Frost That Damaged French Wine Region Is All Your Fault For Taking A Fossil Fueled Trip

No matter what the issue is, the answer from the cult is “climate doom!”

Record-high temperatures scorch Western states in preview of climate change future

A week of triple-digit temperatures made worse by climate change is forecast across much of the American West this week, with records poised to fall in several towns, cities and states across the drought-plagued region.

Scorching summer heat waves, which climate scientists warn will become become more commonplace in the coming decades, result in increased health risks. A study released in May found that more than one-third of the world’s heat deaths are now directly attributable to global warming.

So, an area which is always rather hot, and is expected to be hot during a typical Holocene warm period, is actually caused by you getting that burger. BTW, the records haven’t fallen, this is just prognostication. So, of course, this is also your fault

Costly frost in France attributed to climate change

Scientists say damaging frost that caused significant economic loss to France’s central winegrowing region this year was made more likely by climate change.

A report released Tuesday by researchers who study the link between global warming and weather events suggests that the intense April 6-8 frost in France was particularly damaging due to a preceding warm period in March.

The analysis conducted by the group World Weather Attribution used 132 climate models to simulate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on temperatures in the vineyard-rich Champagne, Loire Valley and Burgundy regions of France. The group uses widely accepted methodologies for its work, but the study hasn’t yet been independently reviewed.

The researchers from France, Britain, the Netherlands and Germany concluded that the warming caused by man-made emissions had coaxed the plants into exposing their young leaves when a blast of Arctic cold reached Europe in April.

Their models tell them so! It’s not like we haven’t had the phrase “false Spring” for hundreds of years. It’s not like this stuff hasn’t happened for most of the Holocene (and surely before then). Nope, it’s because you and your ancestors did Bad Things. Seriously, this is a cult.

Read: Frost That Damaged French Wine Region Is All Your Fault For Taking A Fossil Fueled Trip »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled engine, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on China Joe’s G7 disaster.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Admin Comes Out With Plans On “Domestic Extremists”

First, you know that the administration will not go after groups like BLM, Antifa, and other left wing groups. Second, this sure seems to be creating government surveillance and more of people engaged in their 1st Amendment rights

White House unveils strategy to battle domestic extremism

The White House unveiled its plan for addressing domestic terrorism on Tuesday, rolling out a strategy that set goals and acknowledged challenges as much as it outlined specific steps for combating a growing threat.

The strategy includes a call to bolster law enforcement partnerships and stem extremist recruitment paired with elements deemed more essential after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, including better analysis of social media and programs to boost civics education and battle disinformation.

It also touches on other priorities from President Biden, echoing previous calls for gun control in order to address mass shootings. (snip)

It calls on the U.S. intelligence community to increasingly focus on “open source” information including things included in a Jan. 5 FBI report that noted calls to come to the Capitol armed and ready for war.

Senior officials said the administration would be “augmenting information sharing the government does with tech companies.”

This sure looks like open-ended government surveillance of the private communications of U.S. citizens. Will they have a warrant? Now, for any Democrat who approves of this, just ask yourself “would you approve if Donald Trump’s admin was doing this against Democrats?” This is a very dangerous road to tred. If there is specific information about a potential attack, that’s one thing, and you get a warrant. This is simply open ended government spying.

But the plan could raise concerns among civil liberties groups while leaving a task to an intelligence community that has said it struggles to tease out rhetoric protected by the First Amendment from serious calls to act on violence.

Could raise concerns? Everyone should be concerned. If the China Joe admin implements this with the approval of Democrats, will those same Democrats be fine when a Republican administration does this to Democrat supporting groups? You can’t have it both ways.

The plan also identifies a number of cultural issues as long-term contributors to domestic terrorism.

“That means tackling racism in America. It means protecting Americans from gun violence and mass murders. It means ensuring that we provide early intervention and appropriate care for those who pose a danger to themselves or others,” the White House wrote.

“It means ensuring that Americans receive the type of civics education that promotes tolerance and respect for all and investing in policies and programs that foster civic engagement and inspire a shared commitment to American Democracy.”

So, it means indoctrination for anyone engaged in Wrongthink. And Democrats get upset when we call them Fascists. Related, this article on what a North Korean defector saw in the U.S. college system is an eye opener.

Read: China Joe Admin Comes Out With Plans On “Domestic Extremists” »

St. Greta Inspired Climate Scam Chapter Disbands For Being Racist

You do know that everything is racist, right?

Can anything be racist when everything is raaaaacist? How about ‘climate change’?

Auckland chapter of Greta Thunberg-linked climate movement disbands itself for being ‘racist’

St. GretaIn September of 2019, the streets of Auckland, New Zealand were a sea of protesters. Across the globe, several million people were marching as part of the “School Strike 4 Climate” youth movement sparked by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg. But few demonstrations were more sweeping than the one in New Zealand’s largest city, where up to 80,000 marchers filled the streets.

Less than two years later, however, one of the groups that organized the Auckland event is disbanding because of what it says is its own racism.

In a Facebook post, School Strike 4 Climate’s Auckland chapter said it was shutting down because it “has been a racist, white-dominated space.” It directed people concerned about climate change to Indigenous-led groups and said it would not be organizing any more climate strikes.

“SS4C AKL has avoided, ignored, and tokenised BIPOC voices and demands, especially those of Pasifika and Māori individuals in the climate activism space,” it wrote. BIPOC is the acronym for Black, Indigenous and people of color, while Pasifika refers to people who identify with the Pacific islands.

To start with, most of these climate cult groups are full of overwhelmingly white and middle class to rich people in 1st World nations. People, in this case kids, who really do not have any real problems in their lives. They aren’t worried about shelter, food, clothing, education, medical care. Their parents take them on nice fossil fueled vacations to exotic locations. We’ve seen this in most climate cult groups.

Secondly, it is actually rather racist/biased/prejudiced for these white kids to believe they can think for all these “BIPOC”, Pasifika (I wonder if they call themselves that, or, is it a term these white SJWs came up with, like they did for Latinx?), and Maori folks, that they can assign these belief sets to all those folks. Are they not allowed to think for themselves? Did they bother asking? Seems rather presumptive, does it not?

New Zealand’s School Strike 4 Climate movement was criticized in March 2019, when its first strike was scheduled during a festival for Pacific Islanders. “There was a growing perception that SS4C was just an extracurricular activity for upper-class [White] kids,” Stuff, a New Zealand news website, wrote earlier this year.

It is. Most of these kids, like the rest of climate cultists, do not practice what they preach.

In New Zealand, there have been growing calls to place people of color — who are disproportionately affected by climate change — at the center of the environmental movement.

Calls by whom? Uber-white middle and upper class Warmists? Ones who think so little of people of color that they believe they cannot survive without the helpful hand of government and the white Warmists? That’s racist.

Sherwood-O’Regan, who is Māori and began her climate activism at age 13, said people should see the group’s disbanding as a chance to improve the environmental movement.

“You get into a cycle where front line community groups are expected to spend all our time essentially making … White organizations less problematic rather than actually being able to do the critical work we need to do on the ground to stop climate change and to protect our communities,” she said.

Hey, this is the world you SJWs/virtue signalers/Progressives created.

Read: St. Greta Inspired Climate Scam Chapter Disbands For Being Racist »

Health Experts Say To Be Really Careful In Sharing Your Data On Health Apps

Let’s start out here

COVID vaccine ‘passports’ in the U.S.: Here’s what we’re getting and why

The European Union is about to launch a digital pass system that will let residents prove they have been vaccinated against COVID-19, recovered from the disease or recently tested negative for the virus, allowing them to travel freely among all 27 member nations.

For months, Israelis used a similar digital pass system, showing their vaccination status to enter restaurants, gyms and other venues. Australia has rolled out a digital proof of vaccination certificate, and Japan plans to issue one as soon as this summer.

But don’t expect the United States to go that way.

With the federal government unwilling to take the politically charged step of creating or endorsing a universal digital health pass or app, several companies are trying to fill the void. That might mean Americans will need several digital passes, like so many credit cards in a wallet. It could also mean employers, businesses and venue operators will each have to decide which works for them — or might not bother using any at all.

The EU, Japan, Israel, and Australia all seem to be limiting the passports to simply one thing: vaccination status. And, getting beyond the notion of creating a two tiered system between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, we’ve already seen that New York and a few other states are already looking to add quite a bit more information to their passports

Be careful sharing your personal information on health apps, experts warn

With all the stress, sadness and anxiety we’ve dealt with over the last year, it’s no wonder use of mental health apps is surging.

Whether it’s a guided meditation or an appointment with a licensed therapist, mental health apps are in demand, but experts say people should be careful about sharing personal or sensitive information over these apps.

Some platforms might not be private as you may think. They’re not always covered by the same medical privacy laws, such as HIPAA, that protect information you share with a doctor in person.

And even when HIPAA rules do apply, they may not cover all the data an app collects.

“What companies tell you about what they do with your data is often pretty vague and confusing and it’s usually buried in privacy policies, where it can be hard to find,” Thomas Germain, Consumer Reports Tech Editor.

Do you think the government/private COVID passports are going to be any better, any safer? How many issues did they have with the Obamacare portals? Especially when they start asking for more and more information beyond simply whether you’ve been vaccinated? Also, how does one prove it? The system is ripe for abuse since (first article)

In addition, the U.S. does not have a national database for immunization records that could act as the source of vaccination data for use in digital passes. A national system to create a unique identification number to link the health records of every American has been banned since 1998, spearheaded by then-Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who said such a system would be an unwarranted privacy intrusion.

Is anyone keeping track of who has gotten the vaccine? Not just how many citizens, but, actual names and information? Are states? Counties? Or, are they just handing out CDC cards and everyone is just a number? Meaning people can game the system easily? Regardless, it is not unusual for government here in the U.S. to over-reach and perform mission creep with just about everything, and you know they will want to expand everything about the COVID passports and what they are used for.

Read: Health Experts Say To Be Really Careful In Sharing Your Data On Health Apps »

Bummer: The Rush To Force People To Buy Electric Vehicles Leads To Destructive Mining

The UK Guardian, as you might know, is one of the world’s biggest news outlets that supports the Cult of Climastrology. They make no attempt to hide their belief in Doing Something about ‘climate change’ before it destroys the world. And they’ve been big cheerleaders for EVs. However

The rush to ‘go electric’ comes with a hidden cost: destructive lithium mining

electric vehicleThe Atacama salt flat is a majestic, high-altitude expanse of gradations of white and grey, peppered with red lagoons and ringed by towering volcanoes. It took me a moment to get my bearings on my first visit, standing on this windswept plateau of 3,000 sq km (1,200 sq miles). A vertiginous drive had taken me and two other researchers through a sandstorm, a rainstorm, and the peaks and valleys of this mountainous region of northern Chile. The sun bore down on us intensely – the Atacama desert boasts the Earth’s highest levels of solar radiation, and only parts of Antarctica are drier.

I had come to the salt flat to research an emerging environmental dilemma. In order to stave off the worst of the accelerating climate crisis, we need to rapidly reduce carbon emissions. To do so, energy systems around the world must transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Lithium batteries play a key role in this transition: they power electric vehicles and store energy on renewable grids, helping to cut emissions from transportation and energy sectors. Underneath the Atacama salt flat lies most of the world’s lithium reserves; Chile currently supplies almost a quarter of the global market. But extracting lithium from this unique landscape comes at a grave environmental and social cost.

Wait, writer Thea Riofrancos traveled from Providence College to Chile? Did he/she do this without the use of fossil fuels?

In the mining installations, which occupy more than 78 sq km (30 sq miles) and are operated by multinationals SQM and Albemarle, brine is pumped to the surface and arrayed in evaporation ponds resulting in a lithium-rich concentrate; viewed from above, the pools are shades of chartreuse. The entire process uses enormous quantities of water in an already parched environment. As a result, freshwater is less accessible to the 18 indigenous Atacameño communities that live on the flat’s perimeter, and the habitats of species such as Andean flamingoes have been disrupted. This situation is exacerbated by climate breakdown-induced drought and the effects of extracting and processing copper, of which Chile is the world’s top producer. Compounding these environmental harms, the Chilean state has not always enforced indigenous people’s right to prior consent.

These facts raise an uncomfortable question that reverberates around the world: does fighting the climate crisis mean sacrificing communities and ecosystems? The supply chains that produce green technologies begin in extractive frontiers like the Atacama desert. And we are on the verge of a global boom in mining linked to the energy transition. A recent report published by the International Energy Agency states that meeting the Paris greement’s climate targets would send demand skyrocketing for the “critical minerals” used to produce clean energy technologies. The figures are particularly dramatic for the raw materials used to manufacture electric vehicles: by 2040, the IEA forecasts that demand for lithium will have increased 42 times relative to 2020 levels.

Apparently, the answer to the question is “yes.” Most of this stuff happens far from the eyes of the 1st World uber-white Warmists. Of course, once they figure this all out, they’ll want to restrict EVs to themselves, and not in 3rd world nations. Anyhow, it is a very interesting and well written article when you read it from an environmental point of view, understanding the destruction caused by all the mining and such necessary to do all these “green” projects.

A transportation system based on individual electric vehicles, for example, with landscapes dominated by highways and suburban sprawl, is much more resource- and energy-intensive than one that favours mass transit and alternatives such as walking and cycling. Likewise, lowering overall energy demand would reduce the material footprint of technologies and infrastructure that connect homes and workplaces to the electricity grid. And not all demand for battery minerals must be sated with new mining: recycling and recovering metals from spent batteries is a promising replacement, especially if governments invest in recycling infrastructure and make manufacturers use recycled content.

But, Warmists do want to force Everyone Else out of their individual vehicles.

Chilean activists are clear: there is no zero-sum conflict between fighting climate breakdown and preserving local environments and livelihoods. Indigenous communities in the Atacama desert are also on the frontlines of the devastating impacts of global heating. Rather than an excuse to intensify mining, the accelerating climate crisis should be an impetus to transform the rapacious and environmentally harmful patterns of production and consumption that caused this crisis in the first place.

How? The article discusses all the environmental destruction, but, is rather short on how to avoid it. Regardless, it is something that so many of us Skeptics have noted for a long time, namely that “green” stuff, meaning for the climate crisis (scam), is not particularly environmentally friendly.

Read: Bummer: The Rush To Force People To Buy Electric Vehicles Leads To Destructive Mining »

If All You See…

…is an Evil meat burger causing temperatures to skyrocket (also the evil SF Giants hat), you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is America’s Watchtower, with a post on a federal judge halting China Joe’s biased farm loan forgiveness plan.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Mayors Suddenly Noticing The Spike In Crime As COVID Wanes

Do they not watch television, read newspapers, cruise the ‘net? The rest of us have noticed the crime, quite a bit stemming from the aftermath of BLM/Antifa and defund the police

As Battle Against Virus Wanes, Mayors Confront a New Challenge: Crime

Mayors of American cities have yearned for the moment they could usher in a return to normalcy, casting away coronavirus restrictions on bars, restaurants, parties and public gatherings.

Yet now, even with reopenings underway across the United States as the pandemic recedes, city leaders must contend with another crisis: a crime wave with no signs of ending.

They are cheerleading the return of office workers to downtowns and encouraging tourists to visit, eager to rejuvenate the economy and build public confidence. But they are also frantically trying to quell a surge of homicides, assaults and carjackings that began during the pandemic and has cast a chill over the recovery.

In Austin, Texas, for example, 14 people were injured early Saturday morning in a mass shooting as revelers jammed a popular downtown nightlife district.

Some city officials have touted progressive strategies focused on community policing in neighborhoods where trust between police officers and residents has frayed. Others have deployed more traditional tactics like increasing surveillance cameras in troubled areas and enforcing curfews in city parks to clear out crowds, as the police did in Washington Square Park in Manhattan in recent days.

Yeah, how’s that working out? Especially when so many police are reticent on doing the things necessary to limit crime because they get abused by citizens and politicians when they do the job. And, let’s just consider, why are so many citizens living in Democratic Party run cities so criminal?

Pete Berghoff, whose family has owned the historic Berghoff restaurant in Chicago’s Loop since 1898, is planning to reopen its doors in July. But he is worried about the unruly gatherings of younger people downtown that have turned violent.

“I’m very concerned that as people return to work, there are going to be confrontations,” he said. “We’re excited to reopen. But we need to make sure that everybody downtown feels safe.”

So many of the Democratic Party voting citizens in Dem run cities feel emboldened to just do whatever they want whenever the want, even if this includes violence and other criminal activity.

Homicide rates in large cities were up more than 30 percent on average last year, and up another 24 percent for the beginning of this year, according to criminologists.

Well, that’s weird, since so many of these have tons and tons of all the gun control laws Democrats want.

Still, even as frustration has mounted, there was also a sense that residents did not want to return to the aggressive measures that officials had resorted to in the past, which had a long tail of consequences and a disproportionate impact on African Americans.

Tough-on-crime stances, once widely popular with voters, have had diminished support as the country has confronted disparities in the criminal justice system. Even without the consequences, criminal justice experts have questioned their effectiveness.

Well, if Democrats in Democrat run cities want to be squishy on crime, that’s their choice, and they get what they ask for. Let them live with the results.

Read: Surprise: Mayors Suddenly Noticing The Spike In Crime As COVID Wanes »

G7 Makes Pronouncements To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’, Are Rather Short On Details

That all these world leaders took long fossil fueled trips to England, other than Boris Johnson, the head of the UK, is not mentioned. Why couldn’t China Joe have given Canada’s Justin Trudeau a ride? They had big fossil fueled retinues to get to the meeting. Why couldn’t they have done a Zoom or some other teleconference?

G7 leaders share a bold vision for a net zero future. But the devil is in the lack of detail

Climate change is rarely a main talking point at the G7 leaders’ summit, but as US President Joe Biden proclaimed that “America is back at the table” on the final day of this year’s meeting, by extension, so too was climate change.

Past summits with Donald Trump representing the United States struggled to culminate in cohesive group statements between its members — the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Canada, plus the European Union. But in the English county of Cornwall over the weekend, leaders appeared to agree that this is the crucial decade that will determine the world’s future, even its very existence.

There was concrete progress earlier in the summit from G7 ministers, and a vision laid out by leaders for a net zero world (where all greenhouse gases emitted are removed from the atmosphere) that would take a green approach to everything, from the economic recovery from the pandemic to the way new infrastructure is built in the developing world.

They can have all the vision they want: they need to approval of the Citizens. Or, are they good with authoritarianism? Will they take a “green approach” in their own lives? Considering Biden jumped back in his jumbo jet and flew to Brussels after the G7, that would be a big “no.”

What was lacking in the final communiqué, however, was the detail that climate change experts were hoping for.

G7 meetings are notorious for making bold promises only to break them. Often world leaders’ vision just isn’t backed by lawmakers at home.

This year, there were some ambitious collective targets, to halve emissions by 2030 from 2010 levels, for example, but no individual country increased its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and goals were set with no firm deadlines or measurables. In cases where they were, they were largely underwhelming.

Yeah, well, the People have the power to make the decision, and this stuff is popular in theory, not in practice

The leaders said, for example, that they would aim to reach net zero by 2050 at the latest. That’s about 20 years too late, according to Catherine Pettengell, interim head of the UK’s branch of Climate Action Network, which represents more than 1,500 civil society organizations in over 130 countries.

“We were really expecting to see the G7 step up and send a strong signal ahead of COP26 that they’ve really done their homework and were ready to act,” she told CNN, referring to international climate change talks planned in Glasgow later this year.

If this stuff is so important why do so few Warmists practice what they preach?

Read: G7 Makes Pronouncements To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’, Are Rather Short On Details »

Federal Judge Rules Hospital Can Require Employees To Get Covid Vaccine

The USA Today article is probably one of the more detailed ones on the entire suit, but, left out a few choice phrases from the judge, like saying if the employees do not want to take the vaccine they “simply need to work elsewhere.”

In first federal ruling on vaccine mandates, judge sides with Houston hospital, dismissing claims from staff resisters

In the first federal ruling on vaccine mandates, a Houston judge has dismissed a lawsuit by hospital employees who declined the COVID-19 shot – a decision that could have a ripple effect across the nation.

The case involved Houston Methodist, which was the first hospital system in the country to require that all its employees get vaccinated. U.S. District Judge Lynn N. Hughes ruled Saturday that federal law does not prevent employers from issuing that mandate.

After months of warnings, Houston Methodist had put more than 170 of its 26,000 employees on unpaid suspension Monday. They were told they would be fired it they weren’t vaccinated by June 21.

The hospital had made it clear it meant what it said: It fired the director of corporate risk – Bob Nevens – and another manager in April when they did not meet the earlier deadline for bosses. (snip)

The lawsuit was filed by 117 workers led by Jennifer Bridges, a nurse at Houston Methodist’s Baytown hospital who declined the vaccine because she considers it experimental and dangerous. The judge disagreed, writing: “This claim is false, and it is also irrelevant.”

Switching over to Business Insider, we get

The workers alleged in their lawsuit that the hospital was “forcing its employees to be human ‘guinea pigs’ as a condition for continued employment.” They also accused the hospital of violating the Nuremberg Code of 1947, likening the vaccine mandate to Nazi medical experimentation on concentration camp prisoners.

US District Judge Lynn Hughes was not sympathetic to either argument, writing in his order of dismissal Saturday evening that none of the employees were forced or coerced to take the vaccine. He also noted that the hospital cannot violate the Nuremberg Code because it is a private employer, not a government.

“Equating the injection requirement to medical experimentation in concentration camps is reprehensible,” Hughes wrote. “Nazi doctors conducted medical experiments on victims that caused pain, mutilation, permanent disability, and in many cases, death.”

Yeah, that probably wasn’t the best argument to make, eh?

He added that the workers were free to accept or reject a vaccine and that they would “simply need to work elsewhere” if they chose the latter.

“If a worker refuses an assignment, changed office, earlier start time, or other directive, he may be properly fired. Every employment includes limits on the worker’s behavior in exchange for his remuneration,” Hughes wrote. “That is all part of the bargain.”

Most of the hospitals require employees to get the flu shot, and, while I can sympathize in the Covid shots being put out under emergency use authorization, there have been minimal issues, and there were a lot of rigorous clinical trials and participants.

The lawyer representing the hospital staff, Jared Woodfill, told Insider in a statement he intends to appeal the ruling to a federal appeals court and to the US Supreme Court if necessary.

“This is just one battle in a larger war to protect the rights of employees to be free from being forced to participate in a vaccine trial as a condition for employment,” Woodfill said. “Employment should not be conditioned upon whether you will agree to serve as a human guinea pig.”

Yeah, that might not go far, either. Back to USA Today

Learning of the dismissal from USA TODAY, Bridges vowed not to give up. She has initiated a petition that as of Saturday had drawn more than 9,000 signatures and a GoFundMe to pay for the lawsuit that has raised $130,000.

What the you know what is a petition going to do? Especially when most of the signatures are from people who do not work at the hospital? Especially when it really looks more like a complaint than anything else. I’m also always leery of GoFundMe’s for things like this: you never know where the money is going.

Look, I sympathize with their plight, but, a private employer can require this, and employees are free to go elsewhere if they do not like the terms of employment.

Read: Federal Judge Rules Hospital Can Require Employees To Get Covid Vaccine »

Pirate's Cove