Horror: Illegal Aliens Face Lack Of Child Care In SCNY

I can think of a simple solution for illegals not having child care in Sanctuary City New York, and there now needs to be something new added to the graphic

Why are so many migrant kids selling candy in NYC? Lack of child care, survey says.

illegal alien DemocratThe vast majority of migrant vendors with children — often seen peddling fruit cups and candy on the subway — say they are unable to get other work because of a lack of child care, according to a new survey across New York City.

Slightly more than 8 in 10 migrant vendors with children told volunteers with the aid group Algun Día that they lacked sufficient child care, the survey found. More than a third of the 75 vendors surveyed were women under the age of 25 and 75% were from Ecuador. Another 17% were men, many of them single fathers.

Nearly all of the respondents, 93%, said they hadn’t been assisted by any organization, and less than a third lived in city shelters. Algun Día volunteers surveyed migrant vendors with children from March 31 to May 31.

“Even when programs do exist, they’re not being told about them,” said Liza Schwartzwald, director of economic justice and family empowerment at the nonprofit New York Immigration Coalition, which funds Algun Día. “Nobody is getting to this particular population.”

There is something that’s similar to child care: it’s called school. Shouldn’t the little illegal rug rats be in school, per what SCNY says and is giving them? How many kids are there, because we mostly see and hear about all the young men who are coming illegally?

The survey results illuminate what immigrant advocates say is a pressing and underrecognized need for migrants and a barrier to their getting better jobs. The findings come as city councilmembers and others press Mayor Eric Adams’ administration for more funding for child care programs, including for new migrants.

Regardless, there is an answer: don’t come. Did you have child care in your home nation? Why did you drag your children thousands of miles on a dangerous journey? If you’re here and you don’t like that there is no child care, leave? 90+% will not be eligible for amnesty, not the the government follows the law and boots most out. Why should the citizens of the United States be spending lots of money on people who shouldn’t be here when we could be spending it on Americans who are in trouble with, say, homelessness? If someone comes on a visa or attempts to become a citizen, going through the whole process, they have to be able to pay for themselves.

Many migrant parents are unable to bring their children with them to jobs as house cleaners, restaurant workers and car washers, Sibiri said. And they aren’t allowed to leave their children alone at city shelters while they work elsewhere, she added.

Funny how liberals always think of these illegals as cheap, un-skilled labor, eh?

Read: Horror: Illegal Aliens Face Lack Of Child Care In SCNY »

Colorado Judge Rules Against Exxon Mobile And Suncor Energy, Meaning Trial Could Start Soon

So, is this the point that the companies stop selling their products to, at a minimum, the city of Boulder and San Miguel County? Why would they do business with entities that are suing them? Let them deal with having no fossil fuels and see how that works?

Boulder is one big step closer to putting Exxon and Suncor on trial for climate change

After more than six years of legal snags and delays, three local governments in Colorado have cleared a major hurdle in a landmark lawsuit seeking to hold Exxon Mobil and Suncor Energy accountable for damages caused by climate change.

Judge Robert R. Gunning, a district court judge hearing the case in Boulder, rejected requests from both companies to dismiss the lawsuit on Friday. The ruling allows the case to proceed, setting the stage for a trial that will consider whether fossil fuel companies should pay some of the costs related to climate-related disasters like floods and wildfires.

Boulder County first filed the lawsuit in 2018 in cooperation with the City of Boulder and San Miguel County. The complaint argues Exxon Mobil and Suncor Energy spent decades misleading the public about the dangers of unchecked fossil fuel consumption. The lawsuit further demands the companies pay unspecified financial damages to fund local efforts to recover from recent climate-related disasters and brace for more frequent climate-fueled catastrophes in the future. (snip)

“Climate change affects every single person in the community,” said Boulder County Commissioner Ashley Stolzmann. “What lawsuits can do is help to shift the cost burden because low-income, poorer families shouldn’t have to bear the cost of this crisis we’re facing alone.”

So, a shakedown, with none of these governmental entities saying word one about them ending their own use of fossil fuels. Weird, eh?

Read: Colorado Judge Rules Against Exxon Mobile And Suncor Energy, Meaning Trial Could Start Soon »

Joint Chiefs Chair Says U.S. May Not Help Israel If War Starts With Hezbollah

Is this the official position of the Biden administration, which is in charge of the U.S. military? That we won’t help an ally in defeating a U.S. designated terrorist organization?

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman: US likely unable to assist Israel in war with Hezbollah

Biden Brain SuckerJoint Chiefs of Staff head Charles Q. Brown warned on Monday that the US may not be able to help defend Israel against an all-out war with Hezbollah in the same way that it stepped in during the Iran drone attack in April.

Brown, a US Air Force general, also said that Iran “would be more inclined to support Hezbollah.”

While the Islamic Republic supports Hamas, General Brown said that Tehran would stand more firmly behind Hezbollah, “particularly if they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened.”

Brown also said that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon could risk triggering a broader war, putting US forces in danger. (snip)

Brown said that the US continued to warn Israel against going to war with Lebanon.

“Think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well,” Brown reportedly said.

So Israel is supposed to just sit there and take it as a designated terrorist organization attacks Israel, particularly Jewish civilians? How would Brown feel if a terrorist organization was attacking US territory and intentionally going after civilians? Sit back and turn the other cheek? Especially a group back by Iran, an enemy of the United States? Have these military leaders forgotten about the danger of radical Islam, which attacked the US a little over two decades ago?

There’s zero chance Brown said this unless it was the official Biden position.

Read: Joint Chiefs Chair Says U.S. May Not Help Israel If War Starts With Hezbollah »

Your Fault: Fungus Could Possibly Maybe Become More Dangerous From Global Boiling

Did this happen during the previous Holocene warm periods?

Climate Change Could Make Fungi More Dangerous To Humans

Public health officials have long been concerned that rising temperatures on Earth could trigger fungi to become more harmful to people. Oh, sure, some people get ringworm or nail infections, and some women repeatedly get yeast infections, but other than those instances, fungal infections have not been exceptionally problematic. This, however, is changing.

An international team of medical researchers and infectious disease specialists based in China collaborated with a researcher from Singapore and another from Canada, and together, they found troubling evidence suggesting that, as the planet warms, fungi could indeed become more dangerous to humans.

China, huh? Anyhow, once you start throwing out the word “suggesting” it means they do not know, and it’s not really science.

Anyhow, blah blah blah, we looked a few people, and

This is deeply concerning. Considering the increasing use of immuno-suppressive medications in recent decades and the ongoing HIV epidemic, there are more individuals with compromised immune systems in the general population who have an increase risk for fungal infections. Additionally, because fungi undergo increased mutation rates in warmer environments — including the higher body temperatures of mammals — this could trigger mutations in fungi so they become more infective and drug resistant.

Well, a lot of that can be solved by not being fat and not having unprotected gay sex.


NASA Releases Updated Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience Plan

NASA joined more than 20 federal agencies in releasing its updated Climate Adaptation Plan Thursday, helping expand the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to make federal operations increasingly resilient to the impacts of climate change for the benefit of all.

The updated plans advance the administration’s National Climate Resilience Framework, which helps align climate resilience investments across the public and private sectors through common principles and opportunities.

“Thanks to the leadership of the Biden-Harris Administration, we are strengthening climate resilience to ensure humanity is well-prepared for the effects of climate change,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “NASA’s decades of Earth observation are key to building climate resiliency and sustainability across the country and the world.”

How about actually doing space exploration?

Read: Your Fault: Fungus Could Possibly Maybe Become More Dangerous From Global Boiling »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful building sticking lots of people together because single homes are Bad for ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Houthis hitting yet another ship.

Read: If All You See… »

Father Of Gender Confused Says There’s Nothing Conservative About Blocking Care Or Something

It’s rather maddening how quickly people bought into the transgender madness, that they’d willingly accept children engaging in what is really a fad, mostly driven by adults and peer pressure, rather than any real belief that the kids are “in the wrong body.” And it’s especially disturbing how quickly the parents bought into the fad, and, certainly, the notion of the kids believing they are trans must be driven by certain parents, considering how we hear that very young children are “trans”, instead of actually protecting their children from significant life-altering decisions

I’m the parent of a trans daughter. There’s nothing conservative about blocking her care.

I write as the proud father of a courageous, kind and empathetic 24-year-old transgender daughter to provide some insight into our family’s experience with gender-affirming care and hopefully to correct some of the most egregious misinformation about it.

In the past year, there has been a tsunami of anti-transgender legislation in the United States, with bills targeting transgender people introduced in nearly every state. These bills and their sponsors are supported by a richly financed group of anti-LGBTQ+ groups such as the Alliance Defending Freedom, which received more than $96 million in contributions and grants in its 2022 fiscal year.

Planned Parenthood is dumping $40 million into the 2024 election cycle. A coalition of abortion on demand groups will dump at least $100 million.

Most distressing is this network’s focus on banning gender-affirming care for adolescents, which has been passed into law in 25 states. We know from our own experience just how radical and cruel these laws are.

When our daughter came out to us as transgender just before her 16th birthday, we listened to her intently, trying to understand what she was going through and how we could best support her. And we questioned, like many parents of transgender children do initially, whether this was just a phase that she would outgrow. In hindsight, we didn’t really comprehend then what it would mean for her to be transgender, but we understood clearly that she was suffering.

Your son. “She” is biologically male. It is not just cruel, but, insane and child abuse to not only let a child take all sorts of drugs but mutilated their bodies. It’s all elective. If they do nothing their health will not suffer, especially if you get them mental health help from a proper professional who hasn’t been captured by the trans cult. Helping the minors “transition” is a dereliction of parental duties.

One of the most common misconceptions about being transgender is that it reflects a choice, closely related to the false narrative of “social contagion” whereby children allegedly are influenced to identify as transgender by peer pressure, especially through social media.

However, when we consulted experts in transgender care, we came to understand what a federal court at the time found after hearing the evidence: “that being transgender is not a ‘preference,’ that being transgender has a medically-recognized biological basis, and that it is an innate and non-alterable status.”

You should have searched out other professionals.

Critics of gender-affirming care for adolescents baselessly claim that children are rushed into such care, but the opposite is true: A recent study found that the median wait time for transgender adolescents is 10 months between contacting a clinic and receiving puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones.

It’s child abuse. If they want to do this after they are adults, they are welcome to do this. Otherwise, kids cannot consent to significant medical procedures, and parents should be arrested and charged with child abuse.

Our daughter achieved substantial relief from her depression and dysphoria once she started taking puberty blockers and then initiated hormone therapy. She has told us, and repeated publicly, that she may not have survived her teen years without this medically necessary care. Those who would deny teens this medically necessary care can offer no medically approved alternative therapy whatsoever.

Somehow, this is all supposed to be conservative values to not only allow this, but, to support it? Get bent. You should lose your parental rights and be jailed.

I was a registered Republican for decades, and I know there is nothing conservative about interposing the state between a child and their parents and physicians who know best how to care for that child.

Complete hogwash. You can bet that if this fad started while Reagan was around he’d say to wait for the kids to become adults, rather than believe in their fad fantasies. Hormone therapy for children is not safe, and is blocked in a good chunk of nations, including most European ones. Elective procedures and mutilation seems like the path of least resistance for many of these parents. The “experts” being consulted are the same ones who push all this stuff on children.

Read: Father Of Gender Confused Says There’s Nothing Conservative About Blocking Care Or Something »

Climate Wackos Run Onto 18th At PGA Event, Spray Powder, Scare People

This is the continuing example of what happens when the Credentialed Media, the government, teachers, and others continuously trot out stories of doom and gloom, indoctrinating people as well as Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and the leaders of Heaven’s Gate. This is the work of Extinction Rebellion, which many news outlets failed to mention

Six climate protesters run onto 18th green and spray powder, delaying finish of PGA Tour event

Six people protesting climate change stormed the 18th green while the leaders were lining up their putts on the final hole of regulation at the PGA Tour’s Travelers Championship on Sunday, delaying the finish for about five minutes.

The protesters sprayed white and red powder, leaving stains on the grass before Scottie Scheffler, Tom Kim and Akshay Bhatia finished their rounds. At least one member of the group was wearing a white T-shirt with the words “NO GOLF ON A DEAD PLANET” in black lettering on the front.

“I was scared for my life,” Bhatia said after finishing in a tie for fifth — four strokes behind Scheffler, who earned his sixth victory of the year. “I didn’t even really know what was happening. … But thankfully the cops were there and kept us safe, because that’s, you know, that’s just weird stuff.”

After the protesters were tackled by police and taken off, Scheffler left a potential 26-foot clincher from the fringe on the right edge of the cup, then tapped in for par. Kim, who trailed by one stroke heading into the final hole, sank a 10-foot birdie putt to tie Scheffler and send the tournament to a sudden-death playoff.

Do these sound like rational people, or ones who should be held on a psych hold?

The crowd surrounding the 18th green heckled the protesters by yelling profanities and cheered the police who intervened.

After the players putted out in regulation, workers with leaf blowers came out to clean off the remaining powder, and the hole location was moved for the playoff, which began on No. 18. Scheffler beat Kim with a par on the first playoff hole.

Yup, they actually had to cut a new hole, something I have never seen happen on the same day in any tournament

Read: Climate Wackos Run Onto 18th At PGA Event, Spray Powder, Scare People »

WWIII Watch: Ukraine Hits Crimea Beach, Russia Blames U.S.

Why blame the whole United States? Why blame you and me? Blame Biden and the people who back sending all those arms to Ukraine

Russia Blames U.S. for Deadly Ukraine Missile Strike on Crimean Beach

Russian authorities said six people died and over 100 were wounded in Ukrainian drone and missile attacks on Sunday, while the second day of Russia’s aerial bombing of Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine killed at least one person.

Among the dead were five people – including two children – who were hit by falling debris from Ukrainian missiles that were shot down over a coastal area in Sevastopol, a port city in Russia-annexed Crimea, said Mikhail Razvozhayev, the city’s Moscow-installed governor. Another person died in Grayvoron city in Russia’s Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, regional Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov said.

Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, citing the Health Ministry, said 124 people were wounded in Sevastopol. Falling rocket fragments caused a forest fire of over 150 square meters (1,600 square feet) and set a residential building alight, RIA Novosti said, noting that a fifth missile had exploded over the city.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said both Ukraine and the U.S. bore “responsibility for a deliberate missile strike on civilians.” It said that U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles were used in the Ukranian attack.

This is going well

(NBC News) “All flight missions for the American ATACMS operational-tactical missiles are entered by American specialists based on U.S.’ own satellite reconnaissance data,” the ministry said in a statement. “Therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, as well as the Kyiv regime, from whose territory this attack was launched.”

(NDTV) A Russian defence ministry statement said Ukraine had committed a “terrorist attack on the civilian infrastructure of Sevastopol with US-supplied ATACMS tactical missiles loaded with cluster warheads”.

Fortunately, Biden is on vacation, as usual.

Read: WWIII Watch: Ukraine Hits Crimea Beach, Russia Blames U.S. »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea because Other People won’t give up their AC, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on a threat of new war during the Biden regime, as China seizes Philippines boats.

Just an easy peasy bikini week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing,  and Summer is here. I’m not sure who did this pinup, couldn’t find the painter.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Don Surber discusses SCNY seeing that Trump was right
  2. Gates Of Vienna covers summertime sexual emergencies in Austria
  3. Geller Report notes AOC and Jamaal running on Jew hatred
  4. IOTW Report shows that almost half of US EV owners want to switch back to gas
  5. Irons In The Files covers who you know a place is a 3rd world shithole
  6. Jihad Watch notes an NJ school apologizing for calling ISIS terrorists
  7. Legal Insurrection discusses the IDF targeting Hamas’ #4 in Gaza
  8. Moonbattery shows that raaaaacism causes cancer
  9. neo-neocon highlights the new and unhinged anti-Trump resistance
  10. Outside The Beltway discusses there being no right to bring a non-citizen spouse into the U.S.
  11. Pacific Pundit notes some of Dementia Joe’s debate prep. Like standing
  12. Powerline highlights companies getting rid of DEI
  13. Sultan Knish covers what happened after California legalized drugs
  14. The American Conservative notes that Rand Paul was totally right on COVID
  15. And last, but, not least, The First Street Journal shows that bad causes attract bad people

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove