Climate Today: Anxiety, Give Us Money, California Recall

Do you have climate anxiety?

If you’re anxious about climate change, here are some ways to feel more empowered

Last week’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sounded the alarm once again on climate change, with the authors calling it a “code red for humanity.”

Over the summer months, many of us have been glued to TV and social media, watching images of B.C. forests burning, turning the sky — thick with smoke — an eerie orange-red. This has been accompanied by heat waves, floods, droughts and other fires around the world flashing across our screens. (snip)

First, there’s a measure of self-care. Cox says it’s important to acknowledge dark feelings and manage them, by taking walks in nature, getting good sleep and eating well. And it’s important to also take in moments of delight to help combat feelings of despair.

And that’s pretty much it. I recommend that they give up all trappings of the modern world.

Developing nations push to define ‘unacceptably vague’ adaptation goal

As scientists warn of worsening climate impacts to come, there is renewed impetus to define what global ambition on adaptation should look like.

The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change underscored that weather extremes will intensify and sea levels rise this century in all emissions scenarios.

Yet six years after the Paris Agreement established a global goal to help people cope with these threats, what that means in practice remains “unacceptably vague”, according to vulnerable countries. They want the next UN climate summit, Cop26, in November, to focus political attention on the issue.

South Africa is proposing a quantitative target: to increase the climate resilience of the global population 50% by 2030 and at least 90% by 2050.

Yeah, this is really all about redistributing money from the 1st World to other countries. South Africa has basically become a 3rd world shithole.

Climate change gets leading role in Gavin Newsom recall election in California

Mail-in ballots began arriving this week for the Sept. 14 recall election of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a contest that Democrats and environmentalists are increasingly framing in terms of its impact on the state’s efforts to fight climate change.

While a group called the California Patriot Coalition began circulating petitions to recall Newsom in early 2020 in protest of his policies on taxes, the state’s ongoing drought, homelessness and immigration, the accumulation of the more than 1.5 million signatures necessary to trigger a new election was aided by frustrations over COVID-19 restrictions.

But with wildfires made worse by climate change continuing to threaten much of the state, Democrats quickly began highlighting that issue, on which Newsom has taken aggressive action.

By “aggressive action”, do them mean allowing the conditions to propagate so when someone or a company makes a mistake, or it’s arson, the dead brush lights up and destroys everything? Anyhow, it would be very interesting if a Republican wins, most likely Larry Elder, and rolls back every initiative he can. And just stops enforcing others, because you know there’s zero chance of getting the majority Democrat controlled general assembly to pass laws.

Read: Climate Today: Anxiety, Give Us Money, California Recall »

If All You See…

…is a street meant for Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on the UN ambassador sending the Taliban a strongly worded letter.

Read: If All You See… »

Taliban Say “Islamic Scholars” Will Decide If Women Can Work And Be Educated

Hey, remember this?

Taliban vow to respect women, despite history of oppression

The Taliban vowed Tuesday to respect women’s rights, forgive those who fought them and ensure Afghanistan does not become a haven for terrorists as part of a publicity blitz aimed at reassuring world powers and a fearful population. (snip)

Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s longtime spokesman, emerged from the shadows Tuesday in his first-ever public appearance to address those concerns at a news conference.

He promised the Taliban would honor women’s rights within the norms of Islamic law, without elaborating. The Taliban have encouraged women to return to work and have allowed girls to return to school, handing out Islamic headscarves at the door. A female news anchor interviewed a Taliban official Monday in a TV studio.

And then

Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa on same day they vow to honor women’s rights

Taliban fighters shot and killed a woman for not wearing a burqa in Afghanistan on Tuesday — the same day the group pledged to usher in a new inclusive era in the country that honors “women’s rights.”

A photo emerged of a woman in Takhar province lying in a pool of blood, with loved ones crouched around her, after she was killed by insurgents for being in public without a head covering, according to Fox News.


Afghan Women Are Already Fading From Public View as Fear of the Taliban and Uncertainty Prevail
Women are afraid to go outside or speak out as crackdowns on freedoms begin

The rest is behind the Wall Street Journal paywall, but, it is pretty darned clear. And now?

