Toyota Wimps Out, Will No Longer Donate To Certain GOP Officials

Toyota was put in a lose-lose situation

Toyota changes stand, halts donations to election objectors

Toyota has reversed itself and now says its political action committee will no longer contribute to the Republican legislators who voted against certifying Joe Biden’s presidential election victory.

The move by the Japanese automaker comes after a social media backlash over the contributions, including threats to stop buying the company’s vehicles.

“We understand that the PAC decision to support select members of Congress who contested the results troubled some stakeholders,” Toyota said in a statement Thursday. “We are actively listening to our stakeholders, and at this time, have decided to stop contributing to those members of Congress who contested the certification of certain states in the 2020 election.”

Last week the website Axios reported that Toyota led companies in donations to the 147 members of Congress who voted in January against certifying election results on the false grounds that the election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump. (snip)

The company took input from employees and government officials, Vazin said. But the most important factor was customer feedback, he said. “That really drives our decision making,” he said.

Well, Republicans purchase quite a few vehicles from Toyota, too, so, now they will be facing lost sales from those consumers going elsewhere. Now that Toyota has given in to the Online Outrage Mobs, they will be susceptible to more blackmail from the unhinged online.

Oh, hey, just wondering if Toyota will donate to the Democrats who spread the Russia Russia Russia hoax for four years?

Read: Toyota Wimps Out, Will No Longer Donate To Certain GOP Officials »

Aussie Court Declares Government Must Protect Young Snowflakes From Bad Weather

The Australian government should stop by turning off the power to the court, taking away all their fossil fueled

Australian government must protect young people from climate crisis harm, court declares

Australia’s federal court has formally declared the nation’s environment minister has a “duty to take reasonable care” that young people won’t be harmed or killed by carbon dioxide emissions if she approves a coalmine expansion, in a judgment that could have wider implications for fossil fuel projects.

In the federal court case, brought by eight schoolchildren and an octogenarian nun, Justice Mordecai Bromberg on Thursday also ordered the minister pay all costs.

The judge had indicated he would make a declaration during the case in May, when he rejected a request by the children to issue an injunction blocking Whitehaven Coal’s plans to expand its Vickery coalmine project near Boggabri, New South Wales.

Climate campaigners said there should be “no moral, legal or rational way” environment minister Sussan Ley could now approve the project.

Bromberg declared that when the minister makes her decision over the coalmine, she has a duty “to take reasonable care” to “avoid causing personal injury or death” to Australian residents under 18 “arising from emissions of carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere”.

“We are delighted that the law of the land now states that the government has a duty to avoid causing harm to young people,” said Anj Sharma, a 16-year-old Melbourne student and one of the eight children supported in court by Sister Brigid Arthur.

So, when is the government going to stop using fossil fueled vehicles? When will they make sure the kids live like it’s the 1500’s?

Sharma said the “historic ruling” would make it harder for politicians “to continue to approve large-scale fossil fuel projects that will only fast-track the climate crisis.”

Enjoy your fast rising energy prices, Aussie’s, thanks to a silly judge.

Read: Aussie Court Declares Government Must Protect Young Snowflakes From Bad Weather »

If All You See…

…is a field far away from the big cities that would be perfect for an ugly solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on the LGBT movement being rather homophobic.

Read: If All You See… »

ABC News Upset Over Conservatives Pouncing On Sending People Door To Door For Vaccines

Now, just imagine it was Donald Trump still in office, and he and his press secretary said they were going to send people door to doo

See, they aren’t particularly concerned with the legality of sending people door to door, only Conservatives pouncing. From the link

President Joe Biden’s push to enlist volunteers, including local doctors and pastors, to go “literally knocking on doors” to encourage vaccinations in some states sparked an outcry this week among conservatives, who mischaracterized the effort as the deployment of government agents to strong-arm reluctant Americans.

“I would say, for those individuals, organizations that are feeding misinformation and trying to mischaracterize this type of ‘trusted messenger’ work, I believe you are doing a disservice to the country and to the doctors, the faith leaders, community leaders and others who are working to get people vaccinated, save lives, and help end this pandemic,” Biden’s COVID coordinator, Jeff Zients, said. (snip)

“We need to go to community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood and, often times, door-to-door, literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden said.

Dementia Joe and Jenn Psaki both literally both said that “we” were going to send people door to door. But, you know the Credentialed Media has to protect him, and help with all the spin due to Joe saying something dumb yet again. Where is the “distortion” or mischaracterization?

But, now, consider, what is the legality of giving private, personal, protected information on U.S. Citizens to “community volunteers”, much less other government employees? This cannot be legal, nor is it ethical. Where would this data be coming from? As far as I can determine, state information on who has been vaccinated is not shared with the federal government, other than the number of people who have been vaccinated. By what law would the state give your vaccine status to the federal government? By what law is it legal to scroll through the database of citizens for this information? You would have to compare the rolls of the vaccinated with those who aren’t. Where? What? Tax rolls?

Read: ABC News Upset Over Conservatives Pouncing On Sending People Door To Door For Vaccines »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Made Heat Wave 150 Times More Likely Or Something

Of course this is being Blamed on anthropogenic climate change

Climate change made North America’s deadly heatwave 150 times more likely

The devastating heatwave that struck parts of Canada and the United States late last month would have been extremely unlikely without global warming, researchers have concluded.

The chance of temperatures in the Pacific Northwest region coming close to 50 °C has increased at least 150-fold since the end of the nineteenth century, found a rapid analysis conducted in response to the heatwave.

“This heatwave would have been virtually impossible without the influence of human-caused climate change,” says Sjoukje Philip, a climate scientist at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) in De Bilt and a co-author of the analysis. “It was probably still a rare event, but if global warming might exceed two degrees, it might occur every five to ten years in the future.” (snip)

A group of 27 scientists with the World Weather Attribution (WWA) project rushed to analyse whether global warming had influenced the likelihood of such an intense heatwave occurring in the region.

Their analysis reveals an unambiguous footprint of human-caused climate change. The team compared the observed heat with maximum daily temperatures predicted by climate models, including simulations of temperatures in an atmosphere unaltered by the effect of rising greenhouse-gas concentrations. They concluded that the global average temperature increase of 1.2 °C since pre-industrial times made the extreme heatwave at least 150 times more likely to happen.

You had to know this was coming, right? You knew they were going to blame the big heat wave solely on human activities.

Ancient ostrich eggshell reveals new evidence of extreme climate change thousands of years ago

Evidence from an ancient eggshell has revealed important new information about the extreme climate change faced by human early ancestors.

The research shows parts of the interior of South Africa that today are dry and sparsely populated, were once wetland and grassland 250,000 to 350,000 years ago, at a key time in human evolution.


Climate change altered the size of human bodies

The average body size of humans has fluctuated significantly over the last million years and is linked to a changing climate, according to research published Thursday.

A team of researchers led by the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom and the University of Tübingen in Germany gathered measurements of brain and body size for more than 300 fossils from the Homo genus or family, to which modern day humans — Homo sapiens — belong.

The team used this data, combined with a reconstruction of the Earth’s regional climates from the last million years, and calculated the climate that would have been experienced by each fossil when it was a living human.

So, what caused that climate change? And why is the Modern Warm Period different from those periods? And different from multiple Holocene warm periods, which were warmer than today? Oh, right, they have Reasons. Which pseudo-religious cults always do. Rather like they blamed the big cold snap in Texas over the winter on “human activities.” Because it’s a cult.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Made Heat Wave 150 Times More Likely Or Something »

Sleepy Joe To Sign EO Going After “Monopolies”

Monopolies can, at times, be a force for good. They can also be a big problem. Look at ones like Facebook and Google….oh, wait

Biden’s assault on monopolies launches Friday

Biden Brain SlugThe White House is scheduled to issue an executive order Friday to promote competition throughout the U.S. economy in the most ambitious effort in generations to reduce the stranglehold of monopolies and concentrated markets in major industries.

The order — whose details POLITICO first reported last week — marks a major push by President Joe Biden’s administration to focus on competition as part of the economic recovery from the pandemic. It also offers a response to progressives’ criticisms that the federal government has focused too much on supporting banks and other corporations without concern about the effect on consumers, who have watched their choices dwindle over the years.

Biden plans to sign the order at 1:30 p.m., the White House said.

The order’s impacts could be felt in industries including agriculture, airlines, health, broadband and banking. Previously unreported elements include a provision urging the Federal Communications Commission to reinstate its Obama-era net neutrality rules, as well as a call for financial regulators to allow data sharing among financial companies.

Over the past week, the White House has trickled out information on various aspects of the order and how it will encourage greater consumer protections and competition.

In other words, this is just some virtue signaling by Sleepy Joe, throwing a bone to his unhinged Moonbat Progressive base, because it doesn’t actually do anything, and doesn’t touch on the actual monopolies in the tech industry. Dementia Joe is just trying to insert himself in a few choice businesses. While there are certainly some really big banks, airlines, broadband providers, and agriculture companies, none are really monopolies.

The order is expected to include initiatives such as forcing airlines to refund fees to passengers who receive shoddy Wi-Fi service or baggage handling; restricting businesses’ ability to foist noncompete agreements on employees; challenging occupational licensing requirements that limit competition in industries like health care; and guaranteeing farmers and motorists the right to repair their own vehicles without voiding warranty protections. The last provision would also have implications for consumer products like Apple’s iPhones.

Seriously? Shoddy wifi or baggage handling? That’s his “monopoly” stuff? Good luck on the warranty stuff. An EO has no force of law when people are signing legal contracts in the private sector. Also, the non-compete stuff is interesting, since Democrats are mostly against “right to work” states.

Top White House officials said the order seeks to ensure small businesses and consumers have access to fair markets.

“The overarching objective with the executive order is to make sure the president is encouraging competition in industries around the country,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Thursday.

But, Joe can’t make it happen. It’s just an EO. What about the monopoly of government?

While the White House can command executive branch agencies like the departments of Transportation and Agriculture to take action, the order styles its directions as “suggestions” to avoid the appearance the administration is inappropriately seeking to direct independent agencies like the FCC or FTC. That could avoid the kind of blowback that Trump faced when he pressed both agencies to crack down on social media companies.

But, the EO can get agencies to harass private companies, just not the ones that are a big problem, like social media ones. The rest of the article details how the EO will see executive office agencies pass more and more arbitrary rules, inserting the federal government into more and more businesses.

Read: Sleepy Joe To Sign EO Going After “Monopolies” »

Becerra: The Government Now Owns You, Take Your Vaccine

Now, why would anyone be concerned about creeping Fascism?

Read: Becerra: The Government Now Owns You, Take Your Vaccine »

Ann Arbor’s Mayor Totally Up For Million Dollar Tax Increase

Christopher Taylor, the mayor of Ann Arbor is a Democrat. “Ann Arbor currently has a 90%-Democratic City Council and a Democratic Mayor. Some look skeptically on this fact, noting that two previous Democratic Party-identified Council-members, Marcia Higgins and Stephen Rapundalo, ran for office as Republicans, and Jane Lumm the current independent Council member also ran as a Republican.” I think we can easily assume that the city leans overwhelmingly Democrat, right? So, they would have no problem paying more in taxes themselves, right?

Ann Arbor’s mayor seeks 1-mill tax increase to fight climate change

Ann Arbor’s mayor is seeking to battle climate change by proposing an ambitious 20-year tax increase plan to help the city transition to carbon neutrality and renewable energy.

Mayor Christopher Taylor presented the Community Climate Action Millage plan to city council members on Tuesday evening, indicating the 1-mill property tax increase plan would raise between $130 to $150 million over the life of the millage. An estimated $6.5 million would be raised in the first year.

If approved by the city council, the millage would be placed on the Ann Arbor ballot in November. The proposal seeks to follow President Joe Biden’s lead on tackling climate change issues that have caused flooding, increased tornadoes, hurricanes and erratic weather patterns, Taylor said Wednesday.

“Achieving carbon neutrality is a moral imperative, and we need to do everything that we can and do our part,” he said. “We also need to provide new programs and services to everyday residents that respond to the climate change that is already here and the climate change that’s going to be accelerating if we don’t take meaningful action as a society.”

If it’s a moral imperative, surely the city council will pass it and the citizens will approve it, right? If so, what’s your guess on how many move outside the city limits to avoid paying it? And will the mayor and city council members move? Or, just exempt themselves?

“Climate change is the critical issue of our time. It is an existential issue that we are facing as a human race,” said Ann Arbor council member Jen Eyer, who supports the plan. “It’s going to take a big investment in order to implement it. In order to do that, we need to have the funding to do it.”

I’ve added an event to my calendar to follow up and see if this passes in November. Also, if it’s so critical, why are they not banning fossil fueled vehicles in the city? Funny how Warmists love to jump to taxes.

Read: Ann Arbor’s Mayor Totally Up For Million Dollar Tax Increase »

If All You See…

…are horrible guns necessary because ‘climate change’ causes war, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a study saying you cannot have capitalism and stop climate change.

Read: If All You See… »

You Know How We Can Solve “Gun Violence”? With Lots Of Money Or Something

It’s totally proven to have worked in the past, you know. So they say

There’s a Proven Way to Reduce Gun Violence in America’s Cities. We Just Need to Fund It

More than 141 people were shot in our hometowns of Oakland, Chicago, and New York City over the July 4th weekend. The shooting victims included a 6-year old girl and her mother in the West Pullman neighborhood of Chicago, a 16-year old boy shot in the head from nearby celebratory gunfire in Oakland, and a 38-year old man checking his car for a flat tire in Queens, New York.

This staggering weekend of violence isn’t an outlier; based on an already difficult year and the violence trends we’ve seen, this could be one of the deadliest summers on record for gun violence. These tragedies and the certainty of more to come prompted Governor Cuomo of New York to declare a state of emergency around gun violence on July 6. It’s no exaggeration to say our country is in crisis. But to meet this moment, America can’t simply police our way out of the bloodshed, as the current national conversation on violence seems to suggest. Instead, we should learn from past failures and—as President Biden said in his recent speech on gun violence earlier—invest in what works: community violence intervention (CVI) programs that actually address the cycle of intergenerational poverty, violence, and trauma that drives gun violence.

The weird part is how this is all happening in areas in Democratic Party run cities. In Oakland, every single council member is a Democrat. In Chicago, every one is a Democrat except for four independents. In New York City, all but three of fifty one are Democrats (2 districts are still vacant). The mayors are all Democrats. And this has been like this for over 50 years.

The pandemic has exacerbated this vicious cycle. With economic instability on the rise, mental health and substance use struggles skyrocketing, and Americans increasingly disengaged from school and work, homicide rates in our biggest cities increased by 30%. As with COVID-19, this gun violence has taken a disproportionate toll on Black and brown communities. Even before last year, gun violence was the leading cause of death for young Black men, claiming as many lives as the next nine causes combined; now, it’s likely more.

The leading cause for the deaths of young black men are other young black men, let’s be utterly clear about that, since the article from Time Magazine left that part out. Why was this not happening in white areas? Why is it not happening in the suburbs and areas run by Republicans, who certainly have a lot of legally owned guns and ammunition?

For years, the enforcement-first policing and punitive criminal justice policies currently being proposed have hurt the same Black and brown people most affected by gun violence, leading to high rates of incarceration and excessive uses of force. Rather than reducing violence by building trust between law enforcement and residents, these policies reinforce it by hollowing out communities of economic opportunity, family supports, and a sense of safety.

Uh huh

Maybe don’t go soft on criminals. How about corporal punishment? How about making the criminals do hard time, whereby they don’t get to sit around in jail all day but are taken out and put to work on road gangs and such? How about looking at the conditions in Democratic Party run cities which lead to all the crime. These young men are not worried about family. And there’s little to no economic opportunity in the reservations Democrats have created in their cities. Unless we’re talking about looting Walgreen’s, Targets, Neiman Marcus, and other stores. With no worry about being arrested.

There’s a better way. If we want to stop gun violence, we can’t just turn the wheel back to the enforcement-first playbook of the past, we have to break the cycle of trauma that’s driving it. Based on our combined decades of experience working on this issue, here’s what we know: the most effective way to do that is by funding CVI programs that reduce violence and the harms of the criminal justice system at the same time.

They haven’t worked well in the past, and, don’t want to be harmed by the criminal justice system? Don’t commit a crime. Regardless, Democrats switched from their use of the KKK, property covenants, Jim Crow, and open segregation to sticking blacks in urban plantations, saying they are helping them with food stamps, government housing, etc. Just a different form of racism from Democrats.

Read: You Know How We Can Solve “Gun Violence”? With Lots Of Money Or Something »

Pirate's Cove