Good News: China Joe Using Taxpayer Money To Fly In Families Of Those With Pending Asylum Claims

Hey, #NeverTrumpers and low income Democrat voters, how are you enjoying Biden bringing in tons of foreigners who’ll displace low income workers?

Biden Policy Allows Migrants with Pending Asylum Claims to Have Families Airlifted to U.S.

President Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.


The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]

So, all these “youths” and adults have to do is cross the border, either illegally or by showing up and claiming asylum, and the U.S. taxpayers will pay for the federal government to fly their families to the U.S., at which point those same taxpayers will be subsidizing their housing, food, clothing, medical care, and so forth, for decades. These people will demand jobs, and take those from so many low income/low skill workers who are American citizens. Then they’ll demand citizenship while not having integrated nor really learned to read or speak the primary language.

“The expanded Biden version will have more outreach, but the rationale is the same: Don’t come here illegally because we will come get you in legally,” Nayla Rush, a refugee and asylum policy expert at the Centers for Immigration Studies (CIS), wrote on Tuesday.

She acknowledged that it is unclear what will happen if an immigration judge denies the asylum or the visa claim and if “caregivers” of those children could also be allowed into the U.S.

No, no, this won’t entice migrants to come her, right? They can now start sending adults instead of kids. And if the asylum claim is denied, as 90% of them are, they mostly will not be deported.

Asylum cases can take years, given the immigration backlog exacerbated by the pandemic and border crisis. Biden is offering at least some asylum seekers work permits, and they can take advantage of resettlement U.S. taxpayer-funded aid under USRAP.

But, hey, no mean tweets, right?

Read: Good News: China Joe Using Taxpayer Money To Fly In Families Of Those With Pending Asylum Claims »

Perfect: Warmists To Hold “Faith And Science” Pre-COP26 Event

Belief in anthropogenic climate change is pretty much based on pseudo-religious faith, more cult-like

COP26: ‘Faith and Science’ event to highlight efforts against climate crisis

The Holy See Press Office held a press conference on Thursday to present the “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” meeting, which will take place on 4 October.

The event, which is organized by the UK’s and Italy’s Embassies to the Holy See, will see numerous faith leaders and scientists address the theme of climate change and the need for a coordinated effort to protect Creation.

Pope Francis will likely participate in the 4 October event, according to Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States.

Presenting the Holy See’s role in preparing the meeting, the Archbishop said the Pope is very committed to the issue of climate change and that he would be “very surprised if the Holy Father does not participate.”

Archbishop Gallagher also pointed out that climate change presents an enormous challenge and that faith has a role to play in the solution.

“You’ve got to draw on all of your resources if we’re going to rise to these challenges,” he said, “and that certainly is faith; it is religion and the spiritual dimension of humanity. If we ignore that and think that the only solution is good politics or good science then we’re going to find that we’re not successful.”

This is a Pope who is more concerned with a slight increase in the world’s temperature over 170 years, something entirely normal during the Holocene, and one which is less than several previous Holocene warm periods, than with things like abortion on demand and violating Catholic principles in the Bible. It really is perfect, though, that they’re dragging faith and religion into the climate crisis scam, because it’s all based on faith in the coming Doom, right? The science used to prop up the climate cult is shoddy, rarely follows scientific principles like the Scientific Method, requires constant changes to data and facts to make their points, computer models which spit out the results they want, changing the data to accord to the hypotheses, and more. These are things pseudo-religions and cults do.

The Archbishop went on to add that the sense of urgency has grown about the need to confront climate change, saying that the pandemic has shown how various economic, social, and alimentary crises affect all people on the planet.

As the Pope has said, “everything is connected”, and so these challenges must be dealt with together, which is an aspect that people of religion can contribute to in a unique fashion, said Archbishop Gallagher.

This isn’t about climate, is it.

Biden Policies Would Help Unwind Destructive Forces of Inequality, Climate Change, Yellen Says

The U.S. economy needs ambitious fiscal policy to help unwind destructive forces, such as racial inequality and climate change, that have kept prosperity out of reach for millions of Americans, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told lawmakers Wednesday.

Ms. Yellen, who testified before the Senate Finance Committee, defended the Biden administration’s $6 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2022 in prepared testimony, calling for policies such as paid family leave, modernizing infrastructure, reducing emissions and making housing and education more affordable. The private sector doesn’t make enough of these investments to reverse long-term, structural economic challenges, such as falling labor-force participation and wage inequality, Ms. Yellen said.

“We need to make these investments at some point, and now is fiscally the most strategic time to make them,” she said.

The climate crisis (scam) is a platform to implement all their far left (technically, per the Politics 101 scale of political ideologies, these are way to the right into the Authoritarian/Fascism scales) policies of governmental control of citizens, private entities, freedom, and choice.

Read: Perfect: Warmists To Hold “Faith And Science” Pre-COP26 Event »

House Passes Juneteenth Bill, Sends It To Sleepy Joe’s Desk

I’m actually impressed that the House took this up so quickly

Congress approves bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday

The United States will soon have a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery.

The House voted 415-14 Wednesday to make Juneteenth, or June 19th, the 12th federal holiday. The bill now goes to President Joe Biden’s desk, and he is expected to sign it into law.

Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers brought the news of freedom to enslaved Black people in Galveston, Texas — two months after the Confederacy had surrendered. That was also about 2 1/2 years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the Southern states.

It’s the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was created in 1983.

“Our federal holidays are purposely few in number and recognize the most important milestones,” said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. “I cannot think of a more important milestone to commemorate than the end of slavery in the United States.”

Now we just have to wait for China Joe to wake up and get some of his cognitive facilities back to understand what he’s doing to sign it without saying anything really stupid during the ceremony. Some Republicans missed a big chance to stick it to the Democrats, though, failing to see the political benefit in passing the bill

Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., said that he would vote for the bill and that he supported the establishment of a federal holiday, but he was upset that the name of the holiday included the word “independence” rather than “emancipation.”

“Why would the Democrats want to politicize this by coopting the name of our sacred holiday of Independence Day?” Higgins asked.

Rep. Brenda Lawrence, D-Mich., replied, “I want to say to my white colleagues on the other side: Getting your independence from being enslaved in a country is different from a country getting independence to rule themselves.”

She added, “We have a responsibility to teach every generation of Black and white Americans the pride of a people who have survived, endured and succeeded in these United States of America despite slavery.”

Republicans should be pointing out that it was the Democrat Party which supported slavery, which seceded over slavery, who fought to keep slavery, which enacted all sorts of anti-black policies and laws, which had anti-black policies in their party platforms, and that it was the Republican party which supported the exact opposite of Democrats.

But, the GOP has rarely been very good at that kind of messaging.

Also, we haven’t had slavery for about 150 years, and there’s no one left alive who was a slave. And probably almost no one, if any, whose parents were slaves, or even grandparents.

Read: House Passes Juneteenth Bill, Sends It To Sleepy Joe’s Desk »

17 States Petition Court On Youth Climate Scam Suit

They want to try and shut down the potential settlement, which has no place going through the courts

Montana and 16 other states want in on Youth Climate Change lawsuit

Montana and 16 other states are asking to intervene in the Youth Climate Change lawsuit, an attempt by 21 youth activists to address climate change by compelling the federal government to transition away from fossil fuels.

In a brief filed last week, the states argue they’ll be impacted by a settlement discussion between the plaintiffs and the federal government scheduled for later this month, and say they don’t trust President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice to represent states’ interests.

Juliana v. United States was first filed six years ago on behalf of young climate activists who petitioned the federal government to phase out fossil fuel emissions and draw down atmospheric carbon dioxide.

In January 2020, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the government on one of the lawsuit’s key claims, concluding that the remedy plaintiffs want requires complex policy decisions better handled by elected officials and voters than by the judicial branch. In response, the plaintiffs, now age 13 to 24, amended the complaint to focus on declaratory relief — recognition that their rights have been harmed without naming specific remedies for those harms.

The case is back before the U.S. District Court of Oregon in Eugene. Ann Aiken, the judge assigned to the case, recently directed the plaintiffs and the government to participate in a settlement conference, a first for the case.

Instead of the kiddies giving up their own use of fossil fuels and convincing the rest of their cult to do the same, they seek to have their Beliefs imposed on everyone via the court system, and it seems that the China Joe admin is happy to help them.

The states seeking to intervene argue that they have a stake in the country’s energy future, and that a settlement granting the plaintiffs’ demands would lead to higher energy prices for the states and their citizens.

One question would be “does the federal government have the constitutional power to do any of this?” They could certainly regulate intrastate shipping of fossil fuels, but, what if these states drilled and kept it in state? That’s actually an argument used for the states legalizing marijuana. Does the federal government, even via passing a law, have the power to do away with fossil fuels across the nation? Highly doubtful.

Read: 17 States Petition Court On Youth Climate Scam Suit »

If All You See…

…is a horrible high energy lightbulb causing Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on bats being kept at the Wuhan lab.

Read: If All You See… »

Senate Passes Bill Making Juneteenth A Federal Holiday

I’m mostly in favor of this

Senate unanimously passes a bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday

The Senate unanimously passed a resolution on Tuesday establishing June 19 as Juneteenth National Independence Day, a US holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

The legislation has gained momentum since the massive Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd last year and the Democrats’ takeover of the White House and Congress.

But Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson blocked the bill in 2020, saying that the day off for federal employees would cost US taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Johnson dropped his objection this week despite his concerns, paving the way for the bill’s passage in the Senate.

“Although I strongly support celebrating Emancipation, I objected to the cost and lack of debate,” said Johnson in a statement. “While it still seems strange that having taxpayers provide federal employees paid time off is now required to celebrate the end of slavery, it is clear that there is no appetite in Congress to further discuss the matter.”

The measure needs to pass the House and be signed by President Joe Biden to become law.

On June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger announced in Galveston, Texas, the end of slavery in accordance with President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.

I think it is great that we have a national holiday for this (most states have this as a regular holiday, though most people had no idea until sometime in the past few years). Trump himself wanted to make Juneteenth a national holiday, so, it’s strange that Democrats want to do so, as they usually take a 100% 180 degree view from Trump. The thing is, this would be a yearly reminder that it was the Republican party which went to war to end slavery (yes, the Civil War was a bit more complicated) and was the one which ended slavery, while the Democrats fought to keep slavery and were against ending it. And fought against civil rights and such for over a hundred years.

My one objection is that it should not be a paid federal holiday. Perhaps they can remove Columbus Day? Oh, right, federal employees need that free paid day in October.

The question now is if the Democrat run House takes this up, and, if so, when?

Read: Senate Passes Bill Making Juneteenth A Federal Holiday »

Bummer: Back To Normal Post-COVID Leads To Climate Doom

Do you remember what it was like during lockdown? With you stuck at home, most things closed so there’s nothing to do, businesses shuttered and many going out of business permanently, and so much more? That’s what Vox and so many Warmists want a return to, and stronger

“Back to normal” puts us back on the path to climate catastrophe

The Covid-19 pandemic upended daily life so drastically that there was a moment when it seemed to be making a dent in the climate crisis. Rush-hour traffic disappeared, global travel slowed to a crawl, and the resulting economic tailspin sent energy-related pollution plummeting almost 6 percent globally. This kind of decline in pollution is unprecedented in modern human history — it’s as though the emissions output of the entire European Union had suddenly disappeared. It led many to wonder if the Covid-19 crisis would at least give us a little extra time to avert climate emergency.

More than a year after Covid-19 abruptly changed everyone’s routines, the United States is itching to return to “normal,” and some parts of the economy are approaching business as usual. But for the climate, “back to normal” means pollution is rebounding and, worryingly, climate change is accelerating.

“We ultimately need cuts that are much larger and sustained longer than the Covid-related shutdowns of 2020,” said Ralph Keeling, a geochemist who measures carbon pollution at Mauna Loa.

Would you be up for bigger cuts than what we saw during lockdown? That last a lot longer?

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage globally but starts to abate in the US, here are four ways to understand the new “normal” of the climate crisis.

1. Climate change is accelerating despite the pandemic

While emissions dropped last year, carbon and methane concentrations in the atmosphere just reached their highest-known level in millions of years. Think of it as filling a plugged bathtub with water: Even if you turn down the faucet for a little while, the water will keep rising.

So, despite there being a 6 percent reduction during a good portion of 2020, then why did CO2 and methane continue to rise? I’m sure climate cultists have Reasons, but, should there not have been a dip?

As usual, it is a very long Vox piece, blaming everything on Mankind, ending with

Most Americans don’t think there has to be a zero-sum trade-off between climate change and economic growth. The Biden administration has capitalized on that view, making the case for “building back better” and trying to boost the economy with a climate-focused infrastructure package. But this can’t happen without large-scale political action. The US may savor a returning sense of normalcy — but the whole world need to remember that normal was never good enough.

Yet, Warmists are specifically saying that “We ultimately need cuts that are much larger and sustained longer than the Covid-related shutdowns of 2020.” That sure doesn’t seem like a zero-sum trade-off to me. How about you?

Read: Bummer: Back To Normal Post-COVID Leads To Climate Doom »

Surprise: Israel Responds After Hamas Launches Balloon Attacks

Will Democratic Party haters if Israel and Jews, such as those in what’s being called the Hamas Squad (Ilhan Omar, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, etc) Blame Israel for responding to attacks on civilians?

Israel’s fragile coalition government gets first test, launches airstrikes on Hamas

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s coalition government, just three days into its term, responded to an incendiary balloon attack from Hamas by launching airstrikes into the Gaza Strip.

Bennett, the right-wing leader who was once former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief of staff, has said that he would approach balloon attacks with the same seriousness as if they were rockets.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli Defense Forces said it targeted Hamas infrastructure. About 20 fires broke out in southern Israel as a result of the balloon attack, the report said.

The New York Times, citing Palestinian news, reported that one of the Israeli strikes caused damage to at least one property, but there have been no confirmation of any casualties.

The paper reported that Israel had been on edge after the new government approved a “far-right Jewish march to pass through Palestinian areas of Jerusalem on Tuesday night.”

Let’s be honest, everything sets the “Palestinians” on edge. They are always looking for a reason to attack and kill Jews. Though, in fairness, the ultra-nationalists aren’t particularly good people, almost as bad as Hamas in their rhetoric. Of course, they aren’t actually launching attacks on civilians, they just like running their mouths and being provocative. They aren’t sending balloons with incendiaries across the border at farms and nature reserves like Hamas.

Funny how she failed to mention the balloon attacks on Israel, eh? Also, most Israelis are of the same descent as Arabs, being Middle Eastern, hence, how are they racist? Does she not have any other words in her arsenal? It’s not surprising that she would side with Hamas.

Read: Surprise: Israel Responds After Hamas Launches Balloon Attacks »

Frost That Damaged French Wine Region Is All Your Fault For Taking A Fossil Fueled Trip

No matter what the issue is, the answer from the cult is “climate doom!”

Record-high temperatures scorch Western states in preview of climate change future

A week of triple-digit temperatures made worse by climate change is forecast across much of the American West this week, with records poised to fall in several towns, cities and states across the drought-plagued region.

Scorching summer heat waves, which climate scientists warn will become become more commonplace in the coming decades, result in increased health risks. A study released in May found that more than one-third of the world’s heat deaths are now directly attributable to global warming.

So, an area which is always rather hot, and is expected to be hot during a typical Holocene warm period, is actually caused by you getting that burger. BTW, the records haven’t fallen, this is just prognostication. So, of course, this is also your fault

Costly frost in France attributed to climate change

Scientists say damaging frost that caused significant economic loss to France’s central winegrowing region this year was made more likely by climate change.

A report released Tuesday by researchers who study the link between global warming and weather events suggests that the intense April 6-8 frost in France was particularly damaging due to a preceding warm period in March.

The analysis conducted by the group World Weather Attribution used 132 climate models to simulate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on temperatures in the vineyard-rich Champagne, Loire Valley and Burgundy regions of France. The group uses widely accepted methodologies for its work, but the study hasn’t yet been independently reviewed.

The researchers from France, Britain, the Netherlands and Germany concluded that the warming caused by man-made emissions had coaxed the plants into exposing their young leaves when a blast of Arctic cold reached Europe in April.

Their models tell them so! It’s not like we haven’t had the phrase “false Spring” for hundreds of years. It’s not like this stuff hasn’t happened for most of the Holocene (and surely before then). Nope, it’s because you and your ancestors did Bad Things. Seriously, this is a cult.

Read: Frost That Damaged French Wine Region Is All Your Fault For Taking A Fossil Fueled Trip »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled engine, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on China Joe’s G7 disaster.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove