If All You See…

…are plants and trees which will soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on China Joe importing Iranian oil despite sanctions.

Read: If All You See… »

Vox Seems Pretty Confused About The Rise In Anti-Jew/Israel Sentiment In Democrat Run Cities

Seriously, what could be causing all the Jew and Israel hatred? It’s a mystery!

Vox lambasted on social media for tweet proclaiming ‘we don’t know why’ anti-Semitism spiked during the Israel-Hamas war

Liberal news outlet Vox News got lambasted on social media over a headline proclaiming that they were mystified about the rise of anti-Semitic attacks during the latest war between Israel and Hamas.

The tweet of the Vox article from Zach Beauchamp read, “Violent anti-Semitism spiked in America during the Israel-Hamas war. And we don’t know why.”

Beauchamp pondered why there seemed to be a rise in violence against Jewish people during the latest war between Israel and Hamas, and claimed that this was a new phenomenon.

“These attacks appear to be linked to the recent flare-up in fighting between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. In some cases, the perpetrators waved Palestinian flags or shouted pro-Palestinian slogans,” he wrote.

Beauchamp also claimed that the Anti-Defamation League was exaggerating their statistics on anti-Semitic violence.

Huh, were waiving flags.

“If only the perpetrators of this violence were carrying signs and flags and screaming at their victims about why they were attacking them, Vox might be able to crack this impenetrable code, figure out this riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma!” joked opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon.

“If you don’t know why, it’s because you don’t want to,” replied Jerusalem Post editor Lahav Harkov.

“I knew which Hamas apologist wrote this before I opened it,” replied David Harsanyi of National Review.

“Because those committing the attacks were already unhinged Jew haters. Gaza just offered them the pretext to go out in the streets and beat up on Jews,” explained Arsen Ostrovsky, a human rights attorney.

Vox says there are three theories

These are isolated incidents and not reflective of any deeper trend.

Except Democrats have shown themselves to be Israel haters, which leads to being a Jew hater.

A second theory is that what we’re seeing right now is, more than anything else, a reflection of an upswing in anti-Semitism that began during the Trump campaign and presidency.

Of course there had to be a Blame Trump component, despite Trump being a huge, bigly supporter of Israel, moving the embassy to Jerusalem and cutting off the flow of money to the Palestinians and their terrorist groups.

Third, it’s possible we’re seeing the beginning of what might be termed the “Europeanization” of American anti-Semitism.

It’s possible this connection is deepening in the United States, that people with anti-Israel views are increasingly more likely to blame American Jews for what they see as Israeli wrongdoing and are more likely to inflict physical violence upon them as a result.

So, what could be causing this? It’s a total mystery why the vast majority of attacks have occurred in Democratic Party run cities chock full of Democratic voters, ones like NYC and San Francisco. The Democratic Party has long been a hotbed of anti-Israel sentiment, including the whole BDS (boycott, divest, sanctions) movement, while failing to provide even a tiny bit of condemnation for the Palestinians and their terrorist groups which intentionally attack civilians in Israel. They take the sides of those who have stated goals to wipe Israel from the map. You have elected officials, such as AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and others taking the side of the Palestinians 100%, with zero condemnation of Hamas and Palestinians.

There are almost no elected Democrats who are supporting Israel. Newspapers, run by Democrats, tend to highlight any wrongdoing by Israel, and will make it up if necessary, while rarely touching on what Palestinians and their terrorist groups were doing. Heck, remember the AP had offices in the building run by Hamas.

At least in this century, this goes back to all the college kids who did their little pro-Palestinian protests, many of which were highlighted by Zombietime (such as this one), with the kids running around in Intifada keffiyehs, which are about killing Jews and destroying Israel. The unhinged, insane level of Israel hatred turns into hatred of Jews. Which turns into attacks on Jews. These college kids are adults now, and their hatred spreads. Obama’s attempts to push a two state solution, treating Netanyahu with disrespect. That did not help. It’s just part and parcel of the Democratic Party to be anti-Israel, which is now being Jew hatred.


