British Question Biden’s Mental Health, Warned Joe Hold’s Grudges

Joe’s doing a heck of a job in his first 8 months

British Warned Biden ‘Holds Grudges’ After UK Govt Sources Say He’s Gone ‘Gaga’

Biden Brain SuckerBoris Johnson has been warned that Joe Biden “holds grudges” after members of the British government questioned his mental fitness following “completely mad” press briefings on Afghanistan.

The warning follows a report in The Sunday Times that a British government minister said President Biden “looked gaga” while speaking to the press, with a government aide describing the American as “doolally” and the newspaper noting that “Such thoughts are normally never whispered in Whitehall, let alone briefed.”

“Doolally” is an insult with a strong pedigree in Britain, stemming from the name of a town in India where a sanatorium for soldiers rendered temporarily deranged by fever were sent in the 1800s.

U.S. sources have indicated that the 78-year-old Democrat is unlikely to appreciate the rich history of this description of his mental state, however, telling The Telegraph — which is close to the British government — that he is emphatically “not ‘gaga’” and in fact has “actually picked up his game quite a bit since the [election] campaign.”

“The Brits have their view. But they should be careful. What’s been said is offensive and he will remember it. He actually has a long memory,” the source warned the right-leaning newspaper.

“It’s always been his way that if somebody says something really bad to him, or about him, he doesn’t speak to them again. He does bear grudges. Boris Johnson should know that,” they added threateningly.

On the bright side, Joe probably can’t remember much of anything these days

Prime Minister Johnson, despite being described as something of a “British Trump” by left-wing commentators, had no love for Biden’s predecessor, and has hitherto adopted a sycophantic approach to the Democrat, describing his presidency as a “breath of fresh air” and saying it was “highly likely” he was “not going to disagree with the President on anything” at the G7.

Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan seems to have marked the end of this honeymoon, however, with the British leader having hinted strongly that he feels the situation there was forced upon him and America’s other allies by the White House.

Reports indicate that Johnson was unable to get the President to take a call from him for over 24 hours as Kabul fell to the Taliban, further souring relations.

Joe didn’t seem to be talking to any foreign leaders, and after the last trainwreck of a G7 video meeting, I wouldn’t be surprised of the leaders of France, Germany, and the UK, and possibly even Canada, are not interested in talking with Joe nor working with him. He’s not trustworthy. Say what you will about Trump, when our allies needed America Trump made sure the U.S. responded with help.

(UK Daily Mail) The mother of a Marine killed in the Kabul airport attack called President Joe Biden a ‘dementia-riddent piece of crap’ as the president meets with families of the 13 fallen service members on Sunday

‘My son was one of the Marines that died yesterday,’ Kathy McCollum said in a radio interview on Friday of her 20-year-old late son Rylee.

‘[He was] getting ready to come home from freaking Jordan to be with his wife to watch the birth of his son,’ McCollum said. ‘And that feckless, dementia ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die.’

Of course, criticism of Joe’s actions like this won’t make it into the U.S. media, where they have to protect Joe. Have you seen anything in the NY Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc, about Secretary of State Antony Blinken being on vacation in the Hamptons just hours before Kabul fell?

Yeah, he did. I almost wanted to give he a break, because people who wear watches often check them. I’ve seen it done at funerals and weddings and other times one should be paying attention. But, he conscientiously checked it, doing it surreptitiously. He knew he was doing wrong. It would be like the minister checking their watch as the moment of silence ended.

Read: British Question Biden’s Mental Health, Warned Joe Hold’s Grudges »

Bummer: Air Conditioning Is Killing The 21st Century

It’s all your fault because you won’t turn your AC off and just swelter like it’s 1499…er, no, wait, that was during the Little Ice Age, so, 1199, during the Medieval Warm Period

Air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century. It’s also killing the 21st

When did indoor air become cold and clean?

Air conditioning is one of those inventions that have become so ubiquitous, that many in the developed world don’t even realize that less than a century ago, it didn’t exist. Indeed, it wasn’t so long ago that the air inside our buildings and the air outside of them were one and the same, with occupants powerless against their environment.

Isn’t progress wonderful? Not to climate cultists

Eric Dean Wilson, in his just published book, “After Cooling: On Freon, Global Warming, and the Terrible Cost of Comfort,” dives deep into the history of this field. It took more than just inventing the air conditioner to make people want to buy it. In fact, whole social classes outright rejected the technology for years. It took hustle, marketing skill, and mass societal change to place air conditioning at the center of our built environment.

Crichton: Now to get to the heart of the book, you focus on the rise of air conditioning, but you start by giving readers a wide view of what life was like before its invention. Why did you do that?

Wilson: This was a surprise — I did not go into the book thinking that I was going to find this. Before air conditioning really took off in the home, there was a really different sense of what we would call personal comfort, and something that I really argue in the book is that what we’ve come to think of as personal comfort, and specifically, thermal comfort, has changed. What I argue in the book is that it’s really in part a cultural construction.

Personal comfort today is bad.

Now, I want to be really careful that people don’t hear that I’m saying that it’s entirely a construction. Yes, when we get too hot or too cold, then we can die, for sure. But what’s really interesting to me is that there’s a lot of evidence to show that before air conditioning began at the beginning of the twentieth century, people weren’t really hungry for air conditioning.

People weren’t hungry for burgers, airplanes, or surfing before they were invented. Sitting out at the beach for a tan wasn’t a big thing before the 20th Century, either. Times change.

Crichton: I’m jumping ahead, but what does the future look like as global warming persists and our cooling increases in line with that heat?

Wilson: In so many cooling situations, there are major alternatives, like redesigning our buildings so that they require way less energy and way less cooling. There are really amazing architects who are looking to things like termite mounds, because the colonies that they build sort of have brilliantly engineered rooms with different temperatures.

That said, I was surprised how much our opinion on comfort could change by simply understanding that it could change. I think that we have to make the world of tomorrow desirable, and we can take a nod from the commercial advertising industry. We have to sell this future as one that we actually want, not as something that we’re giving up. And I think the narrative is always like, “Oh, we have to stop doing this, we have to lower this, we have to give this up.” And that’s certainly true. But I think if we understand that as not something that we’re giving up, but actually something that we’re gaining, then it makes it a lot easier. For people, it makes it feel a lot more possible.

Ah, they have to sell people on doing away with AC and living like ants. Good to know.

Read: Bummer: Air Conditioning Is Killing The 21st Century »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the Pentagon spokesperson walking away from a tough question on ISIS.

It’s country women week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Melody Owens

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and, well, the NFL starts soon. I guess that’s OK. I’ll only be watching Giants games, no others. This pinup is by Melody Owens, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Legal Insurrection covers a Marine commander relieved from duty for demanding accountability from leadership
  2. Knuckledraggin My Life Away notes a professor condemned as racist for doing a colorblind study
  3. Jihad Watch discusses the Taliban cutting a gay man to pieces
  4. Geller Report News highlights the Taliban mass executing people
  5. Gates Of Vienna covers a French judge suspending vaccine passports in a region of France
  6. Flopping Aces wonders if doctors will also refuse to treat obese people like they do the unvaccinated
  7. DC Clothesline notes the CDC is pivoting to guns after ending COVID
  8. Datechguy’s Blog covers radical feminists acting saner than our government
  9. Cold Fury discusses what we can learn from COVID tyranny in different countries
  10. Chicks On The Right notes a judge requiring a man to get the vaccine as a term of parole
  11. bluebird of bitterness has your Cat Saturday
  12. American Greatness highlights the Progressive campaign to keep white people hating themselves
  13. Newsbusters covers the LA Times whining about hate mail after all their hate towards Larry Elder
  14. Pacific Pundit discusses sick, frail Biden falling asleep on Israel’s PM
  15. And last, but not least, Powerline Blog notes how other countries see the Biden admin

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Chicago Judge Strips Mother Of Custody Rights For Not Being Vaccinated

This is probably the first case in the U.S. where Government has stripped a private citizen of their Rights due to vaccination status

From the link

A Chicago mother is appealing a court order that revoked her parental visiting rights because she declined to be vaccinated against the coronavirus .

When Rebecca Firlit and her ex-husband of seven years participated in a child support hearing via video call on Aug. 10 for the purpose of determining the terms of shared custody of their 11-year-old son, Cook County Judge James Shapiro inquired about Firlit’s vaccination status. After Firlit told the judge she did not receive the vaccine because of adverse reactions she has had to other vaccines , he ordered her to be stripped of her parental right to visit her son until she has been vaccinated.

“I think that it’s wrong. I think that it’s dividing families. And I think it’s not in my son’s best interest to be away from his mother,” Firlit told local Fox-affiliate WFLD.

Firlit, who has spoken with her son on the phone and through video calls, hasn’t visited in person in over two weeks in compliance with the judge’s order.

“It had nothing to do with what we were talking about,” she said of her vaccination status. “He was placing his views on me and taking my son away from me.”

Her lawyer further stated that this was not in the judge’s jurisdiction and purview, as the father didn’t even bring the subject up. Oh, and there’s pretty much nothing within the law that allows this. The appeal should be interesting, and should be looking at the judge himself for this invasive and unconstitutional ruling. He might be saying “well, it’s for the welfare of the child”, but, the child is around plenty who are not vaccinated. This is a judge who simply decided to intervene with his own beliefs. And, maybe she can’t get the vaccine. Even the CDC notes that some have bad reactions and shouldn’t get it. How many more will decide to do the same?

Meanwhile, in Washington state

(King5) The Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) filed a lawsuit Thursday in an attempt to stop Gov. Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate from going into effect after the state and the union failed to reach a bargaining agreement.

The complaint filed in Thurston County Superior Court alleges the state “failed to bargain the effects of [the mandate] in good faith” with the union, according to a release from WFSE.

The vaccine mandate, passed down by Inslee in early August, requires most state employees, healthcare workers and K-12 employees to be fully vaccinated by Oct. 18 or face losing their jobs.

Interesting. Government unions are allowed to bargain with mandates, but, private citizens aren’t? Private citizens have to simply suck it up and deal with it?

Read: Chicago Judge Strips Mother Of Custody Rights For Not Being Vaccinated »

Woman With Extinction Rebellion Goes Topless For Protest

Update: apparently, the tweet with the XR lunatic (nice boobs, though), was deleted, you can see the video here.

What are the unhinged lunatic Marxist Extinction Rebellion folks up to?

Extinction Rebellion Protesters Paint London Red

Extinction Rebellion protesters poured red paint over the entrances of city institutions as they marched through London’s financial district in a protest against the ‘“blood money” on which they say the UK economy is built.

In what appeared to be the biggest mobilization so far this week by the environmental protest group, several thousand demonstrators took a tour of the city, stopping off at the banks and law firms they saw as most culpable in the climate crisis.

All week, groups based on local areas, or around issues such as gender, race or politics, have staged actions in different locations in central London. On Friday, the protest was staged in solidarity with black, brown and indigenous people, especially in the developing world.

Awesome! Committing vandalism while all the uber-white XR folks white-knight for the black, brown, and indigenous people, who mostly do not care, except in terms of getting free cash. This is seriously a 1st World white people issue

Activists then went to the Guildhall, from where the financial district is governed, and sprayed the building with red paint. At 3 pm, they reached Paternoster Square, where the London Stock Exchange is located, for rallies and a speech. A mass civil disobedience was planned. “Today’s protest is highlighting that racial, social and climate justice are all intertwined,” said Bhavini Patel, from east London, an activist with XR Unify. “There is no separation and we recognize that, because where’s that profit going and how does it impact us?”

I’m starting to think this has nothing to do with science. Nice of the cops to do absolutely nothing in the face of vandalism.

But, maybe that’s cause they were distracted? (below the fold, don’t need this popping up on your work PC screen

Read More »

Read: Woman With Extinction Rebellion Goes Topless For Protest »

California Legislature To Strip Bridge Bill, Replace With COVID Mandates

No one can possibly be surprised by this, can they?

California legislative switcheroo could ‘gut-and-amend’ bridge bill into coronavirus vaccine mandate

California Democrats are looking to force through statewide coronavirus vaccine rules in a bill that was initially supposed to be about tolls on a bridge in the Bay Area, using a controversial “gut-and-amend” tactic that repurposes an existing bill.

The legislative screen allows state lawmakers to fast-track their agenda without going through committees and other early hurdles, according to state Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, a Republican and candidate to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom in next month’s recall election. (snip)

The original bill, AB 455, was supposed to regulate traffic lanes on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. But a draft of an amended version published by the California Globe replaces the toll provisions with language that would allow private employers to fire employees if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Democrats own the legislature in full, so, there’s zero chance it doesn’t pass a full vote. There aren’t enough Republicans to stop it. Let’s switch to the California Globe article

Gut-and-amend bills can be particularly insidious. This secretive process often leaves lawmakers, as well as the public, little or no time to review entirely new legislation dropped into an old bill. And usually, the subject of the legislation has nothing to do with the bill’s previous legislative issue.

These are the same people who always yammer about Democracy dying. Yet, they don’t seem all that interested in giving the People an actual voice, or letting them know what’s going on

Amendment 5: 52.8. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, an establishment, as defined in subdivision (b), shall require each person who is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, who seeks to enter the indoor facilities of that establishment, to show proof to an employee or authorized agent of the establishment that the person has been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Note: “To the extent allowable under state and federal law and any employment agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this act, an employee who refuses to comply with this section may be subject to termination.”

That sure seems to be saying that all employees must be vaccinated or they cannot work at the place of business.

This seems to be aimed at employees, to make sure that they cannot sue the employer for termination, but, it leaves open the notion of businesses denying access under the law to all who haven’t been vaccinated. Further, it seems to be saying that all who enter the business, whether employee or customer, must be asked if they were vaccinated, and denying if they aren’t.

(1) COVID-19 vaccine supplemental paid sick leave shall be available to an employee if that employee is unable to work due to either of the following reasons: (A) The employee is attending an appointment to receive a vaccine for protection against contracting COVID-19. (B) The employee is experiencing symptoms related to a COVID-19 vaccine.

(2) An employee shall be entitled to the following number of hours of COVID-19 vaccine supplemental paid sick leave:

(A) An employee is entitled to 24 hours of COVID-19 vaccine supplemental paid sick leave. (B) COVID-19 vaccine supplemental paid sick leave to which an employee is entitled pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any paid sick leave that may be available to the employee under any other law. (c) An employee may determine how many hours of COVID-19 vaccine supplemental paid sick leave to use, up to the total number of hours to which the employee is entitled pursuant to subparagraph (A). The COVID-19 vaccine supplemental paid sick leave is available for immediate use by the employee.

(3) Each hour of COVID-19 vaccine supplemental paid sick leave shall be compensated at the regular rate of pay to which the employee would be entitled if the employee had been scheduled to work those hours pursuant to existing law or an applicable collective bargaining agreement.

So, yeah, it also forces the employers to pay extra sick leave to employees if they get COVID, up to 24 hours at regular rate of pay.

Capitol sources note business groups like the cover of this bill being a government edict so they can wash their hands of some liability on COVID protection. And, labor is using this to extort more concessions like additional sick leave and bonus hazard pay.

A Capitol source said, “It’s never good when big business and labor may be on the same side of things.”

Remember, this is all about science.

Read: California Legislature To Strip Bridge Bill, Replace With COVID Mandates »

If All You See…

…is a ground drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Biden being weakness personified.

Read: If All You See… »

Vox: It’s Time To Rethink Air Conditioning Or Something

OK, Warmists, you think air conditioning is Bad for ‘climate change’. What are you going to do? Will you give up your own? Have all the people working for Vox done so? How about at their corporate headquarters? How about Excitable Rebecca Lear, who wrote this screed?

It’s time to rethink air conditioning

What if the most American symbol of unsustainable consumption isn’t the automobile, but the air conditioner? In cool indoor spaces, it’s easy to forget that billions of people around the world don’t have cooling — and that air conditioning is worsening the warming that it’s supposed to protect us from.

There are alternatives: We can build public cooling spaces and smarter cities, with fixes like white paint and more greenery. Some experts have hailed heat pump technology as a more efficient option. But as the planet warms and more of its inhabitants have spare income, AC sales are increasing. Ten air conditioners will be sold every second for the next 30 years, according to a United Nations estimate. Access to air conditioning can literally mean life or death for the young, elderly, and those with medical conditions such as compromised immune systems.

The rise of ACs has an enormous cost: Over time, chemicals known as refrigerants leak out of AC units and accelerate climate change.

Yet, weirdly, Warmists keep using them. You know all the Warmist governments are not turning theirs off, nor even turning the temperature up a few degrees.

Eric Dean Wilson, the Brooklyn-based author of the book After Cooling: On Freon, Global Warming, and the Terrible Cost of Comfort, is skeptical that phasing out these chemicals will be easy. He’s concerned that a form of protection from a warming world should involve swapping out one chemical for another.

He also made a more radical argument that, in the United States and even around the world, a big cultural shift could lead to a more communal idea of cooling, instead of a retreat to our separately cooled homes. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Communal? Let’s take a look at this interview

What I hoped to do with the book was by tracing this history people could consider a radically different way of living, one that doesn’t have to be suffering. It can actually be pleasurable. I think a lot of people are too afraid to even try that because they think they have to give something up. I hope that it can open the door just a little bit for people to really re-contextualize what it means to be comfortable. I think there’s something to be said about making us a bit more comfortable with the discomfort of outside air.

Yeah, have at it, climate cultists. Let’s see you move from the it being popular in theory role to actually practicing this.

Air conditioning has a racist history and present
You cite New York City’s statistics that even though Black residents make up 22 percent of the population, they account for half of all the heat fatalities in the city. What are the ways we see racism play out in the disparities in air conditioning and cooling today?

From the very beginning, even before air conditioning’s invention, people who were enslaved in the 18th century were denied any cooling.

Good grief. These people.

And then there’s the wealth disparity that we’re seeing, especially in developing countries: that air conditioning units have become a marker of class and sometimes ethnic divisions, of who can and cannot afford AC. That’s why an approach to cooling justice — ways to make sure that everyone has access — is super crucial because AC has really become a dividing tool.

And how, exactly, does that occur? Especially when Warmists are arguing that AC is bad? Of course they have to put this in terms Marx would have loved.

When you have open asphalt, which often falls in sections of the city with the working poor, you have hotter cities. Planting more trees and green space can lower the urban heat island effect by several degrees. You can also have better-designed buildings, but that’s tricky because you need new materials and lots of money. You can provide heat pumps, but you also need to redesign the building’s air systems. And we also need more access to publicly cooled spaces so that we’re not all, individually, cooling our homes.

Wait, cities are hotter because of localized effects? Perhaps that could account for the majority of reported warming that’s higher than what nature has done. So, of course we have to have some sort of communal place while our homes are sweltering like it’s 1899.

Read: Vox: It’s Time To Rethink Air Conditioning Or Something »

Pentagon Supposedly Strikes ISIS-K Planner In Afghanistan

Good if this is real, but, consider me skeptical. Did we just bomb some randos, or get people who were actually important?

‘We killed the target’: Pentagon drone strike KILLS ISIS-K ‘planner’ two days after Kabul airport bombing that left 170 people dead

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanA Pentagon drone strike has killed the ‘planner’ behind the ISIS suicide bombing at Kabul airport that left more than 170 people dead.

The missile struck an ISIS fighter while he was in his car with another Islamic state associate in Nangahar province, eastern Afghanistan. US officials said the strike was approved by President Joe Biden.

The retaliation came less than 48 hours after a suicide bombing claimed by the group killed 13 U.S. soldiers, two Britons and the child of a UK national outside an entrance to the runway.

U.S. Navy spokesman William Urban confirmed the military ‘conducted an over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an ISIS-K planner.’

‘Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties,’ he added.

There’s no footage released of the strike, which is interesting. Hey, maybe we got the guy. Which begs the question, how do we know this guy was the planner? Did we already have intelligence on ISIS-K? Did we get the intelligence from some other intelligence service? If we got the guy, great! With this crew in the White House, you have to be skeptical. And, let’s be honest, if Trump was in the White House all the media outlets would be skeptical and would be demanding proof.

It wasn’t clear if the individual killed in Saturday’s drone strike was involved specifically in the Thursday suicide blast outside the gates of the Kabul airport, where crowds of Afghans were desperately trying to get in as part of the ongoing evacuation from the country after the Taliban’s rapid takeover.

A reaper drone, which took off from the Middle East, struck the militant who was in a car with an Islamic State associate. Both are believed to have been killed, an official said.

Well, gee wiz, if Joe hadn’t shut down Bagram (you know, the one we left in the middle of the night), we could have hit them from there.

And for those who want to Blame Trump for ISIS-K

The group first emerged in 2014 as a splinter from another terror group, Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) — often known simply as the Pakistani Taliban.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies say that many of ISIS-K’s top leadership came from the TTP — among them spokesman Sheikh Maqbool, and their first emir, Hafiz Saeed Khan.

Khan, a Pakistani citizen, established an early stronghold in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province — on the border with Pakistan.

In 2015 ISIS-K’s formation was officially announced by ISIS’s leadership in Iraq and Syria, and the terror network’s headquarters have funneled money into their Afghan outpost.

Who was president then? Who was VP? I’m not going to take the word of the Biden admin or any of its Woke military leaders without proof.

Read: Pentagon Supposedly Strikes ISIS-K Planner In Afghanistan »

Pirate's Cove