Surprise: There Are Lots Of Problems With California’s Don’t Call It A COVID Passport System

Well, gee, who would have seen this coming?

California’s digital COVID-19 vaccination record has glitches. Here’s how to fix yours

When California officials unveiled a new system to provide digital COVID-19 vaccine records last week, they billed it as a convenience, an easy way for residents to demonstrate and verify their inoculation status.

But the offering has not been without hiccups. Already, the state has received nearly 70,000 troubleshooting forms submitted online by residents looking to correct or complete their information, according to the California Department of Public Health.

Though only a fraction of the 558,000 digital records that have successfully been created since the system went live Friday, the numbers demonstrate how even relatively uncommon issues can wind up inconveniencing tens of thousands of people. (snip)

Records are accessible through There, Californians are prompted to provide their name, date of birth and the email address or cellphone number they used when getting their vaccine. They will also need to create a four-digit personal identification number.

If the submitted information matches an official record, the resident will get an email or text with a link to access a digital copy of the inoculation record, as well as a QR code.

That sounds great, providing the State with your direct email and/or cellphone number, right? What could go wrong?

One snag that’s emerged is the requirement for an email address or phone number — which has to match what a person submitted when receiving her or his COVID-19 vaccine.

However, that information might be missing for some. Because the system pulls from records maintained within and accessible through the state’s immunization registry systems, it’s also conceivable someone’s record may be filed under an email address or phone number that’s either outdated or was used for a non-COVID-19 vaccine.

So, wait, the state has records for non-Bat Soup Virus vaccines?

The state’s website says that residents should include photos of their physical vaccine cards from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as a valid form of ID. However, as of Monday morning, there appeared to be no way to attach photos to the troubleshooting form before submitting.

Oh, good, the California public health department would now have your ID….wait, I thought ID to identify yourself was bad for Progressives? Anyhow, there’s no chance anything bad could happen with this, right? The records couldn’t get out, couldn’t be used improperly, right?

Heck, even the ACLU of North Carolina said back in March that there’s a lot that can go wrong, and they would prefer a paper system. One thing they mentioned is that it should not allow for tracking or the creation of new databases. California’s sure look like it’s going that way.


Hey, if I need my card or pictures of my card to get on a flight, fine. I’m not giving all sorts of information to Government which could misuse it.

Read: Surprise: There Are Lots Of Problems With California’s Don’t Call It A COVID Passport System »

Rolling Stone: We’re In An Air Conditioned Nightmare Or Something

Remember when Rolling Stone used to focus on music and stuff? How they were counter-culture like rock and roll, sticking it to the man, not taking the side of Government? Boy howdy, that’s changed quite a bit. What surely hasn’t changed is how the office of Rolling Stone, along with all the employees at their homes, are still air conditioned to a very comfortable temperature (you can read the whole thing here at Yahoo News)

Our Air-Conditioned Nightmare

Heat is entropy. Heat is chaos. The hotter something gets, the more kinetic energy it has: molecules vibrate, relationships change, life overheats, things die.

You can see that out west right now. Last week, a heat dome formed over the Great Plains all the way out to the California coast. Salt Lake City boiled at 107°F, the hottest temperature ever recorded there. In Las Vegas, it was more than 100 degrees at night. Phoenix hit at least 115°F five days in a row, setting a new record for the city. The health impacts of heat waves are difficult to track in real time, but public-health officials in the Phoenix area are already investigating the heat-related deaths of nine people in a single day (June 17th). More heat is forecast for this week, this summer, and, as long as the world keeps burning fossil fuels, many years to come. Brutal as it seems, this is just heat bootcamp compared to what we will be facing in the not-so-distant future.

Interestingly, we’re told that cold weather records are either meaningless or actually support the climate crisis (scam).

But long before that, the most obvious impact of extreme heat is that it pushes people to turn on – and turn up – their air-conditioning. With cool air, you can feel the chaos within you subsiding. But it comes at a cost: AC sucks up huge amounts of electricity, which strains the grid and increases the risk of blackouts. More electricity also means burning fossil fuels, which means more CO2 pollution (President Biden has promised a 100 percent clean electricity grid by 2035, but that’s still a long way off). In addition, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the human-made chemicals inside of air-conditioners used to cool the air, are super greenhouse gases, up to 3,000 times more potent than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere. What it comes down to is this: By cooling ourselves off, we risk cooking ourselves to death.

It wouldn’t strain the grid if we weren’t replacing viable, dependable, affordable energy sources with unreliable, undependable, more expensive sources. We rarely have issues with energy here in North Carolina during high temperature spells. You would think areas, such as Nevada and Arizona, would build a power supply and grid that supports an area that gets hot, and is seeing a lot of people moving there.

And it’s pretty much a given that as the planet heats up, the demand for air-conditioning will grow fast, especially in the developing world, where air-conditioning is still a luxury that few people can afford. There are just over 1 billion single-room air conditioning units in the world right now – about one for every seven people on Earth. By 2050, there are likely to be more than 4.5 billion units, making them as common as cellphones today.

Rolling Stone is upset that those black and brown people in other countries will start using the same AC that Rolling Stone uses

What’s the solution to this cascade of heat-driven chaos? The most obvious one: Stop burning fossil fuels. For all intents and purposes, when carbon emissions reach zero, warming will stop and the temperature in the atmosphere will level-out (they will stay at that level until CO2 levels fall, which, barring the massive deployment of some new technology that can suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, will take many hundreds of years). But since we are obviously not going to be living in a zero-carbon world anytime soon, increasing the efficiency of AC units can help, as can developing and commercializing new technologies to cool the air without destroying the planet (in the U.S., new efficiency standards for AC units will take effect in 2023). In some places, heat pumps, which both heat and cool buildings, can be a smart option. And earlier this year, the winners of a $1 million Global Cooling Prize were announced, showcasing new technology that promises to have five times less climate impact than traditional AC units.

What if warming doesn’t stop? What if most warming is caused by natural processes? What then? Has Rolling Stone given up it’s own use of fossil fuels? How about the readership who’s agreeing with the article?

But there are simpler solutions, too. Last week, the respected medical journal Lancet published a largely overlooked paper about humble technology that can do a lot to help solve the problems of extreme heat: the electric fan.

Will you give up your use of AC and start using fans instead? How about you, all your Warmists? No takers? RS spends their next eight paragraphs telling us that fans are awesome, but, doesn’t have a photo of fans all over the RS office with the AC turned off. Weird, right?

Read: Rolling Stone: We’re In An Air Conditioned Nightmare Or Something »

Democrats Yammer On About “Killibuster” After Losing On “Voting Rights”, Admit What It’s All About

Democrats had to know that their control of elections by the federal government which benefits Democrats bill, HR1/S1, was doomed to be shot down by the fillibuster, right?

‘Killibuster’: Democratic angst grows as filibuster threatens agenda

Democrats are confronting the reality that absent any seismic shifts, their top agenda items face long, if not impossible, odds in the Senate amid growing frustration with the legislative filibuster.

After achieving a unified government for the first time since 2010, Democrats pledged to go “big’’ and “bold” after four years of the Trump administration. But they are watching as their wish list of bills runs straight into a familiar buzzsaw: the Senate’s own rulebook.

Now, Democrats are vowing that the fight over the filibuster isn’t over even as their two biggest holdouts to procedural changes — Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) — are showing no signs of backing down from their opposition to nixing the 60-vote requirement for most legislation to pass the Senate.

“The Democrats are going to have to talk about what the next path is,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), who supports filibuster reform, added that Democrats needed to have an “open debate” after months of closed-door conversations and communicating through the media and op-eds.

“Let’s stop shadowboxing. Let’s really have an open debate about what it means to keep these rules in place,” Murphy said.

Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) added that while there was a “risk” to changing the filibuster, “there’s risk if we let the status quo where nothing happens continue.”

This is the filibuster that they used hundreds of times in 2020, and the same in the other 3 years Trump was President. But, hey, I’ll tell you what, we can go back to the old type of filibuster where you have to just talk and talk and talk (like Democrat Robert “KKK” Byrd did when Dems tried to stop the Civil Rights Act) if we get rid of the 17 Amendment and go back to the original way of electing Senators, as the Constitution laid out, returning power back to the States and The People.

The growing Democratic angst comes after Republicans on Tuesday blocked a sweeping voting rights bill, known as the For the People Act, from even coming up for debate. The move was widely telegraphed, since GOP senators were in lockstep opposition to the bill long before the vote.

To advance legislation, Democrats have the near-impossible task of getting at least 10 Republican votes to pass some of their biggest priorities, including expanding gun background checks, LGBT protections, immigration reform, voting rights and raising the minimum wage.

This is the Democrats version of “democracy”: jamming legislation that would grab guns, codify allowing the gender confused into the bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers of real women, along with destroying women’s sports, massive amnesty, increasing unemployment by causing businesses to higher fewer people along with replacing workers with machines, and a bill that keeps Democrats in power

Via Brian Preston, who notes

The Democrats are acting like a questionable win at the presidential level in the midst of a historic pandemic, losing seats in the House, narrowly capturing the Senate in questionable special elections, and losing big at the state level, all constitute a mandate for them to obtain total power forever and to push a hard-left agenda that the American people don’t support.

It’s a power grab, period. And huge parts of it are unconstitutional. And they do not care.

Read: Democrats Yammer On About “Killibuster” After Losing On “Voting Rights”, Admit What It’s All About »

Climate Today: Guardian Pushes Nuclear Power, Sunrise Arrested At Ted Cruz’s House

There are certainly a few high ranking poobahs in the climate cult who think nuclear power is a great thing, such as Michael “Robust Debate” Mann. Most Warmists, though, are dead set against nuclear energy, especially those who are also extreme environmentalists. So, this makes the UK Guardian allowing a piece rather important

If we want to fight the climate crisis, we must embrace nuclear power

On 30 April, the Indian Point nuclear power plant 30 miles north of New York City was shut down. For decades the facility provided the overwhelming majority of the city’s carbon-free electricity as well as good union jobs for almost a thousand people. Federal regulators had deemed the plant perfectly safe.

New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, a key figure behind the move, said that the shuttering of Indian Point brought us “a big step closer to achieving our aggressive clean energy goals”. It’s hard to reconcile that optimism with the data that’s recently come out. The first full month without the plant has seen a 46% increase in the average carbon intensity of statewide electric generation compared to when Indian Point was fully operational. New York replaced clean energy from Indian Point with fossil fuel sources like natural gas.

It’s a nightmare we should have seen coming. In Germany, nuclear power formed around a third of the country’s power generation in 2000, when a Green party-spearheaded campaign managed to secure the gradual closure of plants, citing health and safety concerns. Last year, that share fell to 11%, with all remaining stations scheduled to close by next year. A recent paper found that the last two decades of phased nuclear closures led to an increase in CO2 emissions of 36.3 megatons a year – with the increased air pollution potentially killing 1,100 people annually.

Like New York, Germany coupled its transition away from nuclear power with a pledge to spend more aggressively on renewables. Yet the country’s first plant closures meant carbon emissions actually increased, as the production gap was immediately filled through the construction of new coal plants. Similarly, in New York the gap will be filled in part by the construction of three new gas plants. For the Germans, investment in renewables did eventually pay dividends, but it largely replaced the old nuclear plants’ output rather than reducing existing fossil fuel consumption. The carbon intensity of German electricity is higher than the EU average.

Something has to replace coal. Wind and solar are not it. This is something that Warmists and Skeptics can agree on, we need cheap, affordable, reliable power. Whether you call it clean because it has much lower “carbon emissions” or because nuclear is actually a heck of a lot better for the environment than coal (it 100% is), nuclear is the way to go. I’ll leave you to read this common sense piece, even if it is heavy on the climate doom

A Group Of Climate Change Protesters Were Arrested For Trespassing On Ted Cruz’s Lawn

Houston police on Monday arrested eight people for trespassing at Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s residence while protesting climate change amid the state’s ongoing power crisis.

A group of 60 to 70 people had congregated outside Cruz’s house at around 11 a.m. on Monday to call on President Joe Biden to stop negotiating with “climate deniers” like the senator and to move forward with structuring the Civilian Climate Corps, a policy to create government jobs to combat climate change.

The Houston Police Department said that while the majority of the protesters were “extremely peaceful” and were exercising their First Amendment right to protest against climate change, a small group broke the law by trespassing on Cruz’s private property.

The eight protesters were given multiple warnings and opportunities to leave Cruz’s lawn, but they refused for over an hour, a police spokesperson said.

Um, why are they outside Cruz’s house (and on his property) if they’re petitioning China Joe? Anyhow, you may have a right to protest, but, that’s private property. As a property owner, I’d be kinda pissed off that the police took an hour to remove them from my property. Video here.

Clothes, shoes, signs, smartphones, all required fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Today: Guardian Pushes Nuclear Power, Sunrise Arrested At Ted Cruz’s House »

If All You See…

…is a horrible green lawn that requires watering which is bad for ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on the green job fallacy.

Read: If All You See… »

Nellis AFB Held A Drag Queen Show

It’s totally essential for the morale and readiness of the service members, you know. Anyone else thinking that one or more of Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea are going to start getting frisky with all the insane stuff happening in the U.S. military with China Joe in charge?

Exclusive — Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show: ‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness’

The Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada recently hosted its first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs, according a base spokesperson.

Nellis Air Force Base said in an email statement to Breitbart News:

Nellis Air Force Base and the 99th Air Base Wing hosted its first-ever drag show Thursday, June 17, at the Nellis Club. The event was sponsored by a private organization and provided an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the history and significance of drag performance art within the LGBT+ community.

Ensuring our ranks reflect and are inclusive of the American people is essential to the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military. Nellis Air Force Base is committed to providing and championing an environment that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion.

The drag queen show came to light after Air Force veteran podcaster “BK” posted a digital flyer for the event that read: “DRAG-U-NELLIS” and “CLASS IS IN SESSION.” (snip)

Nellis Air Force Base is home to the service’s Warfare Center where Air Force pilots undergo the most demanding advanced air combat training in the country. “The crews do not come to learn how to fly, but instead how to be the best combat aviators in the world,” the base website said.

When does this stuff end? How does this help the mission of protecting the United States and projecting power when necessary? The military is being turned into just another virtue signaling, SJW, leftist outlet, one which will fail to be able to protect the U.S. And they seem to want to continue highlighting mental illness. This will not end well.

But, like I’ve said, progressives have worked hard to take over everything. They started with education, then got the governmental bureaucracies. They took over unions, Hollywood, and the news business. They hijacked the civil rights organizations. Then they went after the CIA and FBI, along with the military, in the 70’s. They wanted to defund the military. That wasn’t going to happen, especially with Ronald Reagan elected. So, destroy by infiltrating and changing things. And, they’ve done a wonderful job at this, eh?

Read: Nellis AFB Held A Drag Queen Show »

Bummer: United Nations Upset 1st World Nations Aren’t Ponying Up $100 Billion

They say this money is supposed to go to 3rd World Shitholes Developing Nations as climafinancial aid, limiting those nations need to use fossil fuels, because the UN climate cultists do not want those black and brown people to have the same benefits elites and white people in 1st World nations have had. Also, that aid is great for siphoning for UN employees

UN blasts world leaders for failing to seal £72bn-a-year deal on climate

The head of climate change at the UN has warned that world leaders are still “far away” from securing a deal to limit the disastrous effects of global heating, with less than five months to go before a key summit in Glasgow.

Time is now running out, said Patricia Espinosa, who was formerly foreign minister of Mexico but now leads the UN on climate policy. She told the Observer that although advances had been made at the G7 meeting in Cornwall last weekend, progress had not been made on honouring past commitments to find $100bn (£72.5bn) a year to help developing countries invest in green technologies.

“We’re still very far away from being fully confident of having a full success at Cop26,” she said. The UN climate conference, opening on 31 October in Glasgow, is considered to be of special importance in the battle against global warming, which is now melting ice sheets, raising sea levels, destroying coral reefs and disrupting weather systems across the planet.

The G7 had offered hope that this process could be boosted in advance of Cop26, but Espinosa expressed disappointment, saying: “Regarding finance, I’d have really hoped for a clearer signal on how and when we will be able to see the commitment to mobilise the $100bn fulfilled.”

Honouring the pledge is seen as critical if developing countries are to come into line with plans to cut emissions and take costly steps necessary to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. At the G7, there were commitments to get to the target before Cop26, but a lack of detail remained about precisely how much money wealthier nations would be willing to give.

It’s not like 1st world nations do not already give 3rd world nations lots and lots of money right now as aid. But, see, the great thing about giving it for ‘climate change’ (and funneling it through the UN, so a lot ends up in the pockets of UN employees) is that it would come without strings for the receivers, since the 1st World nations “owe” the money to the developing nations because of the carbon pollution the 1st World nations have been spewing.

This point was backed by Rachel Kyte, dean of the Fletcher School at Tufts University in Massachusetts, and a former UN climate envoy. “The G7 failed to lead when it didn’t agree how to fulfil the $100bn promise. Their apparent strategy of brinkmanship is wrong-headed. Many around the world are already at the brink,” she said.

“The UK has six months left to its G7 presidency and five months to go until Cop26. Johnson has to muster the world to significant climate finance commitments, purposing development finance and detail behind the global Marshall plan that President Biden calls Build Back Better World. Then, and only then, can we get the agreement we need in Glasgow.”

It’s very easy to promise to spend Other People’s money, isn’t it? It’s very easy for all the rich folks negotiating to promise to give away the hard earned money of the citizens of their countries. Where’s their own skin in the game? Getting those black and brown people to forgo fossil fuels? The same fossil fuels these elites aren’t giving up themselves? It would be great if someone counted all the private jets bringing people to the next climate change conference, COP26, in Glasglow

Read: Bummer: United Nations Upset 1st World Nations Aren’t Ponying Up $100 Billion »

Sinema Explains To Dems They Just Used The Filibuster Last Year In Their Attempt To Get Rid Of It

If Democrats really want to get rid of the filibuster, let’s also go back to the old way and get rid of the 17th Amendment, putting the election of Senators back in the hands of the State general assemblies, giving States power in the Congress of our federal republic, the way it should be, since we are not a democracy

Kyrsten Sinema: Dems hypocritical for trying to end filibuster after using it ‘just last year’

surprise surprise surpriseSen. Kyrsten Sinema Monday doubled down on her defense of the Senate’s legislative filibuster, declaring in a Washington Post op-ed that it is important to stop “repeated radical reversals” of federal law.

Sinema, D-Ariz., and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., have been the two most vocal Democrats in the chamber defending the 60-vote threshold for legislation, often attracting the ire of their more liberal colleagues. And Sinema took a page from Manchin’s playbook Monday by laying out her case for the Senate’s controversial minority protection in an opinion piece.

“To those who want to eliminate the legislative filibuster to pass the For the People Act (voting-rights legislation I support and have co-sponsored), I would ask: Would it be good for our country if we did, only to see that legislation rescinded a few years from now and replaced by a nationwide voter-ID law or restrictions on voting by mail in federal elections, over the objections of the minority?” Sinema wrote in The Post.

“This question is less about the immediate results from any of these Democratic or Republican goals,” she continued. “[I]t is the likelihood of repeated radical reversals in federal policy, cementing uncertainty, deepening divisions and further eroding Americans’ confidence in our government.”

Would Democrats be fine with Republicans passing their own legislation that has zero or just a couple Democrats in support? That they simply go with a 51-50 vote to end debate and pass it? You know that if the Democrats nuke the filibuster now they will caterwaul like 3 year olds with no cookie when Republicans do exactly as Democrats did. And they know the media will help. Seriously, if you cannot attract enough votes to hit the 60 vote threshold to end debate and go to a formal vote on legislation, then the legislation is too partisan and should be changed or nuked itself.

Sinema notes in her op-ed that Democrats often used the filibuster to stop Republican-supported legislation during President Trump’s tenure, when Republicans controlled the Senate.

“Once in a majority, it is tempting to believe you will stay in the majority. But a Democratic Senate minority used the 60-vote threshold just last year to filibuster a police reform proposal and a covid-relief bill that many Democrats viewed as inadequate,” Sinema wrote. “Those filibusters were mounted not as attempts to block progress, but to force continued negotiations toward better solutions.”

Well, not really, they just didn’t want to give Trump and Republicans a win. They used the filibuster 327 times in 2020. They’ve used it to block funding for “Trump’s wall”, a wall that is actually required by previously passed federal law. Don’t forget, Biden said in 2005 that the filibuster should be retained

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., spent over an hour on the Senate floor Wednesday night reading a 2005 speech from President Biden verbatim where Biden said eliminating the filibuster would “eviscerate the Senate.”

Biden, then a Delaware senator, said at the time it was “one of the most important speeches for historical purposes that I will have given in the 32 years since I have been in the Senate.”

He said that ending the 60-vote hurdle would turn the Senate “into the House of Representatives.”

Biden said at the time “the Senate ought not act rashly by changing its rules to satisfy a strong-willed majority acting in the heat of the moment.”

Don’t want the filibuster? Write better, more even handed, bipartisan legislation.

Read: Sinema Explains To Dems They Just Used The Filibuster Last Year In Their Attempt To Get Rid Of It »

Drought In The U.S. West Is The Worst In 1,200 Years Or Something

All because you just had to have that steak from an Evil moo cow and drive to the beach

Climate crisis in Western US worst in 1,200 years

As the population in the Western United States continues to grow, 72 percent of these states are experiencing a considerably “severe” drought, including 26 percent experiencing exceptional drought, NBC News reported — the worst drought in the region in 1,200 years.

Neither The Hill article nor the NBC News one provides scientific data backing up this assertion. The NBC one says

This year’s aridity is happening against the backdrop of a 20-year-long drought. The past two decades have been the driest or the second driest in the last 1,200 years in the West, posing existential questions about how to secure a livable future in the region.

They both happily blame anthropogenic climate change, failing to consider the question “what caused the drought 1,200 years ago?” If the answer is “natural processes”, then why is that different from now? I’m certainly not going to dismiss some anthropogenic forcing, especially land use and the overuse of underground water, but, they did not have industry, fossil fuels, and so forth 1,200 years ago during the Medieval Warm Period, and 1,20o years ago is right in the middle of it, and the real data shows it was warmer than the current warm period. So, what caused it? Back to The Hill

This year is set to be the worst drought in the West since 1977, Ernest Conant, director of the Mid-Pacific Region of the Bureau of Reclamation, told NBC News. Before that, the second driest year took place 1,200 years ago.

Oh, wait, what? I thought it was the worst in 1,200 years? No? So the headline and first paragraph were just mean to scare people? That’s not even mentioned in the NBC cult screed. It’s almost like the Credentialed Media is trying to gaslight us, all while failing to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their businesses carbon neutral. Why are we supposed to trust them?

Read: Drought In The U.S. West Is The Worst In 1,200 Years Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a beach that will soon be covered by the sea, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on the VA spending taxpayer money to give sex changes to veterans while 35,000 remain homeless.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove