Liberals Who Drive Fossil Fueled Vehicles Mad At Toyota

Toyota dared defend themselves in the face of all the “Democracy” loving, unhinged moonbats upset Toyota gave money to Republicans

Boycott Toyota Calls After Company Defends Donations to Election Objectors

Toyota is facing boycott calls following reports that the company defended its donations to Republicans who objected to certifying the 2020 election.

Axios reported that Toyota gave $55,000 to 37 Republican objectors this year, based on data from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). The car manufacturer gave more than twice as much as the second company on the list, Cubic Corp., a San Diego-based defense contractor.

Axios reported that Toyota defended the donations, with a spokesperson saying in a statement that: “We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification.

The news has prompted calls to boycott Toyota from prominent voices on social media.

Oooooh, they’re yammering about boycotting on social media!

Why are they driving fossil fueled vehicles in the first place? You have to know that these same people are Believers in anthropogenic climate change. Why are they not driving EVs? Taking the bus? Riding a bike? Anyway, I’m sure Toyota dealers would be happy to buy them back at below market values.

Read: Liberals Who Drive Fossil Fueled Vehicles Mad At Toyota »

If All You See…

…is a horrible large house that is bad for climate, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post saying Chicago has a gang problem, not a gun problem.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today: To Fight Toxic Polarization, We Need All Sorts Of National Service

Nothing says coming together like everyone doing service for the government, right?

Toxic polarization threatens our democracy. Here’s how national service can save us.

Trust is the backbone of American democracy. But trust in the media, the federal government and our neighbors is hard to come by, and our democracy continues to face growing threats from misinformation and polarization.

A new report from More in Common found that less than 30% of Americans in the past 15 years have confidence in the federal government to do what is right for the country — down from 80% of Americans in the 1960s. Trust in the media and our neighbors fared no better.

This decline in trust among Americans came to a head during the 2020 election and the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, a violent act rooted in misinformation and distrust.

See, it was because you mean people lost trust in Government and the media, not because they gave you lots and lots of reasons to lose trust in those institutions. But, you know, the unhinged can’t move on from 11/6.

A poll in January found that 67% of Americans believe President-elect Joe Biden should prioritize programs or proposals that have the ability to heal divides in the country. We agree. We must begin to rebuild that trust and understanding, a sense of responsibility for our neighbors, and a future that includes all Americans — and it is going to take more than rhetoric about unity to be successful.

As nonprofit leaders committed to the future of American democracy, we believe we must invest in a significant expansion of national service to help bridge these deep divides and bind Americans of all backgrounds together in common purpose.

National service has a long history of fueling civic renewal in the nation. By bringing together young people in common purpose, national service demonstrates that regardless of one’s differences with others, we can solve problems and work together toward shared goals.

National service has the power to engage an entire generation of Americans, helping secure a more empathetic, inclusive and engaged future for our democracy.

Nothing would work better than people working for government, right? Doing some sort of service for what are mostly Modern Socialist agendas, right? Most of the groups that work with government are decidedly left wing, have left wing agendas, and push people more to the left, as you can see within the article. It fails to mention how, exactly, doing national service (will people be forced?) will bring Democrats and Republicans together, how people with vastly different beliefs will come together politically. How will there be a coming together when you have Black Lives Matter professing their hatred for white people come together with the white people they hate? How will people who want very limited federal government come together with those who want a massively powerful federal government?

We are at a juncture in American democracy. And the next generation of Americans are eager to be part of the solution to the many complex challenges facing our country. They’re taking to the streets to protest racial injustice, using their voices to demand action on climate change, and raising their hands to help their fellow citizens and neighbors through the pandemic. They believe in America and are already invested in fighting for a better future for our country and the world.

By expanding national service so that every young person in America has the opportunity to serve, we have a chance to bring people from all walks of life together with shared goals and responsibility and start to bridge the divides that exist between fellow Americans.

Ah, it’s not about everyone, it’s about using the power of the federal government to get all the young folks involved with national service, either directly working for Los Federales or a far left organization backed by Los Federales, pushing them into good little worker bees who love government and left wing beliefs, much like they do with public education.

Jenise Terrell is vice president of Programs at Public Allies. Kristen Bennett is chief strategy officer at Service Year Alliance. 

Yeah, these far left groups will also be very happy with the unpaid work being done for them and all the government funding.

Read: USA Today: To Fight Toxic Polarization, We Need All Sorts Of National Service »

EU Parliament Formally Passes Climate Act, Sets Goal Of Carbon Neutral By 2050

If the world is so Doomed from the climate emergency (scam), why wait till 2050? Anyhow, have fun, Europe, as your cost of living skyrockets and you’re told (even more) how you may live your life

European Parliament Votes to Make EU Climate Neutral by 2050

st greta carThe European Parliament has formally set a goal to make the entire European Union carbon neutral by 2050.

Members of the European Parliament passed the Climate Act on Thursday in a vote of 442 for, 203 against, and 51 abstentions. The Act also increased the EU’s goal to reduce carbon emissions from 44 per cent of 1990 levels to 55 per cent by 2030.

Swedish Social Democrat MEP Jytte Guteland said, according to SVT:  “It’s a real boost compared to today’s level. I see that it will only play a bigger and bigger role for Europe and the world.”

Swedish MEP Emma Wiesner, a member of the Centre Party, said that she was concerned that the package did not go far enough.

“I expect an unprecedented climate package. The only thing I worry about is that it will not be ambitious enough, but the goals are a good starting point,” she said.

So, even with it being Net Zero by 2050, it’s not enough for Wiesner, and surely for so many other climate cultists who voted for it (but won’t give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives net zero)

Conservative and populist MEPs were largely against the proposal, with Polish Law and Justice (PiS) MEP Anna Zalewska stating: “The adopted document is disappointing. There is no money for it currently. Without proper financing, it will not be possible to achieve a just transformation.”

“The climate law has orders and bans and will not only result in new taxes, but also in an increase in the cost of everyday life,” Ms Zalewska added.

Well, you have fun, Europe. You voted for this. Now you shall enjoy reaping the rewards of those votes.

Read: EU Parliament Formally Passes Climate Act, Sets Goal Of Carbon Neutral By 2050 »

Republicans Pounce: Biden Fights To Say Inflation Is No Big Deal

How dare Republicans fight back against Sleepy Joe! That never happens in politics! Democrats never fought Trump

Inflation summer vs. recovery summer: Biden fights to win the narrative

President Joe Biden faces a daunting task over the summer months: convincing Americans struggling to return to a normal life that rising prices on everything from gasoline and food to airline tickets won’t last.

Republicans — seeing a potential repeat of President Barack Obama’s “Recovery Summer” of 2010 when the economy suddenly backslid after emerging from the Great Recession — have used the price spikes to attack the administration’s big-spending plans and response to the pandemic.

That will put pressure on the White House to go all out in the coming months to convince the American people that despite recent setbacks, including lower-than-expected job gains, the economy is on the right path.

Employment growth may be disappointing to some economists, but Biden officials note that wages are rising. Inflation is hitting consumers, but the Federal Reserve considers it transitory. Homeowners may have to wait months for furniture and appliance deliveries, but that’s because the economy is roaring back faster than predicted. And the administration wants to pour trillions more into the economy, with child-care options, free pre-school and other benefits for workers, especially at the lower end of the income scale.

In fairness, there’s a lot of stuff going on that would be exactly the same had Trump been re-elected. Cars would still be in short supply, as would so many other products. The difference is that Trump would be working to make the economy better, rather than trying to put more and more regulations in place, attempting to enable confidence in a recovery. Joe is just Joe, not really sure what’s going on. But, is anyone surprised that Politico is making this more about Republicans Pouncing?

‘Spray and Pray’: Republicans ramp up attacks on Biden on … everything

Early in Joe Biden’s presidency, Republicans openly conceded how poor a target he was for them. Their hits on the president simply weren’t sticking.

That hasn’t, however, kept Republicans from swinging away. Biden is far and away the GOP’s No. 1 villain on Facebook, according to an analysis conducted by the Democratic-leaning communications agency Bully Pulpit for POLITICO.

Over the last three months, Republicans and affiliated groups and committees have spent nearly $2.5 million trying to paint Biden and his priorities in a negative light. That’s more than three times what they’ve spent on Facebook ads targeting other leading Democrats — from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and former President Barack Obama — and issues like socialism, fake news, and “defund the police” combined. POLITICO opted to review the last three months of data, after Facebook lifted the ban on political ads on its U.S. platform.

But there has not been a consistent theme to the anti-Biden spots. The attack lines getting pushed most on the right go after Biden’s massive infrastructure push, his call for raising taxes, dark money groups that support his agenda, his position on guns and the rise of gun violence in U.S. cities, according to Bully Pulpit’s analysis. The conservative outfit Americans for Prosperity is leading the online barrage against Biden, with spots on infrastructure, taxes and the American Jobs Plan. The National Rifle Association has run online ads targeting Biden on guns, claiming that the “Biden Political Machine [will] dismantle the 2nd Amendment.”

Democrats, including Politico, spent the entire four years of Trump’s presidency attacking him on everything, including personal stuff. I don’t remember Politico’s complaints on that, on the ginned up “crime” investigations against Trump, his family, and his businesses. Why would Republicans not spend way more money attacking Biden than Pelosi, AOC, Sanders, and Obama? Good thing the Credentialed Media is there to protect Biden.

If the economy was doing so great, would Sleepy Joe and his people need to work overtime to convince people that the economy was great?

Read: Republicans Pounce: Biden Fights To Say Inflation Is No Big Deal »

If You Can’t Reach The IRS By Phone It’s Your Fault For Driving A Fossil Fueled Vehicle

This is a new bit of climacrazy from a Warmist

Can’t Reach The IRS By Phone? Blame Climate Change

John Sheeley couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was listening to brand new IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig deliver a keynote address at a tax conference in the summer of 2019. Commissioner Rettig told the group of tax professionals that, in addition to the obvious staff shortages and budget cuts, another reason calls to the IRS were going unanswered was the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA). According to Commissioner Rettig IRS phone representatives are cross-trained to answer phones for FEMA in the event of a natural disaster. Indeed entire IRS call centers can be reallocated from the IRS to FEMA when necessary. While that’s good news for those needing to reach FEMA during or immediately after a natural disaster it’s terrible news for an already chronically beleaguered IRS, taxpayers, and tax practitioners.

This is your fault, you know. All that Bad Weather is your fault. Thanks a lot.

One of the lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic was that while it is never cost effective to have resources simply sitting on hold in the event of an emergency it is prudent to do so. While permanently increasing FEMA’s number of telephone assistors to the number required during a severe and/or prolonged disaster may not be possible or even desirable, given the increasing pace and severity of meteorological events such as wildfires, hurricanes, polar vortex episodes, etc. it may be prudent to provide some level of permanent increase to the agency’s current number of telephone assistors. Additionally, if Congress continues to pass new tax legislation with immediate and/or retroactive effects they should probably also consider the effects on IRS phone centers and maybe, just maybe, consider cross training some other agency’s phone team (the Social Security Administration possibly?) to handle FEMA-related overload. Of course, it’s just a suggestion.

And the solution is to hire even more federal employees to answer phones. But of course!

Realistically, FEMA shouldn’t be that big, they are there just to coordinate emergency responses between different states, like how you’ll get power employees going to other states after a big ice storm or hurricane, as well as between state, county, local, and private sector to the federal government. Not to be in control or the primary agency in charge.

Read: If You Can’t Reach The IRS By Phone It’s Your Fault For Driving A Fossil Fueled Vehicle »

If All You See…

…are mountains which will be our last refuge from sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post wonder why it’s not just property when it comes to the George Floyd statue.

It’s golf week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the ducks are honking, and my fishtank is starting to get back to normal after daily water changes (suffering from old tank syndrome). I really do not want to have to empty a 20 gallon tank and start over. This pinup is by K.O. Munson, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The New American notes that Derek Chauvins sentence is double the guidelines
  2. Sister Toldjah covers John Kennedy giving Sleepy Joe a fact check on crime
  3. DC Clothesline says “Delta variant” is another way of saying vaccine injury
  4. Diogenes’ Middle Finger says Joe is like Don Quixote on a 3 legged donkey
  5. Doug Ross has the “Only White Rage In America” edition
  6. Free North Carolina wonders who will be the target with “domestic terrorism”
  7. Geller Report News covers Palestinian terrorists trying to attack an Israeli Pride parade
  8. Gen Z Conservative notes Gen Milley defending teaching CRT, while Sec Defense claims it’s not being taught
  9. IOTW Report features a defund the police politician asking for special police protection at his home
  10. Irons In The Fire says we should know who killed Ashli Babbitt
  11. Jihad Watch highlights pro-Jihad activists in Boston screaming at a pro-Israel activist
  12. Legal Insurrection covers polling showing the failure of the “America is racist” crowd
  13. Moonbattery features a profile on COVID hypocrisy
  14. Nocturnal Lives lists all the books he’s written, which, strangely, I did not realize all these years with the blog on my feedreader. I’ll be checking them out since I love science fiction, you should too
  15. And last, but not least, Pacific Pundit features AOC whining that she’s taller than Marjorie Taylor Greene

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Sleepy Joe Walks Back His Infrastructure Comments Or Something

Generally, when a politician walks something back it’s because they told their version of the truth, they said what they believe, and are now trying to make up Excuses

Biden: Infrastructure vow was not intended to be veto threat

spite house Aiming to preserve a fragile bipartisan deal on infrastructure, President Joe Biden endorsed it “without hesitation” Saturday, walking back from a threat to veto it if Congress also didn’t pass an even larger package to expand the social safety net.

Biden said he didn’t mean to suggest in earlier remarks that he would veto the nearly $1 trillion infrastructure bill unless Congress also passed a broader package of investments that he and fellow Democrats aim to approve along party lines, the two together totaling some $4 trillion.

Speaking on Thursday moments after fulfilling his hopes of reaching a bipartisan accord, Biden appeared to put the deal in jeopardy with his comment that the infrastructure bill would have to move in “tandem” with the larger bill.

Yeah, that’s what he did mean to say. He gave comments to this effect multiple times Thursday. Even his dementia wouldn’t mean he did not mean what he said

By Saturday, Biden was seeking to clarify those comments, after his top negotiators Steve Ricchetti and Louisa Terrell worked to assure senators that Biden remained enthusiastic about the deal.

“My comments also created the impression that I was issuing a veto threat on the very plan I had just agreed to, which was certainly not my intent,” Biden said in a statement.

“I intend to pursue the passage of that plan, which Democrats and Republicans agreed to on Thursday, with vigor,” Biden added. “It would be good for the economy, good for our country, good for our people. I fully stand behind it without reservation or hesitation.”

Senate Republicans should demand an immediate vote on it, see if Joe and the Senate Democrats will go for that. A straight line vote on passage, without amendments, without adding pork (more pork), without adding Joe “people infrastructure” stuff back in. Of course, Pelosi and other House Democrats are saying they will add all that stuff back in and then want it passed during reconciliation of the House and Senate versions passed (merging them), by the voting method of reconciliation, if you know what I mean. Will Joe go for that, or stick by his walked back words on passage of the original bipartisan version?

Biden was set to travel on Tuesday to Wisconsin for the first stop on a nationwide tour to promote the infrastructure package, the White House said.

Where he will walk back his walked back comments, most likely, in order to placate his unhinged voting base

The two measures were always expected to move together through Congress: the bipartisan plan and a second bill that would advance under special rules allowing for passage solely with majority Democrats votes and is now swelling to $6 trillion. Biden reiterated that was his plan on Saturday, but said he was not conditioning one on the other.

“So to be clear,” his statement said, “our bipartisan agreement does not preclude Republicans from attempting to defeat my Families Plan; likewise, they should have no objections to my devoted efforts to pass that Families Plan and other proposals in tandem.”

That doesn’t really sound like he was walking anything back, does it? It sounds like he’s setting it up for voting on both, and see why one will fly.

Read: Sleepy Joe Walks Back His Infrastructure Comments Or Something »

Surprise: Scammers Looking To Scam COVID Passport Users

This would be a minor problem if the digital passports were originally positioned as something very simple, but, right from the get go the Big Government folks pushing them wanted them to be more than just a simple name and vaccination record

Scammers are looking to exploit digital vaccine records, officials warn

The push to obtain digital proof of vaccination provides an opportunity for scammers, consumer protection experts warn.

“The consumers are confused, and the scammers know it,” Steve McFarland, president and CEO of the Los Angeles/Silicon Valley chapter of the Better Business Bureau, told Yahoo News.

The BBB has seen an uptick in calls from people facing scams regarding their online vaccination records.

“What’s going on is that [scammers are] claiming that you can sign up for a QR code, maybe some type of a verification with them, and all you gotta do is pay a fee,” McFarland said. “Two, three weeks ago, we had people that were sending pictures of their vaccination card over social media, and of course that was giving your private information over the net, and scammers were jumping all over that.”

Well, you are a fool if you uploaded your vax card to social media, as so many did to virtue signal and even “to own the cons.” And some, let’s be honest, because they have to upload everything, including the cup of coffee they got this morning.

But while the digital version has its advantages, setting it up also presents security risks. Several bogus apps have sprung up in recent months, seeking to lure people into entering their personal financial information.

“They want to do it right now before you have time to think about it, before you have any time to do any investigation,” cybersecurity expert Matt Malone told Yahoo News. “The best thing a user can do to stop from getting scammed is take a breath.”

The best thing would have been for Los Federales setting up something simple that provided no personal information other than name and vaccination record. Nothing else. No social, no date of birth, no address. The last two can be used behind the scenes with strong security behind the scenes, perhaps using the, yes, I know, bad, IRS records, since they already have them. And it could be linked in to your COVID tests, if you have to take one (like I took the other week when I got a cold). But, no, Democrats wanted to make the digital vaccine passports about way more.

New York is currently the only state issuing digital COVID-19 vaccine records through a state-run app. But other states, such as Hawaii and California, have partnered with private companies to create something similar.

Are Hawaii and California having the companies develop, or run? Should those companies be given your private data?

An example of a private company issuing digital vaccine records is GoGotVax, which created VaxYes. Its site allows a person to securely input vaccination information for a digital record that can be added to an Apple Wallet or Android phone. The company said this could be useful for traveling, attending live events or returning to work.

And how safe is that? You want mine, I’ll show you a photo of my card.

“There’s scammers out there [saying], ‘Well, I can send ya over a vaccination card for $50. Just give me your credit card or some gift card information. I’ll do it for ya,’” McFarland said. “Well, people are doing it, and people call us complaining about it. That they wanted a card and they applied for a phony card — they admit it — but yet they want their money back.”

Some people are gullible. Let’s not forget, even the ACLU is concerned about them.

Read: Surprise: Scammers Looking To Scam COVID Passport Users »

Pirate's Cove