Republicans Defy Queen Nancy By Having Fun Without Masks In Hallways

This has made many Democrats very upset. They want Mask Theater to continue

Republican Staffers Defy Pelosi: Maskless ‘Beer’ Pong, Cigars in Capitol Hallway

Republican staffers defied Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday evening by playing beer pong (with water) in a Capitol office hallway, smoking cigars, and socializing — without masks, courting arrest by Capitol Police.

As Breitbart News reported Thursday, Pelosi ordered Capitol Police to arrest any staff and visitors who refused to comply with new mask mandates, which she imposed earlier in the week, regardless of vaccination status. She ordered the Capitol Police to report members of Congress who refused to comply to the House Sergeant at Arms for disciplinary action.

In response, several GOP members of Congress defied Pelosi’s orders by allowing staff to work without masks, or remotely.

But young Capitol Hill staffers had another idea: they brought out drinks, inflated a rubber duck, and let the good times roll.

The elected Republicans should join in next time. Or, hey, how about refusing to go on to the House floor for votes? Pelosi and her Comrades wouldn’t be able to complain, what with all their support of the Texas Fleebaggers, who are still in D.C. BTW, Fritschner is the comms chief for Rep Don Beyer (D-Va), who went on a serious whine streak

I do not work in a fraternity house. I don’t know why these people felt the need to do this here, but it is terrible and horrifying that displays of decadent apathy are all these people can summon at a time when people are getting sick and dying.

Didn’t they tell us to get back to our lives? People are always sick and dying.

Two other things: 1) There is *no* chance these people will clean this up. They will leave it for the custodial staff. 2) There are Dem offices on that hall too, with staffers who have to walk through this go home. Aerosolized virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours.

And wearing a mask wouldn’t do squat to stop Covid if it stays in the air that long. The entire thread is a massive whinefest.


Are there any reporters who want to stake out Pelosi’s office, get photos of her and her staff not wearing masks?

Read: Republicans Defy Queen Nancy By Having Fun Without Masks In Hallways »

Hot Take: The Hot Tokyo Olympics Is A Barometer Or Something

The average July temperature for Tokyo is 85F, which means there are going to be hotter days and cooler days. That’s how you get an average. Today through next Friday: 81, 84, 90, 88, 88, 91, 88, 91, 93. Kinda what you expect in Tokyo, a city in a warm climate during the summer with a monster sized urban heat island/land use effect. But, no, this is your fault for that cheeseburger in June

ANALYSIS-In fast-warming world, Tokyo is barometer for future Olympics

The muggy heat swaddling Tokyo may be a forerunner of Olympic life to come, experts say, urging a rethink to make the world’s oldest sporting spectacular fit for a fast-warming planet.

The Olympics kicked off in the Japanese capital last week after a year-long delay due to the pandemic, with organisers banning spectators from venues and enforcing a slew of measures to keep the coronavirus at bay.

While worries over COVID-19 have overshadowed other concerns, Japan’s heat and humidity – where temperatures can exceed 35 degrees Celsius (95°F) – also show how future Games will need to grapple with extremes as climate change bites.

“Tokyo 2020 will serve as a model for future hotter Olympics and other summer sporting competitions,” said Yuri Hosokawa, an expert on sport and heat risks at Japan’s Waseda University.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

You knew that the Cult of Climastrology was going to take advantage of holding the summer Olympics in, get this, the summer.

Read: Hot Take: The Hot Tokyo Olympics Is A Barometer Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a bridge rotting from too much carbon pollution produced rain and humidity, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a very strange self defense story.

Read: If All You See… »

Girls Find Dead Body, Steal Jewelry, Post To Social Media

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And it’s so much easier to play and win these days with social media access

Texas teens find dead man’s body, steal his jewelry and post it all on Snapchat: police

Two Texas teen girls discovered the remains of a 25-year-old man, stole his jewelry and posted video of the macabre act to Snapchat, police say.

The man is believed to have hanged himself in a Medina Valley drainage ditch.

The girls, 17 and 16 years old, face felony charges of theft from a human corpse in connection with the Monday morning incident, according to the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office. (snip)

After the girls stumbled onto the body, they called another friend who called 911 at around 8:38 a.m. Monday, according to investigators.

The teens told deputies they were walking to a local gas station and saw something in the drainage ditch. They went closer to take a look and found the victim.

But on Tuesday, investigators said they learned of a video circulating on social media that showed the scene before deputies arrived.

It allegedly showed the 17-year-old taking a gold necklace off the dead man’s chest, according to FOX San Antonio. The video was sent anonymously to Bexar County Sheriff’s deputies.

The 17 year old, Bethany Martin, and an unidentified 16 year old, have been charged with theft from a human corpse. They state they threw out the chain, but kept the pendant, which has been recovered. And they’ve admitted to taking the chain. Which, really, they did not have to say a thing, since they’re on video taking it off the corpse.

(KSAT) The investigator interviewed Martin, who said her friend liked the necklace and pendant around the man’s neck.

She said she removed the jewelry from his body and then removed the medallion from the chain, the affidavit states. She said she gave the medallion to her friend and tossed the necklace into the grass.

The friend, who is not named in this story because she is a juvenile, told deputies that she recorded the incident on Snapchat.

She said she put the medallion on her own golden necklace because it “matched her fashion style,” the affidavit states.

In the past when youngsters did Stupid Things they didn’t provide video proof of their crime. Now they record it for Likes.

Read: Girls Find Dead Body, Steal Jewelry, Post To Social Media »

Bummer: Dell Won’t Ship Certain Computers To California, Other Climate Crazy States

Believing in climate doom and wanting to Do Something is all fun and games right up to the point it rears up and smacks you in the face, eh? Climate cultists are super excited to do something in theory, not practice, at least where it affects their own life (via Watts Up With That?)

Dell won’t ship energy-hungry PCs to California and five other US states due to power regulations

unintended consequencesDell is no longer shipping energy-hungry gaming PCs to certain states in America because they demand more energy than local standards allow.

Customers seeking to purchase, for example, an Alienware Aurora Ryzen Edition R10 Gaming Desktop from Dell’s website and have it shipped to California are now presented with a message that tells buyers they’re out of luck.

“This product cannot be shipped to the states of California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont or Washington due to power consumption regulations adopted by those states,” the website says. “Any orders placed that are bound for those states will be canceled.”

Dell confirmed to The Register that the California ban was down to power consumption regulations, saying:

Yes, this was driven by the California Energy Commission (CEC) Tier 2 implementation that defined a mandatory energy efficiency standard for PCs – including desktops, AIOs and mobile gaming systems. This was put into effect on July 1, 2021. Select configurations of the Alienware Aurora R10 and R12 were the only impacted systems across Dell and Alienware. (snip)

At the end of 2016, California became the first state to approve energy efficiency limits for computers. At the time, the California Energy Commission (CEC) voted unanimously to adopt tighter appliance energy standards in an effort to meet climate policy goals. According to the 2016 CEC Staff Report, computers and monitors account for about 3 per cent of residential and 7 per cent of commercial energy use in the state.

Certainly, many of those pre-made gaming/high power computers use a heck of a lot more power than your average laptop. But, so what? The people using them are willing to pay for the power in their electric bills. This is their choice. And climate scam regulation will take away choice. You can bet that other manufacturers are looking to do the same. This is what happens when the climate zealots get their legislation passed: unintentional, and intentional, consequences. Computing requires power. The more powerful the computer the more energy needed. How many of the folks who want higher power gaming rigs are also climate cultists? How many now realize that Doing Something does actually negatively affect their lives?

Read: Bummer: Dell Won’t Ship Certain Computers To California, Other Climate Crazy States »

As CDC Recommends Masking, Sleepy Joe Will Require All Federal Employees To Be Vaccinated

Bringing back mask mandates sure influences people to get vaccinated, right? Remember when we were told we’d get our lives back?

CDC yet to release COVID data behind mask reversal

More than a day after issuing new guidance that vaccinated people should wear masks indoors – recommendations that are likely to affect millions of Americans in the form of private and public mask mandates – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has yet to release the data behind its decision.

The lack of clarity on what exactly the agency is basing its decision on comes as states and cities across the country are working to vaccinate more of their citizens. And it’s making some local officials reluctant to follow the CDC’s advice on nearly universal masking.

“While the CDC issued their guidance yesterday at about 3 p.m., they have not yet released their scientific reports on the data that underlies their recommendation,” New York City Health and Hospitals President and CEO Mitchell Katz said at a Wednesday press conference with Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“I think we owe it to New Yorkers to very carefully, as you say, review that information and understand its implications,” Katz added. “Our focus has to be on getting people vaccinated.”

If even hyper-lefty and Big Controlling Government fan de Blasio is showing reluctance and skepticism, well, things are not going well with masking.

Biden will announce vaccination requirement across federal government on Thursday

President Joe Biden will announce on Thursday a requirement that all federal employees and contractors be vaccinated against Covid-19, or be required to submit to regular testing and mitigation requirements, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.

The announcement will come in remarks where Biden is also expected to lay out a series of new steps, including incentives, in an attempt to spur new vaccinations as the Delta variant spreads rapidly throughout the country. It will also follow the decision by the Department of Veterans Affairs to require its frontline health care workers to be vaccinated over the course of the next two months.

So, if a company does business with Los Federales, they will have to comply, as well. But, he won’t require it for the military. Which is already coming out with it’s own mandates.

Furthering the case for vaccine mandates, the administration is taking steps to spell out the legal grounds upon which American entities can require employees to get shots.

Justice Department lawyers have determined that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring Covid-19 vaccines, even if the vaccines have only been authorized for emergency use, according to an opinion posted online Monday.

Remember this from early December?

Joe Biden: Covid vaccination in US will not be mandatory

And this from June 10th?

Biden Administration Won’t Require Shots for Federal Workers Returning to Offices

Huh. The Postal Workers union is not happy with the upcoming mandate. Republican Gov Chris Sununu signed of New Hampshire signed into law a bill that blocks vaccine mandates in the Live Free Or Die state. Google and Facebook will require the vaccine for all it’s in-office workers. NY Gov Cuomo, who likes sending old people off to die in nursing homes, will require state employees to get vaccinated or take weekly tests, as will California. Just wondering: aren’t most of the workers in those places Democrats? Why are they hesitant?

We also have Nancy Pelosi playing “hygiene theater” with masks. And

No masks.

Read: As CDC Recommends Masking, Sleepy Joe Will Require All Federal Employees To Be Vaccinated »

North Carolina Man Charged With Placing Mean Stickers

Wait, what?

Cary man charged with placing racist stickers at Mexican restaurants. What they said

Bill Of RightsA Cary, NC man has been arrested after police say he placed “I (heart) being white” stickers in and around two Mexican restaurants over the weekend.

John Kantz, 60, has been charged with ethnic intimidation, said Capt. John Reeves, a spokesman for the Cary Police Department.

Stickers were placed on cars outside On the Border on Walnut Street, and in the restroom of Totopos Street Food and Tequila on Kildaire Farm Road, Reeves said.

Both incidents were reported between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Saturday, according to police reports obtained by The News & Observer.

In a statement Tuesday, On the Border said it was working with law enforcement to “identify the individuals and take appropriate action.”

“We deplore the actions of these individuals and stand in solidarity with all communities of color,” the emailed statement said. “We will never tolerate behavior of this kind and these individuals are no longer welcome in our restaurants.”

Huh what? I can certainly understand the person (and if there are any more “persons of interest”, as further noted, them) being banned at the restaurants. I could even understand a very minor vandalism charge for damaging cars (of course, most of the people who rioted last year were let off scott free. Same with those who damaged the Confederate statues. Regardless of the propriety, and I’ve never been a fan of them. They lost), but, what the heck is “ethnic intimidation? Is that like Wrongthink? I’m pretty darned sure that both the federal Bill of Rights and the NC Constitution (Article 1 Section 14, most specifically) allow freedom of speech. There’s no threat of bodily harm or other harm. Free speech is to protect speech that people do not like/agree with. I think he’s an a-hole for doing this, but, he’s Constitutionally allowed to be an a-hole in this manner.

He was seriously arrested on this minor misdemeanor. For Free Speech.

BTW, I’m against the banner for it’s use of the F word, obscenity and such has no place in public, poor morals, decorum, and propriety. I don’t like it regardless of whether political or not. And, before anyone says it, we’ve seen just as bad, and usally worse, from Trump haters, Bush 43 haters, Cruz haters, etc.

Read: North Carolina Man Charged With Placing Mean Stickers »

If All You See…

…are palm trees that will soon grow in Canada due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post noting that the CDC and Biden admin want Americans to mask up, but not illegal aliens.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Delta Variant Could Totally Slow Economic Growth/Recovery

Poll after poll show a lack of faith in Sleepy Joe and his administration when it comes to economic matters, along with concerns about the state of the economy and the recovery. And in comes the NY Times

Will the Delta Variant Wreck the Recovery?

COVID dancing penguinsThe good economic news, when it comes to the ascendant Delta variant of the coronavirus, is that it puts the economy at risk in only two ways. The bad news: They are supply and demand.

So far, the recovery remains robust by most available data. Real-time indicators of business activity show little evidence that Americans are pulling back their economic activity in any meaningful way.

But while there is no reason to expect a repeat of the huge disruption of 2020, the new variant puts at risk the kind of rapid recovery that has been underway for months. Just as major parts of the economy were figuring out how to return to full functioning, this may amount to throwing sand in the gears.

The emergence of the variant has already caused several wobbly days on Wall Street. And the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, is likely to face questions about the economic implications of Delta in a news conference Wednesday afternoon after a meeting of the Fed’s policy committee.

At the White House, officials are monitoring the variant closely, but see no evidence that it is hurting the recovery — or that policymakers will need to inject another dose of short-term fiscal stimulus anytime soon.

So, at the moment, there’s no widespread concern from the Delta variant seriously disrupting the economy. But, they are putting it out there in case they need to flip to protect Biden from his crappy handling of the economy. However

As economists and policymakers game out the nature of those risks, what stands out is not the chance of a major shutdown. Instead, the concerns are the constraints on the availability of workers and on the supply and demand for many services.

This gives Democrats a chance to push for significantly raising the minimum wage, and for more government control of the economy.

On the supply side, there are already severe disruptions in many supply chains, especially those that rely on goods imported from Asia. These create ripple effects for the United States, such as a shortage of computer chips that is in turn hindering automobile production and contributing to high inflation.

Shockingly, some people still don’t know this. They show up and are like “where are all the new and used cars? Why do I have to put a deposit down and wait for the new car I want?” It gets tedious explaining this.

All of that means that the policy response to the Delta variant, as for Covid all along, relies more heavily on getting the best possible public health outcomes, with conventional economic policy a secondary concern.

Just when it seemed that the pandemic policy story was finally winding down, in other words, it is starting to repeat itself.

And there you have it. The ending is showing that the economy might go south again, and all this is meant to protect Biden from criticism. And, let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be all his fault, just like it wasn’t Trump’s fault. Trump wasn’t mandating this and that, locking people down, saying they couldn’t buy seeds for the garden or go out and exercise. He wanted the economy moving. Most was done at the state level. Joe seems to be mandating and pushing at the federal level. So, he bears more responsibility, and his economic recovery plans have not been working.

Read: NY Times: Delta Variant Could Totally Slow Economic Growth/Recovery »

Hotcold Take: NATO Should Invoke Article 5 To Fight Climate Crisis (scam)

Is anyone else disturbed on using our military, and those of the other NATO members, to “combat” the climate emergency (scam)? What, exactly, would this look like? Where would they be fighting it? How would they be fighting it? What kinds of restrictions will be placed on citizen’s lives? Will they be using firearms to enforce mandates? Will they be invading and taking over countries that don’t Comply?

Climate change is a unifying threat — NATO should enact Article 5 to combat it

The North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO) recently joined the group of nations, cities, central bank and companies pledging to eliminate net CO2 emissions by 2050. We should certainly applaud them. NATO’s purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means.

But despite a plethora of pledges made by many entities to reduce carbon emissions, the CO2 level is now 409ppm (higher than at any point in at least the past 800,000 years) and climbing. In that context, can NATO’s plan be anything more than a decent gesture that will have little impact on climate change and CO2 levels. Given climate change is one of the greatest threats to global populations — and has increased conflicts and suffering — is this enough from NATO? I argue no. NATO has the power to do more.

What if NATO was to consider climate change as a full-fledged assault on our communities, nations and planet? And instead of a voluntary pledge NATO attacked climate change under its existing charter to create a secure world, and support allies. In other words: What if NATO invoked Article 5?

Article 5 (The Collective Defense Clause) of the North Atlantic Treaty that created NATO is at the heart of the alliance. The clause states that if a NATO ally is the victim of an armed attack, every other member of the alliance will consider this act of violence as an attack against all members. NATO will then take the actions deemed necessary to assist. At what point does climate change become that unifying threat?

The notion that Article 5 was invoked after September 11th is mentioned, and how it was used to fight Islamist (well, a good liberal never mentions who, exactly, attacked the U.S.) terrorism.

First, NATO nations can agree that climate change is a threat to peace and security, requiring an Article 5-level collective action. The organization touts its consulting and cooperation on defense and security-related issues to prevent conflict ultimately.

As it did after 9/11, nations can share data to develop proactive, responsive strategies for climate change. NATO can use the shared information to analyze scenarios, hypothesize outcomes and find ways to reduce or improve the crises.

Interesting, but, not particularly in depth. Nor does this piece go in depth. There’s some yammering about responding to “climate disasters’, otherwise what used to be known as “weather” prior to the rise of the climate cult. Deborah Brosnan, Ph.D., who is an environmental scientist and a marine resilience specialist, talks a bit about responding, but, what about the proactive strategies? That’s concerning. But, not unusual, because climate cultists really do not want to mention what they really believe should happen.

Read: Hotcold Take: NATO Should Invoke Article 5 To Fight Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove