Climate Crisis (scam) Is Going Down When Voters Notice The Costs And Restrictions

Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry is Very Important in theory. In practice, voters tend to shoot it down, and few Warmists actually practice what they preach. They mostly think Someone Else, That Guy, Other People should pay the price, and when they realize all the taxes, fees, and restrictions on their own lives will happen, they vote against legislation

The Climate-Change Agenda Goes Out With a Bang

We’re supposed to view this week as a banner occasion in the annals of climate change. The European Union unveiled a mammoth new plan to control carbon emissions, while Beijing rolled out an emissions-trading scheme and the U.K. released a plan to green up transportation.

Except this is all happening as climate politics seem to be undergoing a rapid and significant shift in many places, and not in the direction environmental activists hoped. To wit: Voters have started noticing how much they’re each going to have to spend to reduce carbon emissions, and they don’t like it.

It’s a startlingly broad phenomenon. The Swiss last month rejected a referendum to impose a fuel tax and a tax on airline tickets. The British cabinet, which on Wednesday proposed major new carbon restrictions for transport industries, also is split over previously announced plans to ban gas-fired home heating and require landlords to boost energy efficiency in rental units.

The EU hadn’t even unveiled its marquee new climate package this week before furious lobbying erupted in opposition from almost everyone. French officials sound particularly alert to the danger, and no wonder. President Emmanuel Macron has seen his agenda knocked off course for the better part of three years by grassroots protests against a diesel tax hike that started in 2018.

Meanwhile in Japan, climate-minded shareholders have just wrapped up a disastrous (for them) season of annual shareholder meetings. Resolutions codifying aggressive corporate carbon targets were defeated at all three companies where activists proposed them—Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo and Kansai Electric Power.

Wall Street Journal writer Joseph C. Sternberg offers his own reasons for why this tends to occur, including a big drop in CO2 output in 1st World Nations without all sorts of climate crazy legislation. You can read the rest here, since the WSJ is behind a paywall. But, really, it does come down to it being about theory vs practice. We’ve seen this happen. Washington governor Jay Inslee made ‘climate change’ a huge part of his campaign for gov, the citizens seemed very interested, but, when it came time to encode it in law, the people said “no thanks!” As excited as Democrats were for Jay to be the ‘climate change’ candidate, he bombed badly in the 2020 primaries for president. As did Tom Steyer when he joined the crowd and made his campaign all about Hotcoldwetdry.

After implementing all sorts of climate scam policies, the ruling Labor Party was defeated so badly in 2012 that they weren’t even considered a recognized political party. “Labor suffered one of the worst defeats of a state government since Federation, and the worst defeat of a sitting government in Queensland history. From 51 seats in 2009, it was reduced to only seven seats..” People do not want to pay the piper in practice. They do not want to have to deal with the consequences in their own lives for climate crisis (scam) legislation.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Going Down When Voters Notice The Costs And Restrictions »

Fascism Joe Admin Flagging Facebook Posts

There’s a very simply exercise: how would the media and Democrats react had it been the Trump admin doing this?

Critics slam the White House after Psaki reveals it’s consulting with Facebook to ‘flag misinformation’

Critics roundly condemned the White House after press secretary Jen Psaki revealed the Biden administration is working with Facebook to flag “problematic” posts that “spread disinformation” on COVID-19.

On Thursday, Psaki was asked a question regarding the Biden administration’s request for tech companies to be more “aggressive” when policing what they referred to as “misinformation.” Psaki revealed that the White House is “in regular touch with social media platforms” to handle it.

“We are in regular touch with the social media platforms and those engagements typically happen through members of our senior staff and also members of our COVID-19 team — given, as Dr. Murthy conveyed, this is a big issue, of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic,” Psaki explained.

While referencing the team’s actions, Psaki also revealed that they are “flagging” posts on Facebook as part of their efforts.

Had the Trump admin done this we would have gotten Category 5 Apoplexy, with Pelosi and her House Comrades threatening impeachment. The NY Times, Washington Post, and LA Times editorial boards would have written Very Upset editorials calling Trump a Fascist, that he was violating Free Speech and Destroying Democracy.

“Psaki says the White House has been flagging ‘problematic posts’ on Facebook they believe are misinformation about Wuhan coronavirus. Reminder: Fauci worked with Facebook to ban the lab leak theory, which is factual, for more than a year,” Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich tweeted.

Dan Gainor, of Media Research Center, said people being anti-vaccine is part of free speech and that Psaki is “against freedom.”

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald wrote a lengthy Twitter thread condemning the revelation from Psaki.

“If you don’t find it deeply disturbing that the White House is ‘flagging’ internet content that they deem ‘problematic’ to their Facebook allies for removal, then you are definitionally [sic] an authoritarian. No other information is needed about you to know that,” he wrote.

The story itself is mostly being ignored by the Credentialed Media, and will be so until Psaki walks it back and those outlets Blame Republicans for making a big deal of this.

Read: Fascism Joe Admin Flagging Facebook Posts »

Bummer: Boom Of Kentucky Turkey Vultures Is Your Fault For Refusing To Buy An EV

Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself?

Kansas Turkey Vulture Boom Could Be a Sign of Climate Change


If you’ve noticed more of these foreboding figures (Kentucky Turkey vultures) circling in the skies above you lately, you’re not imagining things. It might have something to do with climate change and the stench of rotting flesh, the Kansas News Service reports.

Chuck Otte, secretary of the Kansas Bird Records Committee and a Kansas State University extension agent in Geary County, described the scene in central Salina as one that’s become increasingly common across central and western Kansas.

“Go back into the ’80s and ‘90s,” Otte said, “and we just didn’t see that many turkey vultures in urban areas, even small towns.”

But over the past two decades, committees of vultures have begun to descend upon Kansas in greater numbers.

While other species of birds have seen their populations freefall, Otte said the population of turkey vultures has doubled nationwide since 1966. And because the birds are federally protected, harming them or their nests is prohibited.

See, it couldn’t be due to their populations increasing due to the federal protection (which, isn’t that rather the f’ing point?????), nope, it’s because of a slight 1.5F degree increase in the global temperature over 170 years

“For dead animals to start decaying,” Otte said, “you need to have heat.”

Turkey vultures have the largest olfactory systems of all birds and can smell decaying flesh from over a mile away. But during colder months, Kansas roads can’t warm roadkill enough to get it rotting.

So historically, winter sightings of turkey vultures in Kansas were virtually unheard of. But Otte said climate change could eventually make Kansas a welcoming year-round habitat.

Wait, they come when it’s warm? Huh. Soon, though doom!

The growth and spread of civilization can also invite vultures to set up shop in cities and towns where maybe there didn’t used to be much rotting meat lying around.

“We have more cars, and cars and animals have collisions on the roadways,” Otte said. “That provides more food for them.”

And it’s the fault of all those people driving fossil fueled vehicles!

Read: Bummer: Boom Of Kentucky Turkey Vultures Is Your Fault For Refusing To Buy An EV »

If All You See…

…are the close quarters homes in a Progressive, cosmopolitan city which fights against ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Disney being sued over the OK sign.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Today: Athens Protests, US Military Base Requires Proof, Colleges Facing Pushback

All the Trump loving MAGAs are out protesting

In Athens, thousands rally against COVID-19 vaccinations

More than 5,000 anti-vaccine protesters, some them waving Greek flags and wooden crosses, rallied in Athens on Wednesday to oppose Greece’s coronavirus vaccinations programme.

Shouting “take your vaccines and get out of here!” and calling on Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to resign, the protesters gathered outside parliament under heavy police presence.

Wednesday’s protest was the biggest show of opposition to the inoculation drive. A recent poll by Pulse for Skai TV found most Greeks said they would get the vaccine, and the majority were in favour of the mandatory vaccination for some segments of the population.

About 41% of Greeks are fully vaccinated. On Monday, the government ordered the mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers and nursing home staff following a steep rise in new COVID-19 infections in the middle of the vital tourism season.

So Greek’s aren’t MAGAs? I thought only Republican Trump supporters were vaccine hesitant. Anyhow, if most Greeks said they would get the vaccine, why are only 41% fully vaccinated?

Alabama military base 1st in U.S. to order troops to show COVID vaccine proof

The commanding general of Fort Rucker has announced that the Alabama military base will require service members not wearing face masks “to show proof of vaccination” while on duty to combat rising COVID-19 cases.

Why it matters: The order, issued Wednesday, makes Fort Rucker the “first military base in the continental” U.S. to permit leaders to “check the vaccination status of those in uniform,” the Washington Post notes.

It doesn’t apply to civilians, just service personnel. And we all know that masks totally stop COVID, right? Because infection and death rates hit zero when Government instituted the mask mandates across the U.S. and the world, right?

Colleges, universities with Covid vaccination mandates facing pushback

Hundreds of colleges and universities across the nation are requiring students to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before returning to campuses in the fall, but the mandates may be difficult to enforce fully.

Some schools such as Princeton University are requiring students to be fully vaccinated by Aug. 1, but it’s still unclear how others will manage vaccination and mask mandates — or what alternatives to on-campus learning may be offered to students who aren’t inoculated against Covid-19. (snip)

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, which is tracking the issue, 578 college campuses currently require students to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before returning for the fall semester. The American College Health Association advises all colleges and universities to implement vaccination mandates for students and staff, but the logistics are proving to be complicated.

For example, a lawsuit brought by eight Indiana University students is awaiting a ruling on whether the school’s vaccination mandate is legal under state laws that prohibit vaccine passports. In response to an opinion published by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita in May, the university dropped its proof of vaccination requirement and only requires nonexempt students to indicate whether or not they have been vaccinated. And Boston College’s refusal to grant a religious exemption for students at the Catholic school has angered some students and parents who are requesting a change in policy.

Perhaps if colleges said they would reduce their tuition and book costs down to reasonable levels the kids would get the shots.

Read: COVID Today: Athens Protests, US Military Base Requires Proof, Colleges Facing Pushback »

Democrats Look To Eliminate Fossil Fuels In Their Massive “Infrastructure” Bill

Surprisingly, the Democrats who are pushing the bill aren’t particularly interested in giving up their own use of fossil fuels right now

Joe Manchin says he’s ‘very, very’ disturbed about reconciliation proposals on climate change

st greta carSen. Joe Manchin, the Democrats’ most pivotal swing vote, expressed his most serious concerns yet about a key element in their party’s $3.5 trillion sweeping economic plan: Provisions dealing with climate change that have been sought by progressives.

Manchin, who hails from coal-producing West Virginia, told CNN that he’s “very, very disturbed” by provisions he believes would eliminate fossil fuels — a warning sign for Democrats who need all 50 members of their caucus to sign off on the plan in order to get it through the Senate. But the climate provisions are key to getting support from liberals, particularly in the House.

And how Democratic leaders keep both factions of their caucus will be key to determining if they can approve much of President Joe Biden’s domestic agenda by the fall.

“I know they have the climate portion in here, and I’m concerned about that,” Manchin said moments after Biden met with Senate Democrats in the Capitol on Wednesday.

“Because if they’re eliminating fossils, and I’m finding out there’s a lot of language in places they’re eliminating fossils, which is very, very disturbing, because if you’re sticking your head in the sand, and saying that fossil (fuel) has to be eliminated in America, and they want to get rid of it, and thinking that’s going to clean up the global climate, it won’t clean it up all. If anything, it would be worse.”

Manchin said this is very concerning to him, and he plans on talking to the people in West Virginia, which is actually surprising for a Senator, since they tend to care more about what their party and special interests think, but, Manchin has always been rather concerned with his State and it’s citizens.

“I’m concerned,” Manchin said. “I’m going to talk to some economists. I’m going to dig deep into that. People in West Virginia, I spoke about this right now, are paying much higher gas prices; they’re paying food prices. … It’s not just a threat; it’s happening.”

Now we need to see some Republicans out there slamming this bill for the climate crisis scam insanity, and, if they had any brains, they would be making it personal, just like Democrats do, and ask why the people in favor of the climate parts of the bill aren’t giving up their own use of fossil fuels and switching to EVs, taking the train and bus instead of fossil fueled flights, moving to tiny homes, and more.

Read: Democrats Look To Eliminate Fossil Fuels In Their Massive “Infrastructure” Bill »

BLM Blasts U.S., Takes Side Of Cuban Communist Regime

But of course they did. Notice that none of them are actually moving to Cuba, though

Black Lives Matter blames US, praises Cuban regime, social media erupts

Black Lives Matter faced fierce criticism late Wednesday after posting a statement that blasted the U.S. and praised Cuba’s government while the island was destabilized by historic protests and violent crackdowns.

The tweet blamed the U.S. embargo for the country’s instability and credited the Cuban government for historically granting “Black revolutionaries” asylum.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, was quick to rebuke the tweet.

“The extortionist ring known as the Black Lives Matter organization took a break today from shaking down corporations for millions & buying themselves mansions to share their support for the Communist regime in #Cuba,” Rubio tweeted.

Besides blaming the US for sanctions on Cuba (because, apparently, Cuba hasn’t been able to get goods from other nations), they posted

Cuba is being “punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination,” the statement read. The group said Cuba has been an ally with “oppressed peoples of African descent” and praised the country’s effort to protect “Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur.”

(Shakur, also known as JoAnne Chesimard, was convicted of being an accomplice in the 1973 slaying of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster, who left behind a wife and 3-year-old son. Shakur later escaped prison and fled to Cuba, where former Cuban leader Fidel Castro granted her asylum.)

Anyone surprised they’re supporting Shakur? Anyone surprised BLM is supporting a brutal regime over the United States? Anyone surprised that no BLM big wig is renouncing their US citizenship and moving to Cuba (or other communist nation) for the system they profess to love?

The progressive wing of the Democrat Party — many of whom align themselves with BLM regarding policy — seem unsure on how to react to the protests, subsequent violent crackdowns and Internet blackouts.

Where are AOC and the rest of the Squad?

Read: BLM Blasts U.S., Takes Side Of Cuban Communist Regime »

Climate Crisis Emergency Doom Is Reducing San Francisco’s Fog!

Um, whether climate change is mostly/solely man-caused, mostly/solely natural, or some combination, wouldn’t this be a good thing, since fog leads to crashes, one of the leading causes of deadly accidents?

Climate Change Decreasing Bay Area Fog

The Bay Area is known around the world for it’s classic fog pattern that rolls through the Golden Gate Gap and can bring much needed summertime cooling.

While we can usually expect that fog pattern to get going in June there’s been a decreasing amount of it over the past several decades. So before we dive into the data, what’s so important about that fog? Well, not only can it break a heat wave pattern with chilly air but it also increases humidity which helps to lower immediate fire danger. Ecosystems are also healthier and we can recover from wildfires much faster.

However, as our climate has changed during the past few decades there has been a noticeable drop in the amount of Summer fog moving through San Francisco. The data below shows over the past 100 years we’ve seen a -34.5% decrease in fog which equates to about 3 to 4 hour less fog per day. This is bringing lower humidity, higher wildfire risk and stressed ecosystems.

ZOMG, the climate changes? That never happened before fossil fueled vehicles. You’d think San Francisco would have more important things to worry about

Coordinated crime sprees forcing retailers to close stores, limit hours

Coordinated crime sprees in major cities in California, New York and elsewhere are forcing retailers to close stores and limit operating hours, as packs of shoplifters regularly make off with hundreds of dollars-worth in merchandise to be resold online, at street markets or returned for gift cards.

Amid a crime wave sweeping San Francisco, five Target store locations are reducing operating hours, closing at 6 p.m. instead of the usual 10 p.m., as managers seek to secure merchandise and employee safety, Forbes reported. Organized gangs brazenly steal branded items even with security present, as California raised the threshold for a felony charge from $450 to $950 in stolen goods.

For more than a month, Target has been experiencing “a significant and alarming” rise in theft and security incidents at San Francisco stores, a Target spokesman told Fox News. He cited similar decisions to reduce hours made by retailers in the Bay Area including H&M, Gap, Marshalls and Walgreens.

Walgreens has closed 17 locations in San Francisco over the last five years citing this sort of theft, the San Francisco Chronicle reported in May. Jason Cunningham, regional vice president for pharmacy and retail operations in California and Hawaii, said at a hearing at the time that theft in Walgreens stores in San Francisco is four times the average of stores elsewhere in the country.

On the bright side, most of these crime occur on foot or bike, rather than a fossil fueled getaway car! And fewer hours, fewer employees, and fewer stores means less fossil fueled traffic to the stores!

Read: Climate Crisis Emergency Doom Is Reducing San Francisco’s Fog! »

If All You See…

…is a building with a drive-thru for horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your Wednesday feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Today: Macron Makes Mandates, Sebelius Wants Unvaccinated Banned

Have fun, French people

France’s Macron orders all health workers to get vaccinated

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday ordered all French health care workers to get virus vaccine shots by Sept. 15 and urged all of his compatriots to get vaccinated as soon as possible, to fight resurgent infections that are threatening the country’s economic recovery.

In a televised address, Macron also mandated special COVID-19 passes for anyone who wants to go to a restaurant, shopping mall or hospital or get on a train or plane. To get a pass, people must have proof they’re fully vaccinated, or recently recovered from the virus, or have taken a fresh negative virus test.

The delta variant is driving France’s virus infections back up again, just as the country kicked off summer vacation season after a long-awaited reopening. Some 40% of France’s population is fully inoculated.

You will comply, Comrades. What are the penalties for violation?

But [Macron] stopped short of any new lockdown measures, saying “We have to learn to live with the virus.”

Macron said the government would declare a medical state of emergency again starting Tuesday, which allows authorities more freedom to impose virus restrictions.

How soon will the authorities decide to use that authority? They sure liked it for 15 months.

Greece announced Monday that health care workers will be suspended if they refuse to get vaccinated. Italy made the coronavirus vaccination obligatory for health care workers and pharmacists, and those who opt out risk suspension from their jobs or a salary cut.

In Denmark, restaurants and public events require a digital pass showing you’ve been fully vaccinated or have a recent negative test. Some German states require the same for restaurants, though suggestions of making vaccines obligatory have prompted widespread unease.

Have fun.

In France, vaccines are widely available for anyone 12 and over. But interest has ebbed in recent weeks because of vaccine hesitancy, a sense that the virus is no longer a threat, and because some people put off their shots until after their summer vacation. Demand started rising again over the weekend as people braced for Macron’s announcements.

I was told that it was only MAGA folks who had vaccine hesitancy.

Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not Be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children

Sebelius said, “We’re in a situation where we have a wildly effective vaccine, multiple choices, lots available, free of charge, and we have folks who are just saying I won’t do it. I think that it’s time to say to those folks, it’s fine if you don’t choose to get vaccinated. You may not come to work. You may not have access to a situation where you’re going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy. Where you might kill them, or you might put them in a situation where they’re going to carry the virus to someone in a high-risk position.”

Who is going to say this to people? Who will enforce it? Good luck with that.

Sebelius added, “So I think we’re reaching that point in the United States where those of us who are vaccinated, I want to take off my mask. I want to be able to live my life with vaccination, and right now, I’m being impinged on by people who say I don’t want to get vaccinated. It’s fine. I want them to maybe have a limitation on where they can go and who they can possibly infect.”

If you’re vaccinated, take the mask off. You’re safe. If people haven’t taken the vaccine and want to be in danger, that’s on them.

Read: COVID Today: Macron Makes Mandates, Sebelius Wants Unvaccinated Banned »

Pirate's Cove