Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup KO Munson

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is peaking through, the hummingbirds are buzzing, and my Devils made some great moves in free agency. This pinup is by KO Munson, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Change Dispatch says to ignore the hype on EVs
  2. Jo Nova points out that people who are Vitamin-D deficient are 14 times more likely to get COVID
  3. Not A Lot Of People Know That shows that July 2021 was NOT a month of extremes historically
  4. Watts Up With That? notes the problems with EV range and even Warmists do not want to use them
  5. Adrienne’s Corner covers what the CDC says about COVID and the obese
  6. American Greatness discusses hypocritical airline and school mask mandates
  7. Blazing Cat Fur covers the racist at the Council for Racial Justice stealing funds
  8. Chicks On the Right have DeSantis slapping back at Dementia Joe for what else he’s forgotten
  9. DC Clothesline covers the federal crackdown on cryptocurrencies
  10. Free North Carolina features Trump trashing the infrastructure deal
  11. Geller Report News highlights COVID payoffs, like to the CDC director’s husband
  12. Gen Z Conservative discusses Tennessee banning CRT
  13. Irons In The Fire covers the anniversary of the atomic bombings of Japan and the lunatics screaming and whining
  14. Jihad Watch notes Squad members working hard to hurt Israel
  15. And last, but not least, Just One Minute highlights United Airlines implementing a vaccine mandate for all employees

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Fauci Expects A Lot Of Vaccine Mandates Once FDA Approval Is Achieved

Sometimes Dr. Doom is correct, sometimes he’s not. Sometimes he’s political…OK, most of the time he’s political. And a mask hypocrite. But, he’s probably 80% correct on this

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Expect ‘a flood’ of COVID-19 vaccine mandates after full FDA approval

As soon as the Food and Drug Administration issues a full approval for a COVID-19 vaccine, there will be “a flood” of vaccine mandates at businesses and schools across the nation, Dr. Anthony Fauci told USA TODAY’s editorial board on Friday.

Mandates aren’t going to happen at the federal level, but vaccine approval will embolden many groups, he predicted.

“Organizations, enterprises, universities, colleges that have been reluctant to mandate at the local level will feel much more confident,” he said.

“They can say, ‘If you want to come to this college or this university, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this plant, you have to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this enterprise, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this hospital, you’ve got to get vaccinated.'”

He is surely correct on this. There will be lots of companies and private entities which will look towards vaccine mandates once the EPA approves the vaccines. Whether that will be be straight up “get it or you’re out” or “get it or be subject to week/bi-weekly testing” remains to be seen. I know of several companies, including mine, where the upper levels have discussed or are discussing mandates. They are legally allowed to do so now, but, there could be issues, legally, with the vaccines being in emergency use status. That’s where lots of educational institutions of all levels, local, county, and state mandates, and the potential Department of Defense, mandates get in trouble: emergency use. Even requiring visitors to show vaccination can be tricky due to emergency use status.

Once you get EPA approval, all that ends. Fauci is wrong regarding the federal level, since the DOD is already considering, and the White House requires all visitors to be vaccinated. They’ve also required international travelers to be vaccinated or be tested. The feds, from the White House to Congressional Dems to the CDC and more will surely push hard for schools and private entities to instituted a vaccine mandate of some sort.

Because in the current political environment that won’t happen, Fauci said masks are the next best thing. Schools are crucial for children’s mental health and intellectual, physical and social development, so it’s important they stay open.

“I would rather have a child be a little bit uncomfortable with a mask on and be healthy than a comfortable child without a mask in an ICU,” he said. “It just doesn’t make any sense to me why you would want to not protect the children.”

And how many times have we seen Fauci without a mask in violation of his beliefs? And, heck, Joe Biden’s executive order. Same with Biden, Jen Psaki, and other Biden admin members?

The epidemic in the United States could be ended once and for all if everyone would get vaccinated, Fauci said. Barring that, he worries we’re in it for the long term.

Even if 100% are vaccinated, COVID19 will still be here. And people will still get it, as the Delta variant has broken through. And the vaccines were only around 94-96% effective in stopping infection. You just do not get full on COVID symptoms. They’re working on developing oral pills, which would be great. But, yeah, mandates are coming.

Read: Fauci Expects A Lot Of Vaccine Mandates Once FDA Approval Is Achieved »

Climate Envoy John Kerry Takes Private Jet To Obama Part

A Gulfstream Aerospace has an hourly cost of operation around $4700, and uses a lot of jet fuel. He couldn’t have take a little prop plane to Martha’s Vineyard? Also

Read: Climate Envoy John Kerry Takes Private Jet To Obama Part »

Your Fault: Outer Banks Highway Keeps Disappearing Due To Climate Crisis (scam)

The Outer Banks of North Carolina are shifting barrier islands, and have been for a long, long time. They are not meant to be static and unchangeable. And, the OBX have always been prone to storms due to their location. This has nothing to do with any version of climate change, natural or man-caused. But, the doomsday climate cult has to be a part of everything

The NC 12 conundrum: How do you maintain a vital OBX highway that keeps disappearing?

st greta carHe wishes you could know what it’s like to be arcing high over the Oregon Inlet with your pickup truck’s lights barely cutting the heavy darkness pressing in from all sides. He wishes that you could see the grains of sand flashing across your field of vision then disappearing again. He even wishes that you could strain your eyes attempting to find the center line for just an instant, that you could feel that moment of uncertainty when you wonder if your tires are still on the road.

“It’s like entering a world that you’ve never been in before,” Ryder said on a sunny June day, sitting inside his office in Manteo.

Ryder, the N.C. Department of Transportation maintenance official who oversees all of North Carolina’s Highway 12 through the Outer Banks, is confident that making that drive one time would be enough to convince people to never do so again in times of peril.

I’m assuming the “peril” is storms because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle. Thanks!

Ryder and his team take care of N.C. 12, a 148-mile, mostly two-lane road that runs from Corolla to Ocracoke before continuing on to Sea Level on the mainland. When a storm comes, it’s Ryder’s team that drives out in low tide to see what damage waves have inflicted on the road, and his team that piles into bulldozers to push sand off of the asphalt and back into dunes, trying to protect the road against an ocean that grows persistently closer.

Yup, storms. Which never ever happened before the Industrial Revolution and carbon pollution going over 350ppm.

The department is tasked not only with keeping the road open now against encroaching sand and sea, but also with envisioning its future on ever-shifting barrier islands pinched between the Atlantic Ocean and the Albemarle and Pamlico sounds. Climate change makes both of those tasks more difficult, particularly on the Outer Banks where sea levels are rising more rapidly than in other parts of North Carolina.

How do they know? Where’s the data that shows this? NOAA doesn’t have long term tide gauges there. The ones in Duck and the Oregon Inlet are too short term. The next nearest, at Beaufort, NC, is 3.29mm per year of rise, which equates to 1.08 feet per 100 years, which is still below what’s expected for a Holocene warm period. Wilmington, NC, shows .84 feet per 100 years.

Anyhow, this continues on and on, with cult dogma about islands that naturally shift and roads getting destroyed being your fault. What’s the point of this screed, other than to scaremongering?

Read: Your Fault: Outer Banks Highway Keeps Disappearing Due To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a fish which will soon become extinct due to carbon pollution, you might be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the peasants having to suck up a crime ridden U.S., Cori needs her security.

Read: If All You See… »

Store Owner Goes Off On Abusive Gender Confused: “You’re Not A Chick”

A big problem with today’s society is not just that so many want to be Victims: they want to force their opinions and beliefs on everyone else. They want Compliance. Acceptance is secondary, if even part of the equation. Too many want to get involved rather than just moving on, living and let live. Yes, there are times you should get involved, like, if you see a serious crime. These nags see everything as a serious crime

‘You are not a chick’: Video shows argument between trans councilwoman and store owner over anti-transgender sign

A Star Wars shop owner in Washington doesn’t “give a s***” about feelings anymore after a confrontation with a transgender councilwoman.

Councilwoman Tiesa Meskis, a biological male who identifies as a woman, confronted Don Sucher over a sign in his store that she said was offensive and anti-trans on Wednesday.

“If you are born with a d***, you are not a chick,” read the sign posted at the Sucher & Sons Star Wars Shop.

Meskis described the sign as offensive and requested Sucher to remove it.

She entered the store and confronted Sucher before he asked her to leave, which she did, a video of the incident showed.

The sign is scientifically correct. It’s at a private business. This is none Councilman Meskis’ business. You know he went there intentionally in order to cause a problem, force his mentally deranged opinion, and then play the Victim.

The argument poured onto the streets as the two can be seen yelling at one another.

“Trans women are women,” Meskis said in the video she posted online.

“You’re nuts,” Sucher said in response during the five-minute confrontation.

“I don’t care what they do, but don’t come in here and complain to me about stuff,” Sucher told KING 5, a local news station, after the incident. “I have free speech.” (snip)

“I don’t give a **** about feelings anymore,” he added. “I’m 70 ******* 8. I went to Vietnam to fight for all this ****. Do you think I care about some a******’s feelings? Absolutely not!”

Good for him, not backing down.

“What he wrote there was so demeaning and so dismissive of who I am, who any trans woman is,” Meskis said.

So what? Get over it. That’s life.

I haven’t been able to find out where the video came from. Did Meskis have someone filming, meaning it was a setup? And he and his Antifa Comrades plan to harass the owner

Read: Store Owner Goes Off On Abusive Gender Confused: “You’re Not A Chick” »

Bummer: Climate Change Is Our Present, And We’re Doomed

Climate cultists gotta climate cult

Op-ed: Climate change is no longer our future. It’s our present.

Smoke rolled in about the time I took my 5-year-old grandkids to the splash pad. The air turned a yellowish color and I could feel my lungs fill. A flake of ash landed on one of the twins, but he did not notice. Instead he ran screaming from one water spout to the next, narrowly missing a dunking from the swinging buckets filling and spilling from above. His sister skipped and scrambled from one sprinkler to the next, joining another child in reverie.

If you need a reminder of what pure joy looks and sounds like, witness the combination of summer, children and water.

To the kids, all was normal. But this was anything but normal, and I felt uneasy.

Yeah, well, perhaps you should be telling the government to do it’s job and clear the brush, do controlled burns, and other measures in areas prone to wildfire. Keep people from intentionally and unintentionally lighting fires. Not much you can do about lightning, which has always happened, starting fires. No need to Blame witches, er, anthropogenic climate change

It was July 21, in Spokane, Washington, and the West once again was in flames, even though historically fire season comes in the autumn. The rains of fall and the snows of winter are now unreliable, if downright doubtful. Reservoirs are dropping precariously, revealing the whitish bathtub rings of previous levels, when there was enough. Today, in this time of climate change, there are unprecedented temperatures of suffocating heat. Year piled upon year of drought. Creeks and lakes so warm that trout are dying in the mountains. Floods in Europe. Oases shrinking in the Sahara. Triple-digit temperatures in Siberia. Earth gasping for relief.

Earth doesn’t care. This has happened before multiple times in the Holocene alone, and will happen many times again. But, hey, it’s a doomsday cult

We merrily kicked the can down the road until we reached the dead end and the can ricocheted back to our feet. The future became the present, the present resembles nothing of the past and predicting the future is a fool’s errand.

We can solve this with a tax, you know. And taking away your freedom

Instead, tune out all the chatter of science, politics — and religion too — and lean into that sour feeling, that note of discord that you can’t seem to shake. We know the seasons are strange. Too little snow. Too much rain all at once. Too little rain. Flowers blooming too early. Species dying off.

So we should tune out the rantings of cultists? Cool

We will continue to live out our routines as if the shadow of the sword of Damocles is not hovering over us because, well, what choice do we have? We will, as I did, fly long distances in polluting planes to be with the ones who sustain us emotionally. We will buy the latest electronics, the phones and tablets. We will consume what we are told to consume by billionaires who are already planning their escape from the environmental calamity to space. We will dutifully sort and recycle plastic, aluminum and cardboard, knowing that we do this more for our peace of mind than anything else.

Perhaps Warmists should do something. Change their own lives. Why should we believe them when they are climahypocrites?

Read: Bummer: Climate Change Is Our Present, And We’re Doomed »

Rep Mark Green: Pentagon Mandating Vaccine Prior To FDA Approval Violates Law

Should everyone who can get vaccinated get vaccinated? In my opinion, yes. But, this is America, and we have freedom. And the vaccines are not FDA approved. And we still have a Constitution and laws written by a duly elected Congress, signed into law by the President. Dementia Joe and his people do not seem to care

Exclusive– Rep. Mark Green: Mandatory Vaccines for Troops Before FDA Approval Is ‘Against the Law’

It would be against the law if Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made coronavirus vaccines mandatory for American troops before they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Friday afternoon, after he sent a letter to Austin warning him against the move.

“I wrote the letter because of a concern that the executive branch is somehow going to operate outside of the laws written by Congress. And they can’t just decide that they’re going to disregard the law,” said Green, an Army combat veteran and a physician.

“It’s time for Congress to stand up to the executive branch’s abuse and violation of the law. And so I wrote the letter basically to say this is an illegal act and the courts have supported the law,” he added.

With all due respect, a letter means nothing to Biden and progressives. Zero. They do what they want regardless of the law and Constitution. If Trump had done this, the Democrat run House would already be drafting articles of impeachment.

As far as receiving a presidential waiver to mandate the vaccine before it is FDA approved, Green said the president can do so only in connection with service members’ participation in a “particular military operation.” He cited 10 U.S. Code § 1107, which states:

(3)The Secretary of Defense may request the President to waive the prior consent requirement with respect to the administration of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use to a member of the armed forces in connection with the member’s participation in a particular military operation.

“Right now what they’re talking about — a blanket mandate for all of DOD — is not in accordance with the law,” he said. “If you just excuse the executive branch breaking the law, then what’s next?”

Now, perhaps Lloyd missed that part when he decided to make the mandate. Did no military lawyers step up and look at the laws on the books regarding medical decisions? The title of the aforementioned law is “Notice of use of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use”, which is under “Title 10. ARMED FORCES Subtitle A. General Military Law Part II. PERSONNEL Chapter 55. MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE.” You’d think someone would look and go “oh, wait a minute.”

Both CNN and Fox News reported on Wednesday that Austin would send a recommendation to President Joe Biden to make the vaccines mandatory for members of the military, in addition to other mandatory vaccines. The administration could announce it as early as this week. Fox News reported it will come on Friday.

Green sent his letter to Austin on Friday morning in hopes of heading off the move. If the reports are accurate, it may have worked. He said as of Friday afternoon, no order from the president had been given to military commanders.

Maybe it did. I doubt it. We’ll have to see what happens next week. Does the order come or not? Because I doubt the China Joe admin cares about the law. And it’s a great way to force lots of right leaning folks out of the military, making it even more leftist. That a lot of blacks and Latinos would be booted, being that their populations have high rates of non-vaccination, will be ignored by the Credentialed Media. Perhaps they’ll include a provision for weekly testing for those who refuse to get the shot. Or maybe not. Power hungry people will do their thing. And even with vaccination, they’ll look for ways to impose their tyranny.

Read: Rep Mark Green: Pentagon Mandating Vaccine Prior To FDA Approval Violates Law »

Senate Dems Look To Charge Fossil Fuels Companies $500 Billion In Damages In “Infrastructure” Bill

No, this won’t increase your energy costs as it gets passed on in the least. If it manages to pass, expect lawsuits from the companies for being penalized for selling lawful products, and dis-equal treatment under the law

Senate Democrats seek $500 billion in damages from fossil fuel companies

High-profile progressive Senate Democrats have expanded their climate wish list for the multitrillion-dollar package the White House and Democratic leaders hope to move via budget reconciliation.

Driving the news: Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) is leading a push for $500 billion in fees over 10 years from large fossil fuel companies — with a big chunk hitting Big Oil — to help finance climate initiatives.

  • Co-sponsors of the draft plan include Bernie Sanders, the Budget Committee chairman, and Elizabeth Warren.
  • The New York Times has more here on the plan, which assesses fees on fossil fuel producers and refiners based on their emissions from 2000 to 2019.

What we don’t know: Whether the plan has any chance of advancing. Aides to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer declined to comment.

Has Van Hollen given up his own use of fossil fuels to travel to and from Maryland to D.C. (his press release on this bill is here)? How about Comrade Bernie and Fauxahontas? How about Ed Markey, who voted “present” for his own Green New Deal? It is called the “Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act.” Are they not polluters since they are using prodigious amounts of fossil fuels? How many will take fossil fueled flights to Scotland for the UN IPPC Conference on the Parties in November?

The big picture: The ClearView note says that while the plan is a longshot, it’s “another sign that domestic climate debate may be moving further past the market-based modalities of yesteryear and deeper into more command-oriented terrain.”

By “command-oriented”, they mean government Socialism, controlling the market.

It’d be funny if all the companies refused to sell their products to Van Hollen and the rest.

Read: Senate Dems Look To Charge Fossil Fuels Companies $500 Billion In Damages In “Infrastructure” Bill »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the dangerous cliches of empowerment.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove