Bummer: Judge Eliminates California’s Scary Looking Rifles Ban

This should make for some interesting apoplexy in the People’s Republik Of California

U.S. judge overturns California’s ban on assault weapons

A federal judge Friday overturned California’s three-decade-old ban on assault weapons, ruling that it violates the constitutional right to bear arms.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez of San Diego ruled that the state’s definition of illegal military-style rifles unlawfully deprives law-abiding Californians of weapons commonly allowed in most other states and by the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Under no level of heightened scrutiny can the law survive,” Benitez said. He issued a permanent injunction against enforcement of the law but stayed it for 30 days to give state Attorney General Rob Bonta time to appeal.

Gov. Gavin Newsom condemned the decision, calling it “a direct threat to public safety and the lives of innocent Californians, period.”

In his 94-page ruling, the judge spoke favorably of modern weapons, said they were overwhelmingly used for legal reasons.

“Like the Swiss Army knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Good for both home and battle,” the judge said in his ruling’s introduction.

This has all made Gavin pretty upset, so much so that he won’t give up his own armed protection. And will appeal the ruling

Assault weapons as defined by the law are more dangerous than other firearms and are disproportionately used in crimes, mass shootings and against law enforcement, with more resulting casualties, the state attorney general’s office argued, and barring them “furthers the state’s important public safety interests.”

They are? Funny how they cannot provide the science on this

Despite California’s ban, there currently are an estimated 185,569 assault weapons registered with the state, the judge said.

“This is an average case about average guns used in average ways for average purposes,” the ruling said. “One is to be forgiven if one is persuaded by news media and others that the nation is awash with murderous AR-15 assault rifles. The facts, however, do not support this hyperbole, and facts matter.”

“In California, murder by knife occurs seven times more often than murder by rifle,” he added.

And how many of those rifles are not scary looking “assault rifles”? Because non scary rifles tend to fire the same rounds.


They’re going to wear orange! So Brave.

Read: Bummer: Judge Eliminates California’s Scary Looking Rifles Ban »

Senator Cornyn: Yeah, ‘Climate Change’ Is A Cult

It’s rather nice to see more and more people realizing that the anthropogenic climate change movement is not about science: it’s about Modern Socialism and runs like a cult

Texas Sen. John Cornyn calls climate change advocacy a ‘cult’

St. GretaIn a departure from his typically measured rhetoric on energy and climate policy, Sen. John Cornyn derided concern about climate change as a “cult” during an energy summit in East Texas.

“It’s pure fantasy. … This is part of the cult, or religion, of renewable energy,” Cornyn told a group of oil and gas executives Thursday in Tyler. “This is just the Green New Deal wearing other clothes.”

The senator was responding to a question about whether he agreed with a sweeping Biden administration plan to transition the energy sector to 100% emissions-free electricity by 2035.

Referring to climate change advocates as a cult is an unusual move for Cornyn, a reliable booster of Texas’ fossil fuel industries who, unlike Sen. Ted Cruz, has not overtly denied that potentially catastrophic changes are underway in the climate largely because of human activity.

It is a cult. A cult full of hypocrites who mostly refuse to practice what they preach, but a cult nonetheless.

Cornyn has been a vocal critic of efforts to get electric vehicles on the road, saying the push subsidizes pricier vehicles for wealthy Americans.

“I support efforts to reduce carbon emissions, to preserve our air, land and water for future generations,” Cornyn said last week on the Wyden bill. “But those efforts don’t have to come at this sort of exorbitant price. You can support all energy sectors and innovation and conservation. These are not mutually exclusive.”

If this was all about fixing the world’s climate, thinking that they can actually do that, the Believers would be doing all they can to reduce their own carbon footprints. They don’t. They just want to force Other People to do so. If only more Republicans would point this out.

Read: Senator Cornyn: Yeah, ‘Climate Change’ Is A Cult »

Surprise: Lockdowns Had Little Effect On Stemming COVID In Germany

I wonder if anyone will bother doing studies in US states with the strictest lockdowns, to see if the there are similar results

Lockdown ‘had no effect’ on coronavirus pandemic in Germany

A new study by German scientists claims to have found evidence that lockdowns may have had little effect on controlling the coronavirus pandemic.

Statisticians at Munich University found “no direct connection” between the German lockdown and falling infection rates in the country.

Instead, the study found infection rates had already clearly begun to fall before a national lockdown was imposed last November.

It also found clear evidence the rate was already falling on the two occasions the lockdown was tightened, in December and April.

The study focused on the R number, which indicates how many people each infected person passes the virus to. The scientists argue it is less easily distorted by fluctuating test rates than the weekly infection rates used by the German government to decide lockdown restrictions.

The study found that on each occasion the R number was already under 1 before the new restrictions came into force, indicating that infections were falling. The lockdown has since been lifted across most of the country.

Perhaps the initial early 2020 lockdown made a difference: the study doesn’t seem to touch on that. But, the others were really not necessary.

The study was quickly seized on by lockdown opponents, but its authors were at pains to stress they were not making a political argument.

“You can’t tell from the data that the lockdown was unnecessary,” Prof Ralph Brinks, one of the study’s co-authors, told German television.

“All that it shows is that the start of lockdown and the fall in infections do not coincide.” Germany went into “lockdown lite”, with restaurants and bars closed but non-essential shops open, on November 2.

Interesting to see scientists saying they were not trying to be political, that the science speaks for itself. Rather rare these days. How much effect did the initial lockdown have in Germany? How about in the U.S. and other nations? Most people might have been stuck at home, but, they were still going to the grocery store and other essential places. Remember, we were told it would be 15 days. Why were so many who were at home getting it?

Read: Surprise: Lockdowns Had Little Effect On Stemming COVID In Germany »

Fossil Fuels Companies Troll North Face For Refusing To Make Jackets For Them

This is perfect


Oil and gas industry trolls North Face with new billboard campaign

The oil and gas industry launched a new ad campaign Thursday against North Face to shine a light on the outdoor apparel company’s “crazy hypocrisy.”

Chris Wright, the CEO of Denver-based Liberty Oilfield Services, is spearheading the campaign by putting up billboards around North Face’s Denver offices and launching a website and social media campaign, dubbed “Thank you, North Face.”

The idea for the campaign started after North Face denied an order of jackets to a Texas oil and gas company reportedly because the popular fleece maker did not want its outdoor brand affiliated with the fossil fuel business.

Now Wright is trolling the company in Denver by calling out how many North Face jackets, backpacks and clothing products are made from oil and gas.

There’s “no chance that North Face could exist as a company or an organization without oil and gas,” Wright told Fox Business Thursday.

Fossil fuels are needed to make the petrochemicals that are used in the plastics, nylon, climbing ropes and more that North Face sells, Wright says. Oil and gas products fuel the factories that manufacture the goods. And fossil fuels are the backbone for shipping North Face products around the world.

Exactly. The jackets and shoes and backpacks and luggage and ropes. Delivering the products to the stores and customer direct using fossil fueled vehicles. It’s really easy to ClimaVirtue Signal, but, let’s see them forgo all use of fossil fuels.

Read: Fossil Fuels Companies Troll North Face For Refusing To Make Jackets For Them »

If All You See…

…is a great place for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post wondering if Joe Manchin is replacing Trump on the Democrat hate list.

Read: If All You See… »

California To Provide 45% Of Funding To Buy A House

What could possibly go wrong?

This is all supposed to be part of their reparations commission, so, will this only apply to blacks? From the link

California kicked off a two-year study into how the state might compensate African Americans for slavery and its lingering effects on Tuesday, when a newly formed reparations committee met for the first time.

State lawmakers have zeroed in on homeownership as one of the main ways to close the wealth gap between Black and white Californians. On Tuesday, the Assembly and Senate unveiled a joint spending plan — which they’ll use to negotiate with Newsom ahead of the June 15 deadline to pass a budget — that proposes developing a program in which the state would pay for, and own, up to 45% of a home. That would cut the purchase price nearly in half, allowing more families to buy homes and build wealth, lawmakers say. Both Newsom and legislators also proposed setting aside $200 million to facilitate homeownership for first-time buyers and low-income Californians.

As so many have pointed out using Econ 101, this will cause the price of housing to skyrocket even more than it has in California. Will Government build more houses? Where are these homes coming from? Because it worked will with college, right?

Further, government will own 45% of the home. Which means they can dictate all manners of things for your house. And, come in whenever they like without a warrant because they are a part homeowner. Unless the California government puts stipulations in the contract to restrict themselves…yeah, LOL, like they’ll do that.

Where’s the money coming from to pay for this? Taxes will go up. Property taxes will skyrocket. This is insane.

Read: California To Provide 45% Of Funding To Buy A House »

Twitter Goes Full Climate Cult, Will Direct People To “Credible, Authoritative” Information

They say they won’t block what they deem “misinformation” at the moment. That’s certainly next

Twitter will promote credible information with new climate change topic after criticism over misinformation

Twitter is adding a topic that directs users to credible information about climate change in a new effort to combat the spread of misinformation, USA TODAY has learned.

If users follow the topic, they will see posts from global environmental and sustainability organizations, environmental activists, environmental researchers and environmental institutions in their feeds even if they don’t follow those accounts.

Seán Boyle, Twitter’s head of sustainability, said the company is boosting authoritative information to “keep pace with the urgency of the climate crisis.”

The new feature comes one week after a USA TODAY report found that hundreds of thousands of posts denying climate change can be on social media platforms, many of them on Twitter.

Twitter has no policy to label or take down climate change misinformation. The company says introducing the climate change topic is one step it’s taking as it works on how to most effectively address climate change misinformation on its platform.

Almost no one denies climate change. They have different views on causation. But, that ClimaWrongthink is not allowed. Letting people express their opinions is not allowed if they’re not the Official GroupThink emanating from the Cult.

“Step in the right direction, for sure, but the proof is in the pudding,” said Michael Mann, director of Penn State University’s Earth System Science Center and author of “The New Climate War.” “Let’s see how it plays out and how it works in practice.”

You can bet that the next step is cutting tweets that do not fit into the approved list, and Michael “Robust Debate” Mann will cheer that censorship.

Advance Democracy, a research organization that studies disinformation and extremism, found that warning labels or links to credible information are frequently missing from social media posts that deny the existence of climate change, dispute its causes or underplay its effects.

But, that’s not what social media like Twitter is about. If people want to know, they can research. And Advance Democracy is about as left as you can get in a group.

“We recognize more can be done on services like Twitter to elevate credible climate information, including on how we can mitigate climate crisis harms,” Twitter told USA TODAY last week. “Our teams are thinking about ways we can best serve the global climate crisis conversation happening on the service, including through tools that surface and make reliable information and resources more readily available.”

The best way to serve is by letting people converse, not giving them just one viewpoint. Seriously, the article, and several in the links above, have issues with people wondering about the Texas deep freeze. Because cold is what you get from heat trapping gases, right? Yes, yes, we’ve all seen the cult making up Reasons, spare me. This is all part of “the discussion is over”. Perhaps people will realize they’ve been duped when their cost of living skyrockets, their taxes go way up, and they lose their freedom and choice.

Read: Twitter Goes Full Climate Cult, Will Direct People To “Credible, Authoritative” Information »

Politico: Republicans Are Seizing On COVID Origin Story

Or, is it pouncing? This is very silly from Politico, but, at least they’re touching on where COVID originated, while the NY Times, the so-called paper of record, has zero stories on it on their web front page this morning. Anyhow, why would investigating this be politically fraught

Republicans dive into politically fraught push for Covid’s origin story

Republicans finally found a commission they can get behind.

Feeling vindicated after Democrats, scientists and the media gave new oxygen to the theory that the coronavirus was borne out of a laboratory accident in China, Republicans are now ramping up efforts to prod President Joe Biden’s party into opening a thorough investigation into the origins of the virus — through an independent commission or at the congressional level.

But despite a growing chorus of bipartisan calls for such a probe, it’s unclear whether Democrats are actually willing to launch a wide-ranging review. The House’s select panel on Covid-19 has not committed to exploring how the deadly outbreak started, with its chair, Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), recently suggesting he’d rather look forward than backward.

That leaves Republicans with few options for uncovering the information they’re seeking from Beijing — but plenty of incentives to use the pandemic’s murky genesis as a political cudgel against their opponents.

“Everyone knows Biden and the Democrats will never stand up to China because they have too much invested there. That’s why we have little faith they’ll get to the bottom of this,” said Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), chair of the conservative Republican Study Committee. “If anything deserves a 9/11-style commission, it’s the pandemic that’s left half a million Americans dead.”

I’m betting that the vast majority of US citizens, regardless of politics, would like an investigation into the origins of COVID. Doesn’t mean they will get the full answers they want, as China will surely fail to cooperate, but, we keep getting new information all the time. And which made more sense, someone eating a bat or something or a bio-research center releasing it, whether intentionally or by accident? That there was a transmission from a wet market or the Wuhan center, which has been known to have released multiple diseases by accident (“by accident”?), when the Wuhan center was known to have doing research to screw around with diseases like COVID.

(Breitbart) On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that “Dr. Fauci certainly would have seen the same intelligence that I saw. We would certainly have known that the risk this came from the laboratory was real.” But he “let those of us who were out there talking about it carry the mantle, and we couldn’t get science. We got politics instead.” And that by May evidence “was piling up showing that the theory of the wet market didn’t hold water and that the much more likely scenario was that this had come from the virology lab in Wuhan.”

People were thinking it was not a bat or other animal not long after we found out about COVID, and we keep learning that the government did know more than they were saying.


Report: Anthony Fauci Said in Released Emails ‘Drug Store’ Masks Are ‘Not Really Effective’

Dr. Anthony Fauci reportedly described mask wearing as “not really effective” in a February 5, 2020, email to Sylvia Burwell, President of American University and former U.S. Health and Human Services secretary.

Fauci replied in full to the email:

Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infections. The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you. I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a vey [sic] low risk location. Your instincts are correct, money is best spent on medical countermeasures such as diagnostics and vaccines.

In a 60 Minutes interview from March 8, 2020, Fauci said, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.

“And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face,” he continued.

Gee, ya think? A thin piece of cloth does little to nothing. Those “medical” masks, the blue ones, are not for stopping viruses. It says so on the box. The part about unintended consequences is interesting, as my thought was that the masks kept you from touching your face directly. I guess not.

Anyhow, why would investigating the origins be politically fraught? Do Democrats not want to know?

Read: Politico: Republicans Are Seizing On COVID Origin Story »

Hotcoldwetdry Idea: Replace Airplanes With Airships

This is apparently the new idea for air travel from the Cult of Climastrology. Yet, no big wig Warmists are stepping up to ditch their fossil fueled private jets to use them

The Future of Flying? Airships Could Cut Carbon Emissions by 90%

Love flying but feel guilty about the air pollution and carbon emissions that airplanes produce? Sometimes, simple solutions to big problems float right above our heads — literally.

A UK blimp company has developed a new environmentally friendly airship for commercial flights. If it replaces airplanes on short, inter-city routes, the updated technology will reduce carbon emissions from air travel by 90 percent.

A company statement from the airship’s developer, Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV), quoted United Nations Secretary António Guterres’ warning: “The latest analysis shows that if we act now, we can reduce carbon emissions within 12 years and limit global warming to 1.5C. But if we continue along our current path, the consequences are impossible to predict.”

HAV created the new airships to “rethink the skies,” as the company motto goes. BBC estimated that the aviation industry is responsible for around 2.4 percent of global carbon emissions and around 5 percent of global warming. There is an element of climate justice involved as well, because only a small portion of the world flies frequently, and often, those populations are not the ones who will suffer the most from the climate crisis. HAV developed their latest prototype, the Airlander 10, to combat the environmental cost of air travel.

See, and it’s an “justice” issue too! Anyhow, they look to be meant for short regional hops, and

“We’ve got aircraft designed to travel very long distances going very short distances when there is actually a better solution,” Grundy told the news report. “How much longer will we expect to have the luxury of traveling these short distances with such a big carbon footprint?”

Total journey time in the hybrid-electric, 100-passenger airship should be “roughly the same” as airplane travel if time getting to and from airports is taken into account, The Guardian reported. What isn’t the same is the CO2 emissions per passenger on the airships when compared with a jet plane, the news report said.

Yeah, not buying it. Still have to get to the launch center and such. What will be great is lowlifes in Democrat run cities shooting at them, right?

Airlander also cites a “significant advantage” in not having to rely on airport infrastructure. The airships can take off and land from “any reasonably flat surface,” Grundy told CNN. “That includes water.”

But, you know Government will get involved and there will be specific routes and such. It’s an interesting idea, but, will it catch on? Will climate cult government force it to catch on? Meanwhile

Disney, Netflix and tech titans team up to fight the climate crisis

Some of the world’s largest companies are joining forces to accelerate efforts to fight the climate crisis.

Amazon, Disney, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Salesforce, Unilever and Workday launched an alliance Thursday to boost the scale and impact of business investment in climate solutions.

The unveiling of the Business Alliance for Scaling Climate Solutions comes as energy watchdogs warn that spending on clean energy remains well shy of what’s needed to get the world on a net zero pathway. Experts say the transition away from fossil fuels will require up to $3.8 trillion annually through 2050. (snip)

BASCS says it will focus on catalyzing investments in emissions reductions and making sure these investments have measurable impacts. Specifically, the group said carbon credits claimed by companies must represent “additional, real, quantifiable and verifiable emissions reductions or removals, and must not be double counted.”

Oh, so they’re not really going to do anything in their own businesses, just (supposedly) pay carbon credits, while virtue signaling to all who participate in their businesses. Will Disney and Netflix stop using fossil fuels to make their movies? Will Microsoft no longer allow computers with their software to be shipped by fossil fueled vehicles?

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Idea: Replace Airplanes With Airships »

If All You See…

…are plants and trees which will soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on China Joe importing Iranian oil despite sanctions.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove