NY Times Wants You To Stop Using Fireworks On Independence Day

Seriiously, should we be surprised by this opinion at the Times by Margarent Renkl? It seems there is always some sort of crank doing this yearly, and, by crank, I mean a Democrat. Do you ever see Republicans saying “nah, no more fireworks or burgers or hot dogs”?

Enough With the Fireworks Already

For 15 straight years, our old dog Clark — a hound/shepherd/retriever mix who was born in the woods and loved the outdoors ever after — spent the Fourth of July in our walk-in shower. He seemed to believe a windowless shower in a windowless bathroom offered his best chance of surviving the shrieking terror that was raining down from the night sky outside. (snip through many paragraphs about pets being upset over fireworks)

And those were all companion animals, the ones whose terror is clear to us. We have no real way of knowing how many wild animals suffer because the patterns of their lives are disrupted with no warning every year on a night in early July. People shooting bottle rockets in the backyard might not see the sleeping songbirds, startled from their safe roosts, exploding into a darkness they did not evolve to navigate — crashing into buildings or depleting crucial energy reserves. People firing Roman candles into the sky above the ocean may have no idea that the explosions can cause seabirds to abandon their nest or frighten nesting shorebirds to death.

Then there’s the wildlife driven into roads — deer and foxes, opossums and skunks, coyotes and raccoons. Any nocturnal creature in a blind panic can find itself staring into oncoming headlights, unsure whether the greater danger lies in the road or in the sky or in the neighborhood yards surrounding them.

Appealing to emotion, when, the reality is that Democrats just look for excuses to stop Other People from enjoying Independence Day, because Democrats hate America. And Margaret whines about guns, of course. But, wait, it’s 3pm. What do I usually post at 3pm?

Addressing climate change and biodiversity loss on a planet with eight billion human residents won’t be simple. How to grow affordable food without using petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides that poison pollinators, for example, is a challenge. How to build enough housing for human beings without also disrupting natural ecosystems is a challenge. Such things are doable, though they won’t be easy.

But there are easy things we can do at no real cost to ourselves. We can eat more vegetables and less animal protein. We can cultivate native plants. We can seek out products that aren’t packaged in plastic, spend less time in cars and airplanes, raise the thermostat in the summer and lower it in the winter. As Dr. Kimmerer points out in “The Serviceberry,” her forthcoming book, “We live in a time when every choice matters.”

Somehow we went from “fireworks are scary to animals” to the climate crisis scam. No, totally not a cult, where it has to be dragged into everything.

The conflation of selfishness with patriotism is the thing I have the hardest time accepting about our political era. Maybe we have the right to eat a hamburger or drive the biggest truck on the market or fire off bottle rockets deep into the night on the Fourth of July, but it doesn’t make us good Americans to do such things. How can it possibly be “American” to look at the damage that fireworks can cause — to the atmosphere, to forests, to wildlife, to our own beloved pets, to ourselves — and shrug?

The truly American thing would be to join together to make every change we can reasonably make to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, human and other-than-human alike. The truly American thing would be to plant a victory garden large enough to encompass the entire natural world.

Well, that’s what you believe, Margaret. That’s not what the rest of us think. Mind your own f’ing business.

Read: NY Times Wants You To Stop Using Fireworks On Independence Day »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful train which all the peasants can take instead of fossil fueled travel, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Biden’s condition being worse than you think.

Read: If All You See… »

LA Times: A Single Cigarette Can Cost $32 In Gaza

The LA Times has run across the most important issue surround the war started by Hamas with backing of the Palestinians

$32 for one cigarette? In Gaza, even a nicotine fix is hard to come by

In wartime Gaza, life’s consolations are scant. Even the momentary solace of a cigarette is all but out of reach.

An acute scarcity of tobacco products has sent prices skyrocketing, leaving smokers in the shattered seaside territory jittery and bereft.

Fathi Sabbah, a 64-year-old father of four and a journalist by trade, said that after Israel took over the Rafah crossing into Egypt in May, he saw single Royal brand cigarettes being sold for 120 Israeli shekels — the equivalent of about $32.

“That is craziness!” he said angrily.

Cheaper brands cost almost $10 for a sole cigarette, but that’s still more than a whole pack before the war.

The thwarted desire for a nicotine fix might seem trivial amid the daily struggle to feed and shelter family, mourn the dead, line up at squalid makeshift toilets and watch children sicken and waste away.

But smokers say the sense of overwhelming despair is part of the circular logic of longing: Sometimes it feels like only a cigarette might help.

The LA Times writers seriously wrote this article. And it’s pretty long. We’re supposed to feel sorry for Gazans or something, even though this a far cry from Hamas attacking civilians at a music festival, raping, torturing, and killing them. Perhaps the LA Times should be more concerned with why almost no one in the LA area has been arrested and charged for attacking Jews and Synagogues.


