Climate Crisis Emergency Doom Is Reducing San Francisco’s Fog!

Um, whether climate change is mostly/solely man-caused, mostly/solely natural, or some combination, wouldn’t this be a good thing, since fog leads to crashes, one of the leading causes of deadly accidents?

Climate Change Decreasing Bay Area Fog

The Bay Area is known around the world for it’s classic fog pattern that rolls through the Golden Gate Gap and can bring much needed summertime cooling.

While we can usually expect that fog pattern to get going in June there’s been a decreasing amount of it over the past several decades. So before we dive into the data, what’s so important about that fog? Well, not only can it break a heat wave pattern with chilly air but it also increases humidity which helps to lower immediate fire danger. Ecosystems are also healthier and we can recover from wildfires much faster.

However, as our climate has changed during the past few decades there has been a noticeable drop in the amount of Summer fog moving through San Francisco. The data below shows over the past 100 years we’ve seen a -34.5% decrease in fog which equates to about 3 to 4 hour less fog per day. This is bringing lower humidity, higher wildfire risk and stressed ecosystems.

ZOMG, the climate changes? That never happened before fossil fueled vehicles. You’d think San Francisco would have more important things to worry about

Coordinated crime sprees forcing retailers to close stores, limit hours

Coordinated crime sprees in major cities in California, New York and elsewhere are forcing retailers to close stores and limit operating hours, as packs of shoplifters regularly make off with hundreds of dollars-worth in merchandise to be resold online, at street markets or returned for gift cards.

Amid a crime wave sweeping San Francisco, five Target store locations are reducing operating hours, closing at 6 p.m. instead of the usual 10 p.m., as managers seek to secure merchandise and employee safety, Forbes reported. Organized gangs brazenly steal branded items even with security present, as California raised the threshold for a felony charge from $450 to $950 in stolen goods.

For more than a month, Target has been experiencing “a significant and alarming” rise in theft and security incidents at San Francisco stores, a Target spokesman told Fox News. He cited similar decisions to reduce hours made by retailers in the Bay Area including H&M, Gap, Marshalls and Walgreens.

Walgreens has closed 17 locations in San Francisco over the last five years citing this sort of theft, the San Francisco Chronicle reported in May. Jason Cunningham, regional vice president for pharmacy and retail operations in California and Hawaii, said at a hearing at the time that theft in Walgreens stores in San Francisco is four times the average of stores elsewhere in the country.

On the bright side, most of these crime occur on foot or bike, rather than a fossil fueled getaway car! And fewer hours, fewer employees, and fewer stores means less fossil fueled traffic to the stores!

Read: Climate Crisis Emergency Doom Is Reducing San Francisco’s Fog! »

If All You See…

…is a building with a drive-thru for horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your Wednesday feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Today: Macron Makes Mandates, Sebelius Wants Unvaccinated Banned

Have fun, French people

France’s Macron orders all health workers to get vaccinated

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday ordered all French health care workers to get virus vaccine shots by Sept. 15 and urged all of his compatriots to get vaccinated as soon as possible, to fight resurgent infections that are threatening the country’s economic recovery.

In a televised address, Macron also mandated special COVID-19 passes for anyone who wants to go to a restaurant, shopping mall or hospital or get on a train or plane. To get a pass, people must have proof they’re fully vaccinated, or recently recovered from the virus, or have taken a fresh negative virus test.

The delta variant is driving France’s virus infections back up again, just as the country kicked off summer vacation season after a long-awaited reopening. Some 40% of France’s population is fully inoculated.

You will comply, Comrades. What are the penalties for violation?

But [Macron] stopped short of any new lockdown measures, saying “We have to learn to live with the virus.”

Macron said the government would declare a medical state of emergency again starting Tuesday, which allows authorities more freedom to impose virus restrictions.

How soon will the authorities decide to use that authority? They sure liked it for 15 months.

Greece announced Monday that health care workers will be suspended if they refuse to get vaccinated. Italy made the coronavirus vaccination obligatory for health care workers and pharmacists, and those who opt out risk suspension from their jobs or a salary cut.

In Denmark, restaurants and public events require a digital pass showing you’ve been fully vaccinated or have a recent negative test. Some German states require the same for restaurants, though suggestions of making vaccines obligatory have prompted widespread unease.

Have fun.

In France, vaccines are widely available for anyone 12 and over. But interest has ebbed in recent weeks because of vaccine hesitancy, a sense that the virus is no longer a threat, and because some people put off their shots until after their summer vacation. Demand started rising again over the weekend as people braced for Macron’s announcements.

I was told that it was only MAGA folks who had vaccine hesitancy.

Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not Be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children

Sebelius said, “We’re in a situation where we have a wildly effective vaccine, multiple choices, lots available, free of charge, and we have folks who are just saying I won’t do it. I think that it’s time to say to those folks, it’s fine if you don’t choose to get vaccinated. You may not come to work. You may not have access to a situation where you’re going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy. Where you might kill them, or you might put them in a situation where they’re going to carry the virus to someone in a high-risk position.”

Who is going to say this to people? Who will enforce it? Good luck with that.

Sebelius added, “So I think we’re reaching that point in the United States where those of us who are vaccinated, I want to take off my mask. I want to be able to live my life with vaccination, and right now, I’m being impinged on by people who say I don’t want to get vaccinated. It’s fine. I want them to maybe have a limitation on where they can go and who they can possibly infect.”

If you’re vaccinated, take the mask off. You’re safe. If people haven’t taken the vaccine and want to be in danger, that’s on them.

Read: COVID Today: Macron Makes Mandates, Sebelius Wants Unvaccinated Banned »

EU Readies Sweeping Climate Crisis (scam) Plan, And All Sleepy Joe Gets Is A Trade War

Dementia Joe, John Kerry, and other members of the administration have spent a lot of time yammering on the coming doom from ‘climate change’, and have spent a lot of time talking to European leaders. Kerry and others have take cross-Atlantic fossil fueled flights for those talks. And what is the EU doing?

EU Readies Sweeping Economic Plan to Combat Climate Change

The European Union is set to propose a sweeping program on Wednesday to transform the region’s economy to fight climate change, slashing its reliance on fossil fuels and potentially jolting global trade with import levies that would hit high-emitting countries.

The package, drafted by the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, ranks among the most ambitious plans yet by a major economic power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, requiring companies and households to adopt cleaner technologies such as wind turbines, solar power and electric vehicles. It would limit pollution across the European economy, including electricity generation, automobiles, housing, shipping and agriculture.

The plan also aims to project the bloc’s stance on slashing emissions abroad by imposing the world’s first tax on imports based on the greenhouse gases emitted to make them. The move is contentious as countries prepare to convene at a climate summit in November in Glasgow, Scotland, where the U.S. and Europe want to convince China and poorer countries to make ambitious new pledges to cut emissions.

If you have a Wall Street Journal subscription I’d read the rest of it, it goes firewall too quick too excerpt more. Reuters notes

The European Commission, which drafts EU policies, will set out in painstaking detail how the bloc’s 27 countries can meet their collective goal to net reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030. read more

That is expected to mean raising the cost of emitting carbon for heating, transport and manufacturing, taxing high-carbon aviation and shipping fuels that have not been taxed before, and charging importers at the border for carbon they emitted to make products such as cement and steel abroad. (snip)

A diplomat from one EU country said the success of the package would rest on its ability to be “realistic” and socially fair, while not destabilising the economy.

“The aim is to put the economy on a new level, not to stop it,” the diplomat said.

It’s going to skyrocket the cost of everything, and going to make imports costs even higher than skyrocket. And destroy the economy.

Tighter emission limits for cars are expected to end new petrol and diesel car sales by 2035 or 2040 in the EU.

Hey, Europeans, y’all voted for these people, who were never meant to have this amount of power over the running of your lives and your countries. Is it any wonder the majority of Britons voted to leave the E.U., as their sovereignty was being taken away?

Biden wanted a climate alliance with Europe. He’s getting a fight.

A brewing carbon trade war with Europe threatens to scuttle President Joe Biden’s hopes for cross-Atlantic harmony in the fight against climate change.

The European Union’s leadership is set to unveil a proposal on Wednesday to tax imports from countries — including the U.S. — that lack aggressive carbon-reducing policies. That move has sparked fears that protectionism will derail hopes for a new era of international climate change cooperation ushered in by Biden’s presidency.

The Biden administration is wrestling with how to respond to the new tariff threats, even as it works with the EU to remove trade barriers that former President Donald Trump had slapped onto European goods like steel and aluminum. (snip)

The tariffs the EU is expected to propose on Wednesday will leave Biden with a grim set of options. The White House could take a page from Trump’s trade playbook and impose its own retaliatory tariffs, or it could seek to challenge the EU’s move by resurrecting the World Trade Organization’s hobbled dispute resolution body, an option sharply opposed by U.S. climate policy advocates.

“Are we really going to let an unelected international body dictate whether we act on climate and jobs? That would be insane,” said National Wildlife Federation CEO Collin O’Mara, who is close to the White House climate team and said he has discussed the trade topic “more in the past two weeks than in the last two years” on the Hill and with the administration.

What will Sleepy Joe do? Or, rather, what will his advisors tell him to do, because he has no clue.

Read: EU Readies Sweeping Climate Crisis (scam) Plan, And All Sleepy Joe Gets Is A Trade War »

Panel Rules New Abe Lincoln Statue Would “Widen Racial Inequality”

Remember when Democrat (and NeverTrumper) politicians and news media derided President Trump for saying that the moonbats would come after Lincoln, Washington, Jesus, and so many other statues, memorials, art, and so forth? Then the BLM/Antifa/Progressive nuts came after them immediately?

D.C. Racial Equity Office Rules Lincoln Emancipation Statue Will Widen Racial Inequity

A government office launched recently to eliminate racial disparities and achieve racial equity in Washington D.C. has determined that installing an Abraham Lincoln Spirit of Freedom Emancipation Statue at the African American Civil War Museum will widen racial inequity even though the council unanimously voted for it and the mayor supports it. In fact, Mayor Muriel Bowser urged the D.C. Council to pass the resolution, known as PR 24-0238, approving the statue’s installation on the public space adjacent to the museum in the historic Archibald Grimke School at 1925 Vermont Avenue, NW. (snip)

Nevertheless, a special D.C. panel created to tackle racism, the Council Office of Racial Equity (CORE), has nixed the idea, writing in a report that “Lincoln’s legacy has long been debated” and the statue will not increase representation of communities of color. The five-page document, officially called Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA), delves deeply into the supposed lack of diversity among statues and commemorative works in D.C. and offers a simple conclusion involving the new Lincoln fixture: “Although the overall impact on residents’ lives will be minimal, PR24-0238 would contribute to widening the racial inequity between the number of commemorative works dedicated to white men and those dedicated to Black persons and other persons of color in the District of Columbia.”

The CORE report seems to scold D.C. officials, stating that “commemorative works should be intentional about who is being honored, why they are being honored, and how that representation will inspire future generations.” Under the large, bold heading of “RACIAL EQUITY CONSIDERATIONS” the race council writes that there are at least four statues and commemorative works honoring President Lincoln’s legacy, “which has long been debated,” throughout D.C. It singles out the Emancipation Memorial for being funded by “formerly enslaved men and women” who had no say in the matter. “There is a severe lack of diversity amongst statues and commemorative works in the District of Columbia,” the CORE racial equity assessment states. “In 2019, of at least 115 statues in DC, just six were of American women and only one was of a Black woman, that being Mary McLeod Bethune. Duke Ellington was the only Black native Washingtonian with a statue dedicated in his honor.” Erecting yet another statue of Lincoln underscores the need to close the existing gap, the panel writes.

Perhaps CORE should stop whining about statues and such and consider how segregated Democratic Party run D.C. actually is, and that blacks are very much relegated to the slums and crime ridden areas of the city. It’s the usual for a Dem run city. Anyhow, what statues do they recommend erecting in place of Lincoln’s?

Read: Panel Rules New Abe Lincoln Statue Would “Widen Racial Inequality” »

Hotcold Take: Bezos Is Going To Space While ‘Climate Change’ Kills The Planet

What would you call someone who has to make everything that happens all about themselves? A narcissist. What if they make everything about ‘climate change’? A climate cultist.

Jeff Bezos Is Going to Space As Climate Change Threatens Life on Earth

After watching Laurence Fishburne get stuck in the deep dimensions of hell in the classic 1997 film Event Horizon, I lost any interest in space travel. If I ever have a chance to explore the worlds of the unknown, I’ll choose the deep sea. There are so many different species of fish, sharks, and cephalopods that look like they’re from another planet. All the amazingly diverse creatures that exist on this planet are a wonder in and of themselves, and well worth saving.

Despite knowing that our way of life pollutes the planet, causes mass extinctions, and makes parts of the world uninhabitable, the powers that be seem to have their head in the stars instead of on Earth. On June 10, the Senate passed the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, which, if passed into law, will devote $250 billion to fund science, research and development, manufacturing, and innovation.

Now a battle is mounting over how much our billionaire overlords can benefit from these programs. Currently, Elon Musk’s SpaceX is the sole NASA contractor for a lunar-lander program, which is focused on making it easier for humans to travel to the moon. Thanks to an amendment added by Democratic senator Maria Cantwell of Washington and Republican senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi, $10 billion of the new funding could go to Jeff Bezos’s company Blue Origin for its work on a similar moon-landing project. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders voted against the amendment, calling it a “Bezos bailout,” but it passed the Senate, and the legislation’s fate is now in the hands of the House. As it turns out, Blue Origin is located in the state Cantwell represents, and the Intercept reported that the company spent $625,000 lobbying the Senate ahead of the additional amendment.

And this unhinged lunatic at Teen Vogue…yes, Teen Vogue, where most of the girls who read it are checking out the fashion and stuff, not doom and gloom and politics…drags climate doom into this. Eventually. Despite the headline, most of the article is a complaint about rich people, union busting, raaaaacism, being mean to workers, and

The space race is a symptom of a larger problem: conflating domination with safety. The capitalist and colonialist ideology is one that must always find new terrain on which to settle. Should space minerals prove viable for mining, these global powers will likely also declare free natural resources as their own and try to profit from them.

Without capitalism where would Teen Vogue be? Would they have been able to publish the dead tree editions? Then move to the Internet? Would government have allowed them in a nation like Cuba, North Korea, China, or Russia? Oh, hey, wouldn’t exploring the deep seas be colonialist ideology in finding new terrain? We finally get to climate in the second to last paragraph

The fact that the world’s two greatest polluters, the U.S. and China, want to franchise their governmental failures to the moon and beyond should alarm us all. With only a few years remaining to stave off some of the worst consequences of the climate crisis, the focus for resources and policy planning should be clear: We need to dramatically reduce carbon emissions and pass sweeping climate legislation immediately, not build an escape hatch to outer space for the wealthiest among us.

We don’t need state powers or billionaires colonizing anything else. They have done enough harm here on Earth.

What’s the carbon footprint of Teen Vogue? TV is owned by Conde’ Nast, which is owned by Advance Publications, which is primarily owned by the Newhouse family, who are billionaires. So, screed writer Kandist Mallett is basically whining about rich folks, like the ones who pay her salary, and dragging ‘climate change’ in because cultists always have to drag their cult beliefs into everything.

Read: Hotcold Take: Bezos Is Going To Space While ‘Climate Change’ Kills The Planet »

If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be horrible tasting due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on soccer in England going Woke.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Young Biden Voters Opting To Not Get Vaccine

Hmm, I wonder why they aren’t getting vaccinated?

Young Americans Aren’t Getting Vaccinated, Jeopardizing Covid-19 Fight

Millions of Americans have rolled up their sleeves to get vaccinated against Covid-19, but one group is well behind: young adults.

Their reluctance is a significant part of why the U.S. missed the Biden administration’s goal of getting 70% of the adult population a first dose by July 4, and it is impeding efforts to develop the communitywide immunity sought to move past the pandemic and fend off Delta and other variants.

Now government health authorities are dialing up efforts encouraging 18- to 29-year-olds to get vaccinated.

The outreach will have to overcome the hesitancy of many young adults who don’t see the urgency given their relatively low risk of severe cases, are spooked by confusing information on social media and generally feel invincible, public-health experts say. (snip)

Some 38% of people ages 18 to 29 years received at least one vaccine dose, the lowest rate among any age group eligible to get immunized, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report late last month. The elderly had the highest vaccination rate, at 80%. (snip)

Young adults 18 to 39 years who said in surveys they were reluctant to get vaccinated indicated they were concerned about side effects, didn’t trust the shots, planned to wait and see if the vaccine was safe or simply didn’t believe vaccination was necessary, according to another CDC report.

Well, that’s a shot in the arm, eh? These are the people the Democrats depend on for voting, who are opting out.

Read: Bummer: Young Biden Voters Opting To Not Get Vaccine »

Kerry Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Yammer With Russia On Climate Crisis (scam)

I’m pretty sure that there are many more pressing issues when it comes to Russia

US and Russia pledge to ‘move together’ against climate change

John Kerry climateThe US and Russia have agreed to forge “close co-operation” on climate change, in the first positive sign of a potential easing of tensions between the two countries since a high-stakes presidential summit last month.

John Kerry, the White House’s special climate envoy, held talks in Moscow on Monday and pledged to “move together” with the Kremlin ahead of crunch global climate meetings in Glasgow this November.

Climate change is one of the few areas where there is hope of enhanced collaboration between Moscow and Washington. It is seen as a promising testing ground for a first step in improving wider ties, which are riven with distrust over cyber warfare, allegations of election meddling and years of tit-for-tat sanctions that have severed many economic ties. (snip through many of the other issues)

But Biden has made combating climate change a key focus of his presidency, and argued that the need to work with Moscow on the issue outweighed other concerns over collaborating with an adversary.

“Obviously we have some differences in the relationship between our two countries . . . We believe that there is space for us to co-operate in [combating climate change] and to perhaps open up better opportunities on other issues as we do,” Kerry said at the start of talks with Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s veteran foreign minister.

“This issue is too important, too significant, and we very much need to move together,” Kerry added, addressing his host as Sergey.

Lavrov said Kerry’s visit to Russia was “an important positive sign in terms of developing bilateral relations, lifting tension, and arranging professional, substantive work in areas where common ground can be found”.

Russia is “hoping for close co-operation with the United States . . . in order to secure a successful meeting in Glasgow this coming fall,” he added.

Well, isn’t that special. It’s actually surprising that Russia hasn’t jumped on the Climate Emergency scam, since it is a great way to enforce governmental dominance over citizens and private entities, limiting freedom, liberty, and choice, all while painting this as beneficial and benevolent, because we are Saving The Earth from having a fever. It’s Progressivism, which is Nice Fascism, which means “we’re doing this for your own good.” But, then, Russia has never been hesitant on doing all that without being nice. Maybe they’re catching on. Or maybe they’re just scamming Kerry and Biden.

Putin, who four years ago blamed rising global temperatures on volcanoes and “cosmic changes”, last month said man-made climate change was a “tragedy” and that humans “must minimise the impact we have”.

Yeah, Putin is catching on. And it should, in a rational world, give people pause as to why a nominal dictator/strongman wants to move his country in this direction.

Read: Kerry Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Yammer With Russia On Climate Crisis (scam) »

DNC, Other Democrats Applying Pressure To Get Phone Companies To Censor Text Messages

Democrats love calling everyone they disagree with Nazis, Literally Hitler, Fascists. But, Democrats get very upset when you call them Fascist, authoritarian, repressive. Because they totally love them some freedom! And you’re a Nazi if you disagree! And it’s totally not Big Government if they do this

Democrats are pressuring companies to censor text messages about Biden’s pandemic response

Allies of President Joe Biden are pressuring phone companies to censor text messages that might carry disinformation about the administration’s response to the pandemic.

The Biden administration is taking more aggressive actions against what they consider to be disinformation from critics on their right, according to the Politico report.

Left-wing groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are planning to also engage fact-checkers to fight back against dissenting voices.

From the Politico piece, 7th paragraph

Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages. The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.

Hmm, that sounds like censorship. That sounds like these Progressive (nice Fascist) groups are applying pressure for companies to censor private messages sent through a private network from private individuals/groups to other private individuals/groups, who have paid to be provided a network without company interference.

The Biden administration is casting conservative opponents of its Covid-19 vaccine campaign as dangerous and extreme, adopting a more aggressive political posture in an attempt to maneuver through the public health conundrum.

The White House has decided to hit back harder on misinformation and scare tactics after Republican lawmakers and conservative activists pledged to fight the administration’s stated plans to go “door-to-door” to increase vaccination rates. The pushback will include directly calling out social media platforms and conservative news shows that promote such tactics.

So the White House is going to call out people engaged in Free Speech? Surprise!

Read: DNC, Other Democrats Applying Pressure To Get Phone Companies To Censor Text Messages »

Pirate's Cove