Bummer: Sleepy Joe’s Vaccination Push Hits A Wall

There were so many things that could have been done. Democrats not poo-pooing the vaccinations as spearheaded by Trump with Operation Warp Speed, causing many Democrat voters to say “no thanks!” Not pushing all the silly talking points that engage Democrats and turn off Republicans when Sleepy Joe took office. Not keeping a united front by enticing Trump to be involved in the push for vaccination after Joe took office. So, what now?

Biden’s vaccine charge hits a wall

The Biden administration is running out of ideas for jumpstarting the pace of coronavirus vaccinations, raising the prospect that more than a quarter of American adults could still be vulnerable to the virus into the fall.

The federal immunization campaign has slammed into rising partisanship and deep resistance among the 91 million adults who remain unvaccinated, turning what was once an all-out sprint into a marathon with no clear end in sight.

Even as President Joe Biden vows a “neighborhood-by-neighborhood” vaccination effort, a half-dozen federal and state officials working on the Covid-19 response acknowledged in interviews that none of their outreach efforts are likely to supercharge vaccination rates — and that there are few remaining options to try.

The administration is now strategizing over how to manage a nation with 68 percent of the population at least partially vaccinated, where pockets of the country will be subjected to periodic outbreaks while the majority of Americans move on.

If you’re only partially vaccinated, you aren’t vaccinated. Further, pushing the insanity of going to people’s doors turns people off even more. Further, things like this do not help

Vaccinated commissioners at Florida condo site contract COVID

A vaccinated Miami-Dade county commissioner who helped other local officials in Surfside following the collapse of a condominium building announces that he and his chief of staff tested positive for COVID-19.

The news release from Miami-Dade County Commission Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz says he and his chief of staff Isidoro Lopez, who also received a vaccine against COVID-19, came down with flu-like symptoms earlier in the day and later tested positive for the virus.

The vaccines do not fully stop people from getting COVID, but, will reduce the severity of the symptoms in those few cases. But, we keep hearing about vaccinated people getting COVID, and the White House and their media Comrades do a piss poor job in communicating this. Back to original article

Most recently, the administration scrambled to tamp down backlash to Health secretary Xavier Becerra’s insistence that “it is absolutely the government’s business” to know which Americans have been vaccinated — an episode described as frustrating for officials already trying to combat misinformation surrounding the vaccines.

That kind of Big Nanny Government really doesn’t help, eh?

The White House in the meantime is redoubling efforts to convert the unvaccinated by intensifying outreach programs and further expanding the vaccines’ availability, all while adopting an increasingly urgent tone.

With lots of nagging

Biden’s Covid-19 response team has instead turned its recent focus on driving up the vaccination rate for younger Americans. Officials believe a significant number are still open to getting the shot but haven’t gone out of their way to seek it.

Interesting. Those young folks who voted China Joe have low rates. A piece at the USA Today recommends not trying to persuade. Also, getting “influencers” involved.

Jeff Zients, the White House’s Covid-19 response coordinator, and other federal officials have met privately in recent weeks with various school associations to encourage them to turn their individual schools into vaccination sites — and get eligible students their shots well before classrooms open up in the fall.

Which is going to cause concern for parents of those under 18 that the school might give the COVID vaccine to their kids without permission.

Anyhow, what will the Sleepy Joe admin do? They do not really seem to have a strategy other than authoritarianism and nagging.

Read: Bummer: Sleepy Joe’s Vaccination Push Hits A Wall »

Good News: Lots Of Big Shots Take Private Flights To Discuss Hotcoldwetdry

This is rather the norm for climate crisis (scam) conference, but, rarely does this make the news

Billionaires descend on Sun Valley in private jets to talk about climate change

A cabal of some of the most high-profile people in media, finance, and technology descended on Idaho’s resort town of Sun Valley in private jets this week to tackle, among other things, climate change.

On Tuesday, the day the conference kicked off, traffic from private jets got to be so busy that the Federal Aviation Administration temporarily banned planes on the West Coast from taking off.

The FAA told Fox News it briefly held planes on the ground at their departure airports to avoid congestion in the airspace around Sun Valley.

The manager of the Friedman Memorial Airport in the neighboring town of Hailey, Idaho told NPR ahead of the conference he expected more than 90 private planes.

A session preaching the perils of climate change to people who flew to the event on their own carbon-emitting Gulfstream jets rankled some business leaders that Fox Business contacted earlier in the week.

“Talking climate change on his private jet?” one CEO remarked with a laugh, referring to Gates.

The article features one photo of Bill Gates’ private jet in attendance

This is a gathering of uber-millionaires and billionaires, including Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and the aforementioned Bill Gates. Who’ll surely take long fossil fueled private jet flights to the next UN IPCC Conference on the Parties in Scotland this fall, just like usual. What are any of them doing in their own lives to reduce their own carbon footprints? They could have done this on a Zoom call.

Read: Good News: Lots Of Big Shots Take Private Flights To Discuss Hotcoldwetdry »

NY Times, State Department Provide Serious Hot Takes On Cuban Protests

The Cuban people have taken to the streets, and we get

Liberals in America have the Freedom to hate on the U.S. Flag, the symbol of freedom the world over. So

Perhaps it’s just a poor choice of words to write “”Freedom” and other anti-government slogans” in that manner, especially when we are talking about a Communist dictatorship. But, this is the NY Times, so, it’s just horrible. They could have written “shouting freedom and other pro-liberty slogans.” None of which the Times bothers to mention. Especially when

Within hours of the extraordinary events, the president broke into national television programming to urge government supporters to hit the streets and confront the protesters. He blamed the United States for restricting exports, access to funds and travel to Cuba, which led to widespread shortages.

“We call all revolutionaries to hit the streets to defend the revolution everywhere,” the president said. He added that people loyal to the revolution were willing to give their lives to defend the government. “Over our dead bodies,” he said. “We are prepared to do anything.”

Well, not the dead bodies of President Miguel Díaz-Canel nor other big shot government members. Then there’s the U.S. State Dept

(Fox News) The U.S. State Department was criticized Sunday over a tweet that tied the historic protests that broke out in Cuba to COVID-19 concerns in the country where people have been living under communism for decades.

Julie Chung, the acting assistant secretary for the department’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, posted, “Peaceful protests are growing in Cuba as the Cuban people exercise their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID case/deaths & medicine shortage. We commend the numerous efforts of the Cuban people mobilizing donations to help neighbors.”

Reports out of the country said protesters chanted “Freedom,” “Enough,” and “We Want Liberty.” Critics say the COVID-19 crisis seems to be on the periphery of the country’s discontent.

So glad out State Dept is there to spin it in a way to help out the communist government. But, then

Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, took to Twitter to say the “U.S. supports freedom of expression and assembly across Cuba, and would strongly condemn any violence or targeting of peaceful protesters who are exercising their universal rights.”

Well, that’s interesting, since the Biden admin is arresting people who protested on January 6th, and simply walked around the Congressional Building, taking selfies, even staying within the roped lines. And then locked Washington down, keeping Citizens away from the capital.

Read: NY Times, State Department Provide Serious Hot Takes On Cuban Protests »

If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be grown in the Arctic, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Never Yet Melted, with a post on a 700 year old manuscript by Dante Alighieri.

It’s coffee week. A bit late, went to get a new TV today, spaced out.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Arthur Sarnoff

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the bunnies are hopping (everywhere), and Government is dropping most COVID restrictions. This pinup is by Arthur Sarnoff, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Change Dispatch discusses the danger of Biden’s green power plan
  2. No Tricks Zone highlights a study showing no notable changes on cyclone energy
  3. 357 Magnum covers the notion that being drunk can be hazardous to your health
  4. Blazing Cat Fur notes churches being burned with government approval
  5. Busted Knuckles discusses creepy HHS head Becerra
  6. Cold Fury has a tale of two elites
  7. Common Cents Blog features Tucker discussing why so many think 2020 was stolen
  8. Datechguy’s Blog highlights Toyota going woke
  9. Gen Z Conservative says it’s time to Cancel California
  10. hogewash features the awesomeness of space with Barnard 68, a dark absorption nebula
  11. IOTW Report states why cameras in classrooms is a good thing
  12. Irons In the Fire covers why professional journalists are not to be trusted
  13. Legal Insurrection discusses the left’s reimagined policing programs
  14. Moonbattery discusses Buffalo’s crazy Leftist incoming mayor’s agenda.
  15. And last, but not least, MOTUS A.D. highlights avoiding the plague

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Kamala Harris Slammed For Essentially Calling Rural People Tech Illiterate Hicks On Voting ID

It seems like a small thing. Kamala thought she was making a good point, especially when almost no rural whites would be tuning in to BET to see the interview. But, deep down, it shows the contempt Democrats have for rural folks

Harris slammed for saying voter-ID laws wouldn’t work for rural voters

spite houseVice President Kamala Harris was criticized Saturday for suggesting that rural Americans wouldn’t be able to comply with new voter-ID laws because they lack photocopying equipment.

Harris was asked on BET-TV about whether she believes there is room for compromise with Republicans on measures requiring voters to include a copy of identification with their ballots.

“I don’t think that we should underestimate what that could mean, because, in some people’s mind, that means, well, you’re going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove that you are who you are,” the Democrat told host Soledad O’Brien in an interview aired Friday night.

“There are a whole lot of people, especially people who live in rural communities, who don’t — there’s no Kinko’s, there’s no Office Max near them,” Harris continued.

Rural people aren’t dumb. Sure, there are some who are, just like in the Democrats big cities. But, a lot of them have college degrees in things like agriculture, which all city dwelling Democrats to actually eat. They know you don’t need a Kinkos (Someone let Kamala know that they have pretty much changed their name to Kinkos/Fedex), and usually no one says the Kinkos part anymore): they can take a photo of their ID, send it to their email, and print it. And, really, most of those folks are patriotic and will drive an hour to vote, knowing that the voting precinct is run by Republicans so it will not be a clusterf**k like Democrat run ones.

Critics blasted Harris on social media over the comments.

“Kamala and her party think rural communities don’t have cars, or shopping, or retail, or internet, or phones, or computers or mailboxes,” conservative commentator Steven L Miller posted on Twitter.

“This reminds me that they made Kamala Harris who has only ever lived in cities an envoy to rural Americans,” freelance journalist Zaid Jilani wrote.

And more

  • ‘I live on top of a mountain on the WV/VA border and I can photocopy my ID. I mean I do it while moonshining White Lightning while dueling banjos play in the background but I can still do it,’ one person tweeted.
  • ‘I grew up in a rural community without an OfficeMax or a Kinkos and I managed to successfully make photocopies of things on many occasions,’ another wrote.
  • Another critic called the claim ‘insulting and untrue’ and added, ‘Bottom line: Kamala, you need to start forgetting all about 2024 before the Democrats do it for you.’

Really, this goes back to Democrats referring to those areas as Flyover country, Jesusland, and Fuckistan. There’s a contempt for rural folks from Democrats, and then they wonder why they don’t vote Democrat.

Harris’ remarks come as Congress fiercely debates a proposal to pass a sweeping Democratic bill on elections, which would create universal mail-in voting and same-day registration in every state, among many other changes.

For their part, Republicans show no sign of willingness to engage with Democrats on the issue.

‘The states created the federal government, and it´s not up to Chuck or Nancy or anyone else in Washington, D.C., to tell Arizona or anyone else how they should conduct an election,’ Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who was a party in the case, said on Fox News.

Democrats may be “supporting” voter ID now, but, when they’ll spike it when they actually try and pass the bill.

Read: Kamala Harris Slammed For Essentially Calling Rural People Tech Illiterate Hicks On Voting ID »

Your Fault: 8 Billion Could Maybe Possibly Be At Risk From Malaria And Dengue

Gee, if only enviro-weenies hadn’t banned the use of DDT. And you hadn’t taken that fossil fueled trip to the beach

Climate crisis ‘may put 8bn at risk of malaria and dengue’

More than 8 billion people could be at risk of malaria and dengue fever by 2080 if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise unabated, a new study says.

Malaria and dengue fever will spread to reach billions of people, according to new projections.

Researchers predict that up to 4.7 billion more people could be threatened by the world’s two most prominent mosquito-borne diseases, compared with 1970-99 figures.

The figures are based on projections of a population growth of about 4.5 billion over the same period, and a temperature rise of about 3.7C by 2100.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Malaria kills more than 400,000 people every year, mostly children, according to the World Health Organization. In 2019, more than 90% of an estimated 230m cases occurred in Africa. Currently, artemisinin-based combination therapy is the best available treatment for the most dangerous form of malaria, P falciparum, which accounts for 90% of cases.

Dengue has no specific treatment. The disease is under-reported, with almost half the world’s population at risk. Dengue is estimated to infect 100 million to 400 million people every year, killing 20,000.

And this is going to jump to 8 billion? “If” temps jump 6.66F by 2100. Despite it being just 1.5F since 1850.

Read: Your Fault: 8 Billion Could Maybe Possibly Be At Risk From Malaria And Dengue »

If All You See…

…is an evil carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a Canadian government rep handing out a map which erases Israel.

Read: If All You See… »

Follow The Science: California To Continue Requiring Masks For Schoolkids

These would be the masks that Fauci said pretty much didn’t work, right?

California to require masks at schools, though CDC says they’re not needed if vaccinated

California will continue to require masks in school settings, state health officials announced Friday, even though federal health authorities released new guidelines saying vaccinated students and teachers no longer need to wear masks inside campus buildings.

“Masking is a simple and effective intervention that does not interfere with offering full in-person instruction,” said California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Mark Ghaly. “At the outset of the new year, students should be able to walk into school without worrying about whether they will feel different or singled out for being vaccinated or unvaccinated — treating all kids the same will support a calm and supportive school environment.”

The recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which also said schools should try and keep desks three feet apart, are not a mandate. The CDC guidance said prevention strategies, including indoor masking, should be utilized when it’s not possible to maintain a distance of at least three feet in the classroom.

Ghaly said that not all school facilities in the state can accommodate physical distancing and “we will align with the CDC by implementing multiple layers of mitigation strategies, including continued masking and robust testing capacity.” The state’s directive would also “ensure that all kids are treated the same,” the California Department of Public Health said.

So, even for kids who have been vaccinated, they have to wear masks? Despite CDC guidance? Despite masks not working? Sounds more like ignore the science and follow the politics of Listen To Government. Gotta start that early with kids, right? I wonder if this will backfire, with the kids rebelling against Democratic Party non-science authoritarianism.


What do you think? I know a lot are against this, I kinda like it. Need something between red and orange, like, I’m good with talking, but, don’t touch me and keep your distance.

Read: Follow The Science: California To Continue Requiring Masks For Schoolkids »

Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Looking For Ways To Change Infrastructure Bill, Skyrocket Your Energy Bills

And if you skyrocket your energy bills, you skyrocket your cost of living for food, housing, everything

Biden climate advisor pushes clean energy standard for Democrats’ priority bill

Gina McCarthy, a top advisor to President Biden on domestic climate policy, said administration officials and Democrats in Congress are still discussing how to include a clean-energy standard for utilities in broad infrastructure legislation this year.

“We continue to float ideas, and we’re sure we’re going to land in the best place,” she said in an interview with The Times on Friday.

Most of Biden’s initiatives to address climate change won’t make the cut in bipartisan infrastructure legislation being negotiated with a group of Republicans, a package focused on roads, bridges, water projects and broadband access. Administration officials want to include the clean energy standard in a second measure, one that’s more focused on programs for families and workers, that Democrats want to move as a so-called reconciliation bill, which under Senate rules would be protected from a Republican filibuster.

The clean-energy proposal is intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of electricity. Biden wants to ultimately produce all of the country’s electricity from carbon-free sources by 2035.

Here’s an idea: try and pass this on its own, a freestanding bill, rather than jamming it into the infrastructure bill. Let the House and Senate debate this on its own merits, rather than having a convoluted discussion on this and a whole lot of things in the infrastructure bill. Let’s hear the pros and cons, like, oh, hey, rolling brownouts and blackouts like in California. How the cost of energy in California is much higher than the other continental states, and much less reliable. How it’s really not the Constitutional duty of the federal government to institute a national standard, nor is it a job as laid out in the Constitution.

McCarthy described the clean energy standard as “an important anchor” for the administration’s climate goals.

“It will provide certainty about telling the utilities what the future needs to look like so they can continue to make their money and move forward and have a healthy system in place,” she said.

That would be up to the States. If California wants to crater their energy sector, let them. This is not an assigned power for Los Federales, it would be an un-Constitutional power grab, and all the GOP run states would immediately sue, just like with Obama’s Clean Power Plan.

The GOP should introduce a bill that restricts Biden, Harris, Kerry, and McCarthy, among others, from taking fossil fueled travel.

Read: Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Looking For Ways To Change Infrastructure Bill, Skyrocket Your Energy Bills »

Pirate's Cove