PFLP terrorist handbook to be taught at Brooklyn community center

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) book will be taught at a Brooklyn community center on Friday, according to the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Telegram channel.

Samidoun will host a series of group study events on the PFLP document “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine.”

The document outlines the organization, philosophies, and strategies of the PFLP, and describes its war objective as being “to destroy the state of Israel as a military, political, and economic establishment.”

The PFLP is a designated terrorist organization by the US State Department.

Read: LA Times: A Single Cigarette Can Cost $32 In Gaza »

Climate Cult Wants Peasants To Shop At Goodwill To Save The Planet

If all the middle and working class folks are shopping at Goodwill, where are the clothes coming from?

Thrift shopping at Goodwill can help combat climate change

Did you know it takes 2,100 gallons of water just to make one pair of jeans? And that it takes 700 gallons of water to make one cotton T-shirt?

According to research by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, textile manufacturing produces more emissions than all international flights and shipping combined and is responsible for more than 20% of wastewater produced globally.

“Hyper-consumerism and fast fashion, you think about the implications that it has on our environment, right?” Libby Castillo, with Goodwill San Antonio said. “Not only, those items are not made very well, but then they go into landfills quicker, but they’re made with a lot of water, a lot of maybe toxic chemicals that end up in our resources.”

More items in the landfills means more greenhouse gases released, which contributes to global warming and climate change.

It’s why thrifting and shopping gently-used doesn’t just save you money, it’s also saving the planet.

The cult elites apparently do not want you buying new clothes. Once they are done with theirs, you’ll be generously allowed to go to Goodwill or other 2nd hand stores to purchase them. Sounds great, eh?

But, I will agree on this a bit: fast fashion is horrible. It is bad for the environment. It is cheaply made clothing designed to mimic high fashion and meant to be disposed of quickly. It won’t last. It’ll be worn a few times and then be disposed of. So, yes, it ends up in landfills and does cause the release of methane, a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. I’ve said this many a time that waste needs to be reduced at landfills. The use of fast fashion is terrible, but, has caught on tremendously with younger Millennials and especially GenZ as they use it for all their selfies and videos.

Read: Climate Cult Wants Peasants To Shop At Goodwill To Save The Planet »

AOC Says She Will Introduce Impeachment Against SCOTUS After Immunity Ruling

She’s pretty upset over the ruling

(Federalist) The Biden Department of Justice’s (DOJ) lawfare against former President Donald Trump hit a massive roadblock Monday after the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that presidents have “absolute immunity” for “actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and “at least presumptive immunity” for all “official acts.” The high court remanded several questions relating to the case against Trump back to the lower court to determine whether they constitute an official act, further delaying Special Counsel Jack Smith’s attempt to have a preelection trial.

The Supreme Court held:

Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.

The Supreme Court also ruled that immunity does not extend “to conduct in areas where his authority is shared with Congress.” Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, offered guidance for distinguishing between official and unofficial acts, such as prohibiting courts from inquiring “into the President’s motives.”

There’s tons more to this, but, it really is nothing new. Elected officials have always been immune from prosecution for acts that occurred during official business. If the action is bad, then the House files articles of impeachment, and then Senate votes. If they vote to boot the president, then they could be prosecuted, for, say, murder. This likewise applies to Congress, and one can easily make the jump from saying the ruling is about the Chief Executive to members of Congress.

This is one of those “Everything I do not like is Hitler” moments. The court has simply re-affirmed the long standing notion of qualified immunity for POTUS. But, why is she losing what’s left of her mind?

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision Monday means that some of the allegations against Trump must be reexamined in the lower court, while other allegations have been outright rejected by the high court since they are covered by immunity, only further delaying Smith’s case and making a preelection trial unlikely.

This ruling, along with others, deals the lawfare against Trump a serious blow. AOC should remember that this ruling shields Biden for when he leaves the White House. And, now, we await Monday, July 8th, when Congress returns to D.C., to see if she actually introduces impeachment against Supreme Court justices or she’s just blathering.

Read: AOC Says She Will Introduce Impeachment Against SCOTUS After Immunity Ruling »

Voters In PRC To Vote On $10 Billion For Climate (scam) Action

I wonder if all the Comrades in the People’s Republik Of California who vote “yes” have given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their own lives carbon neutral?

Can California borrow $20 billion for climate and education? Voters will likely decide

climate change joke

California voters will likely decide whether to let the state borrow $20 billion to fight climate change and support schools, issues that advocates say are in need of a cash influx in light of recent budget cuts.

State lawmakers said Sunday that they reached agreements to place both a $10 billion bond to pay for climate change impacts and another $10 billion bond for school repairs.

Voter approval of borrowing is never a sure thing, even in a presidential election when turnout is high and the electorate skews more progressive. In 2020, for example, voters rejected a $15 billion schools facilities bond.

The agreements follow months of negotiating between lawmakers and climate and education advocates, who pushed for bonds after the extent of California’s dire budget picture became clear.

Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, said the climate bond will give voters an opportunity to “support needed investments to protect our communities” and safeguard natural resources.

Obviously, no one at the Sacramento Bee asked if Allen is now traveling in an EV

Two years ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers approved a $54.3 billion spending package to combat climate change. After two budget cycles, more than $9 billion has been cut from that commitment.

Has anyone asked what the hell happened to that money? What are they doing with it? And how much is going into the pockets of their donors?

If approved by the Legislature and Newsom, the bond measure would include $3.8 billion for drinking water and groundwater upgrades, $1.5 billion for forestry and wildfire programs and $1.2 billion to address rising sea levels.

Water has zero to do with climate change, regardless of natural or anthropogenic. Will the PRC take the appropriate steps to limit the wildfires, which, in most cases, were started by humans being stupid or arson? Will they clear the dead brush, enact firebreaks? You know, property wilderness management? I wouldn’t hold my breath. Sea level? The highest for the entire state is .73 feet per 100 years (San Diego), which well below what it should be for a Holocene warm period. North Spit is an outlier, and short term, especially when the next closest station, Crescent City, shows -.26 feet per 100 years.

Other issues to receive millions in funding include extreme heat mitigation, biodiversity and outdoor access for the public. The bond also stipulates that least 40% of the bond must help vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

So, basically more taxpayer funded bribes to minorities. Funny how Democrats always think blacks and Latinos cannot survive without the helpful hand of government, eh?

Read: Voters In PRC To Vote On $10 Billion For Climate (scam) Action »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the supposed Nazi problem on Substack.

Read: If All You See… »

WWIII Watch: Zelenskyy Whines About U.S. Not Allowing Ukraine To Join NATO

Why would we?

Zelenskyy criticises US for refusing to invite Ukraine to NATO

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy feels that the present US administration’s and Republican leader Donald Trump’s position on Ukraine’s refusal to join NATO does not reflect the “policy of the world leaders.”

Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Trudy Rubin, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Zelenskyy added that the White House under Joe Biden is not prepared to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance, whereas Trump claims that the war would not have occurred if NATO had not provoked it.

Quote: “Unfortunately, this is the policy of one step forward, two steps back. I don’t think this is the policy of world leaders. These are the very cautious steps of my de-miners in the minefield. If NATO is not ready to protect us, and to take us into the alliance, then we ask NATO to give us everything so we can protect ourselves,” he added.

The Ukrainian president added that “if the United States is afraid to annoy Putin” – to which he attributed NATO’s reluctance to invite Ukraine – then it should provide Kyiv with enough funding to defend itself against Russian aggression.

Well, as The Hill notes

It is time for NATO to be honest with itself and Kyiv: Membership does not lie in Ukraine’s future. President Joseph Biden has been emphatic: He is not going to start World War III to defend Ukraine. That takes membership off the table as long as Ukraine is fighting Russia. Otherwise, NATO would find itself at war with Russia from the moment it joined, as the president has also vowed to defend “every inch” of NATO territory.

Many consider the notion that NATO was considering letting Ukraine in to be a catalyst for Russia invading Ukraine, especially when Putin saw a very weak Joe Biden. But, is Zelenskyy really pushing for membership, or just more money? He and his ruling comrades, both political and business, seem to be making a lot of money off this conflict.


Ukraine war latest: Kyiv to let murderers into army; Kanye West ‘makes surprise visit to Russia’

Ukrainian convicts are being offered their freedom in exchange for their service in the war against Russian invaders – including murderers. Those convicted of rape, sexual assault, murdering two or more people, or crimes against Ukraine’s national security aren’t eligible.

This should go well.

Read: WWIII Watch: Zelenskyy Whines About U.S. Not Allowing Ukraine To Join NATO »

Warmists Are Incensed That Supreme Court Decision Could Limit Climate (scam) Action

I wonder if the peasant level Warmists realize that they’re supporting Government and the Elites controlling their lives, for which the peasants will have no say. By the time they realize this it will already be too late

Opinion: The Supreme Court dealt a huge blow to our ability to fight climate change

The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to discard the 40-year-old precedent established by Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council is a truly harsh blow against environmental protection and climate justice.

By overruling the Chevron doctrine that required courts to defer to federal agencies when it came to implementing broadly written laws, the Supreme Court will make it much more difficult for the federal government to regulate pollution — including, but by no means limited to greenhouse gas emissions — among many other issues related to health, labor, consumer welfare, taxation, and on and on.

I am profoundly upset at the damage that this decision will almost certainly inflict on our environment and the fight against climate change. But more philosophically, this decision is also upsetting because it represents a demotion of science and expertise in government.

In the federal government, agencies are where detailed knowledge about specific, complex issues reside; in a healthy society, they would have some authority to manage those issues. In other words, the agencies are the ones that know stuff, and if government is to be effective, they should be able to do stuff.

In our Constitutional Republic, the duly elected Legislative Branch passes laws that are specific and within Constitutional boundaries. The Executive Branch carries those laws out, and doesn’t go looking for minuscule phrases to expand their power. The Executive cannot simply make up their own power. They cannot take it. What’s been happening doesn’t just smack of authoritarianism, it is.

Politicians by themselves lack the expertise to deal with the rapid-fire onslaught of new problems we face in our technologically advanced society. Think of artificial intelligence, as a particularly hot example. Congress does not have the expertise, capacity or flexibility to write laws that can anticipate all the wrinkles that will come up.

Except, they can seek the opinions of experts in crafting laws. And, if you look at the Constitution, none of it matters: elected federal Congress members have the power. That’s it. Period.

Not only has the Supreme Court just hamstrung the experts in our federal agencies, but also the reality of our dysfunctional Congress means that it’s nearly impossible to pass any meaningful legislation. The Republican Party has opposed almost all environmental legislation since 1990. The ruling against Chevron will not be followed by new environmental laws meeting a higher standard of specificity, but by none at all. Instead, countless existing agency rules will be challenged in the courts — whose judges are no more democratically elected than agency staff members are, where technical expertise is no more present than in Congress and where many rules will eventually likely be shot down by the same justices who made this ruling.

Again, it doesn’t matter. But, Warmists want the Executive Branch to be dictators. They should remember that Democrats aren’t always in power.

The probable outcome will simply be much less regulation. Yet regulation is how government balances the interest of the public to be free of pollution against that of corporations that would benefit from greater freedom to pollute. It is the primary defense we have to protect public health, the environment, and other public goods.

It’s regulation for power’s sake. Power that they were not specifically granted. They do not care. If you won’t comply you will be forced to comply.

Read: Warmists Are Incensed That Supreme Court Decision Could Limit Climate (scam) Action »

US Military Bases in Europe Put On “Charlie” Alert

An outlier, things that just happen in this dangerous world, or, something more nefarious? Fortunately, Biden is back at Camp David, and we’ll see if he’s back Monday or it lasts longer

US military bases in Europe raise security threat levels

U.S. military bases in Europe were put on a heightened state of alert over the weekend as installations urged vigilance among their members.

At U.S. European Command headquarters in Stuttgart, the Army garrison on Sunday issued a communitywide alert that the force protection threat level was elevated to condition “Charlie” until further notice. Similar directives were sent to other bases in Germany, including the Army’s Rheinland-Pfalz and Ramstein Air Base, which together form the largest U.S. military community overseas.

The Rheinland-Pfalz garrison alert includes Baumholder and outlying installations in Romania and Bulgaria. Aviano Air Base in Italy also rose its condition level to Charlie, and other installations in Italy introduced enhanced security measures.

The Charlie threat level “applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely,” according to the Army’s website.

Charlie is the second highest threat level, going from Normal, to Alpha, to Bravo, to Charlie. Is this something serious? Is there a real threat? Is this a result of Biden being completely inept at foreign affairs, and making the world a more dangerous place? Could it have something to do with European nations letting in gobs of unvetted illegals from radical Muslim nations who have no problem in practicing their radical Muslim beliefs in EU nations, and professing their hatred of America and European nations, people, and culture?

On Saturday, Spangdahlem Air Base, an installation in rural western Germany, issued its own alert that said 52nd Fighter Wing airmen were prohibited from wearing their uniforms off base as a precaution, and must commute in civilian clothing.

There are a lot of Islamist “refugees”/illegals in western Germany. The military is providing no reasons for the security status, and, it’s a damned shame that American military members cannot wear their uniforms proudly off-base, since they provide security for the EU.

The last time the security level was 10 years ago. You know, back when Joe was picked as Obama’s VP due to his “vast foreign policy experience.”

In recent weeks, U.S. officials have been sounding the alarm on increased terrorism threats, stemming from the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel and the ongoing war in Gaza.

Perhaps Biden and EU leaders should not be equivocating on the the threat from Hamas and radical Islam.

Read: US Military Bases in Europe Put On “Charlie” Alert »

Pirate's Cove