If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bustednuckles, with a post with questions to the woke morons purging anyone to the right of Comrade Bernie.

Read: If All You See… »

In Violent St. Louis, Mayor Wants To Empty Prisons And Defund The Police

No, wait, they should do this, because every experiment needs an experimental group. But, anyone who voted for the mayor should not be allowed to leave the city. They have to live what they voted for

‘More police doesn’t prevent crime’: Mayor of America’s most murderous city vows to shut notorious prison and defund the police

St Louis, Missouri, holds the unenviable record of the highest murder rate in America, ahead of Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit for the sixth year running.

But despite 262 killings in 2020 – more than twice as many as London in a city with the population of Brighton – residents have just voted in a new mayor promising to defund the police and close the city’s most notorious prison.

Tishaura Jones, a Harvard-educated single mother, who once filed for bankruptcy and whose father spent time in jail, is part of a growing progressive wing of the Democratic party making gains under US president Joe Biden. (snip)

Questions have been asked, therefore, as to why she wants to cut $4 million from the $171 million policing budget and shut down one of the city’s two prisons.

“More police doesn’t prevent crime,” says the 49-year-old, speaking from her grand, wood-paneled office in Downtown, near the baseball stadium and train station, just a short walk from the Mississippi river.

“Research done in the police department shows that 50 per cent of calls can be answered by someone other than police.

“So, why not deploy someone other than police, and free up police to do the work that they were trained to do in our academy.”

So, apparently, fewer police means less crime? They’ve been working on this experiment since the Michael Brown incident, with police officers leaving due to the anti-cop mentality of citizens and politicians, and are hard to replace. The crime numbers show that fewer police, and police who are reticent to work hard against crime due to being blasted for doing the job, doesn’t help. Oh, I’m sure that certain neighborhoods are well protected, like the rich ones Tishaura Jones lives in. Others? Not so much.

And how will it work to send non-police to certain calls when the citizens of St. Louis are willing to be violent? What calls will non-police be sent on? They always fail to mention that part. Lots of things seem like badged, gun carrying police are unnecessary. Like a domestic dispute. Ever see one? Lots of cops show up, because a simple argument can turn heavily violent quickly. How about parking enforcement? Yeah, lots of the “meter maids” are now carrying weapons because people can lose their sh*t over getting a ticket, and, since there’s a much lower respect for the authority of police officers, violence can ensue. Will ensue.

But, hey, if these non-cop people are enforcing the law, aren’t they cops? Regardless, those police who are left will still be blasted for doing the job they were trained for at the academy. St. Louis is considered a 1 by Neighborhood Scout, meaning they are safer than just 1% of US cities, but, really, are the highest crime cities. Violent crime is a 19.27. The national median is a 4. Murder is .65 per 1,000. The US rate is .05 per 1,000. Rape is double the rate of the US, and robbery is over 4 times the national rate. Property crime is almost three times the national rate. How will that look with fewer police?

Read: In Violent St. Louis, Mayor Wants To Empty Prisons And Defund The Police »

St. Greta Is Unhappy With High Flying John Kerry

Does St. Greta know that John Kerry was in Vietnam? Hey, and just wondering what science degrees either of them hold?

Greta Thunberg blasts John Kerry over global warming statement

Environmental activist (say what? She rarely speaks of the real environment, just doom from a slight increase in temperatures) Greta Thunberg is speaking out against John Kerry, after an interview in which the U.S. climate envoy expressed optimism that technological advances will help reduce emissions and people won’t have to change certain behaviors to achieve some climate goals.

In a Sunday interview with the BBC, Kerry said technology that has yet to be invented will most likely play a large role in combating climate change — and people won’t have to “give up a quality of life to achieve some of the things we want to achieve.”

“I am told by scientists, not by anybody in politics but by scientists, that 50% of the reductions we have to make to get to net zero by 2050 or 2045, as soon as we can, 50 percent of those reductions are going to come from technologies that we don’t yet have,” Kerry said.

“That’s just a reality,” he added. “And people who are realistic about this understand that’s part of the challenge.”

Thunberg took offense to Kerry’s implication that people do not have to change their lifestyles or consumption habits to help fight climate change.

“50% of the carbon reductions needed to get to net zero will come from technologies that have not yet been invented”

Great news! I spoke to Harry Potter and he said he will team up with Gandalf, Sherlock Holmes & The Avengers and get started right away!

What has St. Greta given up, besides an education? And getting other mushy minded cultists to blow off school days? What we’re seeing here are the doomsday climate cultists, who believe in Government power, admitting that people will, in fact, have to give up their quality of modern life, will have to give lots of things up, and, if they won’t voluntarily, they will be forced.

Read: St. Greta Is Unhappy With High Flying John Kerry »

Mask Cult Wants Un-Vaccinated People To Be Refused Jobs, Entry To Anywhere, No Healthcare

Now, this is only one person writing an opinion piece at the UK Independent, however, you know lots and lots of leftists feel the same way

This is what we do about anti-vaxxers: No job. No entry. No NHS access

Mask FascismWhat shall we do about the anti-vaxxers? A presumptuous question, I know, because they’re human beings, same as the majority of the population who choose to take the Covid-19 vaccines, and we’re all entitled to do what we will or won’t with our own bodies.

But the time has come when the hard choices are looming closer. If we don’t want this Covid crisis to last forever, we need some new simple, guidelines: No jab, no job; no jab, no access to NHS healthcare; no jab, no state education for your kids. No jab, no access to pubs, restaurant, theatres, cinemas, stadiums. No jab, no entry to the UK, and much else.

Who wants their grandma looked after by someone with coronavirus, or teaching in a school full of kids sneezing the Indian variant everywhere, or watch a football game with someone coughing their viral load all over you? That’s not my idea of freedom.

Society always needs to balance rights against obligations, and, with rare exceptions (on problem health grounds) those refusing a vaccine need to accept what everyone else does, or face the consequences.

If Grandma has been jabbed, then she’s pretty much good, little worries. Why is it that the Mask Cult degenerates to threats and authoritarianism? Because that’s just who Leftists are. As I explained once, they are really far right on the political scale, into Fascism and authoritarianism.

Fortunately, no one’s fundamental human rights need to be violated. No one should ever make vaccination compulsory, for that very reason. It would be a violation of their human rights. But those who decline to accept their societal obligations, as is their right, cannot expect life to be just the same as it ever was and they can just go around spreading the virus to other people, vulnerable or not. The rest of us have rights too, including the right to life.

No one’s rights will be violated by grabbing them and jabbing them, they’ll just be denied pretty much everything for their choice, including government funded healthcare, which is pretty much a Right in the UK, plus other government services that these people’s taxes pay for.

Then we have

Jackson County schools can’t drop the masks now. Our kids aren’t immune to COVID-19

Why are some schools in Jackson County suddenly dropping mask mandates, even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the nation’s authority on all things COVID-19, recommends that schoolchildren and teachers stay masked at least through the end of the school year?

Because the kids hate the masks, the masks really don’t work, and kids tend to be the least problematic with COVID.

States across the country are actively removing mask mandates as localities open up for spring return to office, summer socializing and fall schooling. Concurrently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has loosened mask recommendations for individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in both indoor and outdoor settings.

On the contrary: Masks should remain with us, becoming part of our everyday lives even as the COVID-19 pandemic, science willing, subsides. We should never fully return to our maskless society where only health care providers donned a mask, because judicious use of masks will continue to save lives.

They really do want people masked forever. I will say one thing, if you are sick, be it a cold, the flu, COVID, you should wear a mask if you have to go anywhere. Heck, if I feel a cold or the flu coming on, I’ll consider it. That said, the Mask Cult is just making excuses to keep people wearing masks, partly as Virtue Signaling, and partly to enforce Obedience.

Read: Mask Cult Wants Un-Vaccinated People To Be Refused Jobs, Entry To Anywhere, No Healthcare »

Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Wipe Out A Third Of Agriculture

Because plants do not like carbon pollution, you know

Alarming Food Insecurity: Climate change may wipe out a third of Global food production

Climate change is known to trigger a number of effects on Human settlement. One of the major concerns in not-so distant future can be threat to our food security.

A few countries like India, already hosts greater numbers of poor, those barely have access to minimum diet required for subsistence. (snip through discussions of India’s poor)

According to a new research, one-third of global food production in under critical risk by the century end, if greenhouse gas emissions continue to register unbated growth at this current rate.

This will happen as many food bowls of the world will see temperature and precipitation variations, making it difficult for vegetation to survive if temperatures rise by about 3.7C.

Researchers from Aalto University in Finland involved with the study, have concluded that about 95% of current crop production takes place in areas categorized as “safe climatic space”, or conditions where temperature, rainfall and aridity fall within certain limits.

An associate professor at the University explained: “A third of global food production will be at risk. We should be worried, as the climate safe space is quite narrow. But there are measures we can take in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

3.7C is 6.66 Fahrenheit. Despite temperatures only going up 1.5F since 1850, they expect a rise of 5.1F in the next 79 years. Which is a rather convenient time frame, eh? But, hey, we can fix this if you give up your money, freedom, and choice to Government.


I want to have kids but I worry about the impact on climate change. How can I move forward guilt-free?

You shouldn’t. That way you’re not raising neurotic, anxiety ridden and brainwashed kids.

Opinion: Scientists now believe Antarctica is headed for a climate-change tipping point by 2060

If it’s in the opinion section, it’s not science. Convenient time frame, though.

Climate change: Ban all gas boilers from 2025 to reach net-zero

What will this cost you if you use natural gas?

Climate change has brought new animals and malaria to the foothills of the Himalayas

Because species have always been in the same place, right? They never move around, right? These people are really non-science.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Wipe Out A Third Of Agriculture »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on living in Disneyland.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Threatens The Unvaccinated, Saying “They Will End Up Paying The Price”

If someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated for whatever reason, that’s on them. If they want to take the risk, that’s on them. Same with masking (BTW, in areas and businesses where you don’t have to wear one, what’s the point of voluntarily wearing one but leaving your nose uncovered?) and social distancing and washing hands. That’s on them. Myself and several others at work are still on the “stay back, don’t touch me” bandwagon even though we are vaccinated, part of which is to avoid colds and the flu. Anyhow, China Joe is sounding more like a Chinese dictator

Biden’s COVID warning: Unvaccinated ‘will end up paying the price’

President Biden highlighted on Monday that for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation early last year, cases of COVID-19 “are down in all 50 states.”

But in a pitch to encourage unvaccinated Americans to get their shots, the president warned that “those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price.”

And Biden, in remarks from the White House, also announced that the U.S. will share millions more doses of coronavirus vaccines with other countries around the world.

The president highlighted that “deaths are down from COVID by 81%,” which he said was “their lowest level since April of 2020.”

But he cautioned that “I can’t promise that will continue this way. We know there will be advances and setbacks and we know that may flareups could occur. But if the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they’ll protect themselves and other unvaccinated people around them.”

And the president warned that “if they do not, states with low vaccination rates may see those rates, may see this progress, reversed. Ultimately, those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price. The vaccinated will continue to be protected against severe illnesses, but others may not be if you’re not vaccinated.”

Nothing like a few threats to make people feel good.

Where are the thanks to Donald Trump for spearheading Operation Warp Speed for the vaccines? Especially when Joe was saying there was no way vaccines would be available for years.

The CDC Inadvertently Outs the Mask Cult

When the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that fully vaccinated people can safely participate in both indoor and outdoor activities without wearing face masks, it was good news for most Americans. In addition to a sense of vindication for those of us who object to post-vaccination masking, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s statement provided another much-needed service — it forced the metastasizing mask cult to reveal itself as a coalition of anti-science zealots and petty tyrants. A typical example of their collective response to the CDC guidance appeared in the Washington Post under the title, “The CDC shouldn’t have removed restrictions without requiring proof of vaccination.”

I’ll leave you to read the rest.

Read: China Joe Threatens The Unvaccinated, Saying “They Will End Up Paying The Price” »

Climate Cult Releases Report Stating What It’ll Take To Go Net Zero

Climate cultists are welcome to do these things in their own life. Otherwise, they can mind their own f’ing business. Stop trying to control everyone’s lives

New report spells out what it’ll take for the world to go net-zero

U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry caused a stir over the weekend, telling the BBC that half of carbon emissions cuts in the coming decades will come from technologies “we don’t yet have.” (snip)

Now a new report by the International Energy Association, or IEA, has added new data to the fray. For the first time ever, the IEA modeled what it would take for the world to achieve a net-zero emissions energy system by 2050 and still have a 50 percent chance of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).

The IEA’s road map, which was released Tuesday, includes an unprecedented deployment of existing technologies over the next decade: Renewable energy and electric vehicles would be scaled up faster and more extensively than they have been in many previous net-zero models.

In this version of the future, the sale of new gas-powered cars ends everywhere in the world by 2035. Ninety percent of global electricity generation comes from renewable sources by 2050. Our cars and buildings and industrial processes become so efficient — thanks to lighter materials, energy-saving appliances, and innovations like waste heat recovery — that, by 2050, the global economy will be 40 percent larger than it is today, but use 7 percent less energy.

Yeah, good luck with that. Pipe dream. Pie in the sky. No way all the products will be shipped around the world without fossil fuels. No way solar and wind provides 93% of the energy used today. Here’s where it gets real ful

Unlike most existing road maps to net zero, the IEA’s model also involves humankind making significant behavioral changes. In fact, 55 percent of the emissions cuts the IEA outlines require at least some active engagement by everyday people, whether that’s installing a solar-powered water heater or switching to an electric vehicle. About 8 percent of emissions cuts come from more pervasive lifestyle changes, like shifting away from single-use plastics, driving less, flying less, and adjusting the temperatures of our homes to limit heating and cooling.

By “active engagement” they mean “you will be forced to comply.” Like to keep the AC at 72 and heat at 69? Nope. 80 and 58. If you can afford it at all due to the high cost of electricity.

But even with these behavioral changes and a hard-to-fathom scale-up of existing technology in place, about half of the world’s energy-related emissions would remain unmitigated. In other words, the IEA’s analysis aligns with what Kerry told the BBC: To get to net-zero, we’ll need to scale up clean, continually running power sources like geothermal plants and small nuclear reactors, as well as develop better batteries that can store energy for months at a time. We’ll need trucks and ships and planes that can run on hydrogen fuel or biofuels. And we’ll need new industrial processes to produce essential materials like steel and concrete.

Yeah, basically they’re relying on stuff that doesn’t exist, expecting Other People to create it with their money and/or government taking the money to create it. Things that there really is no demand for. Not too mention that most Warmists are against nuclear.

But, really, the one thing they can do is control your lives and take your money easily. If you let them.

Read: Climate Cult Releases Report Stating What It’ll Take To Go Net Zero »

AOC, 34 Other Dems Want To Keep Illegal Alien Felons, Calling Legal System Discriminatory

Remember Mollie Tibbetts?

Prosecutor says trial in Iowa student’s death won’t be easy

A prosecutor warned prospective jurors Monday that the trial of a Mexican national charged in the 2018 fatal stabbing of a University of Iowa student will include graphic evidence that will be emotionally difficult to see and hear.

Prosecutor Scott Brown said the first-degree murder trial of Cristhian Bahena Rivera will feature photos and testimony about the stab wounds 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts suffered after going for a run.

“We’re going to talk about the violent death of a young girl, Mollie Tibbetts,” said Brown, an assistant Iowa attorney general, said during jury selection at an events center in Davenport, where lawyers began working to whittle down a 183-person pool to 12 jurors and three alternates. “It’s not going to be pleasant.”

Rivera was in the country illegally. AOC and the other nuts want people like him to stay in the country

AOC, dozens of House Dems cite ‘racial reckoning’ to oppose targeting gang members for deportation

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., led a group of her House Democratic colleagues in a letter to federal immigration officials demanding an overhaul of immigration policies and objecting to gang members in the country illegally being targeted for deportation.

Ocasio-Cortez and 34 of her Democratic colleagues sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director Tae Johnson, calling on them to change immigration policies that rely on the US’s “discriminatory legal system.”

The lawmakers claim an interim enforcement memo issued by ICE “does not adequately protect the liberty interests of asylum seekers” and presumes an illegal migrant — including those convicted of aggravated felonies —to be a “border security and enforcement and removal priority.

“This blanket presumption will effectively mean detaining an untold number of people who have fled persecution,” the lawmakers wrote.

Additionally, the letter claims the “definition of an aggravated felony” is a “relic of the racist War on Drugs” and that the “category has been interpreted to include many state drug misdemeanors.”

“‘Aggravated felonies’ as a category have been designed to ensure that people have as few rights as possible to fight detention and deportation,” Ocasio-Cortez and her colleagues wrote.

These people are insane. Purely insane. First it was “we’ll keep the good illegals, those without crimes.” Then it was about keeping ones with misdemeanors, like DUIs, lots of tickets, driving without a license, minor drug crimes. Now they’ve flipped to people who are gang members, drug dealers, arsonists, sexual predators, child abusers, killers.

Good question: why the heck isn’t the GOP using this, running commercials and such? I’m seriously doubting most Americans approve of this position.

Read: AOC, 34 Other Dems Want To Keep Illegal Alien Felons, Calling Legal System Discriminatory »

Climate Today: High Flying Kerry, Patronizing Blacks, Eczema

Let’s see what climate envoy John Kerry (he was in Vietnam, you know) is up to

US climate envoy Kerry meets with pope on climate crisis

John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s climate envoy, met privately with Pope Francis on Saturday, afterward calling the pope a “compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis” who has been “ahead of the curve.”

The former U.S. Secretary of State told Vatican News that the pope’s embrace of climate issues “hopefully can push people to greater ambition to get the job done.”

Kerry is visiting European capitals to strengthen cooperation on climate change ahead of the next round of U.N. climate talks in Glasgow this November.

What makes the Pope a moral authority on Hotcoldwetdry? What degrees in science, particularly climate and weather, does he hold? Perhaps he should stick with that whole Catholic thing. But, if he is a moral authority, perhaps he should ask Kerry why he’s taking so many fossil fueled flights and low MPG fossil fueled vehicles.

Biden’s climate agenda targets Black America with innovation, HBCU funding

Exclusive: The Biden-Harris administration is expanding electric vehicle power stations into Black neighborhoods and is investing in HBCU renewable energy research

The Biden administration is putting Black America at the center of the solution for climate change by expanding electric vehicle power stations into Black neighborhoods and dumping funds into HBCU renewable energy research.

In an exclusive interview with theGrio, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm discussed this engagement as part of President Biden’s equity initiative that sparks tangible creativity and innovation from people who are not normally at the table or in the research lab.

And this will do what, exactly? Most blacks (and whites and Latinos and Asians) can’t afford an EV, so, how does putting lots of charging stations help? Heck, it’s not like they’re even going to get money out of this. And dumping funds into Historical Black Colleges? What does this have to do with the climate crisis (scam)? Sounds more like a payoff for getting Joe elected and a bribe for 2024.

Yes, Climate Change May Be Contributing to Your Eczema Flare Ups

On the (extensive) list of global warming’s negative effects is something that may surprise you: Climate change triggers eczema (medically referred to as atopic dermatitis) to flare up or become worse due to degraded air quality and increased pollution. “Interestingly, there was a recent study that looked into the effects of the California wildfires on rates of atopic dermatitis,” says dermatologist Valerie Harvey, MD. “They found that visits to the dermatologist increased for both kids and adults [during that time], compared to when there were none. Symptoms of itch were also higher.”

While increasing the prevalence and extent of wildfires are just some of the effects of climate change, Dr. Harvey says that this isn’t just a concern for people on the West Coast or an areas at high-risk for them. Ninety-percent of the world’s population lives in places with poor air quality, and air pollution is the greatest environmental hazard to human health, according to research. Still, Dr. Harvey points out that more research needs to be conducted to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the inflammatory skin condition and environmental factors.

Most wildfires occur because of some idiot or negligence starting them, either by accident or intentionally. A tiny increase in CO2 and the air temperature has little to do with pollutants nor bad air quality. A 1.5F increase since 1850 is tiny. Though, the urban heat island effect can artificially increase the local temperature, which can lead to worse air quality, let’s be honest. But, it isn’t global warming. And this is really more about scaremongering.

Read: Climate Today: High Flying Kerry, Patronizing Blacks, Eczema »

Pirate's Cove