A Taliban leader said a group of Islamic scholars will decide whether women can work or be educated under their new regime

A Taliban leader said a group of Islamic scholars will decide whether women and girls in Afghanistan can go to work or school, in remarks appearing to contradict those made by the militant group that promised women an active role in their new regime.

“Our ulema [scholars] will decide whether girls are allowed to go to school or not,” Taliban commander Waheedullah Hashimi told Reuters.

“They will decide whether they should wear hijab, burqa, or only [a] veil plus abaya or something or not. That is up to them.” (snip)

Hashimi’s remarks on Wednesday appeared to contradict those made by Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid earlier this week, who promised that women would be “very active in society.”

Well, women in Afghanistan are hosed. Way to go, Joe Hiden! You know that the scholars will decide to go back to the way things were before the 2001 U.S. and allies invasion. Where are the women’s rights groups? Where is the UN?

BTW, even British lawmakers are condemning Biden for his fecklessness

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Read: Taliban Say “Islamic Scholars” Will Decide If Women Can Work And Be Educated »

Wake County To Institute A Worthless Mask Mandate Friday

Masks worked so well last time, and are totally going to work again this time, right?

Here is Wake County’s new COVID mask mandate, and the five towns opting out

Mask FascismWake County late Wednesday afternoon released details of a new mask mandate to help fight COVID-19.

The order requires people over the age of 5 to wear a mask in public and commercial spaces including businesses regardless of their vaccination status. It takes effect at 7 a.m. Friday.

The Wake County order is effective until Nov. 1 unless it is rescinded sooner. (snip)

Garner, Knightdale, Morrisville, Rolesville and Zebulon all joined Wake County in its mask mandate. Raleigh and Cary have both issued their own mask orders. Combined, that makes up about 83% of the county’s population.

That means masks will be required everywhere in Wake County except the municipal limits of Apex, Fuquay-Varina, Holly Springs, Wake Forest and Wendell. However, businesses can still require masks and some municipal buildings may require masks in those jurisdictions.

There are zero enforcement mechanisms. Two out of three places in Knightdale I went to over the past few days aren’t requiring people to wear masks, including a big retailer. Some places in Raleigh have signs up asking people to wear masks, but, not enforcing. Many do not have anything posted. A lot of people just don’t care. They’re over it. And, really, most of Wake County that isn’t a municipality has few businesses or private entities: it’s residential. And the county cannot dictate what happens in the incorporated areas, except for, surprise, schools.

“This new phase of the pandemic has brought some old challenges roaring back, but our experience in 2020 taught us an important lesson: Masks work,” Weinbrecht said.

“Because Cary citizens decided to protect each other by masking up last year, we were able to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed,” he continued. “With the delta variant spreading quickly, we need that community spirit now more than ever.”

Decided? No. They were forced. Sure, there were some who did this voluntarily, and continued to do it. And they’re the ones you see wearing masks down over their noses and even mouths. Getting too close to people. Touching other people. Wearing them while solo in their cars. Playing Mask Theater.

Both Cary and Raleigh’s orders require people to wear masks in private or public settings when not with members of the same households. Wake County’s order doesn’t apply to private homes or vehicles.

How many people do you think are wearing masks in their own homes when people stop by? 0.5%? Anyone else think that reinforcing the original rules – wash your hands, don’t touch your face, don’t touch other people, social distance – would work better than thin pieces of cloth no designed to stop viruses? Especially when masks make people feel like they can get close to other people.


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Read: Wake County To Institute A Worthless Mask Mandate Friday »

The UN IPCC Needs Better Climate Crisis (scam) Propaganda Or Something

The New Republic is pretty much a far left outlet, so, it’s rather interesting that they and screedist Liza Featherstone use the word propaganda, know the negative connotations

We Need Better Climate Propaganda
Warnings about the catastrophes ahead need to name the enemy and give people something to do.

For those of us anxious about climate change, last week felt like a lot. In addition to witnessing the ongoing present-day fallout of climate change worldwide through floods and fires, we got some scary news about the future. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out with yet another report on the consequences humans will likely face if we fail to take sufficient action to curb emissions and protect the planet.

The report plainly stated that although all is not lost, extreme weather is now inevitable no matter where you live. The dire warnings circulated widely: “How Climate Change Kills the Future,” read an Axios headline. The Washington Post was equally blunt: “The Climate News Is About to Get a Lot Worse.” The 314 Action Fund, a climate action group, besieged me with email all week, admonishing, “We lost a decade in the fight to get a handle on the climate crisis.” An email from MoveOn told me that the report was a “code red for humanity”—a phrase from the report that appeared in many headlines—and urged me to get a sticker reading “The Earth Can’t Wait.”

Then there was this baffling tweet from one of the most powerful individuals in the world. “We can’t wait to tackle the climate crisis,” President Biden wrote. “The signs are unmistakable. The science is undeniable. And the cost of inaction keeps mounting.”

What do you mean by “we”? Isn’t the president of the United States in a better position than most of us to “tackle the climate crisis”?

Huh. Is Liza saying that climate cultists, who have Serious Concerns about doom from ‘climate change’, aren’t will to Do Something in their own lives unless forced by authoritarian government? Is Liza suggesting that government become dictatorial?

Widespread public worry represents huge progress: It’s better than denying or ignoring the climate crisis, as many of our leaders and media outlets have done in the past. Yet the chatter around the IPCC report and the report itself still managed to be unhelpful, scaring us to death while missing an opportunity to galvanize us into action. It’s a common dilemma in climate activism—one activists, scientists, and politicians are going to have to get a lot smarter about if we’re to avert catastrophe.

Liza? This is all your cult has. Doomsaying. This is where they’ve been going for 30+ years. And all their policy offering revolve around taxes and limiting freedom and choice. While the disciples do virtually nothing in their own lives.

The report failed as propaganda—and as basic information—in one glaring way: failing to name the enemy. As the writer Emily Atkin noted, the IPCC report and its summary for policymakers discussed “human” activity at length while saying very little about the fossil fuel industry. The report failed to unify potential readers against the relevant foe. Much of the media coverage replicated this problem.

It’s a 4,000+ page document, one which almost no one read, and just repeats the same old same old in stronger, scarier terms. Why is it that I never see Warmists complaining about the fossil fuels industry admitting they gave their own use of fossil fuels?

It would be bad enough if the report and its chroniclers merely punted on identifying the bad guy in the climate change drama. But the psychological consequences are worse than that: By naming the enemy as ourselves—all humans—the report maximized the potential for self-reproach with no clear path forward. A Guardian headline, for instance, referred to the “IPCC report’s verdict on climate crimes of humanity: guilty as hell.” This framing makes us feel guilty just for existing, when it’s our existence that is at stake, and worth fighting for.

Well, duh. That’s what Warmists have been saying for decades. Blaming mankind. What did you think would happen? Skipping to the end through more whining

In fairness, some environmental groups sent emails and tweets urging action on specific environmental policies, including pressure on Biden’s EPA. On the Tuesday after the report came out, I got a text from the office of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, referencing the report and the “dire consequences” of climate change we’re facing. “We’re knocking on doors to talk about taking environmental action with our neighbors,” the text continued, inviting me to come to the Bronx and canvass for the Green New Deal and against the new power plant in Astoria. It was a deceptively simple but effective message: Things are bad, but you can help make them better.

Oh, sending emails and tweets and knocking on doors, that should totally fix this! In fairness, AOC did purchase a Tesla. Of course, she still flies to and from NYC to DC in a fossil fueled airplane, rather than driving the Tesla the 4 hours to DC or taking the train or bus. And what she is trying to push while having others knock on doors is her Green New Deal, chock full of taxes, fees, a higher cost of living, and governmental control of our lives and economy.

Read: The UN IPCC Needs Better Climate Crisis (scam) Propaganda Or Something »

Joe Hiden Gets Snappy During ABC Interview, May Be Going Back On Vacation

Team Biden isn’t The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight: they’re the gang that doesn’t shoot at all. He’s supposedly going to leave troops in Kabul past the August 31 deadline, but, still, no promise to get all U.S. citizens out.

Stubborn Joe Biden Snaps, Falls Apart in Interview as Afghanistan Crisis Worsens

Biden Brain SlugPresident Joe Biden continued to struggle with his response to the crisis in Afghanistan after days of hunkering down and seemingly waiting for the storm to blow over.

Faced with an outcry from the press over the president’s unwillingness to answer questions about the chaotic conclusion of the 20-year war in Afghanistan, Biden did an interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos at the White House to defend his actions.

The interview was the first time Biden took questions about the crisis in Afghanistan in eight days. But he did not appear prepared.

Biden snapped at Stephanopoulos for asking about Afghan people rushing a plane as it took off the runway in the airport in Kabul, some even falling to their deaths as it took off.

“That was four days ago, five days ago,” Biden replied sharply when asked about the images, trying to dismiss them entirely.

In fact, however, the incident occurred only two days ago, which Stephanopoulos did not press him on.

Got that? He’s saying “who cares if Afghans fell to their deaths while trying to cling to an airplane, that was 4-5 days ago. The rest of his answers were not particularly good, and, really, this guy does not look well. Politicians usually look a lot better when answering questions. Obama was great when throwing out his BS. Joe’s been an elected official since 1973

The eye motions, closing of eyes, bowing head, facial gestures. Not good. He does not look well. He declined to take any questions after his brief conference in the afternoon Wednesday, yammering about COVID and masks and taking shots at Republican governors. No mention of COVID surging like wildfire in the Democratic Party run state of Hawaii, which is an isolated island and has been fully on board with every restriction known, and never dropped their mask mandate. Florida Gov Destantis is having none of it

DeSantis said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:45] “[H]e is obsessed, while you have all this stuff going on with Afghanistan, obviously, all the stuff at the southern border…one of the biggest border disasters in the history of our country, inflation, gas prices, and what does he do? He is obsessed with having the government force kindergartners to wear masks all day in school. In Florida, we believe that that’s the parents’ decision. Joe Biden thinks the federal government should come in and overrule the parents and force these young kids to wear these masks. And you’ve got to wonder, where are your priorities that you’re so obsessed with this issue and so obsessed with taking away parents’ rights and you’re letting Afghanistan burn, our border burn, and so many other things in our country fall to pieces?”

Well, good news, Joe might be going back on vacation, because he’s supposedly having trouble sleeping at the White House

Despite Biden’s failure to address the controversy, he may be trying to squeeze another long weekend at his home in Delaware during the month of August.

A Federal Aviation Administration flight restriction notice suggested that Biden would leave the White House for Delaware on Wednesday and remain there until August 23.

He’s supposedly still at the White House. Does he leave or stay? The only things on his schedule are his daily brief at 9 and a meeting with his national security team at 10.

Read: Joe Hiden Gets Snappy During ABC Interview, May Be Going Back On Vacation »

Leaders Of Strongest Military In The World Can’t Protect Americans In Afghanistan

If Trump was president, Democrats would be screaming for him to fire his head military people and start impeachment hearings

We do have the capability. The Biden admin won’t use it

Strongest military in the world and they won’t go and get our citizens. Not can’t. Won’t. At least Carter tried. Biden and his people will just leave our people hanging in the wild, at the mercy of the Taliban.

Read: Leaders Of Strongest Military In The World Can’t Protect Americans In Afghanistan »

You Might Have No Choice In Choosing Climate (scam) Friendly Foods

These people just can’t mind their own f’ing business

5 Climate Friendly Alternatives to Your Favorite Foods
You might have to think twice about your next meal.

Yeah, they’ll make you think twice

The global food system is broken. For way too many people, good food is too expensive and affordable food isn’t always nutritious. To make matters worse, industrial agriculture harms the environment by destroying forests, polluting soil, and depleting sources of water. And the current food system isn’t even efficient — roughly a third of all food produced is wasted, thrown away to rot and release greenhouse gases.

Yeah, there is a problem with food waste. So, Warmists will take that and ramp it up into force.

Anyhow, avocados are bad, so

Climate-friendly alternatives: Sauté some local, seasonal vegetables and pile them onto a slice of bread. If you live near an avocado farm, feel free to eat as many avocados as you want. Fair-trade avocados are also a lot better for the environment and farming communities.

And hamburgers

Climate friendly alternatives: Any plant-based burger. Some of the leading fake meat brands convincingly imitate the taste and feel of beef, but more traditional veggie burgers pack their own unique flavors.

Milk chocolate

Climate friendly alternatives: Dark chocolate made from cocoa that’s grown in ways that support the health of surrounding forests and communities. You’ll have to pay more, eat less, and do your research, but buying chocolate that regenerates the global environment will help you feel good while feeding your sweet tooth.


Climate-friendly alternatives: Vegan sushi or sushi made with yellow-fin, albacore, or other kinds of fish that are caught in sustainable ways.


Climate-friendly alternatives: Various teas including matcha, yerba mate, and black tea. You can also check out some of the mushroom-blended coffees that promise the energy of coffee with no crash. And if you’re really feeling bold, you can just cut out energy drinks altogether and embrace the unfamiliar feeling of being well-rested for the first time in years.

These people want to suck the fun out of life (though I can do without sushi and avocados). Certainly by government regulation.

Read: You Might Have No Choice In Choosing Climate (scam) Friendly Foods »

If All You See…

…are palm trees which will soon grow in Canada due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Never Yet Melted, with a post on the defining image of the Biden administration.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Today: New Orleans Threatens With Vaccine Mandates, New Mexico Reinstitutes Masking

Of all the mandates, particularly vaccine ones, I’ve yet to read of a government going this wonkers

New Orleans city officials say they will shut down businesses ‘on the spot’ that do not follow vaccine mandate

Mask FascismBusinesses including bars and restaurants in New Orleans that violate the vaccine or negative test mandate could be shut down immediately. The City says it will start enforcing the mandate on Monday, August 23, 2021.

But some in the service industry see this mandate as a step in the right direction for restaurant recovery and keeping doors open for business.

Currently, the mandate in New Orleans is for businesses deemed “high risk for transmission,” such as indoor dining and bars, indoor gyms and fitness classes, indoor entertainment spaces, and certain large outdoor events, must require employees and guests to show proof of at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or a negative PCR test within the last 72 hours.

“When the mandate came out, I think me along with a lot of small business owners were just thankful,” said Chef and Owner of Boucherie Nathanial Zimet.

He said enforcing this new mandate is a big change, but one he’s happy to do if it means keeping the doors to his restaurant open.

I wonder how happy they’ll be when traffic drops? I wonder how happy New Orleans will be when visitors decide to just go elsewhere? Also, what does 1 shot of a 2 shot regimen do? It really means nothing if you haven’t had the 2nd shot. Interestingly, the article failed to ask anyone if they had a problem with this. Or just didn’t bother including them

In New Orleans, as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, city spokesperson Beau Tidwell said they are happy to see businesses like Boucherie complying with the proof of vaccination mandate.

“People support this because they know it’s the best way forward. We appreciate the businesses that are trying to do what’s right. We also understand that it’s not like flicking the switch, that there is an adjustment period,” said Tidwell.

Tidwell said that come Monday, August 23, those businesses not in compliance could face penalties as strong as an immediate shutdown.

“You’ve seen that happen before. We don’t want to do it. We want people to be open,” he said. “We don’t want a shutdown. We don’t want to shut you down. We want everybody to be in compliance. We want everybody to get vaccinated.”

But, don’t call this tyranny. Is the stick method the best way to get compliance? Also, New Orleans is a heavily Democrat leaning city: why are so many not vaccinated?

Lujan Grisham reinstitutes mask mandate, requires vaccines in high-risk settings

Time to mask up again, New Mexico.

As COVID-19 cases fueled by the highly contagious delta variant continue to worry health officials and stress New Mexico’s already short-staffed hospital network, the state once again will require face masks to be worn in all public indoor spaces under a public health order issued Tuesday.

In addition, all employees at hospitals and congregate care facilities, such as nursing homes, hospice centers and prisons, must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Unvaccinated employees must obtain their first dose within 10 days and their second shot, depending on the type of vaccine, within 40 days of the first. (snip)

All employees at public, private and charter schools also will be required to be vaccinated or tested for COVID-19 weekly — a requirement that mirrors the policy for state government workers.

I do believe that New Mexico is the first state to go back into a full mask mandate after lifting it. The masks should work just as well this time as last time. Barely at all.

Read: COVID Today: New Orleans Threatens With Vaccine Mandates, New Mexico Reinstitutes Masking »

Pirate's Cove