Surprise: Dutch Ruling On Shell Oil Benefits OPEC And Russia

Remember when I mentioned the Cult of Climastrology winning with a ruling against Shell Oil in the Netherlands?

Climate cultists can’t win by convincing people, so, they’re using the courts to jam through their cult beliefs. This won’t harm Shell: it will just increase the cost of product. Which means the cost of other goods that are delivered by fossil fueled vehicle, plane, and ship will increase. That’s a win, right?

And there could be unintended consequences? Well, here’s another

OPEC, Russia seen gaining more power with Shell Dutch ruling

unintended consequencesClimate activists who scored big wins against Western majors last week had some unlikely cheerleaders in the oil capitals of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Russia.

Defeats in the courtroom and boardroom mean Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and Chevron are all under pressure to cut carbon emissions faster. That’s good news for the likes of Saudi Arabia’s national oil company Saudi Aramco, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co, and Russia’s Gazprom and Rosneft.

It means more business for them and the Saudi-led Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

“Oil and gas demand is far from peaking and supplies will be needed, but international oil companies will not be allowed to invest in this environment, meaning national oil companies have to step in,” said Amrita Sen from consultancy Energy Aspects.

Good job, Warmists (who also won’t give up their own use of fossil fuels)

The International Energy Agency, which looks after the energy policies of the West, issued an appeal last month to the world to essentially scrap all new oil and gas developments. But it gave no clear formula on how to reduce demand.

“It (the IEA report) is a sequel of the La La Land movie. Why should I take it seriously?” Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said on Tuesday.

“We (Saudi Arabia) are … producing oil and gas at low cost and producing renewables. I urge the world to accept this as a reality: that we’re going to be winners of all of these activities,” he told an online news conference after a regular OPEC+ meeting.

A high-level executive from Russia’s Gazprom said: “It looks like the West will have to rely more on what it calls ‘hostile regimes’ for its supply”.

Don’t you hate when those unintended consequences reach up and smack you in the face with the Dead Mackerel of Reality?

Read: Surprise: Dutch Ruling On Shell Oil Benefits OPEC And Russia »

Young Warmists Suffering From “Climate Anxiety” Demand More Doom Teaching To Get More Anxiety

It’s a savage circle: Warmists get anxiety from learning cultish teachings on climate doom, and then they want more teaching on climate doom, which gives them more anxiety of coming doom, which wants them to have more information on doom

Youngsters suffering from ‘eco-anxiety’ as campaigners demand more climate change teaching in schools

There are growing calls for schools to teach more about climate change.

Students say they feel “held back” by not knowing enough.

Some teachers describe the national curriculum as “limited” and want it extended to include more on the climate emergency.

Student campaign group, Teach the Future, believes the subject should be mandatory for all year groups.

The group’s co-ordinator, Scarlett Westbrook, says climate change is “glossed over”.

She surveyed students and found only four percent felt they knew enough about the climate crisis.

“We need the knowledge to be able to deal with this post-climate breakdown world that we’re going to be entering, as we exit university and schooling and into the workforce,” Scarlett said.

So, wait, only four percent feel they know enough, yet, they’re all saying we are Doomed from a slight increase in Earth’s global temperature in the past 170 years? Really? And this is giving them climate cult anxiety? They do understand that the Internet is available for research, right? As is the library? And can read books from the book store and Amazon, right?

Scarlett said increasing numbers of young people are suffering from “eco-anxiety” because their educations fails to tackle their concerns over the climate.

How can they have anxiety if they do not know anything?

In a statement a spokesperson for the Department for Education said: “It is vital that young people are taught about climate change, which is why relevant topics are included in the national curriculum for both primary and secondary schools.

“Teachers have the freedom to expand on these areas if they wish to do so.”

Indoctrination, and then teachers who aren’t versed in science and climate doom-mongering even more.

Read: Young Warmists Suffering From “Climate Anxiety” Demand More Doom Teaching To Get More Anxiety »

If All You See…

…is a wall eroding from extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on Texas passing voting protections, and Dems freaking out.

Read: If All You See… »

The White House Is A Monday Thru Friday Kind Of Place For China Joe

Now, imagine the apoplexy from CNN and the rest of the Credentialed Media if this was about Trump

For Biden, the White House is ‘a Monday-through-Friday kind of place’

Biden Brain SlugBeginning in 1973, when he was a United States Senator from Delaware, Joe Biden had a ritual: nearly every evening he would hop a train back to Wilmington after his work day on Capitol Hill, spending most nights and weekends at the place he considered home, 100 miles from Washington.

Doing so earned him the nickname “Amtrak Joe,” and in 2011, the Wilmington depot was renamed the Joseph R. Biden Jr. Railroad Station. In all, he took more than 8,000 of those roundtrips during his 36 years in the Senate and, though less frequently, his eight years as vice president, no small feat for a busy politician.

Turns out old habits die hard.

Since taking office four months ago, the President has spent more weekends away from the White House than he has stayed there, almost three times as many. Counting this Memorial Day weekend, Biden has been in Wilmington nine weekends and passed five weekends at the presidential retreat, Camp David, in rural Maryland. The numbers far exceed any modern president’s weekends off-campus at this point in his tenure.

But, see, Joe’s not playing golf, so, everything is OK. No mention that he takes fossil fueled helicopter flights now while wanting to force Americans onto trains and richer folks into electric vehicles.

“He thinks of (the White House) more like a Monday-through-Friday kind of place,” said one of several people familiar with Biden’s thinking who spoke to CNN for this story and were granted anonymity in order to preserve relationships. This person said the people’s house was akin to presidential corporate housing. “Really, really high-end corporate housing.”

“Joe Biden has always been the guy who goes home to Delaware,” said another person who has worked with the President. “The White House isn’t going to change that.”

Really, I have no problem with that. If he wants to hang at home, that’s fine. It’s understandable. Especially at Joe’s age and his mental issues, he wants to be around the familiar. I do have a problem with the media being fine with this, when they would be blasting Trump, and did blast him constantly for the times he left the White House.

Despite its 54,900 square feet, bowling alley, movie theater, tennis pavilion, acres of grounds and dozens of staff, Biden’s instinct — sometimes last-minute, say those familiar with his schedule — is to get away from it for a weekly breather. One person said it’s the escapism aspect of getting away from “the office” that drives him to seek another location.

Um, he did run for this position, just like he did for Vice President.

Part of the issue is that Biden is quite simply no longer “Amtrak Joe,” and that moving the President of the United States from point A to point B requires dozens of people, military precision planning and the coordination of law enforcement, from the Secret Service to local police officers. Tension is building between White House staff tasked with delivering the news of a weekend away and the logistical apparatus that allows it, said another person familiar with operations.

Well, they should have plenty of time to plan, since they are typically calling lids on Joe doing anything early in the day.

The residence is, however, the symbolic pinnacle of political achievement, which begs the question why he would rather not have been there for 14 of the 19 weekends he has been president.

More recently, Donald Trump would get away at his private Palm Beach, Florida, club, taking about eight leisure weekends from the White House by the same point in his presidency that Biden is at now. Barack Obama was an early fan of weekends with his family at Camp David, going approximately a half-dozen times in his first four months in office.

Now remember how the media treated Trump, who took 6 fewer weekend trips. Anyhow, the rest of the article makes excuses for Biden.

Read: The White House Is A Monday Thru Friday Kind Of Place For China Joe »

Bummer: Texas Leaves Climate Doom Out Of Winter Storm Blackout Fix

This Associated Press is being repeated all over the place, but, they all seem to forget that this was a massive winter storm that hit Texas….oh, right, the climate cultists blame winter weather on heat trapping gases, because they are a cult. These people are just taking advantage of misery and deaths (at least 151) from a winter storm

Texas’ fix after blackout doesn’t dwell on climate change

Texas’ biggest fix to February’s deadly winter blackout that left more than 4 million people without power puts new attention on projections by the state’s climatologist but does not dwell on climate change after a deep freeze buckled the state’s unprepared electric grid.

A far-reaching bill sent Sunday night to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott would require some power generators to winterize against extreme cold following one of the most massive blackouts in U.S. history. Experts praised some reforms as significant but say concessions to Texas’ powerful oil and gas industry still leaves the grid vulnerable.

President Joe Biden’s national climate adviser called the winter storm a “wake-up call” for the United States to build energy systems and other infrastructure that are more reliable and resilient in the face of extreme-weather events. But in the Texas Capitol, Republican lawmakers sidelined discussion of climate change while trying to get to the root of the blackout and come up with ways to prevent it from happening again.

Why would they discuss anthropogenic climate change? Or, heck, natural climate change? Discussing a mild increase in global temperatures won’t solve, fix, or help in modifying the grid to minimize widescale power outages.

A last-minute addition to the bill requires energy regulators to consider in their planning projections by the state’s climatologist. John Nielsen-Gammon, who has been the Texas state climatologist for two decades, said he was not asked to testify by lawmakers after the blackout but did provide input to the some offices that reached out.

“The cold wasn’t unprecedented, but the combination of extreme cold and widespread snow was extremely unusual,” Nielsen-Gammon said in an email. “ Also, I volunteered the information that climate change was probably making such events less likely rather than more likely.”

Hmm, a climatologist who hasn’t gone cult. But, that won’t stop Warmists from saying that big winter storms are part of ‘climate change.’

During February’s storm, demand for heat soared as temperatures plunged. Roughly a quarter of Texas’ natural gas supply was knocked off line. Failures by fossil fuel plants, including natural gas facilities, contributed twice as many outages as solar and wind generators, according to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the state’s grid operator.

After Hurricane Harvey slammed into Texas in 2017, a 200-page state report warned that powerful natural disasters will become more frequent because of a changing climate but did not use the phrase “climate change.”

“It’s very hard to prepare for something you’re scared to name,” Democratic state Rep. Erin Zweiner said.

What does Harvey have to do with the massive winter storm? And, has Texas been hit with a Harvey since? And why would you prepare for something that is mostly from the doomsday imaginations of cultists?

Read: Bummer: Texas Leaves Climate Doom Out Of Winter Storm Blackout Fix »

British Intelligence Report Calls Wuhan Lab Leak “Feasible”

Well, of course it’s feasible. It’s a lot more likely than someone eating a bat or something and creating a worldwide pandemic which spread as fast as gossip, spawning lots of variants in short order

UK intelligence reassesses COVID lab leak theory, now says its ‘feasible’

British intelligence services are now reportedly reassessing their position on the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

A Sunday report from the Sunday Times of London quotes British spies who initially dismissed the lab leak theory, but now say it is “feasible.”

“There might be pockets of evidence that take us one way, and evidence that takes us another way,” the paper quoted a source as saying. “The Chinese will lie either way. I don’t think we will ever know.”

The quote comes as both the United States and Britain are stepping up calls for the World Health Organization to take a deeper look into the possible origins of COVID-19, including a new visit to China, where the first human infections were detected.

Right, let’s let WHO investigate, because we all know they were tough on China this whole time, right? They certainly weren’t providing cover for China, right? Unfortunately, the rest of the article is behind a paywall, but British Intelligence is taking this seriously now.

WHO and Chinese experts issued a first report in March that laid out four hypotheses about how the pandemic might have emerged. The joint team said the most likely scenario was that the coronavirus jumped into people from bats via an intermediary animal, and the prospect that it erupted from a laboratory was deemed “extremely unlikely.”

Yup, let’s let WHO investigate. But, the source above is probably correct, the Chinese will lie, and we may never know, because they will never allow a true investigation, plus, by this point, the Wuhan lab is surely sanitized of anything related to COVID. Meanwhile

‘It’s the right thing to do’: WHO renames COVID variants with Greek letter names to avoid confusion, stigma

The World Health Organization has created a new system to name COVID-19 variants, getting away from place-based names that can be hard to pronounce, difficult to remember, and stigmatize a specific country.

The new system, which was announced Monday, is based on the letters of the Greek alphabet. The United Kingdom variant, called by scientists B.1.1.7, will now be Alpha. B.1.351, the South Africa variant, will now be Beta and the B.1.617.2 variant discovered in India will now be known as Delta.

When the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet are used up, WHO will announce another series.

“It’s the right thing to do,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco.

It may also make countries more open to reporting new variants if they’re not afraid of being forever associated with them in the mind of the public.

“As a result, people often resort to calling variants by the places where they are detected, which is stigmatizing and discriminatory,” WHO said.

How much of this is meant to protect China, rather than just silly Virtue Signaling and and such?

Read: British Intelligence Report Calls Wuhan Lab Leak “Feasible” »

Hotcold Take: Climate Cult Study Blames 37% Of Heat Deaths On You Eating Burgers

Must have been some serious work to go through every death that occurred between 1991 and 2018 (remember, there was also a big Pause between, charitably, 1998-2015)

Study blames climate change for 37 percent of heat deaths worldwide

More than one-third of the world’s heat deaths each year are due directly to global warming, according to the latest study to calculate the human cost of climate change.

But scientists say that’s only a sliver of climate’s overall toll — even more people die from other extreme weather amplified by global warming such as storms, flooding and drought — and the heat death numbers will grow exponentially with rising temperatures.

Dozens of researchers who looked at heat deaths in 732 cities around the globe from 1991 to 2018 calculated that 37 percent were caused by higher temperatures from human-caused warming, according to a study Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change.

That amounts to about 9,700 people a year from just those cities, but it is much more worldwide, the study’s lead author said.

Can they prove it is due to anthropogenic climate change, meaning a temperature rise from greenhouse gases? I’d certainly agree that land use and UHI can artificially increase localized temperatures in urban areas causing more stress on humans, but, come on, directly blaming a small rise in temperatures since 1850 for 37% of heat deaths? It’s a cult. But, here we go

Scientists used decades of mortality data in the 732 cities to plot curves detailing how each city’s death rate changes with temperature and how the heat-death curves vary from city to city. Some cities adapt to heat better than others because of air conditioning, cultural factors and environmental conditions, Vicedo-Cabrera said.

Then researchers took observed temperatures and compared them with 10 computer models simulating a world without climate change. The difference is warming humans caused. By applying that scientifically accepted technique to the individualized heat-death curves for the 732 cities, the scientists calculated extra heat deaths from climate change.

mule fritter sherman potter

“People continue to ask for proof that climate change is already affecting our health. This attribution study directly answers that question using state-of-the-science epidemiological methods, and the amount of data the authors have amassed for analysis is impressive,” said Dr. Jonathan Patz, director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin.

We’re still waiting for proof that it is due to carbon pollution. Correlation is not causation. All this presupposes, using junk computer models, is that a slight temperature increase, which doesn’t prove causation, leads to more deaths. What if we didn’t have fossil fuels and such? Would the climate be the same? Multiple Holocene warm periods were warmer. Now do the deaths from cold weather.

Read: Hotcold Take: Climate Cult Study Blames 37% Of Heat Deaths On You Eating Burgers »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on adjusting data to match theory.

Read: If All You See… »

Mayor Pete Admits Masking On Airplanes Isn’t About Science

Let’s be honest, most of us know that mask do little to nothing in stopping a virus, which is smaller than the weave in masks. It won’t stop a cold, the flu, or WuhanFlu. At best, it might help a tiny bit, especially in terms of spreading it, and perhaps from you not being able to touch your face directly. So, what was the point? Remember, the original guidance from the CDC was that if you were sick or felt sick to wear a mask (better yet, stay home), and wasn’t changed till May 31st. A year ago

Buttigieg confronted on science for face mask mandates on airplanes — he admits it’s a ‘matter of respect’

surprise surprise surpriseTransportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg admitted Sunday that continued face mask requirements on public transportation under the jurisdiction of federal regulators is a “matter of respect” — not science.

Just last month, the Transportation Security Administration extended face mask requirements “across all transportation networks throughout the United States, including at airports, onboard commercial aircraft, on over-the-road buses, and on commuter bus and rail systems through September 13.”

The requirement went into effect on Feb. 1, less than two weeks after President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Despite proponents of pandemic-related restrictions arguing protective measures are necessary because science supports them, Buttigieg said Sunday that continued restrictions on transportation is not a matter of science at all.

During an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” host Martha Raddatz questioned Buttigieg why federal transportation guidelines deviate from CDC recommendations.

Buttigieg claimed “the differences have to do with the physical space” and alleged restrictions are “driven by public health considerations,” but said that, ultimately, continuing to wear a face mask and follow pandemic-related restrictions the CDC says are no longer necessary for fully vaccinated Americans is about “respect.”

“It’s a matter of safety but it’s also a matter of respect,” Buttigieg said. “And as we get back and as we’re so thankful to get back to the skies, to get back on the road, to get back to loved ones, let’s make sure we are doing it in a way that we can all be proud of.”

Huh. Remember, the CDC has stated that airplanes were pretty safe, and you had little chance of catching Bat Soup Virus, to the point that the planes were packed for the Christmas travel season, blowing off even social distancing rules (which was rather disconcerting, I will say). It’s actually one of the problems with everyone masking up: people felt entitled to enter the social distancing space, getting too close to people. They felt empowered. Just give me space. Which you do not get on airplanes, right? What respect is Pete talking about? Maybe bad breath? How many issues were created because masks which don’t work create on airplanes? How many are they still causing because the flight crews are just trying to follow the federal rules? Which Joe Biden doesn’t follow.

Read: Mayor Pete Admits Masking On Airplanes Isn’t About Science »

Hotcoldwetdry: Study Claims Satellite Measurements Too Low Because Models Run Hotter

See, if the data doesn’t agree with the climate cult computer models, science says you change the models data, right? That’s the way the Scientific Method works, if you put forth a hypothesis, test it, analyze the data, and if the data doesn’t conform to the hypothesis, you change the data, right?

Satellites May Have Underestimated Global Warming in the Lower Atmosphere Over the Last 40 Years

May have. Did they or did they not? Are they “suggesting”? Have them maybe might possibly our cult tells us to question them?

New research by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) climate scientists and collaborators shows that satellite measurements of the temperature of the troposphere (the lowest region of the atmosphere) may have underestimated global warming over the last 40 years.

The research appears in the Journal of Climate.

The team studied four different properties of tropical climate change. Each property is a ratio between trends in two “complementary” variables. Complementary variables — like tropical temperature and moisture — are expected to show correlated behavior. This correlated behavior is governed by basic, well-understood physical processes.

The first three properties considered by the team involved relationships between tropical temperature and tropical water vapor (WV). WV trends were compared with trends in sea surface temperature (SST), lower tropospheric temperature (TLT) and mid- to upper tropospheric temperature (TMT). The fourth property was the ratio between TMT and SST trends. All four ratios are tightly constrained in climate model simulations, despite model differences in climate sensitivity, external forcings and natural variability. In contrast, each ratio exhibits a large range when calculated with observations. Model trend ratios between WV and temperature were closest to observed ratios when the latter are calculated with datasets exhibiting larger tropical warming of the ocean surface and troposphere.

For the TMT/SST ratio, model-data consistency depended on the combination of observations used to estimate TMT and SST trends. Observational datasets with larger warming of the tropical ocean surface yielded TMT/SST ratios that were in better agreement with model results.

See, it’s not that the models should agree with the data, and, if not, the models should be changed, it’s that the data should agree with the models, and, if not, well, we just need to find new data. Because Science!

“Such comparisons across complementary measurements can shed light on the credibility of different datasets,” according to LLNL’s Stephen Po-Chedley, who contributed to this study. “This work shows that careful intercomparison of different geophysical fields may help us determine historical changes in climate with greater precision.”

If climate model expectations of these relationships between tropical temperature and moisture are realistic, the findings reflect either a systematic low bias in satellite tropospheric temperature trends or an overestimate of the observed atmospheric moistening signal.

So, see, since the datasets of direct observations of actual temperatures and such do not conform with the models, which have shown to be way out of line with the actual data, the data must be wrong. Remember when Dr. Roy Spencer showed that 95% of the models were wrong?

They’ve been changing the data, adjusting it for a long time now, and this is just a more blatant way of saying that the data is wrong, as it doesn’t agree with the preconceived notion that we’re doomed from ‘climate change’.

Read: Hotcoldwetdry: Study Claims Satellite Measurements Too Low Because Models Run Hotter »

Pirate's Cove