If All You See…

…is a sea that will SOON! rise up and swamp the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This Ain’t Hell…, with a post on a USAF Captain, part of a maintenance squadron, being lauded for cleaning a toilet.

Read: If All You See… »

Chinese Virus Today: Tax The Unvaxxed, Republicans Seizing

Just wondering, how does taxing work? Would it be considered raaaaacist, since the black and Latino populations have low vaccination rates? From the uber-Progressive (nice Fascism) minds at Washington Monthly

Tax the Unvaxxed

More than 700,000 people are flooding the South Dakota badlands this week for what will surely be the COVID-19 superspreader event of the year, the 81st annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

No complaints about Obama’s big party at Martha’s Vineyard, where infection rates have shot up. Or the big Lollapalooza in Chicago, where infections are going up.

Policymakers—and employers—have radically shifted their treatment of vaccine holdouts in recent days.  Carrots, like million-dollar prizes and college scholarships, are giving way to sticks and cudgels, with vaccine mandates for government workers and proof of vaccination soon to be required for activities like indoor dining. Life for the unvaccinated will be increasingly inconvenient.

It should also become increasingly expensive.

In a recent op-ed for The New York Times, Elizabeth Rosenthal and Glenn Kramon proposed higher insurance premiums for the willfully unvaccinated, in the same way that smokers also pay higher rates. COVID-19 patients are expensive, with average costs ranging from $51,000 to $78,000, depending on age.

It’s a good idea, and we need to do more along the same lines. Does an unvaccinated high schooler want to play on the football team or participate in another high-contact sport like wrestling?  Schools should double the activity fees for those students to cover the cost of expenses such as disinfection or medical expenses for teammates infected in an outbreak.

Does a traveler want to fly unvaccinated? Airlines should add a “public safety fee” along with the fees for checked baggage and extra legroom, with proceeds compensating flight attendants, airport staff, and other professionals for sick days and lost wages.

Restaurants should reinstitute the COVID-19 surcharge many were adding to bills at the height of the pandemic (but waive it for vaccinated customers), setting aside the funds for servers and other frontline workers. Movie theaters and concert halls should institute similar fees (again, waiving them for those who show proof of vaccination). Perhaps local governments should even impose meal and hospitality sales taxes (with exemptions for the vaccinated) to defray the costs of testing, tracking and contact tracing (in essence taxing the willfully unvaccinated).

You vill comply, Comrades. Supposedly, this won’t affect the low income

Granted, many of those remaining unvaccinated are low-income Americans facing challenges of access and scheduling. Black Americans are justifiably distrustful of a government that, historically, has mistreated them. But there’s also a sizeable subset of Americans for whom opposition to vaccination (and masking) is political and ideological, born of misguided fealty to former President Donald Trump or mystifying adherence to conspiracy theories. Vaccination rates are significantly lower in counties that voted for Trump in 2020, and about 30 percent of Republicans say “they will not get vaccinated” (compared to 5 percent of Democrats).

Nope, won’t affect blacks or low income at all!

Republicans are seizing on backlash to new mask and vaccine mandates

Republicans have found a new boogeyman in the battle for the House: the nation’s top public health agency.

As Republicans head back to their districts for the August recess, they are hammering the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and seizing on the backlash to new mask and vaccine mandates — part of a GOP-wide effort to use the fears and frustrations of Americans worried about another round of school closures and lockdowns as cudgels against their Democratic opponents.

Seizing! How horrible! Just because Americans do not want masking, lockdowns, school closures, all those things that barely worked? Terrible! At least back in the first months of the breakout there was a lot of unknowns and contradictory science, now we know that stuff doesn’t work.

Read: Chinese Virus Today: Tax The Unvaxxed, Republicans Seizing »

Surprise: UK’s Climate Tsar, Who Wants To Eliminate Fossil Fueled Vehicles, Still Drives One

No one should be surprised in the least. Warmists like Alok Sharma are always big on telling Other People what to do while rarely ever doing the same. That’s how you get John Kerry flying around in fossil fueled jets, including his own. Joe Biden regularly taking fossil fueled helicopters to all sorts of places, followed by driving in a big convoy of fossil fueled vehicles. Obama and Gore owning expensive mansions at the sea shore despite prognosticating doom from sea rise (via Watts Up With That?)

