Hotcoldwetdry: Study Claims Satellite Measurements Too Low Because Models Run Hotter

See, if the data doesn’t agree with the climate cult computer models, science says you change the models data, right? That’s the way the Scientific Method works, if you put forth a hypothesis, test it, analyze the data, and if the data doesn’t conform to the hypothesis, you change the data, right?

Satellites May Have Underestimated Global Warming in the Lower Atmosphere Over the Last 40 Years

May have. Did they or did they not? Are they “suggesting”? Have them maybe might possibly our cult tells us to question them?

New research by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) climate scientists and collaborators shows that satellite measurements of the temperature of the troposphere (the lowest region of the atmosphere) may have underestimated global warming over the last 40 years.

The research appears in the Journal of Climate.

The team studied four different properties of tropical climate change. Each property is a ratio between trends in two “complementary” variables. Complementary variables — like tropical temperature and moisture — are expected to show correlated behavior. This correlated behavior is governed by basic, well-understood physical processes.

The first three properties considered by the team involved relationships between tropical temperature and tropical water vapor (WV). WV trends were compared with trends in sea surface temperature (SST), lower tropospheric temperature (TLT) and mid- to upper tropospheric temperature (TMT). The fourth property was the ratio between TMT and SST trends. All four ratios are tightly constrained in climate model simulations, despite model differences in climate sensitivity, external forcings and natural variability. In contrast, each ratio exhibits a large range when calculated with observations. Model trend ratios between WV and temperature were closest to observed ratios when the latter are calculated with datasets exhibiting larger tropical warming of the ocean surface and troposphere.

For the TMT/SST ratio, model-data consistency depended on the combination of observations used to estimate TMT and SST trends. Observational datasets with larger warming of the tropical ocean surface yielded TMT/SST ratios that were in better agreement with model results.

See, it’s not that the models should agree with the data, and, if not, the models should be changed, it’s that the data should agree with the models, and, if not, well, we just need to find new data. Because Science!

“Such comparisons across complementary measurements can shed light on the credibility of different datasets,” according to LLNL’s Stephen Po-Chedley, who contributed to this study. “This work shows that careful intercomparison of different geophysical fields may help us determine historical changes in climate with greater precision.”

If climate model expectations of these relationships between tropical temperature and moisture are realistic, the findings reflect either a systematic low bias in satellite tropospheric temperature trends or an overestimate of the observed atmospheric moistening signal.

So, see, since the datasets of direct observations of actual temperatures and such do not conform with the models, which have shown to be way out of line with the actual data, the data must be wrong. Remember when Dr. Roy Spencer showed that 95% of the models were wrong?

They’ve been changing the data, adjusting it for a long time now, and this is just a more blatant way of saying that the data is wrong, as it doesn’t agree with the preconceived notion that we’re doomed from ‘climate change’.

Read: Hotcoldwetdry: Study Claims Satellite Measurements Too Low Because Models Run Hotter »

ABC News: It’s Donald Trump’s Fault We Were Contrarian On Wuhan Lab Leak

The very definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome

ABC’s chief White House reporter: A lot of reporters have ‘egg on their face’ over Wuhan lab-leak theory

ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl admitted that many reporters were wrong to dismiss former President Trump’s assertion that the coronavirus originated from a laboratory.

Karl was asked on ABC’s “This Week,” by guest host Martha Raddatz on why it matters that the lab-leak theory was initially met with dismissal or skepticism.

“Yes, I think a lot of people have egg on their face. This was an idea that was first put forward by Mike Pompeo, secretary of state, Donald Trump, and look some things may be true even if Donald Trump said them,” Karl said. “Because Trump was saying so much else, that was just out of control, and because he was, you know, making a frankly racist appeal talking about kung-flu, and the China virus, he said flatly this came from that lab, and it was widely dismissed… but now serious people are saying it needs a serious inquiry.”

Karl’s comments echoed what other reporters have said. While many reporters have admitted to making a mistake by dismissing the lab-leak theory as conspiracy, some are placing blame at Trump as to why they didn’t believe the story at first. They assert that Trump and his administration were untruthful on other matters so they dismissed his lab-leak claims.

New York Times writer David Leonhardt said it was a “mistake” for liberals and reporters to dismiss claims just because they came from Trump and Republicans like Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

So, because Orange Man Bad they dropped all pretense of journalism.

(Fox News) Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin once again knocked the mainstream media for previously dismissing the theory that COVID-19 potentially originated from a Wuhan lab leak in China, tweeting on Saturday that journalists should “own up” when they “fail” their readers and encouraged them to “just report the facts.”

 “Most MSM [mainstream media] reporters didn’t ‘ignore’ the lab leak theory, they actively crapped all over it for over a year while pretending to be objective out of a toxic mix of confirmation bias, source bias (their scientist sources lied to them), group think, TDS [Trump Derangement Syndrome] and general incompetence,” Rogin, who was one of the very few journalists who previously reported on China’s role in the pandemic and raised questions about the origins of the virus, tweeted on Saturday.

He went on to say that, “Also, the lab leak theory didn’t change. It didn’t suddenly become credible. It didn’t jump from crazy to reasonable. The theory has always been the same. The people who got it wrong changed their minds. They are writing about themselves, with zero self awareness.”

The number one thing was TDS: they had to say the opposite of what Trump and anyone in his admin said. And, you had all those who wanted to take China’s side, because they are owned by companies like Disney, which are beholden to China. Former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb said that lab leaks occur here, in China, and all over all the time. And that “the last six known outbreaks of SARS-1 have been out of labs in China.” While most non-deranged people gave thought to COVID-19 coming from eating a bat or pangolin or something, the reality pointed towards coming from a lab pretty darned quick. The TDS infused media refused to even consider that.

Read: ABC News: It’s Donald Trump’s Fault We Were Contrarian On Wuhan Lab Leak »

Researches “Find” Earliest Known Climate Crisis (scam) Driven War Victims Or Something

See, they found something interesting, and, so the Credentialed News would pay attention, and because these people are doomsday cultists, they had to drag ‘climate change’ into it

Earliest known war driven by climate change, researchers say

The 61 human skeletons unearthed in the Nile Valley in the 1960s in what is now Sudan have long been regarded as the earliest evidence of organized warfare between humans.

The remains uncovered at Jebel Sahaba, which are more than 13,000 years old, show injuries sustained as a result of brutal and intense violence — mainly puncture wounds from weapons such as spears and arrows.

However, a new study published in the journal Scientific Reports that reexamined the remains using the latest scientific methods suggests that the group were not killed in a one-off massacre as previously thought. More likely they were killed during sporadic and recurrent violence that took place over several years and was probably triggered by major climatic and environmental changes during the period.

The researchers from France and the United Kingdom found healed injuries on the skeletons that hadn’t been documented in previous studies on the remains — suggesting there were multiple raids, ambushes and skirmishes within these people’s lifetimes.

So, humans 13k years ago were violent? And it could not just be because people have always been violent, nope.

That said, the researchers believe that the conflict arose as rival groups that lived in the area competed for food and resources limited by dramatic changes in climate. Those changes took place between 11,000 and 20,000 years ago toward the end of a period known as the last glacial maximum, when ice sheets covered much of the Northern Hemisphere, disrupting the Earth’s climate.

See, this is all supposed to suggest Doom from a slight increase in average global temperatures, less than has occurred during previous Holocene warm periods. And is all your fault. What’s missing is what caused this dramatic change during the time period mentioned. What caused the last glaciation period to reverse? Meh, that’s immaterial to the Narrative.

Read: Researches “Find” Earliest Known Climate Crisis (scam) Driven War Victims Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible extreme weather clouds from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post wondering if a tree farts in the woods, does it make a sound?

It’s sundresses week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Gil Elvgren Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. Getting some needed rain, the mockingbirds are messing with the squirrels, and it’s time to remember all those who gave their lives to protect this nation. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Victory Girls Blog covers Indigenous People’s Day taking a turn in Chicago
  2. The Other McCain notes Creepy Joe getting creepier
  3. The Lid discusses China Joe’s really bad tax plan
  4. The Last Tradition has an alternative take on January 6th
  5. The Last Refuge covers Krazy Kamala asking businesses to invest in Central America
  6. The First Street Journal notes that black lives really don’t matter in Dem run St. Louis
  7. Sultan Knish covers Joe releasing an al Qaeda member who tried to smuggle nuclear weapons in the US
  8. Raised On Hoecakes discusses being pasty
  9. Powerline highlights Krazy Kamala bombing with her Woke joke
  10. Patterico’s Pontifications is still going through the Washington Post’s piece on police shootings of black men
  11. Pacific Pundit covers Krazy Kamala’s bad tweet for the weekend
  12. Moonbattery highlights Warmists worried about tree farts
  13. Legal Insurrection discusses Biden giving money to Palestinians while Hamas props up a child carrying a rifle
  14. Jihad Watch covers a BLM founder calling to eliminate Israel
  15. And last, but not least, Geller Report News shows a Popeye’s reserving the right to refuse service to white people

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Wearing A Mask? Cafe Charges $5 Extra

Yesterday I mentioned a promoter charging $999 for tickets to a punk concert for those who couldn’t prove vaccination. Today

California Cafe Charges Patrons $5 for Wearing Masks: ‘It’s Their Choice’

Patrons are free to say what they wish at a California cafe, but doing so while wearing a mask will cost them $5.

On Sunday, Fiddleheads Cafe in Mendocino put up a sign stating the fee for those who wear a mask while ordering, NBC News reported Friday.

In March, the establishment announced a 50 percent discount for people who threw their masks in the garbage, according to owner Chris Castleman.

“I don’t think $5 to charity is too much to ask from mask wearing customers who claim to care so much about the community they live in,” he told the outlet in an email.

The proceeds will be given to Project Sanctuary, a domestic abuse organization, for two weeks before another nonprofit is put into the rotation, according to Castleman.

“It’s about time that the proponents of these ineffective government measures start paying for the collateral damage they have collectively caused,” the owner continued.

As you can guess, the masked people were shocked and angry and Outraged, but, a few did pay the $5. The question is, is this necessary? I understand the point Castleman is making, but, look, some people feel more comfortable wearing the mask. I have a few coworkers that still do, one because they worry about catching it, even though vaccinated, causing problems for his kids as a single parent. I respect the choice. I doubt the masks make much of a difference, however, it’s an individual choice. Let them do their thing if it makes them feel safer. Of course, if they’re CovidVirtue Signaling, that’s a different story, like those voluntarily wearing a mask but leaving their mouth uncovered.

It is a private business, though, and Castleman can do this if he wants. But, he might start a trend where other businesses start doing this for those who don’t wear a mask. And, being California, I would not be surprised if Government comes to have a chat with him.

Speaking of choices, here’s a bad one

Demonstrators gather outside Nashville hat store that offered ‘not vaccinated’ yellow Star of David badges

The owner of a Nashville hat store is being accused of anti-Semitism after announcing the sale of yellow Star of David badges, similar to the ones Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust, which read “NOT VACCINATED.”

Nashville’s hatWRKS posted a photo on Instagram on Friday announcing the sale of a Star of David patch that says “NOT VACCINATED,” according to CNN affiliates WZTV and WSMV. The post has since been removed.

The caption on the post read: “patches are here!! they turned out great. $5ea. strong adhesive back …. we’ll be offering trucker caps soon.”

After the post was removed, another hatWRKS post from Friday said, “people are so outraged by my post? but are you outraged with the tyranny the world is experiencing? if you don’t understand what is happening, that is on you, not me.”

This was really in poor taste. What point was hatWRKS trying to make? Pro-vaccine? Anti-vaccine? You can make a guess either way, based on the info in the 2nd and 4th paragraphs. Whatever the reason, it was really dumb, and there are lots of protesters protesting, and Stetson, the maker of lots of western apparel, especially their hats, will no longer allow the shop to sell their products. That’s some serious cash.

Read: Wearing A Mask? Cafe Charges $5 Extra »

A Faction Of “Conservatives” Is Making Its Own Climate (scam) Movement Or Something

How cute. Is this like some “conservatives”, such as George Shultz, pushing for a market driven carbon tax which is run by the government? It makes NBC News happy, though not happy enough to make their own operations carbon neutral

A faction of conservatives pushes to build its own climate movement

climate change joke

Before he became a climate activist during his freshman year of college, Benji Backer had spoken at the Conservative Political Action Conference, written for right-leaning sites such as TownHall and RedState, and made a name for himself as a conservative commentator on television.

But like many other young people, he worried about climate change and didn’t see a place for himself in either the conservative movement, which mostly ignores or denies climate change, or the environmental movement, in which major institutes like the Sierra Club tend to align with Democrats.

This again? Republicans mostly do not deny that the climate has changed from a cold one during the Little Ice Age to the warm one now. Our argument is on causation. We do not think it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind. And those who do think Mankind is 50%+ responsible, and much through land use and the UHI, do not see it as a danger

So in 2017, Backer founded the American Conservation Coalition, which next month is hosting what it bills as the first conservative climate rally.

“We want to plant a flagpole in the sand to say, this is an issue conservatives can and should lead on,” he said. “There is absolutely zero path to a zero emissions, climate change-free future without bipartisanship — and anybody who doesn’t accept that isn’t taking this seriously.”

The group has grown to more than 220 branches, many of which are on college campuses, with thousands of grassroots members and relationships on Capitol Hill.

Beyond their cute language, there is an overriding and entrenched belief in Government being the driver and controller of all the solutions. That’s totally conservative, right?

(Influence Watch) The American Conservation Coalition (ACC) is a nominally right-leaning environmental advocacy organization with financial and advisory board ties to left-wing environmentalist groups. The Wisconsin-based organization was founded and is headed by Benjamin “Benji” Backer, a student at the University of Washington. [1]

ACC says its goal is “giving conservatives a voice on the environment” and aims to present environmentalist issues as a conservative policy concern.[2] Despite presenting itself as a center-right advocacy group, ACC proposed a policy of taxing carbon dioxide emissions in September 2017; it has since removed that issue from its platform. [3] [4]

A number of ACC’s founding coalition members, including the R Street Institute, have received grants from the environmentalist Energy Foundation and liberal billionaire George Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society. [37] [38] The OEC Action Fund (related to the left-wing League of Conservation Voters) has received grants from the left-wing Joyce Foundation, Energy Foundation, and Rockefeller Family Fund.

Endorsements include super squishy Bob Inglis and Christine Todd Whitman. Their advisory board includes Former U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton (R-WA), a liberal Republican who called for the impeachment of President Donald Trump in November 2019. And

  • Former Rep. Bob Dold (R-IL), a gun control advocate
  • Collin O’Mara, president of the left-wing environmentalist group National Wildlife Federation
  • David Yarnold, president and CEO of the center-left National Audubon Society
  • Jason Grumet, founder and president of the center-left Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Paul Bodnar, managing director of the left-wing environmentalist think tank Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Andreas Merkl, former president of the left-wing group Ocean Conservancy
  • John Seydel, sustainability director for the City of Atlanta, Georgia, and a former campaign staffer for two Colorado Democrats, Gov. John Hickenlooper and Sen. Mark Udall.

Totally conservative, right? They’re just trying gaslight us. If they are really conservatives they’d practice what they preach, not trying and force everyone to comply.

Read: A Faction Of “Conservatives” Is Making Its Own Climate (scam) Movement Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an elevated house protecting against doom sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the Denmark being the first government to require COVID passports.

Read: If All You See… »

Punk Group Promoter Charging $999 For Tickets For Un-Vaccinated

I got up a little late this morning, as had a touch of insomnia, so, didn’t write the 1030 post before going to work. This reminded me to do so

How so?

A Florida concert promoter is using tickets to encourage Covid-19 vaccinations by charging those without a shot $999

A concert promoter in Tampa, Florida, is offering a massive discount to vaccinated people ready to see live music again.

Leadfoot Promotions is selling tickets to an upcoming show featuring punk band Teenage Bottle Rocket for $18 to those who are vaccinated, and $999 for those who are not.

Paul Williams, the man behind the idea, told CNN that it all started when Brendon Kelly, the lead singer for another punk band, The Lawrence Arms, was thinking of kicking off a tour if it was safe this fall.

Williams said he started brainstorming ways to get the band to come to his venue with their manager, Tobias Jeg. Since the show was set for August they still had plenty of time to figure out the details until Jeg pitched the idea of an earlier show for Teenage Bottle Rocket in June. (snip)

So he spent the next week thinking of how to make the show as safe as possible, at the same time Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order banning vaccine passports, or the ability to verify another person’s vaccination.

Williams decided that his idea did not violate the order and went ahead with his plan, offering four tickets at almost $1,000 apiece to non-vaccinated people, but offer those willing to verify their vaccination tickets for $18.

Remember when punk was about counter-culture (like so much of rock), about sticking it to the man, rebelliousness, government out of our lives? Yes, yes, rock was much like that, put, Punk took that to an extreme.

To purchase tickets, concertgoers must agree to bring their government-issued photo ID and their vaccination card. When they purchase their tickets, the language states what is required and how to get a vaccine if someone needs one, as well as how to replace a vaccination card.

It reminds me of the anarchists in Greece during the 2008 economic meltdown who took over a hospital demanding…more government healthcare.

Read: Punk Group Promoter Charging $999 For Tickets For Un-Vaccinated »

Court Orders Shell Oil To Cut Its Carbon Emissions

Shell should start by refusing to sell its products to the Dutch court system. They should ban the members of the court from purchasing any of their products. All this ruling will do is raise prices and cause more problems for consumers. And a ruling in favor of the climate cult is rare, but, the judges are being captured by the cult

Court orders Royal Dutch Shell to cut carbon emissions by 45% by 2030

A court in the Hague has ordered Royal Dutch Shell to cut its global carbon emissions by 45% by the end of 2030 compared with 2019 levels, in a landmark case brought by Friends of the Earth and over 17,000 co-plaintiffs.

The oil giant’s sustainability policy was found to be insufficiently “concrete” by the Dutch court in an unprecedented ruling that will have wide implications for the energy industry and other polluting multinationals.

The Anglo-Dutch company was told it had a duty of care and that the level of emission reductions of Shell and its suppliers and buyers should be brought into line with the Paris climate agreement.

Judge Larisa Alwin said Shell must “at once” reduce its CO2 output, adding that the ruling would have “far-reaching consequences” for the company and may “curb the potential growth of the Shell group”.

Roger Cox, lawyer for Friends of the Earth Netherlands, also known as Milieudefensie, called on organisations across the world to “pick up the gauntlet”, and take legal action to force multinationals to play their full part in tackling the climate emergency.

He said: “This is a turning point in history. This case is unique because it is the first time a judge has ordered a large polluting corporation to comply with the Paris climate agreement. This ruling may also have major consequences for other big polluters.”

Climate cultists can’t win by convincing people, so, they’re using the courts to jam through their cult beliefs. This won’t harm Shell: it will just increase the cost of product. Which means the cost of other goods that are delivered by fossil fueled vehicle, plane, and ship will increase. That’s a win, right?

If Shell played this right, they’d cooperate by first refusing to sell its products to the Dutch government. Let’s see the Dutch government operate. Then by moving their company, all its assets, and all its operations out of the Netherlands. Which means all its tax money goes bye bye, and citizens and companies are left with fewer options for filling their fossil fueled vehicles. Shell will have carbon neutral footprint then, eh? Instead, they’re playing this game

A Shell spokesperson said: “Urgent action is needed on climate change which is why we have accelerated our efforts to become a net-zero emissions energy company by 2050, in step with society, with short-term targets to track our progress.

“We are investing billions of dollars in low-carbon energy, including electric vehicle charging, hydrogen, renewables and biofuels. We want to grow demand for these products and scale up our new energy businesses even more quickly. We will continue to focus on these efforts and fully expect to appeal today’s disappointing court decision.”

Well, good luck in putting yourself out of business.

Read: Court Orders Shell Oil To Cut Its Carbon Emissions »

Pirate's Cove