Rep Mark Green: Pentagon Mandating Vaccine Prior To FDA Approval Violates Law

Should everyone who can get vaccinated get vaccinated? In my opinion, yes. But, this is America, and we have freedom. And the vaccines are not FDA approved. And we still have a Constitution and laws written by a duly elected Congress, signed into law by the President. Dementia Joe and his people do not seem to care

Exclusive– Rep. Mark Green: Mandatory Vaccines for Troops Before FDA Approval Is ‘Against the Law’

It would be against the law if Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made coronavirus vaccines mandatory for American troops before they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Friday afternoon, after he sent a letter to Austin warning him against the move.

“I wrote the letter because of a concern that the executive branch is somehow going to operate outside of the laws written by Congress. And they can’t just decide that they’re going to disregard the law,” said Green, an Army combat veteran and a physician.

“It’s time for Congress to stand up to the executive branch’s abuse and violation of the law. And so I wrote the letter basically to say this is an illegal act and the courts have supported the law,” he added.

With all due respect, a letter means nothing to Biden and progressives. Zero. They do what they want regardless of the law and Constitution. If Trump had done this, the Democrat run House would already be drafting articles of impeachment.

As far as receiving a presidential waiver to mandate the vaccine before it is FDA approved, Green said the president can do so only in connection with service members’ participation in a “particular military operation.” He cited 10 U.S. Code § 1107, which states:

(3)The Secretary of Defense may request the President to waive the prior consent requirement with respect to the administration of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use to a member of the armed forces in connection with the member’s participation in a particular military operation.

“Right now what they’re talking about — a blanket mandate for all of DOD — is not in accordance with the law,” he said. “If you just excuse the executive branch breaking the law, then what’s next?”

Now, perhaps Lloyd missed that part when he decided to make the mandate. Did no military lawyers step up and look at the laws on the books regarding medical decisions? The title of the aforementioned law is “Notice of use of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use”, which is under “Title 10. ARMED FORCES Subtitle A. General Military Law Part II. PERSONNEL Chapter 55. MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE.” You’d think someone would look and go “oh, wait a minute.”

Both CNN and Fox News reported on Wednesday that Austin would send a recommendation to President Joe Biden to make the vaccines mandatory for members of the military, in addition to other mandatory vaccines. The administration could announce it as early as this week. Fox News reported it will come on Friday.

Green sent his letter to Austin on Friday morning in hopes of heading off the move. If the reports are accurate, it may have worked. He said as of Friday afternoon, no order from the president had been given to military commanders.

Maybe it did. I doubt it. We’ll have to see what happens next week. Does the order come or not? Because I doubt the China Joe admin cares about the law. And it’s a great way to force lots of right leaning folks out of the military, making it even more leftist. That a lot of blacks and Latinos would be booted, being that their populations have high rates of non-vaccination, will be ignored by the Credentialed Media. Perhaps they’ll include a provision for weekly testing for those who refuse to get the shot. Or maybe not. Power hungry people will do their thing. And even with vaccination, they’ll look for ways to impose their tyranny.

Read: Rep Mark Green: Pentagon Mandating Vaccine Prior To FDA Approval Violates Law »

Senate Dems Look To Charge Fossil Fuels Companies $500 Billion In Damages In “Infrastructure” Bill

No, this won’t increase your energy costs as it gets passed on in the least. If it manages to pass, expect lawsuits from the companies for being penalized for selling lawful products, and dis-equal treatment under the law

Senate Democrats seek $500 billion in damages from fossil fuel companies

High-profile progressive Senate Democrats have expanded their climate wish list for the multitrillion-dollar package the White House and Democratic leaders hope to move via budget reconciliation.

Driving the news: Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) is leading a push for $500 billion in fees over 10 years from large fossil fuel companies — with a big chunk hitting Big Oil — to help finance climate initiatives.

  • Co-sponsors of the draft plan include Bernie Sanders, the Budget Committee chairman, and Elizabeth Warren.
  • The New York Times has more here on the plan, which assesses fees on fossil fuel producers and refiners based on their emissions from 2000 to 2019.

What we don’t know: Whether the plan has any chance of advancing. Aides to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer declined to comment.

Has Van Hollen given up his own use of fossil fuels to travel to and from Maryland to D.C. (his press release on this bill is here)? How about Comrade Bernie and Fauxahontas? How about Ed Markey, who voted “present” for his own Green New Deal? It is called the “Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act.” Are they not polluters since they are using prodigious amounts of fossil fuels? How many will take fossil fueled flights to Scotland for the UN IPPC Conference on the Parties in November?

