ready for deployment, the idea of a vaccine passport immediately came out, and, really, would that have been so bad? We were still deep in a lot of people getting the Wuhan flu, and many saw this as a way that vaccinated people could re-engage with society. It would be something simple. Basic info showing the person was vaccinated I was for them. They would be temporary until enough people had the vaccine and/or the antibodies. However, right after that, the Big Government people started giving reasons why passports would be bad, as they would be used for Big Government purposes, never mind the exclusion of the unvaccinated as secondary citizens. And now

COVID-1984: NHS Admits Vax Pass App is Sharing User Facial Recognition Data With Police

Britain’s socialised healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS) has admitted that it is sharing facial recognition with police from the NHS app, which is now being used as the UK’s vaccine passport.

An estimated 16 million people have installed the NHS app, which can be used to book GP doctor visits as well as “NHS Covid Pass” proof of vaccination status in order to travel, and even as a domestic vaccine pass if businesses or events require it.

While it is possible to use separate means of identification to verify the app, the software uses facial recognition as the standard developed by the company iProov, which according to a report in The Guardian, is linked to Conservative Party donors.

The app records a video and then sends it to iProov to compare the user’s face against government ID photos in order to prove they are indeed who they say they are. The smartphone app also records information such as date of birth, postcode, phone number, and either a photo of a passport or driving licence.

The National Health Service and iProov have claimed that the data collected is anonymised and put under strict privacy protocols, however, an NHS spokesman admitted to the paper that facial recognition and other data is shared with law enforcement agencies, with the caveat that a special panel reviewed such decisions.

Of course they’re saying “meh, it’s not so bad, y’all are worried about nothing”, but, this is exactly the kind of thing people were worried about. That facial data could be shared across all sorts of U.K. allies, meaning that people with no criminal record would then have their facial data all over the 1st World nations.


You can’t call him racist, he’s just doing what the State wants him to do, turn the unvaccinated into second class citizens, able to be denied service. Same with people who refuse to use the vaccine passports/carry their vax cards.

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Counterproductive and Likely Illegal | Opinion

As a public health measure, Biden’s orders may be salutary. But they stand on shaky legal ground. Historically, vaccine mandates have been imposed—if at all—by state governments, and not by the federal government. The new regulations invert this feature of our federalist constitutional structure: Biden’s orders trump state policies that provided workers with the choice to get vaccinated. Moreover, the president acted unilaterally: Congress has not expressly authorized this sweeping expansion of federal power. Rather, to justify his edict, Biden reached back to a Nixon-era workplace safety law. I am skeptical that this half-century-old law can support Biden’s novel mandate.

Ultimately, Biden’s measures may also prove counterproductive. Forcing people to get vaccinated could deepen vaccine hesitancy. Herd immunity cannot be achieved through herd mentality—individual choice, not forcible mandates, is the only path forward.

The argument that many use for a COVID mandate is that schools require kids to get all sorts of vaccines. However, it is primarily the states which require them, not Los Federales. Further, using OSHA as the law and agency to require them will simply create a lot of lawsuits. Worth reading the rest.

Read: Vaccine Madness: Britain Sharing Vax Passport Facial Data With Police »

Bummer: No G20 Member Has A Climate Crisis (scam) Plan In Line With Paris Agreement

It’s easy to say you’re Doing Something and being Historic by joining the Historic Paris Climate agreement. It’s another thing to actually have plans in line with Paris, knowing that it will hurt your economy, impoverish the citizens, and create strife, among others

Not a single G20 country is in line with the Paris Agreement on climate, analysis shows

None of the world’s major economies — including the entire G20 — have a climate plan that meets their obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement, according to an analysis published Wednesday, despite scientists’ warning that deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are needed now.

The watchdog Climate Action Tracker (CAT) analyzed the policies of 36 countries, as well as the 27-nation European Union, and found that all major economies were off track to contain global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The countries together make up 80% of the world’s emissions.

The analysis also included some low-emissions countries, and found that the Gambia was the only nation among all 37 to be “1.5 compatible.” As the study only included a few smaller emitters, it’s possible there are other developing countries in the world on track as well.

Well, considering that the world’s non-major economies are only really required to get the redistributed money from the 1st World nations, it’s easy for them. Heck, Gambia ranks 194 out of 203 on GDP per capita. They are a 3rd world nation. 75% of the population relies on agriculture. Heck, their budget revenues are around $90 million annually. Heck, Delawares revenues are over $4.32 billion.

CAT had previously categorized the US as “critically insufficient” — the worst category — under former President Donald Trump, who formally withdrew the country from the Paris Agreement shortly before the end of his term.

The United States’ domestic emission-cutting target has since been upgraded to “almost sufficient.” However, the US is still insufficient in CAT’s “fair share” target rating, which takes into account the country’s “responsibility and capability.”

Well, what’s the big deal? Whether close or not, most aren’t getting there. And that won’t really change, because 1st World nations won’t sacrifice their standard of living. It’s easy to say “we’ll do this in 2035”, knowing that they won’t.

To keep the warming under 1.5 degrees, the world needs to reach net zero by 2050, a landmark UN climate science report published in August showed.

According to UN Climate Change, just over 130 countries have pledged to cut emissions to net-zero so far. The new analysis by CAT found that even if all of them followed up on their plans, warming would still reach 2 degrees.

They won’t. Because Warmists refuse to practice what they preach.

Read: Bummer: No G20 Member Has A Climate Crisis (scam) Plan In Line With Paris Agreement »

If All You See…

Doubleshot today, since the autopost for the 15th failed.

…is a horrible traffic jam of fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on Portland being sued over an Antifa assassin.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove