If All You See…

…is a waterfall that will soon disappear from drought or go crazy from flood, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on Sleepy Joe yelling crazy stuff about his butt being wet.

Read: If All You See… »

Texas Is Jailing Illegal Aliens While Biden Plays Catch And Release

How soon till Sleepy Joe’s DOJ attempts to sue Texas?

Gov. Abbott: Biden Admin’s Plan Is Catch and Release — Texas Plan Is Catch and Jail

Americans before illegalsTexas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Sunday revealed that Texas was arresting and jailing illegal immigrants to combat the border crisis amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Abbott, highlighting that President Joe Biden and his administration’s catch and release plan in place is “opening the floodgates for people who are coming from countries where there is an extremely low vaccination rate,” told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that Texas is catching and jailing illegal aliens.

“[W]hat Texas is doing — we’re not playing games anymore,” Abbott advised. “I deployed The National Guard, as well as the Texas Department of Public Safety, and we have a new program in place because the Biden administration plan is to catch and release. The Texas plan is to catch and to jail. So, we are arresting and jailing. The program has already begun. It took a few weeks to set up because we actually had to set up an entire new booking system. We had to get judges involved in the process, magistrates. … We had to open up a former prison that has now 1,000 jail beds that we’re starting to fill up. We are arresting people every single day, and we’re arresting for tresspass. When you come across the river, you’re typically coming into private property or county property or state property. You are trespassing.”

“And because I declared it an emergency, the punishment for the crime has been doubled, so … that can put them in jail for half a year or a year,” he added.

It’s a brilliant idea. However, what happens after they’re left out of jail? All Texas needs to do is bus them to the border and tell them to walk across. Because Texas can rightly claim they are simply enforcing federal law, and they would be correct. Another question would be the notion of a court providing “due process” for the illegals, which should be pretty easy: they’re unlawfully present, and often witnessed crossing the border illegally. Must it be a federal court? Or do states have the power under the federalist system to adjudicate? Or, maybe Texas will just send them to liberal states and cities, over-burden their systems. I guess we’ll find out when Biden’s DOJ gets involved.

Read: Texas Is Jailing Illegal Aliens While Biden Plays Catch And Release »

Hotcoldwetdry Scientists Meet To Put Together Doom Document Ahead Of Next UN Climate Crisis (scam) Meeting

On the bright side, they are supposedly doing this virtually, saving their huge fossil fueled travel for the meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, in November. Because floods and droughts and fire and heat waves never happened before

Climate Scientists Meet As Floods, Fires, Droughts And Heat Waves Batter Countries

More than 200 of the world’s leading climate scientists will begin meeting today to finalize a landmark report summarizing how Earth’s climate has already changed, and what humans can expect for the rest of the century.

Ever notice these things are always landmark? Silly.

The report is the sixth edition of an assessment of the latest climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body that coordinates research about global warming. The last edition of this report came out in 2013 — an eternity in the world of climate science, where the pace of both warming and research are steadily accelerating.

The urgency of addressing global warming has never been more clear. The two-week virtual meeting of IPCC scientists coincides with a raft of deadly climate-driven disasters unfolding around the world, from flash floods in Europe, North America and Asia, to intense wildfires in Siberia, to widespread persistent heat waves and droughts that threaten to upend food supplies in the U.S., Middle East and much of Africa.

How is this in straight news at NPR? Has NPR given up their use of fossil fuels and air conditioning?

The new report will be a crucial document for world leaders. It represents the international scientific consensus about human-caused climate change. Governments rely on its predictions as they develop policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, manage forests and fisheries and decide how to protect their citizens from extreme weather. In November, world leaders will meet for the first time since 2019 to discuss promises to cut greenhouse gas emissions — promises that are still insufficient to prevent catastrophic warming this century.

It’s crucial for government to implement draconian rules to control their citizens.

A critical goal of the forthcoming report is to help governments make decisions about how to address climate change. The report won’t tell governments what to do, but it is meant to help leaders understand the effects of different policies.

For example, if humans stop burning coal immediately, it will dramatically reduce the rate of global warming. But what if humans stop burning coal in the next five years? Or ten years? Or what if solar panels get really cheap and population growth slows down? How does that affect climate change? The new IPCC report is meant to help answer such questions using a set of 5 hypothetical policy scenarios.

In other words, looking into a crystal ball. Prognosticating. And, of course, nowhere within the report will it consider that this is all mostly caused by nature. It includes this fun graphic

How much of our economy will be destroyed with those numbers? What kinds of restrictions will be required in your own life? Are climate cultists willing to do this in their own lives?

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Scientists Meet To Put Together Doom Document Ahead Of Next UN Climate Crisis (scam) Meeting »

AP: Pro-Hamas “Activists” Attack Israel With Balloons Again

The Israel and Jew hating Associated Press has gone from calling Hamas terrorists to militants to now

Pro-Hamas activists launch incendiary balloons into Israel

Israeli warplanes struck a target in the southern Gaza Strip, the Israeli military announced early Monday, saying it was responding to the launches of incendiary balloons that caused at least three blazes in southern Israel.

The military said it had struck a Hamas military base. It said the base was near civilian areas that included a school but gave no further details. There were no immediate reports of casualties.

The airstrike came several hours after the incendiary balloons were launched into Israel by activists linked to Gaza’s ruling Hamas militant group. Photos and video posted on social media showed them sending the balloons into Israel. On one of them was written the message: “Time is running out.”

Activists. Seriously. People attacking civilian targets, who want to wipe Israel off the map (remember, that is Hamas’ stated goal, and the US State Department designates Hamas as a terror group), are being called activists. You know, like those who are Fighting For $15 and for body positivity. Could the AP let us know what the pro-Hamas activists are being activists for? Of course, they term Hamas itself “militants”, not terrorists.

Israeli media reported at least three fires set in southern Israel, breaking a three-week lull in the launches of the balloons.

Israel’s new prime minister, Naftali Bennett, has compared the balloon launches to rocket fire and has ordered airstrikes following previous instances as well.

In an initial response, COGAT, the Israeli defense body that oversees Palestinian civilian affairs, announced Sunday that Israel was cutting the fishing zone for Gazan fishermen in half, from 12 nautical miles to six nautical miles. Reducing the fishing area is a common Israeli response to fire emanating from Gaza.

Bennett may not be Netanyahu, but, it’s clear he’ll brook no attacks from the pro-Hamas terrorists. Oh, sorry, activists.

Read: AP: Pro-Hamas “Activists” Attack Israel With Balloons Again »

Growing Avocados In Italy Means Climate Crisis Doom Or Something

Did you know that tomatoes, delicious, delicious tomatoes (I do love tomatoes) originated in the Andes? Coffee in Ethiopia? Lettuce in the Mediterranean area? Grapes from the Middle East? Chocolate in Mexico? Potatoes in Peru?

What growing avocados in Sicily tells us about climate change and the future of food

At the fertile foothills of Mount Etna, Andrea Passanisi surveys his avocado grove under Sicily’s blue skies. He started growing the tropical fruit in what used to be his grandfather’s vineyard and, helped by the warming climate, is now sending his produce across Europe.

Passanisi discovered a love for avocados on a trip to Brazil as a teenager two decades ago, and decided on his return home to experiment with growing them in Sicily. Abandoning plans to become a lawyer, he converted his grandfather’s land and started to farm avocados as well as passion fruit and lychees, alongside longstanding lemon trees. (snip)

Climate change is shifting the frontiers of where food is grown as farmers and agricultural businesses adapt to warmer temperatures around the world. While in some regions heat and drought are threatening the cultivation of certain crops, raising food security concerns, in others, the warming climate has allowed growers to cultivate new crops and varieties which in previous decades would have been difficult to produce profitably. (snip)

The 37-year-old is among several growers in Sicily turning to tropical fruits. Global warming has sparked a 1C increase in the island’s temperature over the past 30 years, according to Francesco Viola, associate professor at the University of Cagliari, who has researched the island’s climate and the Mediterranean ecosystem.

Many farmers in Italy are grappling with a heatwave, after temperatures hit 45C in parts of the south of the country in June, part of a long-term shift, says Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti, Italy’s farmers union. “Every year we see longer periods with high intense temperature and tropical weather,” he says.

From the mangoes, avocados and bananas that grow alongside oranges and lemons in the south to olive oil from trees growing in the Alpine mountains in the north, the frontiers of crops in Italy are shifting, says Prandini. Italian farmers have seized “the opportunities, as evidenced by the arrival of the first tropical fruit crops in Sicily and the cultivation of olive trees in the Alpine valleys in Lombardy,” he says.

This is all your fault. Your fossil fuels addiction means that things can be grown in other areas of the world, which never happened before.

CNN is also getting silly

Chef says climate change can be tackled if you cook the way your momma (really) did

Sigh. Can’t these people just mind their own f’ing business?

Read: Growing Avocados In Italy Means Climate Crisis Doom Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea causing problems for animals which should not be eaten, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a Typical Unhinge Dem going after Tucker Carlson in person.

It’s ladies in nature week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Edward Runci

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the lizards are all over my back deck, I’m loving my new TV (maybe I’ll throw a review up soon. Glad I didn’t get the previous model last year). This pinup is by Edward Runci, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad discusses the anti-lockdown protests in Australia
  2. Real Climate Science covers 69% of the affected being fully vaccinated
  3. Watts Up With That? notes England’s national food strategy and the way it changes how people eat
  4. 357 Magnum discusses the bad idea of sharing location data
  5. American Greatness covers Texas jailing illegal aliens for trespassing
  6. Blazing Cat Fur notes more evidence of China creating COVID19
  7. bluebird of bitterness has some Caturday fun (and here)
  8. Bustednuckles notes a nasal spray that reduces COVID load 95% in 24 hours
  9. Chicks On the Right explains how Socialism Wokeness works in the real world, with Simone Biles seeing her scores restricted
  10. Datechguy’s Blog says to get your data off the cloud
  11. Earl Of Taint has thoughts on CNN’s new streaming service
  12. Geller Report News has information on Ben & Jerry’s Jew hating board chair
  13. Gen Z Conservative discusses the definition of privilege
  14. hogewash features the majesty of space and gravitational lensing
  15. And last, but not least, IOTW Report explains who the real vaccine refuseniks are

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Progressives Still Pushing Hard For COVID Passports

At this point, how good are they? It’s like masking: most didn’t require the masks until months and months after the Chinese Flu started raging. Not that masks made any difference, and may have made it worse since people felt they could get closer. Progressives (nice Fascists) won’t give up on ideas, though

California bars start demanding proof of vaccinations as Delta surges. Will vax requirements spread?

Every American bargoer knows the ritual: Flash a valid ID at the door to prove you’re old enough to enter.

But as the hypercontagious Delta variant drives yet another nationwide surge in COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths, more and more customers — particularly in California — are now being required to show an additional document: their COVID-19 vaccination card.

And those who can’t are being turned away.

“We just started it because it’s clear that there’s just a segment of the population that is not vaccinated,” Janet Clyde, the owner of San Francisco’s Vesuvio Cafe, told SFGate this week. “And really until this settles down, I think it’s definitely safer for our staff and our clientele if we limit the indoors to people who have proof of vaccination.”

For months and months the bars in San Francisco (and LA and NYC, which are mentioned in the story, with bars either going to requiring or thinking about it) worked without vaccine passports/proof of vaccination. Now they want it? Which is interesting, considering that most of the vaccines have low rates of stopping people from getting the Indian, er, sorry, Delta variant. Pfizer is about 39% effective. Moderna is not much better. Astra Zenica is about 65%, but, that is used in Europe. So, people can still get it, it’s just that the chance of people getting really sick is low.

We need COVID-19 mandates to reach herd immunity. Start by requiring vaccine proof to fly.

America is at a COVID-19 crossroads. For the first time since the highly effective vaccines became widely available in the spring, the new case rate is back on the rise due to the spread of the more contagious delta variant and the stalled effort to vaccinate people in many parts of the country.

According to medical experts, reaching herd immunity will require that 70% to 90% of the U.S. population be fully vaccinated. But despite having enough vaccines available to inoculate every eligible American age 12 and up, just under 50% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated.

President Joe Biden and COVID czar Jeff Zients deserve tremendous credit for making the COVID-19 vaccines widely available and bringing focus and discipline to the White House pandemic dysfunction they inherited from former President Donald Trump. But a reliance on incentives and awareness can only get us so far, especially when some irresponsible politicians have been stoking vaccine skepticism and outright hostility.

These were the same people who said Operation Warp Speed, spearheaded by Donald Trump and his people, would fail, and that we wouldn’t have vaccines for at least a year or two.

To get to herd immunity within a reasonable time frame, the Biden administration is going to need to add to its arsenal some targeted vaccine mandates — and the obvious first step is to require proof of vaccination when embarking on an airplane.

Why are liberals taking fossil fueled flights in the first place?

Nowhere in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights will conservatives find a right to infect others with a deadly disease. In addition to defending our civil liberties, government is responsible for promoting the general welfare and protecting citizens from harm. No rational person considers requiring a license to drive a car or fly a plane a form of tyranny.

As usual, Progressives, and both the authors are hardcore Progressives, are misreading the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, which are all against the federal government doing Authoritarian things.

That’s why it is deeply unpatriotic for anti-vaxxers to feed the public misinformation about the efficacy and safety of vaccines. It’s also reckless. More than 99% of people dying from COVID-19 are unvaccinated, according to Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.

When Progressives talk about patriotism, watch your freedom. Because they want to shut it down. And this is pushing for government censorship. Making vaccination status mandatory on airplanes is just a step towards a national mandate. Remember, we were all flying before on the planes with no vaccines, shoved in like sardines as normal, sitting right next to each other. And they all said it was perfectly safe.

Canada’s vaccine passport won’t come until December, at the earliest

Leaked presentations reveal that Canada won’t have a national Covid-19 vaccine passport system until December 2021, at the earliest. A total lack of national infrastructure, however, means that could be delayed even further.

The internal PowerPoint presentation, prepared by the Treasury Board of Canada, reveals that even more than a year after the global pandemic hit, Canada still lags other countries in developing a system to issue and recognize proof of immunity to Covid-19.

What would be the point in implementing one 5 months from now, at the earliest? Other than more governmental control? Might Canadians protests? People in France went ballistic Saturday over the passage of vaccine mandates and passports. Germany is divided on doing what France did. Maryland is considering implementing a passport system. I still say you should get the vaccine, but, if you don’t that’s on you. If you want to be out and about and take the chance, that’s your decision. Government shouldn’t be the ones making it for you.

Read: Progressives Still Pushing Hard For COVID Passports »

Hotcold Take: Sometimes A Highrise Is Better Than A Park

Climate cult crazy alert!

Sometimes a High Rise Is Better Than a Park
The best thing New York and other cities can do for the climate is to let more people live there.

“Let”? This is America. If I want to move to a big city like that I can.

Climate change is hitting home everywhere. Just in the last few weeks, extreme heat, floods, and fires have all come to look like part of the new abnormal, and few places are safe. New York is issuing air quality alerts because of wildfires some 3,000 miles west.

Tell California, Oregon, and Washington to do 180’s on their horrible policies which lead to those fires.

Climate policy, too, is increasingly personal, and there’s nothing quite as personal as housing policies—where we live, and how.

Or, you could mind your own f’ing business. Don’t get involved with Other People’s choices.

It’s clear that city living cuts carbon—by around 50% relative to living in suburbia. If cities are part of the answer to climate change, then of course we should be enabling more people to live there. The pandemic flight to the suburbs might have been woefully exaggerated, but cities do have work to do. Task number one: build more housing.

Um, there are lots of studies which say cities are worse for anthropogenic climate change, but, really, this is about trying to force people into overpriced, heavy government handed big cities.

It’s not ideal to trade green space for housing. But more and better housing in cities demands just this kind of tradeoff. Nobody will be deprived of access to green space because of this development. There are two parks within a 2-minute radius of the Elizabeth Street Garden: one that’s tiny but has a mighty playground, the other that’s almost 8 acres, with four play gyms and two soccer fields. They’re also open after 6 p.m., when the organization running Elizabeth Street Garden locks the gates. The proposed development, meanwhile, includes around 6,600 square feet of open outdoor space. Moreover, the garden rezoning has already passed City Council and is now subject to additional lawsuits; the Soho/Noho rezoning has yet to pass.

Those would be green spaces where you do not want to go after dark, because of the extreme criminality. But, seriously, these people are nuts.

Read: Hotcold Take: Sometimes A Highrise Is Better Than A Park »

If All You See…

…is a mask needed to fight off diseases which are made worse by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on The Great Barrier Reef having more coral than ever recorded.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove