State Of Washington Offers A Free Joint To Get The COVID Vaccine

This is getting kind of crazy, the way so many states are attempting to bribe people to get the COVID vaccine. What about hooking up those of us who got the vaccine before the bribes started? Of course, really, the bribes are, at best, wooing a few who are on the fence. Most had already planned to get the shot

Washington State allows for free marijuana joints with Covid-19 vaccine.

As part of its strategy to vaccinate more of its population, Washington State will allow adults to claim a free marijuana joint when they receive a Covid-19 vaccination shot.

The state’s liquor and cannabis board announced on Monday that the promotion, called “Joints for Jabs,” was effective immediately and would run through July 12.

The board said it would allow participating marijuana retailers to provide customers who are 21 or older with a prerolled joint at their stores when they received their first or second dose at an active vaccine clinic. The promotion applies only to joints, not to other products like edibles.

So far in Washington, 58 percent of people have received at least one dose, and 49 percent are fully vaccinated, according to a New York Times database.

Washington is not the only state to offer a cannabis promotion. An Arizona dispensary recently announced a similar campaign, providing free marijuana joints or gummy edibles to Arizonans 21 and older who receive a vaccination.

Washington’s liquor and cannabis board recently allowed for a free beer, wine or cocktail to residents with proof of vaccination.

Who’s paying for this? Are the stores compensated for giving out free drugs? You know, ones that are actually illegal by federal law? BTW, how do marijuana stores file federal tax returns when their business is illegal by federal law? Anyhow, the Government is attempting to get people drugged up after taking vaccine. Is it only me that finds this weird and inappropriate? Completely without a sense of propriety? Meanwhile

Can Jill Biden help move the needle on vaccination rates?

I’m thinking the answer is no, but, the Washington Post is squeeing, and would never treat Melania Trump with this respect

Vaccination rates fall off, imperiling Biden’s July Fourth goal

The ‘last mile’ of delivering coronavirus shots has become a marathon, with health officials showing up at stores, parks and factories to entice people who might not otherwise get immunized.

So, they’re in nag mode now. But, wait, what’s this

New York’s Vaccine Passport Could Cost Taxpayers $17 Million

New York officials introduced the Excelsior Pass app earlier this year as the country’s first government-issued vaccine passport, designed to help jump-start the state’s economy.

But newly obtained documents show that the state may have larger plans for the app and that the cost to taxpayers may be much higher than originally stated.

The state’s three-year contract with I.B.M. — obtained by an advocacy group and shared with The New York Times — to develop and run the pass establishes the groundwork for a future where at least 10 million people in the state would have an Excelsior Pass. It would provide them with a QR code that would not only verify their vaccination status but could also include other personal details like proof of age, driver’s license and other health records. (snip)

But Eric Piscini, the vice president of emerging business networks at I.B.M., said in a recent interview that the state was considering broader uses. He said discussions were underway to expand the pass into a broader digital wallet that could store driver’s license information, other health information and more. He also said that other states and foreign governments were exploring ways to integrate the Excelsior Pass into their own verification systems, as New York seeks to include records from other states in its system.

NY wants to expand it to basically all New York residents, it is going to cost a lot more than they stated, and it is going to contain a lot more private information. And no one is sure about the security of the app. Is it any wonder that Texas Governor Greg Abbott banned them?

Read: State Of Washington Offers A Free Joint To Get The COVID Vaccine »

Doom Today: Climate Crisis Could Threaten Apples Or Something

This is so horrible. No more apple pies. No more apples fritters. No more apple donuts. No more Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. No more apple sauce. No more apples in pig’s mouths

Michigan apple growers see threat of climate change crisis through spread of fire blight

Patrick and Sara McGuire have been growing apples since they were married 25 years ago. Their 150 acres in Ellsworth in northern Michigan— dubbed Royal Farms — are a mix of sweet apples and the bitter varieties suited for making hard cider.

Last spring they put in a new crop of Honeycrisps, one of America’s favorite apples, only to discover an unwelcome visitor just a few weeks later: a bacterial menace known as fire blight.

“We actually removed about $10,000 worth of trees by hand,” Patrick McGuire said. “It might’ve been 25 percent of that lot.”

Fire blight is a bacterial pathogen that spreads easily during blooming season. It has the potential to kill not just individual trees but entire orchards. Though not a new problem for apple growers, it’s been looming larger as the climate crisis brings longer, warmer and rainier springs that expand the window for it to infect trees. (snip)

But it’s not just cider apples that are at risk. Increasingly, all apples as well as other fruit crops such as pears are in danger from such climate-induced afflictions.

ZOMG! This is so bad it was reprinted in the Seattle Times. What are we going to do? How did apples survive during previous Holocene warm periods, many of which were warmer? And it really is your fault. It might even be a crime!

David Attenborough calls climate change ‘a crime’ committed against the planet

Naturalist and “Planet Earth” narrator Sir David Attenborough says that his new Netflix film isn’t just a documentary — it’s a witness statement.

“A crime has been committed,” said Attenborough, 95, in a “60 Minutes” interview with Anderson Cooper on Sunday. “And it so happens that, I’m of such an age, that I was able to see it beginning.”

A crime against apples!

Attenborough said that he doesn’t relish being the harbinger of doom and gloom, however. “It isn’t that I enjoy saying, ‘Doom, doom, doom.’ On the contrary, I’d much rather enjoy, take thrill, excitement, pleasure, joy, joy, joy, joy. But if you’ve got any sense of responsibility, you can’t do that,” he said.

Yes, this harbinger of doom and gloom who uses lots and lots of fossil fuels to travel the world making his (mostly) great documentaries.

Read: Doom Today: Climate Crisis Could Threaten Apples Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a large room that uses too much energy to heat and cool it, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on a Supreme Court decision that illegal aliens do not have a right to a green card.

Read: If All You See… »

MSNBC Seems Pretty Upset That Joe Manchin Is Putting His State First

Prior to the 17th Amendment, which made senators directly elected instead of appointed by a state general assembly, senators did the business of the state as directed by the state general assembly. They weren’t there to represent their party, they weren’t there to represent, necessarily, the nation. They did the business of their state. That was their point. The House represented their districts (that doesn’t happen much anymore, either), the senators were essentially ambassadors to Washington for their state

Joe Manchin’s focus on West Virginia could doom voting rights
To placate his voters, Manchin doesn’t support H.R. 1 — but his Plan B for saving democracy can’t work.

crying democratI believe Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., when he says he believes in the institutions and traditions of the Senate. I believe him when he says he wants to find common ground with the Republicans he works with in the Senate chamber each day.

But I also believe Manchin operates with an eye firmly on West Virginia and its people, not the country as a whole. It’s an increasingly antiquated view that he brandishes in defense of an increasingly antiquated chamber. His myopia toward the needs of the United States versus his home state fuels his unwillingness to act in defense of democracy as we know it. As a result, Manchin’s love of a state born over 200 years ago during a struggle to preserve the Union could, in the end, be the Union’s ruin.

That’s not how Manchin sees it, though, as he explained Sunday in an op-ed announcing that he opposes the For the People Act. Manchin is the only member of the 50-senator Democratic caucus that is against the election overhaul bill, because, as he wrote, “partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy.”

An “antiquated view.” Then who represents West Virginia? A little history/Political Theory 101 lesson: nations used to be called states. A visiting president, premier, etc, is called the “Chief Of State.” Most of the original 13 colonies were as big, at least in size, as the old world European nations. And were then called states. Bringing about a new term for countries: nation-states. U.S. states were meant to be mostly sovereign, with a limited federal government binding them all together. Los Federales were assigned specific duties, and everything else was reserved for the states and the People.

Should each state not be represented by their senators? That is their job, not to represent their party nor even the nation first. The wants of California are not the wants of West Virginia.

“If I can’t go home and explain it, I can’t vote for it,'” Manchin wrote. “And I cannot explain strictly partisan election reform or blowing up the Senate rules to expedite one party’s agenda.” Nor does he even really try. His essay doesn’t delve into the details of the For the People Act — there’s no “why” that even explains the parts that he’s against. He’s content to list its faults as being a “more than 800-page bill” that “has garnered zero Republican support.”

This has made MSDNC’s Hayes Brown very upset. Triggered, you might say. You’ve surely seen how Democrats and their pet media have been attacking Manchin as of late, because he refuses to Comply with the hardcore Leftist agenda. In this case, a takeover of all voting by the federal government, which I’m pretty sure violates the Constitution, and wanting to get rid of the filibuster. Joe surely realizes that Democrats will not always control the Senate.

Interestingly, we get this from the NY Post

Get this: a Democrat who puts nation’s needs before his party’s obsessions

At least one Democrat is putting the nation’s interests over his party’s obsessions: Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) went on record this weekend opposing the Dems’ top-priority legislation, the so-called “For the People Act.”

It passed the House as H.R.1 without a single Republican vote, and as S.1 faces the same united GOP opposition. It’s a naked bid to federalize nearly all election rules, in blatant violation of the Constitution.

It would strike down most voter-ID requirements and block states from purging ineligible voters, force automatic voter-registration, impose new campaign-finance rules and even deny states their rights to run their own redistricting. (snip)

Preserving the filibuster dooms not only S.1, but much of the rest of Biden’s much-hyped agenda. Maybe Manchin’s wake-up call will inspire the rest of his party to stop focusing on wild fantasies and get to work on measures that can command bipartisan support in a Congress that Democrats barely control.

Quit concentrating on offering red meat for partisans and put effort into bills that serve the nation’s actual needs.

Joe knows that the people of West Virginia are against these things, and that he would be voted out if he supported this stuff. If what’s best for West Virginia is best for the nation, that’s what Joe will do.

Read: MSNBC Seems Pretty Upset That Joe Manchin Is Putting His State First »

Senator Whitehouse Upset Chance To Force Climate Crisis (scam) Legislation Through Is Fading Fast

It’s been demonstrated time and time again, with poll after poll, that Doing Something about the “climate emergency” is popular in theory, but not in practice. Most Americans are not interested in actually paying much money out of their own pockets. They aren’t really that interested in practice to be forced onto buses, trains, nor electric vehicles and out of their fossil fueled vehicles. They aren’t interested in reality over keeping their AC higher and their heating lower. So, when it comes to actually passing big, intrusive, national policies on ‘climate change’, interest is waning. It’s kinda like being excited for a party, then, when the day arrives, you realize you really do not want to go and don’t actually like these people

“I’m now officially very anxious”: Key Senate Dem sounds alarm over fading climate hopes

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), one of Capitol Hill’s most vocal members on climate change, went public on Monday about his fear that chances to enact major legislation on the topic are slipping away.

Why it matters: His tweets reflect wider angst on the left that large clean energy and climate investments will be jettisoned in infrastructure negotiations between the White House and Congress.

Driving the news: “I’m now officially very anxious about climate legislation,” Whitehouse tweeted.

  • “Climate has fallen out of the infrastructure discussion, as it took its bipartisanship detour. It may not return. So then what?,” he tweeted.
  • “I don’t see the preparatory work for a close Senate climate vote taking place in the administration. Why not marshal business support?,” Whitehouse added.
  • He also expressed concern about “quarreling” among groups and activists, while claiming that corporate American is “AWOL” and “all the major corporate trade associations suck.”

Sheldon has been tweeting for a long time about Hotcoldwetdry, yet, I’ve yet to see any about him taking the train from Rhode Island rather than a fossil fueled flight. He never mentions anything he’s done in his own life to make his carbon footprint zero. Nor does he push his elected Comrades to modify their own lives. It’s all about forcing the peons to change their lives and give up their money, because none of their extreme climate cult garbage in the so-called infrastructure bill will harm the rich folks like Sheldon. They won’t be bothered by skyrocketing power prices, leading to a skyrocketing cost of living, via the increase in unreliable “renewable” energy while doing away with coal (again, I’m not a fan of coal) and natural gas. Plus, all those ugly solar and wind farms will not be located near the rich folks, spoiling their views.

Plus, the climate cult parts of the infrastructure bill are more about “climate justice”, meaning payoffs to minority voting blocks. Blaming white people. Forcing people who can’t afford an EV out of their fossil fueled vehicles. And so much more cult stuff. No one really wants all this in theory. Except those getting the payoffs.

What they’re saying: “The President is engaged in good faith with both parties in Congress to deliver historic infrastructure investments that will drive economic growth, produce the clean technologies of the future and create good paying jobs,” a White House official tells Axios.

Just like all those jobs at Solyndra that vanished, and the environmental mess left behind?

Read: Senator Whitehouse Upset Chance To Force Climate Crisis (scam) Legislation Through Is Fading Fast »

Bummer: Upscale Biden Voting Neighborhood In Scottsdale Upset Over ICE Leaving Lots Of Illegals

There are consequences to one’s vote. They could be good, bad, or neutral. If you voted for China Joe/Kamala, this is what you get

Upscale Residents Protest as Biden Converts Scottsdale Hotel into ICE Detention Center

The precinct for Scottsdale’s Homewood Suites voted for Joe Biden, 51% to 47%. Today, this upscale Arizona neighborhood regrets its decision.

Two hundred residents protested Saturday after ICE took over the recently closed hotel to house more than 1,200 illegal immigrants. No public input was requested, not even from the Scottsdale Police Department, which was notified of the decision a day before migrants were transferred.

Government usually detains the undocumented in poorer neighborhoods where they’re more easily ignored by the media. But this zip code has nearly three times the state’s median income, making it harder to hide the ongoing border crisis.

“Over the Memorial Day Weekend, we were notified about the hotel and the illegals that were moved in under the cover of darkness without any kind of consultation from the local community,” protestor Lisa Seger said.

Angry neighbors soon learned their city government has no legal authority to override ICE’s decision. The facility is closed to the public and local journalists were denied entry.

This is what you get when you vote for a Democrat, especially one who was radicalized even more when served as vice president into supporting all things illegal immigration. If you fell for his and the media’s “Joe’s a moderate” talk, you’re a fool, especially when he picks an extremist like Kamala Harris as a running mate. You had to know that his administration would be extremely soft on illegal aliens, though, in fairness, you might not have expected the administration to go this soft this fast.

When the border is protected and the problem unseen, it’s easy to support lax enforcement and vague promises of “compassion.” Last fall, the Biden sticker on your Tesla earned approving nods from neighbors and you rest assured that you were on the side of the angels. Nine months later, you’re on a 108-degree sidewalk screaming “NIMBY!” and wondering why Democrats smirk as they drive by.

In all fairness, a lot of those protesting, perhaps a majority, are probably Trump voters. You have to think, though, that the China Joe voters in this very rich neighborhood are upset that the fruits of their activism/voting are mad about Those People being in their neighborhood.

(Fox10 Phoenix) Families who are seeking asylum moved into the hotel-turned-detention center on Saturday, May 29, a day after the city of Scottsdale was notified by ICE.

The city of Scottsdale said they have no authority to prevent the hotel from being rented for these families.

All illegals say they are asylum seekers: they’ve been trained to do so. How many of these foreign nationals were detained at the border then brought into the nation, rather than making them go through the process outside the U.S.? Second, it should be concerning that the federal government can just come in and pull this stunt in a city with little notification, no input, nothing.

Read: Bummer: Upscale Biden Voting Neighborhood In Scottsdale Upset Over ICE Leaving Lots Of Illegals »

Interesting: People Want Supreme Court To Look At Men Only Draft

More: I meant to kill this off earlier, as SCOTUS declined to take the case up, saying it should be taken up by the legislature, but, got busy explaining you can have the payment or the product.

3rd Wave Feminists should applaud this, as should all the Leftists who say there’s no difference between the (what they feel are 3,956) sexes

High court asked to review men-only draft registration law

The Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether it’s sex discrimination for the government to require only men to register for the draft when they turn 18.

The question of whether it’s unconstitutional to require men but not women to register could be viewed as one with little practical impact. The last time there was a draft was during the Vietnam War, and the military has been all-volunteer since. But the registration requirement is one of the few remaining places where federal law treats men and women differently, and women’s groups are among those arguing that allowing it to stand is harmful.

The justices could say as soon as Monday whether they will hear a case involving the Military Selective Service Act, which requires men to register for the draft.

Ria Tabacco Mar, the director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Women’s Rights Project, who is urging the court to take up the issue, says requiring men to register imposes a “serious burden on men that’s not being imposed on women.”

Men who do not register can lose eligibility for student loans and civil service jobs, and failing to register is also a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and five years in prison. But Tabacco Mar says the male-only requirement does more than that.

“It’s also sending a tremendously harmful message that women are less fit than men to serve their country in this particular way and conversely that men are less fit than women to stay home as caregivers in the event of an armed conflict. We think those stereotypes demean both men and women,” she said.

Hmm, interesting that the ACLU is the one spearheading this. Why shouldn’t women be required to register for the draft (that will most likely never happen)? Of course, the Supreme Court would only be deciding the constitutionality. Congress would have to change the law.

The Biden administration is urging the justices not to take the case and to let Congress instead tackle the issue. Administration lawyers wrote in a brief that any “reconsideration of the constitutionality of the male-only registration requirement … would be premature at this time” because Congress is “actively considering” the issue.

Congress is? Since when? Congress seems to be jammed up with Democrats trying to pass their extreme Leftist agenda and Republicans looking to stop them.

Read: Interesting: People Want Supreme Court To Look At Men Only Draft »

EU Gives Permission For Expensive Green Transition Fund

You’ll never guess where a lot of the money for this is coming from

EU countries give final approval to multibillion euro green transition fund

climate change joke

European Union countries on Monday approved the bloc’s flagship fund to wean them off fossil fuels and protect communities most affected, paving the way for members to start receiving the cash.

In other words, to force citizens off of fossil fuels which the big wigs won’t give up themselves as they run around the world trying to save it from a fever

The 17.5 billion euro ($21.27 billion) Just Transition Fund (JTF) combines money from the EU’s budget and its COVID-19 recovery fund.

Just spit-balling here, but, maybe use the COVID recovery money for COVID recovery? Perhaps help out the people and businesses damaged by the unnecessary lockdowns?

It is designed to support communities most affected by plans to shut down coal, peat and oil shale sectors or other emissions-intensive industries. It will back projects including managing closures of coal mines and retraining workers.

Surprise? They’re acknowledging that this will cause pain, especially as there really isn’t energy from “renewables” to replace it.

To receive funds, countries must submit plans to the European Commission for approval, showing how they will use the cash to transition to greener industries.

Let’s be honest, the money will be used for silly things that really have little to do with any sort of climate change.

JTF money cannot be spent on nuclear power or fossil fuels, including natural gas.

Even some of the leading climate hysterics, like Michael Mann, support nuclear. They are a minority in the Cult of Climastrology.


Climate crisis to shrink G7 economies twice as much as Covid-19, says research

The economies of rich countries will shrink by twice as much as they did in the Covid-19 crisis if they fail to tackle rising greenhouse gas emissions, according to research.

The G7 countries – the world’s biggest industrialised economies – will lose 8.5% of GDP a year, or nearly $5tn wiped off their economies, within 30 years if temperatures rise by 2.6C, as they are likely to on the basis of government pledges and policies around the world, according to research from Oxfam and the Swiss Re Institute.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

The temps have gone up, at most, 1C since 1850. Bunch of doomsday cult hysterics.

Read: EU Gives Permission For Expensive Green Transition Fund »

If All You See…

…is a sea that will rise dozens of feet by 2050, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post showing that “experts” are wrong about Germany’s drought.

Read: If All You See… »

Hamas Says Next War With Israel Will “Reshape Middle East”

This should make all the Israel/Jew haters happy, right? All those who claim Israel is an apartheid state, who says they are the aggressor, who took Hamas’ side, right? All those looking for peace, right? Good job “brokering” that peace, China Joe

Hamas Chief Denies Israel Destroyed Tunnel Network, Says Next War Will ‘Reshape’ Mideast

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar over the weekend said his terror group had only shown half its strength during the recent 11-day war with Israel, but still claimed to turn Tel Aviv “into a rag.”

Sinwar also denied the Israeli military’s claim a significant chunk of the Hamas’ enormous subterranean tunnel network was destroyed.

“We showed only half our strength. We managed to launch 130 rockets on Tel Aviv in one barrage and we only launched our old rockets in the last campaign,” Sinwar said. “We shook Tel Aviv — there are a lot of things hidden from the public.”

Sinwar also addressed the recent Trump administration-brokered normalization agreements signed between Israel and Arab countries. “Arab leaders made Tel Aviv the direction of their prayers. We turned it into a rag,” he said. (snip)

Sinwar also said it was Hamas’ duty to “defend” Jerusalem and that the next round of fighting would “reshape” the region.

“Every Palestinian will defend us remaining in Jerusalem and in Sheikh Jarrah,” Sinwar said. “If the conflict breaks out again — the shape of the Middle East will change. We have proven that there are those who defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Liberals would rather defend Hamas and their intentional attacks on civilians, not too mention their stated policy of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. These same people claim they only have a problem with Israel, but, their extreme positions lead them to hating Jews.

The tunnels run under both hospitals and schools, aligning with Hamas’ policy of using civilians as human shields. The UN Palestinian refugee agency over the weekend condemned “the existence and potential use by Palestinian armed groups of such tunnels underneath its schools in the strongest possible terms.”

This is what Democrats are protecting.

Read: Hamas Says Next War With Israel Will “Reshape Middle East” »

Pirate's Cove