SCOTUS Strikes Down Bumpstock Ban, Elected Officials Forget Their Job

There was a massive, collective freakout on the gun grabbers side

Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era federal ban on bump stocks

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled that a “bump stock” attachment does not convert a semiautomatic rifle into a “machine gun,” which is prohibited under federal law. The 6-3 vote aligned with the conservative supermajority’s previous decisions in gun cases, such as its 2022 decision to expand gun rights.

The court found that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives overstepped its authority by enacting the ban on bump stocks when it determined that the devices were classified as machine guns. Civilians now have access to bump stocks again.

In the aftermath of the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting that killed dozens of people, the ATF issued a rule that said rifles equipped with bump stocks should fall under the legal definition of machine guns, which have been banned since 1986.

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the majority opinion that a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock does not make it a fully automatic machine gun. A machine gun is defined as a weapon that can fire more than one shot “by a single function of the trigger,” which is not the case for rifles with bump stock attachments.

In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the majority opinion would have “deadly consequences,” and said the decision complicates “the government’s efforts to keep machine guns from gunmen like the Las Vegas shooter.”

I’m no fan of bumpstocks, however, the ATF had no legislative authority to implement a ban. It doesn’t matter a whit what Sotomayor’s opinion is

Your feelings are irrelevant, unless you can convince the duly elected Legislative Branch to pass a law

We are either a nation of Law or a nation of Men, meaning the ATF had no authority from Congressional legislation to implement the bumpstock. Nancy, Eric, and others can actually introduce legislation. That’s their job. That’s the job they ran for, right?

Read: SCOTUS Strikes Down Bumpstock Ban, Elected Officials Forget Their Job »

G7 Wants Other Wealthy Nations To Pay For Hotcoldwetdry

Um, aren’t the G7 already wealthy? Of course, Germany is melting down economically, partly from allowing too many migrants from Muslim extremists nations in and their climate crisis scam laws. Of course, this is not what they are pushing

G7 to demand wealthy developing nations pay up on climate change

G7 leaders are set to call for richer developing countries such as China and Saudi Arabia to pay up for climate change, after UN negotiations failed to make progress on a new funding target to help poorer nations deal with global warming.

The move by the leaders of the richest countries of the world as they meet in Italy this week will put them on a collision course with countries including China, Saudi Arabia and India, who argue developed nations should have to pay for the effects of historical emissions.

The UN discussions in Bonn, held over two weeks and attended by hundreds of national delegates, concluded on Thursday and were marked by divisions and entrenched positions, resulting in little progress on a new deal.

The pressure to take climate action now falls on G7 leaders who are meeting in Italy. The UN has to replace the $100bn annual goal to fund poorer nations at the next UN COP29 climate summit in Baku.

A G7 draft communique, seen by the Financial Times, indicates the world’s largest economies will agree they need to provide financing for poorer nations, but will also call on states that are classed as developing but are more advanced economically to pay up.

I have an idea: all the people pushing for this should be forced to pay more out of their own pocket. Let them pony up. Let’s pass laws that restrict their use of fossil fuels, only allow bugs and veggies to be served for official functions. As a start.

Anyhow, do you actually think those “richer developing countries” will pay? LOL. Socialism is great until you run out of Other People’s money.

Read: G7 Wants Other Wealthy Nations To Pay For Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on a major terrorist caught near La Guardia airport.

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Judge Puts Temporary Hold On Biden’s School Transgender Rules

The judge provides some sanity in noting that Title IX is about protecting women, not people with mental illness

Federal judge delivers first blow to Biden’s protections for transgender students

A federal judge has temporarily blocked the Education Department’s final Title IX rule, which prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

The ruling: Western District of Louisiana Chief Judge Terry Doughty in an order Thursday declared that Title IX, a federal education law that bars sex-based discrimination, “was written and intended to protect biological women from discrimination.”

“Such purpose makes it difficult to sincerely argue that, at the time of enactment, ‘discrimination on the basis of sex’ included gender identity, sex stereotypes, sexual orientation, or sex characteristics,” Doughty, a Trump appointee, wrote. “Enacting the changes in the Final Rule would subvert the original purpose of Title IX.”

He also stated the case “demonstrates the abuse of power by executive federal agencies in the rulemaking process.”

It is all so simple. Title IX was about preventing sex discrimination against women in federally funded schools and activities. Humans with two X chromosomes. This whole trans fad, and that’s what it mostly is, a fad, harms actual women. It erases them. It takes their wins away. It can damage their chances for scholarships. Or, just, simply destroys all the work they put in when a stronger male wins.

The Education Department said it is reviewing the ruling and that “Title IX guarantees that no person experience sex discrimination in a federally-funded educational environment.”

“The Department stands by the final Title IX regulations released in April 2024, and we will continue to fight for every student,” a department spokesperson said.

Well, every student but the women.

Key context: The preliminary injunction blocks the Education Department’s rule from taking effect in August in Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho — a suite of states that filed one of at least seven lawsuits being pursued by Republican attorneys general.

So other states will have to comply with making women second class citizens for the time being. When will women finally see that the insanity pushed by Democrats hurts their lives more than it helps?

Newly-crowned Miss Maryland USA is first Asian American and transgender woman to win pageant

Obviously not related to Title IX, but, women were erased.

Trans woman wants uterus transplant so she can be first ever to have abortion

Insane people. Complete wackos.

Sorority members lose appeal against admitting trans woman

Will the sorority decide to disband? How many women will want to join when a dude with mental illness is waving his pecker around?

Read: Federal Judge Puts Temporary Hold On Biden’s School Transgender Rules »

IDF Uses Low Carbon Weapons To Fight At Lebanese Border

Will the Warmists, who are mostly Leftists who hate Jews, applaud them for this?

Israeli troops use medieval-style trebuchet weapon in fighting at Lebanon border

Israeli troops stationed on the Lebanese border fired a medieval-style siege weapon known as a trebuchet amid recent fighting against Hezbollah militants, an Israeli military official confirmed to NBC News.

Video of the weapon hurling a fireball emerged Thursday, sparking equal measures of confusion and amusement in Israel, even as Israeli troops and Hezbollah were locked in some of the most intense fighting of the war.

The six-second video shows Israeli troops looking on as the trebuchet — which largely disappeared from the battlefield in the 15th century — fires a flaming projectile over a fortified wall. One soldier is seen holding a fire extinguisher in case something were to go awry.

An Israeli military official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly, said the weapon is not part of the IDF’s standard arsenal and is believed to have been built by reservist soldiers stationed on the border.

The official said that while the weapon was not sanctioned by military leadership, the troops were fulfilling a legitimate military task of burning away thick shrubbery along the border where Hezbollah fighters sometimes hide.

The weapon will not be used again, the official added. The Israel Defense Forces did not respond to a request for a formal comment.

Seriously, clearing a free-fire zone around a defensive position is a common practice in most militaries. This is not unusual but the cleverness makes me smile. And it is almost carbon neutral!

Read: IDF Uses Low Carbon Weapons To Fight At Lebanese Border »

As Homeless Skyrockets In Chicago, City Leaders Celebrate A New Migrant Center

Are the citizens of sanctuary cities learning that the Democratic Elites care more about illegals than low income Americans? Democrats know they have the low income vote in the bag in these cities

Homelessness skyrockets in sanctuary city as migrants surge into shelter

illegal alien DemocratChicago saw a massive increase in the number of homeless people in the city over the past year, fueled by the ongoing migrant surge into shelters in the sanctuary city, according to new data.

The city, which will host the Democratic National Convention in August, released a snapshot of homeless numbers in the Windy City, which showed there were 18,836 homeless people one night in January, up from 6,139 the same day a year before.

The point-in-time count estimates the number of people in shelters, transitional housing, encampments and other “unsheltered” locations. The estimate noted the pressures the migrant crisis poses to the city.

“Since August 2022, Chicago has welcomed over 40,000 New Arrivals arriving from the southern border, many of whom have needed shelter and services,” it said.

“The largest increase in this year’s Shelter Count was due to the continued influx of New Arrivals to Chicago in 2023.”

So, not all the homeless are Americans, but, if we stopped the illegals and helped Americans in distress, that would work out well, eh? Cities like Chicago didn’t even attempt to surge money and aid for Americans like they did for illegals.

Chicago officials celebrate new migrant shelter opening

Mayor Brandon Johnson and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle stood among Northwest Side elected officials Tuesday night hailing the opening of a shelter for newly-arrived migrants in the Portage Park neighborhood as the city approaches the second anniversary of receiving buses of migrants from the southern border.

About 43,330 asylum-seekers have arrived in Chicago since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began sending them from the southern border in August 2022, according to a city census conducted daily. The city has at times struggled to house and keep up with the needs of the arriving people, but on Tuesday, officials had an unequivocal welcoming message.

“You are our neighbors now,” Johnson said to a crowd of volunteers, migrants and elected officials. “I know that your journey here has been long and difficult, but today we welcome you.”

They treat illegals better than American citizens residing in Sanctuary City Chicago. But, hey, you voted for this, so, suck it up, buttercups.

Read: As Homeless Skyrockets In Chicago, City Leaders Celebrate A New Migrant Center »

Gen Z “Influencers” Abandoning Biden Over Hotcoldwetdry, Israel Support

This is brought to you by entitled Taylor Lorenz at the Washington Post

Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him
The Gaza war, lack of progress on climate change and a potential TikTok ban are spawning anti-Biden content — even among former supporters.

In 2020, hundreds of top TikTok content creators banded together in service of a single goal: get Joe Biden elected. They posted videos, hosted online events and spent hours educating followers to help Biden defeat Donald Trump.

Yup, people who did cringe dances made videos

Four years later, the coalition once known as TikTok for Biden is now called Gen-Z for Change — and so far, it has not endorsed Biden’s reelection.

“Biden is out of step with young people on a number of key issues,” said the coalition’s founder, Aidan Kohn-Murphy, 20, who called “the frustrations of young progressive leaders a barometer of widespread dissatisfaction among Gen Z voters.”

Across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch, anger and resentment toward Biden are boiling among Gen Z content creators who say they feel disaffected and betrayed by Biden’s positions on an array of issues, including the war in Gaza, the climate crisis and the president’s decision to support a potential TikTok ban. The rift has been exacerbated by the White House’s evolving strategy of courting friendly influencers while shutting out others who have been critical of the administration.

Interesting: Jew haters are abandoning Biden. Kiddies using vast amounts of energy and fossil fuels to make stupid videos – and don’t forget all the fast fashion and ordering delivery – are abandoning Biden. Idiots who are giving all their info to China are abandoning Biden.

When Biden took office in 2021, the White House sought to fortify its relationships with Gen Z content creators, working with them to promote the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine and briefing them on key issues. At one such briefing on the war in Ukraine in 2022, press secretary Jen Psaki and Matt Miller, special adviser for communications at the White House National Security Council, told influencers that Biden viewed them as the “new media” and would strive to keep them informed.

Lately, however, the influencer strategy seems to have shifted, both at the White House and within the Biden campaign, influencers say.

I guess when you realize these people are despised and aren’t helping you ignore them.

“I have noticed that there have been a lot more events with creators, but the creators that are getting invited are the creators who are very pro Biden and just parroting talking points or sharing photo ops of them smiling with the President. Not the creators who have been critical,” said Kahlil Greene, a history content creator and education advocate in Washington who said he hasn’t been invited to the White House since he criticized the administration over the TikTok ban and the war in Gaza.

That’s kind of the way it works, you entitled little wacko.

Annie Wu Henry, a political influencer and digital strategist who has worked on Democratic campaigns, agreed. While the White House once treated creators as independent media, she said, they now seem to be playing favorites.

Biden’s team “is trying to say that they’re handling influencers like the press. But the thing is, the press briefing room has to have Fox News no matter what. They have to allow all of the media in,” Henry said. “When it comes to influencers, they only let in people who agree, and anyone who gives even a little bit of pushback is not welcome.”

You aren’t the press, and almost no one has ever heard of you. Just cause you tweet and Instagram doesn’t make you a political influencer.

Much of the anti-Biden content is being posted by young, non-White liberals with “shared ideology that the U.S. Government, and specifically Joe Biden, want to stop the flow of free speech and information,” CredoIQ found. “This perceived assault on free speech is enabling anti-Biden sentiment to leap from a smaller demographic of pro-Palestine young progressives” — who are outraged by Biden’s support for Israel as it wages a brutal war in Gaza — “to a potentially market-moving bloc of unenthusiastic young voters that are upset with the TikTok ban.”

Got that? Because Biden isn’t using them it is an assault on free speech. These people. Sigh. I wonder how many of them own EVs and how many own fossil fueled vehicles?

Read: Gen Z “Influencers” Abandoning Biden Over Hotcoldwetdry, Israel Support »

If All You See…

…is a wetland that will soon disappear due to rising seas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is GeeeZ, with a post on Trump and the economy.

Read: If All You See… »

Climate Defiance Wackos Interrupt Congressional Baseball Game

Did they all walk, ride a bike, take the bus, or take an EV to the game? It’s played at Nationals Park, about as far south as you can get in D.C. They all look to be wearing a lot of clothes made with petroleum. Same with the elected Democrats who vote for “climate action” and support these types of nutters

LOL. Locked up for refusing to go full Fascist with climate scam laws. This is also exhibit A during their court appearances

Eight protesters arrested at Congressional Baseball Game

Eight protesters were arrested Wednesday night during the Congressional Baseball Game, a yearly tradition that raises money for charities.

U.S. Capitol Police officers “quickly stopped” and arrested eight people as they tried to protest on the field, Capitol Police said oX.

Police said the protesters are being charged with interference with a member of the U.S. Capitol Police, a federal charge.

Will they be treated the same as J6 folks, kept in jail till their trial with no bail, then locked up for a few years? Especially since they said they did it?

The Capitol Police public information office told NBC News that the protesters are still in police custody, where they are being processed and will be taken to jail. It also said no injuries were reported during arrests.

The group Climate Defiance took responsibility for the protest, posting pictures to X of protesters wearing shirts reading “end fossil fuels” jumping onto the field and being tackled or arrested by police officers.

Shirts, pants, shoes, smartphones, and so much more all made with petroleum.

Reached for comment, organizer Evan Drukker-Schardl said, “Congress and the fossil fuel industry have picked their side tonight: death and destruction for our entire planet.”

Drukker-Schardl also pointed to Chevron, an oil and gas company that sponsored the game. The game had more than 100 sponsors, including Comcast NBCUniversal, the parent company of NBC News.

It’s a cult. “Death and destruction” from something that keeps happening during the Holocene. Anyhow, this might be the best hit of the night

Read: Climate Defiance Wackos Interrupt Congressional Baseball Game »

Swiss Parliament Refuses To Comply With EU Ruling On Global Boiling

It would have been more fun if the Parliament had simply said “hey, you Believe, so, why don’t you practice what you preach? Better, yet, let’s pass a law stating that everyone who sued must have a net zero footprint”. Perhaps take a survey and require all who want government to Do Something to have live a carbon neutral lifestyle. No fossil fuels, no cars, no flying. As a start

Swiss parliament defies ECHR on climate women’s case

Swiss women who won a historic ruling on climate change at the European Court of Human Rights say they feel shocked and betrayed by their parliament’s decision not to comply with it.

The women, known as “climate seniors”, previously took their case to the court in Strasbourg, France, arguing the Swiss government’s inadequate response to climate change – and in particular extreme heat events linked to global warming – was damaging their right to health and life.

The court agreed in April and ordered Switzerland, which has so far failed to meet is targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to do more.

The court’s rulings are binding for member states, and this decision was unprecedented.

I wonder if the Swiss rulers and those who do not want this EU ruling foist on them are starting to regret joining the EU, which was supposed to simply be about travel and common economics to make things easier, and morphed into the massive, domineering behemoth which is usurping sovereignty

Climate activists had hoped it would send a signal to other governments that human rights law could be used to defend citizens who believe their health is being harmed by worsening environmental factors.

However Switzerland’s parliament voted on Wednesday to reject the ECHR’s ruling, suggesting it was not “ignoring” it, as some critics have claimed, but rather that Switzerland did not need to react as it already had an effective climate change strategy.

Yeah, well, supposedly it’s plan won’t align with the Paris climate accords non-binding need to hold the world to 1.5C. Seriously, how does a court rule when Paris was non-binding?

But the Swiss are also very proud of their system of direct democracy. They are used to making decisions themselves, and the “foreign judges” jibe resonates with them.

Well, hey, you bought into the EU thing. What are you going to do about it? They aren’t part of NATO, being neutral. How do they stay in the EU? They could simply say we will abide by the original idea, which made it easier to travel through European nations, and made economics and commerce easier, but, beyond that? Nope.

Read: Swiss Parliament Refuses To Comply With EU Ruling On Global Boiling »

Pirate's Cove