The big picture: The ClearView note says that while the plan is a longshot, it’s “another sign that domestic climate debate may be moving further past the market-based modalities of yesteryear and deeper into more command-oriented terrain.”

By “command-oriented”, they mean government Socialism, controlling the market.

It’d be funny if all the companies refused to sell their products to Van Hollen and the rest.

Read: Senate Dems Look To Charge Fossil Fuels Companies $500 Billion In Damages In “Infrastructure” Bill »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the dangerous cliches of empowerment.

Read: If All You See… »

We Could Defeat Domestic Terrorism With The “For The People Act” Or Something

Religious and civil rights leaders are apparently unhappy that certain people are allowed to vote

Religious, civil rights leaders urge Congress to take actions to combat domestic terrorism

Representatives from religious and civil rights organizations outlined several specific steps at a Senate hearing Tuesday that members of Congress should take to combat domestic terrorism and violent extremism, including passing legislation to expand and protect voting rights.

“Congress must pass the For the People Act,” Wade Henderson, CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, told members of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Enacting the sweeping elections and ethics bill is necessary to “push back against the great white supremacist lie that encouraged the Jan. 6 insurrection and has given rise to” several state vote-restriction measures, Henderson said, referring to the false claims promoted by Donald Trump and other Republican officials that he lost the 2020 election due to widespread voter fraud. Democratic lawmakers from across the country are rallying in support of the For the People Act in Washington this week, urging the Senate to pass the legislation before leaving town for summer recess.

These people are Fascists. They have zero problem with all the violence from the BLM/Antifa folks, who literally firebombed federal buildings and destroyed/looted lots and lots of businesses. Instead, they want to pass a law that creates one party rule and destroys the 1st Amendment.

“In the last few years, our nation has witnessed horrific acts of violence, such as the massacres at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and a shopping center in El Paso that targeted Black, Jewish and Latino Americans,” Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, the committee’s chairman, said in his opening remarks.

Peters said he fears that these deadly attacks, along with more recent acts of violence targeting the Asian American community as well as the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, “are a signal of something worse to come.”

Almost all the attacks on Asians occurred in cities run by Democrats, and a goodly chunk of them were committed by blacks, not really known for voting Republican.

“If the federal government does not take swift action to address this festering threat, I fear we will see more tragic attacks and lose more lives to domestic violent extremism,” he said.

Yes, you should be disturbed by members of Congress deeming all who oppose the Democrats agenda as domestic terrorists, utterly amping up the rhetoric.

Read: We Could Defeat Domestic Terrorism With The “For The People Act” Or Something »

ClimaDoom: Seeing Signs Of Gulf Stream Collapse

Didn’t they already do this? Back in 2015 they were saying you eating a burger was causing the Gulf Stream to slow. And were pimping it back in February. Now they’ve gone full Doom

Climate crisis: Scientists spot warning signs of Gulf Stream collapse

Climate scientists have detected warning signs of the collapse of the Gulf Stream, one of the planet’s main potential tipping points.

The research found “an almost complete loss of stability over the last century” of the currents that researchers call the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). The currents are already at their slowest point in at least 1,600 years, but the new analysis shows they may be nearing a shutdown.

Such an event would have catastrophic consequences around the world, severely disrupting the rains that billions of people depend on for food in India, South America and West Africa; increasing storms and lowering temperatures in Europe; and pushing up the sea level off eastern North America. It would also further endanger the Amazon rainforest and Antarctic ice sheets.

The complexity of the AMOC system and uncertainty over levels of future global heating make it impossible to forecast the date of any collapse for now. It could be within a decade or two, or several centuries away. But the colossal impact it would have means it must never be allowed to happen, the scientists said.

So, they don’t really know, don’t really have all that much data, just guesses. But Doom! And we can fix this with a tax and the government taking your freedom.

Eight independently measured datasets of temperature and salinity going back as far as 150 years enabled Boers to show that global heating is indeed increasing the instability of the currents, not just changing their flow pattern.

Oh, good, 150 years. Now do the data during the Medieval Warm Period and Roman Warm Period, which led to the Little Ice Age and Dark Ages. Any correlation? Not that this would matter to the climate cult.

Read: ClimaDoom: Seeing Signs Of Gulf Stream Collapse »

COVID Today: California’s Mandate, Saying No To Masks, SEIU Protests

California had already mandated that all state workers and those in health care field, even private businesses, either get the vaccine or be subjected to weekly/bi-weekly tests. Now

California first in nation to mandate vaccinations for health care workers

California today issued the first order in the nation that requires COVID-19 vaccinations for health care workers, allowing only for religious or rare medical exemptions.

Employees of hospitals, nursing homes, doctors’ offices, clinics and other medical facilities have until Sept. 30 to get at least one dose of the vaccination, under the new order issued by Dr. Tomás J. Aragón, California’s public health officer. In the meantime, they must either be vaccinated or undergo mandatory weekly testing, under the state’s previous order issued last week.

California also ordered visitors to hospitals, skilled nursing homes and facilities for the developmentally disabled to be fully vaccinated or show a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours. The order applies only to indoor visits and goes into effect on Wednesday.

The new requirement for medical workers tightens Gov. Gavin Newsom’s move last week to require health care workers and state employees to be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing.

State health officials were not immediately available to explain why the requirements for health care workers won’t go into effect until the end of September.

That’s a good question: if this is so important, why the end of September, especially when this is just about one simple dose. How does that help? Unless it is the Johnson and Johnson, you need two doses. One dose of Pfizer or Moderna means nothing. If they get it on Sept 30th, they’ll have to wait weeks to get the 2nd, then 14 days before considered fully vaccinated. The difference here, to be clear, is that all healthcare workers must be vaccinated. No testing. Vaccinated. Reports say around 23% of healthcare employees are refusing to get vaccinated. I wonder why people who understand healthcare are resistant? I wonder what happens when lots of healthcare workers, in a system that is already shortstaffed, leave.

But, hey, SEIU is protesting

(SacBee) SEIU Local 1000 filed an unfair labor practice charge against CalHR this week with the Public Employment Relations Board, alleging that Newsom’s administration failed to meet and confer with the union prior to implementing the new rule.

“We’re still protesting the fact that they’re violating our contract,” said Richard Louis Brown, the president. “That’s what the State of California is doing, and that is what the State of California has done under the leadership of this governor.”

The unfair labor practice charge states that CalHR “dodged its legal obligations by unilaterally imposing a deadline.”

Well, that’s interesting. The State can impose all sorts of mandates on citizens, but, not SEIU members, unless they renegotiate the contract? Piss off. You’re government workers. Most of you voted for this. Suck it up.

Elko County rejects governor’s mask mandate

Elko County Commissioners voted Wednesday against complying with Gov. Steve Sisolak’s latest mask mandate and for blocking door-to-door vaccine solicitations, but their actions don’t cover the incorporated cities of Elko, Carlin, Wells and West Wendover.

On the mask mandate, Commissioner Rex Steninger said that the “county must refuse to comply this time. Our local businesses depend upon us refusing. Our emotional and physical well-being of our residents depends on us refusing.”

His motion directed county offices and agents to refuse to enforce the mandate, but he said that those who want to wear masks should feel comfortable doing so.

Could this be the start of a movement, similar to areas declaring themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuaries? Especially since the vast majority of masks do not work.

Read: COVID Today: California’s Mandate, Saying No To Masks, SEIU Protests »

Civilization Ending Climate Crisis Is Knocking At The Door Or Something

To paraphrase Meghan Trainor, it’s all about the doom, ’bout the doom, no brightside

Civilization-ending climate change is knocking on the door — unless we act now

We are standing in an extinction event. Many of us started noticing it when the insects began to vanish in large numbers right after the turn of the century.

I’ll never forget the day the trucker called into my radio show. It was probably around 14 years ago, and he identified himself as a long-haul trucker who regularly ran a coast-to-coast route from the Southeast to the Pacific Northwest dozens of times a year.

“Used to be when I was driving through the southern part of the Midwest like I am right now,” he said, “I’d have to stop every few hours to clean the bugs off my windshield. It’s been three days since I’ve had to clean bugs off my windshield on this trip. There’s something spooky going on out here.” (snip)

A decade-and-a-half later, now living on the Columbia River in Portland, I haven’t seen more than a dozen swallows at a time in at least two years. The swarms of gnats, the mosquitoes, butterflies, lightning bugs, beetles and moths that marked spring and summer for most of my 70 years, from Michigan to Vermont to Georgia to Oregon, seem to have largely vanished.

The insect apocalypse is only a leading indicator of what is already a larger disaster for much of humanity and is now beginning to hit the wealthy world (the U.S. and Europe) hard.

Come on down here to NC. No problems with the bugs. But, if there are fewer, might it have more to do with land use and pesticides? No, no, it’s all ’bout the doom

The question now is whether we’ll let our current climate emergency get so far advanced it either wipes out the human race along with most life on the planet, produces such chaos it tears apart civilization or merely disrupts human life so severely it crashes governments around the world and stresses the ability of democracies like ours to continue to function.

Go for it. All you climate cultists should practice what you preach.

When a young street vendor in Tunisia set himself on fire in 2010 to protest the explosion in wheat prices there, his act of self-immolation touched off the Arab Spring, producing crisis and revolution in country after country in the region.

Egypt’s democracy fell to a military coup and is now a dictatorship. Tunisia experimented with democracy but just couldn’t withstand the pressure and is now on the verge of collapse. Libya has devolved into a series of neo-feudal city-states. Shen the refugees in Damascus began demanding government services like food and housing, the Assad government of Syria responded with a brutal crackdown that’s led to widespread death and destruction.

ISIS grew out of this climate change crisis as much as it did out of the Bush-Cheney military interventions in the region.

Lots more Doom, up to

Local climate change brought down the Mayans, long before the conquering Spanish arrived. Scientists estimate that “annual rainfall must have fallen by around 50% on average and by up to 70% during peak drought conditions,” leading to the chaos, death and conflict with nearby peoples that ended the empire.

Um, that occurred during a Holocene cool period. Cultist Thom Hartman forgot to mention that part. Because Science or something. He also forgot to mention what we’re supposed to do. I guess force Everyone Else to give up the use of fossil fuels, as he railed against them throughout the article. No mention from Thom whether he’s given them up himself.

Similarly, a 300-year drought ended the Anasazi civilization about 1,000 years ago in what is now Colorado and Utah. Their descendants were scattered across the American Southwest; their society never recovered.

Even Europe was not immune. Between 1550 and 1660 the “Little Ice Age” destroyed crops leading to famine, disease, widespread movement of climate refugees and multiple wars.

But these were all local events. What we’re now looking at is global.

Anasazi was during a warm period. What caused that? No fossil fueled vehicles then. And both were world wide. But, by saying these were all “local events” climate cultists can push their doomsday cult. Because, you know, science.

Read: Civilization Ending Climate Crisis Is Knocking At The Door Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, Evil, no good sprawling suburban area, bad for ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on Biden wanting all Americans to “identify” as vaccinated.

Read: If All You See… »

A Doomsday COVID Variant May Be Possibly Coming Or Something

Gotta keep the Fear Porn going, you know. Have to provide reasons to keep the government control high

A Doomsday COVID Variant Worse Than Delta and Lambda May Be Coming, Scientists Say

Scientists keep underestimating the coronavirus. In the beginning of the pandemic, they said mutated versions of the virus wouldn’t be much of a problem—until the more-infectious Alpha caused a spike in cases last fall. Then Beta made young people sicker and Gamma reinfected those who’d already recovered from COVID-19. Still, by March, as the winter surge in the U.S. receded, some epidemiologists were cautiously optimistic that the rapid vaccine rollout would soon tame the variants and cause the pandemic to wind down. (snip)

Delta, like most of the other variants, blindsided us, worsening and extending the pandemic. When the damage from Delta starts to subside, what other variants will be lurking just behind it to pull us back down again? The World Health Organization is already keeping an eye on several: Eta, which is now in several countries; Kappa, which arose in India; Iota, which first popped up in New York City—and especially Lambda, which has torn through Peru and shows signs of having unusual success in infecting fully vaccinated people, according to one early study. It has already spread to Argentina, Chile, Ecuador as well as Texas and South Carolina.

It’s too soon to say whether Lambda will turn out to be the next big, bad thing that COVID-19 unleashes on us. But it’s a good time to wonder: Just how destructive can these variants get? Will future variants expand their attack from the lungs to the brain, the heart and other organs? Will they take a page from HIV and trick people into thinking they’ve recovered, only to make them sick later? Is there a Doomsday variant out there that shrugs off vaccines, spreads like wildfire and leaves more of its victims much sicker than anything we’ve yet seen?

And wondering allows government to implement all sorts of draconian restrictions and controls on citizens. Oh, hey, perhaps we should be looking hard at the work done at the Wuhan institute, which was provided lots of support, and cover, by Fauci. Does a normal virus act like this, creating so many variants so quickly?

If we do not all get vaccinated, the next Covid-19 variant is just around the corner, expert says

Efforts to get more Americans vaccinated against Covid-19 are growing more urgent as an expert warns that if vaccination rates don’t increase, the dangerous Delta variant could continue to evolve.

“The next variant is just around the corner, if we do not all get vaccinated,” Adm. Brett Giroir, the former coronavirus testing czar under Pres. Trump, told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

Fear Porn Theater. Speaking of theater

Here in North Carolina

Cooper: NC focused on vaccinations, not new pandemic-related mandates

Gov. Roy Cooper dismissed questions Wednesday about the possibility of a new state mask mandate or business shutdowns amid a surge in coronavirus cases statewide.

Cooper probably realizes that there a lot of people who will no longer abide by restrictions, and, just as important, instituting all sorts of mandates and restrictions will harm the push to get North Carolinians vaccinated.

Meanwhile, 19% of small business say they will require the vaccine. I’d expect that number to grow. The Pentagon is going to mandate that all service personnel be vaccinated. How many will refuse and leave the military? How many will refuse to sign up? Los Angeles is considering a mandate requiring all people to be vaccinated for indoors activity. 19 Democrats are demanding the Capitol physician to mandate vaccination for Congress. And more and more and more.

Read: A Doomsday COVID Variant May Be Possibly Coming Or Something »

Sleepy Joe To Announce Push For Half Of Vehicles To Be Net Zero By 2030

Will the U.S. government start being the ones making vehicles? The exact main point of the Socialist model for Politics 101 is that the government is heavily involved in all economic matters, up to and including owning the means of production. Congress will need to mandate this, though, Joe could totally mess up production by increasing the CAFE standards to such a high level that automakers will have to produce EVs and pay fines and fees and such. And your price of purchasing a vehicle will skyrocket

Biden to announce he wants half of all new vehicles at zero emissions by 2030

Electric vehiclePresident Biden will sign an executive order on Thursday calling for half of all U.S. car sales to be zero-emission vehicles by 2030.

Senior administration officials said in a briefing for reporters that the order is a part of Biden’s broader “Build Back Better” initiative and will bolster infrastructure, save consumers money, and tackle the climate crisis.

The order will further initiate the development of “long-term fuel efficiency and emission standards” that will cut pollution and allegedly save consumers costs at the pump.

The officials said the standards will apply to not only “light-duty vehicles” like cars, SUVs, and pickup trucks, but also will also be established for “medium and heavy-duty vehicles.”

American automakers including Ford, GM, and Stellantis, along with the United Auto Workers union heads are expected to stand with the president at the White House as he signs the executive order.

“Today, Ford, GM, and Stellantis announce their shared aspiration to achieve sales of 40-50% of annual U.S. volumes of electric vehicles (battery electric, fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid vehicles) by 2030,” the automakers said in a joint statement. “Our recent product, technology, and investment announcements highlight our collective commitment to be leaders in the U.S. transition to electric vehicles.”

But, are people buying these? Do they actually want to buy them? Do they want to deal with all the inconveniences? Is this what they’re demanding? China Joe setting the standards and forcing compliance is not capitalism, it’s Marxism. It’s not a free, Classical Liberal system, it’s Socialism. You may “save” at the pump, but, the huge cost of EVs make them unaffordable to most people. Let’s say it all evens out in costs. Let’s say you spend $1,200 a year on gas (the actual average across all vehicles is $3K, but, let’s say you drive something like a Civic or Corolla now): are you enthused on paying that times 5 ($6K) up front for the vehicle? Turning a $24000 vehicle to $30000? And getting maybe 100-200 miles per charge? With fewer features? Will banks give the loans? Or require large down payments?

The automakers said that the goal to cut gasoline-based car sales by half in less than 10 years would be made possible through government-supported purchase incentives, charging networks, investment in continued research, and incentives for the expansion of electric vehicle manufacturing and supply chains.

Will the government be giving us all lots of money for down payment? Or directly to the manufacturers? A tax incentive of, say, $7000 doesn’t actually equate to a $7000 reduction in price. What about the mining of metals, transportation of the metals and completed parts, shipping the vehicles to dealers? Doesn’t that require fossil fuels? If Warmists are so enthused by EVs why aren’t they all buying them now? What’s that, most can’t afford them? Why isn’t Joe using a electric limo, with electric SUVs in his giant motorcade?

Read: Sleepy Joe To Announce Push For Half Of Vehicles To Be Net Zero By 2030 »

Pirate's Cove