Climate Crisis (scam) Is Supercharging Weather Like Ida Or Something

I tried to avoid getting involved with the whole “Ida was your fault!” stuff, but, this one is a little crazier than most

Ida turns New York City into a front line of extreme weather supercharged by climate change

After Hurricane Ida battered the southern US states, its remnants lashed the northeast on Wednesday night, transforming New York City into a danger zone Thursday morning. Ida dumped record-shattering amounts of rainfall on Central Park and the subway was inundated with fast-moving floods, knocking nearly the whole system out of operation. The neighboring city of Newark, New Jersey, saw the heaviest single day of rain on record.

These are the kinds of scenes that scientists say the world will see more of because of human-caused climate change.

Officials in New York appeared totally caught off guard by the floods. Meteorologists — who knew storms and floods were on their way, even roughly how much rain would fall — were surprised at the storm’s pace. (big snip)

Globally, extreme rainfall events — including those in Germany and China in recent months — are becoming more common because of human-caused global warming, scientists say.

A recent UN climate report said that “the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events have increased since the 1950s over most land area.”

Scientists are saying? That means nothing. Are they proving? And are they proving that these are mostly/solely being caused by the actions of mankind? Can we prove that this is different than during the previous Holocene warm periods? Hurricanes are not getting bigger and more frequent, they are not truly dropping more rain. It may seem like it, because we have better tracking of storms than 30-40 years ago. As for rain, well, storms happen. They always do. Oh, and, apparently, winter weather from heat trapping gases

Climate crisis likely creating extreme winter weather events, says report

The climate crisis has not only been leaving deadly heatwaves and more destructive hurricanes in its wake, but also probably creating extreme winter weather events, according to a new report released on Thursday by the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science. (snip)

The new report, titled Linking Arctic variability and change with extreme winter weather in the United States, has helped to clarify that connection.

No need to read more, it’s the same old same old. Though they do seem to be getting ahead of this talking point well before winter is here. Though they did have some crazy winter weather in the Southern Hemisphere. How is the Artic causing big winter weather there? I’m sure they’ll have some sort of doomsday cult Excuse for that.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Supercharging Weather Like Ida Or Something »

Miami Herald Seems Surprised Florida AG Would Get Involved On Mask Mandates

Seriously, why would a state attorney general get involved with the legal proceedings of the state? That’s just silly

Florida AG inserts herself in mask mandate legal fight as state defies court ruling

Attorney General Ashley Moody on Wednesday injected her legal opinion into Florida’s ongoing court battle over school mask mandates, adding noise to an increasingly political fight.

Moody, a Republican ally of Gov. Ron DeSantis, said school districts must comply with a state rule that says parents must have the ability to opt their kids out of mask requirements “unless and until the judiciary declares them invalid.”

Her legal opinion comes days after a Leon County judge ruled that DeSantis and his administration “acted without legal authority” when issuing and enforcing a blanket ban on mask mandates. The ruling was delivered orally and is not effective until written and filed. As of Wednesday evening, no ruling has been filed, which has given an opening to DeSantis and his administration to act.

“Injected”. Like she has no business chiming in.

Minutes after Moody published her legal opinion, the Florida Department of Education issued a statement that said her legal opinion proves districts have broken the law and need to follow state orders because “the judiciary has not declared the rule to be invalid.”

“Today, the department is urging every school district that has mandated masks without an opt out to promptly change its policies and comply with Florida’s rules and laws,” said Department of Education spokesman Jared Ochs, who did not immediately respond when asked if the state agency coordinated with Moody’s office.

It’s an interesting thing, that a judge in one county would rule that it’s a bad thing that the State mandates that people have a choice whether they want to mask up or not.

Meanwhile, in other mandate news

Sheriff pulls school resource officers from schools, says vaccine mandate infringes on their rights

As the K-12 school year began this week, school resource officers were absent at four Chelan County school districts.

Sheriff Brian Burnett said he believes Gov. Jay Inslee’s mandate requiring school employees and on-site contractors and volunteers to receive a COVID-19 vaccination infringes on his deputies’ rights. The sheriff’s action puts school resource officer programs on hold at the Cascade, Cashmere, Chelan and Manson school districts.

In fairness, Burnett didn’t ask any officers if they were vaccinated and whether they want to be in the schools. And in the neighboring state of Oregon

Portland Police Union to City: Vaccine Mandate Will “Exacerbate an Already Dangerous Staffing Crisis” for Police and 911 Staff

The city of Portland’s vaccine mandate, announced Aug. 30, is likely to spur widespread resignations of police officers and 911 operators, says the union that represents Portland police.

Through a public records request, WW obtained an email exchange Aug. 27 between Anil Karia, who is an attorney for the Portland Police Association, and Jerell Gaddis, who manages labor and employee relations matters for the city.

In the email, Karia outlines several arguments for why the vaccine mandate is illegal and not enforceable for PPA members, which consists of most Portland Police Bureau sworn officers, as well as emergency operators employed by the city’s Bureau of Emergency Communications.

Portland already has enough problems with a shortage of law enforcement and rising crime, so, have fun, Democrat voters in Portland.

Greek health care workers protest compulsory vaccinations

Hundreds of Greek health care workers, accompanied by ambulances with sirens blaring, marched through central Athens on Thursday to protest regulations mandating coronavirus vaccines for anyone working in their sector.

Under the regulation, which went into effect Wednesday, any health care worker who isn’t vaccinated against COVID-19 or hasn’t recovered from the disease within the last six months will be suspended from work without pay.

Who knew there were so many Trump voters in Greece? In Cincinnati they’re worried that 30% of the nurses could quit over the vaccine mandate. That seems to be happening a lot.

Read: Miami Herald Seems Surprised Florida AG Would Get Involved On Mask Mandates »

China Says Poor Relations With U.S. Imperil Progress On ‘Climate Change’

China likes to say the right things on Doing Something about the climate emergency (scam), but, they’re also building lots of coal fired power plants and putting more and more fossil fueled vehicles on the streets. And so much more that the Warmists hate. This is all about scamming the climate crisis scammers

China warns US poor relations could undermine progress on climate change

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi has warned US climate envoy John Kerry that deteriorating US-China relations could undermine cooperation between the two countries on climate change.

In a video link call on Wednesday, Wang told Kerry that such cooperation cannot be separated from the broader relationship and called on the US to take steps to improve ties, a foreign ministry statement said.

Kerry, who is in the Chinese city of Tianjin for climate talks with his Chinese counterparts, said the US is committed to cooperating with the rest of the world on climate and encouraged China to take additional steps to reduce emissions, the US state department said.

Kerry, a former secretary of state, also said that China “plays a super-critical role” in the effort to combat climate change, according to a brief video clip from the meeting shown on CGTN, the international arm of state broadcaster CCTV.

What this is really all about is getting nations like the U.S. to stop bugging China about the other issues if people like Kerry want cooperation on ‘climate change’

Relations between Washington and Beijing have been strained by disputes over trade, technology and human rights. But the sides have identified the climate crisis as an area for possible cooperation.

“China and the US have differences on some issues. In the meantime, we share common interests in a range of areas such as climate change,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily briefing on Wednesday.

In other words, stop bugging them about human rights, don’t attempt to push fair trade rules, don’t bug them about make a push to take over Taiwan, don’t bug them about stealing intellectual property, leave them alone when they are hacking the U.S. government and private companies, and more. Not if you want cooperation on Hotcoldwetdry with the next U.N climate meeting coming up, for which China will then ignore afterwards and keep doing what it wants to do.

And, sadly, climate cultists like Kerry and Biden, along with those in other nations, will ignore all China’s issues, including their abuse of human rights and citizens, if they can get China to agree to Do Something about ‘climate change’. And then look shocked when China doesn’t actually do anything in their nation.

Read: China Says Poor Relations With U.S. Imperil Progress On ‘Climate Change’ »

Sleepy Joe Claims Texas Abortion Law Violates Constitutional Rights Or Something

Nothing whips Democrats into a fervor like abortion on demand. If you gave them a choice of reducing the power of government and keeping abortion they’d usually choose abortion. It seems to be their 1st Commandment, Thou shall allow abortion. And along comes Surrender Joe, who wants to put massive restrictions on firearm ownership for private citizens, force them to wear masks and take the vaccine, and purchase electric vehicles

Biden says Texas’ new abortion law “blatantly” violates constitutional rights

President Biden said in a statement Wednesday that Texas’ new law that outlaws most abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy “blatantly violates” the constitutional right established by the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision on Roe v. Wade.

Why it matters: The law went into effect early Wednesday after the Supreme Court did not act on requests from reproductive rights advocates to block the ban, which is one of the most restrictive in the U.S.

Leftists like Joe can never actually point out where in the Constitution/Bill of Rights exists, nor is there really federal law, so, despite the caterwauling, the Supreme Court was correct in refusing to hear the case, as this would be something that is a power reserved for the States and the People.

What he’s saying: “The Texas law will significantly impair women’s access to the health care they need, particularly for communities of color and individuals with low incomes,” Biden said.

It is interesting that Biden mentions “communities of color”, eh? Democrats treated blacks one way before the Civil Rights era, then, afterwards, they just did it in a more benevolent way, trying to keep them in specific sections of the big cities Dems control, leaving them in crappy housing, with lots of crime and urban decay, bad schools, and trying to make blacks think Democrats are helping them, thereby getting their votes. And pushing for blacks to abort their babies while destroying the family at the same time.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki added in a press briefing on Wednesday that the administration would “call for the codification” of Roe v. Wade in Congress.

Well, that might hit the Supreme Court, since that is not a power delegated to the federal Congress.

“And, outrageously, it deputizes private citizens to bring lawsuits against anyone who they believe has helped another person get an abortion, which might even include family members, health care workers, front desk staff at a health care clinic, or strangers with no connection to the individual,” he added.

There could, in fact, be structural issues with the Texas law, as even some pro-life advocates noted as I cruised Twitter, but, the main point is that this is a States right, not a federal one, and, really, that Democrats seem to love abortion.

That sounds a lot better than using abortion as a means of birth control after making bad sexual intercourse decisions, eh? It’s strange that Democrats had mostly given up on pushing for birth control in all facets, focusing strictly on abortion.


Some Texas residents are stockpiling contraceptives and pregnancy tests after abortion ban

On Wednesday, a Texas law banning abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy went into effect, and some residents started stockpiling contraceptives immediately.

Makayla Montoya Frazier founded Buckle Bunnies Fund in April 2020, just after Texas Gov.Greg Abbott’s temporarily abortion ban during the COVID-19 pandemic. Montoya Frazier’s organization focuses on funding abortion clinics and providing funds and transportation to those seeking abortions.

Now, Montaya Frazier and other volunteers are collecting contraceptives, pregnancy tests and Plan B pills for residents taking extra precautions. Plan B contains the hormone levonorgestrel which can prevent ovulation, block fertilization or keep a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.

Shouldn’t “sex workers”, ie, prostitutes, be using contraceptives in the first place?

Kat Smith, a volunteer for the Buckle Bunnies Fund, also created their own stockpile of contraceptives and pregnancy tests. Right after the ban took effect, Smith offered the supplies to anyone in need and has received dozens of requests on Twitter.

Smith said dozens of people are worried they won’t detect their pregnancy at just six weeks and are resorting to weekly tests and extra contraceptives as a result.

They’ve been relying on abortion as a contraceptive. Why not use contraceptives? Why stockpile? They’re easy to get. They won’t be banned. This is an attempt to create a false narrative.

Amber Latoya, a Houston resident, said she said she took Montaya Frazier’s offer for free Plan B and contraceptives. Most Plan B packages range from $30-50, and birth control methods are at the most 99.9% effective. Latoya is scared her birth control will fail, she’ll realize she’s pregnant after six weeks and be forced to carry a child she’s not ready for.

The same people demand everyone get the COVID vaccine, which is way less than 99.9% effective. Maybe don’t have random sex with people you don’t want to have a child with? Perhaps both parties should be using birth control.

Read: Sleepy Joe Claims Texas Abortion Law Violates Constitutional Rights Or Something »

Canadian PM Trudeau Thrilled To Push Climate Crisis (scam) Lockdowns

I told you this stuff would be coming, because the climate cultists said they wanted to do climate lockdowns. I didn’t make the graphic

for no good reason (via Climate Depot)

“What we learned from this climate — this uh COVID crisis, we will be applying to the climate crisis, the housing crisis, to reconciliation, to making sure that everyone has good jobs and careers that carry them through and create good opportunity for their kids.”

What did we learn? How government can lock people down, control their movements and actions, control their businesses. It might seem to be a stretch, but, they were saying it since the start of COVID.

Read: Canadian PM Trudeau Thrilled To Push Climate Crisis (scam) Lockdowns »

If All You See…

…are horrible farm animals contributing to climate doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post blowing up the media’s claims on Hurricane Ida and ‘climate change’.

Read: If All You See… »

NFL Players Association Upset Jaguars Considered COVID Vaccination Status In Cuts

I’m not sure why they’re surprised, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some other teams made the same considerations

Urban Meyer admits players’ vaccination status played role in Jaguars’ roster cuts

Like 31 other NFL teams, the Jacksonville Jaguars announced their 53-man roster for the 2021-22 season on Tuesday.

Usually, deciding which player makes the cut comes down to their current talent, their future potential, their contract status and the quality of the other players at their position. In a pandemic, however, there was apparently another consideration to make.

Jaguars head coach Urban Meyer told reporters that whether or not a player is vaccinated was considered when deciding who made the cut:

“Everyone was considered. [Vaccination status] was part of the the production, ‘Let’s start talking about this, and also is he vaccinated or not?’ Can I say that that was a decision maker? It was certainly in consideration.”

One entity not happy with Meyer admitting vaccination status played a role in roster cuts is the NFL Players Association, whose spokesman said the following in a text to Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio:

“These comments have led us to open an investigation.”

Per PFT, the rules currently prohibit considering vaccination status in making employment decisions. This came up when Buffalo Bills general manager Brandon Beane said he would cut an unvaccinated player, which led to a rebuke from NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith and a talking-to from the NFL.

Do you think the Jaguars are the only ones?

Still, Meyer probably wouldn’t be alone in considering vaccination status. He’s just the only one who said it out loud.

As things currently stand, players who choose to remain unvaccinated are opening themselves and their team to a good bit of trouble thanks to the NFL’s COVID-19 policies, considered the most strict in major American sports. (snip)

Most importantly, an unvaccinated player or group of unvaccinated players can trigger absolute chaos if they are at the center of a COVID-19 outbreak. Teams with unvaccinated outbreaks face forfeits if a game cannot be rescheduled as well as financial penalties for the organization and the players themselves.

So, yeah, you can bet this was considered for all teams.

Meanwhile, in other mandate news


Democratic lawmakers drop idea for a California statewide vaccine mandate

Democratic lawmakers have dropped a controversial proposal to mandate vaccines in the state, a move that would have been challenging to pass in the final weeks of the legislative session and was already providing fodder for the upcoming recall election.

Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) said she will not pursue the proposal this year after drafts of her bill language were leaked last week, saying she needed more time to craft “the strongest bill possible.” (snip)

The draft language called for Californians to show proof that they are vaccinated to enter many indoor businesses and required both public and private sector workers to be fully vaccinated or regularly tested.

The real reason it was dropped was because they were trying to sneak it into another bill and got caught, and it would have been a big problem for Gavin Newsome, who is, as you know, facing a recall vote. They were trying to be sneaky.

Read: NFL Players Association Upset Jaguars Considered COVID Vaccination Status In Cuts »

St. Greta Claims Scotland Is No World Leader On Climate Crisis (scam)

You know what would be cool? If St. Greta of Stockholm told all her acolytes to practice what they preach. Give up their own massive carbon footprints. And, hey, maybe get a degree

Greta Thunberg: Scotland not a world leader on climate change

St. GretaCampaigner Greta Thunberg says she doesn’t regard Scotland as a world leader on climate change.

The Swedish activist told BBC Scotland she recognised that some countries “do a bit more than others” but that none were coming close to what was needed.

On the Scottish Greens’ deal to enter government, she said some politicians were “less worse” than others.

But she said tackling climate change was not as easy as voting for a green party.

The 18-year-old said: “Of course there might be some politicians that are slightly less worse than others. That was very mean but you get the point.

“It’s a hopeful sign that people want something that’s more ‘green’ – whatever green means – but in order to solve this we need to tackle this at a more systemic approach.”

In other words, she wants more dictatorial government, telling people how to live their lives and forcing them to comply. No one should expect anything else from climate cultists.

Ms Thunberg still believes the conference will not lead to anything “if we don’t treat this crisis like a crisis.”

She explained: “It should be all about climate justice and we can’t achieve climate justice if everyone is not contributing on the same terms.

Climate justice is a political term, requiring political, not scientific, solutions, usually involving force from government towards citizens.

Speaking of politics

Climate change in election spotlight in oil giant Norway

Climate change has surfaced as a key issue for Norwegian voters in a Sept. 12-13 parliamentary election, and none more so than in the country’s oil industry capital, Stavanger, which is preparing for a low-carbon future. (snip)

The opposition Labour party and its allies including the Socialist Left are widely expected to replace the ruling coalition of Conservative Prime Minister Erna Solberg, polls indicate. Labour supports continued petroleum exploration while the Socialist Left opposes it.

Since the publication of a United Nations report on Aug. 9 warning that global warming was dangerously close to spiralling out of control, parties that prioritise climate change, such as the Green Party and the Socialist Left, have seen their popularity rise in polls. The Greens saw a 25% rise in their party’s membership.

The better the pro-environmental parties perform in the election, the more likely they will be able to force through curbs on oil companies, such as limiting where they can look for new fields.

Still, it will be a tall order to call time — as the Greens want — on a sector that accounts for 42% of national exports and employs around 160,000 people.

Either people will say “no” to the Greens, because Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is popular in theory, not practice, or they empower the Greens and deal with the fallout, having to wait till the next election to replace them while dealing with the economic destruction caused by the Green’s policies.

Read: St. Greta Claims Scotland Is No World Leader On Climate Crisis (scam) »

White House To Afghan Who Helped Rescue Biden In 2008: “Thank You” And Psaki Deflections

Well, this is pretty much what the Biden admin and State Dept have been saying for days, namely, that these people are mostly on their own

White House thanks interpreter in hiding who helped rescue Biden in 2008 and commits to evacuating Afghan partners

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday praised the Afghan interpreter in hiding who helped rescue then-Sen. Joe Biden during a 2008 rescue mission as she reaffirmed the US’ commitment to helping Afghan allies.

“Our message to him is: Thank you for fighting by our side for the last 20 years. Thank you for the role you played in helping a number of my favorite people out of a snowstorm and for all the work you did. And our commitment is enduring, not just to American citizens but to our Afghan partners who have fought by our side,” Psaki said.

“And our efforts and our focus right now is, as you’ve heard Gen. McKenzie say and others say over the last 24 hours, is to the diplomatic phase. We will get you out. We will honor your service. And we’re committed to doing exactly that.”

The interpreter, who is going only by his first name, Mohammed, told the Wall Street Journal that he is asking the President to “save me and my family” after US forces allowed him to enter Kabul’s airport during their evacuation mission but restricted his wife and children. (snip)

The Journal reported that Mohammed has had his Special Immigrant Visa stuck in processing. The program is meant to provide a pathway to the United States for Afghans who were employed by or worked on behalf of the US government, but many have had trouble navigating the program’s process amid the US’ frantic scramble to evacuate.

That’s a lot of gobbledegook from Psaki, exactly what we’d expect. What, exactly, is the U.S. to do? We have no military left in Afghanistan: Joe pulled them out before we could get everyone out. He set the conditions for the quick and total takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban. This could have gone different

Biden TURNED DOWN Taliban offer to let America secure all of Kabul after President Ashraf Ghani fled country, report claims

The Biden administration refused an offer by the Taliban’s co-founder to take control of the security across all of Kabul before the chaotic evacuation because the president was determined to keep his promise to pull US troops out, according to a report.

Senior US military officials including Gen. Kenneth McKenzie hastily met face-to-face with Abdul Ghani Baradar, head of the Taliban’s military wing, who made the US a weighty offer, as reported by the Washington Post.  

‘We have a problem,’ Baradar said, according to a US official.  ‘We have two options to deal with it: You [the United States military] take responsibility for securing Kabul or you have to allow us to do it.’

But Biden was determined to keep his promise of a full withdrawal, even with the collapse of the Afghan government. So, McKenzie and other military officials said the US only needed control of the airport until Aug. 31 and the Taliban could secure the city.

So now we’re supposed to do diplomacy with the Islamic extremists in the Taliban? Everyone is now a hostage. Will this require pallets of cash? Removing sanctions? Teaching them how to use the $65 billion in military gear left behind? How do these people get out? How do you negotiate with these brutal extremists? There are 24 California students still stuck in Afghanistan.

And for those saying Biden’s surrender was a victory, that he “deserves credit, not blame

(UK Daily Mail) President Joe Biden wanted the now-departed Afghan president to create the ‘perception’ that his government was capable of holding off the Taliban – an indication he knew it was only a matter of time before the US ally fell to the Islamic group even while reassuring Americans at home that it would not happen.

In the last phone call between Biden and his Afghan then-counterpart Ashraf Ghani, the American president said they needed to change perceptions of the Taliban’s rapid advance ‘whether it is true or not,’ according to excerpts published on Tuesday.

The call took place on July 23 – weeks before the fall of Kabul – but Biden on Tuesday repeated his assertion that his team was caught flat-footed by the rapid Taliban takeover of the country.

Four weeks before Kabul collapsed, Ghani pleaded for more air support and money for soldiers who had not had a pay rise in a decade.

A transcript obtained by Reuters from an anonymous source reveals two leaders oblivious to the impending disaster and an American president focused on spinning the message.

‘I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,’ Biden said.

‘And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.’

Joe knew it was a disaster, but, was more focused on spin.

Read: White House To Afghan Who Helped Rescue Biden In 2008: “Thank You” And Psaki Deflections »

Surprise: Electric Vehicles Won’t Save You Money

The hell you say! Let’s consider that a Kia Niro hybrid starts at $24690. The EV version? $39090. That’s not an insignificant chunk of change. The VW ID4 starts at $39995. The Tiguan, about the same size, starts at $2545. Oh, and then there’s this little tidbit from Jolly Old England

Don’t kid yourself: electric cars won’t save you money

st greta carDoes anyone really believe that owning an electric car will end up saving them money? If you have fallen for the claims that lower running costs will more than make up for the higher purchase price of an electric car then you haven’t spotted something rather large that is barrelling down the middle of the road straight towards you: road pricing.

It would be easy to write off today’s report by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change — which calls for road-pricing — as the work of a powerless and frustrated man trying to re-live his glory days as Prime Minister. Blair, you might just remember, attempted to lumber road-pricing upon us in the dying days of his premiership but was beaten back by public opposition. But he has a point. The switch to electric cars is going to cost the Treasury so much — £30 billion a year or the equivalent of six pence on income tax by 2040 according to Blair’s institute – that it is simply going to have to try to recoup that cost somehow. If it isn’t in the form of jacking up taxes on electricity – a political impossibility given that the government will be simultaneously trying to persuade us to dump our gas boilers for heat pumps – it is likely to come in the form of charging us for every mile we drive on the roads.

Yes, owners of electric cars currently pay less for their energy than do drivers of petrol and diesel cars, but it is not a fair comparison because it ignores the tax differential. For every pound you spend on petrol or diesel, around 60 pence goes to the Exchequer in tax. Charge your electric vehicle at home, on the other hand, and you pay just five percent VAT. Take into account that pure electric vehicles pay zero Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) and, according to the calculations by Blair’s institute, electric vehicle-owners pay just two percent of the motoring taxes paid by drivers of petrol and diesel cars.

Just wait, then, until the government tries to make up its losses. You won’t be so impressed with your electric vehicle then, not when the whole of Britain is peppered with London congestion charge-style levies. It is a precondition of road pricing schemes that all vehicles are monitored constantly. We will have to be followed around, either through an enhanced network of number plate recognition cameras or by GPS devices fixed in our cars. Every journey we make will logged and the data stored. Given how DVLA already co-operates with private parking companies by flogging them our home addresses, don’t be surprised if it assumes the right to start selling our mobility data to all kinds of marketing organisations who can then target us with ads tailored to which places we frequent.

Oh, but that’s England. They wouldn’t do something like that here, right? In fact, this has already been discussed as Surrender Joe and Gavin Newsome have pushed to replace all fossil fueled vehicles, even regular hybrids, with EVs. Think back to when Obama was raising the CAFE standards, and gas tax revenue was dropping (people like better fuel economy, in most cases), so they were talking about raising the gas taxes, at both the state and federal levels. And implementing “road pricing”, meaning charging you for how many miles you drove. Hybrid owners were incensed.  And this would have been on top of a gas tax.

But, at least it would have been simple, simply charging for miles driving. The Blair Institute goes further

It is suggested motorists could be charged a flat rate for every mile they travel, with each driver allowed a number of free miles per year.

But it warns that such a system would be unlikely to have much of an impact on congestion.

Another suggestion is to bring charges based on geography similar to London’s congestion zone or to apply a sliding scale of cost based on how long each journey takes.

The final proposal is to bring in a dynamic road user charging system, similar to one in Singapore, where higher costs are applied to the most congested routes at the busiest times of day.

So, figuring out ways to charge people forced into EVs they cannot afford no matter the situation. Think the Modern Socialists/Warmists in the U.S. aren’t paying attention?

And then there’s the notion of tracking you, because you can bet that what happens is not a simple sending of how many miles you drive to the government.

Read: Surprise: Electric Vehicles Won’t Save You Money »

Pirate's Cove