Pro-Hamas Supporters Vandalize NC State WWI Monument

I hope they catch these terrorist supporters and string them up by their Buster Browns

On cam: NC State Belltower livestream shows 2 people wearing black, vandalism

The Belltower at North Carolina State University has been vandalized.

The words ‘Gaza,’ ‘Rafah’ and ‘Free Palestine’ were sprayed around the base of the tower, surrounded by red painted hand prints.

Red paint was also dripping down the staircase. An employee from NC State sent a photo to WRAL News.

It happened not even two hours after midnight – striking the end of the Memorial Day holiday. The vandals used black paint to cross out the purpose of the Belltower – a tribute to the NC state alumni who died in World War One.

NC State broadcasts a live view of the Belltower at all times, and the feed can be viewed on YouTube. At around the 8:40 mark, two people wearing black can be seen walking around the tower’s base. They appear to be spraying paint on the tower.

The Belltower is a memorial to those who died in WWI who were from North Carolina. People who gave their lives for freedom from tyranny. These wackjobs desecrated it in support of hardcore Islamists.

Read: Pro-Hamas Supporters Vandalize NC State WWI Monument »

Ethics Scholar Looks At How Your Carbon Footprint Causes Conflict Or Something

Apparently, conflict and war never existed before fossil fueled vehicles

Columbia Theological Seminary ethics scholar looks at how climate change impacts conflict and violence

In addition to the existential threat that climate crisis poses, it’s also a factor in conflict and violence around the world, the Rev. Dr. Mark Douglas said earlier this month on “A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast.”

Douglas, Professor of Christian Ethics and Lead Professor of the Master of Theology degree at Columbia Theological Seminary, spoke to “A Matter of Faith” hosts Simon Doong and the Rev. Lee Catoe during a 54-minute episode of the podcast that can be heard here. Catoe and Doong posed this question: “We hear a lot about the impacts of climate change on things like loss of biodiversity and weather changes, but are there more human impacts such as increased likelihood of conflict or violence?”

Douglas said he first became interested in how climate change can lead to conflict and violence when he heard a retired admiral interviewed on NPR about security considerations related to climate change. “I thought, I hadn’t heard of anybody in my guild, Christian ethics or religious ethics more broadly, talk about climate change and security issues. I thought, here’s a place where maybe there’s a niche for me,” Douglas said. “What I discovered was entire new fields of study with which I was not familiar.”

How about studying the Bible, rather than joining a doomsday cult? The good Reverend does realize that there were plenty of big wars during the Little Ice Age, right? And during the Dark Ages? There is no existential threat from ‘climate change’.

The first causative impact on security issues and violence driven by climate issues was the El Niño system that began hitting Central America and its neighbors in the early 2000s and returned last year. “This was the first bit of evidence we had, that there is a causative impact on security issues and violence driven by climate issues,” he said.

El Nino is a naturally occurring weather phenomenon that has been going on for a long time.

Climate change also has exacerbated or contributed to conflict, he said. His work suggests “that environmental degradation, climate change, the catastrophic loss of biodiversity and the exponential growth of pollutants, including toxic pollutants, are not only having impacts on human activity, they’re reshaping how we understand the world around us,” Douglas said. To put it another way: “Environmental issues are not only in this new age we’re entering into going to be issues about which we think, they’re going to be lenses through which we make sense of other issues.”

Well, he has the cult talking points down.

There’s also “a theological claim we would want to make: Somehow God is still working providentially, and our confidence in what God does ought to look like a willingness to have and raise children into God’s future,” Douglas said. “It’s an expression of faithful confidence in God in the face of a lot of change, recognizing that the world has always undergone change and, in the middle of it, we’re better off than most people in history.”

The church “has to pay attention to displacement, primarily refuges, and how we understand resources and questions of scarcity,” Douglas said. “As Christians, we don’t start with control and scarcity to take advantage and control markets. We start with the goodness of Creation and a sense of God’s abundance in which there is enough and go from there.”

I’m confident that God doesn’t want His representatives joining a cult.

Read: Ethics Scholar Looks At How Your Carbon Footprint Causes Conflict Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a bright blue sky from carbon pollution causing drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on a judge ruling on religious freedom over economic freedom.

Read: If All You See… »

Schadenfreude: Citizens Of SCNY Say Their Quality Of Life Affected By All The Illegals

Why are Comrades in Sanctuary City New York complaining? They wanted this. They voted for this. They advocate for this. Now they got it. They should be happy that the city has at least 656,000 illegal aliens

New Yorkers’ Quality of Life Hit by Migrant Crisis

A majority of New Yorkers believe that the arrival of tens of thousands of migrants to the city since April 2022 has now turned into a full-blown crisis, according to a recent poll for Newsweek, with many saying their presence is impacting their quality of life.

Nearly half of respondents (45 percent) to a Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll conducted on behalf of Newsweek between May 12 and 14 said that the large number of migrants now living in New York City had “a significant amount” of impact on the quality of life for permanent residents. Some 30 percent said they had “a fair amount” of impact and 17 percent said their impact equated to “a small amount,” while only 8 percent believed it had no impact at all.

More than 180,000 migrants have passed through New York City since the spring of 2022, according to city officials, with most coming from countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and a smaller percentage having made their way to the U.S. from China and countries in Africa.

SCNY’s Comptroller said there were around 476k back in 2019. So, 656K. Of course, what of between 2019 and 2022?

While New Yorkers have been welcoming of migrants, trying to face up to a growing emergency, the city’s efforts to meet the flow of new arrivals and provide shelter for all have been costly and tiresome—and the poll shows they’re taking a toll on residents.

Welcoming, as long as they are Over There in some other section of SCNY, or, better yet, another city. Or state.

Some 64 percent of New York City residents responding to our poll agreed that the city is facing a migrant crisis, whereas only 11 percent thought that wasn’t the case.

Yeah, well, they should try visiting border towns one day to see the full effect of their beliefs.

Some 41 percent believed that the increased number of migrants in the city was having a significant impact on its crime rate. Some 31 percent said the impact was “fair,” 18 percent said it was “small” and 10 percent said the presence of migrants had no impact at all on the New York City crime rate. The poll was conducted among 974 eligible voters in New York.

But the data coming from the city’s authorities do not entirely back up their beliefs.

According to the latest data from the New York Police Department, the city saw reductions in overall crime through the first quarter of 2024. As of March, murder was down 19.4 percent, burglary dropped by 17.4 percent and grand larceny decreased by 7 percent compared to a year earlier. Felony assault was up 5.5 percent and robbery was unchanged.

All those stupid peasants should stop believing their stupid eyes as they witness all the issues the illegals bring. Their Betters know better.

Read: Schadenfreude: Citizens Of SCNY Say Their Quality Of Life Affected By All The Illegals »

PRC Looks To Now Ban Reusable Plastic Bags

It’s always something new with these Progressives

California lawmakers vote to ban ‘reusable’ plastic bags from grocery stores

California lawmakers have voted to do away with reusable plastic bags after the elimination of single-use plastic bags failed to reduce plastic pollution.

“California’s original ban on plastic bags hasn’t worked out as planned, and sadly, the state’s plastic bag waste has increased dramatically since it went into effect,” said Sen. Catherine Blakespear, the bill’s author, in a statement. “California must do its part to eliminate this scourge that is contaminating our environment.”

On Tuesday, California lawmakers in the State Senate and the State Assembly voted to approve two identical bills which would restrict grocery stores and retailers from offering thicker, “reusable” bags made out of plastic film to customers.

SB 1053 and AB 2236 would permit grocery stores to sell other types of reusable bags made of cloth, woven textile or other washable textile that can carry at least 22 pounds for at least 300 uses. It also allows for paper bags with at least 50% recycled paper content to be sold for at least 10 cents apiece to customers.

Oh, good, there will just be more paper bags, which generally do not have the strength for handles. And cloth ones that rarely get washed. Granted, I’m not a big fan of regular plastic bags, but, I reuse the heck out of them. And have much thicker ones for when I go to Lidl, and Aldi occasionally. Progressives, though, just love to micromanage everything.

However, the move to reduce plastic pollution failed, as customers treated the thicker “reusable” plastic bags as disposable. California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) reported a roughly 47% jump in plastic bag waste tonnage since 2014, despite the ban on single-use shopping bags.

Well, huh. One would think that all the Leftist voters who all care about ‘climate change’ and stuff would be doing their part to reduce plastic waste.

Read: PRC Looks To Now Ban Reusable Plastic Bags »

Canada Pledges To Bring In More Terrorist Supporters After Rafalah

I have to wonder if the Canadian people are down with the plan of the Elites to bring in more terrorist from Gaza

Canada pledges more visas for Gazans, says it’s ‘horrified’ by Israeli attack in Rafah

unintended consequencesCanada said on Monday it will issue visas to 5,000 Gazans, more than it originally pledged, and said it was “horrified” by an Israeli airstrike in Rafah that triggered a blaze causing 45 deaths.

The visas for Canadians’ relatives living in the enclave represent a five-fold increase from the 1,000 temporary resident visas allotted under a special program that Canada announced in December.

“While movement out of Gaza is not currently possible, the situation may change at any time. With this cap increase, we will be ready to help more people as the situation evolves,” Immigration Minister Marc Miller said.

A spokesperson for Miller said 448 Gazans had been issued a temporary visa, including 254 under a policy not related to the special visa program, and 41 have arrived in Canada so far.

Temporary, eh? For how long? Will Canada ever make them leave? Or, just let them stay and bring their hardcore support of Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups to Canadians? Infecting their cities and towns, getting themselves elected and forcing their Islamist beliefs on Canadians? Seriously, what could go wrong when 70% of Palestinians support Hamas? There’s a reason Arab nations won’t take them in.

Nearly 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s offensive in Gaza, according to the local health ministry, and an estimated 1.7 million people, more than 75% of Gaza’s population, have been displaced, according to the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA.

Israel launched its military campaign after Hamas-led militants attacked southern Israeli communities on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people and seizing more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

I like how Reuters takes the word of Hamas, which is behind that “local health ministry”. Further, they forget to mention the rapes, tortures, and beheadings of civilians.

Read: Canada Pledges To Bring In More Terrorist Supporters After Rafalah »

We Can’t Forget About The Global Boiling Threat To America’s Military On Memorial Day Or Something

You really didn’t think the Cult of Climastrology would forgo dragging their doomsday beliefs into Memorial Day out of respect, did you?

The Climate Change Threat to America’s Military

As we approach Memorial Day, we honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. While we take this time to honor their memories, it’s also a time to reflect on what we can do to truly support those soldiers who put their lives on the line for freedom.

In paying tribute to the valor and heroism of our Armed Forces, we need to address one of the greatest threat multipliers facing our military today: climate change.

In 2007, a report issued by the Center for Naval Analysis (presently named CNA National Security Analysis) detailed the myriad ways that climate change poses a threat to our national security, not just here at home but in the many places abroad where our brave men and women are stationed. Rising seas threaten naval bases (none more so than Naval Station Norfolk, the headquarters and home port of the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Forces Command). In fact, the majority of critical U.S. military infrastructure is vulnerable to environmental impacts like flooding, desertification and extreme heat.

In fact, the Norfolk area is seeing sea rise exactly about the amount one would expect during a Holocene warm period, much due to subsistence. And that report never assigned causation, just that the climate is in a warm period. So, yes, it effects operations. But, not that much.

There is no better time to have a discussion of ways to fortify against climate threats than Memorial weekend.

That’s because you are a doomsday cult, have no honor, and should just f*** off.

Read: We Can’t Forget About The Global Boiling Threat To America’s Military On Memorial Day Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the Phantom Regiment for Memorial Day.

Read: If All You See… »

IDF Sends Two Senior Hamas Officials To See Allah

But, since Muslims use the same Old Testament, will they go for their 72 virgins, or go to Hell? Further, so many articles start the same way as this The Hill one, and many fail to wonder Hamas was doing operating in the area. But, pearl clutching Hamas supporters gotta pearl clutch

Israeli military says it killed two senior Hamas officials in Rafah strikes that left at least 35 dead

At least 35 Palestinians were killed Sunday in an Israeli strike on a tent encampment, Gaza health officials said, that the Israeli military claims targeted two senior Hamas officials.

The strike targeted a humanitarian zone in Rafah which the Israeli military previously instructed displaced Palestinians to shelter from attacks, the Gaza Health Ministry said. The ministry said most of the 35 dead were women and children, and that the death toll is likely to rise as “countless” are trapped in rubble.

The attack comes just days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to stop its operations in Rafah, the last remaining major settlement in Gaza that has not been invaded by the Israeli military.

Yeah, well, Israel is not part of the ICC, and Hamas, a designated terrorist group by the U.S., UN, and EU, is still in operation. The Allies refused to let the Nazi Party continue to operate during WWII when they annihilated city after city, including Berlin.

Anyhow, what about those Hamas officials? So many stories barely mention them, just the plight of the Palestinians, who were willingly being used as human shields

(NBC News) The Gaza health ministry reported that at least 35 people had been killed in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, the majority of them women and children. First responders had warned the number of casualties could rise as many were trapped in flames that erupted following the bombardment.

And on Monday, the Palestinian Civil Defense in Rafah said the death toll had risen to at least 40 people.

“This massacre is the largest in the city of Rafah in months,” Palestinian Civil Defense spokesman Muhammad Al-Mughir told NBC News. He stressed that the area that was hit was a designated “humanitarian area” next to U.N. warehouses.

Why were those Hamas members operating in the area, right next to the UNRWA storage facilities. It’s not like we haven’t seen Hamas operating near and out of them, even chatting amicably with UN employees. Per the IDF

Eliminated in the precise airstrike in northwest Rafah: Hamas Chief of Staff in Judea and Samaria and an additional senior Hamas official.

Terrorist #1: Yassin Rabia, managed the entirety of Hamas’ terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria, transferred funds to terrorist targets and planned Hamas terrorist attacks throughout Judea and Samaria. He also carried out numerous attacks, in which IDF soldiers were killed.

Terrorist #2: Khaled Nagar, a senior official in Hamas’ Judea and Samaria Headquarters, directed shooting attacks and other terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria and transferred funds intended for Hamas’ terrorist activities in Gaza. He also carried out several deadly terrorist attacks in which IDF soldiers were killed.

So, very senior Hamas leaders operating, which, apparently, was not in the safe zone

The rest of the twee reads

The execution site of senior Hamas officials in Rafah is located near UNRA warehouses in the west of the city – areas 2371 and 2372 – more than a kilometer away from the safe zone

And this contrasts with the Arabs’ claims that the IDF bombings took place in the safe zone

Maps: the elimination zone is marked in red near the UNRA warehouses, the elimination zone in red on the IDF evacuation map and the safe zone in purple, a map of the safe zone for reference

Not only were they not evacuated to the safe zone, they also serve as human shields for senior Hamas officials and then lie and claim that the IDF attacked in the safe zone.

Well, whoops. Don’t hang around terrorists and you won’t be in danger.

Read: IDF Sends Two Senior Hamas Officials To See Allah »

BidenFail: Admin Has Only Built 7 Or 8 EV Charging Stations

How much money was in the partisan “Inflation Reduction Act”?

Buttigieg Can’t Explain Why Biden Has Only Built ‘Seven or Eight’ EV Charging Stations

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg struggled Sunday on CBS’ Face the Nation to explain why the Biden administration has only manged to build “seven or eight” electric vehicle (EV) charging stations thus far.

As Breitbart News has noted, while the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 allocated $7.5 billion for EV stations, as part of building a national EV charging infrastructure, no EV charging stations had been built by the end of 2023.

$7.5 billion. Yup. Insanely, it can cost several hundred thousand dollars per level 3 charger installed. And, for those who say “well, it can take years”, I watched them put at least 5 Tesla chargers up over in Knightdale near the Lowe’s Foods in a matter of a few months. And, being government backed, I bet the costs skyrocket to at least $300k per Level 3 charger. Level 1 and 2 are less costly, of course.

Only about seven or eight had been built under the program by April — while the fossil fuel industry has been cashing in by lobbying to have the stations built at existing gas stations.

Places like Sheetz get in on that sweet federal money, since, people can sit down and eat while waiting.

Read: BidenFail: Admin Has Only Built 7 Or 8 EV Charging Stations »

Pirate's Cove