WWIII Watch: North Korean Troops Fight In Ukraine For First Time

While we’re waiting for the supposed reprisal from Iran, which will mean Israel will retaliate, what’s going on in Ukraine?

North Korea Enters Ukraine Fight for First Time, Officials Say

North Korean troops have entered the fight in Russia’s war against Ukraine, clashing for the first time with Ukrainian forces who are occupying a large chunk of Russia’s Kursk region, according to a senior Ukrainian official and a senior U.S. official.

The engagement was limited, the Ukrainian official said, and likely meant to probe the Ukrainian lines for weaknesses. The North Koreans fought together with Russia’s 810 Separate Naval Infantry Brigade, the official said.

It was unclear when the fighting took place. The Ukrainian official offered no details about casualties, but the U.S. official said a significant number of North Korean troops were killed. Both officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to share sensitive military information.

The North Korean troops are part of what Ukrainian and Western officials estimate to be a contingent of about 10,000 soldiers sent by the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, to bolster Russian forces trying to dislodge the Ukrainians from the Kursk region. Ukraine’s forces currently hold about 250 square miles there after an incursion that began last summer.

Well, obviously, the US needs to send tens of billions more in cash and weapons to Ukraine. They aren’t doing more then holding the Russians off, but, the big wigs and politicians in Ukraine are seeing their bank balances grow.

In his nightly address, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine seemed to confirm that North Korean forces had entered the fight, and he called on Ukraine’s allies to assist in confronting this new threat.

“The first battles with North Korean soldiers mark a new chapter of global instability,” he said. “Together with the world, we must do everything to ensure that this Russian step toward expanding the war — this true escalation — becomes a loss.”

Will it escalate, though? There’s not much in the European press about Ukraine, including this. It’s not topline news. The EU leaders aren’t calling for dumping more weapons into Ukraine. They aren’t making speeches. Perhaps the concern for Ukraine is waning? Right now it’s just a stalemate, and the longer it goes on the greater the chance of escalation that drags NATO in.

Read: WWIII Watch: North Korean Troops Fight In Ukraine For First Time »

Trump Wins

What else needs to be said? He still has a shot at Michigan (95% counted), Nevada (89%), and Arizona (63%), with a slight lead in each one.

Read: Trump Wins »

Weird: Key World Leaders Planning To Skip Next Climate (cult) Conference

Perhaps all of them should, since the fossil fueled travel of 30,000 Warmists to the far flung nation of Azerbaijan is not inconsequential per cult doctrine, eh?

Leaders from key countries to skip COP29 climate summit

World leaders from major economies including the United States, the European Union and Brazil are planning to skip this year’s United Nations climate change summit, known as COP29, in Baku, Azerbaijan.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will not attend the COP29 climate summit because of political developments in Brussels, a Commission spokesperson told Reuters on Tuesday.

There, EU lawmakers are vetting the members of her new European Commission, who will lead EU policymaking for the next five years.

U.S. President Joe Biden will also not travel to the event, a Biden administration source told Reuters. COP29 begins on Nov. 11, a few days after the U.S. presidential election.

Well, really, would they want Dementia Joe around? We’ve barely seen him since he dropped out of the race, and what we have seen has not been good. He’s lost. It’s sad, really.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva already cancelled his trip to COP29 following a head injury last month. (snip)

China, Japan, Australia and Mexico are also absent from the U.N.’s latest agenda for leaders’ speeches at COP29.

Yeah, but, really, the US and the rest will be send large amounts of people to COP29 on the taxpayer dime, all looking to create a way to institute more and more government power on the peasants.

Read: Weird: Key World Leaders Planning To Skip Next Climate (cult) Conference »

If All You See…

…is a torrential downpour due to Other People refusing to ride the bus, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on words to remember when voting.

Read: If All You See… »

North Carolina Looks To Change Constitution To Make Sure Non-Citizens Cannot Vote Locally

Democrat cheaters and illegals hardest hit

Citizen-only voting amendment on the ballot for NC voters

Americans before illegalsNorth Carolina voters are being asked to approve a constitutional amendment this year that would reaffirm existing state rules that ban non-citizens from voting.

Supporters of the amendment have, for the most part, acknowledged it wouldn’t change anything in practice. Many say it’s simply needed to show continued support for the idea that only citizens should vote in elections. Others say they believe the new language is a more legally solid way of wording the rules, in case it gets challenged in a future court case. They’ve cited examples of a handful of cities in other states that let non-citizens vote in local races such as city council or school board.

Some opponents of the amendment say it risks spreading misinformation by tricking voters into thinking non-citizens can vote in North Carolina. Other opponents say that the way it’s worded could potentially lead to the future disenfranchisement of people who became U.S. citizens by being born here to parents who are citizens of other countries. That right of birthright citizenship is guaranteed in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but some Republican politicians including Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have said they want to get rid of it.

The North Carolina constitution currently says: “Every person born in the United States and every person who has been naturalized, 18 years of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article, shall be entitled to vote” in the state’s elections.

If the amendment passes, it would change that language to instead say: “Only a citizen of the United States who is 18 years of age and otherwise possessing the qualifications for voting shall be entitled to vote at any election in this State.”

This would restrict any who are not citizens, including those who are here on work and school visas, from voting, and it is primarily aimed at local and county elections. Sure, on the surface it seems that the original version stops them from the get go, but

(NC Newsline) Wake Forest University professor John Dinan, who specializes in state constitutions, wrote in an email that the bill will have no effect on federal elections, such as presidential and congressional races, where federal law explicitly prohibits noncitizens from voting. The only question is whether there exists any ambiguity in North Carolina law, which courts currently understand to prohibit noncitizens from participating in state and local elections.

Proponents say the change is needed to prevent future reinterpretations of the current constitution that could open the door to state and local voting by noncitizens. Opponents say the existing language is unequivocal, and that the proposed change only serves to raise anti-immigrant fervor and deter legal voters from participating in elections.

Yeah, well, in other states Democrat run cities have figured out a way to allow non-citizens to vote despite similar language in their state laws/Constitution. Consider that 72.4% of Democrats in NC are polling for passage. In the NC House 32 Dems voted for this, 12 against, and 4 were not-voting. In the Senate 10 for, 4 against, 6 not-voting.

This amendment simply tightens the existing amendment up, making sure there is no wiggle room. If you aren’t a citizen, you do not vote. Period. This is a pre-emptive strike against the far left who would look to try letting non-citizens vote in local elections. One would think this would not happen in NC, even in far, far, far left Asheville, but, with all the Northern carpetbaggers moving here to escape the terrible policies they supported up north, you never know if they’ll do the same down here. There are many hardcore Progressive groups, such as Carolina Forward, Common Cause North Carolina, Democracy North Carolina, and, surprise, Carolina Migrant Network and El Pueblo. Both of those groups support illegal aliens/migrants.

We have a joke: if you don’t like the way we do things in NC, 95 and 85 go north and south. 40 goes west. Pick a direction.

Many states, including lefty Colorado and California, have Constitutions that say the same thing. And California cities still try to let non-citizens vote. Iowa, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Idaho, South Carolina, Missouri, and Oklahoma are trying the same thing this year.

Read: North Carolina Looks To Change Constitution To Make Sure Non-Citizens Cannot Vote Locally »

European Media Shocked ‘Climate Change’ Not A Major Election Issue

Well, Hotcoldwetdry is becoming a bigger issue in Europe as of late, but, it’s over reducing the government control over citizen’s lives via the scam

Climate change was a major US election issue in 2020. Why has it taken a back seat in 2024?

The next month could be make or break for global climate action. On 5 November, the US will vote for who becomes the next president. Shortly after, world leaders will meet for COP29 in Baku to take part in vital international climate talks. (whining about CO2 output, while the EU forces the peasants into EVs and on trains while the Elites travel in fossil fueled private jets and limos)

Neither candidate has tapped into this urgency on the campaign trail, however – even after the deadly consequences of climate change-fueled weather wrought havoc in swing states over the last few months. (only the cultists believe Helene and Milton were because Other People drove fossil fueled vehicles)

Despite this, the 2024 election is a stark contrast to 2020 when climate was a major ballot issue, shooting to the top of the key concerns list for US voters.

This time around climate change has instead taken a back seat to other issues like the economy, immigration and foreign policy.

Does anyone remember that? I don’t, and I pay attention to this stuff, obviously. I remember it being about COVID and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Polling suggests that climate change has become less of a deciding factor for many voters during this election than it was in 2020.

It ranks low on the list of major ballot issues for the 2024 election, according to Pew Research Center data. A survey of registered voters released at the beginning of September found that overall, 37 per cent said it was “very important” to their vote.

But there were wide differences between those who support Harris and those who support Trump. Just 11 per cent of Trump supporters said it was very important to their vote compared to 62 per cent of Harris supporters. For Harris voters, that puts climate change in their top five major ballot issues.

More recent polling released in early October by Gallup found that of 22 key election issues, climate change was one of only two viewed by less than a majority of voters as extremely or very important to their presidential choice. Just 21 per cent said climate change was of the utmost importance to their vote.

Again, climate change does somewhat OK when things are going well. When things aren’t, people are less than concerned with a theoretical issue when compared to things that are actually happening, like much higher food and energy costs, which have outpaced any gains in wages. Seeing the stories of illegals/migrants streaming into the US through the wide open border and killing and raping citizens, turning areas into 3rd world crime markets, seeing vast sums of taxpayer funds spent on them. Seeing the war in Ukraine have the potential to become WWIII, and the poor response from the Biden-Harris admin after Hamas attacked Israeli citizens, after they gave Iran lots of cash. Seeing biological men on women’s sports teams, seeing them in the locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms of girls. And so much more. These are real.

Read: European Media Shocked ‘Climate Change’ Not A Major Election Issue »

Huh: Georgia Court Says Late Ballots Do Not Count

This infuriates Democrats who want to keep counting and counting and counting

Georgia Supreme Court rejects extension for late ballots in Dem heavy Cobb County

About 3,000 people who received their absentee ballots late in a heavily Democratic county in Georgia may not have their votes counted if they aren’t returned before polls close Tuesday.

The Georgia Supreme Court ruled Monday that the absentee ballots sent out late in Cobb County won’t get an extension granted by a lower court.

Last week, after foul-ups by Cobb County election officials caused delays, a lower-court judge ordered absentee ballots to be sent to voters by overnight delivery. He also ruled that ballots postmarked by Election Day would be counted if they arrive by 5 p.m. Friday.

But, in a 5-3 decision, the state’s highest court appeared to nullify that extension. In a brief order, Georgia’s highest court said ballots that come in after the normal 7 p.m. deadline Tuesday but before Friday afternoon won’t be counted, although they will be set aside and preserved, presumably to allow future litigation.

Interestingly, these voters can, in fact, go vote in person since the Democrat run voting district farked up. Fun fact: in 2000 28 of 29 Florida voting precincts with issues were run by Democrats. The other was Independent.

The Georgia Supreme Court ruling came at the request of Republicans seeking to maintain a firm deadline for the return of absentee ballots. In 2020, Cobb County — which includes the northwest Atlanta suburbs — favored Joe Biden over Donald Trump, 56 percent to 32 percent. Biden won the state by about 12,000 votes.

Civil rights groups who sued to seek relief for the impacted voters said those who received their ballots late should try to vote in person if feasible or to return their ballots by overnight mail.

See? They can go vote! What Politico and most Credentialed Media outlets are leaving out of their pieces is this

(Fox News) “Consistent with OCGA § 21-2-386, the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration (the ‘Board’) may count only those absentee ballots received by the statutory deadline of 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 5, 2024.” the order reads.

That’s what the law says. Don’t like the law? Change it. But, until then, it is the law. There must be law which establishes the rules, and they cannot just be changed on a whim. We saw way too much of this in 2020. How many votes came in that should never have been counted? That were not real?


(Breitbart) Several states, including some Democrat-run states plagued by Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots in 2020, have readied the National Guard in case violence breaks out on Election Day.

Washington Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee announced on Friday that he has activated some National Guard members to be on standby Monday to Thursday in case they need to assist local law enforcement. Seattle, Washington, was the home of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) that far-left rioters established after the death of George Floyd.

Oregon has the NG on standby. Portland is surging the police (well, those who are left). D.C. is likewise surging their police into certain areas (which will mean lots of crime elsewhere in the city). Why are they concerned? These are not Republican areas. Are they so concerned over a Trump will? Are they just getting ahead, or, are they seeing things that concern them about Cackle’s chances?

Read: Huh: Georgia Court Says Late Ballots Do Not Count »

Rolling Stone: The Polls Are Totally Wrong On The Importance Of Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

You stupid peasants need to stop believing your eyes with the polls that say the climate crisis (scam) isn’t as important as other issues. Those being polled have totally the wrong feelings on the subject (it’s paywalled pretty hard, you can read it at Yahoo)


Polls are underestimating the importance of climate change to the average American. Every election cycle, pollsters hone in on core issues top of mind for the American public. These topics can make or break the American family as parents are getting kids ready for school in the morning and trying to figure out how to pay their bills at night.

Traditionally, we call these “kitchen table” issues, and they encompass everything from the economy, to education, to housing, to health care. But this election season, our climate is driving decisions on where to live, how to consume, whether to rebuild, or even evacuate, for voters right now. What pollsters miss from their ranking of top issues is the fact that if we do not address climate change, every other major issue on the American mind will get worse.

The pollsters are not ranking the issues: the people who respond are the ones creating the rankings. And global boiling tends to be pretty low when compared with those kitchen table issues

Economic and scientific models paint a challenging future. In the era of the climate crisis, costs skyrocket as harvests fail from droughts and extreme heat. Insurance premiums explode as flood and fire risks become guarantees. Real estate values plummet as beach-front properties become submerged by the very beaches they once adorned. As climate change worsens, we can expect human health to take a toll from increased spread of infectious diseases, worsening air quality, and declining mental health from climate anxiety. We see a particular environmental justice burden on women, youth, and people of color, too.

I’m guessing their point is that climate doom is part and parcel of all these kitchen table issues, hence, Hotcoldwetdry is the most important issue!

As a leading progressive legislator and climate movement leader, we agree with that majority. Concepts of a plan are not enough when the American public is being berated with one climate disaster after the next. It is time to treat climate like the kitchen table issue it is, rather than confine it to the margins.

One of the screed writers is Ro Khanna (D-Ca), so, of course he’s excited to push this, as it increases government power. And he spends a few paragraphs pimping Kamala’s Modern Socialist agenda.

And that starts with changing our national discourse so that it truly reflects the reality of everyday Americans. Climate justice frames every other issue on the ballot this fall.

See? Every issue is really about climate doom

The tough decisions that climate change is forcing on American families are not an inevitability or an abstraction. They’re real, they’re ubiquitous, and they’re actively unfolding. We need to start legislating — and voting — accordingly.

But, mostly, legislating, regardless of what you peasants want.

Read: Rolling Stone: The Polls Are Totally Wrong On The Importance Of Hotcoldwetdry Or Something »

If All You See…

…is the need for an umbrella because ‘climate change’ creates sudden downpours, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Salon saying Trump is the devil.

Read: If All You See… »

Fences Work: Feds Start Putting Them Up In Washington, D.C.

Why put them up around the White House and VP residence? Biden and Harris have both stated that fences do not stop people from coming in

Security fencing goes up around White House, Capitol, VP residence

New security fencing went up around the White House, U.S. Capitol and Vice President Harris’s residence in Washington, D.C. as authorities prepare for Election Day in the event there may be political unrest in the coming days.

The Secret Service constructed eight-foot-high metal fences around the White House and Treasury Department complex and the adjacent parts of Lafayette Square, the Naval Observatory and Harris’s house in D.C., The Washington Post reported.

At the Capitol, previously used temporary bicycle-rack barriers stated “Police Line: Do not cross,” surrounding the perimeter.

Harris will spend Election Night at her alma mater, Howard University, in D.C. The Washington, D.C. Police Department said in a post Sunday that there will be street closures, no parking zones and transit detours for the surrounding area.

The DC police are taking more stringent measures to keep people away than Biden-Harris do at our Southern border. And, let’s be honest, the people most likely to get violent, to riot, to commit arson, and just general mayhem, are Harris supporters. Other than J6, you aren’t going to find Republicans doing this.

The Secret Service also have plans for physical security measures outside of the West Palm Beach, Fla. convention center where former President Trump will host an event on Election Night, the outlet reported.

Well, of course. That’s what they are supposed to do, especially since Democrats have already taken a couple shots (that we know about) at assassinating Trump, and there’s a good chance that Democrats will get violent and unruly if it looks like Trump will win.

Read: Fences Work: Feds Start Putting Them Up In Washington, D.C. »

Pirate's Cove