UN Chief Seems To Blame Israel For Being Attacked By Hezbollah

Is the United Nations chief aware of Hezbollah being a designated terrorist group by the U.S., EU, and 60 nations, as well as the United Nations?

UN chief warns of catastrophe ‘beyond imagination’ if Lebanon ‘becomes another Gaza’

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Friday he is profoundly concerned by escalating tensions between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group, and said that UN peacekeepers are working to calm the situation and prevent miscalculation.

“One rash move — one miscalculation — could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border, and frankly, beyond imagination,” he told reporters. “Let’s be clear: The people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza.”

Iran-backed Hezbollah has been firing rockets and launching drones at Israel on a near-daily basis since October 8 in attacks it says are in solidarity with Hamas since the war in Gaza erupted on October 7 with the Palestinian terror group’s devastating attack.

By saying “cannot afford to become another Gaza” he seems to be blaming Israel for being attacked by a internationally designated terrorist group operating out of a foreign nation.

Under Resolution 1701, adopted in 2006 to bring an end to the war between Israel and Hezbollah terrorists, UN peacekeepers were deployed to monitor a ceasefire along the 120-kilometer (75-mile) demarcation line, or Blue Line, between Israel and Lebanon.

They’re doing one fuckall of a wonderful job, eh?

“UN peacekeepers are on the ground working to de-escalate tensions and help prevent miscalculation,” Guterres said.

“The world must say loudly and clearly: immediate de-escalation is not only possible – it is essential,” he said. “There is no military solution.”

Well, stop Hezbollah from attacking Israel, especially since they intentionally attack civilian targets.

How the UN emboldened Hezbollah terror regime as war with Israel imminent: ‘Complete failure’

Nearly nine months of mounting tension between Israel and the radical Islamic Shiite terror group Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon looked set to implode this week after the U.S.-designated terror organization fired hundreds of missiles and rockets into northern Israel and the Israeli military responded with air strikes deeper inside Lebanon.

As communities on both sides of the border reported widespread damage and destruction, leaders in each country ramped up the rhetoric, with Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah saying Wednesday that “an invasion of the Galilee remains on the table,” and Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz declaring on X: “We are getting very close to the moment of deciding to change the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon. In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed, and Lebanon severely beaten.” (snip)

Jonathan Conricus, who previously served as the Israeli military liaison with UNIFIL, as well as the army’s special representative to the U.N., told Fox News Digital that “the whole security architecture of Resolution 1701, its framework, its implementation, and even its mandate, everything is a complete failure.”

Now a Senior Fellow at the Washington D.C.-based Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), Conricus said the resolution “failed to prevent the military buildup of Hezbollah and it failed to prevent the conditions for a third Lebanon War, which we now see unfolding.”

Wait, did people actually think the United Nations would help the situation? Especially so many are Israel haters and supporters of Islamic terrorism, because they’re into all that multiculturalism and intersectionality, just being straight up dhimmis? The article is long, worth the read.

(JPost) “The conflict along the Blue Line between Israel and Hezbollah has gone on for long enough,” Hochstein said. “Innocent people are dying. Property is damaged. Families are shattered, and the Lebanese economy continues to decline. The country is suffering for no good reason. It’s in everyone’s interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically. That is both achievable and urgent.”

It has to be asked if Lebanon is tired of having this terrorist organization in the nation, causing all sorts of issues.

Read: UN Chief Seems To Blame Israel For Being Attacked By Hezbollah »

Greenest Olympics Ever: US Team To Bring Their Own AC

There have been numerous stories about the Paris Olympics, which they said will be super climate cult compliant, so, they were cutting air conditioning, because AC is Bad for global boiling. But, many nations have said “nah, we’re bringing our own, to go with our massive fossil fueled jet and SUV travel.” And no, officially

This has nothing to do with the environment, just a doomsday cult, where all the people who believe in it always want Other People to bear the burden for their beliefs

(AP) The U.S. Olympic team is one of a handful that will supply air conditioners for their athletes at the Paris Games in a move that undercuts organizers’ plans to cut carbon emissions.

U.S. Olympic and Paralympic CEO Sarah Hirshland said Friday that while the U.S. team appreciates efforts aimed at sustainability, the federation would be supplying AC units for what is typically the largest contingent of athletes at the Summer Games.

“As you can imagine, this is a period of time in which consistency and predictability is critical for Team USA’s performance,” Hirshland said. “In our conversations with athletes, this was a very high priority and something that the athletes felt was a critical component in their performance capability.” (snip)

“It’s a high-performance environment,” Australian Olympic Committee spokesman Strath Gordon explained to The Post.

Have you noticed that Warmists always have an excuse for why they aren’t conforming to their beliefs? Always giving themselves an out? What about the parents with 3 kids who find a small EV inconvenient? Do they get a waiver? Are they excused from complying with government mandates? Or, is it only Special People, rather than the common folk?

Read: Greenest Olympics Ever: US Team To Bring Their Own AC »

If All You See…

…is a stone lawn because grass won’t grow in Extreme Heat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on California’s terrible idea for homelessness.

Read: If All You See… »

Will Voters In SCNY Vote To End Sanctuary Status?

If they get the question on the ballot, what will they do in Sanctuary City New York?

Put ‘sanctuary city’ on the ballot so NYC voters can halt the migrant crime crisis

Americans before illegalsYour kids aren’t safe even in broad daylight.

Last week, an Ecuadorian migrant held two 13-year-olds, a girl and a boy, at knifepoint in a Queens park as they walked home from school.

He was arrested Tuesday for allegedly sexually assaulting the girl and stealing the teens’ phones.

There is a remedy.

In November, voters nationwide will get to choose between the Democratic Party’s open-border policy and Republican Donald Trump’s promise to deport millions who have come to the US illegally.

Biden set the standard with his border EO: Trump can just say the number is 100 encounters a day

But New York City voters deserve to have an added choice on Election Day: that of keeping our lunatic “sanctuary city” laws that shield migrant criminals from deportation, or repealing those local ordinances.

Repeal would allow migrant criminals to be deported after their first offense — before they have a chance to go on to rape and murder.

Last week, eight members of the City Council’s Common Sense Caucus fired off a letter to the Charter Revision Commission — the body that holds the power to put questions on the ballot in November — explaining that the City Council has refused to repeal our disastrous sanctuary city laws.

Since the City Council won’t act, they argued, let voters decide.

So, if the question is on the ballot, what will the majority decide? You can bet most of the Elites will vote to continue being a sanctuary city, because the city doesn’t let the illegals hang out in the toney and well to do parts of SCNY, just where the middle and working class live.

Of course, allowing illegals into SCNY in the first place is dangerous: how many have committed serious crimes for their first offense? And, sure, New Yorkers commit crime, too, but, they are Americans. These illegals shouldn’t even be in the nation, and are just here to take advantage of the U.S., not be a part of the melting pot.

Read: Will Voters In SCNY Vote To End Sanctuary Status? »

Right On Schedule, The Atlantic Whines About Other People Using Air Conditioning

It’s seems to be a yearly rite of passage, where some outlet complains about AC at this time of the year, and it’s certainly not the first The Atlantic article that does this over the years

America the Air-Conditioned

As a heat wave spreads across America, the whirring of air conditioners follows close behind. AC has become an American necessity—but at what cost?

First, here are three new stories from The Atlantic:

A single piece of technology has made recent heat waves safer and more bearable than they’d be otherwise. The trusty air conditioner doesn’t just cool us off—it has shaped the way we live in America, my colleague Rebecca J. Rosen wrote in The Atlantic in 2011. AC changed home design and reoriented workdays; it even arguably influenced the way that Congress operates, by expanding the legislative calendar into the summer. Robust at-home cooling helped make living in fast-growing regions such as the Southwest more appealing—and that region has reshaped American politics and life. (One author even credits AC with getting Ronald Reagan elected.)

It wasn’t always this way. In the early 20th century, AC was generally reserved for public spaces; around 1940, well under 1 percent of American homes had AC. But in the decades that followed, the technology found its way into more households. By 2001, about 77 percent of homes had AC. Now some 90 percent of American homes use air-conditioning, according to a 2020 federal-government survey. AC was once seen by many Americans as a nice-to-have, rather than a necessity. But in recent decades, Americans have experienced an attitude shift: Pew polling found that in 2006, 70 percent of people considered AC a necessity, compared with about half who viewed it that way a decade earlier. And the country has only gotten hotter since then.

Well, having a modern lifestyle with modern conveniences is progress, right? Most people couldn’t afford a computer in the Reagan era: now everyone has one, it seems, including a phone that can do an amazing amount of things.

The environmental cost of air-conditioning puts users in an impossible predicament. The United Nations warned last year that global energy used for cooling could double by 2050, and that it could make up 10 percent of the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions at that point. At least until more efficient cooling is widespread, AC will contribute to the rising heat that makes it essential.

Does anyone want to bet that The Atlantic has an AC in its office(s)? How about Warmist Lora Kelley? AC at home? Turns it on in the car? How about all the Warmists who read the article and said “yeah, AC is bad”: have they shut theirs off?

Read: Right On Schedule, The Atlantic Whines About Other People Using Air Conditioning »

Pro-Hamas Mob Targets Los Angeles Synagogue, Harass Children

But, see, I’ve been reliably told that the “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators are simply against Israel’s war? No? Also, doesn’t California have lots of laws against this type of hate?

Pro-Israel Protesters Flock to Defend L.A. Synagogue Targeted by Pro-Palestinian Mob

A large group of pro-Israel counter-protesters rushed to demonstrate outside a synagogue and Jewish school targeted Thursday in Los Angeles by a mob of pro-Palestinian activists.

The confrontation began earlier Thursday, when the pro-Palestinian activists showed up at the school in Valley Village, an area with a large Jewish population in the San Fernando Valley region of L.A.

A large group of pro-Israel counter-demonstrators then came to the school to face off against the pro-Palestinian activists. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) arrived and separated the two groups on opposite sides of the street.

How, exactly, does this help the cause, unless the cause is hatred of Jews?


One would think a lawyer would know that Hamas is a designated terrorist group by the government of Canada. Further, that it is against the law to aid Hamas, along with many other designated terrorist groups. Why do 1st World nations keep letting Islamists in?

Read: Pro-Hamas Mob Targets Los Angeles Synagogue, Harass Children »

Hawaii Settles Suit With Climate Cult Youts

Too bad the settlement doesn’t mean things like restricting the kiddies from all fossil fueled travel

Hawaii agrees to ‘groundbreaking’ settlement of youth climate change case

Hawaii on Thursday agreed to take action to decarbonize its transportation system by 2045 to settle a lawsuit by 13 young people alleging the U.S. state was violating their rights under its constitution with infrastructure that contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

Democratic Governor Josh Green announced the “groundbreaking” settlement at a news conference attended by some of the activists and lawyers involved in the lawsuit, which they called the first-ever youth-led climate case seeking zero emissions in transportation.

As part of the settlement, Hawaii will develop a roadmap to achieve zero emissions for its ground, sea, and inner island air transportation systems by 2045, the year by which the state was already aiming to become carbon neutral.

Which means the cost to visit Hawaii and live there will skyrocket even more. I can’t wait till the youts express their dismay over this when they’re adults. When tourists say it’s just not worth travelling to Hawaii for a vacation

The agreement, which can be enforced in court, calls for the creation of a volunteer youth council to advise the state’s Department of Transportation, which committed to reworking its planning to prioritize reducing greenhouse gasses and creating a new unit dedicated to decarbonization.

Putting people with zero knowledge in charge sounds like a spectacular idea, does it not? But, hey, all experiments need an experimental group, right?

Read: Hawaii Settles Suit With Climate Cult Youts »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post noting historical warming rates dwarf current warming.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students

No one saw this coming, right? That the Jew hating, Hamas supporting students would pay no price for their actions

Manhattan DA drops charges against Columbia University students arrested at anti-Israel protests

surprise surprise surpriseDozens of anti-Israel protesters who occupied and barricaded themselves in buildings on the Columbia University campus in April had their charges dropped Thursday.

The office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped cases against 30 students and staff members who were arrested during the campus unrest.

“All these matters are dismissed and sealed in the interest of justice,” Judge Kevin McGrath announced in the courtroom.

All the protesters were arrested on April 30, hours after taking over Hamilton Hall, an academic building, and were initWereially charged with trespass in the third degree, a misdemeanor.

Stephen Millan, a prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, said there was insufficient evidence to show that any individual defendant damaged property or injured anyone. He noted the protesters wore masks and covered surveillance cameras, Reuters reported.

I wonder how many put it up on their social media that they were involved in this, that they admitted culpability? Were most of them not, you know, caught by the police? The NYPD went into Hamilton Hall and arrested them in there, students and faculty. At which point their masks were removed and they were taken to the police station and booked. It’s not like they were arrested after. So, Bragg’s office is blowing off that they were arrested in Hamilton Hall.

“The Office is continuing to pursue cases from both campuses, including all assaults against police officers,” the DA’s office said in a statement to Fox News Digital, referring to Columbia and the City University of New York. “There are ongoing school disciplinary proceedings for the students who had their case dismissed.”

That Columbia is involved in disciplining the students and faculty is irrelevant to criminal proceedings: they broke the law. And, who thinks the DA’s office will further drop charges against the other cases shortly?

Bragg’s office declined to drop the charges against another 13 defendants. Two of the 13 were Columbia students, and the other 11 had no affiliation with the school, although most were alumni.

Their cases would have been dropped if they avoided being arrested over the next six months. However, they rejected the offer and are scheduled to appear in court on July 25.

At which point those will most likely be dropped, whether the defendants want them dropped or not.

Read: Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students »

UN Poll Says 80% Of World Wants More Government Action On Climate Doom

Ask the right people and you’ll get the answer you want

80% people want more govt action to fight climate change: UN poll

A global poll of 75,000 participants published Thursday revealed that every four out of five people want stronger national commitments to addressing climate change.

The survey by the U.N. Development Program, Oxford University and GeoPoll posed 15 questions by randomized telephone calls to people in 77 countries representing 87% of the world’s population.

The key finding was that 80% of respondents want their governments to increase efforts to fight against global warming.

Poorer countries beat this drum the loudest, with 89% in favor, though appetite is also high in the wealthy G-20 nations (76%), according to the survey.

China (73%) and the United States (66%) – the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters – also saw a majority of respondents in favor of climate action.

Interestingly, the UN, full of climahypocrites, failed to ask what these climate cultists are doing in their own lives. But, it’s no surprise those in 3rd world nations want action, because it means lots of redistributed money from countries that have prospered.

Read: UN Poll Says 80% Of World Wants More Government Action On Climate Doom »

Pirate's Cove