Catholic Bishops Considering Denying Communion To Politicians Who Support Abortion

This has made Democrats who fail to follow the Bible, God’s Word, and Jesus Christ very upset

After Debate On Biden’s Abortion Views, Bishops Vote to Rethink Communion Rules

After a contentious debate, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has voted to move forward with a process that could call into question the eligibility of politicians like President Joe Biden to receive Communion.

The bishops voted 168-55 in favor of drafting “a formal statement on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church,” officials announced on Friday afternoon, the final day of their three-day virtual meeting. Six bishops abstained.

Biden’s election as only the nation’s second Roman Catholic president has prompted renewed debate over denying communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion rights, a position at odds with church teachings. (snip)

Biden was mentioned by name or alluded to several times, including by Bishop Liam Cary of the Diocese of Baker in Oregon, who described what he sees as an “unprecedented situation in the country.”

“We’ve never had a situation like this where the executive is a Catholic president opposed to the teaching of the church ” Cary said.

Biden supports abortion, hence, he opposes the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Word of God. For all the talk about him being Catholic, he sure hasn’t acted like one since his first election in 1972.

What will he do if they deny him communion, considering he is actively opposing God? This sounds rather threatening

Well, there’s 60 who should be denied communion. Of course, how many are Catholic? And what are they going to do about it? There is this thing called the 1st Amendment, with it’s portions on speech and not deny the free practice of religion. Especially since Democrats want to replace the Christian religion with the worship of Government.

Read: Catholic Bishops Considering Denying Communion To Politicians Who Support Abortion »

Bummer: People Just Aren’t Buying Into Doom From Climate Crisis (scam) Caused Extreme Weather

Maybe people aren’t cultists and realize that bad weather happens, and has always happened? Or, perhaps for those who are cultists they aren’t willing to give up their own big carbon lives

Study: Extreme weather may not lead to increased support for climate action

For some Americans, the signs of global warming are everywhere. In 2020 alone, wildfires broke records across the West, hurricanes fueled by abnormally warm ocean temperatures battered the Southeast, and a Death Valley weather station recorded a temperature of 130 degrees Fahrenheit — possibly the hottest daily high ever reliably documented on Earth. Now, drought has taken hold in much of the West, teeing up what is expected to be an extremely active fire season.

Climate scientists have been warning for decades that global warming will lead to more extreme weather. And so as more Americans start to personally experience disastrous weather events, it’s reasonable to ask whether they will support aggressive climate action.

The short answer is already clear: not necessarily.


The signal of climate change is difficult for people to notice against the noisy background of day-to-day and seasonal changes in weather.

30+ years of spreading awareness and this is the best they can do?

The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, or YPCCC, the publisher of this site, has been using nationally representative surveys for 12 years to track which Americans think they have personally experienced global warming.

The data show that Democrats and Republicans living in the same states or counties — or even sharing the same roof — can be a world apart when it comes to perceived experience with global warming (Fig. 1). While 60% of Democrats nationally say they have personally experienced global warming, only 22% of Republicans agree.

30+ years of spreading awareness, doomsaying, attempting to scare people, and this is the best they can do? I’ll admit that I have experienced global warming, because it is happening, it’s just that it is primarily natural, with a small portion that is globally anthropogenic and another small percent being from land use and the urban heat island effect.

We found that only one type of weather affected Americans’ beliefs that they had experienced global warming: hot, dry days. When hot, dry days persist for a long period of time, drought conditions arise. In particular, the intense heat and lack of rainfall that affected Texas in the Midwest in 2011, and which turned into a severe drought, stands out clearly in the study’s climate data (Fig. 2, top panel). This drought was also associated with extreme wildfires in Texas, which burned about 4 million acres that year, doubling the previous record. (snip)

In our study, people did not link local increases in heavy rainfall with global warming. Given that the connections between global warming and precipitation patterns are more complex than those for temperature alone, perhaps this is not surprising. Yet the relationship is important and has major consequences for our economy and health. Scientists recently calculated that the impact of global warming on Hurricane Sandy includes a price tag of $8 billion from the flooding damage. But many Americans don’t understand how carbon pollution could cause an increase in flooding and hurricane damage. For them, the dots have not been connected yet between cause and effects.

It’s no wonder I call it Hotcoldwetdry: these doomsday cultists say that the un-scientific, climate cult term “carbon pollution” is causing everything, just like a cult would.

Read: Bummer: People Just Aren’t Buying Into Doom From Climate Crisis (scam) Caused Extreme Weather »

Macy Gray Calls For Replacing American Flag, Says It Has Replaced Confederate Flag

This would be no big deal, just another entitled, unhinged liberal hating on America as usual, if so many other liberals weren’t agreeing with her

Singer Macy Gray argues US needs a ‘new flag’ to replace ‘tattered, dated, divisive’ Old Glory

The American flag is “tattered, dated, divisive, and incorrect” and needs to be updated, singer Macy Gray argued this week in an op-ed written for Juneteenth.

But the piece, published Thursday by MarketWatch, received a quick rebuke from a few prominent conservatives.

The five-time Grammy nominee’s article appeared the same day President Biden signed a bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the 1860s.

She argued that Old Glory has “replaced” the Confederate flag, implying it is a symbol of racism.

“It no longer represents ALL of us,” Gray wrote. “It’s not fair to be forced to honor it. It’s time for a new flag.”

If she and others don’t like it, they can leave, right? What do they want to replace it with? The African flag they fly on Juneteenth? Something with the communist symbol on it? Perhaps the BLM or Antifa flags? People like Macy do not want any sort of coming together, and sort of “racial healing”, no, they just want to sow division and air their racial grievances and force everyone else to comply.

She went on to say a new flag should have 52 stars, with the new pair representing Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.

She claimed both the U.S. territory in the Caribbean and the nation’s capital city deserve statehood and that the supposed purity and innocence represented by the flag’s white stripes is a fallacy.

“America is great,” she wrote. “It is beautiful. Pure, it ain’t. It is broken and in pieces.”

She suggested the stripes could be off-white and the stars the “colors of ALL of us — your skin tone and mine.”

Huh what? What about Latinos? Asians? Middle Eastern folks? Native Americans? Are they being left out? What is off white? White? I’m guessing she really didn’t think through her moonbat piece. She just wanted to bitch and moan. Perhaps she should talk with her BLM allies about looting and pillaging and arson and vandalism in black owned areas.

As for Puerto Rico, are we to force them to be a full part of the Union? Mentioning D.C. means this was very much about politics, trying to force something to happen. Tell you what, convene a Constitutional convention, see if you can get the votes.

Read: Macy Gray Calls For Replacing American Flag, Says It Has Replaced Confederate Flag »

Warmist Snowflakes Getting Upset With China Joe Over Lack Of Climate Scam Action

They could practice what they preach if they’re so concerned, right?

Sunrise Movement Getting ‘More And More Angry’ At Biden Over Lack Of Climate Progress

The Sunrise Movement is growing frustrated with President Joe Biden’s lack of progress on his climate policies — and the fact that oil and gas executives seem to have his ear.

The youth-led climate group sent a letter to the White House demanding a sit-down with the president and vice president. The letter, sent on June 4 and shared exclusively with HuffPost, asks Biden to prioritize meeting with them rather than a Republican Party looking to strip climate provisions from his infrastructure plan.

The group says it has not received a response.

“We’re definitely frustrated and each day that goes by we’re more and more angry and outraged,” Sunrise Movement spokesperson Ellen Sciales told HuffPost. “We elected Biden on a bold climate mandate and now he’s spending more time with Republicans than with the people who sacrificed all their time to get him elected.”

How cute, they sent a letter. And actually expected it to be answered by Joe.

In the letter, the Sunrise Movement called Biden’s attempt to negotiate with the GOP over his spending package a “dead end mission.”

“The agenda you’ve put forward and I helped craft, while historic, is itself already a compromise; it’s far short of what economists and scientists say is necessary to transform our economy and meet the climate challenge at scale,” Varshini Prakash, executive director of Sunrise Movement, wrote. “But, if you insist on meeting with and negotiation with the Republican Party, it’s only reasonable that you should also meet with and hear from us.”

So what they want is dictatorship, while screeching about Democracy. How cute. Meanwhile

Pennsylvania youth to march to Washington, D.C. fighting against climate change

A group of Pennsylvania youth will be marching from Harrisburg to Washington DC next week as they urge the Biden Administration to take a greater stand against climate change.

The activists are part of Sunrise Movement, which is a group of youth from across the country who are fighting to stop climate change.

Thompson and other members of the Sunrise Movement rallied at the capitol earlier this month. They’re hoping to reiterate their message as they march over 100 miles back to the White House.

I’m betting most of them couldn’t walk 10 miles, much less 100, looking at the photos at the article. Especially in the summer heat. The chance of them being driven in fossil fueled vehicles is around 100%.

Read: Warmist Snowflakes Getting Upset With China Joe Over Lack Of Climate Scam Action »

If All You See…

…is an evil carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on white supremacy expanding through diversity.

Read: If All You See… »

Fauci Remembers An Early Meeting On Wuhan Lab Leak

Drip drip drip. Slowly more information is coming to light about the potential for a lab leak

‘I remember it very well’: Dr. Fauci describes a secret 2020 meeting to talk about COVID origins

In the early days of the growing coronavirus outbreak that would soon become a pandemic, an elite group of international scientists gathered on a conference call to discuss a shocking possibility: The virus looked like it might have been engineered in a laboratory.

“I remember it very well,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert at the National Institutes of Health, said in an interview with me on Wednesday. “We decided on the call the situation really needed to be looked into carefully.”

The teleconference on Feb. 1, 2020, appears to have played a pivotal role in shaping the early views of several key scientists whose published papers and public statements contributed to the shutting down of legitimate discussion about whether a laboratory in Wuhan, China, might have ignited the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a reporter who has spent a decade revealing hundreds of serious safety breaches at U.S. biological research labs, it has always seemed obvious to investigate whether the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a major coronavirus research center, possibly played a role given that the initial outbreak happened in the same city.

Yet for more than a year, those who publicly raised such questions were too often deemed a crackpot conspiracy theorist or a simpleton who just didn’t understand science.

It has only been in recent weeks that a growing list of high-profile scientists, intelligence officials and politicians – including President Joe Biden  – have publicly acknowledged the plausibility of a lab accident and pushed for rigorous investigation.

Perhaps that’s because the early concerns among key scientists – like the conference call on Feb. 1, 2020 – were kept private until now. That call likely would have remained secret if not for documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

It’s very simple why this acknowledgement is occurring: the first is because the Credentialed Media and Democrats too a kneejerk opposition to Trump and so many Republicans speculating that the most obvious possibility was that COVID19 came from a lab, either accidentally or on purpose, rather than someone eating a bat or something and it spreading like gossip.

The other big reason is due to the World Health Organization and so many others trying to protect China, especially since Trump and many were referring to it as the Wuhan Flu, China Flu, etc.

The group of scientists invited to the call had agreed in advance that the information they discussed would be kept in total confidence and not shared until they had agreed on next steps, emails at the time show. They were among thousands of pages of Fauci’s emails on a wide range of topics that BuzzFeed News posted online recently after obtaining them through the federal Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

A day before the teleconference, Kristian Andersen, an expert in infectious disease genomics at the prestigious Scripps Research Translational Institute in California, had told Fauci first by phone and again later by email that the genetic structure of the virus looked like it might have been engineered in a lab.

And they wanted to keep this rather important information secret, so, good on BuzzFeed for a change

“The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (<0.1%) so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered,” Andersen said in an email to Fauci on Jan. 31, 2020. Andersen added that he and University of Sydney virologist and evolutionary biologist Edward Holmes, plus a handful of other top scientists with whom Fauci was on a first-name basis, “all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.”

Surprise? Anyway, it is a long article, worth reading the rest.

More: TDS did play a significant role in the scientists lying

(Breitbart) Far-left NBC News reports:

Chan said there had been trepidation among some scientists about publicly discussing the lab leak hypothesis for fear that their words could be misconstrued or used to support racist rhetoric about how the coronavirus emerged. Trump fueled accusations that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a research lab in the city where the first Covid-19 [Chinese coronavirus] cases were reported, was connected to the outbreak, and on numerous occasions he called the pathogen the “Wuhan virus” or “kung flu.”

“At the time, it was scarier to be associated with Trump and to become a tool for racists, so people didn’t want to publicly call for an investigation into lab origins,” she said.

If you read between the lines, what happened here is obvious… A herd of quislings with scientific degrees allowed themselves to be so intimidated by the toxicity fabricated around Trump by the political, media, and academic establishment that they covered up something they believe to be true — that the lab leak theory is credible enough to warrant investigation.


Read: Fauci Remembers An Early Meeting On Wuhan Lab Leak »

NASA Says Earth Trapping “Unprecedented” Amounts Of Heat

Now that China Joe is in the White House the climate cultists/activists at NASA feel emboldened to start trotting out their doom and gloom, and now that summer is almost here they’re going to make sure it is really Doomy

Earth is trapping ‘unprecedented’ amount of heat, Nasa says

The Earth is trapping nearly twice as much heat as it did in 2005, according to new research, described as an “unprecedented” increase amid the climate crisis.

Scientists from Nasa, the US space agency, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa), reported in a new study that Earth’s “energy imbalance approximately doubled” from 2005 to 2019. The increase was described as “alarming”.

“Energy imbalance” refers to the difference between how much of the Sun’s “radiative energy” is absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere and surface, compared to how much “thermal infrared radiation” bounces back into space.

“A positive energy imbalance means the Earth system is gaining energy, causing the planet to heat up,” Nasa said in a statement about this study.

Scientists determined there was an energy imbalance by comparing data from satellite sensors – which track how much energy enters and exits Earth’s system – and data from ocean floats.

And you know this is your fault

Upticks in greenhouse gas emissions keep heat in Earth’s atmosphere, trapping radiation that would otherwise move into space. This warming spurs other changes, including ice and snow melt. An increase in water vapor, and changes to clouds, could further exacerbate this warming, Nasa said.

But, they had to admit that nature plays a roll, but, couldn’t help going cultist

Researchers also said that a “naturally occurring” shift in the Pacific ocean from a cool phase to a warm one probably had a significant role in amplifying this energy imbalance.

“It’s likely a mix of anthropogenic forcing and internal variability,” Loeb said. “And over this period they’re both causing warming, which leads to a fairly large change in Earth’s energy imbalance. The magnitude of the increase is unprecedented.”

How do they know it is unprecedented? Perhaps during the satellite era, but, what about before then? What about during the very hot 1930’s? Or the previous Holocene warm periods, which would not have had fossil fuels?

Read: NASA Says Earth Trapping “Unprecedented” Amounts Of Heat »

Democrats Float $6 Trillion “Infrastructure” Bill

Spending money the U.S. doesn’t have on projects that are not needed

Senate Democrats weigh $6T infrastructure bill, without GOP

Senate Democrats are weighing spending as much as $6 trillion on their own infrastructure package if the chamber’s bipartisan talks fail, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has repeatedly insisted that infrastructure talks are currently on two tracks: The first track is bipartisan, while the second track will include priorities that have no chance of getting GOP support. He huddled on Wednesday afternoon with Democratic members of the Budget Committee to discuss strategy, with no firm decision reached.

By “bipartisan” they mean “the GOP surrendering to the first bill with all the unrelated liberal priorities that they have renamed infrastructure.” The second track is simply just expanding those priorities

Senate Budget Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has been pushing for an aggressive approach to the infrastructure talks and is angling to insert a large expansion of Medicare into Democrats’ plan. Earlier this week, Sanders said he opposed the emerging bipartisan agreement. He acknowledged that the bipartisan talks could impact his plans but vowed to proceed.

What does that have to do with infrastructure?

The details of the bigger plan come as a bipartisan group of senators, led by Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio), released details this week of an infrastructure plan that costs about $973 billion over five years or $1.2 trillion over eight. The plan would include $579 billion in new spending, and pay-fors include repurposing unused Covid relief funds, imposing a surcharge on electric vehicles, and expanding use of state and local funds for coronavirus relief.

You know what infrastructure hasn’t really be done since Obama’s Stimulus? Because it becomes to political, they include too much unrelated stuff, and, really, Obama’s stimulus (with VP Joe Biden in charge of it) wasted enormous amounts of money on projects which were not shovel ready and/or unnecessary. I remember them repaving a section of I440 on the northeast side of Raleigh around the Capital Blvd exit. It was utterly unnecessary. But, they had a great sign touting the Stimulus.

The potential $6 trillion in scope, however, is much-welcomed news to the nearly 100-member Congressional Progressive Caucus, which has distributed a wishlist for the package that falls between $6 trillion to $10 trillion. Their list includes universal child care, lowering of Medicare eligibility age, a permanent extension of the child tax credit. The group has also proposed to pay for roughly $3 trillion of its proposal, mostly through tax increases on the wealthiest Americans.

You know how we get an infrastructure bill that works? Deal with actual infrastructure. Dems are trying to create a catchall bill to fund their far left priorities along with bribing voters.

Read: Democrats Float $6 Trillion “Infrastructure” Bill »

Are White People Bad For The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something?

I’m getting the feeling that this whole thing really isn’t about the climate or environment

Are white people bad for the environment?

Dear Umbra,

Are white people bad for the environment? Do white people have substantially higher carbon footprints than folks of color?

— Just Understanding Systemic Truths In Climate Emergency


If you look at whose lives are most affected by the many harms of climate change, it’s clear that race matters. You can point to the disproportionate suffering experienced by the Black victims of Hurricane Katrina, the high proportion of Latino farmworkers who suffer from heatstroke or worse every year, or the number of Indigenous lands contaminated by fossil fuel infrastructure. Those examples are just in the United States, mind you, and not even a comprehensive list of wrongs! And the immediate question is: Since white people are relatively protected from climate change, does it imply that they are its main perpetrators?

The answer is complicated. White people are, of course, not a monolith. On one end of the spectrum you have your white mega-billionaires with spectacularly high carbon footprints both in terms of personal lifestyle and professional influence on consumption culture. At the other, you have the poor, white population of, say, parts of West Virginia, whose bodies and hometowns have been completely decimated by the fossil fuel industry. The gap between these two groups might lead an uncritical observer to exclaim, Aha! This proves race is just a proxy for class in this environmental equation!

In other words, whitey bad! Seriously, this a rather racist question to start with, one that would not be tolerated if it was something like “are black people bad for keeping crime low?” Or “are black people good for the environment because they live like it’s 1722 in Africa?”

The origins of global warming are “rooted in a racism of ‘I know better,’” said Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, a progressive think tank. That particular sense of entitlement is a key tenet of white supremacy. (snip)

The heart of your question, JUSTICE, is not whether every white person is bad for the planet. It’s about whether it’s possible to separate white people as individuals from the legacy that white-favoring systems have wrought on the world. And that is a very complicated prospect!

So, yeah, Umbra at hyper-climate cult outlet Grist is pretty much saying white people are bad. Here’s my question: what are you going to do about, race-baiter?

If I buy an electric vehicle, go vegan, put solar panels on my house, and compost, will I have done enough to make up for that legacy and amend the climate crisis? Quite clearly not. And furthermore, the only reason that I would be able to afford all the trappings of a so-called low-carbon lifestyle would be because of the generational wealth obtained through the oppression of others and the extraction of natural resources.

These people are just nuts. And, I’m getting the idea that Umbra, like most Warmists, hasn’t done a damned thing to reduce her own carbon footprint. And just nuts. Cultists.

In an article for Foreign Policy, Georgetown University philosophers Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò and Beba Cibralic write, “Climate reparations are better understood as a systemic approach to redistributing resources and changing policies and institutions that have perpetuated harm.” For example, the two call for reforming the current international refugee housing system, calling upon wealthy countries to house migrants rather than denying them entry or relegating them to camps. They also suggest industrialized nations substantially increase their contributions to a Green Climate Fund that would help poorer, more frontline countries mitigate and adapt to climate change.

These white climate cultists are actually rather racist, thinking that black and brown people in 3rd World nations cannot survive with a helping hand.

(that graphic is from an old, old article at Grist by Greenie Pig)

Read: Are White People Bad For The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something? »

If All You See…

…is a cliff that is collapsing due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a victim selection failure.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove