Leaders Of UK, France, And Germany Plan To Tell Biden Not To Cut And Run

The virtual call is scheduled for 930am. This post is scheduled for 1030am. Will anything change by then? Will Biden listen? Will he be receptive? Will he be lucid?

Will Joe cut and run? Boris Johnson prepares to join France and Germany making last-ditch plea to US President to extend evacuation deadline in G7 talks TODAY – but nobody’s holding their breath

Biden Brain SuckerMinisters have dismissed hopes that Joe Biden will extend the August 31 deadline for withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan as the UK, France and Germany prepare to make a last-ditch plea in G7 talks today.

Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel are set to push the case for keeping the evacuation operation in place longer with thousands of desperate people still flocking to Kabul airport.

However, Mr Biden is still defying international and domestic pressure to prolong the airlift, even though it means troops might have to start focusing on their own exit plan within 24 hours.

A call with Mr Johnson last night failed to make any progress, while the Taliban has warned of ‘consequences’ if there is an attempt to cling on.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace conceded this morning it is ‘unlikely’ the deadline will be extended, after the RAF extracted another 2,000 people in the past 24 hours.

‘I think it is unlikely. Not only because of what the Taliban has said but if you look at the public statements of President Biden I think it is unlikely,’ Mr Wallace said.

Remember when Biden and his supporters said that he was Mr. Experience and was a foreign policy wizard and would bring America back to the international community? I bet France, Germany, and the UK are wishing Trump was still around, because, for all his mean tweets and bombastic rhetoric, they knew they could depend on him doing everything to protect U.S. citizens and those of allies

Tory MP Tom Tugendhat – who served as an Army officer in Afghanistan – said all the UK could do was ‘ask the Americans if they’re willing to stand with us’.

He added: ‘If they’re not then we can’t secure the perimeter and we can’t manage air traffic control, so if the Americans decide to go now I’m afraid that is it. But we can ask.’

There’s no telling what Dementia Joe might do. Neither he nor his advisors know what they’re doing. They blew the operation, pulling out the military before the civilians. They’re lying and diverting all over the place, instead of owning the issue and fixing it. This is what we get


Afghan Fallout: Biden Blows Up His Entire Case For Being President

Fo r most of the past week, in the fires of the worst foreign policy crisis of his young administration, the president who won the White House on a promise of competence and compassion has had trouble demonstrating much of either.”

That’s not us saying that. This is how the New York Times described the Afghanistan debacle, which is as sure a sign as any of how much trouble President Joe Biden is in right now. (snip)

In a July 2020 speech, Biden declared that his “foreign policy agenda will place America back at the head of the table, working with our allies and partners – to mobilize global action on global threats.”

Is that so?

The Washington Post reports that U.S. allies are complaining “that they were not fully consulted on a policy decision that potentially puts their own national security interests at risk – in contravention of President Biden’s promises to recommit to global engagement” and that “many around the world are wondering whether they could rely on the United States to fulfill long-standing security commitments stretching from Europe to East Asia.”

And now we await the fallout from the virtual meeting (will Joe make it on time?). Does he cut and run? Or help our allies?

Read: Leaders Of UK, France, And Germany Plan To Tell Biden Not To Cut And Run »

St. Greta’s Climate Group Calls For Global Climate Strike

Yes, yes, this is just what we need, a bunch of low skill workers striking. As Erik Worrall writes “If you don’t pay Climate Reparations, All the Useless People Will Walk Out Until Their Demands are Met”. From the Fridays For Future press release




The climate crisis does not exist in a vacuum. Other socio-economic crises such as racism, sexism, ableism, class inequality, and more amplify the climate crisis and vice versa. It is not just a single issue, our different struggles and liberations are connected and tied to each other. We are united in our fight for climate justice, but we must also acknowledge that we do not experience the same problems; nor do we experience them to the same extent. (snip)

The time to join the masses and follow the lead of the environmental defenders and workers has been long overdue. Reparations to MAPA must be paid for the historic injustices of the richest elite, drastic emission cuts in the Global North, vaccine equity, cancellation of debt, and climate finance are only the beginning of these. Together we will fight for a just future where no one is left behind. The historical victories of collective action have proven the need for the youth to stand united with the multisectoral, intergenerational struggle for a better future for all; a future where people and planet are prioritized.

Anyone else getting the idea that this is not about science? This is just reaffirmation of what I noticed back in 2004, and have been saying ever since, that all the policies dovetail perfectly with far left politics. But, hey, what are we going to do without burger flippers and coffee slingers on 9/24? Worrall dives into the referenced Google Drive document

We’re in the midst of a climate crisis, mass species extinction, a world health pandemic, socio-economic inequality crises, and more. The current system actively strives towards highlighting the voices of the most privileged through a racist and white-savior narrative that portrays people from the Global South as underdeveloped, poor, and voiceless. Industrialized countries of the Global North have been doing this for centuries through colonialism, imperialism, the perpetuation of systemic injustices and their fixation on everlasting growth. However, people from the Global South or the most affected areas are not underdeveloped, poor, or voiceless, but battling with the consequences of colonization and neocolonization while actively being silenced. They are strong, fearless and conscious as they have been fighting and addressing the root cause of these crises for centuries, that is the systems of oppression and injustice created by the richest of the Global North.

We must unite, follow the lead of defenders and workers, amplify MAPA voices, and demand more ambitious action from Global North representatives. Together we will fight for a just future where no one is left behind, because our liberations are tied together. The historical victories of collective action have proven the need for the youth to stand united with the multisectoral, intergenerational struggle for a better future for all; a future where people and the planet are prioritized over profit.

No, no, totally about science, not the Modern Socialist agenda.

Read: St. Greta’s Climate Group Calls For Global Climate Strike »

Wuhan Flu: Australia Goes Insane In Busting Church, Biden Wants Mandates

Australia has gone uber-nuts with their COVID lockdowns. They’re shutting down protests, deploying batons and pepper spray. They’ve even pepper sprayed children. They killed 15 dogs because they didn’t want people coming to get them. And going to church?

Seriously, watch that. It’s like they’re reporting on a group of terrorists planning to blow up the Sydney Opera House being busted. From the link

The pastor at a Sydney church busted for holding an illegal sermon in a COVID-19 hotspot last night told a congregation earlier in the day “the lockdowns are over”.

NSW Police found 60 people at the Christ Embassy church in Blacktown about 7.30pm after a tip-off to Crime Stoppers.

It was just hours before a curfew which prevents people in high-risk 12 LGAs in Sydney’s west and south-west from leaving home between 9pm and 5am came into effect.

Before authorities arrived and handed out about $35,000 in fines, Sydney pastor Marvin Osaghae gave another sermon earlier in the day.

“In the name of Jesus, we refuse every lockdown in our cities, in the name of Jesus go ahead and pray,” he told the congregation.

The service, which was live-streamed on social media, also included multiple performances by singers and bands not wearing masks.

For the later service, people had travelled from across Sydney’s west, police said, including Canterbury-Bankstown, Fairfield and Liverpool, police said.

Thirty adults were fined $1000, and the church was fined $5000.

Police also said there was no QR code check-in system being used by the church.

I’m wondering if the citizens of Australia are going to push for and demand a Bill of Rights? Because there is none. Some states have them, usually rather limited, but, nothing national. And the next round of elections should be interesting: do the citizens vote out all the pro-lockdown pro-authoritarian politicians? As a sidebar, just imagine police going in force like this to a black church here in America to shut them down, arrest them, and fine them.

Joe Biden Urges Private Businesses to ‘Step Up with Vaccine Requirements,’ Ignores Afghanistan Crisis

President Joe Biden urged private businesses to “step up with vaccine requirements” for employees, forcing them to get vaccinated despite looming hesitancy and personal concerns, all while failing to address the crisis in Afghanistan during a public address on Monday.

“I’m calling on more companies in the private sector to step up with vaccine requirements that will reach millions more people,” the 78-year-old president said as he delivered remarks at the White House following the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of the Pfizer vaccine for those 16 and older.

Guy can barely read his teleprompter, and he wants everyone forced to get the vaccine. Yes, I’m pro-vaccine, but, if people want to take the chance, that’s on them. Dr. Doom went further

Fauci added, “But the other thing that you just mentioned now is they’re going to give a lot of incentive and backing for a lot of institutions and organizations and places of employment to mandate, and that could be colleges, university, the military, organizations that employ a lot of people, some of the big corporations are going to say if you want to work for us in person, you’ve got to be there and get vaccinated. I think that’s a good thing. I know I respect people’s freedom, but when you’re talking about a public health crisis that we’ve been going through for well over a year and a half, the time has come. Enough is enough. We’ve just got to get people vaccinated.”

He respects your freedom. But not enough to stop you from being forced to get the vaccine. Meanwhile, pediatricians are saying it’s a big no-no for kids under 12 to get the vaccine now that the FDA has given full approval of the Pfizer version.

Read: Wuhan Flu: Australia Goes Insane In Busting Church, Biden Wants Mandates »

Here’s How Our Woke Military Can Fight The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Back in the 1970’s the Left wanted to defund the U.S. military. Well, that wasn’t going to happen. Especially when Ronald Reagan came into office. They didn’t give up. Instead, they infiltrated and changed the military from the inside. They have Woke idiots in positions of power. How else to explain our military leaders saying they won’t go protect U.S. citizens in Afghanistan, and we end up with

And, being die-hard leftists, they are also card carrying members of the Cult of Climastrology, and the LA Times’ Michael Klare has Ideas

Op-Ed: Here’s how the U.S. military can better fight the ‘existential threat’ of climate change

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III declared global warming an existential threat to U.S. national security at a White House climate summit earlier this year. Using language normally applied to conventional adversaries like China and Russia, Austin described the climate crisis as “a profoundly destabilizing force for our world,” generating widespread havoc and bloodshed.

Same guy was the one who said the U.S. military wouldn’t protect U.S. citizens, wouldn’t go get them. Not “can’t”, “won’t.”

Clearly, the U.S. cannot reduce its national greenhouse gas emissions rapidly without a sustained drive by the Pentagon to abandon carbon-based fuels in favor of renewable energy. Of course, the technologies it must develop to achieve such advances would have widespread application to the civilian economy as well.

Clearly, their job is to be ready to defend the U.S. and it’s citizens, not worry about ‘climate change’.

But, crucially, these targets did not apply to ships, aircraft and combat vehicles — almost all of which continue to be powered by petroleum and remain a major source of greenhouse gases. Jet fuel for military planes is a huge emitter. A B-2 bomber, for example, uses 4.2 gallons of fuel to travel just one nautical mile; a single air mission puts hundreds of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

And blows up quite a bit of enemy stuff and fighters. Which is what matters.

Anyhow, Michael rather fails to provide the “here’s how” part, other than

However, the Pentagon has yet to outline specific actions or objectives that would include far greater reductions in fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions than its 2010 sustainability plan included. If climate change poses an “existential” threat, it is imperative that these goals be extended to tactical as well as nontactical military vehicles. Additionally, all U.S. military installations should be required to obtain all of their primary energy from renewable sources by 2035.

Cool, it will be like pre-industrial times, where armies would fight only in the day time, because it was too dark to fight at night. Well, that would be our army. China would have no sort of problem.

Oh, hey, I know, let’s apply this to the operations of the LA Times and all those who write for it. They’d be good with this in their own lives and operations, right? Energy only from renewables, no fossil fuels at all.

Read: Here’s How Our Woke Military Can Fight The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on vaccine mandates, unintended consequences, and the power of persuasion.

Read: If All You See… »

Who’s Up For A Crash Course In Scientific Uncertainty?

Remember follow the science. Even if they don’t know what it is

The U.S. Is Getting a Crash Course in Scientific Uncertainty

When the coronavirus surfaced last year, no one was prepared for it to invade every aspect of daily life for so long, so insidiously. The pandemic has forced Americans to wrestle with life-or-death choices every day of the past 18 months — and there’s no end in sight.

Scientific understanding of the virus changes by the hour, it seems. The virus spreads only by close contact or on contaminated surfaces, then turns out to be airborne. The virus mutates slowly, but then emerges in a series of dangerous new forms. Americans don’t need to wear masks. Wait, they do.

At no point in this ordeal has the ground beneath our feet seemed so uncertain. In just the past week, federal health officials said they would begin offering booster shots to all Americans in the coming months. Days earlier, those officials had assured the public that the vaccines were holding strong against the Delta variant of the virus, and that boosters would not be necessary. (snip)

Americans are living with science as it unfolds in real time. The process has always been fluid, unpredictable. But rarely has it moved at this speed, leaving citizens to confront research findings as soon as they land at the front door, a stream of deliveries that no one ordered and no one wants. (snip)

But to frustrated Americans unfamiliar with the circuitous and often contentious path to scientific discovery, public health officials have seemed at times to be moving the goal posts and flip-flopping, or misleading, even lying to, the country.

We’re told to follow the science, but, they don’t actually know what it is. They don’t know where it is going. How many still clean their hands after touching stuff? Like, say, you go to the grocery store then slather on hand sanitizer when you get in your car? How many grabbed some sort of wet wipe when they got in their car and wiped your hands than your steering wheel, shifter, and door handle? We don’t do that now, do we? How about wiping down door handles at work? Desks? Phones? You should wipe them down at all times for other things. Do we still avoid touching our face? Sure, this is all in real time, but, how do we trust it? They tell us to wear masks, but, masks mostly do nothing. Fauci said this in February of 2020.

Researchers first frame the hypothesis, then design experiments to test it. Data from hundreds of studies, often by competing teams, are analyzed before the community of experts comes to a conclusion.

Yet, we are being told to do certain things, mandated even, to act in certain ways, based on the hypothesis, not on the results. What are the results on masking? Here’s yet another study

Most face masks won’t stop COVID-19 indoors, study warns

N95 or KN95 face masks may be the best way to avoid COVID-19 during crowded indoor events. That’s the recommendation from a new study reporting most cloth masks just don’t do the job when it comes to stopping the spread of coronavirus within enclosed spaces.

Researchers from the University of Waterloo simulated a person breathing in a large room with a cloth face mask on. Despite wearing a mask, the study finds a large buildup of aerosol droplets suspended in the air. Besides raising awareness on the vulnerability of certain face masks, these findings also emphasize the need for proper ventilation indoors. More ventilation means less of a chance for potentially viral aerosols to linger around.

“There is no question it is beneficial to wear any face covering, both for protection in close proximity and at a distance in a room,” says study leader Serhiy Yarusevych, a professor of mechanical and mechatronics engineering, in a university release. “However, there is a very serious difference in the effectiveness of different masks when it comes to controlling aerosols.”

Studies continue to show that aerosols exhaled by infected individuals can indeed infect others with COVID-19, even if someone is standing more than six feet away.

And the majority of people are wearing masks that mostly won’t stop the Chinese flu. And all the government says is “wear a mask! They stop it!”

Researchers theorize many people wear masks that don’t fit their face properly. As a result, many cloth and surgical masks only filter about 10 percent of exhaled aerosols. The rest make their way past the mask, most through the top, and spread into the surrounding environment. Conversely, higher-quality, more expensive N95 and KN95 masks filter over 50 percent of all aerosol droplets.

So, even the N95s and KN95s only stop around 50 percent. Sure, that’s better than nothing, right? And then they end up in the roads and landfills. The rest? 10%. Even those “surgical masks”. I’ll take my chance with not wearing one when it’s 10%, avoiding the annoyance. And, yes, again, I’m vaccinated. I’ll take the booster if able. They may not stop me from getting it, but, since the science is showing that most will barely feel it, I prefer not feeling sick.

Read: Who’s Up For A Crash Course In Scientific Uncertainty? »

Climate Cult Claims Autumn Will Totally Not Be The Same This Year

Some years Autumns are warm. Sometimes cool. Sometimes cold. Sometimes hot. It’s the nature of the weather. It’s never always the same. Fall 2020 was rather chilly. But, because you dared drive a fossil fueled vehicle and eat cheeseburgers, this one could maybe possibly be different

Why autumn weather won’t be the same this year

At the halfway point of August, fall is quickly approaching as schools are back in session. But warm temperatures and prolonged drought could hinder the traditional fall feeling of cool, crisp mornings with beautiful foliage on the trees.

The Climate Prediction Center’s (CPC) extended three-month outlook for September through November is showing a similar story for most of the country — above average temperatures.

The CPC has also increased chances for La Niña this fall. While this could be good news for the drought-stricken western states, it does not bode well for areas impacted by tropical systems in the Atlantic. (snip)

It could take a little while longer than average to feel the brisk cool evenings or chilly morning walks to school associated with fall in the US.

Nationwide, warmer fall temperatures are anticipated for the next three months. The Southwest and Northeast could experience the most anomalously above average temperatures, according to the CPC outlook for September, October and November. (snip)

Although the temperatures could be warmer than average, it doesn’t mean things won’t cool off. Cooler temperatures will start to roll across much of the country, but they might not be as cold as usual.

See, all this is meant to insinuate that it is caused by the actions of Mankind. Your fault. If only you would buy an electric vehicle and give up meat. Move to a big, Progressive city and vote Democrat. It’s meant to scare people. But, what if the Warmists at the Climate Prediction Center (a part of the climate cult leaning NOAA) are wrong? Are there any consequences? They were pretty much wrong on Fall 2020. How about for the news outlets (it’s a CNN article reposted by WRAL) and story writers, who write it up with zero skepticism? Any consequences? The Farmer’s Almanac is saying something very different than the CCCP, er, CPC. Looking back, the CPC tends to be more wrong than right.

The climate cult has been making wrong prognostications for 30+ years, yet, no consequences. They just keep making them.

Read: Climate Cult Claims Autumn Will Totally Not Be The Same This Year »

Pressure Grows On Sleepy Joe To Extend Afghanistan Deadline

As most rational people can see, this is a disaster thanks to the incompetence of the Biden administration. In most private businesses, and even in governments in countries around the world, there would be mass resignations and firings, with potentially even the head quitting. But, Vacation Joe doesn’t seem particularly engaged. As the NY Post editorial board notes, Biden is a disengaged, befuddled president. And Michael McKenna writes

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanWe can, however, say with some precision a few things about his schedule, his apparent lassitude, and that of his administration.  For at least the last six months, the president’s daily schedule seems to have consisted of the Presidential Daily Briefing (usually in mid-morning rather than at the start of the day as is typical for presidents) followed by one internal meeting or perhaps a phone call or video chat with a small group of whoever.

There are seldom two meetings on the presidential schedule, and there have only been a handful of trips to places other than Delaware.  Announcements of the closure of the news-making portion of the day (“lids”) have been called as early as 11 am.  During and after the fall of Kabul, the president was at Camp David, apparently by himself.

He’s really just not up to this. So, what makes people think he’ll have the fortitude to extend the August 31 deadline?

Pressure Grows on Biden to Extend Afghan Withdrawal Deadline

As the evacuation from Afghanistan plunged more deeply into chaos and violence, President Biden is considering extending the deadline for U.S. troops to withdraw, amid a groundswell of pressure from global leaders and veterans concerned that a security vacuum could risk lethal consequences.

Violent clashes at Kabul’s airport on Monday reinforced fears that the American withdrawal will aggravate the already precarious security situation. The German military wrote on Twitter that a member of the Afghan security forces had died in a firefight with unidentified attackers in the early hours. It did not specify which group the Afghans were affiliated with.

That’s on Feckless Joe. This did not need to happen. So shot

Mr. Biden said on Sunday that his administration might extend his Aug. 31 deadline, and he pledged that all evacuated Afghan allies would be given a home in the United States after they are screened and vetted at bases in other countries.

And chaser

But the Taliban have made it clear that an extension of the U.S. deadline for troop withdrawal would be unwelcome. “They should finish the evacuation by Aug. 31 as they have promised,” Mohammad Naem, a Taliban spokesman in Qatar, said on Monday.

Oh, it’s much, much worse than that. It’s necessary to get away from the protective U.S. Credentialed Media

‘There will be consequences’: Taliban warn US and Britain to get out, saying August 31 withdrawal deadline is a ‘red line’ and it will ‘provoke a reaction if they are intent on continuing the occupation’

The Taliban has said it will ‘provoke a reaction’ and has threatened ‘consequences’ if the US or UK do not leave Afghanistan by August 31 and extend the deadline for the withdrawal of troops.

President Joe Biden wants all Americans to have left the country by the end of the month although he admitted on Sunday night that an extension was under discussion, while this morning UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the evacuation effort is ‘down to hours now, not weeks’.

Taliban spokesman Dr Suhail Shaheen said the group will not accept an extension to the deadline and warned of retaliation if Western forces extend their ‘occupation’ since the group dramatically swept to power.

He told Sky News: ‘It’s a red line. President Biden announced that on 31 August they would withdraw all their military forces. So if they extend it that means they are extending occupation while there is no need for that.

‘If the US or UK were to seek additional time to continue evacuations – the answer is no. Or there would be consequences.

Most likely, Bumbling Joe has no idea of that interview. He might be alerted to it at his 930 daily briefing or at his 10am meeting with his national security (fail) team. The only other thing on his schedule is a meeting with the Seattle Storm at 330pm.

Boris Johnson is expected to press him and other G7 leaders to delay the final withdrawal in a virtual call on Tuesday, despite his armed forces minister warning Kabul will become a ‘warzone’ if the West stay and ignore the Taliban’s demands.

Tuesday. Biden couldn’t fit this in Monday? Kinda important with all the Americans and European nation citizens stuck in Afghanistan, eh? What does this guy do all day?

Photo comes from Newsweek, with a story about a billboard in Wilmington, NC which showed that graphic. Weird that none of the local news outlets posted about it from 3 days ago.

Read: Pressure Grows On Sleepy Joe To Extend Afghanistan Deadline »

Surprise: Heat Pumps Are Worse For Warming Homes Than Gas Boilers

The climate cult high poobahs have been pushing to replace gas boilers with heat pumps, because, for one thing, they just can’t mind their own f’ing business, especially since those poobahs tend to be rich and can afford to piss away money. And now?

The view of a climate poobah laughing over what he’s trying to push. From the article

Boris Johnson’s proposed green alternative to gas heating is inferior to traditional boilers, the Business and Energy Secretary has admitted, as he insisted that heat pumps were not “much worse” than the technology they are designed to replace.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Kwasi Kwarteng conceded that, while gas boilers had been “refined over many years … heat pumps are still in their infancy”.

Fears that the new technology provides significantly less heat in homes than traditional boilers were being “exaggerated”, Mr Kwarteng insisted.

He added: “I don’t think actually heat pumps are that much worse than boilers. All I’m saying is that they could be improved if there was more investment.”

In other words, they’re worse. And more expensive. And government would force you to replace your existing and working gas boiler with a heat pump. This will, of course, only effect so many, as so many have electric ones.

Speaking as the Government finalises its heat and buildings strategy, Mr Kwarteng addressed concerns about the costs of the policy by insisting that ministers would not seek to achieve the target by “writing cheques” alone.

“We’re not going to get to a hydrogen economy just by the Government writing cheques,” he says.

“We’re going to do that by the Government, yes, writing some cheques, if I want to put it crudely, but critically, by attracting private investment.”

These people think private investors will suddenly pony up lots of money for the hell of it. What’s the financial reward to private investors? If there was one, they’d already be doing this. It is funny that so many of the climate cult solutions are worse than the original.

Read: Surprise: Heat Pumps Are Worse For Warming Homes Than Gas Boilers »

If All You See…

…is a bridge for Evil fossil fueled vehicles causing Extreme Hurricanes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on Kamala laughing when asked about Afghanistan.

It’s Asian ladies week. A little late, forgot to hit “schedule” before going out to run some errands.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove