Surprise: Few US Cities Met Their Climate Scam Goals

Doing Something about anthropogenic climate change is popular in theory. In practice? Not so much. Even in the leftist cities that came out with plans most were not interested in actually following through

Hundreds of U.S. cities adopted climate plans. Few have met the goals, but it’s not too late.


Over the past three decades, more than 600 local governments across the United States adopted their own climate action plans setting greenhouse gas reduction targets. These pledges were in addition to America’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement, an international treaty signed by nearly 200 nations to limit the impact of climate change.

But experts now say that many of those cities’ individual plans were aspirational at best. Now they must work harder if they’re going to curb the warming trend. (snip)

The USA TODAY Network’s findings are consistent with a study last year by the nonprofit Brookings Institution. It found just 45 of the 100 largest U.S. cities had adopted a serious climate pledge, and two-thirds of those with plans have fallen short of their targets. More than a dozen appeared to have no emissions tracking at all. (snip)

A small window of opportunity remains for local governments to get serious about curbing climate change, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. But, to achieve any kind of major corrective action, emissions must be slashed by the end of the decade.

So the ones with all these plans that mostly did not work are supposed to be the ones to get serious? Now tell the citizens this will include lots of taxes and fees, a higher cost of living, and their movement, choice, and liberty will be drastically reduced. See how that goes. It’s all fun and games right up to the point where you actually have to jump.

So far, what’s happening in Indianapolis and the Midwest isn’t “nearly enough,” said Gabe Filippelli, executive director of the Environmental Resilience Institute at Indiana University. Cities need to make sure they’re not only carbon neutral by 2050 but carbon negative.

Let’s start by requiring all the Believers in the cities to stop using fossil fuels, no meat, live in tiny homes, 2 minute showers, can only flush twice a day. No streaming. No Internet. No ice makers. That all sounds great, right? Right?

Read: Surprise: Few US Cities Met Their Climate Scam Goals »

If All You See…

…is an area flood thanks to Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on a myth named Afghanistan.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Explains Why Only 28% Of Blacks Are Vaccinated In NYC

All these darned black MAGAs in the Glorious City of Progressivism

Why Only 28 Percent of Young Black New Yorkers Are Vaccinated

A construction site safety manager in Queens said that as a Black man, he was more worried about the prospect of being stopped by the police than he was about getting Covid-19.

A graduate student in the Bronx who had not gotten vaccinated said her worst fears seemed confirmed when a vaccine that the government was directing to Black and poorer neighborhoods was briefly suspended over a small number of dangerous blood clots.

And a civil rights activist in the Bronx said he grew suspicious when he heard last year that politicians were prioritizing minority neighborhoods for coronavirus vaccinations.

“Since when does America give anything good to Black people first?” said the activist, Hawk Newsome, a 44-year-old Black Lives Matter leader who is unvaccinated.

All three situations reflect a trend that has become a major concern to public health experts: Young Black New Yorkers are especially reluctant to get vaccinated, even as the Delta variant is rapidly spreading among their ranks. City data shows that only 28 percent of Black New Yorkers ages 18 to 44 years are fully vaccinated, compared with 48 percent of Latino residents and 52 percent of white residents in that age group.

So, they’re concerned about getting the vaccine due to white Democratic racism? Huh.

This vaccination gap is emerging as the latest stark racial disparity in an epidemic full of them. Epidemiologists say they expect this third wave will hit Black New Yorkers especially hard.

And there you have it: because blacks are seriously reticent on getting the vaccine it must be racism. Instead of simply being a choice. Notice that the NY Times fails to blast them for their vaccine hesitancy like they do with Southern Republicans, for instance.

In interviews, Black men and women said that much of their distrust of the coronavirus vaccine was shaped by their own experiences with discrimination or their identity as Black Americans.

“I’m supposed to worry about getting sick when I go outside, versus getting killed by a cop or something like that?” said Jayson Clemons, 41, the construction site safety manager from Queens. After years of trying to be careful not to give the police a reason to stop him — avoiding cars with window tint or rims, and making sure when commuting that his attire clearly marked him as a construction worker — he said he refused to be preoccupied by Covid-19.

He said he would rather put his trust in masks and hand sanitizer — which he credits with keeping him healthy as he worked at construction sites throughout the pandemic — than a new vaccine that the government is pushing people to take. “They came out with one so fast for Covid, and now they want to pay you to take it,” he said. “It seems fishy.”

If a Republican was saying something similar the Times would be blasting them for being conspiracy theorists, right? It’s OK with the Times if blacks are trotting out their own theories, and the Times is really wondering just what did white people do to cause this. That would be white liberals, since NYC is not run by Republicans. But, you know what? If they don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s on them. They can do them and I’ll do me. It’s not my place to force them.


Wearing Visible Proof Of Covid Vaccination Status Might Be Coming Soon To Film & TV Productions

Some cast and crew members on films and TV shows soon might be required to wear identification that “clearly and visibly” verifies their Covid vaccination status while working on set. “Various things have been discussed, from wristbands to credential badges,” a union source tells Deadline.

“I have not seen what this is to look like yet,” another union source said. “My understanding is this would be either a sticker affixed to your current ID or a separate identification card that would have to be on the same lanyard as your working ID.”

This isn’t so much Yellow Stars but Democrats crowing about taking the vaccine…I wonder what would happen if we reinforced that these, the vaccines, were what Trump pushed for and authorized?

Read: NY Times Explains Why Only 28% Of Blacks Are Vaccinated In NYC »

Your Fault: Some Places Could Get Colder From Climate Crisis (scam)

No, no, don’t call this a doomsday cult which simply comes up with anything they can think of, no matter how ridiculous and counter-intuitive, no matter how un-science. Definitely not a cult

Why climate change could make some places colder

stop global warmingAs much of the Northern Hemisphere continues to bake in a year of unprecedented heat waves linked to climate change, one paradoxical consequence of rising global temperatures is that some areas of the world could become much colder.

A study published this month by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research found that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) current system could be on the verge of collapse. The conveyor belt system transports warm surface ocean water from the tropics, up along the coast of Florida to the northern Atlantic Ocean. Colder water sinks and is moved along the ocean floor to the south, helping to regulate the global climate.

“That’s one of the reasons that the climate in Europe is so pleasant,” Harold Wanless, professor of geography and urban sustainability at the University of Miami, told Yahoo News. “You go to the same latitude over in Newfoundland and Labrador, it’s pretty harsh in the winter.”

The system’s collapse, which researchers have concluded is in part caused by the melting of Arctic ice, could result in the dramatic cooling of parts of Europe and North America. But the extreme cold in those locations would not be the only change. The current system is also responsible for the wind that propels storms that cross the Atlantic, which in turn helps regulate sea levels.

And, see, that could only happen because of your obsession with your fossil fueled vehicle, eating meat, and taking showers longer than 2 minutes.

“It’s one of those events that should not happen, and we should try all that we can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible,” Niklas Boers, the lead author of the study, told the Washington Post. “This is a system we don’t want to mess with.”

While scientists are attempting to confirm the study’s findings, ample research has shown that climate change is already wreaking havoc with the jet stream, the river of wind circling the globe driven by temperature differences between latitudes. With the Arctic warming faster than any other place on Earth, the temperature differential between latitudes has become less pronounced, destabilizing the jet stream.

As a result, polar vortex events like the one that crippled the Texas power grid this winter become more likely.

So, they published a study with conclusions that cannot be verified, news outlets are jumping on it, the lead author wants Government to force citizens to change their lives (does Niklas realize this applies to himself?), and, if we don’t, we’ll get more big winters storms. Not a cult.

Read: Your Fault: Some Places Could Get Colder From Climate Crisis (scam) »

What Can You Expect When The FDA Gives Full Approval Of Vaccines?

It’s getting closer, so, what happens?

How the FDA’s full approval could affect COVID-19 vaccinations

The rise of the highly transmissible Delta variant has put mounting pressure on the Food and Drug Administration to fully approve the COVID-19 vaccines under emergency use authorization.

Pfizer’s vaccine is expected to be the first to be granted such approval, possibly within weeks. Although it is unclear what impact this decision will have on the course of the pandemic, many public health experts believe it could make a difference in several ways.

One is that the full approval could persuade some unvaccinated Americans to get the shot.

Me, I recommend getting it, but, I’m not going to sit there and attempt to convince you. Not that I’m calling them pigs, but, remember the old saying “never teach a pig to dance. It wastes your time and annoys the pig”? Yeah, most, it’s a waste of time and you annoy your friends, coworkers, and family. Though, with family, they’re your family, you are Constitutionally allowed to annoy them, and should. Even if Delta (and soon Lamda) breaks through at a high rate, it usually means symptoms like a mild cold at worst.

Even though the COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous safety protocols in order to be granted emergency use authorization by the FDA, and billions of people worldwide have now been vaccinated without any complications, many Americans continue to see the shots as “experimental.”

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, 3 in 10 unvaccinated adults — 31 percent — said they would be more likely to get the shots if a vaccine received full approval. The organization notes, however, that two-thirds of the adults polled were confused about the type of FDA approval category that these vaccines currently have. Some thought they were already fully approved, and others were unsure about whether they were fully approved or authorized for emergency use. The organization says these findings likely suggest that FDA approval is “a proxy for general safety concerns.”

Sure, a lot run with conspiracy theories, but most of the “anti-vaxxers” are really just concerned with them not being fully approved. Of course, remember than many drugs are ones you see on TV, with people smiling and dancing and stuff and disclaimers like “could cause diarrhea and death.”

Other experts, however, believe people who are still hesitant about the vaccines are probably not going to be swayed by FDA approval. Dorit Reiss, a professor of law at the University of California, San Francisco, Hastings College of Law, told Yahoo News that “it will make a larger difference to the legal situation.”

Reiss, whose current research focuses on legal and policy issues related to vaccines, said the approval could give businesses and government agencies more confidence to mandate COVID-19 vaccines. Across the nation these mandates have become more common, but they continue to be surrounded by controversy, in part because the COVID-19 vaccines have yet to be fully approved by the FDA.

“It will remove the argument that the vaccines cannot be mandated because they are under emergency use authorization,” Reiss said.

Most private workplaces already have the legal authority to mandate vaccines for workers. Same with most governments for government employees (strange that Biden hasn’t mandated it for the Executive Branch). But, most hedge a bit by requiring vaccines or weekly/biweekly testing. With full FDA approval you can expect quite a bit more mandates without the option of testing.

But, if government keeps attempting to implement masking and other measures …. for the life of me I can’t understand why they don’t push for social distancing again. Wash hands. Don’t touch. Oh, right, authoritarianism lite from elected officials….it will not help, and people will simply leave their jobs. Many in the medical field, who will go elsewhere.

Read: What Can You Expect When The FDA Gives Full Approval Of Vaccines? »

Say, How Do We Protect The Internet From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

They have a solution, though

Can The Internet Be More Resilient To Climate Change? Some Are Banking On It

Data has replaced oil as the world’s most valuable resource. But increasingly, our data is stored remotely “in the cloud” and climate change — challenging the resilience of the internet — puts access to our data at risk.

Urban planner Duane Verner learned just how vulnerable our data are in the climate-changing world.

When the COVID-19 pandemic closed his office in Lemont, Illinois, in March 2019, Verner was fortunate to already be working from home.

Unfortunately, what was not working was his internet connection.

“I had horrible issues with reliability with my own internet at my own house,” Verner recalled. “We spent countless hours with support people.”

Finally, he said, a senior technician was able to diagnose the problem: it was flooding. Unusually heavy winter snow, ice and spring rains disrupted the fiber optic box on his street, which connected Verner and his neighbors to the internet.

Wait, heavy snow and ice? A doomed warming world causes that? Nope, not a cult at all.

Ironically, Verner deals with disaster planning and infrastructure resiliency at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Lab in Illinois, where he manages the group in charge of critical infrastructure protection. That includes the internet.

Ironically, or, they went looking for a climate cultist?

The solution was designed by David Theodore, cofounder of Cohasset-based Climate Resilient Internet.

“Somebody had to solve this problem where the digital age is meeting the fury of climate change,” Theodore said. “It’s not even new technology.”

Theodore’s solution to make the internet resilient to climate change will use this old technology in a new way. He said wireless backup of data, stored remotely in the cloud, could bypass the physical internet links that climate change could potentially disrupt.

Wait, storing stuff in the cloud? Having backups? Holy Cow, that’s brilliant!

Read: Say, How Do We Protect The Internet From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on Killadelphia.

Read: If All You See… »

Wake County Considering Mask Mandate

This should certainly help entice those who are vaccine hesitant to rush out and get the jabs, right?

Wake County looks to join rest of Triangle on mask mandate

Wake County mayors will meet Friday to discuss a mask mandate, according to Raleigh Mayor Mary Ann Baldwin.

Baldwin said the mayors will meet at 10 a.m. on Friday to discuss the mandate.

“We are working with the county and have been for the past week,” said Baldwin. “Most recently, our county health experts came to us and said, ‘We need to require a mask mandate.'”

Baldwin said that if all mayors approved a mask mandate — one could be in effect later on Friday.

“My goal is to have something in place by 1 o’clock [Friday] so our small businesses and other places are protected by Friday night,” said Baldwin.

One question is whether a county mandate would impact cities, or just county run areas. Another is whether cities truly have that power to implement mask mandates on private property. A third will be “will the non-Democrat run cities agree and enforce?” Because lots ignored the state mandate, and rarely checked. A fourth will be “why? They didn’t work the first time. What makes you think masks will make any difference at all a second time?” Another is “is there something they’re not telling us about regarding the vaccines and hospitalization rates? Because we’ve been told if you have the jab and get sick it’ll be like getting a minor cold. Is that not true?”

Wake County announced a plan to give $250 and 2 paid days off to any employee who gets the vaccine. Think they will take the county up on that when it would mean nothing in their lives? No change? Still having to mask up with worthless cloth masks that do nothing?

A better idea would be to reimplement social distancing protocols, and reinforce washing hands and not touching your face.

More: CBS17 offers update information

Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin met with Wake Forest Mayor Vivian Jones, Wake County Commissioner Matthew Calabria, Associate Medical Director and Epidemiology Program Director for Wake County Nicole Mushonga, among others, to discuss a potential countywide mandate.

“I’ve spoken with a number of business owners who are asking for. They feel that it reinforces the importance of people wearing masks, and you know there are others who are very against this, but I feel that leadership requires us to do what’s right,” Baldwin said.

If business owners want to require masks in their own businesses, let them. There are still several places, restaurants mostly, which require. I go in, get my food, leave. That’s their business, 5-10 minutes doesn’t bother me. But they want to force their beliefs on everyone.

She (Wake Forest mayor Jones, who is against this) also brought up a series of other concerns from there being no law that says one can’t wear a mask and how the mask mandate can be enforced.

How will you enforce this without legally passed legislation that conforms to the NC Constitution, since the state has not passed any law allowing this at this time.

Calabria also said he expects to have documentation outlining regulations for Wake County by next Friday, even though Baldwin is looking to put a mask mandate in place by this evening.

So there’s no law giving them this authority? Nor even regulations? Under what state statute is this enforceable? The state has the ultimate authority.

Read: Wake County Considering Mask Mandate »

Hotcoldwetdry Is Causing Americans To Relocate Or Something

See, before the climate crisis (scam) Americans never relocated. Everyone pretty much stayed in the same place. There were no snowbirds

Climate change is leading many Americans to look for new places to live

In a year of mounting extreme weather disasters linked to climate change, more and more Americans say they are experiencing the adverse consequences of global warming and are looking to move to find relief.

For Leslie Woz, who has lived with her husband in New Smyrna Beach, Fla., for the past nine years and endured three hurricanes, the steady erosion of the coastal dunes because of rising sea levels and storm frequency has become a concern.

“The talk of rising seas is true, and we see the sea encroaching more each year,” Woz told Yahoo News. “As a result, we are very happy that we chose to rent and not buy on the beach. We would like to move to an area that would not have as much risk, but quite frankly, looking at the options across the country — with tornadoes, drought, wildfires, ice storms — we just are not sure where to go.”

There were no hurricanes before ‘climate change’, you know. Certainly not ones that struck Florida! And ice storms are apparently your fault for refusing to replace your affordable fossil fueled vehicle with an expensive EV

As rising global temperatures increase the risks of drought and wildfires across the West, severe hurricanes along much of the coastal South and East, and widespread deadly heat waves, a significant number of U.S. residents have begun to contemplate moving to escape worsening living conditions due to climate change.

A Yahoo News/YouGov poll conducted between July 30 and Aug. 2 found that a clear majority of Americans (55 percent) say they have noticed more extreme weather events where they live (heat waves, fires, storms, etc.), while just 37 percent say they have not. Of those who have noticed extreme weather in their area, a full 15 percent say they are considering the drastic step of moving elsewhere because of it.

Of course, in reality, weather is not anymore extreme than before, but, we wouldn’t want scientific facts to get in the way of a good doomsday cult narrative.

Since the dawn of the industrial age, average global temperatures have risen 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), and while that may not seem like much, it has already had a profound impact on extreme weather events worldwide. This summer’s extreme weather in the U.S. has proved to be a wake-up call for many Americans, and there is virtually no part of the country now where climate migration hasn’t become a topic of conversation.

No, it hasn’t. The actual numbers are around 1.5F (1C) since 1850. Something entirely normal during a Holocene warm period. Even if the 2.7F was correct, that would be entirely in-line with Holocene warm periods.

The climate will always change. Weather patterns will shift. That is life on Earth. Nothing is static. There’s no reason to assign witchcraft or Gods, er, human activity to it. This is all just another case of the media being advocates, rather than doing their jobs as skeptics and asking questions. I bet if the actions of news outlets were restricted, along with being slapped with carbon taxes, they’d change their minds.

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Is Causing Americans To Relocate Or Something »

MSNBC Seems Upset That Freedom Is Winning Over Chinese Flu Fascism

How dare you Americans choose to invoke Freedom! This makes MSNBC’s Zeeshan Aleem upset

Why ‘Freedom’ Is Winning Out Over Covid

It should be noted that MSNBC keeps changing the headline. The above is what Real Clear Politics pulled this morning. It now reads with subhead

Republicans ignored Covid to protect Trump. Now they’re motivated by something worse.
Call it the “Make Covid Great Again” agenda.

Remember when Pelosi and AOC and other Dems were saying to go visit your Chinese takeout place, just get out there and live your life? And liberal news outlets were saying COVID was no worse than the flu? And mad when Trump implemented travel bans? What Aleem means is that most Republican govs didn’t instituted significant restrictions on the citizens

A striking number of the top Republican contenders for a 2024 presidential run are increasingly bucking commonsense measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and framing them as tyrannical, even as the delta variant of the coronavirus wreaks havoc on their own constituents. Call it the “Make Covid Great Again” agenda — a commitment to gamble on people’s lives to stand out as conservative leaders and stay at the front of the pack for a potential White House bid.

He means masking. Which didn’t work. And won’t work. And will simply harden the positions of people who could be convinced to get the vaccine into saying “nope, what’s the point?”

“In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott has banned local governments from implementing mask requirements even as he pleads for emergency medical help in combating a surge in coronavirus cases from the delta variant. In South Dakota, Gov. Kristi Noem welcomed hundreds of thousands of revelers to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which last year bore characteristics of a superspreader event. And in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis is waging war on school districts seeking to defy his executive order prohibiting mask mandates for students — while the state’s rates of hospitalization from Covid surge past the worst levels of 2020.”

Masking wouldn’t stop this. No mention of Obama’s big party and the skyrocketing infection rate in the Martha’s Vineyard county

But while some Republicans have sought to heed expert advice about Covid-19, it has become a mark of political ambition to paint basic public health protocols to prevent Covid transmission as a Trojan horse for totalitarianism.

We all saw the way many Democrats acted since this began. And we all see them play Mask Theater, putting on the masks for the cameras and taking them off when out of view. Has Aleem asked why press secretary Jenn Psaki fails to wear a mask in violation of Biden’s mask mandate on federal property? Why Biden does so?

DeSantis, who has consistently strived to present himself a natural successor to Trump, warned against the specter of a “Faucian dystopia” at a right-wing conference this summer, calling for conservatives to say “no to lockdowns, no to school closures, no to restrictions and no [to] mandates.”

So, it seems Aleem and Dems want those things?

2024 is certainly a long way off, but in American politics, the presidential race is more or less ever-present. (It’s terrible, but it’s just another exceptional feature of our political system and culture.) There are already a lot of signs that Republican jockeying for the spotlight will further politicize measures to protect the public in a bid to claim the mantle of fiercest freedom fighter. In the meantime, the public will pay the price for their callous extremism.

Freedom is bad in Liberal World.

America’s Elites Want To Control You More Than They Want To Control COVID

Are you wealthier, freer, or happier than you were a year and a half ago? Assuming you aren’t on the board of a large multinational corporation or don’t belong to the political establishment, it’s almost certain that your life, just like the lives of millions of other Americans, has gotten harder since the onset of the pandemic.

But while average Americans have suffered, our elites have taken advantage of the pandemic at every turn to enact new measures that fulfill their overarching agenda. There’s perhaps no example more obvious or egregious than the seismic changes to our voting process that’ve led many to question the legitimacy of our electoral system, but other power grabs have had more acute consequences in our day-to-day lives.

The government-mandated shutdowns, for example, have laid waste to any belief that our freedom to peaceably assemble, even to take part in religious ceremonies, is still intact. For many more, particularly children, lockdowns have stunted their educational and social development, all of which is a small price to pay for our elites to pay for what some are calling “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history.”

It’s worth reading the rest.

Read: MSNBC Seems Upset That Freedom Is Winning Over Chinese Flu Fascism »

Pirate's Cove