Government climate tsar’s dirty secret: he still drives a diesel car

electric vehicleThe president of the Cop26 UN climate change conference has revealed he still drives a diesel car.

Alok Sharma, a Tory MP and member of Boris Johnson’s Cabinet, added swiftly that his next car would be electric.

The remarks came in a BBC Newsnight interview on the day a damning climate change report said it was “unequivocal” humans had caused global warming.

Asked “what do you drive” by the presenter, Mr Sharma responded: “I actually have a diesel car along with millions of other people.

“I don’t drive it very much. I take public transport from Reading [his constituency] into London every day. And I can assure you that my next car will most certainly be an electric vehicle.”

Why not get one now? He’s had time. And, does anyone really believe he takes public transportation that much? Maybe too work, since London traffic is insane. Think he’ll take it to Glasgow for the COP26?

This autumn, the Government will spell out how Britons will be encouraged to ditch petrol and diesel cars and gas boilers to help the UK reach “net zero” in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Sharma is one of the ones pushing hardest for this. As Eric Worrall points out

What can I say – whether its President Obama’s epic maskless birthday bash, Gavin Newsom’s shameful visit to the French Laundry restaurant, Nancy Pelosi’s Hair appointment during a lockdown, the Chicago teachers union leader partying in Peurto Rico, while claiming its “too risky” to return to work, Sharma’s contempt for quarantine rules and travel restrictions everyone else in Britain has to observe, or Sharma’s love for his diesel vehicle, a kind of vehicle he is working to deny to everyone else in Britain, one thing is clear.

Our elites no longer even try to hide their disdain for living by the rules they inflict on ordinary people.

Quite true. And, it’s not like there aren’t lots and lots of errors in the latest UN IPCC report. As usual.

Meanwhile, even Progressives are noticing that it’s all Apocalypse Porn and a doomsday cult. And, why do climate cultists always have to lie about federal tax credits for EVs?

(Dawn Allcot at GoBankingRates) The Nissan LEAF S EV starts at $27,400, while the Kicks starts at $19,550. If you deduct the $7,500 federal tax credit, the LEAF is almost the same price as the Kicks, coming in at $19,900.

In fairness, even Nissan tries this bullshit on their webpage, but, that’s not the way tax credits work.

(US News) “It is not a federal rebate. Instead, it is an EV tax credit that reduces the federal tax liability on your income.”

In fact, they are so complicated that you are typically advised to see your tax professional. No one is going to give you $7,500. Or up to that. It could end up be $2000. Or $4000. But, it is not cash. You don’t actually have that money. Further, you are going to pay full value at purchase, meaning your loan/lease will not reflect that credit. Yet, most position this as a rebate, that you will get all that money. If they have to lie, it’s rather shady.

Read: Surprise: UK’s Climate Tsar, Who Wants To Eliminate Fossil Fueled Vehicles, Still Drives One »

The Biden Inflation Tax, Explained

Supposedly, 80 million plus of Americans voted for this guy, so, they shouldn’t complain about the massive reduction in real wages

The Biden Inflation Tax, Made Clear in One Chart

What is all this “Biden inflation tax” talk really about? What is the actual effect of inflation on the lives of real people?

Well, below is a chart that compares yearly wage and inflation rates for each month from 2017 through July of this year using Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Wage rates are in blue and inflation (as measured by the consumer price index) is in red. When blue is on top, as it was during the entire Trump administration, workers’ wages are beating inflation and their standards of living are improving. When red is on top, they’re not.

While President Biden claims that it is “indisputable” that his jobs plan “is working,” this chart unequivocally shows that it is not, at least not for American workers. Rather, inflation is surging, more than wiping out any wage gains those workers might have experienced.

Is this all Comrade Joe’s fault? No Many of the problems now were not that bad even during the height of COVID. Sure, used cars were getting scarce and the prices were rising, but, nothing like the last few months, which will continue for at least 3-4 months. Consider, a 3 year old Civic base model coming off lease with under 36k miles would have gone for around $16-17K. Now? Easily $19-20k. If you can even find one. Want a new car? Few dealers are negotiating. Most are at MSRP. Some are marking above MSRP (a big mistake, people will remember). A goodly chunk of what’s being sold new already has a name on it before it comes off the truck. There are lots in build status, that will arrive in late August and through September, with names on them. That’s not all Joe’s fault. Chips and mining isn’t on him. Or Trump. It’s on China for COVID19

So, why is inflation surging in the Biden era? One factor is an imbalance between supply and demand. Emerging from the pandemic, we are in a period of high demand boosted by unprecedented government largesse. Thanks to that largesse, in June of this year, personal savings were nearly $400 billion higher than in January of 2020. People have money and now they’re spending it.

But the pandemic disrupted production and order flow, hobbling supply chains. Simply, people were unable to work and businesses were unable to anticipate future demand. Bad policies that pay people more not to work than they can make with a job have exacerbated the supply chain disruptions. You can’t produce and deliver goods if you can’t find workers.

Trump worked to get people back to work. Biden has worked to pay people not to work. Comrade Joe and his buds in Congress are looking to dump enormous amounts of money into the economy, which reduces the power of purchasing and increases prices

It doesn’t take an economist to see the inflationary impact. Restaurant Business, an industry publication, recently ran an article bluntly titled “Yes, It’s OK to Keep Raising Prices.” That opinion isn’t limited to restaurants. In the Institute for Supply Management’s July report, 66.7% of service businesses said they are raising prices. In the National Federation of Independent Business’ monthly survey for July, 52% of respondents reported raising prices.

That 6.4% represents selling cars at MSRP vs negotiated discounts. May not seem a lot, but, even a $1,000 discount would save you $20 a month on a 5 year finance loan, and $30 a month on a lease. Lots of backend money from manufacturers is gone. Why would a company sell at a discount if supply is super limited? Oh, someone in Danville, Va, is offering a couple grand off? Go get it. Have fun when you find out what games they are playing (we’ve seen this before). I mentioned the TV I bought on July 11th. Best Buy increased the cost from $499 before $20 discount to $569 before a $40 discount from Sunday to Monday. Is this all Joe’s fault? No. But, he and his Congressional Comrades are doing all the can to make sure inflation continues. Will wages catch up? Doubtful.


Read: The Biden Inflation Tax, Explained »

Bummer: Marijuana Is Bad For The Climate Crisis (scam)

Again, I really do not care if people smoke marijuana, just don’t blow it on me. I don’t think it’s that bad, and the science says that many drugs, including alcohol, are far worse. Like Ted Cruz, I think it should be left up to the states to decide. That said, the Cult of Climastrology always finds a way to inject themselves into issues, being the big buzz kills they are, and this is no different. Previously, I’ve seen small websites jump in, now we have the big boys involved

An inconvenient truth (about weed)

Marijuana has never been more popular in the U.S. — and its carbon emissions have never posed a bigger threat to the climate.

America’s patchwork approach to legalizing weed has helped make cannabis cultivation one of the most energy-intensive crops in the nation. And as states increasingly embrace marijuana, a growing source of greenhouse gases is going essentially unnoticed by climate hawks on Capitol Hill.

Nationally, 80 percent of cannabis is cultivated indoors with sophisticated lighting and environmental controls designed to maximize the plant’s yield. It’s a setup that can consume up to 2,000 watts of electricity per square meter, 40 times what it takes for leafy greens like lettuce, when grown indoors.

“For being such a ‘green’ industry, there’s some skeletons in the closet,” said Kaitlin Urso, an environmental consultant with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

One recent model estimated that Massachusetts’ nascent cannabis industry represented 10 percent of the state’s industrial electricity consumption in 2020. Another study found that growing enough bud for a joint — a gram — consumes as much electricity as driving about 20 miles in a fuel-efficient car. Then there’s the still-vibrant illegal market — where there are no emissions rules whatsoever — that consumes fossil fuels at an even higher rate, often using standalone generators or stealing power from neighbors to fuel their operations.

The problem is only going to get worse.

Damned if you do damned if you don’t. I wonder what this will do to the Democrat’s push to legalize marijuana all across the country: which push is more important to them, climate crisis (scam) or getting stoned?

Over the past year, nine states, including New York, approved the production and sale of either medical or recreational marijuana. That means 100 million Americans — nearly a third of the country — now live in a state where weed is legal for anyone over the age of 21. But most cultivators in those states will be growing cannabis indoors because of climate, regulations or individual business preferences, laying the groundwork for skyrocketing electricity consumption created by the new markets.

They grow it indoors because it produces a better product, rather than outdoors. You can do this with pot, versus something like oranges.

Interstate trade is the backbone of efficiency for most products Americans consume. But cannabis, while now allowed in many states, remains illegal on the federal level, creating siloed markets that can only serve local demand and whose economics are difficult to calibrate.

I would have thought that would be better for Hotcoldwetdry, since it limits the fossil fueled transportation.

To reach Biden’s 2050 climate goal, the nation has to do just about everything right. Every fossil fuel power plant will need to close or capture its carbon emissions; millions of buildings will need to abandon fossil fuels for electric appliances; all new cars on the road will need to be electric. Any sector going in the wrong direction, especially a rapidly growing one like cannabis, will hamper progress toward that goal.

Or, you can just F off and mind your own business. Stop trying to push your cult on everyone.

Many climate advocates say legalizing cannabis on the federal level, especially before more states create new markets, would be the quickest way to ease the emissions problem, but the bill with the best odds is still a long shot. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) introduced a legalization measure last month that does not yet have the votes to pass.

This is really all about shifting control from state and local hands to the Central Government, yet another takeover by the federal government.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) had more specific concerns. As more states, and potentially the federal government, move toward legalization, the progressive icon said she would prioritize ensuring small businesses have an opportunity to grab major market share in the nascent industry and access to efficiency upgrades to make them competitive.

She does have a point. If Los Federales legalize it you’re going to see big companies get involved, driving out small business. But, small business would still be driven out as they wouldn’t be able to afford or comply with climate cult policies.

Read: Bummer: Marijuana Is Bad For The Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is White House Dossier, with a post on Biden starting to tank with Independents.

Read: If All You See… »

Senate Democrats Approve $3.5 Trillion America Changing Reconciliation Package

Good job, 19 Republicans who voted for the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill: that will be used to pass the insane $3.5 trillion America changing bill

Senate passes framework of $3.5T budget reconciliation package in party-line vote

Illegitimate President Joe BidenThe Senate voted early Wednesday to pass the framework of the hotly contested, $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package after a nearly 15-hour-long vote-a-rama in Washington, D.C., and if there was any camaraderie on the bipartisan infrastructure bill, it seemed to have taken a holiday after this vote.

The vote was procedural and the initial step in the budget reconciliation process that could eventually allow Democrats to pass the package without a single Republican vote. The vote on Wednesday was 50-49, and straight down party lines.

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said the resolution paves the way “for legislation that would redefine the very role of the federal government in the lives of average Americans, all under a 50-50 Senate, a razor-thin majority in the House, and a President who was elected on moderation.”

“After Democrats shamelessly used COVID as an excuse to pass a partisan $2 trillion liberal wish-list in March, Budget Chairman Bernie Sanders has brought the rest of his party along for another $3.5 trillion that seeks to increase dependency of the middle class on the federal government, re-engineer the economy to benefit liberal interest groups, and provide tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy in Democrat-run states,” Toomey said in a statement.

Well, you and the rest of the Senate Republicans should have worked to stop the 19 idiots from voting for the initial “infrastructure” deal.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., praised the vote and said the budget will “bring a generational transformation on how our economy works for average Americans.”

“It’ll cut taxes for American families, it’ll lower costs for everyone,” the Senate majority leader said. “It’ll create good paying jobs while tackling climate change. And it will be paid for by making our tax code more progressive and more fair, asking corporations in the wealthy to pay their fair share.”

It’ll see corporations pass on those taxes to Americans. And cause lots and lots of companies to move their registration to other countries.

(Breitbart) The $3.5 trillion represents a top line budget number, which includes many items self-designated socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) facies, such as expanding medicare, global warming initiatives, and suburb displacement with low-income housing, subsidized housing, subsidized childcare, and subsidized racial equity and environmental justice.

There is, as you know, lots and lots of Progressive crazy in that bill, and they’ll add lots and lots more of Progressive (nice Fascism) crazy into it. It will, as Chuck says “bring a generational transformation”, not just of our economy, but how the federal government controls your life. And, I have to wonder, will the passage finally cause a split in the nation, where Red states say “enough, we’re no longer dealing with this”? That the U.S. is no longer the nation as deemed in the Constitution, hence, split it? Especially when they are going to take another shot at passing their For The People Act, a virtual takeover of all elections by the Federal government. Which they might try and slip into the $3.5 trillion, along with mass amnesty.

Read: Senate Democrats Approve $3.5 Trillion America Changing Reconciliation Package »

UK To Relax Chinese Coronavirus Rules For U.N. Climate Conference

If you thought some of the rules during lockdown here in the U.S. were crazy, like Michigan governor Whitmer blocking the sale of non-essential items like seeds, Britain was completely nuts (as were other countries). And lots of their restrictions and rules have not been relaxed all that much. But, hey, the U.K. has to get ready for 25,000 or so people to come to Glasgow in fossil fueled vehicles and planes!

Rules for Thee and Not for Me: UK to Relax Travel Restrictions for UN Climate Conference

Overseas delegates for the UN’s COP26 climate conference in Scotland will be subjected to more relaxed coronavirus travel rules than normal travellers, an official has confirmed.

Up to 25,000 government figures, media, and environmental campaigners from around the world will descend on Glasgow, Scotland, in the first two weeks of November for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson determined that, despite the ongoing Chinese coronavirus pandemic, a meeting in person would achieve more than an environmentally-friendly virtual summit to stop alleged manmade climate change.

Easing of restrictions for those attending the climate conference, many of whom will be flying to the UK in aeroplanes emitting massive amounts of CO2, will include a shorter quarantine period for vaccinated delegates travelling from red list high coronavirus-risk countries and no self-isolation for those coming from amber or green list countries.

“This includes a reduced quarantine period of five days for vaccinated individuals from red list countries,” a COP26 official confirmed, according to Reuters. “There will be no requirement for self-isolation on arrival to the UK for those coming from amber or green list countries whether vaccinated or not.”

Most travellers to the summit will be arriving in the UK in London. Under current travel rules in England, you are recommended against travelling to red list countries — the vast majority Asian, African, and Latin American — and are only allowed to enter the country from those nations if you are a British or Irish citizen or have residency rights.

Well, most of the people traveling to the UN IPCC Conference on the Parties are climahypocrites, so, might as well be covid-hypocrites to boot. The requirement now is for ten day isolation for those from red list countries. Even if vaccinated. You just know that there will be lots and lots of climate cultists, especially the big wigs, who will not be wearing masks.

The rules for several days of self-isolation while waiting for a negative test, even for the vaccinated, have also been relaxed for amber and green countries. I can’t wait for the photo-ops from world leaders like

And all the photos of the private jets flown to the U.K.

Read: UK To Relax Chinese Coronavirus Rules For U.N. Climate Conference »

Moderate Joe Looking To See If He Can Override Mask Mandate Bans

Dementia Joe Biden, “elected” on a platform of being a moderate (snicker), doesn’t have the legal or Constitutional power to implement a mask mandate nationwide to start with, except within the Executive Office. Which he did. Which he and many of his people constantly blow off. He seems upset that some governors have instituted mask mandate bans

Biden ‘checking’ if he has power to intervene against Florida and Texas mask mandate bans

President Joe Biden said he is “checking” on if his presidential powers could give him the ability to intervene in states banning mask mandates.

“I don’t believe that I do thus far. We’re checking that,” Biden said Tuesday when asked if he could intervene in states such as Texas and Florida that have banned mask mandates. “But there are — federal workforce, I can.”

Biden’s remarks came after he addressed the issue of states that have banned public schools districts from imposing mask mandates for the upcoming school year. The president called such efforts “disingenuous,” arguing governors should allow districts to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.

“And I find it interesting that some of the very people who are saying that, who hold government positions, are people who are threatening that if a schoolteacher asks a student if they have been vaccinated, or if a principal says that ‘everyone in my school should wear a mask’ or the school board votes for it, that governor will nullify that — that governor has the authority to say, ‘You can’t do that,’” Biden said.

Governors do have that power, within both the federal and state constitutions (whether they actually have the power to institute a mask mandate in non-government areas, in outdoor settings, and more, is contested). That’s the way our system works. The federal Legislative and Executive office are not supposed to be this powerful. They weren’t assigned the power to override governors and states in most things. The mask mandate bans do not stop any citizen from wearing a mask (which mostly do no work). If teachers want to wear them, wear them. If parents want their kids to wear them, that’s their right. If other citizens want to wear one, wear one. A good percentage of people I see voluntarily wearing them fail to wear them correctly and/or are wearing ones that make zero difference.

“I find that totally counterintuitive and, quite frankly, disingenuous,” he added.

Biden said this while not wearing a mask. Surprise?

Read: Moderate Joe Looking To See If He Can Override Mask Mandate Bans »

Warmist Robert Reich Offers Solutions To The Climate Crisis (scam)

Robert Reich has long been a leading proponent of Big Government, so, it’s not surprising as to what solutions he has up his “green” sleeve

Robert Reich: The Solutions To The Climate Crisis No One Is Talking About – OpEd

In light of the latest IPCC report on climate change, it’s crucial we remember these four steps to avoiding a climate catastrophe.

First, create green jobs. Investing in renewable energy could create millions of family sustaining, union jobs and build the infrastructure we need for marginalized communities to access clean water and air.

If these jobs were so much in demand the private sector would creating them. What he’s talking about are government jobs, overpaid ones, that are unionized to create an incestuous relationship between the unions and Government

Second, stop dirty energy. A massive investment in renewable energy jobs isn’t enough to combat the climate crisis. If we are going to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we must tackle the problem at its source: Stop digging up and burning more oil, gas, and coal.

Third, kick fossil fuel companies out of our politics. For decades, companies like Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and BP have been polluting our democracy by pouring billions of dollars into our politics and bankrolling elected officials to enact policies that protect their profits. The oil and gas industry spent over $103 million on the 2016 federal elections alone.

In other words, to hell with the Constitution, to hell with the principles this country was founded on, just straight up go for authoritarianism. Weird that Warmists like Reich won’t voluntarily give up their own use of “dirty energy”, eh?

Fourth, require the fossil fuel companies that have profited from environmental injustice to compensate the communities they’ve harmed. As if buying off our democracy wasn’t enough, these corporations have also deliberately misled the public for years on the amount of damage their products have been causing. If these solutions sound drastic to you, it’s because they are. They have to be if we have any hope of keeping our planet habitable. The climate crisis is not a far-off apocalyptic nightmare — it is our present day.

If you banned the fossil fuels companies, how do you get money from defunct businesses? Also, how do these big shot Warmists move around without limos and jets? This is straight up government theft of legally earned money. Nobody should be surprised by any of this, the Cult of Climstrology is not about science, but, politics

Silly Season at the UN: 1989 vs. 2021 Climate Doomsday (it’s all politics now)

UN 2021: 6th Climate Assessment

It’s all bad. it’s only going to get worse. It is civilization’s last chance. Red Alert for humankind….

But a massive energy transformation can avert the worst part. “The innovations in this report, and advances in climate science that it reflects,” said IPCC chair Hoesung Lee, “provide an invaluable input into climate negotiations and decision-making.”

That’s about all you need to know about the latest from the IPCC.

Going back

Reality Check: UN 1989

History matters. And in the climate debate, mankind’s long concern about climate and recent angst about global warming are worth revisiting for both perspective and optimism.

Reprinted below is an AP report from 1989 on the consensus of United Nations on climate change. I report; you decide ….

UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

How’d that work out? they’ve been pushing this Doom since 1989. Lots more at the link.

Read: Warmist Robert Reich Offers Solutions To The Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove