Y’all Know It’s Not A Border Crisis, It’s A Climate Crisis, Right?

Well, of course it is, because ever problem is linked to the climate crisis scam. That’s what a cult does. So, despite people have illegally come across the border for decades and decades, despite Democrats pushing policies that incentivize people to cross the border illegally/simply show up and expect free money, housing, jobs, clothing, healthcare, and citizenship. Biden’s policies have skyrocketed this, like a store running a buy one at 50% off get 5 for free.

It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Change Crisis.
There was a time when rural Guatemalans never left home. But back to back hurricanes, failed crops and extreme poverty are driving them to make the dangerous trek north to the U.S. border.

See, hurricanes never happened before the last few decades. Crops never failed. Poverty never happened. The cult screed starts out with some sisters from Guatemala, then

Both sisters tried to reach the U.S. southern border in December 2019, but were apprehended by Mexican law enforcement mid-way in Mexico and sent back home. Since then, they’ve lost their crops to last year’s hurricanes and are bracing for more widespread crop failure. And, now, more than a year and a half after their first attempt, they’re ready to try again.

“God must know why we didn’t make it,” Miriam, 29, says while Irma, 40, listens as she nods and flattens the dough for the tortillas. “But it’s our dream. We want to better ourselves. And there’s no way to make money here. It’s only getting harder.”

There was a time here in Xucup — and in other neighboring villages — where people rarely, if ever, talked about leaving. Most have lived here for generations. Few left home. But that’s changing.

Now, like the Cuc Cac sisters, thousands of rural Guatemalans — as well as Salvadorans and Hondurans in agrarian areas — increasingly are leaving their communities. These days, migration — including the record number of unaccompanied children — is on the rise in rural areas, as an increasing portion of the country’s land and population faces the fallout from climate change.

Well, perhaps they should be looking to their government for pissing away all the aid money that came from the U.S., and not be a 2nd world nation bordering on 3rd world shithole.

And it’s not just climate change acting alone. It’s food insecurity. Malnutrition. Poverty. It all ties together.

And all due to you taking fossil fueled trips to work. Shame on you!

Guatemalan migrants have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border more than 153,000 times this year, according to Customs and Border Protection figures. Exact numbers are hard to know: The majority of those migrants were kicked out of the country, and, separately, thousands of migrants slip undetected over the border each year.

But as the Biden administration navigates the puzzle that is the U.S. immigration system, there’s another far-reaching challenge it faces: climate change. It’s impossible to know the motives of migrants — and it’s rarely just one reason — but U.S. and Guatemalan officials, regional experts and civil society leaders say climate-fueled displacement is a likely factor for thousands who’ve decided to strike out from home and head to the U.S.

So they’re mostly talking to not the migrants/illegal aliens about their motivations? But the people who have a vested interest in making this about the climate emergency scam?

In Alta Verapaz and Huehuetenango, a mountainous region close to the Guatemala-Mexico border, in 15 percent of households displaced by the hurricanes here, at least one family member migrated or attempted to migrate in the last five years, according to a survey conducted by the International Organization for Migration. One of their top five motives, the survey found: fleeing from natural disasters and climate change.

You don’t see many Americans fleeing from coastal areas because of hurricanes. Perhaps if Colorado was offering all sorts of free stuff they’d leave New Orleans.

Climate change, in the coming years, will only continue to exacerbate an already dire situation for millions of Guatemalans, analysts say. In the long term, the number of people in the region displaced by climate change is only expected to grow dramatically — leading many to migrate to more urban areas in Guatemala or head north to Mexico or the U.S. in search of jobs, money and security.

This is all meant to reframe the issue to create a Reason to bring in millions of uneducated people with few viable skills who would not only be essentially wards of the federal government, but vote Democrat. Also, to force through legislation that increases the power of the government while getting more tax money and fees from citizens.

Read: Y’all Know It’s Not A Border Crisis, It’s A Climate Crisis, Right? »

Republicans Seizing, Attempt To Make Inflation About Sleepy Joe

See, the problem is not that inflation is surging, but that Republicans would dare link it to Dementia Joe

GOP seeks to make Biden synonymous with inflation

Republicans PounceRepublicans are seizing on rising inflation as they attempt to derail President Biden’s economic agenda and take back control of Congress in next year’s midterm elections.

GOP lawmakers have highlighted quickly rising prices and strategists believe the issue could resonate deeply with a broad range of voters while congressional Democrats push ahead with plans to spend trillions more.

But many economists expect prices to cool off well before voters head to the polls, posing risks for the GOP’s strategy.

And many economists don’t. Many think inflation is going to continue to rise and we’ll get the stagflation of the Jimmy Carter era.

For now, though, Americans are reckoning with higher costs for gasoline, food, automobiles and numerous other goods and services after prices plunged during the depths of the pandemic.

Consumer prices have risen 5.4 percent in the past 12 months, according to the Labor Department, as the swift reopening of the economy pushes inflation higher.

Republicans have started referring to “Bidenflation” on the campaign trail, and GOP lawmakers are getting theatrical with their attacks.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) gave a speech on the Senate floor last week with a sign that read “The Price is Up,” accompanied by a “wheel of inflation,” making an obvious play on the “Price is Right” game show.

Is this all Biden’s fault? No. In all honesty, no. Biden has no control over the inability to mine for precious metals and make computer chips during most of 2020 and into 2021. He’s not responsible for the price of vehicles plunging…oh, wait, they didn’t. A goodly chunk of dealers started doing no haggle pricing on used vehicles, which would have been below the typical asking price, but higher than average end price. For new cars, they were still being discounted, but, most refused to go negative (yes, new does sell below cost, called a bracket deal. They do this because they make a lot of money in the service department, and have quotas to hit). Now, with the lack of new, the prices didn’t surge, it’s just most won’t sell below MSRP. Used did surge due to lack of inventory, but, is slowly coming back down.

I don’t remember food and other consumer goods pricing going down, do you? But, it is going up now, partly because the price of gas has gone way up during the Sleepy Joe era. But, see, because Biden is president, it’s not his fault, he has no control, he’s absolved, and the important part is that Republicans are seizing.

The University of Michigan’s widely watched consumer sentiment index fell 5.5 points earlier this month from a June level of 85.5, due largely to rising prices.

“Inflation has put added pressure on living standards, especially on lower and middle income households, and caused postponement of large discretionary purchases, especially among upper income households,” said survey chief economist Richard Curtin.

A Fox News poll released late last month found that 83 percent of respondents said they were concerned about inflation.

Republicans say the issue plays well for them because it impacts voters across all spectrums.

“Everyone is pissed off that they’re paying more for gas,” said one GOP operative. “Everyone is pissed off that they’re paying more groceries. Everyone is upset that they can’t find a house to buy because the housing market is through the roof.”

Now, if Trump were still president you know he’d be Blamed, right?

Read: Republicans Seizing, Attempt To Make Inflation About Sleepy Joe »

Weird: Why Is Sleepy Joe Supporting A Pipeline?

Joe was dead set against the Keystone XL pipeline, and essentially killed it off

White House adviser Susan Rice divests from company building Midwest pipeline

The director of President Joe Biden’s Domestic Policy Council, Susan Rice, has divested herself of millions of dollars’ worth of holdings in a company that’s leading a contentious pipeline project supported by the Biden administration.

According to newly released financial disclosure reports and a White House official, Rice has liquidated nearly $2.7 million worth of shares she and her husband owned in Enbridge, a Canadian company building the Line 3 pipeline, which would carry hundreds of thousands of barrels of Canadian oil through Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Last month, the Biden administration gave a public boost to the Trump-era pipeline project, calling for the dismissal of a court challenge brought by environmental groups seeking to protect Minnesota watershed and tribal lands from the pipeline.

Why would Rice, an avowed Warmist, even have the stock in the first place? And why is Joe supporting the pipeline? Why is this different from Keystone XL? Isn’t Joe pushing his climate crisis (scam) stuff? Who in Biden’s family is making money off of this?

How Senate Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget addresses climate change

President Joe Biden and Senate Democrats have vowed to push forward a $3.5 trillion budget resolution framework that would fund a clean energy transition and policies to combat climate change. (snip)

The plan involves tax incentives for clean energy and electric vehicles, as well as major investments to transition the economy away from fossil fuels and toward renewable sources such as wind and solar power.

The resolution also proposes a clean energy standard, a mandate that would require a portion of U.S. electricity to come from renewables.

Yet, Biden hasn’t replaced his limo with an electric vehicle. A clean energy standard would simply skyrocket the cost of electricity, meaning the cost of most things.

The resolution includes the creation of a civilian climate corps program for young people, which would produce more jobs that address climate change and help conserve the planet.

More government worker bees being more indoctrinated.

There is also proposed funding for energy-efficient building weatherization and electrification projects, as well as language about methane gas reduction and polluter import fees to raise revenue and increase greenhouse gas emissions reduction efforts.

Didn’t that weatherization stuff fail during the Obama years with his Stimulus, which Joe was in charge of?

Read: Weird: Why Is Sleepy Joe Supporting A Pipeline? »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea that will doom us all, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on increased Marxist propaganda at NFL games.

It’s jokes week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my big fishtank is slowly coming back to life (had old tank syndrome). This pinup is by Henning Ludvigsen, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Zero Hedge notes COVID surge in countries that are most vaccinated
  2. neo-neocon covers masks now and forever
  3. Pacific Pundit highlights three Texas Dem fleebaggers getting Covid
  4. Powerline discusses the return of the Misery Index
  5. Sonoran Conservative tries to define “woman”
  6. The First Street Journal covers the racism of white liberals
  7. The Gateway Pundit notes there are more Covid vaccine deaths than Covid deaths
  8. The Lid covers Democrats fighting against One Man One Vote
  9. The People’s Cube discusses Dems ceding US sovereignty to the UN
  10. The Political Hat calculates how much the website is killing Gaia (mine is worse than 80% of webpages, despite the server running on sustainable energy (Dreamhost is a green host))
  11. The Right Scoop covers the NFL playing the “black national anthem” before every game
  12. Weasel Zippers highlights how bad the new China Lebron James Space Jam movie is
  13. No Tricks Zone covers authorities failing to heed flood warnings
  14. American Elephants notes the huge number of overdose deaths during lockdown
  15. And last, but not least, American Greatness highlights many of the findings, so far, of the Arizona audit

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

States Learning Democrats “Infrastructure” Bill Seriously Restricts Ability To Build Roads

The people pushing to pass the bill want all the states to focus on building trains and getting people to ride the bus rather than fossil fueled vehicles. You know, those buses and trains Democrats won’t use themselves

Democrats look to crush states’ highway habit

st greta carHouse Democrats are trying to use a massive climate and infrastructure bill to change how Americans get around — by breaking states’ decades-old fondness for building highways.

Legislation the House passed this month is the biggest advance yet in Democrats’ efforts to bake climate policies into transportation, addressing the largest single contributor to the United States’ greenhouse gas output. It would also represent an historic shift away from the roads-first approach to federal transportation spending that has reigned since Dwight Eisenhower created the Interstate Highway System.

But the bill is riling up opposition from two potential allies of the Democrats’ big-spending infrastructure initiatives: state transportation departments and the road-building lobby. That creates an awkward dynamic for supporters of the House bill, which faces a perilous path through the evenly divided Senate.

Critics say the five-year, $549 billion bill would represent one-size-fits-all Washington meddling at its worst.

“There are 50 different states with 50 different sets of transportation challenges. What is right for one may not be right for another,” said Dave Bauer, CEO of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, which supports many of the bill’s provisions and principles. “It’s really hard to determine that five years at a time from Washington, D.C.” (snip)

The bill, H.R. 3684 (117), would erect new bureaucratic hurdles for states seeking to spend federal money on laying asphalt, while steering them to more climate-friendly options like transit. It also would give cities more power over selecting and funding transportation projects — boosting the leverage of Democratic-led enclaves in red states such as Texas, where Houston is engaged in a high-profile fight with the state’s DOT over a highway expansion local pols don’t want.

Well, hey, state Democrats, perhaps it wasn’t the best of ideas to enable the federal government to have so much power in building highways in those state, and, more importantly funding them. In depending on Los Federales to provide the money, rather than keeping that money in the States themselves, who know better what’s going on. And maybe the cities should consider that the state should have less power and input on the use of buses, as the cities know better. Though, really, in most cities that use buses they do not really need more, and won’t expand their routes except when the cities expand. Most middle class and upper class folks aren’t going to suddenly start using them from the suburbs.

See, it’s not in simply building more highway, like we’re getting with the expansion of I-540 in the southern part of Raleigh and through Garner, creating one big sorta circle. No. It is upkeep of highways. Expanding existing roads to carry more traffic as areas grow. All that federal power isn’t sounding so great now, eh?

House Transportation Chair and bill sponsor Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) said state DOTs have reflexively built highways instead of looking at other alternatives — a habit that needs to change. As a rare exception, he pointed to Virginia’s efforts to expand passenger rail service to combat perennially snarled traffic on Interstate 95.

Now, that might be a good idea, because that traffic stinks, going from just north of Richmond all the way to DC, and sometimes up to Baltimore. It turns my drive from NC to NJ from 7.5 hours to 9. The question is, will people take it?

The Democrats’ bill won’t be able to undo decades of feverish highway building overnight, but its backers say it represents a huge shift in mindset.

The bill, called the INVEST in America Act, would set limits on how states use money from one of the biggest pots of federal highway cash, the National Highway Performance Program, by requiring them to consider whether an “operational improvement or transit project” would be more cost-effective than expanding capacity for single-occupancy vehicles.

Why is it the business of the federal government to change the mindset? They’ve tried to implement a light rail scheme in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area for 20 years, and it keeps going down. The studies show almost no one will ride it. It would be beyond inconvenient for riders. Perhaps states should be making their own decisions. And start keeping more of the money sent to the federal treasury (OK, lots of it is borrowed by Los Federales). It will, though, give cities more power over the use of that money over the states themselves.

“I think the federal government has every right to say look, it’s our money, and we are now in the process of redirecting and transitioning from a 1950s approach to something that more clearly reflects not just the moment, but the future,” Aloisi said.

I do believe it’s the money of the citizens. It’s pretty much long past time to shift taxation to more of that percentage going to the cities and states than the federal government, reduce the power of the Central Government.

Read: States Learning Democrats “Infrastructure” Bill Seriously Restricts Ability To Build Roads »

Floods Hit European Towns, Immediately Blamed On You Refusing To Buy An EV

Climate change is here, y’all! We can stop it with a tax

European officials say ‘climate change has arrived’ as deadly floods engulf entire towns

European officials have said climate change contributed to this week’s extreme flooding, which has left entire towns submerged and more than 120 people dead.

Scientists have for decades warned that climate change will make extreme weather events, including heavy rain and deadly flooding, more likely.

Around 100 of those killed after torrential rainfall since Wednesday were in Germany’s western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, where local leaders are urging the world for swifter action on climate change as villages under their watch become a new and unexpected epicenter of global warming.

Neighboring Belgium has also been hit hard by the floods, which have killed 20 people in the country and could rise further, Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden said Friday at a press conference.

And, of course

Plenty more where that came from. Because of course the climate cult has to do this. Did carbon pollution cause

  • North Sea Flood of 1953 Netherlands, United Kingdom, killed around 2,000
  • Great Sheffield Flood, United Kingdom, killed 270
  • February flood of 1825, Germany, Netherlands, 800 dead
  • Saint Petersburg of 1824, killed 10,000
  • Christmas flood of 1717 Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Norway, 14,000 dead
  • St. Peter’s Flood, 1691, Netherlands, Northern Germany, 15,000 dead
  • All Saints’ Flood (1570), Netherlands, 20,000 dead

And many more, all before fossil fueled vehicles.

Read: Floods Hit European Towns, Immediately Blamed On You Refusing To Buy An EV »

If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be ruined from the climate emergency, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is White House Dossier, with a post on Psaki saying users banned on one platform should be banned from all.

Read: If All You See… »

White House Is “Turning Up The Heat On COVID Misinformation”

Now, again, imagine this was the Trump White House doing this: how would CNN respond. In a blase’ manner, or full throated barking moonbat apoplexy?

White House turns up heat on Big Tech’s Covid ‘disinformation dozen’

spite houseThe White House turned up the pressure on Silicon Valley to get a handle on vaccine misinformation Thursday, specifically singling out 12 people one group dubbed the “disinformation dozen,” saying they were responsible for a great deal of misinformation about Covid-19.

“There’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday.

That statistic is from the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) which identified in a report published in March about a dozen people it said were super-spreaders of anti-vaccine misinformation.

The CCDH had at the time called on Facebook and Twitter to shut down all pages run by those people.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent figure in the anti-vaccine movement, is among the people whom the CCDH said should be kicked off social media.

CNN would be screeching about Fascism and authoritarianism and Trump turning into a dictator and that this is bad for Democracy and violates the 1st Amendment, as would the rest of the Credentialed Media. Pelosi and her Comrades would already be talking about impeachment. China Joe doing it? Crickets. Straight articles with zero condemnation. And it might not violate the actual letter of the 1st, but, it violates the spirit. Regardless, it is insane that the White House would be going after 12 people (and surely more) who dare use their Free Speech to put out their beliefs. They could be very wrong, and probably are wrong, but, it’s their Constitutional right to yammer.

CNN reported Thursday that meetings between the Biden administration and Facebook have grown “tense,” according to a person familiar with the conversations.

The person pointed specifically to Kennedy’s still-active Facebook account as an example of what some White House officials view as Facebook’s inaction regarding Covid-19 misinformation.

Kennedy’s Instagram was shut down, but, his Facebook is still up. It’s straight up Soviet Union style tactics, or, better, more modern, Chinese Communist government, tactics to do this.

Read: White House Is “Turning Up The Heat On COVID Misinformation” »

NY Times: Individuals Can Totally Do Their Part In Fighting Hotcoldwetdry

This NY Times article on Doing Something seems more like something from the first decade of the century in their ideas

In Fighting Climate Change, What’s an Individual to Do?

Climate change can seem like such an enormous problem that individual actions would have little impact. Consider Europe’s wide-ranging proposals this week to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, including eliminating sales of new gas- and diesel-powered cars in the next 14 years.

But people can have an impact, experts say, both by how they spend their money and how they spend their time.

Mary Weathers Case, for instance, chose to offset the carbon cost of a cross-country plane trip for her family through the site Gold Standard. Dr. Case, a psychiatrist who lives in South Salem, N.Y., with her husband and two children, said she had been reading and watching more news about climate change during the pandemic and had been motivated to do her part after hearing about the searing temperatures in the West.

What surprised her, though, was that after spending $3,000 on plane tickets to Portland, Ore., she could offset that carbon for $150.

Or, they could simply not take fossil fueled flights. Carbon offsets are like paying tickets because you refuse to stop speeding. And most Warmists refuse to stop speeding. And most won’t pay for offsets for their world killing behavior.

With certain investments — namely those that reduce or remove carbon from the atmosphere — there are defined ways to measure their environmental impact. With others, like water conservation, the metrics are not as clear because there isn’t an agreed upon unit to measure.

Climate change has little to do with the environment.

When Leah Weinberg, owner and creative director of Color Pop Events, which plans weddings, was moving from Long Island City, N.Y., to Forest Hills in Queens, she found a company that had done away with cardboard boxes. Instead, the company, Movers, Not Shakers, provides the plastic, flip-top boxes that retailers like CVS use to deliver products to stores.

Using less cardboard is environmental. However, those plastic boxes are made with petrochemicals, and even if the trucks use biodiesel, that has been called bad for climate change, too.

This ethos can be woven into however people spend their money. Paul Greenberg, whose new book is “The Climate Diet: 50 Simple Ways to Trim Your Carbon Diet,” said continuing to work from home at least a few days a week was one significant way to reduce the carbon emissions from driving a car. But such decisions are not always so straightforward.

Take buying clothes. A shirt made with a synthetic material, like polyester, which is derived from petrochemicals, is more carbon-intensive than a cotton shirt. But that cotton shirt requires huge amounts of water to produce — more water than a person drinks in a year, Mr. Greenberg’s research found. His recommendation? Consider buying used clothing.

Some choices are harder than others. Dogs and cats may be beloved companions, but they are carnivores that are bad for the environment. “If you had a choice between a carnivorous dog and a guinea pig that eats seeds,” Mr. Greenberg said, “go with the guinea pig.”

My goodness, these people are nags, and just need to mind their own f’ing business. But, hey, you can also replace all your natural gas burning appliances. Because that’s cheap, right? And what happens to the old unit? They forget to mention that

Solar panels have grown in popularity, as their costs have fallen and their efficiency has increased. Milton Ross, who has owned a brownstone in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood since 1979, no longer has an electric bill because of the panels he had installed on his roof.

“My system back in 2015 was around $30,000,” Mr. Ross said. “My neighbors don’t do it because of the cost. I used my home equity line of credit, and I could claim the interest as a tax deduction. It just made sense to me. Meanwhile, everything is all paid back, and I don’t have an electric bill anymore.”

Well, sure, cheaper, but, can most people afford $10,000 plus to get some extra power for the house which won’t repay itself for decades?

Dr. Case said she would feel better when she and her family moved to Brooklyn this summer and got rid of one car and started walking more in their neighborhood. She’s also committed to buying things locally and not ordering them online.

Get rid of the other car. What can she buy locally? Most food and goods are grown/manufactured outside of NYC. These are just old miniscule ideas from well over a decade ago. Time for Warmists to practice what they preach. No fossil fueled travel, no AC, no ice makers, short showers, live in 300 square foot homes, no flushable toilets, and so much more.

Read: NY Times: Individuals Can Totally Do Their Part In Fighting Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove