COVID Today: NC Hospital Systems Mandate Vaccinations, JabNags Coming Door To Do, FDA Approval No Excuse

It seems as if most of the hospital systems in the state are going to require employees to get the vaccine. I wonder how many will quit, especially those who have skill sets that will work in other areas? Especially when they’re already short of employees

Duke, UNC, other NC hospital systems requiring workers to be vaccinated

Major hospital systems across North Carolina, including Durham-based Duke University Health System and Chapel Hill-based UNC Health, announced Thursday that all staff and physicians must be vaccinated to continue working there.

The moves come on the heels of the North Carolina Healthcare Association’s decision backing mandatory vaccinations for health care workers. The association represents 130 hospitals and health systems statewide.

“Protecting patients, visitors and health care personnel from COVID-19 continues to be of paramount importance. Hospital and health system employee vaccination against COVID-19 is vital to safely care for patients by protecting them from infection and to mitigate the spread of the virus within health care facilities and among clinicians, patients and their families and friends,” the association said in a statement.

Duke Health and UNC Health have set a Sept. 21 deadline for staff to get fully vaccinated, and employees will have to show proof of vaccination to their supervisors. Anyone seeking a medical or religious exemption from getting the vaccine must request it by Sept. 7.

Anyone who doesn’t meet the deadline will get a warning and then, if they still aren’t vaccinated, will face termination, said Dr. Tom Owens, senior vice president of Duke Health and president of Duke University Hospital.

About a quarter of Duke Health’s more than 22,000 employees remain unvaccinated, a spokeswoman said.

The same types of liberals demanding this typically screech about “my body my choice.” A lot of people do not trust the vaccine for various reasons. I respect their choice. Mine was to get vaccinated early. Come the end of September, will we be reading stories about hospital and health systems being even more short of employees as people get fired/quit?

Wake County to target low vaccination neighborhoods with door-to-door canvassing

Wake County officials are making yet another push to increase the county’s vaccination rate.

Health officials are expanding the county’s vaccine outreach program by launching a door-to-door canvassing event.

Wake County’s eligible population has about a 70 percent vaccine rate–relatively high for the state and county. However, there are still areas in the county where the rate is much lower.

Canvassers will be out in those lower vaccination rate neighborhoods to pass out information and request forms. They will not be doing home vaccinations at this time.

Did anyone at ABC11 ask pertinent questions like “under what state law is it authorized to use private health data to find out who is and isn’t vaccinated, then give that information to individuals?” “Doesn’t this break HIPAA law?”

UNC immunologist says waiting for full FDA approval before getting COVID-19 vaccine is a bad excuse

“As you know, tens of millions of people have received this vaccine. There are enormous numbers of studies both in the U.S., the United Kingdom, Israel, and others, demonstrating this vaccine is highly effective and very safe,” said UNC School of Medicine immunologist David Weber.

Weber said the argument to wait until full FDA approval to get a shot isn’t a good excuse.

“Well, first of all, we know more about the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine than any other vaccine we knew about before it was FDA approved,” he said.

But, isn’t it their choice what to put in their body and when? I trust the vaccine, but, many don’t.

Read: COVID Today: NC Hospital Systems Mandate Vaccinations, JabNags Coming Door To Do, FDA Approval No Excuse »

Good News: San Francisco Board Of Supervisors To Concentrate On Hotcoldwetdry

Crime? Poop, urine, and used drug needles in the streets? Rampant homelessness? Stores closing/cutting hours due to rampant shoplifting? Cost of living sky high? Meh. Here’s the real issue

San Francisco Supes Adopt New Goals to Battle Climate Change

San Francisco has new targets for the cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions after the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a set of climate change goals Tuesday.

Mayor London Breed announced the passage Tuesday evening of the ordinance, which she co-sponsored with supervisors Rafael Mandelman and Ahsha Safai.

In her news release, Breed said the city has long been a leader on climate policy.

“Now we must build on these successes and push even further, because our future depends on it,” Breed said. “These new, bold targets put us on track to reduce our emissions more quickly — with the urgency that climate change demands and with social and racial equity at the forefront of our work.”

The ordinance updates the city’s environment code, targeting six areas, according to Breed’s office: energy, transportation, housing, buildings, zero waste and roots.

When does the city ban fossil fueled vehicles, especially those used by the city? Get rid of air conditioning? Restrict the instillation of AC in new housing?

The ordinance requires the city to prepare a climate action plan by the end of the year, a roadmap for achieving the goals passed Tuesday.

So, they don’t actually have one? No fossil fuels, shut down the airport, limit the gallons of water used by citizens daily, ban all use of natural gas. No sales of phones and TVs in the city, since they use lots of electricity. No new clothing stores. Sales of meat in the city are banned. Shut down the convention hall and other places for big meetings (not that the poop and urine and drug needles haven’t done a great job at reducing conventions and meetings in the city. Jack up taxes. This is what they’re worried about, rather than the real issues.

Read More »

Read: Good News: San Francisco Board Of Supervisors To Concentrate On Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on why Becca Meyers has left the Olympics.

Read: If All You See… »

Boebert, 10 Republicans Demand To Know Why Capitol Protesters Treated Differently From Antifa

I know a lot of people treat Lauren Boebert as a bit crazy, and, at times, she gets a little wonky, but, she tends to be right. And she’s 100% correct on this

Boebert Demands to Know Why Biden Regime Keeping Capitol Protesters in Lockdown While Antifa Rioters Go Free

A group of Republican lawmakers led by freshmen Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado are demanding that the Biden administration explain the alleged unequal treatment of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, many of whom have never spent a night in jail, and those who have been incarcerated for months following the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

In a letter, Boebert and 10 other House Republicans asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to address “the apparent inconsistent application of the law with respect to rioters across the country,” according to the Washington Times.

“The foundation of our criminal justice system requires that all defendants are treated equally before the law, but the Biden regime is not living up to this solemn obligation,” said Boebert, in a statement.

The lawmakers say that prosecutors in Oregon have signed off on at least 12 “deferred resolution agreements in federal felony cases” resulting from clashes during last year’s protests in Portland, while some rioters from Jan. 6 are being held in solitary confinement.

“Reports are circulating that the Biden regime has held January 6th rioters in solitary confinement, while at the same time, they are letting BLM rioters that attacked federal buildings off with just a few hours of community service,” Boebert said.

It’s surprising that the lawyers for the 1/6 defendants aren’t arguing this more, that their clients are being treated very differently from those who attacked federal buildings, trying to set them on fire (since there were people inside, isn’t that attempted murder?), attacking federal employees, damaging the buildings, and so forth, things that are much worse than what the Capitol protesters did. Yet, there is a vast difference in the way they are being treated.

How can anyone trust the federal justice system? Hillary and her Comrades weren’t even sent to a trial for gross violations of federal law, including national security laws. Hunter Biden is let off the hook for lying on his firearm application. How does anyone trust it? The Constitution demands equal treatment under the law, and, does the treatment of the 1/6 protesters not violate the 8th Amendment? “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

Read: Boebert, 10 Republicans Demand To Know Why Capitol Protesters Treated Differently From Antifa »

Uh Oh: California’s Push For EVs Could Be Bad For The Environment

We’ve seen this before: as climate cultists push to solve a tiny increase in the world’s global temperature, something entirely expected during a Holocene warm period, their solutions create actual environmental issues. The push for biofuels leads to clearcutting jungles in Asia, with animals like orangutans intentionally hunted. Solar panel manufacturing leads to environmental messes, such as with Solyndra, and with all the areas that are mined for precious metals. The LA Times is running multiple pieces, the first of which is a video with the headline and subhead

Is California’s electric car revolution bad for the planet?
By 2035, California will ban the sale of gas-powered cars in an effort to address climate change and push drivers toward electric vehicles. But that means we’ll need more raw materials to build electric car batteries – like lithium, which is typically sourced and refined abroad – until now.

And a long piece. A really long piece (available at Yahoo News if you get the firewall)

California’s electric car revolution, designed to save the planet, also unleashes a toll on it

electric vehicleThe precious cargo on the ship docked in San Diego Bay was strikingly small for a vessel built to drag oil rigs out to sea. Machines tethered to this hulking ship had plucked rocks the size of a child’s fist from the ocean floor thousands of miles into the Pacific.

The mission was delicate and controversial — with broad implications for the planet.

Investors are betting tens of millions of dollars that these black nodules packed with metals used in electric car batteries are the ticket for the United States to recapture supremacy over the green economy — and to keep up with a global transportation revolution started by California.

Alongside his docked ship, Gerard Barron, CEO of the Metals Company, held in his hand one of the nodules he argues can help save the planet. “We have to be bold and we have to be prepared to look at new frontiers,” he said. “Climate change isn’t something that’s waiting around for us to figure it out.”

The urgency with which his company and a handful of others are moving to start scraping the seabed for these materials alarms oceanographers and advocates, who warn they are literally in uncharted waters. Much is unknown about life on the deep sea floor, and vacuuming swaths of it clean threatens to have unintended and far-reaching consequences.

That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard they were scraping the bottom of the sea for the materials, potentially destroying the habitat, one which we know little about.

The drama playing out in the deep sea is just one act in a fast unfolding, ethically challenging and economically complex debate that stretches around the world, from the cobalt mines of Congo to the corridors of the Biden White House to fragile desert habitats throughout the West where vast deposits of lithium lay beneath the ground.

The state of California is inexorably intertwined in this drama. Not just because extraction companies are aggressively surveying the state’s landscapes for opportunities to mine and process the materials. But because California is leading the drive toward electric cars.

Interestingly, the people in California who are pushing this are mostly not driving EVs themselves. Go figure.

The sprint to supply automakers with heavy duty lithium batteries is propelled by climate-conscious countries like the United States that aspire to abandon gas-powered cars and SUVs. They are racing to secure the materials needed to go electric, and the Biden administration is under pressure to fast-track mammoth extraction projects that threaten to unleash their own environmental fallout.

In far-flung patches of the ocean floor, at Native American ancestral sites, and on some of the most pristine federal lands, extraction and mining companies are branding themselves stewards of sustainability, warning the planet will suffer if digging and scraping are delayed. All the prospecting is giving pause to some of the environmental groups championing climate action, as they assess whether the sacrifice needed to curb warming is being shared fairly.

“Front-line communities affected by mining are asking the rest of us: What sacrifice are you making?” said John Hadder, executive director of Great Basin Resource Watch, a Nevada group fighting a proposed massive lithium mine at Thacker Pass, near the Oregon border. “You are asking us to have our community and environment permanently disrupted. All you are doing is maybe driving a different car.”

So, even with the environmental destruction they still drag their Leftist politics into it. Anyhow, it is a really long piece, if you want to read it, which softly highlights the amount of environmental destruction will be caused on the land and in the sea, and that so many environmentalists, who also believe in ‘climate change’, are having second thoughts. Not mentioned is the environmental issue from used lithium batteries: what do you do with them when they are at end of life?

Read: Uh Oh: California’s Push For EVs Could Be Bad For The Environment »

Dementia Joe Admin Considering Pushing For Mask Mandates Again

If Joe and his Comrades attempted to reinstate mask mandates, how would that go over? Would there be a lot of sadly resigned people, as we see in LA County? Or lots of rebellion? Because masks do not work. Fauci said so. That Bat Soup Virus saw more infections and deaths than the pre-mask period highlights that they’re ineffective.

White House weighs pushing masks as COVID cases increase

The Biden administration is reportedly weighing whether to formally urge vaccinated Americans to once again mask up as the country experiences an increase in the number of COVID-19 delta variant cases.

White House aides are in talks with officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about proposed messaging to the public, the Washington Post reported.

People familiar with the discussions told the Post that the White House is hesitant to implement policies that would explicitly mandate people show proof of their vaccination status. One idea reportedly thrown around was to ask Americans to wear masks when vaccinated and unvaccinated people not to congregate in crowded places.

The question here is “how much of this is spitballing and how much is super serious?” If they were smart, they’d push the original guidance, which was social distancing, wash your hands, don’t touch your face. If they start telling the vaccinated to wear masks they’re going to get even lower vaccination rates, because those who are on the fence will say “what’s the point?”

Biden: Get Ready for Mask Mandates for School Children Under 12

President Joe Biden warned parents of children under the age of 12 Wednesday that they will be forced to wear masks when they return to school in August.

“The CDC is going to say that what you should do is everyone under the age of 12 should probably be wearing masks in school,” Biden said. “That’s probably what’s going to happen.”

The president commented on mask mandates during a CNN town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, after a school board member asked him if his administration would mandate masks for children in schools when they reopen in August.

Biden said parents of students over 12 need to get their children vaccinated before they come to school.

Gotta teach the kids to be good Compliant Comrades, right? As they’re taught that white people are evil, of course. And the CDC could have the power to do this, because Los Federales are so involved in telling schools how to operate via the Dept of Education and all the federal money. How many schools will say “nope, not happening. No masks”?

Read: Dementia Joe Admin Considering Pushing For Mask Mandates Again »

NY Times Says To Start With Your Air Conditioning To Solve Climate Emergency (scam)

Interestingly, Hope Jahren fails to mention that she’s given up her own use of air condition, nor that the NY Times building will turn theirs off. Weirdly, this is all in the book reviews section

To Battle Climate Change, Begin With Your Air-Conditioner

On Freon, Global Warming, and the Terrible Cost of Comfort
By Eric Dean Wilson

In his prelude to “After Cooling,” Eric Dean Wilson tells us that he started his research not knowing “a tank of Freon from propane.” It’s a subtle chemistry joke, but a good one. By the end of the first 20 pages, however, the reader realizes beyond a doubt that the author is very aware of everything there is to know about what we call air-conditioning. After his deftly persuasive opening argument that cutting back on machine-made cooling is the most pressing environmental task of our generation, Wilson walks us through the science of chemical coolants in detail, both the chemistry and physics of these miracle molecules, and the horrifying discovery of the havoc they wreak within the thin protective layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. (big snip)

Wilson’s research for “After Cooling” was ambitious. “I needed to become more intimate with climate violence,” he writes in his prelude, and proceeds to tackle several controversial themes. He describes how the history of cooling personal and professional spaces is entwined with the history of racism and the institution of slavery. Before mechanical coolers were invented, enslaved children living in intemperate climes were forced to fan their oppressors for long hours, or to move air across containers of water in an effort to cool whole parlors and palaces. “One life was comforted at the expense of another,” Wilson writes with powerful simplicity. Today, he explains, the global socioeconomic gap between those who can effectively cool their surroundings and those who cannot is widening rapidly.

“Climate violence”. I don’t even know what to say with that 2nd paragraph, it’s just so nuts. But, then, this is a cult.

One issue that Wilson does not address, and that I wish he had: how changes in the Western diet have (or have not) influenced our perceived need for air-conditioning, as well as its use. Admittedly, the measurable increase in average personal insulation over the last 50 years is a prickly subject, but surely it’s relevant to any discussion of the ways we modify our personal space.

Interestingly, the same people who yammer about this one are the same who yammer about body positivity, which has morphed from not being shameful to embracing obesity as a good thing (serendipity, Bored Panda has a piece on this today)

“After Cooling” has its greatest impact when it asks us to think deeply about the reasons humans wish to change the temperature of their surroundings. At one time, occasional sweating was simply accepted as a way of life, Wilson postulates, but now we regard comfort as a prerequisite for work and play. But what does it really mean to be comfortable? Is it merely the absence of discomfort, or is it something more? Is it a bodily experience or an emotional state? Wilson invites the reader into deep existential discussions by invoking broad themes of culture and philosophy — an unusual and delightful trait for a book on climate change.

Or, Wilson could mind his own f’ing business. Why do these cultists always want to force their beliefs on Everyone Else?

Wilson dares to state plainly that lasting climate solutions hinge on our capacity to redefine what makes our lives meaningful, not on new technologies or better products. The first baby step may be as simple as experimenting with an air-conditioner on a hot July day, setting the room a few degrees higher than usual, and asking ourselves at bedtime whether we even noticed.

Yeah, mind your own f’ing business. You Warmists want to do this, go for it.

Read: NY Times Says To Start With Your Air Conditioning To Solve Climate Emergency (scam) »

If All You See…

…is the need to live way up on a hill to avoid carbon pollution caused sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Proof Positive, with a post on Fleebagger hypocrisy.

Read: If All You See… »

NYC To Require Vaccines And Weekly Tests For City Employees In Health Industry

Why would this be necessary? I thought most New Yorkers were Democrats, and Democrats were gung ho to take the vaccine? No? Anyway, first

Vaccinated Pelosi and Biden aides test positive for COVID
The Pelosi aide had contact with the delegation of fleeing Texas Democrats that contracted COVID-19

Huh. Good job, Fleebaggers. More locally

Vaccinated people still getting coronavirus in NC

In fairness, people who get COVID after having one of the shots have very mild symptoms.

New York to Require Vaccination or Weekly Testing for City Health Workers

For months, Mayor Bill de Blasio has been reluctant to make coronavirus vaccinations mandatory for anyone, hoping that encouragement, convenience and persuasion would be enough.

But with two million adult New Yorkers still unvaccinated — including a high percentage of employees in the public hospital system — and the Delta variant threatening the city with a third wave of cases, City Hall is trying out a new tactic: requiring workers in city-run hospitals and health clinics to get vaccinated or else get tested on a weekly basis, the mayor’s spokesman said Tuesday.

Only around 60 percent of health workers are vaccinated. You’d think the people who were in the trenches during the big outbreaks would want to be protected. Perhaps they know something about the vaccines? I’m not against them, I took it, and I’ll take the booster if they think it is a good idea. I hate being sick.

The new policy, which will be announced by Mr. de Blasio on Wednesday and goes into effect at the beginning of August, goes nowhere near as far as San Francisco’s announcement last month that it would eventually require all municipal employees to get vaccinated. Still, it is Mr. de Blasio’s first move to require any city employee to show proof of vaccination or a recent negative coronavirus test as a condition of showing up to work, city officials said. It will apply to more than 10 percent of the well over 300,000 people who work for city government.

It remains unclear whether City Hall intends to expand this approach to other city employees — police officers, teachers, clerical workers — or will limit this to those who work in hospitals and clinics.

Expect that they will expand it. And then there’s the Washington Post

Opinion: Stop pleading with anti-vaxxers and start mandating vaccinations

This is by super serious Conservative Max Boot. Because all Conservatives would mandate government doing this, right? The article is behind the Washington Post’s now super-serious paywall (I can’t even copy to Pocket anymore), but, it is available in full here. And here’s MarketWatch

Opinion: More employers should mandate COVID-19 vaccines for workers — for the health of their business

Over at NBC

Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say

The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted. (snip)

But as the pace of vaccinations lags and concerns about the highly-contagious delta variant grow, the official regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier for businesses and government agencies that want to require vaccinations for their employees and customers, former health officials from the Biden and the Obama administrations said.

“I think once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table, and I think that everything will be on the table at the level of municipalities, states, employers, venues, government agencies,” said Andy Slavitt, who stepped down as President Joe Biden’s Covid response coordinator last month and remains in close contact with administration officials.

That could get ugly.

Read: NYC To Require Vaccines And Weekly Tests For City Employees In Health Industry »

China Joe Admin Pushes China To Do More On ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

I’m pretty sure they are doing more on ‘climate change’, building more and more coal fired plants and not caring what the world thinks, because they provide so many products and hold so much of the world’s debt. Presupposing that anthropogenic climate change is real, of course. Which it’s not

Climate change: US pushes China to make faster carbon cuts

John Kerry climateUS climate envoy John Kerry has called on China to increase the speed and depth of its efforts to cut carbon.

Without sufficient emissions reductions by China, Mr Kerry said, the global goal of keeping temperatures under 1.5C was “essentially impossible”.

Mr Kerry said he was convinced that China could do more and the US was willing to work closely to secure a reasonable climate future.

Every major economy must now commit to meaningful reductions by 2030, he said.

Mr Kerry was speaking at Kew Gardens in London, ahead of a G20 environment ministers meeting in Italy later this week.

Cool, another long fossil fueled flight for Kerry, who could have done this by Zoom or some other video conference method.

Mr Kerry paid special attention to the efforts of China, saying the country was now “the largest driver of climate change”.

China has promised to peak emissions by 2030 – but the US diplomat said that was not good enough.

“If China sticks with its current plant and does not peak its emissions until 2030, then the entire rest of the world must go to zero by 2040 or even 2035,” he warned.

“There is simply no alternative because without sufficient reduction by China, the goal of 1.5C is essentially impossible. China’s partnership and leadership on this issue of extraordinary international consequence is essential.”

Yeah, well, good luck with that. China will only talk the talk, not walk the walk. Rather like the way Kerry talks the talk and doesn’t walk the walk. This all does make one wonder if this all has anything to do with why Biden was so weak on China

Biden’s fury at Chinese cyberattacks prompts him to … issue a statement (Seriously)

China’s in trouble now: President Joe Biden is angry — really, really angry — about its cyberattacks. So angry that the White House on Monday issued a condemnation that actually cited China by name. Oooooh!

Beijing must be quaking in its boots: If officials there don’t shape up, who knows? Biden might castigate them a second time.

Yup, a strongly worded message! That is it. When it was Russia, Biden slapped them with lots of sanctions. China? Nothing. Despite China having done a heck of a lot worse. Not too mention the repression by the Chinese govt, forced slavery and killings of Uyghurs, treatement of Tibet and Hong Kong, human rights violations, and so much more. See, Joe and Kerry want climate crisis scam agreements, which seem more important to them.

Read: China Joe Admin Pushes China To Do More On ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Pirate's Cove