If All You See…

…is a mask needed to fight off diseases which are made worse by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on The Great Barrier Reef having more coral than ever recorded.

Read: If All You See… »

Wake County Canvassing Areas With Low COVID Vaccination Rates

I’ve mentioned this already, but, this throws a bit of confusion in how this is all working

Health care workers to canvass Wake neighborhoods for door-to-door vaccines

The Wake County Health Department is expanding its effort to bring COVID-19 vaccines directly to families by administering vaccinations in select areas.

Healthcare workers with WakeMed Physician Practices are now on standby to administer free shots to eligible residents who would like one. With COVID-19 cases on the rise in the state and throughout the country, WakeMed teams are trying to increase the vaccination rate by canvassing neighborhoods to administer first and second doses right at home.

The program uses Census tract data to find areas in the county where vaccination rates are low. Healthcare experts will be available to talk to residents and answer questions they have about the vaccine.

So, are there certain areas with lower vaccination rates? But, how did they get that information to start with? The only way to know is to compare the roll of those in Wake County who got the vaccine with those who didn’t. Under what legal authority is this being done, considering these are private medical records being combed and shared. Or is Wake County just assuming low rates in certain neighborhoods? Did WRAL bother doing any reporting?

(CBS17) Frustrated with some segments of the population not getting the COVID-19 vaccines, Wake County is now expanding its efforts to get shots to more people. (snip)

But, even getting people to come to the pop-up neighborhood clinics can be frustrating. So this week, Wake County began sending what it calls “strike teams” to neighborhoods bringing the vaccines door-to-door.

At Kingsborough Estates in southeast Raleigh crews found it no easy task to convince folks to take the shot. (snip)

The neighborhood is in an area where vaccination rates are hovering around 30 percent compared to elsewhere in the county where the rate is between 70 to 80 percent.

How do they know this data? Who gave them the authority to do this? How about giving it to the people who are coming door to door? Or, are they just assuming a low rate in a Latino dominated area?

(News and Observer) Wake County is using census tract data to identify neighborhoods with low vaccination rates, then sending canvassers who go door-to-door to ask people if they want to get the vaccine.

They offer first and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

If the person agrees to a first dose, the team will schedule their next shot in three weeks.

Does this violate privacy laws and HIPAA? Where’s the legal authority? Maybe they have it. Perhaps they are simply comparing captured address data, rather than looking at personal data, and just going to every door. We don’t know. Personally, I think everyone who can get the shot should get it. That’s my opinion. Why? Because if I get COVID it will, most likely, be mild

Vaccinated people make up 75% of recent COVID-19 cases in Singapore, but few fall ill

Vaccinated individuals accounted for three-quarters of Singapore’s COVID-19 infections in the last four weeks, but they were not falling seriously ill, government data showed, as a rapid ramp-up in inoculations leaves fewer people unvaccinated.

While the data shows that vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases, it also underscores the risk that even those inoculated could be contagious, so that inoculation alone may not suffice to halt transmission.

Of Singapore’s 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484, or about 44%, were in fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and just over 25% were unvaccinated, Thursday’s data showed.


Israel says Pfizer Covid vaccine is just 39% effective as delta spreads, but still prevents severe illness

Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, but still provides strong protection against severe illness and hospitalization, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry.

The efficacy figure, which is based on an unspecified number of people between June 20 and July 17, is down from an earlier estimate of 64% two weeks ago and conflicts with data out of the U.K. that found the shot was 88% effective against symptomatic disease caused by the variant.

However, the two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data published Thursday.

Those stories are repeated all over the place, including here in the States. People with the vaccine getting infected, but, most are not getting that sick. Not all, mind you. There have been plenty of deaths, but, for me, it’s worth it to avoid getting COVID/not getting sicker than a mild cold. Remember, I signed up immediately after it was announced that essential workers were eligible, and had my first shot within a week.

Some actual journalism would be nice, though.

Read: Wake County Canvassing Areas With Low COVID Vaccination Rates »

“Capitalism Is A Daily Disaster” For ‘Climate Change Or Something

Remember, these people are just all about the science, this has nothing to do with politics and sociology and authoritarianism and stuff. Jacobin Magazine, which “is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture” chimes in to say you’re crazy for thinking this isn’t about the science

Climate Doom Won’t Save the Planet

It’s another summer of climate dread. Earlier this month, Lytton, British Columbia hit 121 degrees Fahrenheit — the hottest temperature ever recorded in Canada. In Oregon, the Bootleg “megafire” — one of eighty fires currently raging in the West — is still only 30 percent contained after two weeks. The size of Los Angeles, it is “hot enough to create [its] own weather, [including] tornado-like winds that can tear trees apart and dismantle power lines.” Those in the Eastern US are experiencing the effects: hazy skies, air quality warnings, and unnerving red sunsets (more akin to a galaxy far, far away). Outside North America, unprecedented floods have killed hundreds in Europe and thirty-three in China.

Except, as we learn, every single one of those fires were either from lightning, which has always happened, or human activity like arson or poor control of transmission lines, made worse by more forest control. Not a slight increase in the Earth’s average temperature.

Climate dread isn’t just a cascade of bad weather — it’s the familiar feeling of seeing droughts, fires, heatwaves, and storms grow worse year after year as the political class sits on its hands. While Joe Biden talks the talk on climate, his aspirational infrastructure “American jobs plan” falls far short of the investment needed to meet his ambitious targets. Administration officials John Kerry and Janet Yellen act as if it’s the 1990s by claiming “markets not government” and “private capital” are the keys to addressing the crisis.

So now it’s “climate dread”, not climate anxiety? Except, none of those things are growing worse. That last line almost seems like Jacobin wants to push Government control

Yet to read any headlines today is to realize that no amount of knowledge of the reality of climate change has spurred the necessary action. The climate struggle remains mostly not about knowledge, but about who controls production and energy investment. Even while oil and gas companies finally claim to “believe science” and announce targets to reach “net zero” emission by 2050, the Biden administration has quietly approved existing oil and gas drilling leases at a pace comparable with Trump.

The production part isn’t referring specifically to fossil fuels companies, but, to all rich people. To the producers. And that article wants to take power and money away from them.

Nevertheless, those experiencing acute climate disasters still form a minority — and thus experience of climate disaster is not yet a basis for mass action. In fact, if this group did form a majority, we would arguably be too late to stop climate breakdown.

As Ezra Klein recently noted, “there is a discordance between the pitch of the rhetoric on climate and the normalcy of the lives many of us live.” Recent polling suggests a stark 57 percent of Americans do not think climate change will harm them personally.

Put that one with all the pieces where the vast majority do not want to spend more than $1 or $10 a month of their own earnings on ‘climate change’. Doing Something is popular in theory, not practice.

Furthermore, it is quite a lot to expect from “frontline communities” to lead the struggle to save the planet. As some of the most marginalized and oppressed groups in society, their struggles for immediate survival will only fleetingly overlap with the planetary politics of climate change. And while their struggles are often waged directly against the same fossil capitalists that climate activists target, defeating these incredibly powerful corporations will take a much broader, mass movement.

Nope, not Modern Socialism, this is Science!!!!

There is an alternative. Instead of expecting climate mobilization to emerge from knowledge or experience of climate change, we should seek to orient climate action around the everyday material realities of the working class — the vast majority of society. Such an approach could build something the climate movement still lacks: a majoritarian political coalition with the power to confront fossil capital.

While more and more surely are experiencing climate disasters, for most working people the primary obstacle to survival is the daily struggle to afford the basics of life like food, electricity, rent, and health care. Capitalism is a daily disaster of lacking the most rudimentary needs for material security and human dignity.

That sounds like something out of the Marxist revolution which overthru the Russia oligarchy and replaced it with totalitarian system of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics.

And it is not as if these material needs are “distractions” from the climate crisis. Food, housing, energy, and transport are the key sectors we need to decarbonize. The problem is most climate policy technocrats tend to assume restructuring these sectors will increase (or “internalize”) costs through carbon taxes or fees. A working-class strategy would do the opposite by guaranteeing access to de-commodified goods.

Where does that money come from, because it would skyrocket costs. Punishing the major producers? It would keep the proletariat class from moving, since they wouldn’t be able to afford travel.

The Green New Deal represents a breakthrough in this respect — offering a climate program around public housing, a job guarantee, and, most recently, public power to, “establish electricity as a basic human right and public good.” Still, for this strategy to work, you have to deliver these material gains in the name of climate action.

So, nationalization of the power sector? Remember, this is totally not about politics.

Read: “Capitalism Is A Daily Disaster” For ‘Climate Change Or Something »

Yes, Sleepy Joe Does Want To Ban Handguns

Politifact tries to cover for Dementia Joe

From their Protecting The Precious screed

When President Joe Biden was asked in his Ohio town hall what he plans to do about rising homicides, House Republicans were quick to fire off a tweet to their followers.

“President Biden says he wants to ban handguns,” the House GOP account tweeted July 21.

The tweet included a video clip from the CNN town hall-style event where Biden was speaking. That clip doesn’t back up the GOP tweet, and the full transcript goes further to sink this claim. (snip)

“The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it’s a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous,” Biden said. “I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.”

Those numbers Biden used apply to assault-style firearms and high-capacity magazines. As recently as June, when Biden rolled out his strategy to bring down murders, he said he wants to ban both.

Um, those lines from the transcript actually back up what the GOP stated, Politifact just showed that Joe said what the GOP said

THE PRESIDENT:  Now, I’m not being a wise guy.  There’s no reason you should — have you seen my gun violence legislation I’ve introduced?  As you know — because you’re so involved — actually, crime is down; gun violence and murder rates are up.  Guns.  I’m the only guy that ever got passed legislation, when I was a senator, that made sure we eliminated assault weapons.  The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon — whether it’s a — whether it’s a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle — is ridiculous.

I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things, but I’m not likely to get that done in the near term.  So here’s what I’ve done: The people who, in fact, are using those weapons are acquiring them illegally — illegally.  And so what happens is, I’ve gotten ATF — Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms — I have them increase their budget and increase their capacity, along with the Justice Department, to go after the gun shops that are not abiding by the law of doing background checks.  (Applause.)  For real.  That’s number one.

Is this a case of Joe’s dementia shining through, his inability to think before speaking, or does he mean it? Because he sure mentioned a 9mm pistol or rifle (without distinguishing what type of rifle) as things he is going to continue to push to eliminate. And you can bet he’s going to work to drive firearms dealers out of business by investigating the hell out of them, because the vast, vast majority, probably 99%, do background checks for every gun they are supposed to done for. Rather than going after the criminals who have the guns illegally, the gang bangers and wanna-be’s, the “aspiring rappers”, and so forth, because Joe and the Dems do not want to cause problems in the high crime communities which tend to vote Democrat.

Read: Yes, Sleepy Joe Does Want To Ban Handguns »

Archaeology Could Help With Our Old Enemy ‘Climate Change’

Changes to the climate, which have been around long before Mankind arrived, is apparently an enemy. And, if you don’t support fighting it, you’re a Nazi. At least that’s why I get out of the photo used

You can’t tell me that either the cult writer, David Vetter, or someone at Forbes didn’t use this photo on purpose. From the link

The effects of man-made climate change are devastating communities around the world, and climate scientists warn that such extreme events will worsen as the world warms. But can we use the lessons of the past to gather vital clues about our future? A team of anthropologists and earth scientists believes we can.

Led by University of Montreal anthropologist Ariane Burke, a team of archaeologists, geographers and scientists in Canada, the U.S. and France this week highlighted the significance of a relatively new discipline: the archaeology of climate change.

The discipline uses data from archaeological excavations and the climate record to work out how humans dealt with their environment in the past. Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Burke and her fellow authors noted that, although environmental transformation is taking place at a pace never seen before, humans have overcome similar challenges in the past. Archaeology, they write “offers opportunities to identify the factors that promoted human resilience in the past and apply the knowledge gained to the present, contributing a much-needed, long-term perspective to climate research.”

What caused the climate to change in the past? Before they started mucking with the actual data the 1930’s were hotter than today, and CO2 was a lot lower. People really didn’t have that many fossil fueled vehicles, nor AC, not TVs and smartphones and computers. Nor even fossil fueled commercial flights. What caused the climatic changes prior? The Medieval and Roman warm periods were warmer than the current one. What caused that?

The article goes into using old types of farming practices…you know, when there were all sorts of bugs and diseases on them, grew slower. Live like it’s 1099.

And it’s not just in agriculture that archaeology can teach us about climate adaptation strategies. Indigenous, community-based ranger groups in Australia have shown how traditional fire management strategies can hugely reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires of the type currently devastating the western U.S. and Canada.

That has nothing to do with ‘climate change’. Ecology, maybe. Perhaps they could teach the idiot liberal moonbats on the west coast that the area is fire prone, has been for tens of thousands of years, and they are just making it worse.

Elsewhere, archaeologists such as Jennifer Pournelle at the University of South Carolina have argued that catastrophic climate events such sea level rise in Mesopotamia could have been the catalyst for a complete reorganization of society, leading to large-scale irrigation works which enabled the birth of the first cities. Other studies have demonstrated the role of climate change in the collapse of some of the world’s great empires, such as the Khmer Empire in Southeast Asia.

No fossil fuels then. No AC. No concrete or blacktop. What caused it? The Mesopotamia thing was 6,000 years ago.

“There is still hope,” she said. “People have been experimenting with solutions to climate change for millennia. Some of them faced conditions far worse than today but they survived and even flourished. We can look to the past for inspiration and for practical solutions to make informed decisions for the future.”

Yeah, they sacrificed people to the gods. Now they want to tax you and take away your freedom. But, if you fight against this you’re a Nazi.

Read: Archaeology Could Help With Our Old Enemy ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky caused by carbon pollution causing drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Democrats message to rural America.

Read: If All You See… »

Minneapolis Looks To Replace Police Dept With “Public Safety Dept”

Those darned Republicans running the city of Minneapolis, always looking to defund their police. That’s what we’ve been told, right, that it isn’t Democrats trying to defund, it’s Republicans, right?

Minneapolis city council wants to shut down police despite skyrocketing gun crime

The Minneapolis City Council is pushing to dismantle its police force despite skyrocketing gun violence in which 20 children have been shot this year alone.

In its latest drive, the city council is voting on a plan to replace the police department with a “public safety department”.

Under the proposed plan the so-called “public safety department” would respond to emergency calls with a “comprehensive public health approach”.

The Minneapolis City Council tried abolishing the police force last year but was blocked by the city’s charter commission which pointed out the city’s municipal charter requires it have a division of law enforcement.

In response, the Yes 4 Minneapolis Committee is tabling a measure – approved by all 13 Minneapolis city council members – that would give voters the option to amend the charter to move towards implementing a “public safety” department.

Local new outlet Fox 9 Minneapolis reports the measure if approved “would give the voters power to replace the city police department” and “call for public safety to have a ‘comprehensive public health approach’ but does not explain what that means.”

Well, it should be interesting to see the results when the vote is held. Will the citizens vote for this plan, or nix it? Will it be close, or a blowout either way? My bet is on at least 65% against this insane plan, especially since no one actually will know what the “comprehensive public health approach” means.

Kare 11 reported in June 2021 that there had been 34 homicides by the end of May, an increase of 89 per cent over 2020.

A large component of the violence involves guns with 187 shootings up to June this year.

The spike in violent crime has become so bad a group of eight residents sued the city to force the city council to “refund” the police and expand the police force to the numbers required by the city’s charter.

The police department has seen a wave of retirements and resignations, along with police taking a very soft approach and not getting too involved, as they do not want to deal with the false accusations from simply doing the job. And this allows the criminal community to be more brazen. This isn’t about the guns, it’s about people willing to use them in crimes. And, with fewer officers, the priority will be to patrol the rich and middle class neighborhoods first. With the way the city council and leftists are treating the police, why would anyone want to join the Minneapolis force?

Read: Minneapolis Looks To Replace Police Dept With “Public Safety Dept” »

Olympics Go “Climate Positive”, Because No Sport Can Escape Or Something

Doom is a 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850, you know

‘No sport can escape’: Tackling climate change at the Tokyo Olympics

climate change joke

No sport can escape the impacts of a changing climate. Less snow and ice, higher temperatures, and extreme weather events such as storms and heatwaves, all affect competitors and spectators alike.

“Climate change is one of the biggest challenges humanity has ever faced, affecting sport alongside so many other human activities,” says Marie Sallois, IOC Director for Corporate and Sustainable Development.

“Sporting events must constantly adapt to the impacts of climate disruption, and the Olympic Games are no exception. As a global event with a huge visibility, the Games also carry the responsibility to take effective action to address it.”

Committed to a more sustainable future, the Olympic Movement has already taken significant steps to reduce its own footprint and contribute to a climate-friendly society. Both Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022 are aiming to be carbon neutral.

I wonder if they will be nagging the people tuning in? Especially since TV coverage seems to be focused more on the competitors and their Life Stories (especially if they had a tiny bit of hardship) than on showing live competition. You can bet there will be lots of COVID discussion this year…showing even less live competition. Will they add climate crisis (scam) coverage?

In March 2020, the IOC decided that from 2030 onwards all Olympic Games will be required to be ‘climate positive’.

This means that they will reduce their carbon emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, compensate more than 100 per cent of their remaining emissions and use their influence to drive effective climate action. (snip)

Short-term adaptation, however, is no substitute for long-term climate action. As part of its bid to host the Olympic Games, one of the three pillars of Tokyo 2020’s sustainability strategy was to achieve “carbon-neutral Games by reducing energy and resource consumption and carbon emissions, using renewable energy, public transport, and low-energy vehicles, and zero-waste policies.”

So, how many athletes are coming to the island nation of Japan on a fossil fueled flight? The so-called carbon footprint of the games will certainly be less since there are no fans in attendance, meaning fewer flights (which I’m sure they’ll laud), but, all the athletes, trainers, politicians, etc, will still be taking long fossil fueled flights from around the world.

According to the recently published update to the Tokyo 2020 pre-Games sustainability report, Japan’s decision – taken earlier this year – not to allow entry into Japan for overseas spectators for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 due to the prevailing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, will lead to an estimated reduction of emissions of 340,000 tonnes of CO2. However, athletes, coaches, staff, officials and media in Tokyo for the Olympic and Paralympic Games will still need to move between venues.


Nothing is immune from the input of the Cult of Climastrology, they’ll attempt to ruin everything with their cult beliefs.

Read: Olympics Go “Climate Positive”, Because No Sport Can Escape Or Something »

COVID Today: NC Hospital Systems Mandate Vaccinations, JabNags Coming Door To Do, FDA Approval No Excuse

It seems as if most of the hospital systems in the state are going to require employees to get the vaccine. I wonder how many will quit, especially those who have skill sets that will work in other areas? Especially when they’re already short of employees

Duke, UNC, other NC hospital systems requiring workers to be vaccinated

Major hospital systems across North Carolina, including Durham-based Duke University Health System and Chapel Hill-based UNC Health, announced Thursday that all staff and physicians must be vaccinated to continue working there.

The moves come on the heels of the North Carolina Healthcare Association’s decision backing mandatory vaccinations for health care workers. The association represents 130 hospitals and health systems statewide.

“Protecting patients, visitors and health care personnel from COVID-19 continues to be of paramount importance. Hospital and health system employee vaccination against COVID-19 is vital to safely care for patients by protecting them from infection and to mitigate the spread of the virus within health care facilities and among clinicians, patients and their families and friends,” the association said in a statement.

Duke Health and UNC Health have set a Sept. 21 deadline for staff to get fully vaccinated, and employees will have to show proof of vaccination to their supervisors. Anyone seeking a medical or religious exemption from getting the vaccine must request it by Sept. 7.

Anyone who doesn’t meet the deadline will get a warning and then, if they still aren’t vaccinated, will face termination, said Dr. Tom Owens, senior vice president of Duke Health and president of Duke University Hospital.

About a quarter of Duke Health’s more than 22,000 employees remain unvaccinated, a spokeswoman said.

The same types of liberals demanding this typically screech about “my body my choice.” A lot of people do not trust the vaccine for various reasons. I respect their choice. Mine was to get vaccinated early. Come the end of September, will we be reading stories about hospital and health systems being even more short of employees as people get fired/quit?

Wake County to target low vaccination neighborhoods with door-to-door canvassing

Wake County officials are making yet another push to increase the county’s vaccination rate.

Health officials are expanding the county’s vaccine outreach program by launching a door-to-door canvassing event.

Wake County’s eligible population has about a 70 percent vaccine rate–relatively high for the state and county. However, there are still areas in the county where the rate is much lower.

Canvassers will be out in those lower vaccination rate neighborhoods to pass out information and request forms. They will not be doing home vaccinations at this time.

Did anyone at ABC11 ask pertinent questions like “under what state law is it authorized to use private health data to find out who is and isn’t vaccinated, then give that information to individuals?” “Doesn’t this break HIPAA law?”

UNC immunologist says waiting for full FDA approval before getting COVID-19 vaccine is a bad excuse

“As you know, tens of millions of people have received this vaccine. There are enormous numbers of studies both in the U.S., the United Kingdom, Israel, and others, demonstrating this vaccine is highly effective and very safe,” said UNC School of Medicine immunologist David Weber.

Weber said the argument to wait until full FDA approval to get a shot isn’t a good excuse.

“Well, first of all, we know more about the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine than any other vaccine we knew about before it was FDA approved,” he said.

But, isn’t it their choice what to put in their body and when? I trust the vaccine, but, many don’t.

Read: COVID Today: NC Hospital Systems Mandate Vaccinations, JabNags Coming Door To Do, FDA Approval No Excuse »

Good News: San Francisco Board Of Supervisors To Concentrate On Hotcoldwetdry

Crime? Poop, urine, and used drug needles in the streets? Rampant homelessness? Stores closing/cutting hours due to rampant shoplifting? Cost of living sky high? Meh. Here’s the real issue

San Francisco Supes Adopt New Goals to Battle Climate Change

San Francisco has new targets for the cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions after the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a set of climate change goals Tuesday.

Mayor London Breed announced the passage Tuesday evening of the ordinance, which she co-sponsored with supervisors Rafael Mandelman and Ahsha Safai.

In her news release, Breed said the city has long been a leader on climate policy.

“Now we must build on these successes and push even further, because our future depends on it,” Breed said. “These new, bold targets put us on track to reduce our emissions more quickly — with the urgency that climate change demands and with social and racial equity at the forefront of our work.”

The ordinance updates the city’s environment code, targeting six areas, according to Breed’s office: energy, transportation, housing, buildings, zero waste and roots.

When does the city ban fossil fueled vehicles, especially those used by the city? Get rid of air conditioning? Restrict the instillation of AC in new housing?

The ordinance requires the city to prepare a climate action plan by the end of the year, a roadmap for achieving the goals passed Tuesday.

So, they don’t actually have one? No fossil fuels, shut down the airport, limit the gallons of water used by citizens daily, ban all use of natural gas. No sales of phones and TVs in the city, since they use lots of electricity. No new clothing stores. Sales of meat in the city are banned. Shut down the convention hall and other places for big meetings (not that the poop and urine and drug needles haven’t done a great job at reducing conventions and meetings in the city. Jack up taxes. This is what they’re worried about, rather than the real issues.

Read More »

Read: Good News: San Francisco Board Of Supervisors To Concentrate On Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove