If All You See…

…is a sea that will rise dozens of feet by 2050, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post showing that “experts” are wrong about Germany’s drought.

Read: If All You See… »

Hamas Says Next War With Israel Will “Reshape Middle East”

This should make all the Israel/Jew haters happy, right? All those who claim Israel is an apartheid state, who says they are the aggressor, who took Hamas’ side, right? All those looking for peace, right? Good job “brokering” that peace, China Joe

Hamas Chief Denies Israel Destroyed Tunnel Network, Says Next War Will ‘Reshape’ Mideast

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar over the weekend said his terror group had only shown half its strength during the recent 11-day war with Israel, but still claimed to turn Tel Aviv “into a rag.”

Sinwar also denied the Israeli military’s claim a significant chunk of the Hamas’ enormous subterranean tunnel network was destroyed.

“We showed only half our strength. We managed to launch 130 rockets on Tel Aviv in one barrage and we only launched our old rockets in the last campaign,” Sinwar said. “We shook Tel Aviv — there are a lot of things hidden from the public.”

Sinwar also addressed the recent Trump administration-brokered normalization agreements signed between Israel and Arab countries. “Arab leaders made Tel Aviv the direction of their prayers. We turned it into a rag,” he said. (snip)

Sinwar also said it was Hamas’ duty to “defend” Jerusalem and that the next round of fighting would “reshape” the region.

“Every Palestinian will defend us remaining in Jerusalem and in Sheikh Jarrah,” Sinwar said. “If the conflict breaks out again — the shape of the Middle East will change. We have proven that there are those who defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Liberals would rather defend Hamas and their intentional attacks on civilians, not too mention their stated policy of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. These same people claim they only have a problem with Israel, but, their extreme positions lead them to hating Jews.

The tunnels run under both hospitals and schools, aligning with Hamas’ policy of using civilians as human shields. The UN Palestinian refugee agency over the weekend condemned “the existence and potential use by Palestinian armed groups of such tunnels underneath its schools in the strongest possible terms.”

This is what Democrats are protecting.

Read: Hamas Says Next War With Israel Will “Reshape Middle East” »

Celebs With Big Carbon Footprints Join “Call For Code”

It’s always wonderful when these rich celebs with oversized carbon footprints extol other people to Do Something, using their star power to make this push but refusing to use their own money

Celebrities Join United Nations’ ‘Call for Code’ Climate Change Initiative

electric vehicleRecord producer Quincy Jones and singers Barbra Streisand and Cher took part in the United Nations Human Rights’ “Call for Code” initiative in an event on Saturday, which is also the United Nations’ “World Environment Day.”

Singers Carole King, Rod Stewart, Melissa Etheridge, Sia, and Kesha also joined the call for developers to deal with “climate change” issues, according to a report by Rolling Stone.

The social media initiative is “a call to action, encouraging developers and innovators to use cutting-edge technologies to immediately create solutions for critical issues stemming from the global climate change.”

The stars involved in the initiative were also joined by singers Perry Farrell, Pitbull, and Tegan & Sara, and actors Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick, Pierce Brosnan, Don Cheadle, as well as Bravo’s Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi.

The Call for Code initiative is reportedly a partnership between the David Clark Cause, U.N. Human Rights, and IBM — which have pledged $30 million toward the project.

In a statement, David Clark said his organization extends its “deepest gratitude to IBM CEO Arvind Krishna, and the entire IBM family for their support and unparalleled leadership in harnessing the Call for Code platform to sign up more than 400,000 developers to help address world problems.”

In fairness, the Call For Code is about more than climate crisis (scam), but, this is what they were focused on over the weekend. Is there really a need for this, though? The solution is very simple: climate cultists give up their own huge carbon footprints. These celebs can stop driving fossil fueled vehicles and taking fossil fueled flights. They can slap solar panels and wind turbines all over their homes and property, disconnecting from the power grid. Better yet, move to a tiny, off the grid home. They can go vegetarian. Give up all the fancy clothes and award ceremonies and more. They won’t.

How much of their own money have they given to this initiative? Or, are they just ClimaVirtue Signalling, thinking their star power is enough?

Read: Celebs With Big Carbon Footprints Join “Call For Code” »

COVID Today: California’s Death Toll “Drop”, Expats Want A Jab

What would happen if deaths from actual numbers where reassessed across the nation?

COVID death toll suddenly drops 25% when California county officials make policy change

Alameda County, a Northern California county that includes the city of Oakland, has revised their COVID-19 data methodology, resulting in a massive 25% decrease in their reported COVID-19 deaths.

The COVID-19 death toll in Alameda County decreased from 1,634 to 1,223 on Friday after officials updated their methodology for COVID-19 reporting, now only including people who directly died from COVID-19 in their count.

Previously, Alameda County officials included in their death toll any resident who died while infected the virus — not just those individuals who died directly from COVID-19.

The Los Angeles Times now includes the following note on its Alameda County data, “Alameda County on Friday reduced its total count of deaths by 411. The county previously reported deaths of any person infected with the virus. The updated total includes only deaths in which COVID-19 was a direct or contributing cause, or if COVID-19 could not be ruled out as a cause.”

That’s the way it should be. If you’re running a red light while driving too fast on wet pavement and lose control and hit a bus and die and test positive for COVID your cause of death should be stupidity, not COVID. This should be the practice nationwide.

American expats push for access to coronavirus vaccines, raising questions about international equity

The United States is one of the small number of countries where coronavirus vaccinations are widely available.

“All over the world people are desperate to get a shot that every American can get at their neighborhood drugstore,” President Joe Biden said on Wednesday.

But one group of Americans feels left behind: expatriates.

“We pay taxes, we vote, why shouldn’t we have a vaccine?” asked Loran Davidson, an American living in Thailand.

So far, the request has been denied. “We have not historically provided private health care for Americans living overseas, so that remains our policy,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters last month. (snip)

An estimated 9 million Americans live outside the United States, according to State Department figures. Unlike expatriates from most other countries, they are required to pay U.S. taxes. In recent weeks, a growing chorus has argued that they should therefore be entitled to receive U.S.-approved coronavirus vaccines.

I’m mostly inclined to agree with Psaki. A goodly chunk of these people are ones who gave up on the U.S. for one reason or another while keeping their citizenship, even though they still have to pay taxes. And a lot of them are actually giving up their citizenship because of the taxation and reporting requirements in higher numbers than ever.

When Thailand accepted a recent donation of 500,000 doses from China, it agreed to set aside some to vaccinate Chinese nationals.

“The Chinese Embassy is making sure that their citizens here can get the vaccine,” Davidson said. “So why can’t America?”

Again, these are expats, not Americans who are working overseas. They left America. But, now they want all the benefits.

But Sophia Winkler, 23, said that she had made a choice to live abroad in Tunisia and that the U.S. Embassy was not responsible for the consequences.

“When you choose to go abroad you kind of decide to put yourself at the mercy of that country’s medical system,” she said.

The 23 year old is the smartest of the bunch.

Read: COVID Today: California’s Death Toll “Drop”, Expats Want A Jab »

Who Wants To Know A Day In The Life Of A Climate Cult Activist?

I’d rather hear about the day in the life of someone who actually works for a living. Someone who brings value. Is just doing their thing. How about someone in the military or Coast Guard?

This 19-year-old climate advisor who started her own nonprofit and worked on Greta Thunberg’s youth strikes spends her days meeting UN officials and grabbing pizza with friends

St. GretaDays are busy for Sophia Kianni, a climate activist and founder of the nonprofit Climate Cardinals.

Much of her work centers on the climate crisis, a topic she has been interested in since visiting Iran, her parents’ homeland, seven years ago and discovering her extended family knew nothing about the subject.

Launched in May 2020, Climate Cardinals translates information about the climate crisis into over 100 languages, including Swahili, Bulgarian, Mongolian, and Portuguese. Kianni, 19, had realized that most of the research was in English but that most people in the countries most affected by the climate emergency don’t speak English.

Climate change is a global issue that disproportionately affects communities that don’t speak English,” Kianni told Insider. “It’s critical to translate climate information into as many languages as possible to make sure that these mostly-minority communities are informed.”

1st World climate cultists always think the have a duty to help these lesser people. They have very elitist attitudes, but, it’s easy for them, because they can just pop off the the pizza parlor, place an order for delivery on their phone, or hit the grocery store. Unlike those in many other countries.

Last year, Kianni was named a spokesperson for another climate-crisis organization, Extinction Rebellion.

Oh, the lunatic group engage in wackadoodle protests which cause a lot of problems for other people?

Kianni wakes up in her home in McLean, Virginia, and eats breakfast: a banana, a homemade rice pudding, and a protein shake. She styles her hair, packs her computer and a few professional blazers for her meetings, and checks her calendar to see what her day looks like.

On this day she headed to New York City to visit the UN and JUV’s headquarters. Last year, all of Kianni’s events were virtual, but since being vaccinated she’s been traveling to attend meetings in person.

Her friend is also headed to New York City, so they take the train together. Kianni lives about a 30-minute car ride from the nation’s capital. She and her friend arrive at Union Station at 8 a.m. and buy bagels as they wait to board their train.

What kind of car? Why not bike? Oh, right, it’s allowed for climate activists, because they are trying to Save The Planet. Unlike you, who just want to get a burger, go to work, take a vacation.

They head to the office of Selwin Hart, a special advisor to the secretary-general on climate action.

Kianni and Hart discuss strengthening the UN’s commitment to youth participation and the role of young people in advocating the delivery of the $100 billion that countries pledged in 2015 to help combat the climate crisis.

I’m trying really hard not to be an old fogie regarding her less than business casual attire – more like “going to the coffee shop” – when discussing how to force Other People to pony up money to spread around. Photos at the article.

Anyhow, it keeps going on, all about how to spend other’s money and such. These 1st Worlders have to find something to do because they have no actual problems in their lives.

Read: Who Wants To Know A Day In The Life Of A Climate Cult Activist? »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is bluebird of bitterness, with a post on the Sunday musical offering.

It’s simply just big boobs week on IAYS.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Edward Runci Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and there are a lot of lizards sunning on my back deck. Never seen so many together. This pinup is by Edward Runci, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jihad Watch features protesters getting 6 months in jail for a “stop Islamization” banner
  2. Legal Insurrection notes a NC county banning Coke products
  3. Maggie’s Farm wonders how far social insanity will go
  4. Moonbattery covers AOC not taking care of her grandma
  5. Powerline discusses looting for Winston Smith, or someone like him
  6. Raised On Hoecakes notes a woman blaming the police for saving her life
  7. White House Dossier notes hiring is again way lower
  8. The First Street Journal covers urban climate crisis weenies not seeing outside their own world
  9. The Gateway Pundit notes over 20 states are suing over Keystone XL
  10. The Last Refuge covers Obama lifting the block on “gain of function” research days before leaving office
  11. The Other McCain highlights crazy people being dangerous
  12. The People’s Cube has a critical race theory state tracker
  13. Gates Of Vienna covers an honor killing in Italy
  14. Cold Fury wonders if there’s anything Progressives won’t politicize or sexualize
  15. And last, but not least, Chicks On The Right covers Texas gov Abbott threatening to arrest anyone coming across border illegally

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Twitter Says Access To Its Platform Is A Human Right Or Something

Unless you’re a conservative/Republican, then they will suspend you willy nilly. My old account was given time-outs and suspensions many times before being permanently suspended. They never told me why the last. My new account has been given a few timeouts and a 7 day suspension (that one was for scientifically noting that the gender confused have many more mental health issues and a higher percentage of suicidal thoughts and suicide, and it’s a really bad idea to have them around military grade weapons). Plenty of others have gone through the same, while liberals making actual threats are allowed to continue

Twitter declares access to its platform a ‘human right’ amid censorship of conservatives

Twitter declared a free and open Internet to be “an essential human right in modern society” Saturday morning after the Nigerian government banned access to the social media giant following a dispute with its president – even as critics say it suppresses conservative content and bans its own users.

Twitter deleted a fiery tweet from President Muhammadu Buhari that many perceived as a veiled threat against violent separatists in the nation’s southeast – then his government’s information wing responded by banning the social media platform from the country.

“The Federal Government has suspended, indefinitely, the operations of the microblogging and social networking service, Twitter, in Nigeria,” the country’s Federal Ministry of Information and Culture tweeted Friday night.

Alhaji Lai Mohammed, Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Culture, also announced that the government would begin licensing social media platforms and “OTT,” or over-the-top, operations, which offer content directly to viewers via the internet.

“We are deeply concerned by the blocking of Twitter in Nigeria,” Twitter’s Public Policy division tweeted in response. “Access to the free and #OpenInternet is an essential human right in modern society. We will work to restore access for all those in Nigeria who rely on Twitter to communicate and connect with the world. #KeepitOn.”

Now, this is not about the tweet from the Nigerian president, which was over-the-top and a bit threatening, this is about Twitter declaring its platform a human right, despite giving timeouts, suspensions, and shadowbans to people engaged in Wrongthink.

Many more tweets at the above link. At the Blaze we get

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz: “Curious. In Twitter’s own words, they are willfully denying Donald Trump ‘an essential human right in modern society.'”

Former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell: “For years we’ve pointed out your failure to let the Iranian people on twitter. Why ignore Iran but take a stand on Nigeria?”

BlazeTV host Steve Deace: “This shamelessly comes from an entity that believes in non-disclosed and unaccountable systems to deny people access to its own platform. Self-awareness is dead.”

It seems that a lot of people do not even know why they were suspended, whether temporarily or permanently. Twitter claimed my tweet was threatening. There was no threat, unless we’re talking some people who get triggered by Wrongthink. The Proud Boys were permanently suspended, yet, you can find all sorts of Antifa accounts (Philly protects theirs). I don’t agree with either of their beliefs, but, why is one kicked off and the others aren’t? Antifa posts tweets for their violent demonstrations.

Author Jack Posobiec: “I can’t wait to remind Twitter that their public policy position is platform access is a human right and those blocked from use must have their access restored Again and again and again.”

Yeah, I have it saved for “just in case.” Progressives are shameless, and hypocrites.

Read: Twitter Says Access To Its Platform Is A Human Right Or Something »

Surprise: China Joe’s Climate Crisis (scam) Orders Will Harm U.S. Economy

Well, really, anyone who isn’t a climate cultist will know this. Heck, most of the big wig grand poobah cultists will know this: they just don’t care. It’s a feature, not a bug

Climate Order Will Undermine U.S. Financial Stability

Late last month, President Joe Biden issued yet another executive order related to fighting climate change that will effectively conscript the U.S. financial sector into the climate war.

This executive order sets out to effectively transform the nation’s energy sector and the economy, writ large, based on the vapid claim that “intensifying impacts of climate change present physical risk to assets, publicly traded securities, private investments and companies – such as extreme weather risk leading to supply chain disruptions.”

Specifically, the president’s order directs federal agencies that oversee the private financial sector, including banks, insurers and investment firms, to assess “climate-related financial risk” of the stability of the federal government and U.S. financial system. This arbitrary, bureaucratic assessment of financial risk will then set the table for massive federal intervention into the U.S. private sector for it to divest from fossil fuels and redirect to more “green energy” projects.

Nowhere does the order deign to provide evidence nor actual science to back up such sweeping climate change rhetoric, much less justify the government’s massive market intervention—without even a vote by Congress—to re-direct trillions of dollars in the private sector economy.

That’s the point of “the debate is over” rhetoric: that there’s no need to supply any facts, proof, data, reasoning, and so forth. It just is, accept it, give us your money and freedom

President Biden and his administration of global warming generals would have us believe they are fighting a war to save Earth. Instead, it is ordinary Americans who are and will be paying for this pointless war with their jobs and livelihoods and even their retirement savings. All this, with zero guarantee it will impact the climate in any way. Compounding this futility is other large, fossil-fuel consuming nations like China, Russia and India, which have no such climate obsession.

Transitioning to “net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, were it possible, is not cost-free, regardless how many illusory promises are made for good-paying green jobs. Every renewable energy source is produced and sustained by fossil fuels, which makes the “renewable” label a fallacy. Solar panels, wind turbines and electric car batteries cannot exist without oil and gas, including the ability to mine for the necessary raw materials to manufacture them.

All this will do will skyrocket energy prices, food prices, consumer goods prices, the overall cost of living.

President Biden’s recent executive order will increasingly make safe, abundant and affordable energy cost-prohibitive to low- and middle-income families. Rather than ensuring a stable U.S. financial system, this undemocratic action will undermine U.S. economic competitiveness, national security and financial stability.

They don’t care. Because they are a cult, and all they see is future Doom, despite the actual scientific measurements saying nothing is getting worse. Hurricanes are not, tornadoes are not, sea rise is not accelerating, etc and so forth. It will make people more reliant on Government, and Government have more control.

Yet, notice that most of these people pushing this, especially China Joe and his people, are not giving up their own use of fossil fuels, aren’t making their own lives carbon neutral. Surprise?

Read: Surprise: China Joe’s Climate Crisis (scam) Orders Will Harm U.S. Economy »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful tree sucking carbon from the air, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gen Z Conservative, with a post on elitist politicians not caring about consumer price inflation.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove