Climate Cult Won’t Give Up On Blaming Climate Crisis (scam) For Surfside Building Collapse

You know when anything happens the Cult of Climastrology will immediately link it to their cult beliefs, as I showed yesterday. The climalunatics are still going strong, but, not we have the media chiming in

From the cult screed

Saltwater and brine-soaked air settle into the pores of coastal construction, growing a rusty crust around the steel skeletons that reinforce oceanfront structures. It weakens the bonds between metal and concrete creating cracks and crumbles in vulnerable areas, such as balconies.

Well, yeah. That’s one of the dangers of living in a coastal area. Hence why so many eschew using metal and concrete, and go with wood. It’s why I would never ever buy a vehicle that is from any area within 10-20 miles of the beach.

But some building experts wondered Thursday if an environmental assault supercharged by climate change could have played a deeper role in the catastrophic collapse at the 40-year-old Champlain Towers South Condo in Surfside, Fla.

“Sea level rise does cause potential corrosion and if that was happening, it’s possible it could not handle the weight of the building,” said Zhong-Ren Peng, professor and Director of University of Florida’s International Center for Adaptation Planning and Design. “I think this could be a wakeup call for coastal developments.”

The building is at the beach in south Florida. An area prone to tropical systems, strong thunderstorms, salt water blowing around, subsistence, and is barely above sea level to start with. There’s no reason to blame Bad Weather on Mankind, except if you’re in a cult

Still, Albert Slap, president of Boca Raton-based RiskFootprint, said it can be invisible machinations — the push and pull of tides on limestone bedrock — combined with rising seas that can weaken a building’s integrity.

The average for the last 8K years is 6-8 inches per century, meaning a warm period should be much higher as cool periods will see much lower and even negative.

Between 2000 and 2017 alone, sea-level rise at the Key West tide gauge measured about 3.9 inches, according to the Southeast Regional Climate Change Compact’s 2019 sea-level rise report.

The actual NOAA official tide gauge doesn’t show that. There is no big jump, it’s a pretty steady 2.5mm per year, coming to .82 feet of sea rise per 100 years, barely above average. Same with Virginia Key (closest to Miami area), Mayport, and Fernandina Beach. I highlight these because they are the long term stations for Florida’s Atlantic Ocean side.

South Florida’s coastal waters could jump 10 to 17 inches by 2040 and 21 to 54 inches by 2070 above the 2000 mean sea level in Key West. The long-term sea-level rise is predicted to be 40 to 136 inches by 2120, the report says.   The compact stresses that South Florida’s sea-level rise could be faster than the global rate because of a slowing of the Gulf Stream current.

If you’re dropping prognostications of future Doom, you’re no longer discussing the building, but, scaremongering with cult propoganda.

BTW, there were a lot of unhinged tweets from cultists

The USA Today article Marisa is Doomsaying does mention sea rise deep in, but, mentions lots of issues with the building itself

A Florida high-rise that collapsed early Thursday was determined to be unstable a year ago, according to a researcher at Florida International University.

The building, which was constructed in 1981, has been sinking at an alarming rate since the 1990s, according to a study in 2020 by Shimon Wdowinski, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environment. (big snip)

In 2015, a lawsuit alleged building management failed to maintain an outside wall, resulting in water damage and cracks. The owner who filed that suit had previously sued over the same issue, according to a court filing. The management company paid for damages in the earlier case, according to records.

You’re building these huge towers in areas with not the best stable grounds. But, it’s still your fault for that burger you ate last week.

Read: Climate Cult Won’t Give Up On Blaming Climate Crisis (scam) For Surfside Building Collapse »

If All You See…

…is a fruit that will be wiped out from climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on many of Biden’s bizarre comments.

Read: If All You See… »

Republican Introduces Bill To Ban COVID Passports

I actually do not support this as written

Republican Rep. Warren Davidson introduces bill to ban vaccine passports

Rep. Warren Davidson is introducing a bill Thursday to ban the federal government from issuing vaccine passports, severely restrict states from doing so and ban private businesses from requiring proof of COVID vaccination, arguing that such requirements represent “an inherent violation of civil liberties.”

“They’re not really providing a rational basis for discriminatory activity – they’re busy separating healthy people from other healthy people on the presumption that people without a vaccine are not healthy,” Davidson, R-Ohio, said of vaccine requirements in an interview with Fox News. “It’s a violation of civil liberties.”

The Vaccine Passport Prevention Act, first obtained by Fox News, would bar the federal government from issuing any form of vaccine passport; ban states from doing the same as a condition of receiving federal funds; and bar businesses connected to interstate commerce from requiring “any patron or customer to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination, or post-transmission recovery, as a condition” of service.

This goes significantly further than bills introduced earlier this year, including by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., that would only prevent the federal government from issuing vaccine passports. It is highly unlikely to pass the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives or ever become law. But it does represent growing opposition from Republicans to vaccine passports that’s been reflected in similar bans in several states.

It has zero chance of making it to the House floor for a vote. Most like it will be tabled in committee. The problem here is that Los Federales should have no business in telling private companies and states that they cannot have a passport, which would most likely, knowing the way bills are written, ban private companies from even asking a person’s vaccination status. They can couch it as it being an attempt to stop discrimination, but, really, there is a 10th Amendment, and any power to ban passports and such is for the states. Los Federales can only stop them if they are traveling across state or federal borders. Which is how they involve themselves in private business, which is a disturbing use of federal power.

Of course, you see that the feds have power because so many states, counties, cities, and even private companies receive federal money. Too much power. And Davidson should be pointing out that Democrats want ID for vaccine status but not for voting.

They really should just stick with banning the federal government from requiring them, along with not allowing federal employees to be fired for not getting vaccinated. And perhaps set national standards for any vaccine passport which prohibits the use of personal data beyond what is actually on a COVID vaccination card. Keep them from expanding.

Meanwhile, scaremongering?

Delta Covid variant has a new mutation called ‘delta plus’: Here’s what you need to know

The “delta variant” has come to dominate headlines, having been discovered in India where it provoked an extreme surge in Covid-19 cases before spreading around the world.

But now a mutation of that variant has emerged, called “delta plus,” which is starting to worry global experts.

Is this scaremongering, or simply information? It’s hard to tell at this point, because there was so much scaremongering since February 2020 that it’s hard to tell the difference anymore.

Read: Republican Introduces Bill To Ban COVID Passports »

The Most Important Weapon Against Climate Crisis (scam) Is Gender Equality Or Something

Aren’t we getting gender equality with all these men stating they’re women taking women’s positions in sports and other things? Isn’t it equality that men with mental illness are in female locker rooms, changing rooms, and showers at schools?

Gender equality is important weapon against climate change

Climate change can be devastating for everyone, but it affects women and men differently, according to a new report by the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The report noted that projecys and investments that aim to counter climate change are less effective when they are implemented without women’s meaningful participation.

The EIB’s roadmap for €1trn of climate and environmental investment over the next decade highlights the effectiveness of well‐targeted investment in assisting the “green transition”, and contributing to social development and gender equality.

“Gender-responsive climate actions can strengthen climate and environmental outcomes and often make a solid business case for investment,” the bank’s gender specialist, Moa Westman, noted in the new report, titled Global Solutions, International Partnerships: the European Investment Bank Development Report 2021.

Why is this sounding more like Modern Socialist doctrine, forcing compliance throughout nations rather than about trying to keep the temperature down?

She added, “Investments that take women’s needs into account help expand firms’ customer base, enhance customer satisfaction, improve financial and business performance and attract more funds from other investors looking to make an impact.”

If you’re thinking “there’s nothing wrong with equality”, Modern Socialists do not really mean equality, they mean implementing control of the private sector by Government, using the scare of doom from the climate emergency and the squishy “shouldn’t women have the same chance as men? Who could possibly be against that?” If you don’t support women, you’ll be branded a sexist and misogynist and that you hate women. Let’s face it, it’s a pretty good means of trying to pass their agenda, since most will fail to dig deep and see what this actually looks like in practice, that it ends with massive government control of our individual lives and the private sector.

Read: The Most Important Weapon Against Climate Crisis (scam) Is Gender Equality Or Something »

Biden, Pelosi, Other Democrats Already Threatening To Blow Up Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

Joe is totally basking in the bipartisanship

Bipartisanship Lives, and Biden Takes a Bow


Joe Biden basks in bipartisan glow, if but for a fleeting moment

Biden Brain SlugIt was the type of ‘I told you so’ moment Joe Biden lives for.

Standing before the media on Thursday, the president basked in the limelight of a bipartisan infrastructure deal. It wasn’t just the specifics of the package that had him revved up. It was the way it had come together. The longtime creature of the Senate who has boasted endlessly about his mastery of the art of compromise now had proof that this seemingly antiquated form of governance could work.

See? How’s that bipartisanship Sleepy Joe campaigned on working out?

Joe Biden Vows Not to Sign Infrastructure Deal Without ‘Tandem’ Bill for More Taxes and ‘Human Infrastructure’

President Joe Biden said Thursday he would not sign a bipartisan infrastructure deal with moderate Republican senators without an additional partisan funding package for entitlements.

“I control that. If they don’t come, I’m not signing it. Real simple,” Biden said, when reporters asked how he planned to get both measures through Congress at the same time. (snip)

“We need physical infrastructure, but we also need the human infrastructure as well,” Biden said, adding that, “We’re going to have to do that through the budget process and we need a fair tax system to pay for it all.”


Pelosi Suggests She Will Blow Up Infrastructure Deal if Radical Demands Are Not Met

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday suggested she will blow up the bipartisan infrastructure bill if the Senate does not also pass a reconciliation bill.

When asked how she is trying to quell the concerns of the progressive members of her caucus, the 81-year-old California Democrat essentially said she is willing to blow up the deal if their demands are not met, demanding a reconciliation bill to pass Democrat agenda items without the threat of a GOP filibuster.

Excitable AOC totally agreed with Nancy.

Far-Left Senate Democrats Mull Sinking Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal over Climate Provisions

Far-left Senate Democrats opposed on Thursday the bipartisan infrastructure deal between President Joe Biden and Republicans due to canceled “climate” provisions.

Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA), Vice President Kamala Harris’s Senate seat replacement, told a Forbes reporter shortly after the deal was agreed upon that “This bipartisan deal, it’s not enough. It doesn’t meet the moment.”

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) also said he was “not willing to support throwing climate overboard.”

Most of these Democrats are throwing around “reconciliation”, meaning they are going to add so much left wing garbage back in to the bill that the GOP will not even vote for it in the Senate, will block it using the filibuster, hence the Democrats needing to use reconciliation to pass it, as they do not need a 60 vote threshold to allow a final passage vote. Why can’t Democrats simply craft a bill for each of their left wing agendas? Oh, right, it won’t pass.

(Breitbart) McConnell said, “I was initially optimistic, but [it] can best be described as a tale of two press conferences. After the first one, the president walks out with a bipartisan group and blesses an infrastructure bill that many of my members are quite optimistic about. And then after all of those people depart the White House, the president goes out for the second press conference and says, unless you pass my tax bill, I won’t sign the infrastructure bill. So, what it does is put my members, including myself, who were optimistic about doing a bipartisan infrastructure bill, in the position of our Democratic friends having to guarantee that the 2017 tax bill is unwound. That’s our one red line. We’re not going to revisit the 2017 tax bill. … And so, I think we’ve gone from optimism to pessimism as a result of the president’s second press conference.”

Republicans should give Democrats about 5 minutes to see what happens, and, if Democrats try putting stuff back in, simply walk away. Don’t even bother being involved.

Read: Biden, Pelosi, Other Democrats Already Threatening To Blow Up Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal »

Bummer: Bipartisan “Infrastructure” Plan Mostly Eliminates Climate Crisis (scam) Measures

Of course, what is sure to happen is that people will attempt to add provisions back into the bill to deal with Hotcoldwetdry, along with other unrelated measures

Bipartisan infrastructure deal will likely omit major climate change measures

White House negotiators and a group of senators struck a deal on a bipartisan infrastructure agreement on Thursday that will likely slash measures to combat climate change and help the U.S. transition to a clean-energy economy.

The narrow infrastructure deal would leave President Joe Biden’s proposals on climate change to a separate bill that Democrats could attempt to pass through Congress using reconciliation, a process that doesn’t require Republican support.

The second package could also include programs related to child and elder care, education, and health care, in addition to climate change measures, issues that administration officials have called “human infrastructure.”

The expected elimination of climate measures in the plan comes as the world grapples with the effects of climate change — including worsening disasters like hurricanes, wildfires and droughts — and scientists urge that immediate action to slash greenhouse emissions is critical to avoid the worst consequences of global warming. Details of the plan are expected to be revealed later on Thursday.

“We made serious compromises on both ends … We’ll see what happens in the reconciliation bill and the budget process,” the president said at the White House on Thursday.

See? They’ll just add climate cult stuff back in, at which point do they lose Republican support? We can almost guarantee there is too much Crazy in the bipartisan agreement to start with. This is what Democrats consider serious compromises: keeping a good chunk of what they want, giving Republicans almost nothing, then putting things back in.


It’s More Than Just Rain and Snow. Climate Change Will Hit Air Travel in Surprising Ways

Snow is never mentioned in the article, but, just the headlines should tell you it’s a cult.

Climate change could make Yellowstone’s Old Faithful less faithful


The study also puts the reliability of geyser Old Faithful into doubt. Known for blasting water into the air at reliable intervals of about 90 to 94 minutes, scientists recently found evidence that Old Faithful had ceased to erupt 800 years ago for several decades due to a drought. Another instance of intense drought in the area could plausibly cause it to cease again.

Um, what caused it to stop 800 years ago?

Read: Bummer: Bipartisan “Infrastructure” Plan Mostly Eliminates Climate Crisis (scam) Measures »

If All You See…

…is a house that will soon be wiped out from sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on Dementia Joe telling gun owners the federal government can nuke them.

Read: If All You See… »

Who Had “Blame ‘Climate Change’ For The Condo Collapse” In Their Cult Pool Today?

I’m sure you’ve heard of the condo building collapsing in Surfside, Florida, right? Definitely not a cult

We don’t know, let’s blame the climate emergency (scam) anyhow

Read More »

Read: Who Had “Blame ‘Climate Change’ For The Condo Collapse” In Their Cult Pool Today? »

San Francisco To Require All City Employees To Be Vaccinate Or Get Fired

Coming to a Democratic Party run city near you

San Francisco will require all city workers to get COVID vaccine

San Francisco’s roughly 35,000 city employees will be required to get the coronavirus vaccine — or else possibly face getting fired, local officials said Wednesday.

The new policy would likely make the northern California city the first in the US to mandate that all government staffers be inoculated against COVID-19, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Exemptions will be granted for medical or religious reasons, the report said. Workers without exemptions who still refuse to get vaccinated will face “repercussions [that] go all the way up to termination,” said Mawuli Tugbenyoh, chief of policy for the city’s Department of Human Resources. (snip)

Employees will then have 10 weeks to get their jabs, and will be required to report their vaccination status through the city’s payroll system. They will need to provide proof, such as a photo of their vaccination card.

Roughly 55 percent of city workers have said that they are already at least partially vaccinated, according to the Chronicle.

One jab is not vaccinated. Axios reports

By the numbers: Data released on June 11 shows 80% of eligible residents had received at least one dose.

Nearly 70% of all San Franciscans had been fully vaccinated by this date.

San Francisco has a long way to go for the employees to get the vaccine, and it will be tough to get the workforce fully vaccinated. Even in a super leftist city like SF it is tough to get everyone to Comply. Will they sack employee? I guess we’ll learn in 10 weeks. And we’ll learn whether they really mean they’ll allow medical and/or religious exemptions.

Read: San Francisco To Require All City Employees To Be Vaccinate Or Get Fired »

Reps. Mike Rogers, Kevin Calvert Make Case For Military Focusing On China, Not Climate Crisis Scam

It’s ridiculous that these two Republicans even need to make the case, but, Democrats are unhinged, and it’s easy to make the military focus on Hotcoldwetdry so that Warmists do not have to do anything in their own lives

The case for a defense budget that focuses more on China, less on climate change

Since President Biden’s inauguration, we have seen what happens when America projects weakness rather than strength.

On May 8, the Taliban targeted and killed 85 people, mostly girls going to school in Kabul. On May 12, Hamas launched a relentless rocket attack against Israel wounding over 500. Earlier this year, Russia began massing over 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and a Russia-linked cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline last month shutdown 45 percent of the gasoline supplied to the East Coast. Beijing is increasing its military activity in the South China Sea and continues to violate freedoms in Hong Kong and threaten Taiwan. In the midst of this, the Biden administration has been absent. Weakness invites chaos and when America steps back from its leadership role in the world, as President Biden has done, violence and unrest are the result.

One of the ways America signals to the world that we will continue to be a global leader is by maintaining a strong national defense. Unfortunately, President Biden’s proposed FY2022 defense budget sends the wrong message to our allies and our adversaries. By failing to keep pace with inflation, the President’s budget amounts to a cut of over $4 billion in defense spending. Meanwhile, his budget proposes to increase non-defense spending by a massive $104 billion or 16 percent.

Furthermore, within that reduced topline, the administration redirects nearly $650 million in critically needed military modernization and procurement funding to climate change and to monitor the social media accounts of our servicemembers. These initiatives have nothing to do with ensuring we have a lethal force ready to “fight tonight”. When we dedicate scarce defense funding to global climate change, biofuels initiatives, and social engineering experiments with military personnel you can almost hear the cheers and laughter of our adversaries.

Defense is in the Constitution, a duty that is explicit mentioned: the climate emergency nuttery is not. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are loving this (along with the other insane stuff, like teaching critical race theory, going after any service member engaged in Wrongthink, the gender confused, and more). What else would you expect from Dementia Joe? He’s all sorts of worried about the imaginary and manufactured issue of climate doom. But not enough to cut out his own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Reps. Mike Rogers, Kevin Calvert Make Case For Military Focusing On China, Not Climate Crisis Scam »

Pirate's Cove