Read: Vox Seems Pretty Confused About The Rise In Anti-Jew/Israel Sentiment In Democrat Run Cities »

Bummer: The Media Not Fear-Mongering Enough On ‘Climate Change’ Is Dispiriting

The UK Guardian, which has been the main propaganda arm of the Cult of Climastrology for decades, is very upset that other media outlets won’t join them in their fear-mongering to the degree they want

The media is still mostly failing to convey the urgency of the climate crisis

The TV newsman Bill Moyers likes to tell the story of how Edward R Murrow, the pre-eminent US broadcast journalist of his time, insisted on covering what became Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939. Murrow’s bosses at CBS News had other priorities; they ordered Murrow’s reporters to cover dance competitions in Hamburg, Paris and London, explaining that Americans needed some happy news. Murrow wouldn’t do it. “It’ll probably get us fired,” he told his colleagues, but he sent his correspondents to the German-Polish border; they arrived just in time to witness Hitler’s tanks and troops roar into Poland. Suddenly, Europe was at war. And Americans heard about it because journalists at one of the nation’s most influential news outlets defied convention and did their jobs.

Today, all of humanity is under attack, this time from an overheated planet – and too many newsrooms still are more inclined to cover today’s equivalent of dance competitions. The record heatwaves and storms of 2020 confirmed what scientists have long predicted: climate change is under way and threatens unparalleled catastrophe. And because carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere for centuries, temperature rise and its effects are only getting started. As one scientist said as wildfires turned San Francisco’s skies orange last September, “We’re going to look back in 10 years, certainly 20 … and say, ‘Wow, 2020 was a crazy year, but I miss it.’”

Of course, all the fires have been shown to be from some idiots setting them, intentionally and unintentionally. And got bad due to poor forest management practices, not because the temperature is up. Which climate cultists just assume, really, have Faith, that it is caused by Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles and eating meat.

A handful of major newspapers are paying attention. But most news coverage, especially on television, continues to underplay the climate story, regarding it as too complicated, disheartening or controversial. Last month, we asked the world’s press to commit to treating climate change as the emergency that scientists say it is; their response was dispiriting.

We created Covering Climate Now in April 2019 to help break the media’s climate silence; Bill Moyers talked about Murrow at our inaugural conference. Since then, Covering Climate Now has grown into a consortium of hundreds of news outlets reaching a combined audience of roughly 2 billion people, and the climate coverage of the media as a whole has noticeably improved.

In other words, these outlets have given up all pretense of being neutral and just broadcasting news: they’re advocates for a cult.

But that coverage is still not going nearly far enough. To convey to audiences that civilization is literally under attack, news outlets should play the climate story much bigger, running more stories – especially about how climate change is increasingly affecting weather, economics, politics and other spheres of life – and running those stories at the top, not the bottom, of a homepage or broadcast. News reports should also speak much more plainly, presenting climate change as an imminent, deadly threat.

This message is muted at best today, and the result is predictable. In the United States, only 26% of the public is “alarmed” about climate change, according to polls analyzed by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communications (a member of the CCNow consortium). One reason? Less than a quarter of the public hear about climate change in the media at least once a month.

In other words, the outlets aren’t being scary enough, they aren’t crying doom enough.

More than 30 newsrooms have now signed the statement, but some major outlets told us privately they won’t sign. The phrase “climate emergency” sounded like activism, they said; endorsing it might make them look biased. Instead, they added, they would let their climate coverage speak for itself.

But that’s the problem: their coverage does speak for itself, and it is simply not reflecting the facts of the story. It is a fact that thousands of the world’s scientists, including many of the most eminent climate experts, say humanity faces a climate emergency. Most major news outlets still present climate change as no more important than a dozen other public issues, when the fact is that if the world doesn’t get it under control, fast, climate change will overwhelm every other issue. Another fact: the climate emergency comes with a time limit – wait too long to halt temperature rise and it becomes too late; CO2’s long atmospheric life makes further temperature rise inevitable, perhaps irreversible.

See? Some are resisting going full climate hysteric, and that has made the Guardian and other hysterics very upset. News should provide details, not be advocates. They’ve already lost the trust of citizens as it is.

At a summit in Glasgow this November, world leaders are supposed to adopt much stronger measures against the climate emergency. Between now and then, journalists have a responsibility to make sure the public understands what’s at stake and, crucially, that humanity already has the technologies and solutions to decarbonize our economies; what’s needed is the political will to implement them. Journalists also have a responsibility to hold powerful interests accountable for doing what’s needed to preserve a livable planet. That starts with telling the truth: about the climate emergency, its solutions, and how little time remains before it’s too late.

In other words, listen to your Betters, accept government control of your life. And the news media needs to fear monger more to get you to comply with Government. Because this is about science, right?

Read: Bummer: The Media Not Fear-Mongering Enough On ‘Climate Change’ Is Dispiriting »

China Joe Promises A Beer If 70% Have At Least One Shot By July 4th

Would this be the same July 4th that Joe wanted to cancel? Who pays for this? What does one shot accomplish if two are required? And why is it necessary for CNN to do analysis of this, unless they are just squeeing? Getting a thrill up their legs?

‘Get a shot and have a beer’: Biden’s new glass-half-full strategy woos vaccine skeptics

This Bud’s for you, and anyone else ready to roll up their sleeve to put the pandemic behind them.

The White House’s new partnership with Anheuser-Busch offering free beers if the country reaches its goal of getting 70% of adults at least one Covid-19 vaccine shot by July 4 — almost Prohibition in reverse — is more than a gimmick.

If Trump was still around and tried this it would be labeled a pure, pandering gimmick that entices people to become alcoholics and end up living on skid row. There would be apoplexy wondering if people under the age of 21 would be given free beer, and that it is a waste of federal money, and ORANGE MAN BAD for doing this when he doesn’t even drink and this is the end of Democracy as we know it.

It’s a headline that heralds a widening, more micro-targeted approach to getting skeptical Americans vaccinated against Covid-19 and a shift from an approach that saw mass vaccination sites in stadiums earlier this year. It’s also a sign of growing concern about slowing inoculation rates, fears that millions of unprotected Americans could be vulnerable to new viral spikes in the fall and a desire to preserve the miracle wrought by vaccines.

Ah, now that last sentence makes sense, but, there’s always been that concern, and it’s not just from Republicans and Trump supporters. There are more than plenty on both sides who are resistant for many reasons, and you’re seeing this in plenty of other nations.

There’s more than free booze on offer from the teetotaler Biden and his web of private-sector partnerships announced on Wednesday to convince skeptics to get vaccinated. Go for a trim in a Black-owned barbershop — traditional community hubs — and a Covid-19 vaccine comes at no extra cost. Parents who get the shots can get free child care while they’re inoculated. Cities will compete to grow vaccination rates. Employers can cash in tax credits if they let workers feeling side effects from the vaccine take time off.

Free stuff only entices people who were willing to get it and were going to get it anyhow. I’d think most who took the jab did so without any compensation. You aren’t actually bribing anyone, because they had the intention to get it.

Some 136 million Americans are fully vaccinated. But the percentage of US adults who have had at least one dose is at 62.8%, meaning that Biden’s target of 70% before Independence Day could represent a challenge.

One does of a two dose regimen is meaningless, when the 2nd is necessary. It’s like replacing half the strings on your guitar, so you only have three strings.

There are multiple reasons beyond politics, for example, why people may choose not to get a vaccine. There is mistrust of government scientists and experts in some communities. Some African Americans are suspicious of mass vaccination campaigns for historical reasons. Some rural areas that have not seen heavy concentrations of the virus and where people live further apart than in cities may see vaccines as less of a priority. Young people, who are less likely to get seriously ill or die but who can still have long-lasting effects from Covid-19, are a particular concern for health officials.

“One of the things that annoys me about public health is when we have a one-size-fits-all message for everyone: ‘Just go get vaccinated, it’s safe,’ ” Yasmin said.

“In reality, you speak to six people on the fence about vaccines … you can hear six very different reasons — historical, geographical, cultural, faith-based reasons — as to why they may not be very confident about getting vaccinated.”

How do you get them to get vaccinated? The answer is you won’t. Not now. Perhaps when the full clinical trials are don, when they aren’t approved under an emergency order. But, even then, you’ll still get a lot who won’t. And a beer won’t do it. Bribes won’t do it.

Read: China Joe Promises A Beer If 70% Have At Least One Shot By July 4th »

Manatees Dying/At Risk From ‘Climate Change’, Water Pollution, Mankind, But Mostly Water Pollution And Mankind

Did you know that manatees love warm water? They do, they do! That’s why they tend to be found in warm water. It’s why they head up to warm springs when even Florida cools down in the winter. But, doom

Climate Crisis and Negligent Policymakers Blamed for ‘Record Sickening Levels’ of Manatee Deaths in Florida

Conservation advocates in Florida are warning that 1,000 manatees in the state’s water could die this year—hundreds more than in recent years—due to starvation driven by water pollution, the climate crisis, and other man-made harms to the mammals’ ecosystem.

As The Guardian reported Monday, 749 manatees died between January 1 and May 21, compared with 637 deaths in all of 2020, qualifying as an “unusual mortality event” according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

Experts in the state point to the death of seagrass, manatees’ primary food source, including the majority of 80,000 acres of the plants in the Indian River Lagoon due to blue-green algae blooms—”which have themselves been caused by decades of human nutrient pollution from wastewater and runoff that continues unabated to this day,” Bob Graham, a former Democratic Florida governor and co-founder of Save the Manatee, wrote in the Tampa Bay Times last month.

Runoff containing fertilizers, microplastics, and other chemicals has been linked to the growth of blooms.

So, pretty much environmental issues, right? Plus, too many humans in their areas. But, of course

Warmer water temperatures linked to the climate crisis have also been known to foster the growth of algae, which cover the water’s surface and deprive sea grasses of sunlight. In response, manatees overgraze the remaining seagrass.

I’m pretty sure warming has occurred multiple times during the Holocene, some periods warmer than the current one. And manatees have survived, and survived during the last glacial age. Of course, there might not be those blooms without the runoff issues, so, we’re back to environmentalism, which the Cult of Climastrology has hijacked.

A study by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) in March also found traces of pesticides in more than 55% of the manatees the group tested.

But, climate crisis! Causing people to tune out. Sadly. Can we just deal with the real issues? The water quality in Florida has gone way down over the past decade.

Read: Manatees Dying/At Risk From ‘Climate Change’, Water Pollution, Mankind, But Mostly Water Pollution And Mankind »

If All You See…

…is the wonderful, progressive, climate crisis action loving cities of New York and Paris, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post entitled Opinion: The Problem With Schools Grooming And Hyper-Sexualizing Our Children

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Inflation Is Running Rampant In Developed World Nations

Weren’t the Credentialed Media telling us that inflation wasn’t a concern, that everything would be OK, and even “heck, you right wingers are crazy for talking about inflation.” I guess CNN Business missed the memo from CNN News

Global inflation hasn’t been this high since 2008

Price are rising quickly across huge swaths of the developed world, with inflation in countries that belong to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development surging in April to the highest rate since 2008.

Energy price hikes boosted average annual inflation across OECD countries to 3.3% in April, compared with 2.4% in March, the Paris-based organization said Wednesday. That’s the fastest rate since October 2008, when the global financial crisis delivered a massive shock to the world economy.

But prices are rising across the world even when volatile food and energy costs are excluded. When those products are omitted from calculations, inflation still jumped from 1.8% in March to 2.4% in April.

The sudden arrival of inflation as economies reboot following the coronavirus pandemic is a major challenge for policymakers around the world. Rising prices are bad news for anyone on a fixed income, and central bankers may be tempted to combat inflation by hiking interest rates or paring back stimulus programs.

Economists agree there is upward pressure on prices. But there is no consensus on whether rising inflation is a temporary phenomenon that will fade as economies and consumers adjust to life after the pandemic, or if price rises signal the start of a sustained trend with major implications for workers and companies.

“Implications.” They mean a big cost of living increase.

Prices are rising at different rates across the 38 countries of the OECD, which together account for about 60% of the global economy. In the United States, annual inflation increased to 4.2% in April from 2.6% in March, while Canada’s rate accelerated to 3.4% from 2.2%. Europe saw more modest increases in April, with inflation increasing to 1.6% in the United Kingdom, 2% in Germany, 1.2% in France and 1.1% in Italy.

But there are signs that prices are continuing to rise. Surging energy prices caused inflation in the 19 countries that use the euro to increase to 2% in May from 1.6% in April, according to data published Tuesday, exceeding the European Central Bank’s inflation target of “below but close to 2%.”

This couldn’t have anything to do with the insane spending from government, right? Or how governments are doing things to change energy

Energy costs are stoking inflation. Just look at US gas prices

Investors worried about rising inflation should keep an eye on what’s happening at the pump.

US gas prices hit their highest level in seven years during a busy Memorial Day weekend, as Americans traveled to meet up with friends and took much-needed vacations.

What’s happening: Data from GasBuddy shows gas in the United States is at its most expensive since 2014. AAA puts the national average at $3.05 per gallon, up from $2.90 one month ago and $1.98 a year ago. (snip)

In the United States, inflation data released Friday showed a 3.6% rise in prices in April from one year ago, as energy prices jumped 25%. Excluding the cost of food and energy, prices rose 3.1%.

Sure, things like the pipeline country getting hacked causing all sorts of problems did not help. What about west coast areas? What’s causing the price increases there? Could it have anything to do with Biden and Democrats climate-fear mongering and saying they are going to get rid of fossil fuels?

Read: Surprise: Inflation Is Running Rampant In Developed World Nations »

The Next Decade Is Make Or Break On The Climate Crisis (scam)

It’s always “the next decade”, isn’t it? The next decade to implement massive government control and taxation. Usually by big wigs who refuse to modify their own ways and make their lives carbon neutral

EU chief calls current decade ‘make or break’ for climate change

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Monday that the world was in “the make or break decade’ with respect to the climate change. She was delivering a virtual speech at the 2021 Partnering for Green growth and the Global Goals 2030, or P4G, summit

“Change is never easy but Europe has taken the decision because mankind can’t wait any longer. And we have to do this together,” von der Leyen said.

“The next six months are crucial for the health and well-being of our people and our planet. Let’s work together.”

The EU’s new target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 from 1990 levels. Agreed last month, the goal is more ambitious than the previous plan for a 40% cut.

Tell you what: let these EU countries implement all their climate cult policies, and let’s see what happens over the next 10 years. Every experiment needs an experimental group, and this will give the rest of the world the opportunity to see the results. We’ll see how much freedom is lost, how much taxes and the cost of living increase. And whether it makes a difference. It won’t, but, it will create more government

From Heat Officers to Mobilization Directors, Specialists Help Cities With Climate Change

Tucson hired a forester. Miami named a heat officer. And Los Angeles appointed a climate emergency mobilization director.

Across the United States, cities have launched new programs focused on dealing with extreme weather, reflecting the growing impacts of climate change on local communities, according to experts.

Since 2019 at least 30 U.S. cities have taken fresh action such as hiring specialists to combat the impact of extreme weather, including Phoenix, Houston, Louisville, Nashville, and Oakland, according to the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, based at Washington D.C.’s Atlantic Council think tank.

These government officers are now imbued with powers to tell citizens what to do. To impinge on their freedom and choice. Some things seem innocuous, like the heat manager in Miami

The officer will focus on strategies for the Miami region to adapt to its ever-hotter climate, with special attention on “communities of color and low-income residents, who have fewer resources to overcome these challenges,” Mayor Levine Cava said in late April at a news conference announcing the program.

Already, the newly appointed interim heat officer, Jane Gilbert, is getting to work with an agenda that includes creating more shaded bus stops and helping with existing plans for planting more trees in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Seems OK, right? Until they start telling people what to do. I do enjoy that these very Leftist people are always thinking that minorities, primarily blacks, cannot do anything on their own, that they can only survive with government. Rather a racist attitude, eh? Of course, we’ll all need shade when government forces most people to take the bus because we can’t afford electric vehicles. It’s all about reading between the lines and realizing what they Warmists want to do after watching them for decades.

Read: The Next Decade Is Make Or Break On The Climate Crisis (scam) »

COVID Passports Are Everywhere

When it comes to COVID vaccine requirements, it’s one thing for a company to require proof of vaccination. As annoying as that is, you can choose to say ” nope, I’m good, I’ll take my business elsewhere.” It’s something quite different when government is running it and especially requiring it

Switzerland to Start Implementing EU COVID-19 Passport System on June 7

Under the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication (FOITT) solution, Switzerland has announced the implementation of the COVID-19 certificate system, which will be effective immediately and running until the end of June 2021.

During the pilot phase, which is set to start on June 7, Swiss cantons will be issued gradually with the first digital certificates, SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

Starting on June 1, seven EU countries – Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Croatia and Poland have started to implement the COVID-19 passport. Other countries are set to launch the document once all functions are operating and it is recognised widely.

The gateway will operate as a verification tool for the COVID-19 passport issued by the EU, which aims to revive travelling within the block. Since May 10, 22 countries have successfully tested the COVID-19 passport gateway.

Since it is set to provide a high level of security, Switzerland’s system will be subjected to a broad public security test. This means that besides the security analyses conducted by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the security system will also be tested by public security experts and other authorities regarding the field.

That should work out well. Another article on this EU passport system notes

The gateway, which has been set up within a period of two months, will serve as a verification tool for the EU COVID-19 certificates, through which the EU intends to restore the freedom of movement within the block.

These are the same types of political people who lose their minds over illegal aliens showing their papers, and, government requiring that one gets the shot or have had COVID and have the antibodies is the antithesis of freedom of movement

New York’s ‘Excelsior Pass’ is United States’ first COVID-19 vaccine passport

On the Upper East Side in Manhattan, a well-heeled crowd flashed it to get into a socially distanced dance performance at the Park Avenue Armory. In Chelsea, people showed it to attend a John Mulaney stand-up set at City Winery. And in Troy, New York, patrons are using it to enter an intimate, speakeasy-style bar that admits only vaccinated guests.

This magic ticket is New York state’s Excelsior Pass, which was introduced in March as the first and only government-issued vaccine passport in the country, accessible, for now, only to people who have been vaccinated in the state.

Officials are hoping that it can help New Yorkers feel confident about the safety of businesses and jump-start a statewide economy that is still reeling from losses experienced during the pandemic. But for that to happen, they will need more people and businesses to start using it and vaccine passports to become more universally accepted.

Though it is basically just a QR code on your phone that indicates your vaccine status, the pass, and vaccine passports more generally, have become a political flashpoint among conservatives who say the passports violate privacy concerns.

So, I guess only Conservatives worry about privacy concerns, as well as creating an exclusionary system which leaves those who haven’t had the vaccine out in the wilderness. As far as I can ascertain, this passport doesn’t include those who have had COVID and have the antibodies.

Britain plans to scrap their COVID passport (at least for the moment), while India plans on implementing one for international travel (which at least makes some sense, as opposed to making one for everything). The US state of Georgia has prohibited the creation and use of passports. When members of the Credentialed Media start yapping about using them being for the “public good“, be concerned.

(Tyler Morning Telegraph) Such a [COVID passport] law in a country that respects citizens’ right to set their own health care course would be a concerning shift in direction. It would represent a government intrusion into an area of personal privacy that would, at the very least, result in legal challenge. The inevitable conflict that would be stoked by such a measure would distract, ultimately, from the prize of herd immunity.

Likewise, a vaccine passport — a shorthand way of describing a requirement for proof of vaccination — comes very close to a vaccine mandate if any such “passport” were to be required by government. A passport mandate for admission or participation is akin to a vaccination mandate. As such, government should not enshrine any government mandate for a vaccine passport.

Tucker Carlson: COVID passport could be just the beginning
‘Why can’t they do the same to people with HIV or tuberculosis, or Hepatitis C?’

If you’re a middle-aged American, you can probably still dimly remember back to what things used to be like in this country, say, 13 or 14 months ago. Way back then, before the revolution, pretty much everybody agreed that segregation was the worst thing this country ever did. Forcing certain categories of citizens into separate, lesser accommodations, barring them from public places, treating them like lepers or untouchables — that was completely immoral and wrong, we were told that a lot and most of us strongly agreed. It was wrong.

So imagine our confusion today looking out across the country now. The very same people who just the other day told us that segregation was wrong are now enforcing segregation. (snip)

The New York Times informed us that unless you can prove you’ve taken the injection the Democratic Party demands you take, you are no longer permitted in bars, comedy clubs, or even some dance competitions in the state of New York. You’re too dirty to appear in public. You’re not welcome near normal people. Want to watch the NBA playoffs in person? You’d better be vaccinated.

Get the shot, you’re good. If not, you’re Evil. Right? More below the fold

Read More »

Read: COVID Passports Are Everywhere »

Surprise: Dutch Ruling On Shell Oil Benefits OPEC And Russia

Remember when I mentioned the Cult of Climastrology winning with a ruling against Shell Oil in the Netherlands?

Climate cultists can’t win by convincing people, so, they’re using the courts to jam through their cult beliefs. This won’t harm Shell: it will just increase the cost of product. Which means the cost of other goods that are delivered by fossil fueled vehicle, plane, and ship will increase. That’s a win, right?

And there could be unintended consequences? Well, here’s another

OPEC, Russia seen gaining more power with Shell Dutch ruling

unintended consequencesClimate activists who scored big wins against Western majors last week had some unlikely cheerleaders in the oil capitals of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Russia.

Defeats in the courtroom and boardroom mean Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and Chevron are all under pressure to cut carbon emissions faster. That’s good news for the likes of Saudi Arabia’s national oil company Saudi Aramco, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co, and Russia’s Gazprom and Rosneft.

It means more business for them and the Saudi-led Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

“Oil and gas demand is far from peaking and supplies will be needed, but international oil companies will not be allowed to invest in this environment, meaning national oil companies have to step in,” said Amrita Sen from consultancy Energy Aspects.

Good job, Warmists (who also won’t give up their own use of fossil fuels)

The International Energy Agency, which looks after the energy policies of the West, issued an appeal last month to the world to essentially scrap all new oil and gas developments. But it gave no clear formula on how to reduce demand.

“It (the IEA report) is a sequel of the La La Land movie. Why should I take it seriously?” Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said on Tuesday.

“We (Saudi Arabia) are … producing oil and gas at low cost and producing renewables. I urge the world to accept this as a reality: that we’re going to be winners of all of these activities,” he told an online news conference after a regular OPEC+ meeting.

A high-level executive from Russia’s Gazprom said: “It looks like the West will have to rely more on what it calls ‘hostile regimes’ for its supply”.

Don’t you hate when those unintended consequences reach up and smack you in the face with the Dead Mackerel of Reality?

Read: Surprise: Dutch Ruling On Shell Oil Benefits OPEC And Russia »

Pirate's Cove