Massachusetts Governor Goes To Border To Tell Them State Is Full

Funny how Democrats aren’t so excited for illegal aliens when they actually have to support, pay for, and deal with them in their own areas, eh?

Gov. Maura Healey sends Massachusetts officials to southern US border with message for migrants

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey sent state officials this week to the U.S.-Mexico border with a message for migrant families that may be planning to come to Boston.

They plan to tell families, “Our shelters are full,” according to a statement from Mass. Emergency Assistance Director General Scott Rice.

Healey’s office said the goal is for state personnel to make connections with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Joint Task Force-North, non-governmental organizations and families to educate them about the lack of shelter availability in Massachusetts.

“This trip is an important opportunity to meet with families arriving in the U.S. and the organizations that work with them at the border to make sure they have accurate information about the lack of shelter space in Massachusetts,” said Rice.

While the state emergency shelter system is at full capacity, Healey’s administration said that record numbers of immigrant families continue to arrive in Boston.

“It is essential that we get the word out that our shelters are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a safe place to go,” Rice said.

Well, now, where does she want them to go? Not Mass., eh? Healey is a big fan of illegal immigration, just so long as they aren’t coming to Mass. Just go elsewhere.

State Sen. Peter Durant, a Republican, says the answer is to change Massachusetts’ right-to-shelter law further.

“Until you stop benefits, until you stop all of the easy flowing dollars and rooms and food, people are going to continue to come,” Durant said.

Until you stop giving them reasons to come illegally to the U.S. it will continue. Stop telling them that they’ll be taken care of. Texas governor Greg Abbott should send a whole bunch more to the capital city of Boston, dropping them off outside the “governor’s mansion”, which is technically wherever Healey resides.

Read: Massachusetts Governor Goes To Border To Tell Them State Is Full »

Washington Post Notes That Climate Vandalism Backfires

But, will the Washington Post actually note why?

There are better ways to protest climate change than spray painting Stonehenge

Last week, two climate protesters walked up to Stonehenge dousing the 5,000-year-old stone monument in a cloud of orange dye. Police eventually arrested a 73-year-old man and 21-year-old woman, members of the group Just Stop Oil, a self-described nonviolent civil resistance group.

Workers were able to clean the stones, but defacing the cultural treasure, even if temporarily, has drawn near universal condemnation on both sides of the Atlantic — and, as intended, plenty of attention. (snip)

“Self-aggrandizing vandals who attack our shared cultural treasures deserve prison time, not support,” Jonathan Foley, a climate scientist and executive director of Project Drawdown, wrote on X.

Foley, it’s safe to say, is in the majority. But the real question is: Will Just Stop Oil’s tactics curb fossil fuel pollution? If not, what would?

Well, considering how many of them are wearing clothes, shoes, backpacks, eyeglasses, etc made from petroleum, along with their backpacks, smartphones, and signs…oh, and how do they get to the protests?…they aren’t giving up their own use.

To find out, I called Eric Shuman, a postdoctoral researcher at New York University and Harvard Business School who researches nonviolent collective action. Tactics have varied from Mumbai to Selma, he says, but nonviolent protests have undoubtedly changed the course of history.

The most successful ones, he says, tend to share three common elements.

First, protests must be disruptive, creating pressure and urgency to do something. Second, the public must believe the protesters have constructive intentions with clear positive goals, not just animus toward those who disagree with them. Finally — though Shuman says this is more anecdotal — it helps to be relevant: Protests carry more power when the target relates to the perceived injustice.

Well, the WP article goes on to say that most of the protests do not meet the last two targets. They’re just disruptive. And the piece goes on and on, but, fails to note that acts of vandalism are failing because they look completely unhinged. The protesters themselves look exactly how you think they would look like. Out of control, dirty, wacko. I’d say that these acts are actually driving people away. How many want to be associated with complete kooks who act like a cult?

Way more people were coming out against all these crazy acts, especially at Stonehenge and the golf tournament, then for them. Of course, even the fellow travelers aren’t giving up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Washington Post Notes That Climate Vandalism Backfires »

Israeli Air Force Sends High Value Palestinian Islamic Jihad Target To See Allah

Oh, and it gets much, much, much better

IAF airstrike eliminates key PIJ terrorist, MSF decry killing of ‘colleague’

Israel Air Force eliminated the terrorist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Al-Wadiya, Doctors Without Borders colleague and an operative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization, according to an IDF Spokesperson’s unit announcement on Tuesday evening.

According to the report, Israeli aircraft directed by the Southern Command and the Intelligence Directorate targeted an area in Gaza City where the terrorist Al-Wadiya was located at the time.

Al-Wadiya was involved in the development and advancement of the terror group’s missile array and was a unique knowledge center within the organization in the fields of electronics and chemistry.

Following the elimination of Al-Wadiya, the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International expressed their “outrage” in a posted on X, formerly twitter, and “strongly” condemned the killing of their “colleague, Fadi Al-Wadiya.”

Nice to know that members of internationally designated terrorist organizations are working with Doctors Without Borders and that the MSF, another international medical help group, is defending the terrorist.

The ending was “He is just another case of terrorists in Gaza exploiting the civilian population as human shields.” There’s video at the link for the boom of the terrorist.

Read: Israeli Air Force Sends High Value Palestinian Islamic Jihad Target To See Allah »

Washington Post: We’ve Been Cooling The Planet While Also Heating It

No, no, don’t you dare tell me this is a un-scientific doomsday cult

We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop

It is widely accepted that humans have been heating up the planet for over a century by burning coal, oil and gas. Earth has already warmed by almost 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustrial times, and the planet is poised to race past the hoped-for limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming.

It’s so widely accepted that the majority of Warmists refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels. How much does the Washington Post use daily? How about cult writer Shannon Osaka?

But fewer people know that burning fossil fuels doesn’t just cause global warming — it also causes global cooling. It is one of the great ironies of climate change that air pollution, which has killed tens of millions, has also curbed some of the worst effects of a warming planet.

Tiny particles from the combustion of coal, oil and gas can reflect sunlight and spur the formation of clouds, shading the planet from the sun’s rays. Since the 1980s, those particles have offset between 40 and 80 percent of the warming caused by greenhouse gases.

And now, as society cleans up pollution, that cooling effect is waning. New regulations have cut the amount of sulfur aerosols from global shipping traffic across the oceans; China, fighting its own air pollution problem, has slashed sulfur pollution dramatically in the last decade.

What this is really about is that as the air gets cleaner it exposes the lower atmosphere to the full effect of the Sun as the Earth goes through a typical Holocene warm period

The result is even warmer temperatures — but exactly how much warmer is still under debate. The answer will have lasting impacts on humanity’s ability to meet its climate goals.

One would think these super-scientists would have that answer before they go about with their scaremongering. But, they don’t know. And the actual science and facts are irrelevant to them, because cults do not need any of that.

A second Trump term could slow the shift from fossil fuels as climate threats grow


Armed with such an agenda, a second Trump term could slow the country’s shift away from fossil fuels. But it probably won’t entirely halt the transition to renewable energy, industry analysts and researchers say. That’s because the costs for a lot of those technologies are falling fast, they say. Companies are seeing financial benefits in cutting emissions. And states led by Democrats and Republicans alike are reaping economic benefits from new factories and power plants.

Well, that sounds like it would be great for keeping the Earth cooler, right?

Read: Washington Post: We’ve Been Cooling The Planet While Also Heating It »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled ship, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on migrants coming to take, not to be Americans.

Read: If All You See… »

Horror: Illegal Aliens Face Lack Of Child Care In SCNY

I can think of a simple solution for illegals not having child care in Sanctuary City New York, and there now needs to be something new added to the graphic

Why are so many migrant kids selling candy in NYC? Lack of child care, survey says.

illegal alien DemocratThe vast majority of migrant vendors with children — often seen peddling fruit cups and candy on the subway — say they are unable to get other work because of a lack of child care, according to a new survey across New York City.

Slightly more than 8 in 10 migrant vendors with children told volunteers with the aid group Algun Día that they lacked sufficient child care, the survey found. More than a third of the 75 vendors surveyed were women under the age of 25 and 75% were from Ecuador. Another 17% were men, many of them single fathers.

Nearly all of the respondents, 93%, said they hadn’t been assisted by any organization, and less than a third lived in city shelters. Algun Día volunteers surveyed migrant vendors with children from March 31 to May 31.

“Even when programs do exist, they’re not being told about them,” said Liza Schwartzwald, director of economic justice and family empowerment at the nonprofit New York Immigration Coalition, which funds Algun Día. “Nobody is getting to this particular population.”

There is something that’s similar to child care: it’s called school. Shouldn’t the little illegal rug rats be in school, per what SCNY says and is giving them? How many kids are there, because we mostly see and hear about all the young men who are coming illegally?

The survey results illuminate what immigrant advocates say is a pressing and underrecognized need for migrants and a barrier to their getting better jobs. The findings come as city councilmembers and others press Mayor Eric Adams’ administration for more funding for child care programs, including for new migrants.

Regardless, there is an answer: don’t come. Did you have child care in your home nation? Why did you drag your children thousands of miles on a dangerous journey? If you’re here and you don’t like that there is no child care, leave? 90+% will not be eligible for amnesty, not the the government follows the law and boots most out. Why should the citizens of the United States be spending lots of money on people who shouldn’t be here when we could be spending it on Americans who are in trouble with, say, homelessness? If someone comes on a visa or attempts to become a citizen, going through the whole process, they have to be able to pay for themselves.

Many migrant parents are unable to bring their children with them to jobs as house cleaners, restaurant workers and car washers, Sibiri said. And they aren’t allowed to leave their children alone at city shelters while they work elsewhere, she added.

Funny how liberals always think of these illegals as cheap, un-skilled labor, eh?

Read: Horror: Illegal Aliens Face Lack Of Child Care In SCNY »

Colorado Judge Rules Against Exxon Mobile And Suncor Energy, Meaning Trial Could Start Soon

So, is this the point that the companies stop selling their products to, at a minimum, the city of Boulder and San Miguel County? Why would they do business with entities that are suing them? Let them deal with having no fossil fuels and see how that works?

Boulder is one big step closer to putting Exxon and Suncor on trial for climate change

After more than six years of legal snags and delays, three local governments in Colorado have cleared a major hurdle in a landmark lawsuit seeking to hold Exxon Mobil and Suncor Energy accountable for damages caused by climate change.

Judge Robert R. Gunning, a district court judge hearing the case in Boulder, rejected requests from both companies to dismiss the lawsuit on Friday. The ruling allows the case to proceed, setting the stage for a trial that will consider whether fossil fuel companies should pay some of the costs related to climate-related disasters like floods and wildfires.

Boulder County first filed the lawsuit in 2018 in cooperation with the City of Boulder and San Miguel County. The complaint argues Exxon Mobil and Suncor Energy spent decades misleading the public about the dangers of unchecked fossil fuel consumption. The lawsuit further demands the companies pay unspecified financial damages to fund local efforts to recover from recent climate-related disasters and brace for more frequent climate-fueled catastrophes in the future. (snip)

“Climate change affects every single person in the community,” said Boulder County Commissioner Ashley Stolzmann. “What lawsuits can do is help to shift the cost burden because low-income, poorer families shouldn’t have to bear the cost of this crisis we’re facing alone.”

So, a shakedown, with none of these governmental entities saying word one about them ending their own use of fossil fuels. Weird, eh?

Read: Colorado Judge Rules Against Exxon Mobile And Suncor Energy, Meaning Trial Could Start Soon »

Joint Chiefs Chair Says U.S. May Not Help Israel If War Starts With Hezbollah

Is this the official position of the Biden administration, which is in charge of the U.S. military? That we won’t help an ally in defeating a U.S. designated terrorist organization?

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman: US likely unable to assist Israel in war with Hezbollah

Biden Brain SuckerJoint Chiefs of Staff head Charles Q. Brown warned on Monday that the US may not be able to help defend Israel against an all-out war with Hezbollah in the same way that it stepped in during the Iran drone attack in April.

Brown, a US Air Force general, also said that Iran “would be more inclined to support Hezbollah.”

While the Islamic Republic supports Hamas, General Brown said that Tehran would stand more firmly behind Hezbollah, “particularly if they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened.”

Brown also said that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon could risk triggering a broader war, putting US forces in danger. (snip)

Brown said that the US continued to warn Israel against going to war with Lebanon.

“Think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well,” Brown reportedly said.

So Israel is supposed to just sit there and take it as a designated terrorist organization attacks Israel, particularly Jewish civilians? How would Brown feel if a terrorist organization was attacking US territory and intentionally going after civilians? Sit back and turn the other cheek? Especially a group back by Iran, an enemy of the United States? Have these military leaders forgotten about the danger of radical Islam, which attacked the US a little over two decades ago?

There’s zero chance Brown said this unless it was the official Biden position.

Read: Joint Chiefs Chair Says U.S. May Not Help Israel If War Starts With Hezbollah »

Your Fault: Fungus Could Possibly Maybe Become More Dangerous From Global Boiling

Did this happen during the previous Holocene warm periods?

Climate Change Could Make Fungi More Dangerous To Humans

Public health officials have long been concerned that rising temperatures on Earth could trigger fungi to become more harmful to people. Oh, sure, some people get ringworm or nail infections, and some women repeatedly get yeast infections, but other than those instances, fungal infections have not been exceptionally problematic. This, however, is changing.

An international team of medical researchers and infectious disease specialists based in China collaborated with a researcher from Singapore and another from Canada, and together, they found troubling evidence suggesting that, as the planet warms, fungi could indeed become more dangerous to humans.

China, huh? Anyhow, once you start throwing out the word “suggesting” it means they do not know, and it’s not really science.

Anyhow, blah blah blah, we looked a few people, and

This is deeply concerning. Considering the increasing use of immuno-suppressive medications in recent decades and the ongoing HIV epidemic, there are more individuals with compromised immune systems in the general population who have an increase risk for fungal infections. Additionally, because fungi undergo increased mutation rates in warmer environments — including the higher body temperatures of mammals — this could trigger mutations in fungi so they become more infective and drug resistant.

Well, a lot of that can be solved by not being fat and not having unprotected gay sex.


NASA Releases Updated Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience Plan

NASA joined more than 20 federal agencies in releasing its updated Climate Adaptation Plan Thursday, helping expand the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to make federal operations increasingly resilient to the impacts of climate change for the benefit of all.

The updated plans advance the administration’s National Climate Resilience Framework, which helps align climate resilience investments across the public and private sectors through common principles and opportunities.

“Thanks to the leadership of the Biden-Harris Administration, we are strengthening climate resilience to ensure humanity is well-prepared for the effects of climate change,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “NASA’s decades of Earth observation are key to building climate resiliency and sustainability across the country and the world.”

How about actually doing space exploration?

Read: Your Fault: Fungus Could Possibly Maybe Become More Dangerous From Global Boiling »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful building sticking lots of people together because single homes are Bad for ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Houthis hitting yet another ship.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove