If All You See…

…are wonderful plants which will die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Dry Bones Blog, with a cartoon on what bothers the world.

It’s big smiles week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Gil Elvgren Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and this cold is on the downswing. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers the US breaking a long standing tornado streak
  2. American Greatness notes that any agreement with liberal policy is now a Threat To Democracy
  3. Blazing Cat Fur notes all the things that Trump was right about and the media is saying that Trump was right about
  4. Chicks On The Right discuss what a member of Parliament called China Joe, starting with “so senile”
  5. Datechguy’s Blog highlights BrainPop violating the law in teaching kids
  6. DC Clothesline covers CBS calling for the unvaccinated to be punched in the face
  7. Flopping Aces wonders what happens if we find fire from the smoking election fraud
  8. Gates Of Vienna covers a man in jail for refusing to pay his TV tax
  9. Geller Report News discusses Iran Joe dropping sanctions against Iran
  10. Gen Z Conservative highlights death by political correctness
  11. IOTW Report shows the spiking fees for smuggling due to Joe’s border policies
  12. Jihad Watch shows more radical Islamists invading schools in Virginia
  13. Legal Insurrection covers the Federal Reserve telling employees to avoid certain “biased” terms
  14. Moonbattery notes that looting is the new normal in San Francisco
  15. And last, but not least, Pacific Pundit covers the Austin Statesman refusing to release the description of the Austin shooter

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Renowned Israel/Jew Hater Ilhan Omar Retweets Video From Group That Hates Israel And Jews

I suppose that Fox News and reporter Houston Keene are now Islamophobes and hate black people for daring to publish this article. And, that would make me the same, right?

Omar retweets video by anti-Israel group investigated by FBI for possible terrorism ties

“Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., retweeted a video produced by an anti-Israel organization previously investigated by the FBI for possible terrorist ties.

On Tuesday, one day after she posted a now-infamous tweet likening the U.S. and Israel to terror groups Hamas and the Taliban, Omar retweeted a post including a video produced by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

The video shared by Omar depicted a Palestinian child being carried off by Israeli police forces as an explosion is heard in the background.

In 2010, ISM was deemed by the Anti-defamation League (ADL) as one of the top 10 anti-Israel organizations in the country. The FBI has also investigated ISM for possible links to terrorists, but FBI documents reported in 2020 by the Intercept did not detail any charges levied.

Well, of course she did. This group is fervently anti-Israel and anti-Jew, meaning that Ilhan is in favor of them. But, see, it’s Mean to point all this stuff out, because free speech is apparently a one way street, so says media member and apologist for Islamists Arwa Mahdawi in her “this week in the patriarchy” column

Ilhan Omar is once again being attacked by her own party for speaking out

Here are the rules, OK? The United States is the greatest, most moral country to ever exist. It brings democracy to all the poor savages in the rest of the world, who are incapable of knowing what’s good for them. It doesn’t commit war crimes, there’s just some occasional collateral damage amid all that democracy-building. Its allies are morally righteous, its enemies are entirely evil. Do not question any of that, do not query American exceptionalism, and you will have a very fruitful career in US politics or cable news.

Ilhan Omar, alas, seems to have a hard time remembering these rules. The progressive Democratic congresswoman is once again being censured by her own party for what appears to be the crime of being an outspoken black Muslim woman. Nobody getting publicly outraged by Omar appears to have any interest in annoying things like context, but here’s the context for the latest manufactured controversy.

See? It’s not her hatred for the U.S., Israel, and Jews, nor comparing them to Hamas and other terrorist organizations, nope, it’s because she’s a black Muslim woman.

See? It’s not the content of her insane words, nope, you attack her because she’s a black, Muslim woman. The Progressive Caucus has around 100 members, and is chaired by fellow Squad member and Islamist Pramila Jaypal. Ilhan is the whip. The membership is a who’s who of moonbat leftists. It’s not like Ilhan has a long history of anti-Jew, anti-Israel, and anti-US remarks, is it? Nope, it’s because she’s a black Muslim woman.

Read: Renowned Israel/Jew Hater Ilhan Omar Retweets Video From Group That Hates Israel And Jews »

China Seems Upset Over Lab Leak Theory

Because China would never bio-engineer or mess around with a virus, right? Because they’ve never done that before, right?

China official insists COVID lab-leak theory ‘absurd’ in Blinken call

A top Chinese diplomat told Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday that the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a laboratory in the city of Wuhan was an “absurd story,” the country’s state media reported.

Yang Jiechi, the head of Beijing’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission, also told Blinken that the US should approach issues surrounding the island nation of Taiwan “carefully and appropriately,” according to broadcaster CCTV.

Blinken, meanwhile, “stressed the importance of cooperation and transparency regarding the origin of the virus, including the need for WHO Phase 2 expert-led studies in China,” a State Department press release said. (snip)

In addition, the Journal reported earlier this week that a top US government laboratory had reported in May 2020 that the “lab leak” theory was plausible and should be studied further.

“We urge the United States to respect facts and science, refrain from politicizing the issue … and focus on international cooperation in the fight against the pandemic,” Yang said.

The question now becomes “Does the China Joe admin continue to investigate as much as they can to determine where COVID19 originated” or do they just let it go?


State official believes private vaccine passports could soon be a thing in California

The state of California may not be implementing a vaccine passport, but there may still be and app or other credential for people to prove they are fully vaccinated against coronavirus coming soon.

Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency Dr. Mark Ghaly spoke to Public Policy Institute of California president and CEO Mark Baldassare on Friday about how vaccine passports may still come about and what they might look like.

“We’re also very cognizant that we’ll see apps on our phone, things created so that those who want to have their vaccine verification at their finger tips, they can have it,” Ghaly said.

In other words, it is a passport backed by the state of California but they’ll call it private run.

Read: China Seems Upset Over Lab Leak Theory »

If All You See…

…is the rising sea meeting the land which is turning to desert, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on Special Snowflakes getting upset over….checks notes…the Battle Of Perryville.

Read: If All You See… »

Climate Emergency Is Serious: Giant Pikachus March Down Street In England, Opposing Coal In Japan

The climate emergency (scam) is a Very Serious Subject, y’all. The climate cultists want us to treat the subject as Very Serious, because the world is on the brink of ending. Or it’s happening right now. Doom is coming!

Activists Dressed As Giant Pikachus Invade G7 Summit in England to Demand Climate Change Action in Japan

Coal plants generate a lot of carbon, which contributes to global warming. Japan has pledged to hedge construction of new coal-burning plants, but they still has 150 coal power stations.
It’s a giant Pikachu invasion! Or at least it was recently in England. A pack of activists, all dressed as Pikachu, paraded down a street in England, demanding that Japan stop using coal. The Pokémon characters appeared just down the street from the G7 Summit, taking place in the English resort town of Carbis Bay.

One protester explained their purpose, saying, “Our message to Japan is that if it continues to burn coal, it will be an international pariah, it will make the future more dangerous for its citizens, it’s going to make a future more dangerous for the world. Japan has a massive opportunity at the G7 to step up, stop burning coal and lead the world to a better future.”

The G7 meetings allow the member nations — France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Japan, the U.S. and Canada — to discuss various issues and make agreements in person. One of the chief problems on the table is climate change and how to reduce carbon emissions.

Well, I’m totally convinced to give up my money, freedom, and choice to Save The Earth from boiling away. How about you?

Read: Climate Emergency Is Serious: Giant Pikachus March Down Street In England, Opposing Coal In Japan »

Hamas Denounces Fellow Islamist Ilhan Omar For Comparing US/Israel With Hamas Terrorists

So, apparently Ilhan is not only having an inter-party squabble with fellow Democrats (who are Jews) and Nancy Pelosi, but, also with her fellow Islamists

Hamas Releases Statement Denouncing Rep. Ilhan Omar For Equating Them With ‘Crimes’ Of America, Israel

Hamas issued a statement on Friday denouncing Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar for her equation of them and the Taliban to Israel and the United States.

Issued by Dr. Basem Naeem of Hamas’ international relations office, the U.S.-designated terrorist organization said they “appreciate” her stance on “justice” for Palestinians but asked her to describe events “accurately.”

“The recent statements of Mrs. Ilhan Omar, a member of the US House of Representatives, in which she equated the victim with the executioner, are very surprising, as she equated the resistance of the Palestinian people on the one hand, and the crimes of the Israeli occupation in Palestine and the American aggression in Afghanistan on the other,” read the statement, which the Daily Caller translated from Arabic.

“We appreciate Mrs. Ilhan Omar’s stances in defending justice and the rights of the oppressed around the world, foremost of which are the just rights of our Palestinian people, but we deplore this unfair combination of injustice and international law. The Palestinian people have been living under the Zionist occupation for more than seven decades, during which they suffered a lot, and the most heinous crimes were committed against them,” it went on to say.

“However, the other side refused to comply with all international resolutions, and continued its arrogance and oppression of our people and threatening international stability and security, unfortunately with the full support and protection of successive US administrations.”

“Accordingly, we look to Mrs. Ilhan Omar, and all defenders of Palestinian rights, to describe things correctly and accurately, because this is the most important starting point for laying the foundations for a just solution to this chronic conflict,” Hamas concluded.

I wonder if she will play the Victim with this slapdown by Hamas, like she did when Democratic Party Jews and Pelosi, among others, lightly took her to task, or, will she listen to her Islamist comrades and take their concerns to heart? Probably the latter, since there has been no response from Ilhan Omar at all. Will she say Hamas is “anti-black” like she did with her elected Democrat comrades (who are also Jews)?

Read: Hamas Denounces Fellow Islamist Ilhan Omar For Comparing US/Israel With Hamas Terrorists »

Dementia Joe Says ‘Climate Change’ Is Greatest Military Threat

He said this after taking a long fossil fueled helicopter to the airport, FF flight to Europe, with all the chase planes and extra planes, then getting in his FF limo which was flown over in a FF plane, with the huge retinue of FF cars protecting him

Biden warns global warming is the greatest threat to national security in speech to troops

President Joe Biden warned during a speech to American troops in England that global warming presents the greatest threat to the United States.

“The military sat us down and let us know what the greatest threats facing America were — the greatest physical threats,” Biden said of a meeting he had with the joint chiefs after becoming vice president in 2009. “This is not a joke. You know what the joint chiefs told us the greatest threat facing America was? Global warming.”

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Biden told the troops at the Royal Air Force Mildenhall station on Wednesday that global warming still presents that kind of threat, asking nations to commit to “ambitious climate action” that would stop the globe from warming no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Biden warned that global warming could cause “significant population movement,” which could include “fights over land, millions of people leaving places because they’re literally sinking below the sea, like in Indonesia because of the fights over land that is not there anymore.”

mule fritter sherman potter

The president’s remarks are a departure from his assessment just last week, when he said white supremacy posed the “most lethal” threat to America in a speech marking the 100th anniversary of the race riots in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The guy is nuts, and the regular media will not call him out for it. Doomsday climate cultists have been warning of doom since the late 80’s, and the eco-nuts who joined the climate cult have been telling us we’re doomed since the late 60’s. Yet, Doom always seems to be pushed further and further out, as each prognostication fails to materialize. Biden’s yammering is all just meant to force more and more Modern Socialism on the U.S. military, destroying it from within.

Read: Dementia Joe Says ‘Climate Change’ Is Greatest Military Threat »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon rise dozens of feet by 2050, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the thought police going after bird names.

Read: If All You See… »

Politico: This Inflation Stuff Is Just Very Inconvenient To China Joe’s Spending Priorities

Seriously, it is very inconvenient. So what if your cost of living is going up? So what if you’re paying more now for just about everything? This could cause problems for Joe

Soaring prices draw both shrugs and screaming in Washington
A continued inflation spike could make it a lot harder for the president to push through trillions of dollars in additional federal spending.

The White House says it’s not concerned. The Federal Reserve is showing no alarm. Bond investors are chill.

But with consumer prices soaring at the fastest pace in more than a decade, some economists are joining Republicans in arguing that it’s time to drop the nonchalant attitude and start seriously worrying about inflation taking hold and possibly crushing the economic recovery from Covid-19.

And if the surge in costs for everything from rental apartments to airline tickets and used cars kicks off a wider inflation dynamic, it could make it a lot harder for President Joe Biden to push through trillions of dollars in additional federal spending while forcing the Fed into growth-choking rate hikes.

Really, that’s their concern? Joe spending trillions and trillions on unnecessary initiatives? Not “the citizens of the U.S. are seeing inflation eat into their paychecks?

Concerns over inflation were rekindled on Thursday as the Labor Department reported that consumer prices rose by 5 percent in May from a year ago, the quickest pace in nearly 13 years. The so-called core rate of inflation, which excludes volatile food and energy prices, rose 3.8 percent, the sharpest rise since June 1992.

Democrats and many economists say that since the numbers are year-over-year comparisons, they look worse than they are, given the severely depressed economic activity during national Covid lockdowns this time last year. And they note that much of the increase was driven by the rising price of used cars and trucks, as well as airline fares and clothing — all of which you’d expect as the country emerges from lockdown.

Well, of course they’re downplaying the inflation, even though inflation hurts the lower and middle class income people they need to win elections.

Republicans are increasingly seizing on every bit of inflation data to slam the Biden agenda and call for the Fed to stop pumping so much money into the system.


And many economists are sticking to their belief that the sharp inflationary pressures will be short-lived, especially given how much used car prices contributed to the most recent report.

“Vehicle prices alone boosted core CPI by 0.38 percentage points last month and by 0.32 percentage points this month,” Eric Winograd, senior economist for fixed income investing at AllianceBernstein, said in a note to clients. “That seems highly unlikely to be permanent—once shortages ease and production ramps back up, prices of used cars in particular should settle down.”

Let’s hope so. But, what is short term? Because there seems to be no change in the limited amount of used vehicles at this time. And this shortage has driven the value of used up quite a bit, like up into the thousands above normal. And for new the shortage means less discount off MSRP. Eventually, shortages will end, but, will prices come down? Particularly for food and other essentials. Or, will all the prices just stay the same? How about housing? Wood?

(NPR) Rising labor costs are pushing prices up in some areas, but officials don’t believe that’s the beginning of a runaway, upward spiral, like the U.S. experienced in the 1970s. Chipotle said this week it’s raising menu prices about 4% to help cover its new $15-an-hour average wage for employees.

Oops. Anyhow, this is tough for Biden.

Read: Politico: This Inflation Stuff Is Just Very Inconvenient To China Joe’s Spending Priorities »

Pirate's Cove